Nicki Minaj's Husband Kenneth Petty Put On House Arrest ... After Threatening Offset

Nicki Minaj's husband is back in prison ... sort of.

Kenneth Petty was put on home detention for up to 120 days -- and all because he threatened Offset on social media.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Petty violated his federal probation by "making threatening remarks while in the company of someone with a criminal record."


A judge ordered Petty to be placed on house arrest for as long as 4 months to keep a close eye on his activities. As part of being monitored, Petty might have to be fitted with an electronic GPS ankle bracelet, although that hasn't been determined yet.

Petty's new troubles began last week when he posted an Instagram video, featuring himself and two buddies sounding off on Cardi B's husband. The trio was standing across the street from an NYC hotel where Offset was supposedly staying -- and they were all acting pretty menacing.


In response, Offset later posted his own video on social media, showing himself chuckling on the tarmac outside his private jet -- which was nowhere near the hotel.

Clearly, the feds didn't find it funny ... because they wasted no time putting a stop to it -- and Petty!!

Over the years, Petty has been convicted of attempted rape and attempted murder and has served two stints in prison. In 2022, he was sentenced to 3 years probation after he failed to register as a sex offender in California.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Caitlyn Jenner Didn't Mean to Shade Kim K ... 'Calculated' Comment Not What It Seems

Caitlyn Jenner wasn't trying to fire shots at Kim Kardashian when she said the mogul "calculated" her way to fame -- in fact, her comments were part of a bigger convo, where she spoke proudly of Kim.

Here's the deal, Caitlyn's featured in the trailer for the upcoming docuseries, "House of Kardashian," which dives deep into the family's rise to fame. In the first look, which came out last week, Caitlyn says, "Kimberly calculated from the beginning, 'How do I become famous?'"

While it seemed like a dig, sources close to Caitlyn tell TMZ ... her use of the word "calculated" wasn't the best choice, but it's already been relayed to Kim she didn't mean it as a diss.

We're told the explanation given to Kim, after the trailer dropped, was that Cait's words were edited to come off more controversial than they actually were... it's a promo, after all.

One source added, Caitlyn's proud of Kim, and thinks what was shown in the 40-second clip isn't reflective of her actual intentions when she sat down to discuss her ex-wife and children.

Caitlyn was only a contributor on the Sky-produced series, so she has no creative control over what makes it into the final edit from her interview ... but we're told she agreed to talk with producers, intending to be a positive voice to defend her family's legacy.

BTW, we're told Cait and Kim are on good terms after the dust settled. If anyone understands the power of editing it's the Kardashians, so ... no harm, no foul.

Caitlyn Jenner No quise criticar a Kim K.... Lo de "calculado" no es lo que parece

Caitlyn Jenner no estaba tratando de disparar contra Kim Kardashian cuando dijo que la magnate "calculó" su camino a la fama. De hecho, sus comentarios fueron parte de una conversación más grande, donde habló con orgullo de Kim.

Caitlyn aparece en el trailer de la próxima docuserie, "House of Kardashian", que se sumerge en el ascenso a la fama de la familia. En el adelanto que salió a la luz la semana pasada, Caitlyn aparece diciendo: "Kimberly calculó desde el principio: "¿Cómo me hago famosa?"".

Aunque parecía una indirecta, fuentes cercanas a Caitlyn dicen a TMZ el uso de la palabra "calculado" no fue la mejor opción, pero ya le transmitió a Kim que no quiso criticarla.

Nos dicen que la explicación que le dio a Kim, después de que el trailer fue liberado, es que sus palabras fueron editados para que sonaran más controvertidas de lo que realmente eran. Se trata de una promoción, después de todo.

Una fuente añadió, que Caitlyn está orgullosa de Kim y piensa que el clip de 40 segundos no refleja realmente lo que quiso decir cuando se sentó a hablar de su ex esposa e hijos.

Caitlyn solo fue una colaboradora en la serie producida por Sky, por lo que no tiene control creativo sobre la edición final de su entrevista, pero nos dicen que accedió a hablar con los productores, con la intención de ser una voz positiva para defender el legado de su familia.

