Dillon Danis I Made Over $1 Mil For Paul Fight

Dillon Danis apparently got paid a pretty penny to get his ass whooped by Logan Paul ... saying this week he made over $1 MILLION for the one-sided boxing match.

Danis revealed the figure while on "Piers Morgan Uncensored" just days after Paul beat him in Manchester ... saying emphatically that was his cut for the tilt.

Dillon had previously told Paul he could have the entire check if the WWE Superstar won the fight ... but he walked that all back while chatting with Morgan.

"We never shook hands," the 30-year-old MMA fighter said.

Danis then explained he thinks there's actually a way he'll be eventually dubbed the winner ... saying because Logan attempted to punch him while on the ground during the match, he should be awarded the victory.

"I might be the winner," he said.

Of course, Danis was anything but victorious during their bout at AO Arena ... losing every round, before getting disqualified in the sixth.

The fight was Danis' first since 2019 -- and while the two had talked about potentially going after each other in an MMA bout following their boxing match ... there doesn't seem to be many who'd be interested in watching that at this point.

Soulja Boy Calls Lil Yachty All Types of 'Bitches' Drake Catches Strays Too!!!

Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy isn't down to sit back and let his laundry list of "rapper firsts" be disrespected -- so he's going off on Lil Yachty for making what he considers treasonous remarks.

Yachty recently claimed he and Post Malone were the first rappers to adopt streaming on Twitch ... an erroneous statement, because SB's been on Twitch since 2013 as opposed to Yachty's 2016 entry date.

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Soulja hopped on IG Live and gave Yachty a mouthful of disses while flashing stacks of cash in the camera to remind the red-haired rapper he comes from old money. He also threw in some homophobic slurs, referencing Yachty's painted nails.

Drake didn't escape the wrath either, as SB warned he too was skating on thin ice ... but he didn't explain that beef any further.

Drake and SB haven't had much interaction lately, but the "Crank Dat" rapper landed one of the biggest "Breakfast Club" moments when he dissed Champagne Papi in the name of Pusha T several years ago ... 20 million views and counting.

Barking at the competition is what SB does -- we'll see if the 'Dogs' take him seriously.

Cam’ron Takes J. Cole’s Lyrical Lob ... To Dunk On CP3 Joining Warriors

Unlike Joe Budden, Cam’ron’s not completely retired from rapping after adopting a career in podcasting, and he’s taking a baton passed by J. Cole and running with it for his own track.

On Monday, Cam expanded on Cole’s shoutout from Lil Yachty’s track “The Secret Recipe”
where Cole saluted the Diplomats rapper with the line, "I prolly put more n****s on pause than Cam and Mason Beth.”

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Later on his verse, the Harlem rapper-turned-sportscaster plugged his show while taking aim at future HOF Chris Paul jumping to the Golden State Warriors ... "Say what I want, 'It Is What It Is'/Don't care who take offense/Like Chris Paul, y'all, on Golden State, it don't make no sense/Unless he 2nd unit, when the game start, he play the bench."

Steven A. Smith recently cast doubts on CP3's ability with the Dubs, but Cam and his cohost Ma$e are disrupting the world of sports commentary from a different angle -- they can professionally rap their hot takes!!!

The track eventually bleeds into a preview of Cam's upcoming Halloween-themed video, "Get Mine Regardless" where he dons a Freddy Krueger getup to slash home his point.

At 38 years old, even Chris wouldn't argue he's past his prime, but his immeasurable experience could surely prove valuable to GS' 2024 championship hopes.

The Pivot Podcast

Even his own kids have to hear about his lack of rings and Cam's Krueger-clawed swipe is just the latest taunt he has to ignore!!!

Sophie Turner Deja de seguir a Priyanka Chopra Deja a la esposa de Nick Jonas en medio del divorcio de Joe

Sophie Turner ha eliminado a Priyanka Chopra, la esposa de Nick Jonas, de su flujo en Instagram ... haciendo clic en el botón "dejar de seguir" mientras el divorcio por parte de la actriz, de Joe Jonas, avanza.

