Drake Warns Druski Over Birdman Troll ... You're Playing w/ Fire!!!

Drake's giving a warning to a social media star who's trying to pretend he's the boss of a new rap label, which feels eerily similar to Birdman's ... and which Baby doesn't like at all.

Of course, we're talking about Druski and his "Coulda Been Records" -- a brand he recently launched ... but seemingly just for jokes and content. The dude ran auditions and uploaded a ton of clips showing him denying would-be artists in hilarious fashion.

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Thing is ... Birdman himself isn't a fan of what Druski's doing -- and let him know about it in no uncertain terms over an IG Live chat -- warning him he's stepping on Cash Money's toes.

Fast-forward to this weekend ... and Druski's at it again, playing up a sketch/skit where he's brooding over one of Drizzy's new songs ('Daylight') where he raps a bar that Druski apparently wanted to use in one of his own (fake) songs ... "Standin' on business."

Check out Druski's upload ... it's pretty funny. He's fuming over the fact that Drake beat him to the punch -- and captioned his video "Cash Money vs Coulda Been BEEF CONTINUES." Obviously, Dru's kidding here -- the whole thing's a gag -- but Birdman isn't playing.

Baby responded in the comments, "Bro you still playin with a real gangsta SMFH" ... and Drake even chimed in, adding "Stunna bout to have you come up missing on Gladys."

Now, the Internet apparently can't tell if Birdman is being serious or not -- even though Druski obviously isn't -- but based on how Baby's reacting ... something tells us he means it. He posted more photos of Druski on his IG Story after this -- and he sure seems angry.

Remember, this manufactured feud came to a head a few months ago when Birdman confronted Druski about his Coulda Been endeavor -- and Dru tried to calm his down.

Since then, Druski's been leaning into it -- apparently getting a kick over the fact that he's gotten a rise out of Birdman over this whole charade -- and he continues to stir the CMR pot.

Be careful, bud ... not everything is fun and games. 😅

Drake Eviscerates Joe Budden ... After Hatin' on New Album

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Drake is for the children
Joe Budden Network

Joe Budden says Drake is an old head trying to appeal to young'ns ... but Drizzy's firing back, telling Joe to shut it in the fiercest way possible.

The podcaster went in on Drake's latest album, "For All the Dogs," during his newest episode of 'The Joe Budden Podcast' -- saying the dude is "rapping for the children" ... while going on to say that Champagne Papi needed to grow up and stop pandering to the youth.

Take a listen for yourself ... Joe seems to think that Drake's too old to be palling around with YouTube streamers (like Kai Cenat) or other Gen Z rappers like Lil Yachty, etc. He also has some words about Drizzy's sex life ... saying, "Stop f****** these 25-year-olds!!!!"

JB's words clearly struck a nerve, 'cause Drake responded with an essay-worth of hate toward the one-time MC -- writing, "@joebudden you have failed at music. You left it behind to do what you are doing in this clip cause this is what actually pays your bills."

There's more ... he adds, "For any artist watching this just remember you are watching a failure give their opinion on his idea of a recipe for success...a quitter give their opinion on how to achieve longevity." Drake has a lot more to say -- and let's just say it's critical.

In response, it seems Joe might be pulling back a bit ... acknowledging he went overboard.

He writes, "I got a little carried away lol the content should mature a bit tho… 1 day." So, definitely a sorry-not-sorry type of thing. Something tells us this is far from over.

OLIVIA WILDE Recibe ola de críticas por post sobre Taylor y cambio climático

Olivia Wilde piensa que Taylor Swift debe centrarse en temas reales, como el ecologismo, en lugar del fútbol... pero algunos están señalando que dejó una gran huella de carbono con Harry Styles.

La directora y actriz está recibiendo críticas de los Swifties de todas partes por un tweet que volvió a publicar en sus historias de Instagram el viernes que dice: "Me gustaría que Taylor Swift estuviera enamorada de un científico experto en clima". Olivia no añadió ningún comentario extra, pero el sentimiento es suficientemente claro.

