Rudolph Isley Fundador de los Isley Brothers muere a los 84 años

Rudolph Isley, el cantante conocido por ser uno de los fundadores de The Isley Brothers, ha muerto.

El icónico cantante falleció el miércoles en Illinois, según ha indagado TMZ. La causa de muerte aún no está clara, aunque una persona involucrada nos dice que se piensa que sufrió un ataque al corazón.

Rudolph comenzó a cantar desde muy joven en su iglesia local y creó The Isley Brothers junto a sus hermanos Ronald, O'Kelly y Vernon cuando era apenas un adolescente.

Después de que Vernon fuera trágicamente atropellado por un carro mientras andaba en bicicleta en 1995, con solo 13 años, los otros hermanos se trasladaron a Nueva York para grabar música. Firmaron con RCA Records unos años más tarde y debutaron con su primera canción, "Shout", posiblemente uno de sus temas más significativos.

Mientras el grupo aún estaba en pañales, Rudolph se casó con Elaine Jasper en 1958 y tuvieron una vida de casados mientras los hermanos seguían cosechando éxitos con temas como "Twist & Shout", "This Old Heart of Mine" y "It's Your Thing".

A pesar de que Ronnie solía llevar la voz cantante en el grupo, Rudolph también grabó algunas canciones.

Con el paso de los años, The Isley Brothers creció y en 1971 sumó a los hermanos Ernie y Marvin y al cuñado de Rudolph, Chris Jasper.

Rudolph dejó el grupo en 1989 para cumplir su objetivo de ser ministro cristiano, pero se reunió con ellos a lo largo de los años. Incluso fueron incluidos en el Salón de la Fama del Rock and Roll en 1992, y el premio se los dio su compañero y leyenda, Little Richard.

El grupo ha estado produciendo canciones durante más de medio siglo, algo a lo que muchos grupos no pueden acercarse. Sus canciones más recientes después de que Rudolph se fuera son "Busted" y "Contagious".

También estuvieron en algunos éxitos del rap. Fueron sampleados en "It Was a Good Day" de Ice Cube y "Big Poppa" de Notorious B.I.G.

Rudolph tenía 84 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Rudolph Isley Isley Brothers Founder Dead At 84

Rudolph Isley, the singer known as one of the founding members of The Isley Brothers, has died.

The iconic singer passed away Wednesday in Illinois, TMZ has learned. The cause of Rudolph's death is currently unclear, though one person involved tells us it's believed he suffered a heart attack.

Rudolph started singing at a young age in his local church and created The Isley Brothers with his siblings Ronald, O'Kelly, and Vernon when he was just a teenager.

After Vernon was tragically hit by a car while riding his bike at just 13 years old in 1955, the brothers moved to New York to record music ... signing with RCA Records a few years later and debuting with their first song, "Shout" -- arguably one of their most significant tracks.

While the group was still in its infancy, Rudolph married Elaine Jasper in 1958 ... living the married life while the Brothers all went on to garner success with tracks like "Twist & Shout," "This Old Heart of Mine," and "It's Your Thing."

Despite Ronnie often taking the lead in the group, Rudolph got to record lead vocals for some of their songs, too.

As the years went on, The Isley Brothers grew -- adding younger brothers Ernie and Marvin and Rudolph's brother-in-law Chris Jasper into the mix in 1971.

Rudolph left the group in 1989 to carry out his goal of being a Christian minister, but he reunited with the group over the years. They were even inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1992 ... being given the award by fellow music legend Little Richard.

The group has been cranking out tracks for over half a century -- something many groups can't come close to -- with more recent songs like "Busted" and "Contagious" after Rudolph left.

They also made it into some popular rap hits ... being sampled in Ice Cube's "It Was a Good Day" and Notorious B.I.G.'s "Big Poppa."

Rudolph was 84.


Dick Butkus Family Thanks Fans For Support ... After NFL Legend's Death

Dick Butkus' loved ones are speaking out following his tragic death ... thanking his supporters for reaching out and sharing their fondest memories of the Chicago Bears legend over the past week.

