TikTok star Kyle Marisa Roth -- famous for dishing on controversial Hollywood blind items and showbiz gossip -- has suddenly died ... something her family confirmed this week.

Kyle's sister Lindsay Roth broke the news Monday on her IG -- saying her sibling had died sometime last week ... adding a cause of death is not yet known, and that the family is still trying to process this loss.

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Lindsay writes, "I know she touched so many people with her humor, intelligence, beauty, gossip activism, athleticism and more -- she had so many gifts."

O.J. Simpson Tenía menos que millones, pero los Goldman recibirán su pago ... Dice el albacea

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Nuevo sombrero, nuevas obligaciones

El patrimonio de O.J. Simpson no está repleto de dinero como se podría esperar, ni es suficiente para satisfacer su deuda con la familia de Ron Goldman, o al menos eso afirma su albacea.

El abogado de Simpson, Malcolm LaVergne, habló con "TMZ Live" el martes sobre las finanzas de O.J. tras su muerte la semana pasada. Según Malcolm, O.J. murió con menos de 5 cifras en su cuenta bancaria de Nevada, y en general, tenía menos que millones a su nombre.

En sus últimos días, O.J. estaba recibiendo la cantidad máxima de la seguridad social, así como las pensiones por su tiempo como estrella de la NFL y como actor. Malcolm afirma que esos pagos totalizaron menos de los $ 400K por año que se han informado.

O.J. Simpson Had Less Than Millions, But Goldmans Will Get Paid ... So Says Executor

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O.J. Simpson's estate is NOT flush with the kinda cash you'd expect -- nor is it enough to satisfy his debt to Ron Goldman's family ... at least that's what his executor is claiming.

We got Simpson's longtime attorney Malcolm LaVergne Tuesday on "TMZ Live," and he opened up about O.J.'s finances following his death last week. As Malcolm put it, O.J. died with less than 5-figures in one Nevada bank account, and overall ... had less than millions to his name.

In his final days, O.J. was receiving the maximum amount of social security, as well as pensions from his time as an NFL star and actor. Malcolm claims those payments totaled less than the $400K per year that's been reported.

Estrella de TikTok Muere a los 36 La familia anuncia su fallecimiento

La estrella de TikTok Kyle Marisa Roth, famosa por hablar de temas controvertidos de Hollywood y chismes del mundo del espectáculo, ha muerto repentinamente, algo que su familia confirmó esta semana.

La hermana de Kyle, Lindsay Roth, dio la noticia el lunes en su cuenta de IG, diciendo que su hermana había muerto la semana pasada y que la causa de la muerte aún no se conoce. Añadió que la familia todavía está tratando de procesar la pérdida.

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Lindsay escribió: "Sé que ella tocó a tanta gente con su humor, inteligencia, belleza, chismes, atletismo y más, tenía tantos dones."

Garrison Brown Body Cam Audio Captures Moment Cops Found Him


Harrowing body cam audio has emerged following Garrison Brown's suicide last month ... documenting the moment cops discovered the body of the "Sister Wives" star.

In the audio, Flagstaff PD officers enter Garrison's apartment, where they discover the reality TV star deceased in his room. One officer notes he moved a gun found on Garrison's lap so medics could get access to the body. However, he mentions the weapon was unloaded when he moved it, suggesting someone else touched the gun before they arrived.

The cop asks someone to alert the medical examiner. Garrison was long deceased when his body was discovered. While it appears to be suicide, no note was recovered.

Cam'ron Slams Caitlyn Jenner Over O.J. ... You Killed People, Too!!!

It Is What It Is

Cam'ron's defending O.J. Simpson's legacy ... saying people need to back off since a jury acquitted him -- and blasting Caitlyn Jenner in the process.

The rapper hopped on the "It Is What It Is" podcast Friday to discuss Simpson's legacy the day after he died, and immediately started defending the controversial figure.

Cam points out a jury found O.J. not guilty of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman in his 1995 criminal trial ... so, he says he's shocked people think it's fine to call him a murderer.

O.J. Simpson Estate Executor Ready For Court ... Will Fight Civil Trial Payouts

O.J. Simpson's estate won't pay his civil trial's judgment anytime soon ... according to the estate's executor who says he plans to fight any payments to the Browns or Goldmans.

Simpson's will -- obtained by TMZ -- names his longtime attorney Malcolm LaVergne as his executor ... and, Malcolm says he's focused on keeping money out of the hands of the families, specifically the Goldmans. The will also refers to a trust, which all his property was placed into in January.

Malcolm tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "It's my hope that the Goldmans get zero, nothing. Them specifically. And I will do everything in my capacity as the executor or personal representative to try and ensure that they get nothing."

Rico Wade Dead At 52 Outkast & TLC Collaborator

Rico Wade -- a top Atlanta-based producer and former collaborator with OutKast and TLC -- has died ... according to rap legend Killer Mike.