Por cierto, nos han contado que Cait y Kim están en buenos términos después de que las cosas decantaran. Si alguien entiende el poder de la edición son las Kardashian, así que... no hay mal que por bien no venga.

Tinashe Haría las paces con Chris Brown ... Pero hasta entonces con el foco en el futuro!!!

Enfocada en el futuro

¡¡¡Chris Brown arrastró a Tinashe por el suelo esta semana!!! Pero la cantante de "BB/Ang3l" ni se inmuta y dice que el incidente ya es agua bajo el puente...

TMZ Hip Hop se encontró con Tinashe el miércoles en Hollywood, y no parecía muy afectada por Chris, su ex colaborador, quien criticó abiertamente su discografía en respuesta a una de sus últimas entrevistas.

En caso de que no lo sepan, Tinashe dice que no tiene recuerdos positivos de su trabajo con Chris o R. Kelly, pero que el problema particular con Chris fue la pista que el sello eligió para grabar.

Tinashe no cree que Chris haya visto el clip completo, y piensa que simplemente se dejó llevar por el "click fácil" en redes sociales. Él respondió de vuelta pidiendo al público que nombrase 5 canciones de Tinashe o iban a morir ... y, claro ya tenía el cementerio listo.

Tinashe dijo que estaría abierta a tener una conversación con Chris en un esfuerzo por aclarar las cosas, pero también sugirió que no está en su lista de prioridades.

Por otro lado, está emocionada por sus próximos shows donde promete incorporar nuevas rutinas de baile para los fans.

"Player", la canción que grabó con Chris en su momento, ni siquiera está en su lista de canciones por estos días, ¡¡¡tiene un nuevo EP de material que interpretar!!!

Tinashe I'd Mend Fences with Chris Brown ... Forward Focus Until Then!!!


Chris Brown gave Tinashe the dragging of a lifetime this week but the "BB/Ang3l" singer's not tripping -- she's calling the incident water under a bridge she's already driving across!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Tinashe Wednesday in Hollywood, and she didn't seem too pressed about Chris -- her former collaborator -- openly bashing her discography in response to one of her latest interviews.

ICYMI, Tinashe didn't recall having positive memories working with either Chris or R. Kelly -- but said the issue with Chris was the track the label chose for them to record.

Tinashe tells us she doesn't think Chris watched the full clip, and merely got sucked into social media clickbait. He fired back by asking the public to name 5 Tinashe songs to save their life ... and already had the graveyard mapped out.

Tinashe said she'd be open to having a conversation with Chris in an effort to clear things up, but also suggested it's low on her priority list.

On the other hand, she is excited about her upcoming shows where she promises to incorporate new dance routines for fans.

"Player," the song she recorded with Chris back in the day isn't even on her setlist these days -- she's got a new EP worth of material to perform!!!

Angelica Ross Emma Roberts Called Me Up ... Apologized After Alleged 'AHS' Transphobic Remarks


12:51 PM PT -- Angelica Ross says Emma Roberts contacted her after being called transphobic ... apologizing for what went down.


The actress jumped back on social media Wednesday with a follow-up ... thanking Emma for hitting her up and "recognizing your behavior was not that of an ally." She added, "I will leave the line open to follow up on your desire to do better and support social justice causes with your platform."

Emma Roberts was transphobic to Angelica Ross on the set of 'American Horror Story' ... so claims Angelica herself, who's spilling even more alleged tea about her onetime costar.


The actress -- who's a trans woman -- hopped on social media Tuesday to make the allegation ... detailing what she says happened while they were filming 'AHS: 1984' back in 2018 when she was cast opposite ER ... who was the lead that season.

Angelica says Emma misgendered her during an interaction with yet another costar, John Carroll Lynch, who told the "ladies" (meaning Angelica and Emma) to play nice between takes ... this after Emma playfully complained AR was being mean.


Here's what Angelica claims Emma said right after that ... "Don't you mean 'lady.'" Apparently, she partially cloaked her face and walked away -- leaving Angelica stunned.

