'Men in Black' Star Mike Nussbaum Dead at 99 ... Recently in Hospice

Mike Nussbaum -- a longtime character actor -- has died due to old age ... TMZ has confirmed.

His daughter, Karen, tells us her father passed away from natural causes in bed Saturday morning at his Chicago home, with her right by his side. We're told Nussbaum had been in hospice over the past year -- and Karen adds, "It was his time."

MN was one of the oldest living actors still working in the biz in recent years -- having recently performed in some plays of late ... but his on-camera résumé is impressive too.

He'll perhaps best be remembered as Gentle Rosenburg from "Men in Black" or Bob Drimmer in "Fatal Attraction" ... or even the principal from "Field of Dreams." He'd been in a lot.

Some other notable movie credits of his include ... "House of Games," "Things Change," "Desperate Hours," "Losing Isaiah," "Steal Big Steal Little," "Dirty Work," "Osso Bucco," "Towing," "Tom of Your Life" and more. He'd acted in some big TV shows as well through the years.

Just a taste of some of the series he'd been in ... "Frasier," "L.A. Law," "The Commish," "The X-Files," "Early Edition," "Cupid," "The Chicago Code," "The Equalizer," "Spenser: For Hire," etc.

Nussbaum was considered a legend in the local theater scene there in Chi-Town. He was 99, and just a week short of reaching age 100.


Nick y Aaron Carter Su hermana Bobbie Jean muere a los 41

La hermana de Nick y Aaron Carter, Bobbie Jean Carter, ha muerto ... TMZ ha indagado.

La madre de Bobbie Jean, Jane Carter, nos dice: "Estoy en estado de shock al enterarme de la repentina muerte de mi hija Bobbie Jean y necesitaré tiempo para procesar la terrible realidad de que esto suceda por tercera vez. Cuando sea capaz de pensar con claridad, publicaré una declaración más completa; pero hasta entonces pediría que me dejaran llorar en privado".

Ella añade: "[Aunque] un padre siente profundamente la pérdida de un hijo, el sufrimiento de un niño pequeño ante la pérdida de un padre debe ser mucho mayor. Por ello, pido a los compasivos que recen una oración por mi preciosa nieta Bella, de ocho años, que anteriormente perdió a su padre y ahora también se ha quedado sin su madre".

Las circunstancias exactas de la muerte de Bobbie no están claras, pero sabemos que falleció el sábado por la mañana en Florida.

Bobbie Jean, también conocida como BJ, estuvo algo involucrada en el negocio de la música durante el apogeo de las carreras de sus hermanos, especialmente de Aaron, para quien trabajó como estilista de vestuario y artista de maquillaje durante sus giras a principios de la década de los 2000.

También apareció en el reality show de la familia "House of Carters", durante ocho episodios. En los años siguientes, Bobbie Jean vivió una vida relativamente privada en las sombras, huyendo de los focos.

Bobbie Jean sufrió de adicción y abuso de sustancias a lo largo de los años, algo que fue documentado en la televisión y con lo que continuó luchando durante los últimos años de su edad adulta.

También tenía problemas legales, con detenciones documentadas con fechas tan recientes como este año.

La muerte de BJ marca otra tragedia para la familia. No solo perdieron a Aaron el año pasado debido a una asfixia en su casa (también se encontró que estaba relacionado con las drogas), sino que también perdieron a su otra hermana Leslie, en 2012, como resultado de una sobredosis.

Ahora, los únicos hermanos Carter que siguen con vida son Nick y Angel. Hay medios hermanos y hermanastros en la familia también. A Bobbie Jean le sobrevive una hija pequeña, Bella.

Bobbie Jean tenía 41 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Dixie Chicks' Laura Lynch Founding Member Dead at 65 ... After Car Accident in Texas


1:20 PM PT -- The Chicks just addressed Laura's death, writing ... "We are shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of Laura Lynch, a founding member of The Chicks. We hold a special place in our hearts for the time we spent playing music, laughing and traveling together. Laura was a bright light…her infectious energy and humor gave a spark to the early days of our band. Laura had a gift for design, a love of all things Texas and was instrumental in the early success of the band. Her undeniable talents helped propel us beyond busking on street corners to stages all across Texas and the mid-West."

