Andre Braugher Dead at 61

Andre Braugher, famous for his work on "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" and "Homicide: Life On The Street," is dead.

The longtime TV actor died Monday due to a brief illness ... according to his rep.

Andre was best known recently for starring as Captain Raymond Holt in the police comedy series "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" ... appearing in all 153 episodes alongside Andy Samberg and Terry Crews.

Terry just posted a heartfelt tribute on social media, saying ... "This hurts. You left us too soon. You taught me so much. I will be forever grateful for the experience of knowing you. Thank you for your wisdom, your advice, your kindness and your friendship."

Andre first broke through in Hollywood back in 1993, when he landed the role of Detective Frank Pembleton in the NBC drama "Homicide: Life on the Street." Andre would appear in 100 episodes of the TV show.

Andre also famously played used car salesman Owen Thoreau Jr. in the TV comedy-drama "Men of a Certain Age."

Overall, Andre earned 2 Primetime Emmy Awards among 11 nominations for his decorated TV career.

Andre also appeared on the big screen ... with roles in movies including "Frequency," "The Mist," and "City of Angels."

Born and raised in Chicago, Andre went to college at Stanford University, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in theatre before continuing his studies at the Julliard School's Drama Division.

He is survived by his wife, actress Ami Brabson -- whom he married in 1991 -- and their 3 children.

Andre was 61.


Mama June Gets Custody of 1 of Chickadee's Kids

Mama June is taking over mama duties for one of her late daughter Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's kids ... TMZ has learned.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Mama June is currently in custody of Anna's 11-year-old daughter Kaitlyn.

Anna, who died Saturday after a difficult battle with cancer, had 2 daughters with 2 different men ... and our sources say the younger child, 8-year-old Kylee, is now living with her biological father, Michael.


We're told the family had a plan in place for Kylee to move in with her dad should something happen to Anna, who was diagnosed, back in January, with stage 4 cancer.

Our sources say Kaitlyn and Mama June have a very close bond -- she's June's first grandchild -- so, everyone in the family agrees, moving her to Grandma's house is the best situation for her. We're also told June plans to become Kaitlyn's legal guardian.

As we first told you, Anna secretly married her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in March after learning she had cancer.

We're told Eldridge has a very close relationship with both Kaitlyn and Kylee -- though he's not their biological father -- and he will continue to be involved in both their lives as well.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Our sources also say Kaitlyn and Kylee are close as well, and will continue to see each other.

Mama June se queda con la custodia de una de las hijas de Chickadee tras su muerte

Mama June se hace cargo de la custodia de una de las hijas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes familiares le dicen a TMZ que Mamá junio está en custodia de la hija de 11 años de Anna Kaitlyn.

Anna, que murió el sábado después de una difícil batalla contra el cáncer, tenía dos hijas con dos hombres diferentes y nuestras fuentes dicen Kylee de 8 años de edad, ahora está viviendo con su padre biológico, Michael.

Nos dicen que la familia tenía un plan en marcha para Kylee a vivir con su padre si algo le sucediera a Anna, que en enero fue diagnosticado con cáncer en etapa 4.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kaitlyn y Mama June tienen un vínculo muy estrecho y mudarse a la casa de la abuela es la mejor situación para ella.

Fuimos los primeros en informar que Anna se casó en secreto con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en marzo después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer. Nos dicen que Eldridge tiene una relación muy estrecha tanto con Kaitlyn como con Kylee, y que seguirá involucrado en la vida de ambas también.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kaitlyn y Kylee están cerca y seguirán viéndose.

La familia de Mama June repartirá las cenizas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, la hija mayor de Mama June, será incinerada, TMZ ha indagado, y nos dicen que todos en la familia recibirán una parte de sus cenizas.

Fuentes de la familia le dicen a TMZ que después de los servicios conmemorativos de Anna esta semana, será la cremación, y planean dividir sus restos entre los miembros de la familia. Nos dicen que se ha hablado de hacer joyas especiales o cristales con sus cenizas en el interior.

Nos dicen que la funeraria también está tomando las huellas dactilares de Anna como un recuerdo y la familia también está considerando la posibilidad de hacerse tatuajes de sus huellas.

Las fuentes dicen que Anna pidió un funeral con ataúd abierto y quería que sus fans pudieran asistir al memorial, diciéndonos que estaba cerca de ellos y quería asegurarse de que eran parte de los servicios para tener una oportunidad de cierre.

La familia de Anna también está planeando conseguir un banco conmemorativo en su honor, como un lugar para ir y hablar con ella cuando quieran, aunque la ubicación exacta aún no se ha determinado.