Killer Mike shared a couple pics of the Atlanta rap game mainstay to his Instagram early Saturday morning ... sending prayers to Wade's family and thanking him for bringing him into musical collective The Dungeon Family back in the day.

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Mike didn't provide a cause of death ... and, fellow hip hop legends -- like CeeLo Green and Three 6 Mafia -- shared their condolences on the post.

O.J. SIMPSON ATTORNEY Carl Douglas Playing Race Card Wasn’t a Dirty Move ... THAT Was the Evidence!!!

O.J. Simpson's acquittal in his 1994 murder trial remains one of the most controversial verdicts to date, but a member of his defense -- the so-called Dream Team -- stands by the strategies they used to get him off.

Perhaps the most controversial of their strategies was playing the "race card" during the trial ... a decision attorney Carl Douglas defends, claiming both sides knew race would play a factor in the case.

Played "The Evidence Card"

He tells TMZ ... "The prosecution played the race card as well when they brought on a Black prosecutor (Christopher Darden) for the first time when the jury was all assembled on the first day of trial."

O.J. Simpson 'If I Did It' Book Sales Skyrocket ... #1 Following Death

Sales of O.J. Simpson's "If I Did It" book have exploded since the infamous star's death, with the publication skyrocketing to the top of the charts.

76-year-old O.J. died on Wednesday -- a day before the public found out -- when the Simpson family announced the news ... and reignited interest in the grizzly, 1994 double murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

According to Amazon.com, the world's largest bookseller, "If I Did It" sits in the number 1, 2, and 4 spots (different versions of the book -- audio, abridged, unabridged) in the entire Criminology section. It's also number 8 in the Murder/True Crime section.

Tina Turner Statue Coming to Hometown ... Nearly 1 Year After Death

Tina Turner's getting a huge honor in the place where she was born, as local leaders have approved a bronze Tina statue -- about a year after the mayor first promised to erect one.

Bill Rawls, Jr. the mayor of Brownsville, Tennessee tells TMZ ... the city has decided to fund a six-foot-tall bronze statue that will be placed in the city's Heritage Park, which is located right near the high school Turner attended.

We're told the statue's gonna cost around $150k with the city making the initial deposit before public/private funds cover the rest. The fundraising is starting ASAP, but Rawls says he's not worried about puttin' together the cash.

Francis Ford Coppola's Wife Eleanor Coppola Dead at 87 ... Filmed 'Apocalypse Now' Documentary

Eleanor Coppola -- the filmmaker and wife of famed director Francis Ford Coppola -- has died ... according to a statement made by her family.

The matriarch of the famous film family passed away Friday at her home in Rutherford, CA ... a small town in Napa Valley. They did not give a cause of death.

Eleanor met Francis in 1962 while working as an assistant art director on his first movie, "Dementia 13" ... and the couple started dating.

Eleanor got pregnant shortly thereafter, married Coppola in Las Vegas and gave birth to their first son, Gian-Carlo.

Hermana de Kris Jenner Causa de muerte revelada

La hermana de Kris Jenner, Karen Houghton, falleció debido a problemas al corazón, de acuerdo con su certificado de defunción.

TMZ obtuvo una copia del documento que señala como causa oficial de muerte de Karen un paro cardíaco y una arritmia cardíaca repentina. También señala la diabetes tipo 2 como una causa secundaria subyacente.

Los documentos también dicen que Karen tenía trastorno bipolar y que fue incinerada después de su muerte el 19 de marzo. Ella tenía 65 años.


Kris Jenner's sister, Karen Houghton, passed away due to heart issues ... according to her death certificate.

TMZ obtained a copy of the document which lists Karen's official cause of death as cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac arrhythmia. It also notes Type 2 diabetes as a secondary underlying cause.

The docs also say Karen had bipolar disorder, and was cremated following her death on March 19. She was 65.

Park Boram K-Pop Star Dead at 30

K-pop star Park Boram is dead, and multiple media outlets in Korea are reporting her death came after a night of heavy drinking with friends.

According to the Korea Herald, Park died Thursday at a hospital, but she had first collapsed while at a friend's house ... and might have suffered a cardiac arrest -- but the exact cause of death is still under investigation.

Another report, from AllKPop, says one of Park's friends found her unconscious and slouched over a bathroom sink -- and one of her friends then performed CPR, attempting to revive her.

Park Boram Estrella del K-Pop fallece a los 30 Según indican los reportes

La estrella del K-pop Park Boram ha muerto y varios medios de comunicación coreanos informan que su fallecimiento se produjo tras una noche de copas con sus amigos.

Según el Korea Herald, la cantante murió el jueves en un hospital, pero primero se habría derrumbado mientras estaba en la casa de un amigo y podría haber sufrido un paro cardíaco, aunque la causa exacta de muerte aún está bajo investigación.

Otro informe, de AllKPop, dice que uno de los amigos de Park la encontró inconsciente y encorvada sobre el lavabo de un baño y uno de sus amigos le realizó una reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) para tratar de revivirla.