Cola Boyy, the pop singer and songwriter who collaborated with the likes of The Avalanches and MGMT despite his spinal issues, passed away Sunday ... and his family is reeling from the loss.

The musician's father, Joseph Urango Jr., is now speaking to TMZ about the heartbreaking chain of events leading up to the passing of his son, a.k.a, Matthew Urango. He says it was Matthew's twin brother who made the devastating discovery -- he'd gone to check on Cola in bed and found he wasn't breathing.

Joseph says paramedics were called, but it was, tragically, too late and Cola Boyy was pronounced dead at the scene.

We're told CB was on oxygen while at home, and he was still hooked up to it when his brother found him.

His family believes his passing was related to his health issues. IYDK, Cola Boyy was born with spina bifida, scoliosis, and kyphosis, but he never let his health hold him back ... proudly referring to himself as the "disabled disco innovator."

The coroner is now investigating to determine the cause of death.

Joseph emphasized the magnitude of losing his son ... adding he had a deep love for his fans, bandmates, and especially his family.

Cola Boyy's label, Record Makers, was first to announce his passing, describing him in their tribute as "quite a soul, a man with no age, a childlike spirit with the musicality of an old legend."

He had an undeniable stage presence right from the start when he began releasing music in 2018. He had also just wrapped up work on his next album and was gearing up to share it with the world this summer.

Most importantly, Cola Boyy was a trailblazer for disability-rights advocacy ... telling TMRW Magazine society wanted disabled people to be timid and docile, which at times weighed him down but never stopped him from achieving his dreams.

He was 34.


'Sister Wives' Star Garrison Brown Sibling Says ... Social Media Hurt His Self-Esteem

Instagram / @madison_rose11

Garrison Brown was negatively affected by social media before his death -- and it impacted his own sense of self-worth ... this according to one of his siblings.

The "Sister Wives" star's actual sister, Madison Brown Brush, hopped online to post an emotional video reflecting on her brother's untimely passing -- and she spoke a lot about his mental health struggles, while also acknowledging pointing to mental health convos at large.

Maddie explains her brother was battling issues internally -- and even says he felt he wasn't doing enough with his life ... using social media as a comparison point.

She also says something pretty poignant ... namely, social media isn't real.

Maddie goes on to explain how she and the rest of the family have been dealing with Garrison's suicide -- describing how difficult it's been finding a new sense of normal.

She urged her followers to remember that social media is just a snapshot into someone's life -- it doesn't show everything. Remember, Garrison's loved ones say he seemed perfectly happy online ... having just adopted a new cat days before he died by suicide.

Maddie goes on to say that she's going to continue putting a spotlight on mental health ... and sends a message to people who might be battling demons -- telling them that if they're not feeling fulfilled with how they're spending their time, they gotta change that ASAP.

We broke the story ... Garrison was found deceased in his Flagstaff, Arizona home earlier in March. Flagstaff PD told us that no foul play is suspected, as Garrison appeared to have suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

He was only 25.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Larry H. Parker Personal Injury Attorney Dead at 75

Larry H. Parker -- the famous auto accident and personal injury attorney known for his iconic commercials in the '80s and '90s -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

The famed attorney's longtime law firm partner, Ron Beck, confirmed to us Friday that Larry had passed away ... but wouldn't elaborate on details -- including where, when or under what circumstances.

Larry's daughter-in-law, Alissa, also told us the sad news was true -- but she wouldn't reveal more either ... telling us the family is considering their next steps.

We're hearing he may have died as recently as this week, although it's not 100% clear. In any case, it's a huge blow to the legal community ... as LHP was a titan in the industry.

People in and around Los Angeles -- and even in the greater Southern California area -- know Parker well ... if not for his TV ads, then for his many billboards all over the region. If you've been on the 405 in L.A., you've very likely passed by and seen Larry's face.