Por supuesto, muchos están tomando los comentarios firmados por Olivia como un ataque directo hacia la relación de Taylor y Travis Kelce, y no cayó nada bien en la base de fans de la cantante.

Una de las mayores críticas, al parecer, radica en el hecho de que la propia Olivia también estuvo recientemente saliendo con una gran estrella del pop, con quien recorrió el mundo en los últimos años, ya sea para promover su película, apoyar sus conciertos o simplemente para estar de vacaciones.

De hecho, Olivia y Harry Styles anduvieron por todas partes juntos, como jet-set de Los Ángeles a Nueva York y Las Vegas y Raleigh, Carolina del Norte, por no hablar de Santa Bárbara. En el extranjero, han sido fotografiados en Italia, Francia y el Reino Unido. En otras palabras, han viajado mucho.

Naturalmente, para ir a la mayoría de esos lugares, si no a todos, hay que tomar aviones, y eso sin duda perjudica al medio ambiente, algo que todos están subrayando en las reacciones a su post.  Ella ha sido una abierta defensora del cambio climático e incluso lanzó una marca de ropa ecológica, por lo que algunos dicen que eso no se ve bien.

Es ciertamente posible que Olivia haya pagado por las compensaciones de carbono, etc. Pero en cualquier caso, su opinión parece haber sido contraproducente, incluso si su corazón estaba en el lugar correcto. Un tiro por la culata.

Olivia Wilde Backlash Over Taylor Climate Post Ya Globetrotted w/ Harry!!!

Olivia Wilde thinks Taylor Swift should spotlight real issues, like environmentalism, instead of football -- but some are noting ... she left a big carbon footprint with Harry Styles.

The director/actress is catching flak from Swifties far and wide over a tweet she reposted on her Instagram Stories Friday -- which reads, "I wish Taylor Swift was in love with a climate scientist." Olivia didn't add any extra commentary -- but the sentiment is clear enough.

Of course, many are taking OW's cosigned remarks as straight-up shade toward Taylor and Travis Kelce's relationship ... and it's not going over well among TS's fan base.

One of the biggest criticisms, it seems, lies in the fact that Olivia herself was also recently dating a major pop star -- with whom she traversed the globe over the past few years ... whether it was to promote their film, support his concerts or simply to vacation.

Indeed, Olivia and HS have gone all over together ... jet-setting from L.A. to NYC and to Vegas and Raleigh, NC -- not to mention hitting up Santa Barbara. Overseas, they were photographed in Italy, France and the UK In other words, quite a bit of traveling.

Naturally, in order to have gone to most, if not all, these locations -- they've had to take planes ... and that undoubtedly hurts the environment, something that's being pointed out in the all the backlash aimed at Olivia. While she's been an outspoken advocate for climate change -- even launching an eco-friendly clothing brand -- some say ... this is a bad look.

It's certainly possible that Olivia pays for carbon offsets, etc. -- but in any case ... her opinion seems to have backfired, even if her heart was in the right place. Swing and a miss.

J. Cole Still Down for NBA YoungBoy Collab ... Don't Trust Everything on IG

J. Cole knows his fans and stans love to stir the pot -- a frustrating social media experience for him -- but contrary to popular belief, he's still down to record with NBA YoungBoy!!!

Cole World made the revelation on his blistering "First Person Shooter" duet off Drake's new album "For All The Dogs" following widespread speculation (by us, too) he lyrically thrashed YB while rapping with Lil Yachty on "The Secret Recipe."

On his verse, Cole scolds fan-fueled rumors but admitted to taking secret joy in seeing his name looped with misinformation -- "N****s so thirsty to put me in beef/Dissecting my words and start lookin' too deep ... I look at the tweets and start suckin' my teeth I'm letting it rock 'cause I love the mystique/I still wanna get me a song with YB/Can't trust everything that you saw on IG" ... evidence he recorded these bars recently.

YoungBoy vented over a miffed Cole feature on his “F**k the Industry Pt. 2" track back in May ... and now it's guaranteed their meet-up will be a pleasant exchange.