They add, "Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones at this sad time."

11:42 AM PT -- The Texas Dept. of Public Safety has confirmed Lynch's death, and the details thus far about how she died are absolutely tragic. Law enforcement says their preliminary investigation shows that Laura was heading east on Highway 62, and that another car heading west attempted to pass another vehicle in front of it on a two-way undivided portion of the highway.

As that car tried going around, it ended up hitting Laura's vehicle head-on... and killed her. The driver of the other vehicle was transported to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. Laura was declared dead at the scene ... and a full probe has been launched.

Laura Lynch, a founding member of The Dixie Chicks, has died after being involved in a car crash ... TMZ has learned.

The musician's cousin, Mick Lynch, tells us Laura passed away Friday outside of El Paso, TX just after sunset while driving from there to nearby Dell City -- which is about an hour and a half away going east. We're told she was traveling on a highway and got into a collision.

No other details about the exact circumstances of the accident were immediately available.

Lynch co-founded the famous music group -- now known just as The Chicks -- alongside Robin Lynn Macy, Martie Erwin and Emily Erwin back in 1989 ... serving as the upright bassist and eventually taking on the role of lead vocalist for the band.

At first, they had a bluegrass/traditional country sound ... and toward the beginning of their career, they were mostly a local Texas act that toured the area and surrounding states.

Eventually, they released their first album, "Thank Heavens for Dale Evans," in 1990 ... which didn't produce any charting singles. Ditto for their 2nd album, "Little Ol' Cowgirl," from 1992 -- although that one featured a song that got covered and got some play, "Past the Point of Rescue." It was during this period that another OG member, Robin Lynn Macy, exited.

Come '93, it was just 3 Dixie Chicks and they released yet another album, "Shouldn't a Told You That," which didn't receive much commercial success either. This was the last album Lynch contributed to before leaving the band in '95 ... when Natalie Maines replaced her.

There are different reasons cited for why Lynch left ... but it appears she was heading in a different direction big picture -- wanting to focus on family and personal matters. At any rate, in interviews since -- LL expressed no regrets about her decision, and went on to live a relatively private life. Of course, in the following years ... the Dixie Chicks caught fire.

With Maines, the sound of the band changed to become a bit more modern ... and Maines took up lead vocal duties -- with sisters Martie Maguire and Emily Strayer staying on too. They broke through into the mainstream in '98 with "Wide Open Spaces," and took off.

Of course, the Dixie Chicks were at the center of a lot of controversy heading into the 2000s -- including their remarks on George W. Bush and the Iraq War -- and eventually ... they changed their band name too due to the racist southern undertones affiliated with the OG.

As for Laura, she married Mac Tull and had a daughter, both of whom she's survived by. She was 65.


Originally Published -- 11:19 AM PT

Laura Lynch de Dixie Chicks Miembro fundador del grupo muere a los 65 años... Tras accidente automovilístico en Texas


11:42 AM PT -- El Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas ha confirmado la muerte de Lynch y los detalles sobre cómo murió son absolutamente trágicos. La policía dice que su investigación preliminar muestra que Laura se dirigía hacia el este por la autopista 62, y que otro carro que se dirigía hacia el oeste trató de adelantar a otro vehículo en una porción no dividida de las vías de la carretera.

Cuando ese carro intentó dar la vuelta, acabó golpeando de frente al vehículo de Laura y la mató. El conductor del otro vehículo fue trasladado a un hospital con heridas que no ponen en peligro su vida. Laura fue declarada muerta en el lugar de los hechos ... y se ha abierto una investigación completa.

Laura Lynch, miembro fundador de The Dixie Chicks, ha muerto después de estar involucrada en un accidente automovilístico, TMZ ha indagado.