After, Angelica says she never spoke another word to Emma when cameras weren't rolling ... but as far as why she didn't report it -- AR explains she felt she'd be retaliated against, claiming someone else on set who'd spoken up had been punished.

Lastly ... Angelica alleges Emma was a major terror in general, pissing off the other actors and throwing her weight around in an insufferable way.

We reached out to Emma's rep ... so far, no word back.

Kevin Costner Su divorcio fue una montaña rusa Con un final muy abrupto!!!

Kevin Costner y su próximamente ex esposa, Christine Baumgautner, parecían destinados a pelear por su divorcio durante meses. Pero todo llegó a su fin el martes.... lo que hace aún más interesante, y sorprendente, mirar para atrás y ver cómo fue que llegaron aquí.

Empezando el camino desde el principio, tenemos que remontarnos a mayo, cuando Christine presentó por primera vez los papeles para poner fin a su matrimonio. La ruptura tenía todos los indicios de ser fea, empezando por el hecho de que su decisión de divorciarse de Kevin salió aparentemente de la nada ... y que lo sorprendió por completo.

Lo que siguió en los futuros cinco meses, puede calificarse como uno de los divorcios de celebridades más desagradables en la memoria reciente. Esto, a pesar del hecho de que había un acuerdo prenupcial firmando de antemano.

Desde el principio, Christine había indicado que pretendía impugnar la validez del acuerdo prenupcial, partiendo por el hecho de que puso resistencias incluso para salir de su casa, algo que era un requisito predeterminado si se divorciaban alguna vez.

Después de un montón de idas y venidas por ambos lados, Christine finalmente reculó y se fue al carajo, pero esperó a que casi se cumpliera la fecha límite a finales de julio para hacerlo. Tienen que tener en cuenta que Kevin le había dado más de un millón de dólares para conseguir su propio lugar, según lo que él ha dicho.

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Yéndose de la casa

Además del drama de la vivienda, se añadió todo el desagradable asunto de la manutención de los hijos, que había sido impugnada por Christine desde el principio. Recordemos que en un comienzo, ella le pidió a un juez que le exigiera pagar a Kevin la suculenta suma de 248.000 dólares al mes para mantener a sus tres hijos adolescentes.

Kevin, por supuesto, se burló de eso e insistió en que el número realista probablemente estaba más cercano a los $63k al mes. Y aunque por poco tuvo que soltar $129k mensuales... finalmente un juez se puso de su lado en el asunto, y dictaminó que $63k era en realidad un monto adecuado para mantener a los niños.

En medio de todo este lío y las desaveniencias de dinero, los Costners se fueron de vacaciones -dos veces, en realidad- y sus hijos pudieron disfrutar de sus respectivos viajes con papá y mamá. Christine los llevó a Hawái durante una semana, mientras que Kevin voló a Aspen para compartir de un viaje rápido.

En agosto, volvieron a la mesa de los abogados, para acalarar si Christine "entendía" o no el acuerdo prenupcial que firmó hace mucho tiempo, algo que ella y sus abogados argumentaron que podría no haber sido totalmente claro para ella.

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Otro día en el tribunal

Kevin y Christine se presentaron vestidos de punta en blanco para la ocasión, y lo hicieron nuevamente ante un tribunal oficial para discutir detenidamente algunos puntos adicionales. Ambos se subieron al estrado para aclarar una serie de cosas, incluyendo los asuntos de dinero, losrumores de nuevas parejas y más.

Al final, un juez se puso del lado de Kevin en esto también y dijo que el acuerdo prenupcial era claro, y ordenaba a Christine a pagar un poco más de $14k para litigar este detalle minúsculo. Christine, a continuación, se volvió y dijo que no estaba siendo quisquillosa, sino que preventivamente estaba pidiendo más dinero a Kevin para cubrir los honorarios anticipados de sus abogados (más de $ 885k), sobre la manutención conyugal.

Esta fue la última ofensiva hace apenas unos días atrás, y no parecía haber un final cercano hasta que en un movimiento sorpresa, Christine y Kevin decidieron bajar sus armas.