He's the founder of the Law Offices of Larry H. Parker -- which mostly specializes in taking cases for people who've been in car accidents, but which takes a variety of injury-related cases. His firm has been up and running for at least 50 years ... so he's an L.A. staple.

Larry opened his law office in the '70s, and it's gone on to become one of the biggest in America -- which now employs over 150 lawyers, all of whom work under Larry's brand.

His approach to promoting his services pierced pop culture and arguably served as the blueprint for many other attorneys (and spoofs) seeking to reach an audience. You could say that the spirit of his straightforward legal ads has gone on to inspire several iterations ... both fictional and real. The 'SNL' Green & Fazio sketch seems to have been inspired by Larry's work, and ditto for 'Better Call Saul.'

Of course, there are countless other real-life lawyers who've followed in his footprints all over the country ... buying up billboards, ad space and airtime to let people know they're ready to take a case and go to court for the public.

His slogan was "We'll Fight for You!" ... and safe to say, it's burned into the American psyche.

Larry was 75.



Robyn Bernard -famosa por su trabajo en "Hospital General"- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

El forense del condado de Riverside le dice a TMZ que identificaron el cuerpo de la actriz usando sus huellas dactilares después de que los agentes respondieron a una llamada de investigación de muerte ayer en la ciudad de San Jacinto, California. Nos dicen que el cuerpo de Robyn fue encontrado las primeras horas de la mañana del 12 de marzo.

El forense del condado de Riverside dice que aún no se ha determinado la causa de muerte. Una autopsia está programada para el miércoles, pero la toxicología tomará varias semanas.

Robyn nació en Gladewater, Texas, y con el tiempo se labró una carrera como actriz con pequeños papeles en series de televisión de los 80 como "Diva", "The Facts Of Life", "Simon & Simon" y "Tour of Duty".

Su gran oportunidad llegó en 1984 en la telenovela "General Hospital", interpretando el papel de Terry Brock durante 145 episodios hasta 1990.

Su último papel como actriz acreditada llegó en 2002, cuando interpretó a una psicóloga en la película "Voces del instituto".

Desde que abandonó el mundo de la interpretación, Robyn mantuvo una vida relativamente privada y alejada de los focos.

Tenía 64 años.


Robyn Bernard 'General Hospital' Star DEAD AT 64

Robyn Bernard -- famous for her work on "General Hospital" -- is dead ... TMZ has learned.

Riverside County Coroner tells TMZ they identified the actress' body using her fingerprints after deputies responded to a death investigation call yesterday in the town of San Jacinto, CA. We're told Robyn's body was found in the early morning hours of March 12.

The Riverside County Coroner says no cause of death has been determined yet. An autopsy is scheduled to be performed on Wednesday, but toxicology will take several weeks.

Robyn was born in Gladewater, Texas, and eventually carved out an acting career for herself with small parts in '80s TV shows like "Diva," "The Facts Of Life," "Simon & Simon," and "Tour of Duty."

Her big break came in 1984 on the soap opera "General Hospital" ... playing the role of Terry Brock for 145 episodes until 1990.

Her final credited acting role came in 2002, when she played a psychologist in the movie, "Voices From the High School."

Since exiting the acting scene, Robyn kept a relatively private life, out of the spotlight.

She was 64.


EL PADRASTRO DE MATTHEW PERRY habla sobre su muerte "Él creía que estaba venciendo su adicción"

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ganando la batalla
Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison dice que su hijastro Matthew Perry pensó que estaba superando su adicción antes de su repentina muerte, pero en realidad, no era así.

En su primera entrevista desde el fallecimiento de Matthew en octubre, el corresponsal de "Dateline", que está casado con la madre de Matt -Suzanne- reveló recientemente en el pódcast de Hoda Kotb que el querido actor sentía que estaba superando su adicción e incluso se le veía feliz.

Keith reconoció que Matt tuvo una lucha particularmente dura con el alcohol y las drogas, algo que todos sabíamos. Describió la batalla de Matthew contra la adicción como "virulenta", señalando que la enfermedad lo persiguió sin descanso durante años.

