LARSA PIPPEN ¿Cardi se burla de mi vida sexual? ELLA NO ESTABA EN LA CAMA CON NOSOTROS, ¿OK?

Cardi B hizo comentarios sobre la sexualidad de Larsa Pippen meses atrás, y ahora, más de medio año después, finalmente ha respondido.

Larsa abordó el asunto este fin de semana en BravoCon durante un panel de "Real Housewives of Miami", donde el moderador sacó a relucir lo que Cardi dijo sobre ella en abril. Es una noticia bastante vieja, pero el tipo sacó el tema de todos modos y Larsa respondió.

Por si no lo sabías, Larsa fue al show de Andy Cohen y dijo que ella y su ex, Scottie Pippen, solían tener relaciones cuatro veces al día, pero señaló que incluso eso no fue suficiente para salvar su matrimonio.

Reaccionando a eso, Cardi hizo un live de Insta alrededor de un mes más tarde y criticó a Larsa, diciendo que todo esos son solo cuentos y que de todas formas, hacerlo tantas veces en un día significa que algo está muy mal con el hombre o la mujer.

Por supuesto, también hizo algunos comentarios vulgares, como que Larsa necesitaba "coser su v***"de una vez".

Ahora, todo este tiempo después, Larsa respondió: "No sé cómo puede alguien comentar sobre cuántas veces tengo sexo", dijo, dirigiéndose a la audiencia en el evento en Las Vegas. "Ella no estaba en la cama con nosotros, así que no lo sé. Creo que fue cómico".

Así que, ahí lo tienen, Larsa dice que sucedió y que Cardi puede tragárselo. Cardi no ha dicho nada sobre Larsa últimamente... veamos si este intercambio continúa.

Larsa Pippen Cardi Hatin' on My Sex Life? Look, She Wasn't in Bed with Us, Ok?!?

Cardi B called BS on Larsa Pippen's lofty sex life claims months ago -- and now, more than half a year later, she's finally weighing in ... and sticking to her bedroom story.

Larsa addressed the skirmish this weekend at BravoCon during a 'Real Housewives of Miami' panel ... where the moderator brought up what Cardi said about her waaaaay back in April. It's super old news, but the dude brought it up anyway ... and LP actually responded.

ICYMI ... Larsa went on Andy Cohen's 'WWHL' and said she and her ex, Scottie Pippen, used to bang 4 times a day -- but noted even that wasn't enough to save their marriage.

Reacting to that ... Cardi went on IG live about a month later and called Larsa out for what she considered clout-chasing, not to mention tall tales of love-making. She said doing it that many times in a day means something's seriously wrong with either the man or woman.

Of course, she also took some vulgar shots ... saying Larsa needed to "stitch your p***y up."

Now, all this time later ... Larsa said this, "I don't know how can someone else comment on how many times I have sex, you guys?" she said, addressing the audience at the event in Las Vegas. "She wasn't in bed with us, so I don't know. I kind of feel like that was comical."

So, there you have it ... Larsa says it happened, and that Cardi can zip it. FWIW, Cardi hasn't brought Larsa up much since then -- so her point is moot. Carry on, folks!

Marcus Jordan I Want Michael To Be My Best Man ... When I Marry Larsa Pippen

Pablo Torre Finds Out

Marcus Jordan is hoping his basketball G.O.A.T. father comes around to accept his relationship with Larsa Pippen ... revealing he wants Michael to be his best man when he gets married.

The Hall of Famer's son opened up about his future plans to get hitched to Scottie Pippen's ex-wife on the "Pablo Torre Finds Out" podcast this week ... saying while it's still early on in the process, he knows who he wants by his side at the alter.

"Look, I was the best man at [Michael's] wedding and the best man at my brother's wedding, and so obviously we'll keep that tradition going," Marcus said. "It's my thoughts on it."

It's an interesting choice ... considering MJ famously said earlier this year he was not a fan of the coupling, but Marcus later insisted the Chicago Bulls legend was only joking -- claiming his father does, in fact, approve.