Cole went on to give Kendrick Lamar a sports analyst shout-out ... dubbing himself, K Dot and Drake as rap's reigning "Big 3" ... while still proclaiming to be the sole greatest, like Muhammad Ali.

Drake Dardos a RIhanna y Rocky en el nuevo álbum???

¡Drake despreció a una mujer de su pasado en "For All The Dogs" y los fans piensan que esa mujer podría ser su exnovia Rihanna! Al diablo los sentimientos de A$AP Rocky...

El posible desprecio a Rihanna aparece en la apertura de "Fear of Heights", donde Drake rapea, "¿por qué lo hacen sonar como si todavía estuviera enganchado de ti? / Eso nunca podría ser / Gyal (que significa, "mujer de ascendencia jamaicana") no puede arruinarme... es mejor él que yo".

Por si eso no fuera suficiente indicación, Drake grita repetidamente que es "anti", título del último álbum de Rihanna donde incluso él aparece, antes de continuar con la afirmación de que el sexo no era tan bueno como lo describe la canción ... Era promedio. 😱

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Él continúa afirmando que ha estado con mujeres cuya belleza es superior y su nuevo hombre está atascado como Chuck en su situación actual.

Como ustedes saben, Rihanna y Rocky acaba de tener a su segundo hijo, meses después de que ella actuara embarazada en el Super Bowl. No han estado pensando mucho en Drake.

Puede que ahora lo hagan... El nuevo álbum de A$AP, "Don't Be Dumb", saldrá este año.

Drake Shoots at R. Kelly Fans On 'Dogs' ... Still Listening??? Tsk, Tsk

Drake's giving all the lingering R. Kelly fans out there the side-eye on his new album ... by taking a shot that might have 'em rethinking their streaming selections.

On the track "Drew a Picasso," which is planted just past the midway mark of "For All The Dogs," Drake paints the picture of himself in a tit-for-tat argument with his girlfriend.

When she comes down on him for living up the nightlife, he barks back with a shot at the incarcerated R&B star ... "Why you act like just 'cause I go to the strip club, girl, that I don't love you? You still listenin' to R. Kelly in the whip, baby girl, and I don't judge you!!!"

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The shot is particularly interesting considering Drake sampled R. Kelly on his 2021 album "Certified Lover Boy" ... but he's clearly rinsed himself of all things dealing with the former Pied Piper of R&B, and he's advising all the girls who love him to do the same!!!

R. Kelly still generates several million Spotify monthly listens, but his career is stalled indefinitely, if not permanently, as he serves a 30-year sentence for federal sex crimes.

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His music royalties have been garnished to pay restitution to his victims, and he's even had to deal with an unauthorized album leak from prison.

All that being said ... Drizzy's trying to save you, girl!!!

Drake RIhanna & Rocky Jab On New Album???

Drake dissed a particular "gyal" from his past on "For All The Dogs" ... and fans think he's firing at his former flame Rihanna -- A$AP Rocky's feelings be damned!

The possible Rihanna disses pop up at the opening of "Fear of Heights," where Drake raps, "Why they make it sound like I'm still hung up on you?/That could never be/Gyal can't ruin me ... better him than me."

If that wasn't indication enough, Drake repeatedly screams how he's "anti" -- the title of Rihanna's last released album, a project he's even featured on, before going on the claim the sex wasn't so amazing like the song goes ... he remembers it as average. 😱

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He goes on to claim he's been with women whose beauty is superior and her new man is stuck like Chuck in their current situation.

As you know, Rihanna and Rocky just welcomed their 2nd child together in August ... months after performing pregnant at the Super Bowl -- they haven't given Drake much thought.

They just may now ... A$AP's new album "Don't Be Dumb" is due out this year.

Caitlyn Jenner Arrepentida por el comentario de Kris Empezó un drama familiar...

Caitlyn Jenner se arrepiente de los dramas familiares que causó por sus recientes comentarios sobre su relación con Kris Jenner, e incluso pidió disculpas por molestar a los clanes Kardashian y Jenner.

