Matthew Perry Interview With Diane Sawyer Last Year ... Admitted To 55 Per Day Pill Habit


Matthew Perry detailed his personal struggles with drug addiction in an interview with Diane Sawyer last year -- and they even discussed his possible death.

The "Friends" star sat down with the legendary journalist to promote his memoir during an ABC News segment in October 2022 — and the conversation turned dark almost immediately.

Sawyer read a passage from the book titled, "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir," quoting Perry as saying, “My friends call me Matty and I should be dead."  With a serious, yet troubled look on his face, Perry responded, “That’s definitely true."

Sawyer continued to quote from Perry's book, asserting that addicts can only beat drug addiction with a healthy support group.

Perry replied that his addiction was always waiting to get him alone so he could fill his time by using drugs, in which case he admitted, "You lose to the disease."

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As we reported, Perry was found dead Saturday in a jacuzzi at his L.A.-area home after first responders received a call of a person in cardiac arrest. Investigators believe Perry drowned and are awaiting the results of toxicology tests to determine his cause of death. Our sources say no illicit drugs were recovered from the scene and no foul play is suspected.

At one point during the Sawyer interview, Perry tried to paint a rosier picture of his pill addiction, explaining that he "now feels OK and feels like he's got some strength." But Sawyer pushed back, asking him what he meant.

Perry said, "It means I developed some safety nets around this."

He went on to talk about his seemingly never-ending battle with the pain killer Vicodin, disclosing he ingested a jaw-dropping 55 pills per day. Visibly stunned, Sawyer asked how he could get so many pills.

Perry said he would do anything to obtain them -- even if it meant raiding the medicine cabinet at a seller's open house or going to a doctor's office with a fake migraine to get a prescription.

He also said he stayed sober for long periods of time -- but then he would get cocky, thinking, "I've got this" and "I don't need to learn anymore." As a result, Perry stopped going to 12-step meetings, leading him down the path of using drugs again.

Over the years, Perry said, he detoxed more than 60 times, spending half his life in rehab or sober living, while attending thousands of AA meetings. He also claimed he first drank when he was 14 and was guzzling booze every day by the time he was 18.

MATTHEW PERRY ENTREVISTA CON DIANE SAWYER EL AÑO PASADO Admitió su hábito de tomar 55 pastillas al día

una lucha constante contra la adicción

Matthew Perry detalló sus luchas personales con la adicción a las drogas en una entrevista con Diane Sawyer el año pasado, e incluso hablaron de su posible muerte.

La estrella de "Friends" se sentó con la legendaria periodista para promover su libro de memorias durante un segmento de ABC News en octubre de 2022 y la conversación se volvió oscura casi de inmediato.

Sawyer leyó un pasaje del libro titulado "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir", citando a Perry diciendo: "Mis amigos me llaman Matty y debería estar muerto".  Con una mirada seria, aunque preocupada, Perry respondió: "Eso es definitivamente cierto".

Sawyer continuó citando el libro de Perry, afirmando que los adictos solo pueden vencer la drogadicción con un grupo de apoyo sano.

Perry replicó que su adicción siempre estaba esperando a que se quedara solo para poder volver al consumiendo drogas, admitiendo: "Pierdes ante la enfermedad".

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audio del despacho

Como informamos, Perry fue encontrado muerto el sábado en un jacuzzi en su casa del área de Los Ángeles después de que los socorristas recibieran una llamada de una persona por paro cardíaco. Los investigadores creen que Perry se ahogó y están a la espera de los resultados de los análisis toxicológicos para determinar la causa de su muerte. Nuestras fuentes dicen que no se encontraron drogas ilícitas en la escena y no hay sospechas de actividad sexual.

En un momento durante la entrevista, Perry trató de pintar una imagen más color de rosa de su adicción a las pastillas, explicando que "ahora se siente bien y se siente como si tuviera un poco de fuerza." Pero Sawyer se opuso, preguntándole qué quería decir.

