2Pac Murder Case Keefe D Panicked About Going to Jail ... Feared Incriminating Himself in Interview

Tupac Shakur murder suspect Duane Keith "Keefe D" Davis only has himself to blame for cops re-opening the nearly 3 decades-old investigation -- he knew he was close to self-incrimination during at least one interview.

Keefe spoke openly, several times, with platforms VladTV and The Art of Dialogue leading up to Las Vegas Police raiding his home in July, and arresting him last week. 'Dialogue' reminded folks of that Monday by reposting one of its clips where Keefe was sweating bullets.

In the interview, conducted a couple months ago, he admits riding in the car that contained Tupac's shooter, but wouldn't elaborate whether it was his nephew Orlando Anderson or another man, "Big Dre," who pulled the trigger.

In the tense conversation, Keefe says he wasn't trying to go back to jail for speaking his peace ... which is exactly what happened anyway.

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Vegas PD swooped in on Keefe on September 29 and charged him with murder, 27 years after Pac was gunned down on the strip.

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Tupac's brother Mopreme Shakur tells TMZ the entire series of events has been a traumatic experience for him and the family, and he says various changeups in LVPD staffing haven't helped matters.

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Keefe's dozens of hours speaking with VladTV were also of interest to police, but the veteran DJ says he's no snitch.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Smash Mouth Singer Steve Harwell Cremated ... Memorial Open to Public

Smash Mouth's lead singer Steve Harwell has been cremated following his death earlier this month ... and we're told the late artist's memorial will be open for all fans to attend.

Steve's manager, Robert Hayes, tells TMZ ... the ashes will be buried at Los Gatos Memorial Park in San Jose, CA -- and his loved ones want Steve to have a headstone marker they can continue to visit and leave flowers at.

We're told he was supposed to be laid to rest next to his mother in San Jose's Oak Hill Memorial Park, but, unfortunately, there was no space available close to her ... so they opted for Los Gatos instead.

Steve's memorial will be open to the public on October 7 at Los Gatos -- over 300 folks have already confirmed they'll be attending, including his Smash Mouth bandmates. A private reception for family and close friends will follow.

TMZ broke the story, Steve passed away on September 4 due to liver failure -- he was surrounded by friends and family at his home in Boise.

The group's longtime frontman was in hospice care when doctors told him he only had a few days to live.


El cantante de Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell, ha sido incinerado tras su muerte a principios de este mes y nos informan dice que el memorial del difunto artista estará abierto para que todos los fans puedan asistir.

El manager de Steve, Robert Hayes, nos informa que las cenizas serán enterradas en Los Gatos Memorial Park en San José California y sus seres queridos quieren que Steve tenga una lápida que puedan seguir visitando para dejar flores.

Nos comentan que supuestamente iba a ser enterrado junto a su madre en Oak Hill Memorial Park de San José, pero por desgracia no había espacio disponible cerca de ella, así que optó por Los Gatos en su lugar.

El memorial de Steve estará abierto al público el 7 de octubre en Los Gatos. Más de 300 personas ya han confirmado que asistirán incluyendo a sus compañeros de banda. Además, habrá una recepción privada para familiares y amigos cercanos.

Como informó TMZ, Steve falleció el 4 de septiembre debido a una insuficiencia hepática, rodeado de amigos y familiares en su casa de Boise.

El frontman del grupo estaba en cuidados paliativos cuando los médicos le dijeron que solo le quedaban unos días de vida.

TIM WAKEFIELD FALLECE A LOS 57 Días después de que Schilling revelara su diagnóstico

El lanzador de Tim Wakefield, dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial, ha fallecido a la edad de 57 años. Solo unos días después de que su excompañero de equipo, Curt Schilling, revelara que el veterano lanzador estaba luchando contra el cáncer cerebral.

Los Boston Red Sox, el equipo de Wakefield durante casi todas sus 19 temporadas en las Grandes Ligas (pasó sus primeros días con los Pirates), anunciaron la devastadora noticia en redes sociales.

"Nuestros corazones están destrozados por la pérdida de Tim Wakefield", escribieron los Red Sox.

"Wake personificaba la verdadera bondad; un esposo, padre y compañero de equipo dedicado. Además de ser un querido locutor y el líder definitivo de la comunidad. Dio mucho al juego y a toda la Nación de los Red Sox".

"Nuestro amor más profundo y nuestros pensamientos están con Stacy, Trevor, Brianna y la familia Wakefield".

En el montículo, Wakefield era casi imbatible gracias a su knuckleball. Ganó 200 juegos y se retiró con una efectividad de 4.41. Tim ponchó a más de 2,100 bateadores y fue seleccionado para el Juego de Estrellas en 2009.

Ganó dos Series Mundiales en 2004 y 2007.

Wakefield se retiró en 2011 y más tarde fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama de los Red Sox.

Por supuesto, no se sabía públicamente que el ex All-Star estaba enfermo hasta que Schilling, en su podcast la semana pasada, reveló que Tim estaba luchando contra el cáncer y peleando por su vida, aparentemente en contra de los deseos de la familia Wakefield.

pidiendo oraciónes
The Curt Schilling Baseball Show

Curt incluso reconoció: "Ni siquiera sé si él quiere que se comparta", pero explicó que era cristiano y comentó: "He visto que la oración funciona así que voy a hablar de ello".

Schilling catalogó la enfermedad como "una forma muy grave y muy agresiva de cáncer cerebral".