La estrella de "Juego de Tronos" ya no sigue a Priyanka desde el viernes, aunque no está claro cuando echó a la esposa de Nick.

También parece que Priyanka tampoco sigue a Sophie en IG, pero Sophie aún tiene a Joe y a Nick en su lista de seguidos ... al igual que a su hermano, Kevin, y su esposa, Danielle.

La hermandad era bastante cercana entre Sophie y Priyanka, por cierto ... la exactriz de Bollywood fue dama de honor y florista en la boda de Sophie y Joe en Las Vegas en 2019, un honor que no se le da a cualquiera.

Priyanka incluso habló muy bien de su conexión con Sophie y Danielle ... diciendo a lo largo de los años que eran su "familia por adopción", debido a que había crecido sin una hermana.

Como informamos, Joe solicitó el divorcio a inicios de septiembre ... y lo que le siguió fue una tensa batalla por la custodia durante semanas. Sophie incluso presentó una demanda en contra de Joe, alegando que se negaba ilegalmente a dejar a sus hijos viajaran con ella a Inglaterra.

TMZ publicó la historia, los 2 encontraron un terreno común a inicios de esta semana, alcanzando un acuerdo en el caso de custodia de los hijos, mostrando señales de que un acuerdo final se avecinaba. El miércoles, Joe presentó una demanda de divorcio en Miami para llegar a un acuerdo en privado.

Sophie Turner Unfollows Priyanka Chopra Ditches Nick Jonas' Wife Amid Divorce From Joe

Sophie Turner has removed Nick Jonas' wife, Priyanka Chopra, from her Instagram feed ... clicking the "unfollow" button as the actress' divorce from Joe Jonas moves forward.

The "Game of Thrones" star no longer follows Priyanka as of Friday, although it's unclear exactly when she gave Nick's wife the boot.

It also looks like Priyanka doesn't follow Sophie on IG, either -- but Sophie still has Joe and Nick on her list of follows ... as well as their brother, Kevin, and his wife, Danielle.

The sisterhood ran pretty deep between Sophie and Priyanka, BTW ... the former Bollywood actress was a bridesmaid and flower girl at Sophie and Joe's wedding in Las Vegas back in 2019 -- an honor that's not given to just anyone.

Priyanka even spoke highly about her connection to Sophie and Danielle ... saying over the years that they are her "family by proxy," since she grew up without a sister.

As we reported, Joe filed for divorce at the beginning of September ... and what followed was a tense battle over custody for weeks. Sophie even filed a lawsuit against Joe, claiming he was illegally refusing to let their kids go with her to England.

TMZ broke the story, the 2 found common ground earlier this week, striking a deal in their child custody case, showing signs that a final settlement was looming. On Wednesday, Joe filed to dismiss their divorce case in Miami and settle in private.


Druski Dodges Birdman Questions Like the Plague ... Beef Still Sizzling!!!


Druski is more than happy to publicly discuss his finances -- as he recently did at the Forbes annual Under 30 Summit -- but he is steering clear of any convos about Birdman ... a sign there's no peace between them.

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ICYMI, Birdman got at Druski first for his swiping at Drake's new album -- even before he took Joe Budden and Gillie Da Kid to task for their critical opinions about "For All the Dogs."

So, during the Forbes event in Cleveland, Forbes Assistant Managing Editor Steven Bertoni asked Druksi for an update on the Birdman dust-up, and Druski quickly hurried him along ... murmuring they were "good" under his breath but his uneasy body language said the total opposite.

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Birdman's been nipping at Druski's heels all year for what he perceives to be "disrespek" on the Cash Money name ... the viral comedian's "Coulda Been Records" has too many similarities for the music mogul's comfort!!!

According to Forbes, Druski took home $10 million last year, and it sounds like he might wanna stuff some of that away for extra security when he's in Birdman's neck of the woods.