Perry dijo: "Significa que desarrollé algunas redes de seguridad en torno a esto".

Continuó hablando de su aparentemente interminable batalla con el analgésico Vicodin, revelando que ingería 55 pastillas al día. Visiblemente aturdida, Sawyer le preguntó cómo podía conseguir tantas pastillas.

Perry dijo que haría cualquier cosa para obtenerlas, incluso si eso significaba asaltar el botiquín en la casa abierta de un vendedor o ir a la consulta de un médico con una migraña falsa para obtener una receta.

También dijo que se mantenía sobrio durante largos periodos de tiempo, pero entonces se volvía engreído, pensando "ya lo tengo" y "no necesito aprender más". Como resultado, Perry dejó de ir a las reuniones de 12 pasos, lo que lo llevó por el camino de consumir drogas de nuevo.

Perry dijo que a lo largo de los años se desintoxicó más de 60 veces, pasando la mitad de su vida en rehabilitación o sobrio, mientras asistía a miles de reuniones de AA. También afirmó que bebió por primera vez cuando tenía 14 años y estaba engullendo alcohol todos los días en el momento en que tenía 18 años.

MATTHEW PERRY MUERE A LOS 54 Después de aparente ahogamiento


6:02 PM PT -- Más detalles están surgiendo sobre las circunstancias que rodean la muerte de Matthew Perry. Fuentes directas nos dicen que en realidad murió en su propia casa luego de realizar un poco de actividad física esta mañana.

Nos informan que Matthew llegó a casa en algún momento de la mañana luego de una ronda de dos horas de pickleball y que le pidió a su asistente un favor poco después. Cuando el asistente regresó, alrededor de dos horas más tarde, encontró a Matthew sin sentido y llamó al 911.

No está claro si lo que Matthew estaba haciendo antes de su fallecimiento jugó algún papel en su muerte, la investigación está en marcha.

Matthew Perry, una de las estrellas de "Friends" ha muerto, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que el actor fue encontrado el sábado en una casa de Los Ángeles, donde parece haberse ahogado. Nuestras fuentes dicen que los primeros en aparecer estaban respondiendo a una llamada de paro cardíaco. No está claro donde fue esto exactamente.

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el audio

Nuestras fuentes dicen que fue encontrado en el jacuzzi de la casa y que no había drogas en la escena. También nos informan que no hay señales de actividad sexual.

Perry es más famoso por su papel como Chandler Bing en la exitosa comedia de los 90s que duró diez temporadas. Matthew participó en los 234 episodios. Su personaje era uno de los favoritos de los fans al igual que su actuación, cuyos gestos y frases han sido recreados por fans de todo el mundo. Me viene a la mente una en particular... "Podría (en blanco) SER más".

Aunque "Friends" fue su mayor éxito, estuvo involucrado en innumerables programas de televisión a lo largo de los años; como "Boys Will Be Boys", "Growing Pains", "Silver Spoons", "Charles in Charge", "Sydney", "Beverly Hills, 90210", "Home Free", "Ally McBeal", "The West Wing", "Scrubs", "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip", "Go On", "The Odd Couple" y muchos más.

También actuó en un puñado de películas memorables (la mayoría de comedia), como 'Fools Rush In', 'The Whole Nine Yards', 'Three to Tango', 'The Kid', '17 Again', 'Getting In' y muchas otras. Su última actuación fue en una miniserie de televisión en 2017.

Aunque su personaje en pantalla era afable y optimista, Matthew sufría mucho entre bastidores, sobre todo por su adicción a las drogas y al alcohol, en concreto a los analgésicos. Él estuvo enganchado al Vicodin durante años, incluso mientras filmaba 'Friends' luchaba, dentro y fuera de rehabilitación.

Matthew se abrió sobre este doloroso capítulo de su vida en un libro de memorias que publicó el año pasado, donde detalló las luchas que tenía, incluyendo su clara pérdida de peso.

