Meghan & Harry Urged to Speak on Behalf of Charles Re: Renewed Racism Claims

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are being encouraged to speak up on behalf of King Charles after he was named as one of the alleged "Royal racists" -- this per a new report.

The Telegraph cites two sources close to the Royal Family as calling on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to pipe up and defend Chuck amid these renewed claims of racism -- this, of course, after Piers Morgan took it upon himself to ID the King as one of the senior Royals allegedly named in a Dutch translation of a new book touching on the issue.


The other senior Royal who allegedly made remarks about Archie's skin color and who was named in the book, according to Piers, was Kate Middleton ... Prince William's wife.

Now, the context of what either of them allegedly said has yet to be revealed -- but it was apparently concerning enough for Meghan to bring it up in an interview with Oprah.

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Remember, Meghan was careful with how she characterized what was allegedly said ... and what the implication might be. But when Oprah asked if these alleged convos were, perhaps, suggesting that Archie being "brown" and too dark would "be a problem" ... Meghan said it was a safe assumption to make. So, she certainly appeared to cosign that narrative.

Of course, on top of airing her concerns to O, MM also wrote letters to Charles sometime after the fact about these alleged remarks ... a revelation that came to light in Omid Scobie's book, "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival."

It was in this correspondence, according to Scobie, that the people who allegedly made comments about Archie's skin surfaced ... which then somehow leaked in the Netherlands. Those versions were yanked, and Scobie has insisted he doesn't know how the names even got in there in the first place ... claiming he never wrote them down in any draft.

Since 2021 -- when this alleged racism bombshell came to light -- Harry, specifically, has pushed back on what he and Meghan actually alleged about his family at the time. He told a British reporter earlier this year that the media had taken what they said and warped it into a racism accusation. Lately, he's been backpedaling ... merely suggesting implicit bias.

Anyway, fast-forward to right now -- as Charles and Kate's names are being thrown around as alleged racists -- and the Telegraph quotes an insider as saying ... "For the couple that talked about ‘death by a thousand no comments’, the silence at this point is deafening."

Another source they quote says it's "interesting" that Harry and Meghan haven't said anything to either confirm or deny the reports of Charles and Kate being the ones who allegedly made these comments ... especially since they once sought the Palace's help when the 2 of them first got together, and Meg's name was getting dragged through the mud.

Meghan and Harry have famously suggested the Palace's silence at the time was done on purpose -- alleging a coordinated campaign was afoot and claiming the Royals have been in bed with the British press ... while hinting that Meg was offered up as the sacrificial lamb.

What's rich here ... apparently, Buckingham Palace and/or Chuck's inner circle now wants them to go to bat for him -- which is the ultimate irony ... this is, if you buy what Meg/Harry have been selling for a long time. Basically, fans of theirs see this as overdue revenge.

The funniest part about all of this is that the whole "racism" storyline has long been dead in the water -- and Harry didn't even really harp on it during his press run for his own book.

Now, however, it's been reignited anew thanks to this Scobie fella ... and Piers, of course. Good grief, Charlie ... King of England.

Meghan y Harry Son instados a pronunciarse en nombre de Carlos Ante denuncias de racismo

Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry están siendo alentados a hablar en nombre del rey Carlos después de que fuera nombrado como uno de los presuntos "racistas" al interior de la realeza, de acuerdo a un nuevo informe.

El Telegraph cita dos fuentes cercanas a la Familia Real que le están pidiendo al Duque y la Duquesa de Sussex que hablen y defiendan a Carlos en medio de estas nuevas denuncias, desatadas luego de que Piers Morgan se encargara de identificar al Rey como uno de los supuestos miembros de la realeza que había sido nombrado en un nuevo libro que toca el tema, y que resulta estar traducido al holandés.

Revelaciones reales

El otro miembro de alto rango que supuestamente hizo comentarios sobre el color de piel de Archie y que fue nombrado en el libro, de acuerdo con Piers, es Kate Middleton, la esposa del príncipe Guillermo.

Ahora, el contexto de lo que cualquiera de ellos haya dicho en su momento aún no se ha revelado, pero al parecer fue lo suficientemente preocupante como para que Meghan sacara el tema en una entrevista con Oprah.

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Preocupaciones sobre la piel de Archie

Recuerden, Meghan fue cuidadosa en caracterizar lo que supuestamente se dijo, y cuál podría su implicación. Pero cuando Oprah le preguntó si estas supuestas conversaciones apuntaban a sugerir que Archie un color "marrón" o demasiado oscuro podría ser "un problema", Meghan dijo que era una suposición segura. Así que, ciertamente, parecía estar de acuerdo con esa narrativa.