Con esto en mente, Keith dice que no estaba totalmente sorprendido por el final prematuro de Matt. Aún así, añadió: "Él no llegó a tener su tercer acto, y eso no es justo". Es una conversación muy triste.

Como informamos, la autopsia de Mathew señaló que había estado limpio durante 19 meses, pero su muerte fue un accidente causado por los efectos agudos de la ketamina.

Perry se había sometido a una terapia de infusión de ketamina para tratar su depresión y la ansiedad, y su último tratamiento fue una semana antes de su muerte, la cual TMZ cubrió en su momento.

Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su jacuzzi... el ahogamiento y la enfermedad de la arteria coronaria se destacaron más tarde como factores adicionales en su causa oficial de muerte.

Keith admitió que todavía está luchando con el dolor por la muerte de Matthew, pero confesó que su esposa (la madre de Matt) está pasándolo aún peor, incluso tantos meses después.  Según Keith, Matthew y Suzanne estaban más unidos que nunca justo antes del fallecimiento del actor.

Por supuesto, Keith también fue uno de los primeros familiares en llegar al lugar de la muerte de Matt.

Matthew Perry's Stepfather Morrison Speaks on Death He Thought He Was Beating Addiction

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Making Space with Hoda Kotb

Keith Morrison says his stepson Matthew Perry thought he was overcoming his addiction before his sudden death ... but in reality, says he knew he really wasn't.

In his first interview since Matthew's passing in October, the "Dateline" correspondent -- who's married to Matt's mother, Suzanne -- recently revealed on Hoda Kotb's podcast that the beloved actor felt he was beating his addiction and in a good place ... happy, even.

Keith also acknowledged that Matt had a particularly tough struggle with alcohol and drugs -- something we all knew. He described Matthew's addiction battle as "virulent" ... noting the disease went after him relentlessly over the years.

With this in mind, Keith says he wasn't totally surprised by Matt's untimely ending. Still, he added ... "He didn't get to have his third act, and that's not fair." It's a somber conversation.

As we reported ... Mathew's autopsy noted he'd been clean for 19 months ... but his death was ruled an accident having been caused by the acute effects of ketamine.

MP had been using ketamine infusion therapy to treat his depression and anxiety -- and his last treatment came a week before his death, which TMZ broke at the time.

Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi ... drowning and coronary artery disease were later highlighted as additional factors on his official cause of death.

Keith admitted that he's still struggling with grief over Matthew's death ... but confessed his wife/Matt's mom is having a harder time with it all, even all these months later.  According to Keith, Matthew and Suzanne were closer than ever just before the actor's passing.

Of course, Keith was also one of the first family members on the scene of Matt's death.


Anthony Walker, miembro de "The Gap Band" -mejor conocido como Baby Gap- ha muerto... TMZ ha indagado.

El Dr. Eric Walker, hermano menor de Anthony, le dice a TMZ que el cantante y músico falleció en un hospital de Ohio el pasado lunes, después de experimentar complicaciones en su cirugía de cuello.

No está claro exactamente cuál es el procedimiento médico por el que tuvo que pasar, o lo que salió mal, pero nos dicen que Anthony murió como resultado. Su hermano nos dice que la vida del artista se celebrará en su ciudad natal de Chicago a finales de esta semana.

La familia de Anthony nos dice que le agradecen a los fans por su amor y apoyo durante este trágico momento.

Anthony se unió a la famosa banda de R&B y funk en 1979, contribuyendo al grupo como bailarín, coreógrafo y compositor. A pesar de su incorporación tardía al grupo -que se formó en 1967-, Anthony siguió actuando con "The Gap Band" durante los 23 años siguientes como miembro principal.

La banda apareció en "Dick Clark's American Bandstand", "Don Cornelius' Soul Train" y "Solid Gold". Anthony incluso hizo un poco de moonwalking para el propio Dick en su día, y él le mostró cómo hacer el movimiento fresco que Michael Jackson había popularizado en el momento.