Amber Heard Claimed Momoa Dressed Like Depp To Mess with Her On 'Aquaman 2' Set

Amber Heard told her therapist Jason Momoa was purposely dressing like her ex Johnny Depp while filming the 'Aquaman' sequel ... one of many claims just now coming to light.

The news comes courtesy of new legal docs from Amber's defamation trial last year, which were recently made public ... and detail some startling allegations she made in therapy sessions back in 2021, when she and Jason were working on 'A2.'

During one particular session in December of that year, she said she felt Jason was seemingly trying to play mind games with her by intentionally copying JD's fashion sense, right down to his multi-fingered rings ... according to Variety.

There are more allegations she made about Jason to her therapist at the time -- including a claim he was intoxicated on set, and that he was working to get her fired.

A rep for DC denied these characterizations, saying ... "Jason Momoa conducted himself in a professional manner at all times on the set of ‘Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom." A separate source told Variety, Jason's fashion sensibility naturally reflects a bohemian style ... pushing back on Amber feeling he was trying to torment her.

There are a lot more juicy nuggets in the docs ... including the allegation Warner/DC tried canning Amber ahead of filming of 'Aquaman 2' -- but not because of her Johnny drama, but more so over a perceived lack of chemistry with Jason.

Amber's then-boyfriend, Elon Musk, fired off a letter to the studio on the heels of that ... threatening to "burn the house down" at WB, according to Variety.

If true, you'd have to say it worked ... they did keep Amber, although a handful of her scenes were cut down in the final edit of 'Aquaman 2; -- including a love scene with JM.

It's a peek behind the curtain amid a lot of speculation at the time over how much the Amber-Johnny saga had affected their respective work prospects -- especially for Amber, who came under intense criticism in the wake of Johnny's victory. Remember, fans wanted her character, Mera, completely recast, and a viral petition got started over it ... to no avail.

Now, 'A2' is set to hit theaters in December ... and time will tell what the box office will be. The first one was a massive success, but insiders say this new one hasn't landed so well with audiences in test screenings, which has spurred a number of reshoots/new cuts.

In any case, we've reached out to both Amber and Jason's teams ... so far, no word back.

Aaron Rodgers Hey, Travis Kelce ... Let's Debate Covid-19 Vaccine!!!

Aaron Rodgers wants to settle his back-and-forth with "Mr. Pfizer" once and for all ... proposing a star-studded Covid-19 debate with Travis Kelce -- and he wants Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Fauci to get involved!!

As we previously reported, AR8 and the Kansas City Chiefs superstar have been sending playful jabs toward each other over the past week ... ever since the New York Jets coined his new nickname for Kelce on "The Pat McAfee Show."

Rodgers returned for his weekly appearance with McAfee on Tuesday ... and he responded to Kelce claiming the two were in a "vax war."

"This ain't a war, homie," Rodgers told McAfee minutes ago. "This is just conversation. But if you want to have some sort of duel, debate, have me on the podcast, come on the show. Let's have a conversation."

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Kansas City Chiefs

The four-time MVP added he wants both sides to pick some backup help for the potential hash-out sesh ... revealing he wants RFK Jr. in his corner, and Kelce can choose Fauci or "some other pharmacrat" as his support.

Of course, a potential debate would surely be popcorn-worthy -- Rodgers and RFK Jr. have been outspoken against the Covid-19 vax, and Kelce and Fauci are strong proponents of getting the jab.

No word on whether Kelce will welcome Rodgers on his "New Heights" podcast ... but if he does, expect fireworks.


Amber Heard le dijo a su terapeuta que Jason Momoa se vestía a propósito como su ex, Johnny Depp, durante el rodaje de la secuela de "Aquaman". Una de las muchas afirmaciones que acaban de salir a la luz.

La noticia viene por cortesía de los nuevos documentos legales del juicio por difamación de Amber del año pasado, que recientemente se hicieron públicos y detallan algunas alegaciones sorprendentes que hizo en las sesiones de terapia en 2021, cuando ella y Jason estaban trabajando en "Aquaman 2".