Durante la promoción de su libro, Matthew concedió una serie de entrevistas donde se puso muy emocional, incluyendo una con Diane Sawyer, donde detalló su historia.

difícil de ver
Diane Sawyer / ABC News

Perry parecía estar limpio y sobrio hace un año, sin embargo, cuando él y los otros miembros del elenco estaban promocionando la reunión de 'Friends'; provocó la preocupación de los fans, ya que sentían que se veía mal, a veces arrastraba las palabras y parecía un poco fuera de sí.

Además del consumo de drogas, Matthew también tuvo problemas de salud, algunos de los cuales fueron graves y requirieron hospitalizaciones. Uno de ellos fue una perforación gastrointestinal que le obligó a someterse a una operación de urgencia, pero afortunadamente se recuperó.

Matthew nunca se casó, pero estuvo brevemente comprometido con Molly Hurwitz hace un par de años. La relación llegó a su fin luego de solo seis meses. Antes de eso, había estado vinculado a Lizzy Caplan.

Tenía 54 años.


Publicado originalmente -- 5:10 PM PT

'Friends' Star Matthew Perry Dead at 54 ... After Apparent Drowning


6:02 PM PT -- More details are surfacing about the circumstances surrounding Matthew Perry's death ... as sources tell us he actually died at his own house after some physical activity this morning.

We're told Matthew came home sometime in the AM after a 2-hour round of pickleball, and that he sent his assistant out on an errand shortly thereafter. We're told when the assistant returned about 2 hours later, he discovered Matthew unresponsive ... and called 911.

Unclear if what Matthew was doing before his passing played any role in his death at this point -- the investigation into his death is underway.

Matthew Perry -- one of the stars of "Friends" -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was found Saturday at an L.A.-area home ... where we're told he appears to have drowned. Our sources say first responders rushed over on a call for cardiac arrest. It's unclear where exactly on the grounds this happened.

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Our sources say he was found in a jacuzzi at the home ... and we're told there were no drugs found at the scene. We're also told there is no foul play involved.

Perry is most famous for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit '90s sitcom, which ran for 10 seasons ... and with him in all 234 episodes. His character was a fan fave, as was his performance -- mannerisms and lines of which have gone on to be recreated and spoofed by fans all over the world. One comes to mind, in particular ... "Could (blank) BE more ..."

While "Friends" was his biggest claim to fame ... MP starred/guest starred in countless other TV shows over the years -- such as "Boys Will Be Boys," "Growing Pains," "Silver Spoons," "Charles in Charge," "Sydney," "Beverly Hills, 90210," "Home Free," "Ally McBeal," "The West Wing," "Scrubs," "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip," "Go On," "The Odd Couple" and more.

He had also acted in a handful of memorable films (mostly comedy) ... like "Fools Rush In," "The Whole Nine Yards," "Three to Tango," "The Kid," "17 Again," "Getting In," and many others. He's been off the scene more recently ... not having acted since a TV miniseries in 2017.

While his onscreen persona was affable and upbeat, Matthew suffered mightily behind the scenes -- notably, from his addiction to drugs and alcohol ... pain killers, specifically. He was hooked on Vicodin for years -- even while on 'Friends' -- and had been in and out of rehab.

Matthew opened up about this painful chapter of his life in a memoir he put out last year -- where he detailed the struggles he had ... including his clear weight loss/gain on the show.

During his press run for his book ... Matthew did a number of interviews where he got incredibly emotional -- including one with Diane Sawyer, where he detailed his story.

Diane Sawyer / ABC News

While Perry appeared to be clean and sober a year ago, the year prior -- when he and the other cast members were plugging the "Friends" reunion show -- drew concern from fans ... as they felt he appeared unwell, at times slurring his words and looking a bit out of it.

On top of his substance use ... Matthew also dealt with health issues, some of which were serious and required hospitalization. One such incident stemmed from a gastrointestinal perforation -- which forced him to undergo emergency surgery ... but he luckily recovered.