Por supuesto, además de expresar sus preocupaciones a Oprah, Meghan también escribió cartas a Carlos algún tiempo después sobre estos supuestos comentarios, una revelación que salió a la luz en el libro de Omid Scobie, "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival".

Fue en esta correspondencia, según Scobie, que se supo de las personas que supuestamente hicieron comentarios sobre la piel de Archie, la que luego se filtraron en los Países Bajos de alguna manera. Esas versiones fueron retiradas, y Scobie ha insistido en que ni siquiera sabe cómo los nombres llegaron allí en primer lugar, afirmando que nunca los escribió en ningún borrador.

Desde 2021, cuando salió a la luz esta bomba, Harry se ha retractado de lo que él y Meghan realmente alegaron sobre su familia en ese momento. A principios de este año le dijo a un reportero británico que los medios habían tomado sus palabras y las habían deformado en una acusación de racismo. Últimamente, ha dado marcha atrás, limitándose a sugerir un sesgo implícito.

De todos modos, como los nombres de Carlos y Kate están siendo lanzados nuevamente como presuntos racistas, el Telegraph cita a una persona con información privilegiada que dice: "El silencio en este momento es ensordecedor".

Otra fuente que citan dice que es "interesante" que Harry y Meghan no hayan dicho nada para confirmar o negar los informes de que Carlos y Kate son los que supuestamente hicieron estos comentarios. Sobre todo, porque una vez solicitaron la ayuda del Palacio, cuando empezaron a salir por primera vez y el nombre de Meg estaba siendo arrastrado por el barro.

Meghan y Harry han sugerido que el silencio del Palacio en ese momento fue a propósito, alegando que estaba en marcha una campaña coordinada con la prensa británica y que Meg habría sido ofrecida como cordero de sacrificio.

Ahora, el Palacio de Buckingham o el círculo íntimo de Carlos quiere que vayan a pelear por él, lo que es una ironía si se creen lo que Meg y Harry han estado diciendo desde hace mucho tiempo sobre el Palacio. Básicamente, los fans de la pareja ven esto como una venganza atrasada.

La parte más divertida de todo esto es que toda la historia de "racismo" ha estado en punto muerto, y Harry ni siquiera ha insistido en ella durante sus ruedas de prensa para la promoción de su propio libro.

Ahora, sin embargo, se ha reavivado de nuevo gracias a este tipo Scobie y Piers, por supuesto. Santo cielo, Charlie ... Rey de Inglaterra.

Chris Brown Grammy Winner Robert Glasper ... Challenges Him to Grammy Dance-Off


Robert Glasper is all pumped up to face Chris Brown at the Grammy Awards once again .. and tells us he's open to challenging his R&B category competitor to a dance-off!!!

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with Robert this week, where the reigning "Best R&B Album" winner laughed off his past tensions with CB and praised his artistry.

The 2024 Grammy noms went live a few weeks ago where it was revealed that Rob and Breezy going head to head for the 2nd consecutive year, this time in the "Best R&B Performance" category

Rob doesn't rule out the chances of conspiracy pitting him and Chris up against one another, especially after last year's drama.

Losing the award brought out Chris' gangsta side and questioned Robert's entire existence, before cooling off and doing his research and apologizing after seeing RG was a legit contender.


Robert thinks the best well to settle their differences is to hop in the ring and sweat it out in a dance battle ... which could be the highlight of both their Grammy nights.

SZA's totally favored to win the award!!!

Adidas Slams 'Dusty' Kevin Durant ... For Anthony Edwards Shoe Diss

Adidas woke up and chose violence on Friday ... the sportswear giants went straight for "dusty" Kevin Durant's neck after he took a shot at T'Wolves star Anthony Edwards' sneakers, and fans are losin' it!

It all started when the question was posed ... would KD, a Nike-signed athlete, ever rock Edwards' signature Adidas kicks? 35-year-old Durant answered the question himself, emphatically writing, "Won’t EVER see me put a big toe in them Mfers."

Adidas wasn't going to take that lying down ... their official account, with over 4 million followers, responded, and it was harsh.

"U dusty," Adidas replied. "Bouta retire soon anyway."

The burn has since been deleted, begging the question ... was the tweet sent accidentally from the official brand X account?

That's an answer we don't yet have ... but there's some evidence it wasn't a mistake.

Adidas later added, "Meant to send that from the burner account..."