Durante una sesión en particular en diciembre de ese año, dijo que sentía que Jason estaba tratando de jugar con su mente, copiando intencionalmente el sentido de la moda de Depp, hasta sus múltiples anillos... según Variety.

Hay más acusaciones para Jason, incluyendo una afirmación de que estaba intoxicado en el set y que parecía estar buscando su despido.

Un representante de DC negó estas declaraciones diciendo: "Jason Momoa se comportó de manera profesional en todo momento en el set de "Aquaman y el Reino Perdido". Otra fuente le dijo a Variety que la moda de Jason refleja naturalmente un estilo bohemio y que esto no tenía que ver con la actriz.

Hay muchas más pepitas jugosas en los documentos, incluyendo la alegación de Warner/DC al intentar despedir a Amber antes del rodaje de "Aquaman 2", pero no a causa de su drama de Johnny, sino más bien por la falta de química con Jason.

El entonces novio de Amber, Elon Musk, le envió una carta al estudio antes de amenazar con "quemar la casa" en WB, según Variety.

De ser cierto, habría que decir que funcionó, ya que mantuvieron a Amber, aunque un puñado de sus escenas fueron recortadas en la edición final de "Aquaman 2", incluyendo una escena de amor con Jason.

Se trata de una mirada tras el telón en medio de muchas especulaciones sobre hasta qué punto la saga Amber/Johnny había afectado a sus respectivas perspectivas laborales, especialmente en el caso de Amber, que fue objeto de intensas críticas tras la victoria de Johnny. Recordemos que los fans querían a su personaje, Mera, completamente replanteado, y una petición viral se inició al respecto... aunque todo fue vano.

Ahora, "A2" está lista para llegar a los cines en diciembre y el tiempo mostrará los resultados. La primera fue un éxito masivo, pero los conocedores dicen que la nueva entrega no ha funcionado bien en las proyecciones de prueba, lo que ha estimulado una serie de reshoots y nuevos cortes.

En cualquier caso, nos hemos puesto en contacto con los equipos de Amber y Jason... de momento, sin noticias.


Aaron Rodgers quiere zanjar de una vez por todas su tira y afloja con el "Sr. Pfizer" proponiendo un debate estelar sobre la vacuna Covid-19 con Travis Kelce ¡y quiere que participen Robert F. Kennedy Jr. y el Dr. Fauci!

Como informamos anteriormente, AR8 y la superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs han estado enviándose mensajes el uno al otro durante la semana pasada, desde que los Jets de Nueva York acuñaran su nuevo apodo para Kelce en "The Pat McAfee Show".

Rodgers regresó para su aparición semanal con McAfee el martes y le respondió a Kelce afirmando que los dos estaban en una "guerra de vacunas".

"Esto no es una guerra, homie", dijo Rodgers a McAfee hace minutos. "Esto es solo una conversación. Pero si quieres tener algún tipo debate, recíbeme en el podcast o ven al programa. Tengamos una conversación".

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sin daños
Kansas City Chiefs

El cuatro veces MVP agregó que quiere que ambas partes elijan alguna ayuda de respaldo para el potencial debate, revelando que quiere a RFK Jr. en su esquina y que Kelce puede elegir a Fauci o a algún otro "vacuna lover" como su apoyo.

Rodgers y RFK Jr. se han mostrado abiertamente en contra de la vacuna Covid-19 mientras que Kelce y Fauci son firmes defensores de la misma.

No se sabe si Kelce recibirá a Rodgers en su podcast "New Heights", pero si lo hace será todo un acotecimiento.

KNXG CROOKED Las Críticas De Budden Eran Válidas

solo aire caliente

Drake está diciendo que Joe Budden es un rapero fracasado por estar hablando mal de su álbum, un golpe bajo de acuerdo con KNXG Crooked, no sólo para él, sino para todos los MCs que utilizan su propia experiencia en su Hip Hop.