El primo de la cantante, Mick Lynch, nos dice que Laura falleció el viernes en las afueras de El Paso, Texas, justo después de la puesta del sol mientras conducía a la cercana Dell City, que está a una hora y media de distancia hacia el este. Nos dicen que ella viajaba en una carretera y se metió en una colisión.

No están disponibles más detalles sobre las circunstancias exactas del accidente.

Lynch cofundó el famoso grupo de música, ahora conocido solo como The Chicks, junto a Robin Lynn Macy, Martie Erwin y Emily Erwin en 1989. Ella comenzó como bajista y finalmente asumió el papel de vocalista de la banda.

Al principio, tenían un sonido bluegrass/tradicional del country y eran sobre todo un grupo local de Texas que hacía giras por la zona y los estados vecinos.

Con el tiempo, publicaron su primer álbum "Thank Heavens for Dale Evans", en 1990, que no produjo ningún éxito. Lo mismo ocurrió con su segundo álbum, "Little Ol' Cowgirl", de 1992, aunque en ese caso incluyeron una canción que fue portada y tuvo cierta repercusión "Past the Point of Rescue". Fue durante este período cuando otra integrante legendaria Robin Lynn Macy, abandonó el grupo.

En el 93, solo quedaban tres Dixie Chicks y publicaron otro disco titulado "Shouldn't a Told You That", que tampoco tuvo mucho éxito comercial. Este fue el último álbum en el que participó Lynch antes de abandonar el grupo en 1995, cuando Natalie Maines la sustituyó.

Hay diferentes razones de por qué se fue, pero parece que iba en otra dirección en general. Deseaba centrarse en su familia y sus asuntos personales. En cualquier caso, en las entrevistas que ha concedido desde entonces, Laura Lynch no se había arrepentido de su decisión y llevaba una vida relativamente privada. Por supuesto, en los años siguientes las Dixie Chicks fueron furor.

Con Maines, el sonido de la banda cambió hacia un estilo un poco más moderno. Ella asumió la función de vocalista junto a las hermanas Martie Maguire y Emily Strayer. En el 98 se abrieron paso con el gran público de "Wide Open Spaces", donde despegaron.

Por supuesto, las Dixie Chicks estuvieron al centro de muchas controversias en la década de los 2000 por sus comentarios sobre George W. Bush y la guerra de Irak, y al final también cambiaron el nombre de su grupo debido a las connotaciones racistas del sur asociadas al nombre original.

En cuanto a Laura, se casó con Mac Tull y tuvo una hija, ambas le sobreviven. Tenía 65 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Mama June Taking Anna's Ashes On Holiday Trip To Disney World

After suffering the loss of Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Mama June and the rest of her family are spending the holidays at the happiest place on earth ... and we're told Anna's remains are coming along, too.

Sources connected to the family tell TMZ ... before Anna passed, they had all spoken about spending Christmas at Disney World in Orlando, Florida -- and that plan is going forward, because the fam has rented a house in the area and will spend the week together.

We're told the family has a small urn holding some of Anna's ashes, and they're planning on bringing it with them to the rental house ... so they feel like she is there.

Our sources say Mama June, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" and her boyfriend Dralin Carswell, Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird and her family, and Anna's daughter, Kaitlyn, will all be going to the Mouse House -- we're told Anna's ex-husband, Michael, got an invite for their kid, Kylee ... but no word back on if she'll be coming, too.

Obviously, Christmas is going to be a hard one for the girls after recently losing their mother ... and while there are no plans to bring Anna's ashes to the theme park, we're told Kaitlyn plans to wear her new necklace there, which contains some of her mom's remains.

As for the gifts, Anna said before she died that she wanted to give her kids iPads, and our sources say they were already gifted the tablets -- with the family wanting to fulfill one of Anna's final wishes.

As we reported, Anna died earlier this month from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma. The family showed up at her funeral in Georgia, and the plan was for Anna to be cremated after the memorial ... with her ashes being divided up and given to family members.