En 1985, Anthony tuvo una gran victoria musical gracias a una colaboración con Charlie Wilson -el cantante de "The Gap Band"- y su compañero de banda Billy Young, ya que produjeron juntos el álbum "Billy & Baby Gap". No solo fue el primer álbum publicado como parte de una colaboración entre miembros de una banda, sino que su sencillo "Rock the Nation" alcanzó el nº 3 en las listas de éxitos.

Durante su dilatada carrera, Anthony también colaboró con leyendas de la música como Rick James y George Clinton. Incluso podrás escuchar las habilidades de percusión de Anthony en el single de Snoop Dogg "Snoop's Upside Ya Head".

Anthony no solo tuvo éxito con Gap Band, también formó un grupo de break-dance, conocido como "Tidal Wave", en los años 70. En una ocasión llegaron a vencer en una competición a los famosos New York City Breakers, además de ganar otros premios durante su carrera.

No hay duda de que el baile desempeñó un papel muy importante en la carrera de Anthony. Dio clases en el estudio de baile de John Travolta a principios de los 80 e incluso llegó a trabajar como coreógrafo para Disney.

Antes de su fallecimiento, Anthony dedicaba su tiempo a actuar con "GapX", un grupo formado por otros antiguos miembros de "The Gap Band". Tenía 60 años.


Anthony 'Baby Gap' Walker Dead at 60

Gap Band member Anthony Walker -- famously known as "Baby Gap" -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Dr. Eric Walker, Anthony’s younger brother, tells TMZ ... the singer and musician passed away at an Ohio hospital last Monday -- this after he experienced complications from a neck surgery he was undergoing.

Unclear what exactly the procedure was meant to correct, or what went wrong -- but we're told Anthony died as a result. His sibling tells us the artist's life will be celebrated in his hometown of Chicago later this week.

Anthony's family tells us they thank his fans for their love and support during this tragic time.

Anthony joined the famed R&B/Funk band in 1979 ... contributing to the group as a dancer, choreographer and songwriter. Despite his late addition to the group -- which formed in 1967 -- Anthony went on to perform with GAP Band for the next 23 years as a core member.

The Gap Band notably appeared on "Dick Clark's American Bandstand," "Don Cornelius' Soul Train" and "Solid Gold." Anthony even did some moonwalking for Dick himself back in the day ... and he showed him how to do the cool move that Michael Jackson has popularized at the time.

In 1985, Anthony had a major music win thanks to a collaboration with Charlie Wilson -- the GAP Band's lead singer -- and bandmate Billy Young ... as they produced together the album "Billy & Baby Gap." Not only was it the first album released as part of a band member collab, but their single "Rock the Nation" hit No. 3 on the charts.

During his lengthy career, Anthony also collaborated with music legends Rick James and George Clinton. You'll even hear Anthony's percussion skills on Snoop Dogg's single "Snoop's Upside Ya Head."

Anthony didn't just make a splash with GAP Band ... he famously formed a break-dancing group, known as "Tidal Wave," in the '70s. They once even beat out the famed New York City Breakers in competition  ... in addition to nabbing several other awards during their run.

There's no doubt dance played a huge role in Anthony's career ... he taught at John Travolta's dance studio in the early '80s and even went on to work as a choreographer for Disney.

Prior to his passing, Anthony was spending his time performing with GapX ... a group formed by other former members of the Gap Band. He was 60.


Rapera Bo$$ Muere a los 54 años

Bo$$, quien se hizo famosa por ser la primera rapera en firmar con Def Jam, ha muerto.

El rapero Bun B anunció la noticia el lunes por la noche, rindiendo homenaje a Bo$$, cuyo verdadero nombre era Lichelle Marie Laws. Bun publicó una foto de Bo$$, y escribió: "Descanse en paz mi hermana mayor Lichelle Laws AKA Boss. Una de las mejores MCs femeninas y una querida amiga".