Of course, Kevin, as NBA fans are well aware, has been caught using burners in the past.

FYI, Edwards' AE1s drop on December 16 ... just in time for Christmas.

Obviously, we won't see 'em under KD's tree.

Teairra Marí to Keri Hilson Hope You're Ready to Fight ... I'm Coming To Whoop Your Ass!!!

Teairra Marí says she's done with Keri Hilson's passive-aggressive attitude and wants to get fully aggressive -- as in serving Keri with a first-class butt kickin' for years of talking behind her back!!!

The R&Beef sizzled on Thursday when Teairra got wind of Keri's chat on Tank's podcast last month.

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Keri recalled a time the Teairra was sitting in the front row at one of her concerts and was feeding her toxic "I-don't-wanna-be-here" energy while she was onstage.

The "Pretty Girl Rock" singer says it's important for artists to give one another love during performances, and Teairra was doing the complete opposite.

Teairra didn't take kindly to Keri's recollection of events, and then wrote a fiery threat in the "The Neighborhood Talk" comment section ... "Y'all, people gotta leave me alone. I don't bother anybody, just leave me the f*** alone.! so now, Keri! what's up you wanna fight or do you not want to fight because I'm gonna whoop your ass when I see you I'm sick of you people bothering me! You had a whole different story when I was in your face you're a liar bitch!!"

This battle probably won't be settled with the standard Verzuz setup. Teairra sounds like she wants to inflict pain on Keri by any means necessary!!!

Maybe Tank will referee the fight ... having instigated it and all.

Elon Musk Rips Iger, X Advertisers ... 'Go F*** Yourself!!!'


Elon Musk has a message for Disney CEO Bob Iger and all the other advertisers fleeing his social media platform -- don't let the door hit ya on the way out, and go screw yourselves while you're at it.

The owner of X was talking shop on CNBC -- on the heels of his recent Israel visit, and in the wake of antisemitism allegations -- and he fired away about the exodus of corporations cutting ties with him.

Check it out ... he says he actually hopes they stop advertising permanently, and then dropped a very clear "Go f*** yourself" proclamation to everybody who's jumping ship.

You can tell the host was shocked by Elon's choice words -- especially while live on the air -- so, naturally, EM said it again, and then asked if he'd made himself clear. He certainly had!

Elon explained that he feels like he's being blackmailed by these companies with the hope of paying for ads, and emphasized he wouldn't sacrifice his free speech policies for monetary gain ... even if, apparently, it means hurting his bottom line.

Funny enough, Elon singled out Iger in his remarks here, playfully calling out "Bob" as someone who was probably watching in the audience. Indeed, Disney was one of the major companies to pause its advertising with X ... as did many others.


Iger actually addressed that today as well -- before Elon's snipe -- and said, "We know that Elon is larger than life in many respects, and that his name is very much connected to the companies he founded or owns. By him taking the position he took in a public manner, we felt that the association was not necessarily a positive one for us."

Seems like the relationship's getting worse, not better.

ELON MUSK Rips Iger, X y patrocinadores... ¡váyanse a la mierda!


Elon Musk tiene un mensaje para el CEO de Disney, Bob Iger, y todos los demás anunciantes que huyen de su plataforma de medios sociales: "No dejes que la puerta te golpee en la salida y vete a la mierda".

El propietario de X habló en la CNBC tras su reciente visita a Israel y a raíz de las acusaciones de antisemitismo disparó sobre el éxodo de las empresas que cortan lazos con él.

Échale un vistazo... dice que espera que dejen de hacer publicidad de forma permanente y luego dejó caer una muy clara "Vete a la mierda" proclamación a todo el mundo que está saltando del barco.

Se puede decir que el presentador se sorprendió por las palabras de Elon - especialmente en directo - por lo que, naturalmente, EM lo dijo de nuevo, y luego le preguntó si había sido claro. Desde luego que sí.

Elon explicó que se siente como si estuviera siendo chantajeado por estas empresas con la esperanza de pagar por los anuncios, e hizo hincapié en que no iba a sacrificar sus políticas de libertad de expresión para la ganancia monetaria ... incluso si, al parecer, significa perjudicar a su línea de fondo.

Curiosamente, Elon señaló a Iger en sus comentarios aquí, llamando juguetonamente a "Bob" como alguien que probablemente estaba viendo en la audiencia. De hecho, Disney fue una de las principales empresas que puso en pausa su publicidad con X... al igual que muchas otras.

