O.J. Simpson No confesó en su lecho de muerte...

O. J. Simpson habló con muchos amigos cercanos y miembros de la familia en sus últimos días, pero no hizo ninguna confesión sobre los asesinatos antes de dar su último respiro.

Por supuesto, apenas se supo la noticia de su muerte la gente empezó a especular si había hablado sobre los asesinatos de su ex mujer Nicole Brown Simpson y Ron Goldman. Habría sido la escena perfecta de una película, lo que claramente ayudó a alimentar el rumor, pero una fuente con conocimiento directo nos dice que es solo eso ... Un rumor.

Preguntamos si había pasado algo así y una fuente lo calificó de "totalmente falso".

Roberto Cavalli El famoso diseñador muere a los 83 años

Roberto Cavalli, el famoso diseñador de moda italiano, ha muerto, de acuerdo con un post compartido por la propia empresa que fundó en sus redes sociales.

La compañía del mismo nombre anunció su muerte a través de Instagram el viernes, con gran tristeza y declaraciones del CEO de la compañía y su director creativo.

Roberto nació en Florencia, Italia, en 1940 y fundó su empresa de moda Roberto Cavalli en 1975, cuando su patentado estilo animal print realmente despegó. A lo largo de los años, ha vestido a innumerables celebridades.

O.J. Simpson NO Deathbed Confession About 'the L.A. Thing'

O.J. Simpson spoke to many close friends and family members in his last days, but he did not make any confessions about the murders before succumbing to cancer.

Of course, almost as soon as news broke of his death, people wondered if he'd spoken at all about the slayings of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. It does play like the perfect movie scene, which clearly helped fuel the rumor -- but a source with direct knowledge tells us it's just that ... a rumor.

We asked if anything like that happened, and one source called it "totally false."

Roberto Cavalli Famed Designer Dead at 83

Roberto Cavalli -- the famous Italian fashion designer -- has died ... according to a social media post by the company he founded.

Cavalli's self-titled company posted on Instagram Friday ... announcing his passing with great sadness, and shared statements from the company's CEO and its creative director.

Roberto was born in Florence, Italy in 1940 and founded his fashion company Roberto Cavalli in 1975 ... when his patented animal print styling really took off. Over the years, he's clothed myriad celebs in the style.

Caitlyn Jenner I'm Nothing Like O.J.!!! Slams Killer Comparisons

Caitlyn Jenner is refusing to apologize for her blunt statement regarding O.J. Simpson's death, and she's calling out those who say she's just like him ... due to a deadly car wreck.

The Olympian faced a barrage of negative comments after she celebrated O.J.'s passing ... writing "Good Riddance" in a curt statement on X. In response, many slammed Caitlyn -- and compared her to Simpson by calling her a killer for her involvement in a 2015 fatal car accident.

Caitlyn responded to the criticism Friday, defending she is nothing like the controversial NFL star -- who was found liable in a 1996 civil trial for the killing of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Caitlyn Jenner ¡¡¡Lejos de ser como O.J!!! Critica las comparaciones en las redes

Caitlyn Jenner se niega a disculparse por su contundente declaración sobre la muerte de O.J. Simpson, y está criticando a los que dicen que es igual a él, debido a un trágico accidente vehicular en el que estuvo involucrada hace algunos años.

La atleta olímpica se enfrentó a un aluvión de comentarios negativos después de que comentara el fallecimiento de O.J., con el mensaje: "Good Riddance" / "Buen viaje" en X. En respuesta a ello, muchos criticaron a Caitlyn y la compararon con Simpson llamándola asesina por su participación en un fatal accidente automovilístico en 2015.

Caitlyn respondió a las críticas el viernes, defendiendo que no se parece en nada a la controvertida estrella de la NFL, quien fue declarado responsable en un juicio civil de 1996 por el asesinato de Nicole Brown Simpson y Ron Goldman.

O.J. Simpson Todos sus hijos estuvieron con él en sus últimos días Incluyendo Sydney y Justin

O.J. Simpson estuvo rodeado de su familia en los últimos días y eso incluye a todos sus hijos, incluso los 2 más jóvenes que tuvo con Nicole Brown Simpson.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que todos los que vinieron a visitar a O.J. a su casa los días previos a su muerte tuvieron que firmar acuerdos de confidencialidad para resguardar su privacidad. Eso corrió para sus amigos, familiares e incluso para el personal médico que estaba en contacto con él mientras estaba bajo cuidados paliativos.

Nos dicen que el viernes, un profesional médico revisó a O.J. y notificó a sus cercanos que estaba empezando su transición... y fue entonces cuando todo el mundo acudió a verlo.

O.J. Simpson All His Kids There for Final Days ... Including Sydney & Justin

O.J. Simpson was surrounded by family in the final days before his death, and that includes all of his living children -- yes, even the 2 youngest he had with Nicole Brown Simpson.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... everyone who came to visit O.J. at his home in the days before he passed had to sign NDAs for his privacy -- that went for friends, family and even medical personnel who were coming into contact with him while he was under hospice care.