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Regardless, Larsa said she was "traumatized" and "embarrassed" by MJ's comments ... saying she didn't find it funny at all.

Of course, the elephant in the room is the fact Marcus' pops and Larsa's ex don't see eye-to-eye anymore ... as Scottie has been public about feeling slighted and glossed over in Jordan's "Last Dance" documentary.

He hasn't shied away from dissing his former teammate ever since ... even stating LeBron James is the greatest NBA player of all time -- not MJ.

Worth noting -- it's unclear if Larcus are even engaged yet ... as the 32-year-old reiterated that their marriage plans are "in the works," but admitted they've had discussions about whether the nuptials will be televised.

Marcus did emphatically state the marriage will happen ... even saying there might be multiple weddings to satisfy the privacy and public interest in their relationship.

A$AP Rocky Q&A-On-the-Go 🏃🏾‍♂️💨


A$AP Rocky was more than willing to chat it up with TMZ Hip Hop during his daily workout, and although his workout is jogging at a swift pace ... he invited us to come along -- and, umm, we did our best!!! 😂

The superstar rapper ran our photog straight outta her shoes as he was jogging Monday afternoon in WeHo .... and belted out a hearty laugh when we asked him about Rihanna's desire to have a couple more kids.

Rocky and Rihanna just welcomed their 2nd child, Riot Rose, this past August and have their hands full ... juggling parenthood and their long-delayed projects!!!

Rocky tells us he's currently working on his next album, "Don't Be Dumb," in real-time and fans will be on the edge of their seats wondering if he'll respond to Drake's shots from his "For All the Dogs" album.

Champagne Papi referred to his sexy time with RiRi as "average," and made it clear he didn't envy Rocky's current situation.

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He didn't have much to add to that topic, but did recommend the perfect running shoes for our photog. Watch the clip ... we should definitely take the suggestion. 😉

"Don't Be Dumb" is still expected to drop this year, and we're having lunch on Rocky when it does!!!

A$AP ROCKY entrevista express 🏃🏾‍♂️💨

corriendo con rocky

A$AP Rocky estaba más que dispuesto a charlar con TMZ Hip Hop durante su entrenamiento diario, y aunque este consiste en trotar a paso rápido, nos invitó a acompañarlo y... mmm, ¡hicimos lo que pudimos! 😂

El rapero superestrella estaba trotando tranquilamente cuando lo encontramos y se echó a reír a carcajadas cuando le preguntamos sobre el deseo de Rihanna de tener un par de hijos más.

Rocky y Rihanna acaban de dar la bienvenida a su segundo hijo, Riot Rose, el pasado mes de agosto y están muy ocupados ¡haciendo malabares con la paternidad y sus proyectos largamente retrasados!

Rocky nos dice que actualmente está trabajando en su próximo álbum, "Don't Be Dumb", en tiempo real y los fans estarán en el borde de sus asientos preguntándose si va a responder a los disparos de Drake de su álbum "For All the Dogs".

Champagne Papi se refirió a su momento sexy con RiRi como "promedio", y dejó claro que no envidiaba la situación actual de Rocky.

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No tenía mucho que añadir a ese tema, pero sí recomendó las zapatillas de correr perfectas para nuestro fotógrafo. Mira el clip, definitivamente deberíamos tomar la sugerencia 😉.

Se espera que "Don't Be Dumb" salga a la venta este año, ¡y vamos a celebrar cuando lo haga!

Shannon Sharpe Judge Dismisses Defamation Lawsuit ... Filed By Brett Favre

Chalk up a win for Shannon Sharpe ... Brett Favre's defamation lawsuit against the Hall of Fame tight end was dismissed by a judge on Monday, ruling the 3x Super Bowl champ's comments are protected under the U.S. Constitution.

Brett sued Shannon for comments he made about Favre on FS1's "Undisputed" in 2022, characterized by the HOF signal caller as "egregiously false." Sharpe's comments concerned the ongoing fraud welfare scandal in Mississippi, where Favre, along with dozens of others, are accused of misusing tens of millions of dollars over a several-year period.