Mamá June Lleva las cenizas de Anna a un paseo de vacaciones a Disney

Después de sufrir la pérdida de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, Mamá June y el resto de su familia están pasando las vacaciones en el lugar más feliz del mundo y nos dicen que los restos de Anna están con ellos también.

Fuentes conectadas a la familia le dicen a TMZ que antes de que Anna falleciera habían hablado de pasar la Navidad en Disneyworld en Orlando, Florida, y ese plan sigue en pie porque la familia ha alquilado una casa en la zona para pasar la semana juntos.

Nos dicen que la familia tiene una pequeña urna con algunas de las cenizas de Anna y que están planeando llevarla con ellos al paseo para sentir como si ella estuviera allí.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Mamá June, Alana "Honey Boo Boo" y su novio Dralin Carswell, Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird y su familia, y la hija de Anna, Kaitlyn, todos irán a la casa de Mickey Mouse. Nos dicen que el ex marido de Anna, Michael, recibió una invitación para su hija Kylee, pero no se sabe si vendrá también.

Obviamente, la Navidad va a ser difícil para las niñas después de la reciente pérdida de su madre y aunque no hay planes para llevar las cenizas de Anna al parque temático, se nos dice que Kaitlyn planea usar su nuevo collar, que contiene algunos de los restos de su madre.

En cuanto a los regalos, antes de morir Anna dijo que quería darle a sus hijos iPads y nuestras fuentes dicen que ya fueron dotados de las tabletas, pues la familia quería cumplir uno de sus últimos deseos.

Como informamos, Anna murió a principios de este mes a causa de un carcinoma suprarrenal en etapa 4. La familia se presentó en su funeral en Georgia y el plan era que Anna fuera incinerada después del memorial. Sus cenizas fueron divididas y entregadas a los miembros de la familia.

George Clooney Opens Up About Matthew Perry's Death ... He Was Unhappy On 'Friends'

George Clooney is speaking out publicly about the death of Matthew Perry ... saying the actor wasn't happy on the set of his hit sitcom, "Friends."

Clooney sat for an interview published Tuesday in Deadline to promote his new film, "The Boys In the Boat," -- and he opened up about his relationship with Perry dating back to the '90s when they first met and played paddle ball together.

At the time, Perry was 16 and searching for success, desperately trying to get on a sitcom. Clooney described Perry as a "great, funny, funny, funny kid."

One day, Clooney said he was chatting with Perry, who told him, "I just want to get on a regular sitcom and I would be the happiest man on earth."

Perry got his wish, scoring a leading role as Chandler Bing on "Friends," which Clooney noted was "probably one of the best ever" TV shows.

Yet, Perry still wasn’t happy, Clooney said, because it "didn’t bring him joy or happiness or peace."

Back then, the two stars worked on the Warner Brothers lot next to each other -- and Clooney recalled it was "hard to watch" Perry because "we didn't know what was going through him."

Clooney insisted he had no idea Perry was popping 12 Vicodin a day and "all the stuff he talked about, all that heartbreaking stuff."

Clooney added that money and success do not automatically translate into happiness, explaining, "You have to be happy with yourself and your life."

As you know ... Perry died of "the acute effects of ketamine," a drug used to treat depression and is sometimes taken recreationally. The L.A. Coroner found several contributing factors: drowning, coronary artery disease, and buprenorphine effects. Buprenorphine is used to ween addicts off opioids.

In October, Perry was discovered unresponsive in his hot tub after his personal assistant returned to his L.A. area home after running errands. Perry was declared dead after first responders tried unsuccessfully to revive him.

George Clooney Se abre sobre la muerte de Matthew Perry... No era feliz en 'Friends'

George Clooney está hablando públicamente sobre la muerte de Matthew Perry, diciendo que el actor no era feliz en el set de su exitosa comedia "Friends".