"Dick lived an extraordinary life representing the heart and soul of Chicago, both on and off the field," Butkus' son, Matt, and his family members said in a statement.

"We want to thank you all for the outpouring of support. All the messages, notes and memories you shared during this difficult time. Each has meant the world to us."

One of the greatest to ever step foot on the gridiron, Dick was honored with a moment of silence prior to the Bears' Thursday Night Football matchup against the Washington Commanders last week ... and received tributes from notable figures throughout the country -- including President Barack Obama.

"In Chicago, Dick Butkus was football," Obama said following the Hall of Famer's death. "Thinking of his family today, and all the Bears fans who loved watching one of the best to ever play the game."

New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick also shared kind words ... saying Butkus was "the prototype middle linebacker."

"From his playing style, to the look, to his ads. He was a Chicago Bear if there ever was one."

TMZ Sports broke the story ... 80-year-old Butkus died peacefully in his sleep at his California home on Oct. 5.

Brendan Malone Longtime NBA Coach Dead At 81

Tragic news in the basketball community -- longtime NBA coach Brendan Malone has passed away, the Denver Nuggets announced Tuesday. He was 81 years old.

"It is with tremendous sadness that we share the passing of longtime NBA coach Brendan Malone, who holds a special place amongst the organization and will be a Denver Nugget forever," the team said in a statement.

After several years at the high school and college level, Malone served as an assistant with the New York Knicks, Detroit Pistons, Indiana Pacers and Orlando Magic over the span of four decades.

Malone -- who helped orchestrate the famous "Jordan Rules" used to beat the Chicago Bulls -- was on staff for the Bad Boy Detroit Pistons teams that won the Finals in 1989 and 1990.

He was the first head coach in franchise history for the Toronto Raptors in the 1995-96 season. Malone also led the bench as interim head coach for the LeBron James-led Cleveland Cavaliers during the 2004-05 campaign.

Brendan is the father of current Nuggets coach Michael Malone, who helped bring the franchise its first NBA title this past season.

"Coach Brendan Malone was a great man who left behind a great legacy in the word for basketball, but he will be remembered even more for the amazing husband, father, son, and grandfather that he was and the profound impact he had on the friends, family and colleagues who were lucky enough to know him," the Nuggets continued.

"Our thoughts are with the entire Malone family and all of Brendan's loved ones who are feeling this loss today."



El ex futbolista profesional israelí Lior Asulin murió durante el brutal ataque de Hamás del fin de semana mientras celebraba su 43 cumpleaños.

Asulin estaba de fiesta en el festival de música "fiesta de la naturaleza" en un complejo turístico cerca del kibutz Re'im cuando hombres armados abrieron fuego, matando al futbolista y a muchas otras personas, según los informes.

Una superviviente le dijo al Canal 12 de Israel que vio a unos 50 terroristas vestidos con ropa militar llegar en furgonetas y comenzaron a dispararle a todo el que estaba a la vista.

"Dispararon ráfagas y llegamos a un punto en el que todos detuvieron sus vehículos y empezaron a correr", dijo la superviviente.

"Me metí en un árbol, un arbusto como este, y empezaron a dispararle a la gente. Vi masas de heridos tirados por ahí y yo en un árbol e intentando entender qué estaba pasando".

El equipo de fútbol Hapoel Tel Aviv —que firmó con Auslin un contrato de cuatro años en 2007— emitió un comunicado en X en el que afirmaba estar profundamente entristecido por su muerte.

Su antiguo entrenador en el Bnei Sakhnin, Eyal Lachman, también emitió un comunicado en el que afirmaba que Asulin era "un tipo con un corazón de oro, y esa era su característica más destacada".

"Siempre decían que su característica más destacada era devolver. Según mi experiencia, su característica más destacada era darle a sus amigos su alma".

Asulin jugó en varios equipos durante su carrera como futbolista profesional e incluso fue uno de los mejores delanteros de la liga nacional israelí en 2004.

Marcó 88 goles y ganó la Copa de Israel 2004 con el Bnei Sakhnin.