Matthew never married, but he was briefly engaged to Molly Hurwitz a couple years ago ... which came to an end after only 6 months. Before that, he'd been linked to Lizzy Caplan.

He was 54 years old.


Originally Published -- 5:10 PM PT

Matthew Perry Casual Meal with a Friend 1 Week Ago ... Plus, Eerie Final IG Post

Matthew Perry seemed to be enjoying a day out with a friend exactly one week before he died -- leaving a West L.A. eatery in a scene that turns out to be the last time he'd be seen in public.

On October 21, the "Friends" star was walking out of the Apple Pan -- a popular West L.A. spot for burgers, sandwiches and pies. He appeared to be leaving with a male friend who was carrying a takeout bag.

Matthew was growing a little goatee ... a different look from the clean-cut guy millions of "Friends" fans knew and loved, but all in all the guy seemed to be doing well.

Prior to that, MP was seen on October 3, as he left a workout in Los Angeles.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew's assistant found him unresponsive Saturday morning at his home, just a couple hours after he'd completed a 2-hour match of pickleball. Our sources say he was found in a hot tub, and there were no drugs found at the scene.

It certainly seems like Matthew enjoyed soaking in the tub. It's an eerie image now, but just 6 days ago -- in what would be his final IG post -- he posted a nighttime shot from the hot tub, and included the caption, "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Clearly, that sense of humor his fans loved and came to expect from the beloved 54-year-old actor was still intact.

We discussed Matthew's legacy on the latest episode of Last Days, available on all podcast platforms.

'Rocky' Star Burt Young Dead at 83

Burt Young -- best known for his role as Paulie in the "Rocky" film franchise -- has died.

The Oscar-nominated actor passed away in Los Angeles on October 8. A cause of death was not disclosed.

His manager told TMZ, “Burt was an actor of tremendous emotional range. He could make you cry and he could scare you to death."

Young appeared in dozens of movies and TV shows during his decades-long career. Some of his most notable flicks included "Chinatown," "Once Upon a Time in America," "Back to School" and "The Pope of Greenwich Village."

He also landed parts in 2 hit TV programs, "M*A*S*H" and "Baretta."

But, Young will always be remembered most for playing Paulie, the rough and tumble brother-in-law of Sylvester Stallone's Rocky Balboa.

They starred together in each of the five "Rocky" movies from 1976 to 1990, as well as the final one in the series, "Rocky Balboa," in 2006.

Young received an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of Paulie in 1976, but lost to Jason Robards as Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee in "All The President's Men."

Young was 83.

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Estrella de "Rocky" Burt Young Muere a los 83 años

Burt Young, más conocido por su papel de Paulie en la franquicia cinematográfica "Rocky", ha muerto.

El actor nominado al Oscar falleció en Los Ángeles el 8 de octubre, aunque aún no se ha revelado la causa de muerte.

Su representante declaró al New York Times: "Burt era un actor con un tremendo rango emocional. Podía hacerte llorar y podía darte un susto enorme".

Young apareció en docenas de películas y programas de televisión durante sus décadas de carrera. Algunas de sus películas más notables fueron "Chinatown", "Érase una vez en América", "De vuelta al cole" y "El Papa de Greenwich Village".

También consiguió papeles en dos exitosos programas de televisión, "M*A*S*H" y "Baretta".

Sin embargo, siempre será recordado principalmente por interpretar a Paulie, el rudo cuñado del Rocky Balboa, interpretado por Sylvester Stallone.

Protagonizaron juntos cada una de las cinco películas de "Rocky" de 1976 a 1990, así como la última de la serie, "Rocky Balboa", en 2006.

Young recibió una nominación al Oscar por su interpretación de Paulie en 1976, pero perdió ante Jason Robards como el editor del Washington Post, Ben Bradlee, en "Todos los hombres del presidente".

Young tenía 83 años.

101923_burt_young_last_time_kal JANUARY 2017
La última vez que lo vimos

Que en paz descanse.