Iger también se ha referido a ello hoy, antes del ataque de Elon, y ha dicho: "Sabemos que Elon es más grande que la vida en muchos aspectos, y que su nombre está muy relacionado con las empresas que ha fundado o de las que es propietario. Al adoptar la postura que adoptó de forma pública, sentimos que la asociación no era necesariamente positiva para nosotros."

Parece que la relación va a peor, no a mejor.

50 Cent I'll Take Revolt Off Your Hands, Diddy ... Fire-Sale Prices Only!!!

50 Cent has been relentlessly roasting Diddy amid his legal settlement with former girlfriend Cassie and now wants to make him an offer we're sure Puff will refuse ... to buy his Revolt TV empire.

On Tuesday, 50 gleefully took to IG and told Diddy he'd take Revolt off his hands but needed to cut a deal as he predicted his trusty sponsors in Cadillac and AT&T would likely abandon ship.

50 insisted he and Diddy would be friends if he agreed to sell him the network and it probably wasn't all snark.

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The G-Unit rapper has been looking for a home to place his TV shows such as the 'Power' and 'BMF' franchises and having his own platform would solidify his empire ... although the likelihood of Diddy accepting the offer is obviously slim to none.

TMZ broke the story earlier today ... Diddy temporarily stepped down as Chairman of Revolt, leaving the day-to-day operations to his CEO Detavio Samuels and Chief Brand Officer Deon Graham.

The Bad Boy Records mogul has been laying low in the aftermath of the new lawsuits he's facing ... for a pair of alleged rapes in the early 1990s -- which he's dismissed as a money grab each time.


50 will just have to peddle his products elsewhere.

Tom Sandoval "Special Forces" fue mi salvación... Sin teléfono, sin troles, sin drama

Escapándose del drama

Tom Sandoval sabe dominar el arte del escondite y pudo encontrar paz a cientos de kilómetros de distancia en Nueva Zelanda, mientras el denominado Scandoval estaba en erupción, y todo gracias al rodaje de la serie "Fuerzas Especiales: World's Toughest Test".

La estrella de los reality shows le dice a TMZ que el espectáculo fue una salvación para él, pues le permitió estar lejos de su teléfono, silenciar a los troles de Internet y concentrarse en las personas y las tareas frente a él en el show.

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" dijo que apenas pensó en el circo mediático que rodeó el escándalo durante el rodaje del programa de Fox y que su situación allí ni se compara con las dificultades de sus compañeros de equipo en Special Forces, responsabilizando a los medios de comunicación por hacer estallar las cosas cuando no era necesario.

Se sintió bien tomarse un descanso

Recién salido del programa después de su estreno este lunes, Tom dice que se sintió increíble poder trabajar en algo que no estuviera relacionado con la controversia con Ariana Madix.

El romance de Tom con su coprotagonista Rachel Leviss fue una de las mayores controversias de celebridades del año, apodado #Scandoval por los fans de "Vanderpump Rules", después de que TMZ publicara la historia por primera vez en marzo.

Ambas damas están viviendo sus mejores vidas después de haberlo pateado cuando estalló el escándalo. En cuanto a Tom, nos dice que está contento de que el rodaje de la temporada 11 de "Vanderpump Rules" esté en el pasado, y claramente todavía está buscando una forma de redimirse para corregir sus errores.

"Fuerzas Especiales: World's Toughest Test" temporada 2 se puede ver en Hulu.



Tom Sandoval mastered the art of hide-and-seek as Scandoval erupted ... ironically finding peace thousands of miles away in New Zealand while filming for the grueling series, "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test."

The reality star tells TMZ the show was a saving grace for him ... allowing him to be away from his phone, silence the haters and zero in on the people and tasks in front of him on the show.

Barely thinking about the media circus surrounding the scandal while filming the Fox show, the "Vanderpump Rules" star adds his situation was just a blip compared to his SF teammates' hardships ... with the media frenzy responsible for blowing things up when they didn't need to be.


Fresh off the show after getting the boot during Monday's episode, Tom says it felt fantastic working hard for something that wasn't related to the Ariana Madix-related controversy.

Tom's affair with costar Rachel Leviss was one of the biggest celebrity controversies of the year ... dubbed #Scandoval by 'VPR' fans after TMZ first broke the story in March.

Both ladies are living their best lives, having kicked him to the curb since the scandal erupted -- and as for Tom, he tells us he's glad filming Season 11 of 'VPR' is behind ... and he's clearly still on a redemption quest to right his wrongs.

"Special Forces: World's Toughest Test" season 2 can be streamed on Hulu.