El anuncio de Bun provocó una gran reacción del mundo del hip hop. Jermaine Dupri, Jadakiss, 9th Wonder, Ed Lover, Lloyd Banks, Slim Thug y muchos otros rindieron homenaje a la pionera maestra de ceremonias AKA rapera.

DJ Premier también intervino, elogiando a Bo$$ como una talentosa leyenda e hizo una petición pública para que Def Jam publicara una colaboración que grabó con ella en 1993.

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DJ Battlecat recordó a Bo$$ por liderar el camino de las mujeres en el gangsta rap y añadió: "Descansa en Detroit Queen".

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Bo$$ nació y se crio en Detroit, pero se mudó a Los Ángeles poco después de graduarse. Se integró a la escena musical local y llamó la atención de uno de los socios de DJ Quik.

Según cuenta la historia, Russell Simmons fue quien la fichó para Def Jam y en 1993 lanzó su primer (y único) álbum de estudio "Born Gangstaz". Tuvo cierto éxito en las listas con "Deeper", que llegó al Hot 100.

No hay noticias sobre las circunstancias que rodearon su muerte, o una causa oficial, pero Bo$$ había luchado contra una enfermedad renal que se le diagnosticó por primera vez en 2011. También se había creado un GoFundMe en su nombre después de que un derrame cerebral y una convulsión en 2017 la dejaran en necesidad de acceder a "costosos" cuidados, incluyendo un posible trasplante de riñón.

Tenía 54 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Rapper Bo$$ Dead at 54

Bo$$, who famously was the first female rapper signed to Def Jam, has died.

Rapper Bun B announced the news Monday evening, paying tribute to Bo$$ ... whose real name was Lichelle Marie Laws. Bun posted a pic of Bo$$, and wrote, “Rest in peace to my big sis Lichelle Laws AKA Boss. One of the best female MCs and a dear friend."

Bun's announcement sparked quite a huge reaction from the hip hop world ... as Jermaine Dupri, Jadakiss, 9th Wonder, Ed Lover, Lloyd Banks, Slim Thug and many others all paid tribute to the pioneering MC.

DJ Premier also weighed in, praising Bo$$ as a talented legend, and made a public plea for Def Jam to release a collab he'd recorded with her in 1993.

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DJ Battlecat remembered Bo$$ for leading the way for women in gangsta rap ... and added, "Rest in Detroit Queen."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bo$$ was born and raised in Detroit, but moved to L.A. shortly after graduating high school. She integrated herself into the local music scene, catching the eye of one of DJ Quik‘s associates.

As the story goes, Russell Simmons was the one to sign her to Def Jam, and by 1993 she dropped her first (and only) studio album, "Born Gangstaz." She found some success on the charts with "Deeper" making the Hot 100.

No word on circumstances surrounding her death, or an official cause of death ... but Bo$$ had battled renal disease, which she was first diagnosed with in 2011. A GoFundMe was also set up in her name after a 2017 stroke and seizure left her needing "costly" care ... including a possible kidney transplant.

She was 54.


Eric Carmen Raspberries Lead Singer ... Dead at 74

Eric Carmen -- famous for being the frontman of the Raspberries, and for multiple solo hits through the '70s and '80s, including "All By Myself" -- has died ... this according to his family.

The sad news was posted to the singer's own website, with a message posted from none other than his wife, Amy. It reads, "It is with tremendous sadness that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Eric Carmen."

It goes on ... "Our sweet, loving and talented Eric passed away in his sleep, over the weekend. It brought him great joy to know, that for decades, his music touched so many and will be his lasting legacy."

Amy adds, "Please respect the family’s privacy as we mourn our enormous loss." No further details were shared about the circumstances of his death ... Eric had no known or reported ailments of late.