Asulin cumplió 43 años el sábado.


Ex-Israeli Soccer Player Lior Asulin Killed By Hamas While Celebrating Birthday

Former Israeli pro soccer player Lior Asulin was killed during the brutal Hamas attack over the weekend while celebrating his 43rd birthday.

Auslin, a striker, was partying at a "nature party" music festival at a resort near Kibbutz Re’im when gunmen opened fire, killing the footballer and many others, according to reports.

One survivor told Israel's Channel 12 she saw about 50 terrorists in military gear arrive in vans and started shooting at anyone in sight.

"They fired bursts, and we reached a point where everyone stopped their vehicles and started running," the survivor said.

"I went into a tree, a bush like this, and they just started spraying people. I saw masses of wounded people thrown around and I'm in a tree and trying to understand what's going on."

The Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team -- who signed Auslin to a four-year contract in 2007 -- released a statement on X that they're deeply saddened by his death.

His former Bnei Sakhnin coach Eyal Lachman also released a statement, saying Asulin was "a guy with a heart of gold, that was his most outstanding characteristic."

"They always said that his most outstanding characteristic was to give back, I saw that the most outstanding characteristic was to give his friends his soul."

Auslin played for several teams during his pro soccer career ... and was even one of the top strikers in the Israeli domestic league in 2004.

He scored 88 goals and won the 2004 Israeli Cup with Bnei Sakhnin.

Asulin's 43rd birthday was Saturday.



Michael Chiarello, un famoso chef, murió repentinamente este fin de semana.

La ex estrella de "Food Network" falleció el sábado mientras recibía tratamiento en el Queen of the Valley Medical Center en Napa, California y, por lo que sabemos, su hospitalización fue el resultado de un ataque de alergia fatal, esto de acuerdo con su propia empresa.

Gruppo Chiarello anunció el domingo lo que llevó a la muerte de su fundador, diciendo que una reacción alérgica aguda dio lugar a un shock anafiláctico. También dicen que estuvo rodeado de amigos y familiares en sus últimos momentos. No está claro si la reacción alérgica estuvo relacionada con la comida.

El equipo añade: "Lamentamos profundamente la pérdida de nuestro querido patriarca Michael", dijo la familia Chiarello en un comunicado. "Su brillantez culinaria, su creatividad sin límites y su inquebrantable compromiso con la familia eran la esencia de su ser. Unía a la gente a través de la alegría de las comidas, fomentando recuerdos duraderos alrededor de la mesa".

El Gruppo Chiarello concluye diciendo: "Mientras afrontamos esta profunda pérdida, guardamos con cariño los momentos que disfrutamos con él, tanto en sus cocinas como en nuestros corazones. Su legado vivirá para siempre en el amor que vertía en cada plato y en la pasión que nos inculcó a todos para saborear los sabores de la vida".

El chef estrella tuvo una larga carrera en televisión, con su programa "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" emitido durante 10 temporadas en FN. También participó en series de éxito como "Top Chef", "Chopped" y "The Next Iron Chef", entre otras, por no hablar de sus apariciones en otros programas de entrevistas.

Le sobreviven su esposa, Eileen, y sus cuatro hijos. Michael tenía 61 años.


'Food Network' Chef Michael Chiarello Dead at 61 ... Following Allergic Reaction

Michael Chiarello, a celebrity chef, died this weekend ... and it was apparently sudden.

The former "Food Network" star passed away Saturday while being treated at the Queen of the Valley Medical Center in Napa, CA -- and, as it turns out, his hospitalization is the result of a fatal allergy attack ... this according to his own company.

Gruppo Chiarello announced Sunday what led up to their founder's death, saying an acute allergic reaction resulted in anaphylactic shock. They also say he was surrounded by friends and family in his final moments. It's unclear if the allergic reaction was food-related.

The team adds, "We deeply mourn the loss of our beloved patriarch Michael," the Chiarello family said in a statement. "His culinary brilliance, boundless creativity, and unwavering commitment to family were at the core of his being. He brought people together through the joy of shared meals, fostering lasting memories around the table."