Tiger Woods Mourns Death Of Ivor Robson ... 'The Voice Of The Open'

The golf world is mourning the death of Ivor Robson -- better known as the "Voice of The Open" -- including Tiger Woods who thanked the icon for making each Open Championship "so memorable."

The Open released a statement on Tuesday announcing the death of Robson at 83.

Tiger paid tribute once the sad news broke, writing, "Thank you Ivor for making each one of my Open starts so memorable," Woods said on X.

Other golfers honored Robson, as well. Thomas Bjorn called him "a real legend in our world who will be deeply missed" and Paul McGinley described him as "the most famous & popular first tee starter golfer has ever had."

McGinley added ... "His legacy will be that iconic and quintessential British voice of his."

Robson began his career at The Open in 1975 ... and was one of the most admired announcers in sports until his retirement in 2015 after 41 Championships.

In fact, Robson, who established the famous "On the tee" introduction, was known to not even take bathroom breaks during the Championships.

Martin Slumbers, CEO of The R&A (Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews), expressed sadness over Robson's passing.

"He was popular and well respected among all golfers who played in The Open and I know that they will share in our sadness at this news," Slumbers said.

"On behalf of all of us at The R&A, I would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to his wife of 61 years, Lesley, and the Robson family."

In 2015, when Ivor called his last Open Championship, he said ... "It has been a wonderful career. It's been a great honor," Robson said at his final announcement. The way I have been treated by players, officials, sponsors ... thank you all very much."


2Pac's Brother Mopreme Shakur Diddy Told Me, Personally ... He Was Not Involved in Pac's Murder

Tupac Shakur's brother Mopreme says Diddy called him personally to deny involvement in the Las Vegas murder, and while folks like 50 Cent continue to fuel that rumor ... it sounds like Mopreme still wants an official verdict.

On Monday, Pac's bro was back in the hot seat for "Art Of Dialogue" -- the same platform where Tupac murder suspect Keefe D told on himself -- and Mopreme dug into his memory vault to recall the Diddy phone call.

At the time, they hadn't met, but Mo says the Bad Boy mogul knew exactly who he was and what he was about -- and wanted to tell him "man-to-man" the killing wasn't on his hands.

Mopreme says Diddy dialed him "sometime in the 2000s" ... which aligns with the 2008 Los Angeles Times story written by Chuck Philips that implicated Diddy in Tupac's murder.

The Times eventually retracted the story after the FBI reports it cited were found to be falsified.

Mopreme admits finding answers behind Pac's death has been a chore, and doesn't know what to make of Diddy's phone call to him.

For what it's worth, Keefe has previously claimed Diddy was orchestrating behind the scenes. It's unclear what he'll say in court now, should he actually stand trial for Tupac's murder.

50 Cent hasn't seemed to care whether Diddy's involvement is fact or fiction, and has been riling up fans with jabs on social media and onstage.

Robin Williams Genie Voice in 'OUAS' ... Real Deal, No AI

Disney fans got to hear Robin Williams' voice from "Aladdin" with completely new lines not featured in the original movie -- but rest assured, no robots were involved in the revival.

This was a big moment from Sunday night's airing of "Once Upon a Studio" ... a short film the Mouse House released on ABC to celebrate their 100-year anniversary, to touch on all the iconic characters and milestones they've hit over the years -- RW's Genie, included.

The Genie's cameo is brief but memorable ... he's shown popping off a page that Olaf -- from "Frozen" -- is working on, which causes the snowman to go crashing to the ground.

In response, Genie says ... "I haven't seen a fall like that since Rome." Once Olaf pops up and recomposes himself, Robin can be heard saying ... "Much better." It's just a couple lines, but some fans worried Disney recreated the late actor's voice by using artificial intelligence.

Fortunately for everybody, that's not the case ... as clarified by the producers/directors -- who told Variety they got official permission to use the real thing ... namely, Robin's actual vocals.