United States District Court Judge Keith Starrett issued his ruling in a filing, writing, "Sharpe's comments are constitutionally protected rhetorical hyperbole using loose, figurative language."

Starrett went on to dismiss the suit for those reasons.

Among Sharpe's comments, he accused Favre of “taking from the underserved” and stealing "money from people that really needed that money.”

Despite the ruling, Favre doesn't seem done with Shannon ... a rep for the Packers legend told ESPN he was evaluating their next steps.

"We respectfully disagree with the court's decision. Mr. Sharpe's statements were unquestionably false and defamatory. We are considering our options," Brett's representative told the network.

As for Shannon, he was thrilled with the news.

"The United States District Court 4 the Southern District of Mississippi 2day dismissed Brett Favre’s defamation lawsuit against me. The court found the statements were protected by the 1st  Amendment 2 the Constitution. Thanks 2 my legal team and their handling of this case. 🙏🏾🙏🏾"

Shannon wasn't the only retired NFL star turned media mogul in Favre's sights. BF also sued Pat McAfee for defamation. Brett withdrew the lawsuit after Pat apologized on the air for accusing Favre of stealing from people in need.

Favre has NOT been charged criminally and has adamantly denied any wrongdoing in the welfare case

50 Cent Mocks Madonna's Appearance ... Compares Her Butt To An Insect

50 Cent can't get enough of mocking Madonna -- and now he's even poking fun at her butt, reigniting their beef.

The rapper took to Instagram Friday and posted side-by-side photos comparing Madonna in a silver bodysuit performing onstage to an animated black insect.

His caption got even more personal, zeroing in on her rump. It read, "who the f*** did this? She’s rich how the hell she didn’t get it fixed 🤨I want the f***ing doctors name right now. I mean damn it man ! LOL"

Madonna has yet to comment, but she must be pretty miffed at Fitty who has a track record of dissing the legendary pop star. In June 2022, Fitty posted a racy Madonna snapshot next to images of aliens.

He wrote a caption that read, “I hope she didn’t make her kids take this picture. LOL at 63 somebody tell her to chill out please." Fitty has since deleted the post.

Going back further, Fitty took another shot at Madonna's age in December 2021 after she posted sexy photos of herself on social media.

Fitty wrote on IG, "Yo this is the funniest s***! LOL. That's Madonna under the bed trying to do like a virgin at 63. She shot out, if she don't get her old a** up. LMFAO."

In a lengthy response, Madonna, in part, said, "Here is 50 Cent pretending to be my friend. Now you have decided to talk smack about me! I guess your new career [is] getting attention by trying to humiliate others on social media."

What's sad is .. the two stars were once very close. Let's hope they can bury the hatchet.

50 Cent Se burla de la apariencia de Madonna... Compara su trasero con el de un insecto

50 Cent no se cansa de burlarse de Madonna, y ahora incluso se mofó de su trasero, reavivando su pelea.

El rapero publicó dos fotos en Instagram el viernes en las que compara a Madonna en un body plateado sobre el escenario con un dibujo de un insecto.

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Su pie de foto fue incluso más personal, pues se centró particularmente en su trasero. Decía: "¿Quién diablos ha hecho esto? Ella es rica, ¿cómo no se lo arregló? Quiero el nombre del maldito médico ahora mismo. Maldita sea, LOL".

Madonna aún no ha hecho comentarios, pero debe de estar bastante enojada con Fitty, que tiene un historial de insultos a la legendaria estrella del pop. En junio de 2022, publicó una foto de ella junto a imágenes de extraterrestres.

Escribió un pie de foto que decía: "Espero que no le haya pedido a sus hijos que le tomaran esta foto". LOL a los 63 que alguien le diga que se calme, por favor". Desde entonces, Fitty borró el post.

Volviendo más atrás, en 2021, se fue en contra de su edad, después de que ella publicara fotos sexy de sí misma en las redes sociales.