Clooney dio una entrevista publicada el martes por Deadline para promocionar su nueva película "The Boys In the Boat" y en ella se abrió sobre su relación con Perry, la que se remonta a los años 90, cuando se conocieron y jugaron al pádel juntos.

En ese momento, Perry tenía 16 años y buscaba el éxito, tratando desesperadamente de entrar a una comedia. Clooney describió a Perry como un "chico genial, divertido, gracioso".

Un día, Clooney dijo que estaba charlando con Perry, quien le dijo: "Solo quiero entrar en una comedia sitcom, sería el hombre más feliz de la tierra".

Perry cumplió su deseo con el papel protagonista de Chandler Bing en "Friends", de la que Clooney dijo que era "probablemente una de las mejores series de televisión de la historia".

Sin embargo, Perry siguió sin sentirse contento, dijo Clooney, porque "no le traía alegría, ni felicidad, ni paz".

En aquel entonces, las dos estrellas trabajaron en el lote de Warner Brothers, uno al lado del otro, y Clooney recordó que era "difícil ver" a Perry porque "no sabíamos lo que estaba pasando con él".

Clooney insistió en que no tenía ni idea de que Perry tomaba 12 Vicodin al día y "todas las cosas de las que hablaba, todas esas cosas desgarradoras".

Clooney añadió que el dinero y el éxito no se traducen automáticamente en felicidad, explicando: "Tienes que ser feliz contigo mismo y con tu vida".

Como ustedes saben, Perry murió a causa de "los efectos agudos de la ketamina", una droga utilizada para tratar la depresión y que a veces se toma de forma recreativa. El forense de Los Ángeles encontró varios factores contribuyentes, como el ahogamiento, enfermedad de las arterias coronarias y los efectos de la buprenorfina. La buprenorfina se utiliza para desintoxicar a los adictos a los opiáceos.

En octubre, Perry fue descubierto sin respuesta en su bañera de hidromasaje después de que su asistente personal regresara a su casa de la zona de Los Ángeles tras hacer unos recados. Perry fue declarado muerto después de que los primeros auxilios intentaran reanimarlo sin éxito.

Mike Rotunda Emotional Over Bray Wyatt's Death ... 'Miss Him Every Day'

Wrasslin Talk with Mayor McCall

Bray Wyatt's dad, Mike Rotunda, is opening up on his constant grief following the late WWE Superstar's tragic death ... saying life without his son has been nothing short of a "nightmare."

Rotunda -- who was famous in his own right as a wrestler for decades, most notably as Irwin R. Schuster -- joined the "Wrasslin Talk with Mayor McCall" podcast to discuss Wyatt (real name Windham Rotunda) ... and, understandably, he's still struggling to come to terms with the loss.

"It's been really hard," Rotunda said. "We miss him every day."

"[My kids] would come with me and stay on the road, wherever I was wrestling ... and it's so hard to wake up out of this nightmare and he's still not there."

Rotunda explained Windham was supposed to get married to his partner, Jojo, recently ... making it an especially challenging time for his family.

Rotunda praised WWE for helping his family by giving Windham a Legends contract among other gestures ... which will allow his four children to receive financial help from merchandise sales.

"He was a jolly fellow," Rotunda continued. "He loved to laugh, he was loud, always laughing and he lit up a room. He lit up the wrestling business. People come up to me and have a story with Windham and say, 'He took the time to sit there and bulls*** with me for 10 or 15 minutes when he's supposed to be signing autographs.' So many people come up and support him by wearing Windham's stuff, and they have a story about him. He was that kind of person."

As we previously reported, Windham -- who experienced heart complications leading up to his death -- passed away while taking a nap at his home in August.

He was just 36 years old.

Matthew Perry Death Ketamine M.D. Says Don't Blame the Ketamine ... Still an Effective Treatment

Matthew Perry's death being pinned on ketamine by the Coroner is misleading, and puts the drug in a bad light -- so says an M.D. who's prescribed it to his own patients.