TMZ Hip Hop habló con el ex compañero de banda de Joe con el que formaron Slaughterhouse a raíz de la disputa de "For All The Dogs". Las cosas entre ellos no terminaron de la mejor manera, pero Crooked sorprendentemente está de su lado, ya que siente que los insultos de Drake lo cortan igual de profundo.

Crooked reconoce a Joe como un pionero en lo que respecta a podcast de Hip Hop junto con el difunto Combat Jack y el encarcelado Taxstone, y dice que Joe estaba en su derecho de criticar la oferta de arte público de Drake tanto como Drake tenía derecho a responder, pero piensa que Drake lo hizo porque sabe que las habilidades y el respeto entre sus compañeros todavía importan.

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drake es para los niños
Joe Budden Network

Drake le dijo a JB que sus acciones palidecen al compararlas porque él es dueño de un jet privado y JB solo tiene una "modesta" casa en Nueva Jersey.

Crooked dice que Drake y Joe tienen una profunda admiración el uno por el otro, algo que él puede atestiguar personalmente.

Se remontó a los días de gira de Slaughterhouse alrededor de la década de 2010 y dice que Joe estaba escuchando activamente a Drake en los autobuses de gira, pero no se siente la necesidad de desempolvar su micrófono en el futuro, al parecer la plataforma de podcast es lo suficientemente poderosa.

Sin embargo, el corazón de Crook sigue rimando, él y Joell acaban de inmortalizar a sus leyendas locales en su nuevo single "Tale of 2 Cities" que es vendrá en el próximo álbum "Prosper".

KNXG Crooked Budden's Critique Valid ... I Feel Like Drake Dissed Me Too!!!


Drake is framing Joe Budden as a failed rapper, but KNXG Crooked says that's a low blow -- not just for Joe, but for all MCs who go on to use their expertise for hip hop commentary.

TMZ Hip Hop chopped it up with Joe's former Slaughterhouse bandmate in the wake of the "For All The Dogs" feud. While they weren't on the best terms when Slaughterhouse broke up, Crooked's surprisingly on Joe's side as he feels Drake's disses cut him just as deep!

Crooked acknowledges JB as a pioneer in hip hop podcasting -- alongside the late Combat Jack and incarcerated Taxstone -- and says Joe was well within his rights to criticize Drake's "For All the Dogs" ... just as much as Drake had the right to respond.

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Joe Budden Network

Drake told JB his stock pales in comparison because he owns a private jet compared to JB's "modest" house in New Jersey to shut him up, but Crook doesn't believe the beef is serious.

Crooked says Drake and Joe have a deep admiration for one another -- something he can attest to personally.

He harkened back on the days of Slaughterhouse touring, circa the top of the 2010s, and says Joe was actively listening to Drake on the tour buses. Crooked adds ... there's no need for Joe to dust off his MC mic going forward, as his podcast platform is mighty enough!!!

Crook's heart's still rhyming, however ... he and Joell just immortalized their local legends on the new single, "Tale of 2 Cities," from their upcoming album, "Prosper."

Rihanna Dancin' Up on A$AP for 35th Bday ... After Drake's 'FATD' Diss

best you ever had?!?

Drake may say he's over Rihanna -- but she's the one who truly seems to have moved on ... just peep how happy she looks celebrating A$AP Rocky's big birthday weekend!

The songstress and her baby daddy were raging Friday night after hitting the town on the East Coast to ring A$AP's 35th born day ... which was actually on Oct. 3. Nothing like a prolonged party though -- and that's exactly what RiRi and AR had on their hands here.

It appears to have been an adult-only rager ... sans any sign of their 2 little ones. As far as where exactly they were -- apparently, they started in the Big Apple, and made their way to a go-kart joint in Jersey City after -- though, unclear if that's where this shindig went down.

In any case ... they were living it up big time, dancing up on each other and boogeying on down with their close friends nearby. Rihanna, specifically, made sure to bust out the moves.