They say they reached out to Robin's estate, explaining ... "We tried to take them on the journey with us to say, 'We’ve got this very special short that we’re doing. Robin as the genie means so much to so many people and we would really love to involve him.'"

The creative team behind 'OUAS' adds ... "So Dan listened to the outtakes from the original recording and he found those little bites that we could use. We went back to the estate and said, 'This is what we hope to do. Eric, who originally animated the genie is on the show, and he’s going to be part of it.' And, it was wonderful to see that happen."

In other words, they opened up the Disney vault ... and did right by Robin and fans.


Los fans de Disney pudieron escuchar la voz de Robin Williams en "Aladdin" con líneas completamente nuevas que no aparecían en la película original. El estudio asegura que no hubo robots involucrados en el proyecto.

Este fue un gran momento de la emisión del domingo por la noche de "Once Upon a Studio" un cortometraje que la Casa del Ratón lanzó en ABC para celebrar su 100 aniversario. La idea es repasar todos los personajes icónicos y los hitos que han alcanzado a lo largo de los años, incluyendo al genio de Robin Williams.

El cameo del Genio es breve pero memorable. Se le muestra haciendo saltar una página en la que Olaf (de "Frozen") está trabajando, lo que provoca que el muñeco de nieve se caiga al suelo.

En respuesta, Genie dice: "No he visto una caída así desde Roma". Una vez que Olaf aparece y se recompone, se oye a Robin decir: "Mucho mejor." Son solo un par de líneas, pero algunos fans estaban preocupados de que Disney recreara la voz del actor fallecido mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial.

Afortunadamente para todos, ese no es el caso. Según lo aclarado por los productores y directores en Variery, consiguieron el permiso oficial para utilizar la voz real de Robin.

Dicen que se pusieron en contacto con el patrimonio de Robin, explicando: "Tratamos de involucrarlos en el viaje con nosotros, 'Tenemos este corto muy especial que estamos haciendo. Robin como el genio significa mucho para tanta gente y realmente nos encantaría incluirlo'".

El equipo creativo detrás añade: "Así que Dan escuchó las tomas descartadas de la grabación original y encontró esos pequeños fragmentos que podíamos utilizar. Volvimos a la finca y dijimos: 'Esto es lo que queremos hacer'". Eric, que originalmente animó al genio, está en la serie y va a formar parte de ella'. Fue maravilloso ver que eso sucedía".

En otras palabras, abrieron la cámara secreta de Disney e hicieron lo correcto por Robin y los fans.

Suzanne Somers Dead at 76 ... After Cancer Battle


2:06 PM PT -- Suzanne's rep tells us ... "Her family was gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday on October 16th. Instead, they will celebrate her extraordinary life, and want to thank her millions of fans and followers who loved her dearly. A private family burial will take place this week, with a memorial to follow next month."

Sources close to the late actress also tell us that Suzanne had recently been seeking treatment for her breast cancer out of state in the Midwest -- but we're told it proved to be unsuccessful and she was ultimately brought home.

Suzanne Somers has died after a long battle with cancer ... this according to her team.

The legendary actress -- famous from "Three's Company" and a score of other TV shows/movies -- passed away Sunday morning at her home ... so says her publicist, R. Couri Hay, who broke the tragic news to Page Six.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He says, "Suzanne Somers passed away peacefully at home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She survived an aggressive form of breast cancer for over 23 years. Suzanne was surrounded by her loving husband Alan, her son Bruce, and her immediate family."

It's a heartbreaking development for the showbiz icon ... who's been dealing with cancer, in one form or another, since the early 2000s. She was first diagnosed with melanoma in 2000 ... and developed breast cancer shortly thereafter. SS battled breast cancer on and off for years ... but it fully returned just earlier this year in the summer, when she told the world.

At the time, she wrote ... "As you know, I had breast cancer two decades ago, and every now and then it pops up again, and I continue to bat it down. I have used the best alternative and conventional treatments to combat it. This is not new territory for me. I know how to put on my battle gear and I’m a fighter."