La cosa es más o menos así. Caitlyn estaba haciendo una gira de prensa en Londres por un nuevo documental sobre las Kardashians cuando se le preguntó acerca de su relación con Kris, en donde reveló que ya no hablan más y calificó de "triste" de todo el asunto.

Ningún contacto

Fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn le dicen a TMZ que el comentario causó tensión dentro de la familia y todas están con Kris sobre Caitlyn, incluidas sus hijas Kendall y Kylie.

Como resultado, nos dicen que Caitlyn está muy arrepentida y dispuesta a hacer lo que sea necesario para reparar las tensiones familiares.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Caitlyn estaba promocionando su próxima aparición en el tráiler de "House of Kardashian", una actuación por la que le pagaron, aunque la familia no estaba de acuerdo con su participación en el proyecto. Nuestras fuentes dicen que la intención de Caitlyn era salir en cámara para defender a la familia y hablar bien de ellos.

Caitlyn ha sido excluida del reality show de las Kardashians en Hulu, por lo que podría sentirse libre de tomar sus propias decisiones acerca de los proyectos en los que quiere participar, sin una "orden de mordaza" en contra de ella.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Caitlyn solo dijo la verdad sobre cómo son las cosas con Kris, pero ahora está arrepentida de haberlo hecho público.

Caitlyn Jenner Remorseful for Kris Comment ... Starting Family Drama

Caitlyn Jenner is regretting some family drama she caused over her recent comments about the current state of her relationship with Kris Jenner ... apologizing for upsetting the Kardashian and Jenner clans.

Here's the deal ... Caitlyn was doing a press tour in London for a new documentary on the Kardashians when she was asked about her relationship with Kris, revealing the two don't talk anymore and calling the whole thing "sad."


Sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ the comment caused tension within the whole family, and everyone is siding with Kris over Caitlyn ... including Caitlyn's daughters Kendall and Kylie.

As a result, we're told Caitlyn is extremely remorseful and is willing to do whatever it takes to mend the family divide.

Our sources say Caitlyn was promoting her upcoming appearance in the "House of Kardashian" trailer, a gig she was paid for ... and the family was not on board with her participating in the project. Our sources say Caitlyn's intention was to go on camera to defend the fam and speak highly of them.

Caitlyn has been excluded from the Kardashians reality show on Hulu ... and feels like she should be free to make her own decisions about what she chooses to be a part of ... without a "gag order" against her.

Our sources say Caitlin was just speaking the truth about how things are with Kris, but she's remorseful for putting it out in public.

Kanye West Regretted G.O.O.D. Music 'Wyoming Sessions' ... I'm Carrying These Scrubs!!!

Kanye West wished he would've saved his good beats for himself during his 5-album "Wyoming Sessions" run in 2018 ... as he felt Pusha T, Nas and Teyana Taylor weren't appreciating his greatness!!!

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The regrets -- yes, he's had a few -- are coming out now in leaked footage from a 2018 documentary Ye shot with Milo Yiannopoulos.

Ya might recall, at the time Ye was focused on revamping his G.O.O.D. Music label, and while ensconced at his Wyoming ranch, he delivered a flurry of albums -- an ill-advised decision he ranted about to his then-manager Scooter Braun.

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Ye criticized himself for blessing Teyana with her biggest song "Gonna Love Me" and giving Pusha T beats on his "Daytona" album that he failed to elevate ... comparing the production to 3 times the amount of his landmark album, "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy."

Nas finished his Def Jam contract by collaborating with Ye for his "NASIR" album, but Ye even dissed him for rapping off-beat on the track "Cops Shot the Kid" -- and then being wishy-washy for the music video rollout!!!

Ye called out all 3 artists for, in his humble opinion, simply riding his wave. As he put it, "These muthaf***as don't appreciate me. These muthaf***as are trying to use me. I'm the greatest muthaf***ing artist living, and I can do everything."

Kanye was adamant he was the 🐐 artist and needed his own festival after being disappointed performing for others.