Como informamos, ambos llegaron a un acuerdo, cuyos términos se mantienen en privado por ahora. Si parecía que Christine estaba dando tumbo tras tumbo en la corte, hoy podría haberse anotado una pequeña victoria después de todo. De acuerdo a nuestras fuentes, se fue con más dinero de lo que se le debía en virtud de los términos originales de su acuerdo prenupcial. Y así es como termina todo...

Este episodio será recordado por largo tiempo ... y sin duda vale la pena sumergirse en sus altos y bajos para apreciar el cuadro completo. ¿Alguien dijo montaña rusa?

Kevin Costner Divorce Was a Roller Coaster ... With Very Abrupt Ending!!!

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner seemed destined to fight out their divorce for months to come in court -- but now that anger-fueled ride's come to a screeching halt with their settlement ... which makes this look-back at how they got here all the more eye-popping.

Going all the way back to early May -- when CB first filed to end their marriage -- this uncoupling had all the markings of being ugly, starting with the fact her decision to divorce Kevin completely blindsided him.

What proceeded over the next 5 months amounted to one of the nastiest celeb divorces in recent memory ... despite the fact they had a prenup in place.

Pretty much from the jump, Christine indicated she had plans to challenge the validity of the prenup -- starting with the fact she put up a fight about moving out of their house ... even though the prenup required her to get out if she were to divorce him.

After A LOT of back and forth in court and a judge's ruling ... Christine did move out by the court-ordered deadline in late July. Keep in mind, Kevin said he'd already given her over a million bucks to get her own pad.

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In addition to the housing drama ... there was the acrimonious issue of child support, which had been challenged by Christine since the beginning. At first, she'd asked a judge to make Kevin pay a whopping $248,000/month to support their 3 teenage kids.

Kevin, of course, scoffed at that ... insisting the realistic number was probably closer to $63k/mo. -- and while he had to cough up $129k/mo as an interim amount, the judge ultimately sided with him on this matter, ruling the $63k was enough to sustain the children.

Amid all this mudslinging and money talk, the Costners went on vacation -- 2 different ones, actually ... and their kiddos got to enjoy respective trips with Mom and Dad. Christine took them to Hawaii for a week, and then KC flew them out to Aspen for some QT.

Come August, it was back to the lawyers' table ... with both Kevin and Christine sitting for a deposition to settle the issue of whether Christine "understood" the prenup she signed way back before their 2004 wedding ... something she and her lawyers argued might not have been totally clear to her.

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Kevin and Christine showed up dressed to the nines for that depo ... and then testified all over again in court to hash out more points, including money, rumored partners and more.

In the end, a judge sided with Kevin on this as well -- saying the prenup was clear, and ordered Christine to pay a little more than $14k to cover Kevin's attorney fees for litigating this minute detail.

Christine then signaled she wasn't done nitpicking ... asking for more cash from Kevin to cover her attorney fees, which she estimated at $885k.

That was the latest barb just a few days ago ... and there appeared to be no end in sight. Then, just this week, Christine and Kevin buried the hatchet in a surprise move.

As we reported ... they settled, the terms of which are being kept private for now. While Christine seemed to be taking L after L in court, it sounds like she might've clocked a small win in the end -- as our sources tell us she walked away with more dough than what she was due under the original terms of their prenup.

And so, that's that. This was one for the ages, and certainly worth diving into to see all the highs and lows. Talk about a roller coaster, huh?

Blueface Puts Chrisean & Son in New Vid ... Disses Lil Baby Too, Jaidyn's Pissed!!!

Blueface's bringing all the drama in his life back to his music ... returning shots at Lil Baby, and pissing off one baby mama by cozying up to another -- basically, all the markers of a potential hit!!!

On the Cali rapper's new joint, the appropriately titled "Baby Momma Drama," Blueface rips Lil Baby with disrespectful bars for always being so chummy with Michael Rubin ...  "Lil Baby thought he knew me/How you let another grown man feel up on your booty?/Couldn’t be me, boy, I am not a hoochie/You n****s really industry/I am really in the streets."