Gruppo Chiarello finishes by saying, "As we navigate this profound loss, we hold dear the moments we cherished with him, both in his kitchens and in our hearts. His legacy will forever live on in the love he poured into every dish and the passion he instilled in all of us to savor life's flavors."

The star chef had a long run on TV, with his show "Easy Entertaining With Michael Chiarello" airing for 10 seasons on FN. He was also featured on hit series like "Top Chef," "Chopped," "The Next Iron Chef" and others ... not to mention appearances on other talk shows.

He's survived by his wife, Eileen, and his four children. Michael was 61.


British Filmmaker Terence Davies Dead at 77

Terence Davies -- a staple director in modern British cinema -- has died.

His own social media account made the sad announcement Saturday, posting a photo of Davies and writing ... "It is with deep sadness that we announce the death of Terence Davies, who died peacefully at home after a short illness, today on 7th October 2023."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

There are a couple of axioms/poems attached as well touching on the fleeting nature of life. In his IG Story, there's a touching obit attached, noting him as a filmmaker of poignant films.

Davies is perhaps best known for his slice-of-life aesthetic -- which was always infused in his films depicting Brits throughout different time periods ... especially the working class. The one film he'll for sure be remembered for is 'Distant Voices, Still Lives' -- a famed 2-parter.

He's got several other standout films ... like 'Benediction,' 'A Quiet Passion,' 'The Deep Blue Sea,' 'The Long Day Closes,' 'Sunset Song' and 'House of Mirth,' among others.

Davies' movies were often nominated for international awards, including BAFTAs, and he tended to do well at film festivals overseas as well. He'd worked alongside some big time actors over the years -- Cynthia Nixon, Dan Aykroyd, Laura Linney, Rachel Weisz, Tom Hiddleston, Mark Bonnar, Gillian Anderson, Emma Bell, Pete Postlethwaite and more.

He was 77.


Dick Butkus Dead At 80


5:44 PM PT -- A moment of silence was held in Butkus' honor prior to Thursday Night Football at FedEx Field ... where his former team is currently playing against the Washington Commanders.

4:14 PM PT -- NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell released a statement on Butkus' death.

"Dick Butkus was a fierce and passionate competitor who helped define the linebacker position as one of the NFL's all-time greats. Dick’s intuition, toughness and athleticism made him the model linebacker whose name will forever be linked to the position and the Chicago Bears.

"We also remember Dick as a long-time advocate for former players, and players at all levels of the game. The Dick Butkus Award and his foundation honored achievement on the field and service to the community among high school, college and NFL linebackers. Dick was a champion of clean sports as his “I Play Clean” campaign helped raise awareness about the dangers of steroid use among high school athletes.

"We send our deepest condolences to the Butkus family, the Bears organization and the many fans and people he impacted throughout his life."

3:46 PM PT -- The Butkus family just released a statement ... saying Dick died in his sleep overnight.

"The Butkus family is gathering with Dick's wife Helen. They appreciate your prayers and support."

The Bears added ... "Dick was the ultimate Bear, and one of the greatest players in NFL history. He was Chicago's son. He exuded what our great city is about and, not coincidently, what George Halas looked for in a player: toughness, smarts, instincts, passion and leadership."

The statement continued ... "He refused to accept anything less than the best from himself, or from his teammates.

"Dick had a gruff manner, and maybe that kept some people from approaching him, but he actually had a soft touch. His legacy of philanthropy included a mission of ridding performance enhancing drugs from sports and promoting heart health.

"His contributions to the game he loved will live forever and we are grateful he was able to be at our home opener this year to be celebrated one last time by his many fans."

NFL legend Dick Butkus -- one of the greatest linebackers of all time -- has died, TMZ Sports has learned. He was 80 years old.

We're told someone went to check on Butkus at his home on Thursday ... and he was found unresponsive.