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He knew his words would sting and warned Scooter he refused to end up like XXXTENTACION, who was shot and killed around that time.

Cardi B was also dissed in the unreleased doc but she's since forgiven Ye. No word if his former G.O.O.D. Music artists will do the same!!

Travis Kelce's Ex Kayla Nicole Not Following Brittany Mahomes ... Amid Taylor Swift Friendship

Brittany Mahomes hitting it off with Taylor Swift has seemingly rubbed Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend the wrong way -- Kayla Nicole no longer follows her bestie on Instagram amid the tight end's budding relationship with the singer.

Patrick Mahomes' wife has been spending a lot of time with T-Swift over the past two weeks -- as we previously reported, the two initially connected at Kelce's party after the Chiefs' win over the Bears last week ... and grabbed dinner with Blake Lively and Sophie Turner in NYC days later.

Brittany and Taylor appeared to be thick as thieves as they enjoyed the Chiefs' close win over the Jets from a VIP suite alongside Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and more Sunday night ... a clear indication that Mahomes approves of Kelce's new love interest.

Kayla -- who remained tight with Brittany long after her relationship with Travis ended in 2022 -- apparently doesn't like the idea of her friend cozying up with Swift ... 'cause the model and influencer recently unfollowed Mahomes on social media.

Of course, Kayla was super close with the Mahomeses for years -- she was even a bridesmaid for their wedding in March 2022.

Now, she's no longer keeping tabs on both Brittany AND Patrick on the platform ... and previous posts have been "un-liked" by Kayla's account.

It's unclear if it's a direct result of the potential "girl code" violation, but it sure seems like that's what caused it.

Hailey Bieber & Selena Gomez Did Not Break Bread in Paris ... After Vid Drove Fans Crazy

Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez were spotted leaving the same restaurant in France, sending fans into a tizzy ... but those expecting an awkward lunch date should think again, 'cause it didn't happen.

A source close to the situation tells TMZ ... neither of them knew the other was at L'Avenue in Paris earlier this week, and no one ever made them aware of it while they were dining, either.

We're told Hailey and Selena were also seated on different floors during their meals -- so there certainly wasn't any interaction going on between them.


The viral video showed them entering and leaving the Parisian hotspot while they were there for Fashion Week. The potential meeting of Justin Bieber's wife and ex-girlfriend prompted one fan to ask, "What does this mean?" ... while another simply commented, "WOAH."

Folks also noticed they were at the same after-party this week ... but our sources say they haven't bumped into each other at all. It's a big city.

As we reported, a feud went down earlier this year between Selena's fans and Hailey's ... after people thought HB was throwing shade at SG online.

Selena attempted to put an end to the bashing ... saying Hailey reached out to her and "let me know that she has been receiving death threats and such hateful negativity" in response to the speculation -- asking people to cut out the bullying.

Hailey chimed in, saying she had a hard few weeks in the midst of the backlash ... adding, "Things can always be taken out of context."

Alas, there was no peace summit over baguettes in Paris.

Hailey Bieber, Selena Gomez No comieron juntas mientras estaban en París... Después de que video volviera loco a los fans

Hailey Bieber y Selena Gomez fueron vistas saliendo del mismo restaurante en Francia, lo que puso a los fans como locos, pero aquellos que esperaban un incómodo almuerzo entre ambas deberían pensarlo dos veces porque eso nunca pasó.

Una fuente cercana a la situación le dice a TMZ, que las celebridades no tenían idea de que la otra iba a estar en L'Avenue en París a principios de esta semana, y tampoco fueron conscientes de ello mientras estaban en el edificio.

Nos dicen que Hailey y Selena también estaban en diferentes pisos mientras cenaban, por lo que ciertamente no había ninguna interacción pasando entre ellas.

¿mejores amigas?

El video viral las mostró entrando y saliendo del lugar francés mientras estaban en la ciudad para la Semana de la Moda de París. El potencial encuentro entre la esposa y exnovia de Justin Bieber, le hizo preguntarse a un fan, "¿qué significa esto?", mientras que otro simplemente replicó, "WOAH".