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dando las malas noticias
Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su batalla contra el cáncer, como recordarás, ella sufría de carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4. Los médicos le habían dicho que era terminal.

Mama June dio la triste noticia a sus fans en redes sociales, diciendo emocionalmente que murió en paz con su familia a su alrededor. June también estaba en línea pidiendo oraciones el día antes de la muerte de Anna, afirmando que el tiempo de su hija estaba llegando a su fin.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Mama June's Fam Will Divide Ashes After Open-Casket Funeral

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, the eldest daughter of Mama June, will be cremated ... TMZ has learned, and we're told everyone in the family will get a portion of her ashes.

Family sources tell TMZ ... after Anna's memorial services this week, her family will be cremating her, and they plan to split her remains amongst family members. We're told there's been talk about making special jewelry or crystals with her ashes inside.

We're told the funeral home is also fingerprinting Anna as a keepsake, too ... and the family is also considering getting tattoos of her prints.

Sources say Anna requested an open-casket funeral and wanted her fans to be able to attend the memorial -- telling us she was close with them and wanted to make sure they were a part of the services to have a chance at closure.


Anna's family is also planning to get a memorial bench in her honor, as a place to go and talk with her when they want ... although the exact location has yet to be determined.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported, Anna passed away Saturday night due to complications from her cancer battle -- you'll recall, she was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which doctors had told her was terminal.

Mama June broke the sad news to fans on social media, emotionally saying she died peacefully with her family around her. June was also online asking for prayers the day before Anna's death, claiming her daughter's time was coming to an end.

La hija de Mama June se casó en secreto tras ser diagnosticada de cáncer

La difunta hija de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, se casó después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer en etapa cuatro, TMZ ha indagado.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que la estrella de telerrealidad expresó el deseo de casarse con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en enero, después de haber sido diagnosticada con carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4.

Nos dicen que Anna dejó claro que quería tener su boda mientras todavía se sentía lo suficientemente bien como para participar de una ceremonia.

Según el certificado de matrimonio obtenido por TMZ, Anna y Eldridge ataron el nudo el 4 de marzo en el condado de Wilkinson, Georgia. Además, el marido de la hermana de Anna, Pumpkin, fue el oficiante.

Recordemos que Anna también recibió quimioterapia en marzo, el mismo mes que se casó.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la boda incluyó a familiares cercanos y un equipo de cámaras grabando imágenes para su reality show de WE tv, "Mama June: From Not to Hot".

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna murió el sábado después de su difícil batalla contra el cáncer, un poco más de nueve meses después de que ella caminó hacia el altar.

La pareja no tenía hijos en común, pero Anna tenía dos hijos de relaciones anteriores.

MAMA JUNE'S DAUGHTER CHICKADEE Secretly Married After Cancer Diagnosis

Mama June's late daughter, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, got hitched after finding out she had stage 4 cancer ... TMZ has learned.

Our sources tell us the reality TV star expressed her desire to get married to her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in January ... after being diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.

We're told Anna made it clear she wanted to have her wedding while she was still feeling well enough to go through a ceremony.

According to the marriage certificate, obtained by TMZ, Anna and Eldridge tied the knot March 4 in Wilkinson County, Georgia. What's more, Anna's sister, Pumpkin's husband was the officiant.

Remember ... Anna was also undergoing chemotherapy in March, the same month she got married.

Our sources say the wedding included close family and a camera crew recording footage for their WE tv reality show, "Mama June: From Not to Hot."

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported ... Anna died Saturday after her difficult cancer battle, a little over 9 months after she walked down the aisle.


The couple did not have any children together, but Anna had 2 children from previous relationships.

Mama June's Daughter Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Dead at 29 ... After Cancer Battle

Mama June's eldest daughter -- Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell -- has died after a difficult cancer battle.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell passed away Saturday night due to complications from her stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which had previously been described as terminal. Mama June broke the sad news online, writing ... "With the breaking heart, we are announcing that @annamarie35 is no longer with us. She passed away in my home last night peacefully at 11:12 PM."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

MJ adds, "She gave one hell of a fight for 10 months she passed away with her family around her like she won’t and we will will be updating y’all with more information as we get it today. We love y’all and continued prayers and thoughts for our family doing this difficult time."

Cardwell's passing comes not long after her mother asked the public for prayers on Friday ... when she signaled Anna would be leaving this world soon.

Instagram / @mamajune

June had told her followers in a video that the family was going through a transition, and that while Anna was still technically with them ... her life was in God's hands.