Kanye West De fiesta en Dubai con Bianca ... Tras reportes de que ella lo dejó

Kanye West no parece estar distanciado de su esposa Bianca Censori porque ambos fueron vistos saliendo de fiesta en Dubai.

Mira el video de los dos disfrutando de la juerga en Atlantis. Bianca está allí con Ye, aparentemente pasando un buen rato.

Algunos reportes dicen que los amigos y la familia de Bianca le han dicho que Kanye le está lavando el cerebro para convertirla en una esposa robot, pero ella parece optimista con ello.

Bailando en Dubai

Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign y otros raperos también estuvieron en la fiesta.

El Atlantis es el mismo hotel donde Kanye y su ex entrenador, Harley Pasternak, tuvieron un encontronazo a principios de esta semana. Kanye dijo que Harley lo estaba acosando en Dubai, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que es mentira.

Visto en el hotel

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Harley se estaba alojando en el mismo hotel que Kanye, y que cuando el rapero se fijó en él trató de darle un abrazo que Harley rechazó. Fue ahí que Kanye se enfadó y empezó a grabarlo. Luego, un gerente del hotel le preguntó a Harley si quería seguridad.

Pasternak ha cortado relaciones con Kanye por diversas razones, entre ellas los comentarios antisemitas de Ye.

Kanye West Parties in Dubai with Wife Bianca ... After Reports She Left Him

Kanye West does not appear estranged from wife Bianca Censori because they were partying in Dubai.

Check out the video of the two enjoying the shindig at Atlantis. Bianca is right there with Ye, seemingly having a good time.

There have been reports, Bianca's friends and family have convinced her Kanye had brainwashed her into becoming a wife robot, but she seems sanguine with the sitch.


Chris Brown, Ty Dolla $ign and other rappers were also at the party.

The Atlantis is the same hotel where Kanye's trainer, Harley Pasternak, had a run-in with him earlier this week. Kanye had said Harley was stalking him in Dubai, but our sources say that's BS.


Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Harley was staying at the hotel and Kanye noticed him and tried to give him a hug. Harley rebuffed the gesture, and Kanye got pissed and began recording him. A hotel manager asked Harley if he wanted security.

Pasternak has cut Kanye off for a variety of reasons, including Ye's antisemitic comments.

Kanye West Ex entrenador llama a seguridad Después de encontrarse en resort de Dubai

Kanye West cree que su ex-entrenador, Harley Pasternak, lo está acosando en Dubai, aunque TMZ ha indagado que fue Harley quien se sintió lo suficientemente amenazado como para pedir refuerzos, luego de toparse con él en un hotel.

Visto hablando con seguridad

Harley y Ye estaban en el Atlantis Royal Dubai el lunes por la noche, y de acuerdo con el equipo de Ye, el rapero se sintió incómodo y pensó que Harley lo estaba siguiendo. Tanto es así, que sacó su teléfono y comenzó a grabarlo mientras hablaba con el personal del hotel.

Sin embargo, fuentes con conocimiento directo en el complejo le dicen a TMZ que Harley estaba en la conserjería haciendo una reserva para cenar cuando se encontró cara a cara con Ye. Recuerden, estos dos tienen una historia tumultuosa.

Harley fue quien llamó a la policía y a los paramédicos en 2016, cuando percibió que Ye se estaba comportando erráticamente en una sesión de entrenamiento. Esa llamada llevó a que Kanye fuera internado en el Centro Médico de UCLA para una evaluación mental.

En esta oportunidad, nos cuentan que eran las 9 pm aproximadamente en Dubai, cuando Ye se acercó a Harley e intentó abrazarlo, pero Harley lo rechazó. Nos dicen que el conserje le preguntó a Harley si necesitaba seguridad del hotel y él dijo que sí.

Nos dicen que la seguridad llegó, pero que Ye y su equipo ya habían abandonado la zona en ese momento, por lo que no hubo más contacto entre ellos.

La gente de Ye dice que está en Dubai para celebrar Acción de Gracias con sus hijos. En cuanto a por qué Harley está allí, nuestras fuentes dicen que es dueño de más de una docena de gimnasios en el Medio Oriente y está con frecuencia en Dubai con sus clientes.

Kanye West Ex-Trainer Calls Security on Him After Dubai Resort Run-In

Kanye West believes his ex-trainer, Harley Pasternak, is stalking him around Dubai -- they did run into each other there -- but TMZ has learned it's Harley who felt threatened enough to call for backup.