Obviously, she'll best be remembered for her work on the famed ABC sitcom opposite John Ritter and Joyce DeWitt -- where she played the hilarious and ditzy Chrissy Snow for five seasons -- but her work spanned decades ... and was notable well beyond that.

Suzanne is also well-known for roles in "Starsky and Hutch," "Hollywood Wives," "She's the Sheriff," "Step by Step," and countless one-time appearances on several other hit series.

Movie-wise, her work on "American Graffiti" is her biggest claim to fame on the big screen -- but Suzanne starred in a number of films ... including "Ants!" "Yesterday's Hero," "Nothing Personal," "Serial Mom," "The Nutty Professor," "Say It Isn't So" and more. She hasn't acted since 2001, right around the time her health troubles surfaced.

Suzanne's death comes just one day before her 77th birthday. She's survived by her son, Bruce Jr.

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She was 76.


Originally Published -- 12:59 PM PT

SUZANNE SOMERS MUEre A LOS 76 años luego de una larga lucha contra el cáncer


2:06 PM PT -- El representante de Suzanne nos dice: "Su familia estaba reunida para celebrar su 77 cumpleaños el 16 de octubre. En su lugar, celebrarán su extraordinaria vida, y quieren dar las gracias a sus millones de fans y seguidores que tanto la querían. Esta semana tendrá lugar un entierro familiar privado al que le seguirá un memorial el mes que viene".

Fuentes cercanas a la fallecida actriz también nos dicen que Suzanne había estado buscando recientemente tratamiento para su cáncer de mama fuera del estado en el Medio Oeste, pero nos dicen que resultó ser infructuoso y finalmente fue llevada a casa.

Suzanne Somers ha muerto tras una larga batalla contra el cáncer. Esto según su equipo.

La legendaria actriz, famosa por "Three's Company" y una veintena de otros programas de televisión y películas, falleció el domingo por la mañana en su casa. Así lo dice su publicista R. Couri quien dio la trágica noticia a Page Six.

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Dice: "Suzanne Somers falleció en paz en su casa en la madrugada del 15 de octubre. Sobrevivió a una forma agresiva de cáncer de mama durante más de 23 años. Suzanne estaba rodeada de su amado esposo Alan, su hijo Bruce y su familia más cercana".

Se trata de una noticia desgarradora para el icono del mundo del espectáculo que ha estado luchando contra el cáncer desde principios de los 2000s. Se le diagnosticó melanoma por primera vez en 2000 y poco después desarrolló cáncer de mama. Szanne luchó contra el cáncer de mama de vez en cuando durante años, pero regresó con fuerza a principios de este año durante el verano, cuando le dijo al mundo.

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En ese momento ella escribió: "Como ustedes saben, yo tenía cáncer de mama hace dos décadas, y de vez en cuando aparece de nuevo, y vuelvo a luchar contra él. He utilizado los mejores tratamientos alternativos y convencionales para combatirlo. No es un terreno nuevo para mí. Sé como dar la batalla y soy una luchadora".

Obviamente, se la recordará sobre todo por su trabajo en la famosa comedia de la ABC junto a John Ritter y Joyce DeWitt, donde interpretó a la divertida Chrissy Snow durante cinco temporadas, pero su trabajo se extendió durante décadas con un gran éxito.

Suzanne también es conocida por sus papeles en "Starsky y Hutch", "Esposas de Hollywood", "Ella es el sheriff", "Paso a paso" e innumerables apariciones puntuales en otras series de éxito.

En cuanto al cine, su trabajo en "American Graffiti" es su mayor reclamo para la fama en la gran pantalla, pero Suzanne protagonizó varias películas, incluyendo "¡Hormigas!", "El héroe de ayer", "Nada personal", "Mamá en serie", "El profesor chiflado", "Di que no es así" y muchas más. No actuaba desde 2001, justo cuando aparecieron sus problemas de salud.