Obviously, it's a huge blow to the music industry -- as Eric was a staple in pop culture in the late 20th century. Not only was his hit 'ABM' a massive success ... but he went on to churn out several others well into the next decade ... including "Never Gonna Fall in Love Again," "She Did It," ''Hungry Eyes" (from the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack), and "Make Me Lose Control."

Other great songs of his included ... "Go All the Way," "Love Is All That Matters," "I'm Through With Love," "It Hurts Too Much," "The Way We Used to Be," "I Wanna Hear It From Your Lips" ... and many, many more.

In addition to 4 albums he put out as the lead singer of the Raspberries, Eric released 6 studio albums solo ... and he went on to become a phenomenon in the music biz. He's survived by his wife and two children. Eric was 74.


SUZANNE SOMERS' Husband Okay w/ Oscars 'In Memoriam' Snub ... I Respect It!!!

Suzanne Somers' omission from the Oscars' "in memoriam" main segment left many fans livid ... but her husband is saying he's all good with the Academy's decision to leave her out.

Alan Hamel explains his POV to TMZ ... saying, "Last time I checked, we still had a First Amendment. I respect the Academy's decision to not include Suzanne In Memoriam. Frankly, the outpouring from millions of her fans, was the kind of In Memoriam Suzanne would have lovingly embraced."

He adds, "She adored and respected her Fans and similarly enjoyed a beautiful relationship with the Media and Paparazzi who elevated her career to heights rarely seen. She debuted on Carson in 1973 with her first of 27 books and remained active and relevant until her passing. God bless Suzanne Somers."

In addition to Somers, actors Lance Reddick, Treat Williams, Ron Cephas Jones, and Burt Young were also overlooked during the main event ... as were screenwriter Norman Lear and British filmmaker Terence Davies.

Suzanne's name was only included in the last slide of the segment, but it was written in a small font along with the names of other late stars. She wasn't shown as one of the main stars who were honored with their faces shown.

As we reported ... Suzanne -- famous from "Three's Company" and a bunch of other TV shows/movies -- passed away after a long battle with cancer at her home in October.

The legendary actress was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly after which she battled on and off for years. It fully returned in the summer of 2023 ... months before her tragic death.

Suzanne was also well-known for TV roles in "Starsky and Hutch" and "Hollywood Wives" and her movie roles included "American Graffiti", "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more.

MATTHEW PERRY deja más de $1 millón a un fideicomiso Bajo el nombre de un personaje de Annie Hall

El testamento de Matthew Perry establece que sus pertenencias se dejarán en un fideicomiso que él creó con el nombre de un famoso personaje de Woody Allen.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Matthew creó un testamento en 2009 y expresó su deseo de dejar la mayoría de sus pertenencias en un fideicomiso. Resulta que Matthew debió de ser un gran admirador de "Annie Hall", ya que creó un fideicomiso llamado Alvy Singer Living Trust, y el dinero que tenía en su poder antes de su fallecimiento se destinarán a este fideicomiso.

Los documentos enumeran el valor de sus propiedades personales en poco más de $1 millón al momento de su fallecimiento. Cabe destacar que este millón de dólares es lo que los ejecutores encontraron como activos adicionales que aún no están en este fideicomiso privado. En otras palabras, no refleja con precisión su patrimonio neto. De hecho, es probable que Matthew tuviera muchos millones más; esto es simplemente adicional.

No sabemos quiénes son los fiduciarios, pero Matthew especifica en su testamento que cualquier hijo que pueda haber tenido después de 2009 no tiene derecho explícito a su fortuna. Por cierto, nunca tuvo hijos.

Dos mujeres llamadas Lisa Ferguson y Robin Ruzan, quien es la exesposa de Mike Myers, figuran como las ejecutoras de su testamento. Serán las encargadas de tomar decisiones sobre cómo repartir y gestionar sus propiedades. Robin y Matthew trabajaron juntos en el mismo programa llamado "Celebrity Liar" a principios de la década de 2010: ella era la productora ejecutiva y él era un concursante.