En ese entonces escribió: "Yo, esto es divertido s***! LOL. Esa es Madonna debajo de la cama tratando de hacer como una virgen a los 63 años. LMFAO".

En una larga respuesta, Madonna, dijo: "Aquí está 50 Cent pretendiendo ser mi amigo. Ahora has decidido hablar mal de mí. Supongo que tu nueva carrera [es] llamar la atención intentando humillar a otros en las redes sociales".

Lo triste es que las dos estrellas alguna vez fueron muy cercanas. Esperemos que puedan enterrar el hacha de guerra.

Michael Blackson Signs Deal With Celebrity Boxing ... I Wanna Fight Kevin Hart!!!

Resyn Video Productions

Michael Blackson can't wait to get into the ring after inking a deal with Celebrity Boxing ... and, naturally, he's got his eyes on a bout with fellow comedian Kevin Hart.

The actor and comedian just signed his contract with CB founder Damon Feldman, and they're both pumped, and Michael's trash talking is already on point ... as he's calling out other celebs.

Clearly, he wants a piece of Kevin, first and foremost -- they've had beef in the past, which they ultimately squashed a couple years ago, but it sounds like MB may be reversing course.

Other celebs on Michael's radar include DC Young Fly, DeRay Davis and Katt Williams ... and he's got some choice words for all three.

You know Michael's going to promote the hell out of his eventual fight ... and he's already getting his Don King on.

It will be interesting to see who answers the call to step in the ring when the dust settles.

Chrisean Rock To Summer Walker Industry Cold AF 🥶... You Support In Private, Yet Clown Me In Public???

Chrisean Rock thought she had a real friend in Summer Walker after her baby debacle in Walmart ... but is now second-guessing the "Girls Need Love" singer after being spoofed in a video.

On Thursday, Chrisean went live on IG and called out Summer for DMing her with sweet nothings of support last month ... but says her feelings are now hurt as of result of the video.


A video that made fun of the very same incident Summer reached out for!!! Ouch.

Summer Walker

Despite the hurt, the new mother said she wasn't surprised as she's grown used to dealing with cutthroat folks in a cold music industry.

Rock may have a point ... Summer seemed like she was auditioning for Hollywood the way she went all out with her impersonation of Chrisean ... down to the missing tooth and the baby doll with its head dangling!!!

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Many fans agreed with Chrisean, they found the skit to be in poor taste, forcing Summer to cite her comedic inspirations -- Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor -- guys who pushed the envelope with their art as her inspiration.

But after seeing Chrisean's response, Summer got defensive and told her to lighten up!!! ... "Sensitive about a tik tok that was viral way before I did it but you aint have no sympathy when you be dragging bitches across the ground."

Yep, this beef is just getting started!!!


Chrisean Rock pensó que Summer Walker era una buena amiga después de su debacle con el bebé en Walmart, pero ahora está dudando de la cantante de "Girls Need Love" luego de ser ridiculizada en un video.

El jueves, Chrisean realizó un live de Instagram y llamó a Summer para agradecerle por el apoyo el mes pasado, sin embargo, ahora está herida luego de ver un video...

vaciar los borradores

¡Un video en el que se burló del mismo incidente! Ouch.

Summer Walker
ahora ex amigas

A pesar del daño, la nueva madre dijo que no estaba sorprendida, ya que está acostumbrada a tratar con gente despiadada en una industria musical fría.

Rock puede tener un punto, Summer parecía como si estuviera audicionando para Hollywood por la forma en que llevó a cabo su imitación, ¡se fijo incluso en el diente que le falta y el muñeco con la cabeza colgando!

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sin apoyo

Muchos fans estuvieron de acuerdo con Chrisean, encontraron el sketch de mal gusto, obligando a Summer a citar sus inspiraciones cómicas —Dave Chappelle, Bernie Mac, Richard Pryor— básicamente, chicos que empujaron los límites.