We must say, post-delivery of her 2nd son in August -- she's looking pretty damn good ... and about as spry as ever. And dare we say ... she's still hot as hell, despite what Drizzy might be claiming now.

Of course, we're referring to the shots he took in his new song 'Fear Of Heights' -- where he lamented the fact people felt he hadn't moved past RiRi ... while also claiming he'd been with way hotter women than her -- and also, he suggested A$AP was "stuck" with Rihanna.

In the wake of his latest dig at his ex ... Drake's been getting dragged across the coals by Rihanna fans -- who were quick to point out how obsessed home boy was back in the day. Remember, he infamously declared his love for her on live TV during the 2016 VMAs.

They actually dated for a bit after that ... but it didn't last, and the relationship fizzled.


A couple years later, Rihanna kinda shaded Drake in a Vogue cover story ... saying this about the status of their relationship, "We don’t have a friendship now, but we’re not enemies either. It is what it is." The outlet also noted her "eyes glaze[d] over with cool indifference."

She hasn't talked much about him since, but Drizzy's still going on about her ... a mom of 2, who's in a committed relationship ... and who's billionaire fashion mogul.

Time to turn the page, eh?

RIHANNA BAILANDO CON A$AP POR SU 35 CUMPLEAÑOS Luego de polémica canción de Drake

bailando toda la noche

Drake puede decir que ha superado a Rihanna, pero ella es la que realmente parece haber seguido adelante, ¡solo hay que ver lo feliz que se ve celebrando el gran fin de semana de cumpleaños de A$AP Rocky!

La cantante y el papá del bebé llegaron a la ciudad de la Costa Este para celebrar el cumpleaños número 35 de A$AP, que en realidad era el 3 de octubre. Nada como una fiesta prolongada ¿cierto?

Parece que la fiesta era estrictamente para adultos, ya que no había señal de sus dos pequeños. En cuanto a dónde estaban exactamente; al parecer, encendieron los motores en la Gran Manzana y después se dirigieron a una pista de go-kart en Jersey aunque, no está claro si ahí es donde se llevó a cabo la fiesta.

En cualquier caso, se lo pasaron en grande, bailando uno encima del otro y compartiendo con sus amigos cercanos. Rihanna, en concreto, se aseguró de bailar a lo grande.

Debemos decir que después de dar a luz a su segundo hijo en agosto, tiene muy buen aspecto y está más ágil que nunca. Nos atrevemos a decir sigue siendo hot como el infierno a pesar de lo que Drake podría decir.

Por supuesto, nos referimos a las cosas que dijo en su nueva canción "Fear Of Heights", donde lamentó el hecho de que la gente sentía que no había superado a la cantante, mientras afirmaba que había estado con mujeres mucho más atractivas que ella, además de sugerir que A$AP estaba "atrapado" con Rihanna.

Drake ha recibido mucho hate de parte de los fans de Rihanna debido a esta última canción, además se apresuraron a señalar lo obsesionado que estuvo alguna vez por la estrella del pop. Recordemos que él, infamemente, declaró su amor por ella en la televisión en vivo durante los VMA 2016.

La verdad es que salieron un poco después de eso pero no duró, y la relación se esfumó.

drake y rhianna en los vmas

Un par de años más tarde Rihanna mencionó a Drake en una portada de Vogue, diciendo esto sobre su relación: "No tenemos una amistad ahora, pero no somos enemigos tampoco. Es lo que es". El medio también señaló que sus "ojos brillaban con fría indiferencia".

Ella no ha hablado mucho sobre él desde entonces, pero Drake todavía habla de ella; una madre de 2 que está en una relación comprometida y que es una magnate multimillonaria de la moda.

Es hora de pasar la página, ¿eh?

MIEMBRO DE LA BANDA 5IVE ¡Todos podemos compartir una cerveza!

Los chicos de 5ive dicen que quieren dejar atrás su larga disputa con la boy band rival 98 Degree s, a pesar de que el grupo de Nick Lachey, una vez más les envió un mensaje en vivo.