Dr. Zaid Fadul -- the Medical Director at BetterU and an expert in addiction medicine -- tells TMZ ... the L.A. County Coroner Office's finding last week that Perry died from the acute effects of ketamine doesn't really explain how he died ... at least in his professional opinion.


Yes, ketamine happened to be in Matt's system at the time of his death -- and might have been the reason he dozed off in his hot tub ... but obviously, the "Friends" actor drowned.

Dr. Fadul's point here is ... any kind of drug that spurs sedation would've likely had the same effect, and he feels like blaming MP's tragic passing on ketamine alone -- without this context -- isn't fair, and that might deter people from seeking it out as a viable option.

Now, on the issue of whether Perry had used ketamine the day he died or not -- Dr. Fadul has a theory on that as well. According to him, Matt was likely experienced with ketamine and was taking ever-increasing doses, which might've left some residual.

He adds, that residual amount could've been super high, if Matt had a high tolerance to the drug and was taking high doses. He also believes Perry wasn't only taking ketamine through an IV.

Remember, the coroner's report on Perry's cause of death noted he'd been involved in ketamine infusion therapy in the months leading up to this -- but pointed out he'd been weaning off of it thanks to a new doctor who found he didn't need as much these days.

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Ketamine is often used as a treatment for depression and anxiety, which is why Matt had been taking it ... but because his ketamine levels were so elevated when he died, it's unclear Matt was taking it therapeutically or recreationally.

The implication from the report seems to be pointing to the latter. Dr. Fadul, though, isn't so sure that's accurate.

In any case, the bigger picture the good doctor is trying to communicate is ketamine can be effective, and has been in his experience. He believes there is no one solution that works for everyone and you want to give people options. Ketamine just needs to be taken safely and in the right environment -- and he feels Matt's situation can serve as a cautionary tale.

Terapeuta dice que no culpemos a la ketamina por la muerte de Matthew Perry

La muerte de Matthew Perry se le atribuye a la ketamina, y esto le otorga a la droga una mala reputación injustamente adquirida. Esto según un terapeuta que le ha prescrito ketamina a sus propios pacientes.

El Dr. Zaid Fadul —Director Médico de BetterU y experto en medicina de la adicción— le dice a TMZ que el forense del Condado de Los Ángeles que dijo que Perry murió por los efectos agudos de la ketamina no explica realmente cómo murió, al menos en su opinión profesional.

no hay que culpar a la ketamina

Sí, la ketamina pasó a estar en el sistema de Matt en el momento de su muerte y puede haber sido la razón por la que se quedó dormido en su bañera de hidromasaje, pero obviamente el actor de "Friends" se ahogó.

El punto del Dr. Fadul es que cualquier tipo de droga que estimula la sedación probablemente habría tenido el mismo efecto, y siente que culpar solamente a la ketamina por la trágica muerte es injusto y es algo que podría hacer que la gente no considere el tratamiento como una opción viable.

Ahora bien, sobre la cuestión de si Perry había consumido ketamina el día de su muerte o no, el Dr. Fadul también tiene una teoría al respecto en esta entrevista. Según él, Matt probablemente tenía experiencia con la ketamina y tomaba dosis cada vez mayores, lo que podría haber dejado algún residuo.

Recordemos que el informe del forense sobre la causa de la muerte de Perry señaló que había estado involucrado en una terapia de infusión de ketamina durante los meses previos a su muerte, pero señaló que había estado disminuyendo gracias a un nuevo médico que encontró que no necesitaba tanto en estos días.

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investigación en curso

La ketamina se utiliza a menudo como un tratamiento eficaz para la depresión y la ansiedad, y es la razón por la que Matt la había tomado, pero a los ojos del forense, el jurado no sabe si la ketamina en el sistema de Matt era para ese propósito o si era recreativa. La implicación del informe parece apuntar a lo segundo.