Como informó TMZ, Matthew falleció en octubre después de ahogarse en su jacuzzi personal en casa, y una autopsia determinó que tenía ketamina en su sistema en ese momento.

Su fallecimiento conmocionó a Hollywood, y sus compañeros de "Friends" lo han pasado mal. Matt fue reconocido en un emotivo homenaje en los Emmy de este año, cortesía de Charlie Puth. También fue honrado durante el segmento in memoriam en los Oscar el domingo, mientras Andrea Bocelli y su hijo Matteo cantaban "Time to Say Goodbye".

Matthew Perry Will Leaves Over $1 Mil ... To Trust Named After Woody Allen

Matthew Perry's will is leaving his stuff in a trust he established that's named after a famous Woody Allen character ... TMZ has learned.

Per new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Matthew created a will in 2009 ... and he says he wants to leave a majority of his belongings to a trust -- and as it turns out, Matt must've been a big fan of "Annie Hall" ... 'cause he created a trust called the Alvy Singer Living Trust -- and the dough/assets he had on hand before he died are set to go into the trust.

The docs list the value of his personal property when he died at a little over $1 million. We should note ... this million bucks and change is what the executors found as additional assets that are not already in this private trust. In other words, it's not an accurate reflection of his net worth. Fact is ... Matthew probably had millions upon millions more ... this is just extra.

We don't know who the trustees are ... but Matt makes a distinction in his will that any kids he may have post-2009 are explicitly not entitled to his fortune. He never had children, BTW.

Two women named Lisa Ferguson and Robin Ruzan -- who's Mike Myers' ex-wife -- are listed as executors of his will. They'll be the ones in charge of making decision about how to divvy up and manage his property. Robin and Matt worked on the same game show called "Celebrity Liar" together back in the 2010s ... she was an EP and he was a contestant.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew died in October after drowning in his personal hot tub at home -- and an autopsy later determined he had ketamine in his system when it happened.

His passing rocked Hollywood ... and his "Friends" costars have had a hard time. Matt was acknowledged in a sweet tribute at the Emmys earlier this year, courtesy of Charlie Puth. He was also honored during the in memoriam segment at the Oscars Sunday as Andrea Bocelli and his son Matteo sang "Time to Say Goodbye."

Treat Williams' Death Other Driver in Fatal Crash Strikes Plea Deal ... Won't Do Jail Time

The Vermont man who crashed into Treat Williams -- resulting in the beloved actor's death -- is pleading guilty to a reduced charge, and, as a result, he will not go to prison.

Ryan Koss pled guilty on Friday to negligent driving with death resulting. Koss was turning into a parking lot last June when he collided with Treat, who was riding his motorcycle. Although he was wearing a helmet, and was airlifted to a hospital for treatment, Treat did not survive his injuries.

In exchange for his plea, Koss is getting a one-year deferred sentence, probation and his license is revoked for a year. In addition, he'll have to complete a community restorative justice program for the misdemeanor charge.

Prosecutors say Koss has fully cooperated, and been accountable for the tragedy from the start, and even called Treat's wife from the scene of the accident to tell her what had happened.

During Friday's hearing, he said, “I’m here to apologize and take responsibility for this tragic accident.” Interestingly, Treat's family was not interested in pressing charges or seeing Koss do time.

Treat's son, Gill, was in court and told Koss, “I do forgive you, and I hope that you forgive yourself." Treat's wife, Pam, expressed a similar sentiment in a statement that was read in court ... but she added, “Our lives will never be the same, our family has been torn apart and there is a huge hole that can’t possibly be filled."

Koss had originally been facing up to 15 years in prison ... as he'd been charged with gross negligent operation with death resulting, a felony. He pled not guilty to that charge, before copping a plea for the reduced misdemeanor charge.

Treat famously starred in the movie, "Hair" and the CW TV series, "Everwood."