1005-dick-butkus-TMZ-audio-art-desktop-1 (1)

Our sources tell us ... paramedics responded to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest at Butkus' residence in Malibu at 12:51 PM. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Butkus is among the most intimidating players to ever step onto a football field -- coming in at 6'3", 245 pounds, he was a defensive standout at the University of Illinois before joining his hometown Chicago Bears in 1965 ... going No. 3 overall in the NFL Draft.

He played his entire professional career with the Bears from 1965 to 1973 ... racking up every individual award imaginable -- six All-NFL selections, two Defensive Player of the Year honors and eight Pro Bowls.

Butkus earned many nicknames due to his style of play .. including The Maestro of Mayhem, The Enforcer, The Animal and The Robot of Destruction.

Butkus was named to the league's All-Decade teams in the '60s and '70s ... as well as the 75th and 100th Anniversary teams.

Butkus -- whose career was shortened due to injuries -- had 1,020 tackles, 22 interceptions and 27 fumble recoveries over the span of nine seasons. He was enshrined into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1979, his first year of eligibility.

In 1985, the Butkus Award was established to honor the top linebackers at the high school, college and professional levels.

The Bears retired his No. 51 jersey in 1994.

Off the field, Butkus was known for starring in commercials for Miller Lite, Prestone, Schick and Visa ... as well as dozens of films and TV shows, including "Any Given Sunday," "Hang Time," and "The Last Boy Scout." He was also an analyst for CBS.

Butkus continued to follow the NFL in retirement -- in fact, he posted his weekly picks on his Instagram just hours ago.

Butkus is survived by his wife, Helen, and three children.


Originally Published -- 2:57 PM PT

Westside Gunn Virgil Certified My Album of the Year


Westside Gunn says his upcoming album "And Then You Pray For Me" should already be appraised as a classic -- artistically and musically -- with an exclusive Virgil Abloh painting for the project's artwork.

It’s the little attention to detail WSG is telling TMZ Hip Hop will set his album apart when it drops October 13, which he guarantees will become an art collectible down the line.

The Griselda Records founder tells us he's watched the competition for months, in what's been a light year for Hip Hop and is confident he has the Album of the Year ... Rick Ross, Ty Dolla $ign, Conway and Benny The Butcher are just a sprinkling of Gunn's heavyweight features but the album's key, he says, was tailor-making it to meet Virgil's heavenly approval!!!

WSG says Virgil convinced him to get a passport to attend his 2020 Off-White show in Paris -- a life-changing moment for the Buffalo, NY native as he began using his travels for content for his raps.

He had just dropped his "Dr. Birds" verse with the infamous line, "Told Virgil, write "Brick" on my brick" and was privileged to rub shoulders with the late Pop Smoke and Takeoff on the runway before their untimely deaths.

Legendary MOMENT

WSG's all about his music, but doesn't want beef ... especially with a little kid like Lil Tay.

Since Lil Tay's controversial reemergence, Gunn says Griselda fans have been on his head with claims she jacked his daughter Westside Pootie's style, as she's been spouting off audaciousness for years on his album.

Gunn tells us Pootie's been inspiring the comp for years ... and has even peeped kids following in her footsteps with the hand-drawn album covers like she did with his 2020 "Sunshine" album.

It's virtually impossible to copy WSG's new artwork though ... just the way he and Virgil liked it!!!

Tupac Murder Case Outlawz Rapper Says ... Pac Wouldn't Want Keefe D In Jail

Tupac Shakur's former artist and Outlawz rapper Napoleon agrees with the narrative Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis is only behind bars, and charged with Pac's murder, because he wouldn't stop running his mouth.

On Tuesday, Napoleon spoke to The Art Of Dialogue -- one of the platforms, coincidentally, where Keefe blabbed about his role in the Tupac case -- and he has little sympathy for Keefe's situation.

Napoleon says he never mustered enough interest to watch a full Keefe interview, but thinks clout-chasing got the best of the man, as he was openly bragging about riding in the car involved in Tupac's murder.

Keefe turned 60 in June, and Napoleon says not only is he too old to be cyber-banging, but reliving the events around Tupac's murder nearly 30 years after the fact is also a bum move.