En cualquier caso, lo que el buen doctor trata de transmitir es que la ketamina puede ser eficaz, y así ha sido en su experiencia. Solo tiene que tomarse de forma segura y en el entorno adecuado y cree que la situación de Matt puede servir de ejemplo.

'ALL IN THE FAMILY' CREATOR Norman Lear's Cause of Death Revealed

Norman Lear, the TV icon famous for creating "All In The Family," died from heart issues ... TMZ has learned.

Norman's official cause of death is listed as cardiac arrest, according to his death certificate. The doc, obtained by TMZ, also lists congestive heart failure as an underlying cause of death.

As we reported ... Norman died earlier this month at his home in Beverly Hills from what his publicist said was natural causes. He was 101.


Norman made a seismic impact on American culture and social change over a long career in Hollywood ... creating hit shows like "The Jeffersons," "Sanford and Son," "Good Times," "One Day at a Time," and "Diff'rent' Strokes" in addition to "All In The Family."

Courtesy Act III Productions

Norman's longtime TV career gets a nod on his death certificate ... the doc notes he spent 80 years as a writer-producer in the entertainment biz.

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Following his death, Norman got a touching tribute from Henry Winkler ... remembering Norman as a forward-thinking man who used art to help Americans see the best and worst in themselves.

We discussed Norman's legacy in recent episode of the Last Days podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Max Payne' Star James McCaffrey Dead at 65 ... After Cancer Battle

James McCaffrey -- an actor best known for voicing the popular video game character Max Payne -- has died after a battle with cancer ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for the star tells us McCaffrey passed away Sunday surrounded by friends and family. We're told he'd been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, and that he ultimately succumbed to the disease.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

His rep notes ... "One of Dick Wolf's proteges (""Swift Justice), McCaffrey went on to a successful 35 year career in television and film. Trained at the Actor's Studio, he never lost his love for creating characters; however, his good looks often pushed him toward leading man roles."

Word of McCaffrey's death first started to spread through a post from "Entourage" star Kevin Dillon -- who honored his friend with a photo of the both of them and a remembrance.

Like we mentioned, McCaffrey will perhaps best be remembered for serving as the voice actor for the 'Max Payne' video game series -- which included at least 3 installments -- but his resume went well beyond just that ... with TV and movie roles on big time shows.

The series he famously appeared in was "Rescue Me," where he portrayed Jimmy Keefe for 56 episodes between 2004 and 2011. Other shows he starred in included ... "Revenge," "Beautiful People," "Law & Order: SVU," "As the World Turns," "Swift Justice," "Civil Wars," "Canterbury's Law," "Suits," "Blue Bloods," "Bluff City Law," "She's Gotta Have It" and more.

Of course, he was also one of the leads for the famed "Viper" way back in the '90s. And McCaffrey acted in a number of major films as well -- "The Truth About Cats & Dogs," "The Big Take," "A Gifted Man," "American Splendor," "She Hate Me" ... just to name a few.

McCaffrey is survived by his wife Rochelle Bostrom ... and daughter Tiernan. He was 65.


James McCaffrey fallece a los 65 años

James McCaffrey  —un actor más conocido por poner voz al popular personaje de videojuegos Max Payne— ha muerto después de una batalla contra el cáncer TMZ ha indagado.

Un representante de la estrella nos dice McCaffrey falleció el domingo rodeado de amigos y familiares. Nos han dicho que había sido diagnosticado con mieloma múltiple y que finalmente sucumbió a la enfermedad.

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Su representante señala "McCaffrey, uno de los protegidos de Dick Wolf ("Swift Justice"), desarrolló una exitosa carrera de 35 años en televisión y cine. Formado en el Actor's Studio, nunca perdió su amor por la creación de personajes; sin embargo, su buena apariencia a menudo le empujaba hacia papeles de protagonista".

La noticia de la muerte de McCaffrey comenzó a difundirse a través de un post de la estrella de "Entourage" Kevin Dillon, que honró a su amigo con una foto de los dos y un recuerdo.