La gente también se dio cuenta de que estaban en el mismo after-party esta semana, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que no se toparon para nada. Es una ciudad grande.

Como hemos informado, se suscitó una pelea a principios de este año entre los fans de Selena y Hailey, luego que la gente pensara que Hailey estaba queriendo opacar a Selena.

Selena trató de poner fin a la paliza diciendo que Hailey se contactó con ella y "me hizo saber que ha estado recibiendo amenazas de muerte y tal negatividad odiosa" en respuesta a la especulación, y le pidió a la gente que dejara de intimidarla.

Hailey intervino, diciendo que tuvo unas semanas difíciles en medio de la reacción violenta, añadiendo: "Las cosas siempre se pueden tomar fuera de contexto".

Desgraciadamente, no hubo una cumbre de paz entre ricos baguettes en París.

Britney Spears Fans Drag Jamie Lynn's 'DWTS' Debut ... Partner Catching Flak Too

Britney Spears' feud with her sister Jamie Lynn is spilling into the "Dancing With the Stars" ballroom because Brit's fans are campaigning hard to take down JL ... and her dance partner is caught in the crossfire.

It's a total war zone on social media for Jamie Lynn and her pro dance partner, Alan Bersten, whose only offense is getting paired with the "Zoey 101" star.

Jamie Lynn made her first appearance on 'DWTS' Tuesday, and she's getting horrible reviews ... at least from Britney's legion of fans.

Folks are calling for Jamie Lynn to be voted out ASAP, ripping her for having "no class" and accusing her of abusing Britney and throwing her sister under the bus.

One user even says JL "looks like Ted Cruz with blonde hair." Ouch.

As for Alan ... Britney's fans say he has no shot at winning because he's chained to Jamie Lynn, and some are hoping he purposely drops her mid-dance. Oof!

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Britney supporters are also wondering why 'DWTS' would even cast Jamie Lynn in the first place ... naturally, they would rather see Britney showing off her dance moves.

Of course, 'DWTS' producers would love to see Britney show up to support her sis, but, as it stands, there's a better chance of a snowball fight breaking out in hell.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Plus ... after dancing with knives, Britney has much bigger issues to deal with right now.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Britney Spears Sus fans destrozan el debut de Jamie Lynn en 'DWTS' ... Y a su compañero de baile

La disputa de Britney Spears con su hermana Jamie Lynn se está extendiendo a la sala de baile de "Dancing With the Stars" porque los fans de Brit están haciendo una dura campaña para derribar a JL... y su pareja de baile está en medio del fuego cruzado.

Es una zona de guerra total en las redes sociales para Jamie Lynn y su pareja de baile Alan Bersten, cuyo único delito es estar emparejado con la estrella de "Zoey 101".

Jamie Lynn hizo su primera aparición en 'DWTS' el martes y ya está recibiendo críticas horribles, al menos de la legión de fans de Britney.

La gente está pidiendo que Jamie Lynn sea expulsada lo antes posible, criticándola por no tener "clase" y acusándola de abusar de Britney y criticarla mientras está tan vulnerable.

Un usuario incluso dice que JL "parece Ted Cruz con el pelo rubio". Ouch.

En cuanto a Alan, los fans de Britney dicen que no tiene ninguna posibilidad de ganar porque está encadenado a Jamie Lynn y algunos están esperando que la deje caer a propósito en la mitad del baile. ¡Uf!

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Comenzando con una nota alta

Los seguidores de Britney también se preguntan por qué 'DWTS' elegiría a Jamie Lynn en primer lugar, naturalmente, prefieren ver a Britney mostrando sus movimientos de baile.

Por supuesto, a los productores de 'DWTS' les encantaría que Britney se apareciera para apoyar a su hermana, pero tal y como están las cosas, hay más posibilidades de que se desate una pelea como una bola de nieve hasta el infierno.

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Extraño baile con cuchillos
Instagram / @britneyspears

Además, después de bailar con cuchillos, Britney tiene asuntos mucho más importantes con los que lidiar en este momento.

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