Despite Keefe's self-incrimination, Napoleon says if Tupac had survived the shooting, he wouldn't want Keefe to rot in prison -- a sentiment echoed by Suge Knight, who was driving the BMW when he and Pac were shot.


Suge called TMZ from prison this week, and triple-downed on his refusal to rat out Keefe in any instance, in addition to denying Keefe's relative, the late Orlando Anderson, pulled the trigger.


Orlando was Keefe's nephew, and has long been believed to be the shooter, but he was killed in a 1998 shooting. Suge and Keefe are the last men standing among the 6 people involved in the 1996 shooting.

Tupac's own father is also discrediting Orlando as the shooter with a dash of conspiracy theory ... he's claiming the gov't killed his son and Keefe's just a pawn.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Rapero de Outlawz Tupac no querría que Keefe D se pudra en la cárcel

El ex artista de Tupac Shakur y rapero de Outlawz, Napoleon, está de acuerdo con la narrativa de que Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis está únicamente tras las rejas, y acusado del asesinato de Pac, por haber hablado más de la cuenta.

El martes Napoleon habló con The Art Of Dialogue, casualmente una de las plataformas donde Keefe cotorreó sobre su papel en el caso Tupac, y no tiene mucha simpatía con lo que le está pasando.

Napoleon dice que nunca reunió suficiente interés para ver una entrevista completa de Keefe, pero cree que las ganas de involucrarse en el chisme sacó lo mejor de él, ya que se jactó abiertamente de viajar en el carro implicado en el asesinato de Tupac.

Keefe cumplió 60 años en junio y Napoleón dice que no solo está demasiado viejo para andar provocando, sino que es una mala jugada revivir los acontecimientos en torno al asesinato de Tupac, casi 30 años después de los hechos.

A pesar de la auto-incriminación de Keefe, Napoleón dice que si Tupac hubiera sobrevivido al tiroteo, no le gustaría que Keefe se pudriera en la cárcel, un sentimiento del que hizo eco Suge Knight, que conducía el BMW cuando él y Pac fueron baleados.

Se niega a testificar

Suge llamó a TMZ desde la cárcel esta semana y triplicó su negativa a delatar a Keefe en cualquier instancia. Además de eso, negó que el pariente de Keefe, el fallecido Orlando Anderson, haya sido quien apretó el gatillo.

Afuera con las manos en alto

Orlando era sobrino de Keefe y por mucho tiempo se ha pensado que él fue el tirador, sin embargo, falleció en 1998 en otro tiroteo. Suge y Keefe son los últimos hombres en pie de las seis personas implicadas en el incidente de 1996.

El mismo padre de Tupac está desacreditando la idea de que Orlando era el tirador con una pizca de teoría conspirativa. Asegura que el gobierno mató a su hijo y que Keefe es solo un peón.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.


La compañera de DC Young Fly, Jacky Oh! murió por complicaciones de una cirugía estética, pero el médico que la operó no será acusado de ningún delito. TMZ ha indagado.

El Departamento de Policía de Miami le dice a TMZ que el médico forense dictaminó que la muerte de Jacky fue accidental y los detectives de homicidios NO iniciarán una investigación criminal.

Como hemos informado, Jacky voló a Miami en mayo para procedimientos cosméticos y se le recetó medicamentos después del procedimiento. Jacky entonces tuvo un dolor de cabeza y volvió al cirujano para una cita postoperatoria. Luego decidió recibir un masaje para aliviar su dolor y se le aconsejó cambiar algunas de las pastillas que estaba tomando.

Según el informe del forense, Jacky empezó entonces a sentir que la cabeza le "ardía" y tenía dificultades para hablar. Un miembro de la familia llamó al 911, pero Jacky no respondía antes de que llegaran los primeros socorristas y finalmente fue declarada muerta en un hospital.

El informe de la autopsia señaló Jacky tenía hinchazón en el cerebro y extensa hemorragia de la piel alrededor de su torso.

En un post en las redes sociales antes de su muerte, Jacky afirmó que estaba en Miami para un "cambio de imagen de mamá" con el Dr. Zachary Okhah.