Como ya hemos mencionado, McCaffrey es quizás más recordado por haber sido el actor de doblaje de la serie de videojuegos "Max Payne", que incluía al menos 3 entregas, pero su currículum iba mucho más allá... con papeles en televisión y cine en grandes series.

La serie en la que apareció fue "Rescue Me", donde interpretó a Jimmy Keefe durante 56 episodios entre 2004 y 2011. Otros programas que protagonizó incluyeron ... "Revenge", "Beautiful People", "Ley y orden: SVU", "As the World Turns", "Swift Justice", "Civil Wars", "Canterbury's Law", "Suits", "Blue Bloods", "Bluff City Law", "She's Gotta Have It" y más.

Por supuesto, también fue uno de los protagonistas de la famosa serie "Víper" allá por los 90. McCaffrey también actuó en varias películas importantes: "La verdad sobre perros y gatos", "La gran apuesta", "Un hombre superdotado", "American Splendor", "Ella me odia", por nombrar algunas.

A McCaffrey le sobreviven su esposa Rochelle Bostrom y su hija Tiernan. Tenía 65 años.


ANNA 'CHICKADEE' CARDWELL Kids Having Hard Time With Her Death ... Fam Considering Therapy

Mama June's granddaughters are taking their mother's death very hard ... and the family is thinking about sending them to talk with therapists.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's daughters are reeling from the recent loss of their mom, grieving and trying to take things day by day.

Anna died Dec. 9 and her funeral was Wednesday in Georgia, where her 11-year-old daughter Kaitlyn worked up the courage to speak.

We're told Kaitlyn had no intention of speaking at her mom's funeral, but her feelings changed when she was at the funeral home ... and she shared memories of her time with Anna, some of which brought laughs.

While Kaitlyn was able to open up and reflect at the funeral, the family is discussing the benefits of having her talk with a therapist moving forward. As we first told you, Mama June now has custody of Kaitlyn.

Our sources say Kaitlyn was very involved in Anna's cancer battle, making sure her mom took her medicine and sticking by her side throughout the process. So there's a lot to unpack.

Anna's youngest daughter is 8-year-old Kylee, who is now living with her biological father, Michael.

Because of Kylee's age, we're told it's been harder for her to understand her mom's death ... and she's been leaning on her friends for support and went back to school Friday, which the family sees as a good sign. The school had a field trip, we're told, and the family felt it was a good time for Kylee to go back.


Unclear if Kylee's dad will get her in a room with a therapist, but we're told the family wants her to at least have someone to talk to.

Meanwhile, we're told the sisters have been calling each other and grieving together.

Ex-NBA Player Eric Montross Dead At 52 ... After Cancer Battle

Eric Montross -- the ninth overall pick in the 1994 NBA Draft -- has passed away after a battle with cancer, his family announced Monday.

He was just 52 years old.

Montross was a star for the University of North Carolina Tar Heels ... winning a national championship in 1993 before playing eight seasons in the pros for the Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, New Jersey Nets, Philadelphia 76ers, Detroit Pistons and Toronto Raptors.

"The family of Eric Montross (Laura, Sarah, Andrew, and Megan) is announcing that he passed away on Sunday, December 17, surrounded by loved ones at his home in Chapel Hill," a statement released by UNC said.

"Eric was diagnosed with cancer in March 2023, and his family is grateful for the tremendous support and the truly overwhelming love expressed by so many people as he battled with his signature determination and grace."

"They also thank the many members of the medical community -- and particularly those at UNC Lineberger Cancer Center -- who matched his fight with equal passion. To know Eric was to be his friend, and the family knows that the ripples from the generous, thoughtful way that he lived his life will continue in the lives of the many people he touched with his deep and sincere kindness."

Montross was an All-American for UNC ... and received All-ACC honors in 1993 and 1994.

He scored 2,071 points and recorded 2,159 rebounds over the course of his NBA career ... and went on to provide color commentary for Tar Heels basketball games after announcing his retirement in 2003.