Anna had been diagnosed with cancer in January -- this after doctors did tests and found her lung, liver and kidney had been affected. She's said to have undergone chemotherapy in March, and was documenting her journey as recently as October on social media.

It sounds like things took a turn for the worse, though ... and Mama June's family is gutted.

Anna was a big part of their popularity in reality TV -- she'd appeared in several episodes of their hit shows "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and "Toddlers & Tiaras." She was very much so online, and had a fair amount of followers of her own ... upwards of nearly 250,000, in fact.

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The last time we saw Anna was on the TMZ Tour, where she was riding like a normie and bantering with our camera person ... spitballing on what nickname she'd give Harvey Levin.


Anna is survived by her mother, June; her husband Eldridge, her two children, Kaitlyn and Kylee; and her three sisters: Lauryn, Alana and Jessica. She was only 29 years old.


Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell fallece a los 29

La hija mayor de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, ha muerto tras una difícil batalla contra el cáncer.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4, que previamente había sido descrito como terminal. Mama June dio la triste noticia en línea, escribiendo: "Con el corazón roto, anunciamos que @annamarie35 ya no está con nosotros. Ella falleció en mi casa anoche pacíficamente a las 11:12 PM".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Añade: "Ella dio una gran lucha durante diez meses hasta que falleció con su familia a su alrededor como ella quería y estaremos actualizandolos con más información a medida que transucrra el día. Los queremos a todos y seguimos rezando y pensando en nuestra familia en estos momentos tan difíciles".

El fallecimiento de Cardwell se produce no mucho después de que su madre le pidiera al público oraciones el viernes, cuando señaló que Anna estaría dejando este mundo pronto.

recen por nosotros
Instagram / @mamajune

June le había dicho a sus seguidores en un video que la familia estaba pasando por una transición y que mientras Anna todavía estaba técnicamente con ellos, su vida estaba en manos de Dios.

Anna había sido diagnosticada de cáncer en enero, después de que los médicos le hicieran pruebas y descubrieran que tenía afectados los pulmones, el hígado y los riñones. Se dice que se sometió a quimioterapia en marzo y documentó su viaje en octubre en las redes sociales.

Parece que las cosas han empeorado y la familia de Mama June está destrozada.

Anna era una gran parte de su popularidad en la televisión realidad - que había aparecido en varios episodios de sus programas de éxito "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" y "Toddlers & Tiaras". Ella era mucho en línea, y tenía una buena cantidad de seguidores de su propia ... más de casi 250.000, de hecho.

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La última vez que vimos a Anna fue en el TMZ Tour, donde ella estaba montando como un normie y bromeando con nuestra persona de la cámara ... escupir en qué apodo le daría Harvey Levin.

A Anna le sobreviven su madre, June; sus dos hijas, Kaitlyn y Kylie; y sus tres hermanas: Lauryn, Alana y Jessica. Sólo tenía 29 años.


Ryan O'Neal Muere a los 82 años

La estrella de "Love Story" y "Peyton Place" Ryan O'Neal ha muerto.

Su hijo Patrick publicó: "Esto es lo más difícil que he tenido que decir, pero aquí vamos. Mi padre ha fallecido hoy en paz, con su querido equipo a su lado apoyándolo y queriéndolo como él nos querría a nosotros".

O'Neal no solo fue uno de los actores más atractivos de Hollywood en su momento, sino también un gran rompecorazones. Sus créditos incluyen "What's Up, Doc", "Paper Moon", "Barry Lyndon", "A Bridge Too Far", "The Main Event" y "The Driver".

Ryan fue nominado en 1970 al Oscar al Mejor Actor por "Love Story".

Fue famoso por haber sido compañero de vida de Farrah Fawcett entre 1979 y 1997. Luego se reconectaron entre 2001 y 2009, cuando ella murió. Patrick dijo: "Ryan nunca presumió, pero tiene derecho a presumir en el Cielo. Especialmente cuando se trata de Farrah. Todo el mundo tenía el póster, él tenía al verdadero McCoy. Y ahora se encuentran de nuevo".

Por cierto, compartió la gran pantalla en "Luna de papel" con su hija, Tatum O'Neal.

En cuanto a lo de rompecorazones, bueno, salió con un puñado de bellas mujeres, entre ellas Ursula Andress, Bianca Jagger, Jacqueline Bisset, Barbara Streisand, Joan Collins y Diana Ross.

A Ryan le sobreviven 4 hijos y 5 nietos.

Tenía 82 años. Que en paz descanse.