El Dr. Okhah emitió un comunicado poco después de la muerte de Jacky, aunque no se refirió directamente a la situación. Dijo que su oficina "sigue dedicada a la atención médica de la más alta calidad".

El doc añadió: "Todos los procedimientos estéticos se realizan en un ambiente higiénicamente seguro a las normas médicas universalmente reconocidas".

Hubo algunas dudas en cuanto a si alguien sería acusado de la muerte de Jacky, pero la policía dice que no va a suceder.

JACKY OH! Dr. Won't Face Criminal Probe In Cosmetic Surgery Death

DC Young Fly's partner Jacky Oh! died from cosmetic surgery complications, but the doctor who operated on her won't be charged with any crimes ... TMZ has learned.

The Miami Police Department tells TMZ ... the medical examiner ruled Jacky's death accidental, and homicide detectives will not launch a criminal investigation.

As we reported ... Jacky flew to Miami back in May for cosmetic procedures, and she was prescribed medications after the procedure. Jacky then got a headache, went back to the surgeon for a post-operative appointment, decided to get a massage to alleviate her pain and was advised to swap some of the pills she was taking.

According to the ME report, Jacky then began to feel her head "burning" and she had difficulty speaking. A family member called 911 but Jacky was unresponsive before first responders arrived, and she was ultimately pronounced dead at a hospital.

The autopsy report noted Jacky had swelling in her brain and extensive bleeding of the skin around her torso.

In a since-deleted social media post before her death, Jacky said she was in Miami for a "mommy makeover" with Dr. Zachary Okhah.

Dr. Okhah released a statement shortly after Jacky's death, though he didn't directly address the situation ... instead saying his office "remains devoted to the highest quality medical care."

The doc added ... "All aesthetic procedures are performed in a hygienically safe environment to universally recognized medical standards."

There was some question as to whether anyone would be charged in Jacky's death ... but on the heels of the Medical Examiner's findings, cops say that won't happen.

Suge Knight Hell No, I Won't Testify Against Keefe D!!! Insists Cops Still Don't Know Who Shot Tupac


Suge Knight is surprised there's finally an arrest in the murder of Tupac Shakur, and even though he was an eyewitness in the case ... he says he'll refuse if called to testify against the suspect, Duane "Keefe D" Davis.

TMZ spoke exclusively with the Death Row Records founder on Monday ... and he insists cops and prosecutors are barking up the wrong tree with their arrest of Davis. Even further, he refutes the long-held belief Davis' late nephew, Orlando Anderson, was the shooter.

Of course, Suge was in the BMW that 1996 night in Las Vegas when both he and Tupac were shot. During the phone call from a CA state prison, he told us regardless of what Davis has confessed to in interviews, or to police ... Suge himself won't ever say a bad word about the man.


He also said prosecutors can forget about getting him on the stand during Davis' murder trial. In a nutshell, Suge says he's not ratting out anyone. Keep in mind, of the 6 people involved in the shooting -- 4 were in the shooter's car -- Suge and Davis are the only 2 still alive.

As you know ... Davis was arrested last week in Las Vegas after a grand jury indicted him -- but the whole bust was a huge surprise to Suge.

092923_orlando_anderson_kal SEPTEMBER 1996

Cops say Keefe D was in on Tupac's murder and supplied the gun used in the fatal shooting ... which went down shortly after Tupac's crew beat the crap out of Orlando inside the MGM Grand following a Mike Tyson fight.

While Suge made it clear he'll never say who did open fire on Pac and him ... he says he knows it wasn't Anderson, and he insinuated Keefe D doesn't belong behind bars either.

Keefe's been outspoken for years about his alleged involvement in Tupac's murder, giving interviews and even writing a book about it -- and cops say that played a big part in reinvigorating the investigation.

Suge, who is currently serving out a 28-year sentence for voluntary manslaughter, won't say whether Keefe D was involved at all in the shooting -- but he was sure of one thing, telling us he'd never wish prison time on anyone.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.