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Blue also addressed the recent attack on his life after refusing to talk to cops ... "Socked a n**** last week and he stabbed me" -- proving rappers save the gory details to boost the credibility of their lyrics!!!

Back to Lil Baby, he and Blue exchanged unpleasantries earlier in the year after Baby seemingly tried to swoop Chrisean Rock on the low, and apparently, their beef isn't cooked yet.

Chrisean and their newborn son Chrisean Jr. are featured throughout the Moti & Midas-directed clip ... putting a lid on their pre-birth blowout from a few weeks ago.

The family bonding was the perfect recipe to piss off Blue's other baby mama Jaidyn Alexis, who claims she ripped up her "Milf Music" recording contract after seeing Chrisean sign hers ... a moment captured in the music video.

Fans think Jaidyn's capping -- she's been a rapping homemaker all summer.

Just another day in the life of Blue's modern family!!!

Halle Berry Drake Reached Out To Me For Slime Pic ... But I Told Him No!!!

Halle Berry is still firin' shots at Drake after using a pic of her covered in slime for his new song ... clarifying that he did reach out for her permission, and she said no way.

Folks have been chiming in all weekend about the cover art for Drake's new track, "Slime You Out," featuring SZA ... one fan asked why Halle's so pressed about a photo that's owned by Getty Images.

She had an answer --"Cuz he asked me and I said NO that’s why." She added, "Why ask if you intend to do what you want to do ! That was the f*** you to me. Not cool You get it?"

Halle went online shortly after Drizzy dropped the single Friday, cryptically shading him.

She said Drake didn't get her permission to use the photo of her from the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards -- "When people you admire disappoint you you have to be the bigger person and move on!"

Drake still hasn't responded, but he also went the cryptic route Sunday, sharing a snap of him at the cards table with a shirt that says, "What the hell is going on?"

Is Halle Berry overreacting by being mad about Drake using her photo for his new track's cover art? Vote below.

Chris Brown Blasts Tinashe After Interview Name 5 of Her Songs!!!

Tinashe says she regrets her collaboration with Chris Brown -- something he heard loud and clear, and which he didn't kindly to ... trashing her by suggesting she's not big time.

The singer was on a podcast earlier this week and at one point, she was asked about her R. Kelly and CB joints in 2015 ... which made Tinashe cringe, not to mention explain. She actually laughs out loud in distancing herself, saying she didn't want to work with them.

For the R. Kelly team-up -- 'Let's Be Real Now' -- she says she blocks that memory out of her mind. Tinashe also says it was strictly a label decision ... and says the same thing applied for her Chris collab. From her POV, having him on the song didn't make sense.

Of course, most media outlets ran headlines pointing out Tinashe seemingly bashing Chris -- even though she really didn't go all that hard on him -- and Chris caught wind of it.

He responded to an IG post that captured a headline which read, "Tinashe Regrets 2015 Collaborations with R. Kelly & Chris Brown: 'That Is So Embarrassing.'" In the comments, Chris wrote, "NAME 5 TINASHE songs or die ... EVERYBODY DEAD."

After Chris's burn, the Internet has reacted a couple different ways -- naturally, many people are slamming Chris for trying to diminish Tinashe's career ... and some are even saying they couldn't name 5 Chris Brown songs with a gun to their head. Twitter's calling cap, though.

Fact is, Chris has far more recognizable of a catalog than Tinashe does ... and a more decorated music career in general. Others are also saying the song they did -- that Tinashe now regrets -- is actually a bop ... going on to speculate that she's only saying this because it's fashionable these days to stiff-arm CB over his controversial personal history.

Joyner Lucas put it quite well in a video ... saying he'd defend Chris to the death, and that he wouldn't accept any slander of him. Per usual, everyone's divided on the issue.

As for Tinashe ... she's moving on. On Sunday, she appeared to respond to all the hubbub, taking to Twitter and writing ... "Anyways ... stream NEEDS." It's her new single, and that's clearly what she wants to focus on -- as opposed to ancient history.

Still, it is interesting that Chris continues to be as polarizing as he is. Anytime somebody works with him these days -- or even reflects on working with him -- it creates a buzz.