Pero después de ver la respuesta de Chrisean, Summer se puso a la defensiva y le dijo que se relajara: "Te pones sensible por un TikTok que fue viral mucho antes de que yo lo hiciera, pero no tienes simpatía cuando arrastras perras por el suelo".

Sip, ¡este conflicto recién comienza!

Cardi B Puede que alivie la sentencia de $3.4 mil de Tasha K

No hagas daño a los demás

¡¡¡¡Cardi B podría estar suavizando su postura cuando se trata de su archienemiga, la bloguera Tasha K y los 3,4 millones de dólares que le debe!!!!

La rapera de "Bodak Yellow" dio a sus fans un testimonio emocional en las primeras horas de la mañana del jueves, advirtiéndoles que nunca confundan su bondad con debilidad, al mismo tiempo que admitía que está pensando si seguir persiguiendo la sentencia que el tribunal dictaminó que Tasha debe desembolsar.

La revelación de Cardi se produjo unas horas después de que Tasha apareciera en directo la noche del miércoles, llorando y hablando de sus propios traumas pasados, mientras se disculpaba con Cardi y se refería a su propia relación patas arriba con Nicki Minaj.

Los aficionados advirtieron a Cardi que no cayera en lo que muchos ven como un engaño de Tasha. La bloguera de chismes se declaró en quiebra en mayo, cuando la sentencia de $3,4 millones aún se avecinaba. Su disputa hirvió en Twitter poco después.

Recuerden que todo esto comenzó después de que Tasha falsamente acusara a Cardi de abuso de drogas y prostitución, lo que llevó a la cantante a presentar una demanda por difamación. Cardi ahora dice que solo su madre y sus abogados pueden darle el consejo que necesita para tomar la decisión final.

Dice que su familia y amigos, incluyendo Offset, inmediatamente la convencerían de presionar para que se haga justicia, lo que incluye exigir esos 3,4 millones de dólares de las manos de Tasha. Pero Cardi dice que ver a alguien sufrir, no la hace feliz.

En cualquier caso, la rapera quiere que Tasha deje de hacer daño a la gente con sus podcast, algo en lo que ambas parecen estar de acuerdo. Al menos, por ahora.

Cardi B I Might Let Tasha K Off $3.4 Mil Hook


Cardi B just might be softening her stance when it comes to her archenemy, blogger Tasha K, and the $3.4 million she owes Cardi!!!

The "Bodak Yellow" rapper gave her fans an emotional testimonial in the wee hours of Thursday morning ... warning them never to mistake her kindness for weakness, but also admitted she's debating if she should continue to pursue the fat judgment the court ruled Tasha needs to fork over.

Cardi's revelation came a few hours after Tasha went live Wednesday night ... tearfully speaking of her own past trauma, while apologizing to Cardi and speaking on her own topsy-turvy relationship with Nicki Minaj.

Fans warned Cardi not to fall for what many see as crocodile tears from Tasha -- the gossip blogger filed for bankruptcy in May as the $3.4 million judgment still loomed. Their beef boiled over into the Twitter streets shortly after.

Remember, this all started after Tasha falsely accused Cardi of drug abuse and prostitution ... prompting Cardi to file a defamation lawsuit. Cardi now says only her mother and lawyers can give her the advice she needs to make the final decision.

She says her family and friends, including Offset, would immediately talk her into pushing for justice -- including clawing that $3.4 mil out of Tasha's hands. But, Cardi said seeing someone else in pain doesn't make her happy.

Either way, Cardi wants Tasha to stop hurting people with her podcasts ... something upon which both appear to agree. At least, for now.

Dave Mays Suge Knight's Coming to 'Collect' ... Not Just Talking 💩 on New Podcast!!!

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Suge Knight's "Collect Call" podcast cohost Dave Mays thinks the incarcerated mogul's gotten a bad rap -- so he's helping him set the record straight once and for all!!!

TMZ Hip Hop chopped it up with the Breakbeat CEO this week and he assured us Suge's podcast commentary would be just as spicy as we'd expect it to be, but it won't be all sauce and no substance either.