Suzanne fallece un día antes de cumplir 77 años. Le sobrevive su hijo Bruce Jr.

Tenía 76 años.


Piper Laurie Mother from 'Carrie' Dead at 91

Piper Laurie -- the Oscar-nominated actress -- has died ... this according to her team.

Her manager, Marion Rosenberg, confirmed her passing Saturday to some outlets -- with him telling Variety, "A beautiful human being and one of the great talents of our time." He further shared with THR that she'd been ill now for quite some time ... although an exact cause of death wasn't revealed.

Laurie was one of the last few stars from Hollywood's golden era -- having gotten her start in showbiz back in the '50s ... starring in movies alongside some very famous names, including Donald O'Connor, Tony Curtis, Rock Hudson, Tyrone Power and even Ronald Reagan.

Speaking of the late President -- with whom she acted in her breakout film, "Louisa" -- PL once claimed she'd lost her virginity to him ... and they even dated for a while pre-Nancy. Throughout that decade, she was on a tear ... but took a break until 1961, when she starred opposite Paul Newman in "The Hustler" -- for which she won a Best Supporting Actress nom.

After another long hiatus, Laurie came back to the big screen for her memorable role as Margaret White ... Sissy Spacek's mother in the horror classic, 'Carrie,' for which she won another Best Supporting Actress nomination. Ditto for 1986's 'Children of a Lesser God.'

One of her other very famous parts was in the show "Twin Peaks" ... where she played Catherine Martell AND Mr. Tojamura. The latter performance was iconic. She actually won a Golden Globe for her work on 'TP' ... not to mention an Emmy for a TV movie as well.

Laurie's career was long and prosperous ... having starred in other huge films such as "The Bunker," "Return to Oz" and more. Her TV appearance might've been even more prolific -- she acted in series like 'ER,' 'Skag,' 'The Twilight Zone,' 'Traps,' "Touched By an Angel," "Frasier," "Will & Grace," "Law & Order," "MacGyver" ... and so many others.

She was 91.



El lugar de descanso final de Aaron Carter ahora se encuentra adornado con un retrato del difunto cantante ... y su hermana gemela está invitando a los fanáticos a visitar su tumba.

La nueva lápida incluye un retrato ovalado de Aaron y reza ... "A la memoria de nuestro amado AARON CARTER, 1987-2022, querido hermano, hijo, amigo y padre de Prince Carter".

La gemela de Aaron, Angel, dice que el nuevo retrato fue instalado el viernes en el Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills ... y al parecer también dejó un ramo de flores frescas.

Angel dice de su difunto hermano, "Adoraba a sus admiradores, y se lo mucho que esto significaría para él, tener ahora un lugar de descanso final en el que todos podamos honrar su vida".

También está invitando a los admiradores de Aaron, compartir sus recuerdos y "nunca olvidar quién era Aaron en el fondo".

TMZ publicó la noticia ... Aaron fue encontrado muerto en su hogar el pasado noviembre y oficialmente la causa de muerte se dice que fue ahogamiento por encontrarse bajo los efectos del alcohol.

Aaron Carter Gets Gravestone Portrait ... In Famed Cemetery

Aaron Carter's final resting place is now adorned with a portrait of the late singer ... and his twin sister is inviting fans to visit his grave.

The new headstone includes an oval portrait of Aaron and reads ... "In Loving Memory AARON CARTER 1987-2022 Beloved Brother, Son, Friend & Father Of Prince Carter."

Aaron's twin, Angel, says the new portrait was installed Friday at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills ... and it looks like she also left a fresh bouquet of flowers.

Angel says of her late brother, "He adored his fans, and I know how much this would mean to him now having a final resting place where we could all celebrate his life."

She's also inviting Aaron's fans to visit, share their memories and "never forget who Aaron was deep down."

TMZ broke the story ... Aaron was found dead in his home last November and the official cause of death was drowning as a result of being under the influence.