Just goes to show ... people don't forget. They also don't forgive, it seems.

Halle Berry Denuncia a Drake por usar su foto En el nuevo single con SZA

El nuevo single de Drake con SZA está causando furor entre sus fans, pero una persona no está feliz con el hit, y esa sería Halle Berry ... cuya imagen se utiliza para promover la canción.

La actriz publicó un post críptico en su cuenta de Instagram acerca de ser la persona más grande (o adulta) en ciertas situaciones. Esto, poco después de que Drizzy lanzara su nueva canción, "Slime You Out", que acaba de lanzar el viernes. En los comentarios de ese mismo post, sin embargo, Halle lo ataca de frente.

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Alguien le preguntó qué opinaba de que Drake utilizara una foto suya de los Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards de 2012, en donde se hizo famosa por ser manchada de baba mientras estaba sentada en su asiento. Se trata de un primer plano de Halle con todo el exudado verde sobre ella, y Drake lo está utilizando en las redes sociales como imagen de portada. En la subida oficial del audio, hay arte alternativo.

De cualquier modo, Halle Berry no está contenta. La actruz respondió, que esta "no tiene su permiso", que "eso no está bien, y ¡tenía una mejor opinión de él!". Y en respuesta a otro fan añade: "de ahí mi post de hoy. Cuando la gente a la que admiras te decepciona tienes que actuar de mejor manera y pasar página".

Halle hizo otros comentarios en respuesta a su post, incluyendo uno en el que dice que todo se trata de los principios, lo que podría aludir al hecho de que probablemente ella ni siquiera posee los derechos de la imagen en cuestión.

Y, por supuesto ... también está la naturaleza gráfica de la canción en sí, que alude a actos sexuales -y que algunos se han ofendido en nombre de Halle. Ella también lo cuestiona, y le respondió a un fan que preguntaba sobre la palabra slime: "¡Exactamente! ¿Qué significa eso?".

No está claro si Drake posee esta foto de Halle, de manera limpia o no, pero es interesante que ella le esté llamando la atención sobre el asunto. Recientemente se vio envuelto en otro escándalo de portada, con nada más ni nada menos que Vogue, y que al parecer le costó un poco de dinero en efectivo después de que lo demandaron.

No parece que Halle vaya a seguir ese camino, pero sí es seguro que no lo aprueba en absoluto.

Halle Berry Slams Drake for Using Slime Pic ... On New Single w/ SZA

Drake's new single with SZA is all the rage among his fans, but one person isn't happy about it -- and that would be Halle Berry ... whose image he used to promote the song.

The actress took to IG with a somewhat cryptic post about being the bigger person in certain situations -- this shortly after Drizzy released his new track, "Slime You Out," which just dropped Friday. In the comments of that same post, though, Halle bashes him head-on.

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Somebody asked what she thought of Drake using the photo of her from the 2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards -- where she famously got slimed while sitting in her seat. There's a close-up shot of Halle with all the green ooze on her, and Drake is using that on social media as a cover image. On the official audio upload, there's alternative art.

Anyway, HB isn't pleased. She responded, writing, "didn't get my permission. That's not cool I thought better of him!" She adds in response to another fan, "hence my post today. When people you admire disappoint you you have to be the bigger person and move on!"

There are other comments she made in response to people on her post, including one where she says it's about the principle of the matter -- which might allude to the fact she likely doesn't even own the rights to the picture in question.

And, of course ... there's also the graphic nature of the song itself, which alludes to sex acts -- and which some have taken offense to on behalf of Halle. She, too, questions this ... writing to one fan who commented on what slime refers to, "exactly! What does that mean?"

It's unclear if Drake got this picture of Halle cleared or not, but it's interesting that she's calling him out on it. He was recently caught up in yet another cover art scandal -- with Vogue, no less -- and that one reportedly cost him a bit of cash after they sued.

Doesn't sound like Halle's going that route, but she certainly doesn't approve.

Offset Laughs Off Nicki's Hubby's Threat ... Y'all Outside, I'm ✈ Private

you guys are funny!