Ryan O'Neal Dead at 82

"Love Story" and "Peyton Place" star Ryan O'Neal has died.

His son Patrick posted, "So this is the toughest thing I’ve ever had to say but here we go. My dad passed away peacefully today, with his loving team by his side supporting him and loving him as he would us."

It's unclear how O'Neal died, but he's had his share of health problems, including a prostate cancer diagnosis in 2012. In 2001, he was diagnosed with chronic leukemia.

O'Neal was not only one of the hottest actors in Hollywood back in the day, but he was a major heartthrob. His credits include "What's Up, Doc?" "Paper Moon," "Barry Lyndon," "A  Bridge Too Far," "The Main Event," and "The Driver."

Ryan was nominated in 1970 for a Best Actor Oscar for "Love Story."

He was famously life partners with Farrah Fawcett from 1979 - 1997, and they reconnected between 2001 and 2009, when she died. Patrick said, "Ryan never bragged, but he has bragging rights in Heaven. Especially when it comes to Farrah. Everyone had the poster, he had the real McCoy. And now they meet again."

BTW ... he shared the big screen in "Paper Moon" with his daughter, Tatum O'Neal.

As for the heartthrob part ... well, he dated a gaggle of beautiful women, including Ursula Andress, Barbra Streisand, Bianca Jagger, Jacqueline Bisset, Joan Collins and Diana Ross.

Ryan is survived by 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

He was 82. RIP

Norman Lear Henry Winkler le rinde homenaje Fue un ícono televisivo con visión de futuro

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Descubriendo a su verdadero yo

Henry Winkler está aplaudiendo al legendario productor Norman Lear por causar un enorme impacto en la industria televisiva de Estados Unidos y más aún en la sociedad americana.

Siendo él mismo un icono de televisión, "The Fonz" se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" y admitió que no es fácil encontrar las palabras adecuadas para describir a alguien como Norman, que logró tanto en la vida, con "gracia, inteligencia y diversión".

Henry compartió una anécdota sobre la fiesta de cumpleaños de Norman, cuando cumplió 101 años, y alguien le preguntó cómo se sentía al llegar a esa edad. Él ingeniosamente le respondió: "¡No tan bien como me sentiré a los 102!".

Su punto es que Norman, quien falleció el martes, siempre fue un tipo con visión de futuro, que utilizó su arte para ayudar a los estadounidenses a ver lo mejor y lo peor de sí mismos, abordando temas como la homosexualidad, el racismo, la guerra de Vietnam y los derechos de la mujer, cosas que nunca se habían hecho antes en la televisión.

En cuanto a Henry, su libro de memorias "Being Henry: The Fonz ... and Beyond" pronto cumplirá un mes entre los más vendidos del New York Times y después de 50 años en el mundo del espectáculo nos cuenta por qué recién está descubriendo a su verdadero yo.

Hay que ver la metáfora perfecta que nos soltó para resumir su impresionante carrera. Es fácil ver por qué Henry es conocido como el tipo más simpático de Hollywood.


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Henry Winkler is applauding legendary producer Norman Lear for making an enormous impact on America's TV landscape, and even bigger ... on American society.

Being a TV icon himself, "The Fonz" joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live," and admitted it's not easy to find the right words to describe someone like Norman, who accomplished so much in life, with "grace, intelligence, and fun."

Henry shared an anecdote about Norman's 101st birthday party, where someone asked how he felt about reaching that age, and he wittily responded ... "Not as good as I'll be at 102!"

His point being, Norman -- who passed away Tuesday -- was always a forward-thinking guy, who used his art to help Americans see the best and worst in themselves ... tackling topics like homosexuality, racism, the Vietnam War and women's rights -- which had never been done before on TV.

As for Henry ... well, his memoir, "Being Henry: The Fonz ... and Beyond," is approaching one month on the New York Times Bestseller list -- and after 50 years in showbiz, he told us why he's just now discovering his true self.

Ya gotta see the perfect metaphor he dropped on us to encapsulate his awesome career. Easy to see why Henry's known as the nicest guy in Hollywood!

Norman Lear muere a los 101 años

Norman Lear, el icono de la televisión que tuvo un impacto sísmico en la cultura estadounidense y el cambio social, ha muerto.

Lear murió en su casa de Los Ángeles el martes por causas naturales, según su publicista.

No hay manera de exagerar la importancia de Lear en los medios de comunicación y más allá. Él creó "All in the Family" y fue más que innovador cuando se estrenó en 1971 ... un espectáculo sobre un intolerante, tipo de cuello azul con una familia que no se alinean con sus puntos de vista. El personaje que creó, Archie Bunker, era a la vez despreciable y, en ocasiones, adorable.