Harley and Ye were both at Atlantis the Royal Dubai resort on Monday evening, and according to Ye's camp ... the rapper felt uncomfortable and believed Harley was tailing him around Dubai. So much so, he whipped out his phone and started recording Harley as he spoke to hotel staff.

However, sources with direct knowledge at the resort tell TMZ ... Harley was at the concierge desk making a dinner reservation when he came face-to-face with Ye. Remember, these 2 have a tumultuous history.

Harley's the one who called police and paramedics back in 2016 when he said Ye started behaving erratically during a training session. That call led to Kanye being committed to UCLA Medical Center for mental evaluation.

Cut to Monday in Dubai, around 9 PM we're told, when our sources say Ye approached Harley and attempted to embrace him -- perhaps trying to hug it out -- but Harley rebuffed him. We're told the concierge asked Harley if he needed hotel security, and he said yes.

We're told security arrived, but Ye and his team had left the area by that point -- and there was no further contact between them.


e's camp says he's in Dubai to celebrate Thanksgiving with his children. As for why Harley's there ... our sources say he owns more than a dozen gyms in the Middle East, and is frequently in Dubai with clients.

Hall & Oates Hall demanda a Oates en misterioso litigio por sus canciones

Hall & Oates, uno de los dúos más exitosos y emblemáticos de la historia de la música, no solo dejaron de llevarse bien... también están en litigio.

Daryl Hall presentó una demanda en contra de su antiguo compadre musical John Oates, alegando algún tipo de incumplimiento de contrato. Lo que es más, Hall consiguió una orden de alejamiento en contra de Oates el pasado viernes.

En cuanto a los detalles, el expediente judicial está sellado, pero hemos podido reunir algo de información que podría arrojar luz sobre esta disputa.

De acuerdo al sumario, Hall y Oates estaban en una especie de arbitraje por una disputa. Normalmente, los grupos musicales tienen sus propios contratos y parece que Hall cree que Oates violó ese acuerdo. En cuanto a lo que podría ser, posiblemente sea algo relacionado con la división de los derechos de autor o bien que Oates siga cantando las canciones del grupo en sus actuaciones en solitario.

Hall decidió amplificar las cosas, al ir a la Corte de Cancillería de Nashville y pedir una orden de restricción contra su excompañero, una solicitud que el juez concedió.

El hecho es que Hall y Oates han seguido sus propios caminos durante años.  A veces se reunían, pero a menudo actuaban en solitario. Aunque no lo sabemos, bien podría ser que Hall piensa que Oates no tiene derecho a cantar sus canciones durante sus conciertos.

Oates ha estado de gira este año, la más reciente en Arizona a principios de este mes.

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Estrictamente un socio de negocios
Club Random with Bill Maher

Hall criticó a Oates en el podcast "Club Random" de Bill Maher, refiriéndose a él como su "socio de negocios" y no su "socio creativo". De nuevo, parece que Hall cree que Oates no tiene derecho a cantar sus éxitos. Lo que es extraño, considerando que ambos co-escribieron muchas de sus canciones.

Hall & Oates Hall Sues Oates Over Hit Songs ... I Can't Go for That!!!

Hall & Oates, one of the most successful and iconic duos in musical history, are not just on the outs ... they're in litigation.

Daryl Hall has filed a lawsuit against his former musical compadre John Oates, claiming some form of breach of contract.  What's more, Hall got a restraining order against Oates this past Friday.

As for the details ... well, the court file is sealed, but we have been able to piece together some info that could shed light on the dispute.


It appears from the docket Hall and Oates were in arbitration over some dispute. Typically, musical groups have their own contracts, and it would seem Hall believes Oates violated that deal. As for what it could be ... possibly a dispute over division of royalties, or it could be over Oates singing their songs in solo acts.

Hall decided to amp things up, going to Nashville Chancery Court and asking for a restraining order against his former partner ... a restraining order which the judge granted.

Fact is ... Hall and Oates have been doing their own thing, on and off for years.  Sometimes they reunited, but often performed solo. Although we don't know, it well could be Hall thinks Oates has no right to sing their songs during his concerts.

Oates has been touring this year, most recently in Arizona earlier this month.

112223_daryl_hall_kal SEPTEMBER 2022
Club Random with Bill Maher

Hall threw shade at Oates on Bill Maher's "Club Random" podcast, referring to Oates as his "business partner" and not his "creative partner." Again, that makes it seem like Hall believes Oates has no right to belt out their string of hits. What's weird ... they co-wrote many of their songs.

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