We're told on Friday, a medical professional checked on O.J. and notified those around him that he was starting to transition -- and that's when everyone came flocking to his bedside.

O.J. Simpson Memorabilia Flying Off Shelves in Vegas After Death

O.J. Simpson's death has sparked new interest in his memorabilia ... one collectibles store in Las Vegas tells TMZ.

Company Inscriptagraphs tells us ... they've been hit with an increase in web traffic and sales hours after O.J.'s death was confirmed by his family. We're told the owner even opened the store early due to the high demand.

40 sales were made the morning after O.J.'s death from items ranging from $150-$2,000 in pricing -- and Inscriptagraphs is planning to add more inventory to its already impressive collections. The business is located in Tivoli Village ... minutes away from where O.J. lived in Sin City.

O.J. Simpson Prostate Cancer Took Heavy Toll ... Frail in Hospice Care During Final Days

O.J. Simpson's cancer battle took a heavy toll on his health over the past year -- and in his final days, he was incredibly frail and virtually unrecognizable ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us O.J. was, in fact, diagnosed with prostate cancer -- something he first alluded to in May 2023 in a video he posted to X. He never offered much detail, and seemed to suggest he had beaten it.

Despite the brave face he put on, our sources tell us the cancer was not at all in remission and greatly impacted his health. Whereas, we're told, he lived as if he were a younger man -- even into his later years -- his physical state seriously deteriorated over the past 11 months.

O.J. Simpson Estaba muy frágil en sus últimos días... Debido al cáncer

El cáncer de O.J. Simpson causó un gran deterioro en su salud durante el último año y en sus últimos días estaba increíblemente frágil y prácticamente irreconocible ... según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que O.J. fue, de hecho, diagnosticado con cáncer de próstata, algo que aludió por primera vez en mayo de 2023 en un video que publicó en X. Nunca ofreció muchos detalles y parecía sugerir que lo había vencido.

A pesar de lo valiente que se veía, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el cáncer no estaba en absoluto en remisión y que afectó mucho a su salud. Aunque vivía como si fuera un hombre más joven, incluso en sus últimos años, su estado físico se deterioró gravemente en los últimos 11 meses, según nos cuentan.

TMZ TV Hot Takes O.J. Simpson Dead ... Bianca Censori, Shohei Ohtani

It's almost the weekend, but another busy day of big news hit Thursday ... and, TMZ was there to cover it all.

TMZ Live


On "TMZ Live," Charles and Jason break down O.J. Simpson's death ... discussing the life of an incredibly polarizing public figure.

O.J. Simpson's Death Not 'Too Soon' for Meme Gods!!! Jokes Flood Social Media

The news of O.J. Simpson's death is sparking a wave of commentary -- much of it coming in the form of humorous memes based on the most controversial aspects of his life ... because the Internet is gonna Internet.

Almost immediately social media users rushed to upload their hot takes/jokes, going in hard on Simpson ... with several focused on the infamous low-speed Bronco chase from 1994.

Several people photoshopped the Bronco into a hearse ... while others used footage of the chase to create imagery of the cops following a hearse down L.A.'s 405 freeway, and joking that Simpson's funeral procession should look just like that.

Fred & Kim Goldman Now, O.J. Simpson Will Never Be Held Accountable

Ron Goldman's family describes O.J. Simpson's death as a "mixed bag of complicated emotions" ... because now that he's gone, so is their hope for true justice.

Ron's sister, Kim, and father, Fred, put out a joint statement late Thursday, saying ... "For three decades we tirelessly pursued justice for Ron and Nicole, and despite a civil judgment and his confession in 'If I Did It,' the hope for true accountability has ended."

The statement -- referring to Simpson's 2007 book, "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer" -- makes it clear the Goldmans, like millions of others, have no doubts about who murdered Ron and Nicole Brown Simpson ... no matter what the jury said back in 1995.

O.J. Simpson Dead at 76 After Cancer Battle


10:48 AM PT -- Kato Kaelin -- who was a key witness during the O.J. Simpson trial -- just posted a video responding to the news ... and he sends thoughts and prayers to O.J.'s children, as well as the families of the victims, including Nicole Brown Simpson.

Sending Love and Compassion

He doesn't say much else about O.J. himself.



Nicole Simpson Brown's ex-boyfriend is relieved now that O.J. Simpson has died -- saying the news has left him with a smile on his face ... this, 30 years after her tragic murder.

Keith Zlomsowitch -- who dated Nicole in the early '90s, after she'd divorced O.J. -- dropped by on "TMZ Live" Thursday to talk about the news ... telling us he's glad O.J.'s now gone from this Earth, ending a long and painful saga for him.

Keith says with O.J. dead ... he won't be able to inflict any more pain or emotional stress on anyone else -- it goes without saying .. Keith is in the camp of folks who believe he did it.