La serie abordó temas nunca antes tocados en televisión... como la homosexualidad, el racismo, la guerra de Vietnam, el racismo y los derechos de la mujer. Archie se enemistó con George Jefferson, que se hizo tan popular que Lear creó otro éxito monstruoso: "Los Jefferson". Asimismo, otro personaje, Maude, interpretado por Bea Arthur, se convirtió en otro spinoff de éxito.

Esa es sólo una pequeña lista de los éxitos de Lear... otros incluyen "Sanford and Son", "Good Times", "One Day at a Time" y "Diff'rent Strokes".

Lear tenía un don único para crear humor en torno a temas sociales y políticos delicados. En resumen, cambió la televisión y la cultura estadounidense.

Fue un activista hasta su muerte... un liberal acérrimo que en su día se enfrentó a la conservadora Mayoría Moral. Fue un crítico acérrimo de Donald Trump.

Su familia dijo en un comunicado: "Gracias por la conmovedora efusión de amor y apoyo en honor de nuestro maravilloso esposo, padre y abuelo. Norman vivió una vida de creatividad, tenacidad y empatía".

recordando a una leyenda
Courtesy Act III Productions

Amaba profundamente a nuestro país y pasó toda su vida ayudando a preservar sus ideales fundacionales de justicia e igualdad para todos. Conocerle y quererle ha sido el mayor regalo".

Lear deja atrás a su tercera esposa, Lyn Davis, seis hijos y cuatro nietos.

una noticia impactante

Lear tenía 101 años y los vivió bien.


'All in the Family' Creator Norman Lear Dead at 101

Norman Lear, the TV icon who had a seismic impact on American culture and social change, has died.

Lear died at his home in L.A. Tuesday of natural causes, according to his publicist.

There is no way to overstate Lear's importance in media and beyond. He created "All in the Family" and it was more than groundbreaking when it debuted in 1971 ... a show about a bigoted, blue-collar dude with a family that did not align with his views. The character he created, Archie Bunker, was both despicable and, at times, loveable.

The show tackled issues never touched before on TV ... including homosexuality, racism, the Vietnam War, racism and women's rights. Archie became frenemies with George Jefferson, who became so popular Lear created another monster hit -- "The Jeffersons." Likewise, another character, Maude, played by Bea Arthur, became yet another hit spinoff.

That's just a short list of Lear's hits ... others include "Sanford and Son," "Good Times," "One Day at a Time," and "Diff'rent Strokes."

Lear had a unique knack for creating humor around touchy social and political issues. In short, he changed TV and American culture.

He was an activist until he died ... a staunch liberal who once took on the conservative Moral Majority. He was a die-hard critic of Donald Trump.

His family said in a statement, "Thank you for the moving outpouring of love and support in honor of our wonderful husband, father and grandfather. Norman lived a life of creativity, tenacity, and empathy.

Courtesy Act III Productions

They continued, "He deeply loved our country and spent a lifetime helping to preserve its founding ideals of justice and equality for all. Knowing and loving him has been the greatest gift."

Lear leaves behind his third wife, Lyn Davis, six kids and four grandkids.


Lear was 101 and lived those years well.


Justice Sandra Day O'Connor First Woman on Supreme Court Dead at 93

Sandra Day O'Connor, the first female justice on the Supreme Court, has died.

Justice O'Connor passed away Friday morning in Phoenix, AZ ... the court announced her death in a statement, saying she died, "of complications related to advanced dementia, probably Alzheimer’s, and a respiratory illness."

O'Connor made history in 1981 when she was appointed to the High Court by President Ronald Reagan. She was considered a moderate conservative, and often made the difference on the 9-person Court when it came to momentous decisions.

The Stanford Law School grad tackled the biggest social issues in the country, including abortion, affirmative action, and even presidential elections. She voted in 2000 to stop the recount in Florida in the race between Al Gore and George W. Bush ... her vote was part of the majority that secured Bush's election.

After leaving the Court in 2006, she bemoaned how it had swung way to the right, undoing some of her decisions over her 24-year tenure.

Chief Justice John Roberts said of Justice O'Connor, "A daughter of the American Southwest, Sandra Day O’Connor blazed an historic trail as our Nation’s first female Justice. She met that challenge with undaunted determination, indisputable ability, and engaging candor.”

Five women have followed in O'Connor's footsteps ... Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, Amy Coney Barrett and Ketanji Brown Jackson.

O'Connor was 93.