Collect Call with Suge Knight

They dropped the first episode on audio today, and as you can hear Suge's doing his fair share of reflection and deflecting -- in this case -- at his ex-Death Row Records henchman Mob James.


As the trailer revealed, Dave says Suge will be responding back to the commentaries from the likes of Master P, Wack 100, Warren G, Akon, and many more -- with dramatic flair.

Dave tells us they used a bit of AI to make the visuals pop. Remember, Suge's serving a 25-year sentence for manslaughter, so they did what they could to spruce up his current digs!!!

The Source Magazine founder doesn't feel Suge got a fair shake in his criminal trial due to his reputation at the time. He says their friendship dates back to the early '90s when Dr. Dre was set to take the world by storm with his classic debut album, "The Chronic."

Dave convinced Suge to let Dre do the iconic gun-to-the-head cover photo, which led on to more explosive moments with The Source ... like the infamous "come to Death Row" line at the '95 Source Awards.


Suge shared Death Row stories with TMZ Hip Hop earlier this year ... admitting the label had its fair share of rough patches too.

Suge's got his own mic now, and he's coming in hot!!!

Dennis Rodman Jordan, Pippen Will Settle Beef ... 'They're Gonna Work It Out'


Scottie Pippen hates Michael Jordan's guts right now, but not all hope is lost for the legendary Bulls duo's friendship ... so says their former teammate, Dennis Rodman, who believes the two will eventually bury the hatchet.

It's no secret -- Pippen was pissed over the 'Last Dance' documentary that dropped back in 2020 ... claiming the Jordan-produced project glossed over his teammates' contributions to the Bulls dynasty and focused too much on #23.

Pippen has gone out of his way to throw verbal jabs at Jordan ever since ... calling him a "horrible player" before Scottie joined the team in 1987 and declaring LeBron James the G.O.A.T. in his eyes.

Rodman says the beef between the two is nothing like their dynamic during their playing days ... as he never saw them feuding during his time on the Bulls in the '90s.

"No, I never saw that before," Rodman claims. "I never saw them fight. Even after the season, I never saw that. They were always hanging out together, playing golf together, traveling together."

Things are totally different now, but the Worm seems to think the friendship is still salvageable.

"It's just a lot of things that's happened over the last couple of years. So, I think Scottie's a little bitter and Michael's more laid back and say, 'Okay, like whatever,' but they're gonna work it out."

Scottie and MJ's feud has taken an interesting turn recently as well ... with Pippen's ex-wife dating Jordan's son, Marcus.

As we previously reported, Michael said he didn't approve of the relationship back in July ... but Marcus later claimed his pops was joking.

Here's hoping the two guys can sit down and squash the beef for good.

Gucci Mane & T.I. Squash Beef In ATL In Front of Other Rap Icons

@missmarto /

Gucci Mane brought out a legion of Atlanta star power at his 1017 Day concert last night -- which included T.I., as the two publicly buried the hatchet right in their own city!!!

Midway through his set, La Flare invited T.I. to the stage where he performed his homegrown hit "24" for the crowd, which couldn't contain their excitement to see both men onstage at the same time.

A source close to the situation tells TMZ Hip Hop both superstars have long moved past their previous round of diss exchanges from years ago.

They both were co-headliners for the recent Legendz of the Streetz tour and mended the fences, which didn't take much doing.


The beef largely stemmed from clawing for rap dominance -- if you remember, T.I. told us his "King of the South" title earned him more friction than he could've expected.

It didn't hurt Tip just gave Gucci his flowers while he can still smell them ... naming him to the "Mt. Trapmore" of rap alongside himself, Jeezy and Future!!!

Quavo, Latto, Keyshia Ka'Oir and artists from Paper Route Empire were also on hand, and Gucci delivered a Young Dolph tribute just like he did on his new album.

1017 Day is now a hip hop holiday in ATL ... and kids will grow up telling their kids how Gucci and Tip made peace.

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