Nicki Minaj's husband and some goons were apparently waiting to see Offset outside somewhere on the streets of New York this week -- but the man himself was up in air.

A pal of Kenneth Petty went live on IG Friday night -- which, of course, was captured and reposted by the general public. In the lengthy clips, you can see him, KP and another man all standing on a sidewalk across the street from some building ... calling out Offset.

come out to play, offset!

Seems they thought he'd be leaving this place and planned on confronting him -- evidenced in their ominous remarks in the videos. Kenneth, especially, looks ready for smoke.

Unclear exactly what this is all about -- but some have speculated it might pertain to the VMAs, where Nicki and Cardi both performed ... and where they may have even crossed paths. As we all know -- they have an ugly, violent history between them

Unfortunately for Ken and co. ... Offset never showed, and the reason for that is because he's had a busy past 24 hours. On Friday, he was noticeably live streaming with a famous YouTuber out in Atlanta -- and come Saturday morning, homeboy was in Colorado meeting HC Deion Sanders and raging with all the college kids ahead of the big game.

Offset hopped on social media upon touching down this AM, and he was kinda taunting the fellas who were curbside looking for trouble. Sounds like he finds the whole thing hilarious.

As he says in not so many words ... I'm on a freakin' jet, man. And I'm rich!

Jay Rock Kendrick & I Are Still Bros!!! No Clue About Black Hippy Tracks, Though 🤷🏾‍♂️


Jay Rock and Kendrick Lamar both helped make Top Dawg Entertainment into the powerhouse rap label it is today, and Jay says that bond can never be broken!!!

We caught up with him Wednesday at Dash Radio outside the "Dub C & CJ Mack Show" ... and he deaded any fan notions he and Kendrick fell out following his defection from the label last year.

Jay, Kendrick, ScHoolboy Q and Ab-Soul once touted a TDE in-house supergroup named Black Hippy, and were supposed to drop a super album -- but Jay tells us everyone got too engulfed in their own solo missions to complete the group project.

He's right about that solo work ... Jay-Z praised Ab for his album back in December while Q is currently working on his next album.

Like Kendrick, Jay Rock took an extended hiatus after releasing his last studio album back in 2018, where he and Kendrick won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Performance along with Future and James Blake.

He tied the Grammy win with Anderson .Paak, who stars on Rock's new "Pull Over" single with Latto.

Don't hold your breath on Black Hippy songs, but Jay's "Eastside" album is coming at the end of the year.

Giannis Antetokounmpo Defends Noah Lyles NBA Players Aren't 'World Champs!!!'

48 Minutes/Bleav

Milwaukee Bucks superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo says Noah Lyles was spitting facts when he claimed NBA guys aren't "world champions" after winning the Finals ... admitting he feels the track star's comments were spot-on.

The U.S. sprinter faced a ton of criticism over his take ... with guys like Devin Booker, Draymond Green and more calling out Lyles and dragging him as a result of the quotes.

But, there's at least one guy in Lyles' corner ... 'cause Giannis revealed on the "48 Minutes" podcast he felt compelled to defend the track star.

"I wanted to back him up so bad," the 28-year-old said on Tuesday.


"He received so much backlash for saying, like, the obvious, but some people don’t understand it. I don't know, maybe it's like an arrogance thing."

Giannis -- who's from Greece and played for his country before joining the Bucks in 2013 -- made his case by using soccer as an example.

"I don't think in any other sport you are called the world champions," Giannis said. "Like in soccer, which is way bigger than the NBA, more popular than the NBA, when the Champions League, the UEFA Champions League champions ... they don't say [they're] world champion."

"When they win the World Cup, they play against the USA team, they play against the teams around the world, countries around the world, then they say world champs."

Giannis -- who won an NBA Finals in 2021 -- understands the NBA is the best league in the world, but since it's only based out of the U.S. and Canada, it's really not representative of the entire planet.

"At the end of the day, for you to be a world champ, you have to beat the world," Antetokounmpo said.

090723-noah-lyles-kal September 2023

Even though Giannis is clearly one of the few that has Lyles' back, the sprinter told us he's not taking back what he said to make the players, or Drake, feel better.

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