El cantante de 5ive, Ritchie Neville, le comentó a TMZ que la banda realmente desea lo mejor para 98 Degrees y quiere lo mejor para los chicos y sus familias.

Geena the Latina & Frankie V Morning Show

Esto viene justo después de que 98 Degrees atacara a la boy band británica a principios de esta semana. Nick y el grupo hicieron un hit de radio promocionando sus próximos shows con dos boy bands con las que se llevan bien, All-4-One y O-Town, pero entonces la conversación dio un giro cuando 98 Degrees atacó a 5ive una vez más sacando a relucir su larga disputa.

98 Degrees y los anfitriones criticaron a 5ive por ser la peor boy band de la historia recordando la mala sangre que se remonta a los años 90. Nick y los chicos han hecho esto antes, anteriormente hablando de los 5ive en el show de Andy Cohen, lo que provocó una fuerte respuesta del ex miembro de 5ive Abz Love.

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Pero Ritchie nos dice: "Ellos pueden seguir con ese viejo asunto y la inmadurez si quieren. Nosotros solo seguimos con nuestras vidas, dando conciertos y criando a nuestros hijos".

Según Ritchie, la larga disputa comenzó cuando 98 Degrees fue al Reino Unido en los años 90 para la gira "Smash Hits", donde compartieron el centro de atención con 5ive, una banda que estaba emergiendo en aquel momento en Londres.

Ritchie dice que la rivalidad surgió porque ambas bandas competían por el amor del público durante la gira, y dice que 5ive ganó una votación del público y fue a la Smash Hits Poll Winners Party, una entrega de premios británica televisada. Dice que 98 Degrees se puso celoso y tuvo problemas con 5ive desde entonces.

Richie nos dice: "Todos éramos niños entonces, yo tenía 18 años. Entiendo que perder es duro a veces, pero es una pena que ahora seamos hombres adultos y sigamos con esta rivalidad".

Más de dos décadas después, Ritchie está listo para enterrar el hacha de guerra. Dice que 5ive sólo quiere la paz con 98 Degrees y que las bandas deben dejar el rencor y salir a tomar una cerveza.

5ive Band Member Ritchie Neville Let's Squash Beef With 98 Degrees ... We Can All Share a Beer!!!

The boys from 5ive say they want to drop their longstanding beef with rival boy band 98 Degree s... even though Nick Lachey's group once again called them out live on-air.

5ive singer Ritchie Neville tells TMZ ... the band genuinely wishes 98 Degrees well and wants the best for the guys and their families.

Geena the Latina & Frankie V Morning Show

This is coming on the heels of 98 Degrees slamming the British boy group earlier this week ... Nick and the group did a radio hit promoting their upcoming shows with two boy bands they get along with, All-4-One and O-Town, but then the convo took a turn when 98 slammed 5ive, once again bringing up their decades-long beef.

98 Degrees and the hosts ripped 5ive for being the worst boy band ever ... recalling bad blood dating back to the '90s. Nick and the guys have done this before, previously calling out 5ive on Andy Cohen's show, which prompted a strong response from former 5ive member Abz Love.

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But Ritchie tells us ... "They can carry on the beef and immaturity if they want. We're just getting on with our lives, playing gigs and raising our children."

According to Ritchie, the longstanding beef started when 98 Degrees went over to the United Kingdom in the '90s for the "Smash Hits" tour, where they shared the spotlight with 5ive, a new band at the time from London.

Ritchie says the rivalry grew out of both bands competing for the audience's love on tour, and he says 5ive won an audience vote and went to the Smash Hits Poll Winners Party -- a televised British awards show. He says 98 Degrees got jealous and had beef with 5ive ever since.

RN tells us ... "We were all kids then, I was 18. I understand losing is hard sometimes but it's a shame that we are now grown men still carrying on this beef."

Over two decades later, Ritchie is ready to bury the hatchet ... he says 5ive only wants peace with 98 Degrees and the bands should drop the grudge and go out for a beer.

Old news is old news!
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