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una total falta de consideración

Muchos se indignaron por las acciones de Schilling. La esposa de Jason Varitek, Catherine, criticó al ganador de la Serie Mundial. Los Red Sox también condenaron a Curt, diciendo: "La salud es un asunto profundamente personal que tenían la intención de mantener en privado mientras navegan por el tratamiento y trabajan para combatir esta enfermedad".

El equipo de las Grandes Ligas agregó que los Wakefield estaban pidiendo "privacidad en este momento".

Lamentablemente, tan solo tres días después, el legendario lanzador de knuckleball (tipo de lanzamiento en el que la pelota se mueve de manera irregular para dificultar al bateador) y padre de dos hijos falleció.

Muchos miembros de la comunidad del béisbol han comenzado a reaccionar ante esta terrible noticia, con el excompañero de equipo de Tim, Kevin Youkilis, resumiendo perfectamente a Wakefield.

"Fue un gran compañero de equipo y simplemente un gran amigo".

Descansa en paz.

Tim Wakefield Dead At 57 Days After Schilling Revealed Diagnosis

Knuckleballer Tim Wakefield, a 2x World Series champion, has died at the age of 57 ... just days after former teammate Curt Schilling revealed the longtime starting pitcher was battling brain cancer.

The Boston Red Sox, Wakefield's team for all but two of his 19 MLB seasons (he spent his early days with the Pirates), announced the devastating news on social media.

"Our hearts are broken with the loss of Tim Wakefield," the BoSox wrote on X.

"Wake embodied true goodness; a devoted husband, father, and teammate, beloved broadcaster, and the ultimate community leader. He gave so much to the game and all of Red Sox Nation."

"Our deepest love and thoughts are with Stacy, Trevor, Brianna, and the Wakefield family."

On the mound, Wakefield could be nearly unhittable … thanks to his knuckleball. TW won 200 games and retired with a 4.41 ERA. Tim struck out over 2,100 batters and earned a trip to the All-Star Game in 2009.

He won two World Series in 2004 and 2007.

Wakefield retired in 2011 ... and was later inducted into the Red Sox Hall of Fame.

Of course, it wasn't publicly known that the former All-Star was sick until Schilling, on his podcast last week, revealed Tim was battling cancer and fighting for his life, seemingly against the Wakefield family's wishes.

The Curt Schilling Baseball Show

Curt even acknowledged "I don't even know if he wants it shared," but explained he was Christian and remarked ... "I've seen prayer work and so I'm going to talk about it."

Schilling categorized the illness as "a very serious, very aggressive form of brain cancer."

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Many were outraged by Schilling's actions ... Jason Varitek's wife, Catherine, blasted the World Series MVP-winning pitcher. The Red Sox also condemned Curt, saying, "Health is a deeply personal matter they intended to keep private as they navigate treatment and work to tackle this disease."

The MLB team added that the Wakefields were asking for "privacy at this time."

Sadly, just three days later, the legendary knuckleballer and father of two, passed away.

Many from the baseball community have begun reacting to the terrible news, with Tim's former teammate, Kevin Youkilis, summing Wakefield up perfectly.

"He was a great teammate and just a great friend."


Jacky Oh! Causa de muerte revelada Complicaciones de una cirugía estética

La pareja de DC Young Fly, Jacky Oh!, falleció como consecuencia de complicaciones derivadas de una cirugía estética, quejándose de que la cabeza le "ardía" horas antes de su muerte, según ha podido indagar TMZ.

Según el informe de la autopsia obtenido por TMZ, Jacky voló a Miami en mayo para someterse a un procedimiento de liposucción y grasa transferida a su trasero.

La cirugía se completó el 30 de mayo y a Jacky le recetaron Cliprofloxacina (un antibiótico), Oxicodona (un analgésico) y Ondansetrón (contra las náuseas).

Poco después, la paciente de 32 años empezó a tener dolor de cabeza, por lo que volvió al cirujano para una cita postoperatoria, entonces decidió hacerse un masaje para aliviar el dolor. Le aconsejaron que tomara ibuprofeno y que dejara de tomar el ondansetrón.

La noche del 31 de mayo, empezó a sentir que la cabeza le "ardía" y empezó a tener dificultades para hablar. Estaba con su tía, que llamó al 911, pero Jacky no reaccionó antes de que llegaran y fue declarada muerta en el hospital a las 11 de la noche.

Según el informe de la autopsia, Jacky presentaba inflamación cerebral y una extensa hemorragia en la piel del torso.

Una publicación en las redes sociales borrada antes de su muerte decía que estaba en la ciudad para someterse a un "cambio de imagen de mamá" con el Dr. Zachary Okhah.

El Dr. Okhah habló poco después de su muerte, pero no abordó la situación directamente. En lugar de declarar que su oficina "sigue dedicada a la atención médica de la más alta calidad",  añadió: "Todos los procedimientos estéticos se realizan en un ambiente higiénicamente seguro a las normas médicas universalmente reconocidas."

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DC, que comparte tres hijos con Jackie, la llamó "LA MEJOR MADRE QUE CONOZCO" en un emotivo homenaje online, diciendo "TE AMARÉ PARA SIEMPRE solo sé que vamos más en serio que nunca y DIOS está en control y nos protege".

El rapero hizo todo lo posible por celebrar la vida de su ser querido en el funeral, multitudes de personas se presentaron a decir adiós y su ataúd se montó en un coche de caballos.

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Emotivo discurso

DC dio un emotivo discurso sobre Jackie en el funeral, haciendo eco de la efusión de amor que ha recibido desde su muerte. Para aquellos que no lo saben, Jackie y DC se conocieron en 2015 cuando ambos se unieron al elenco de "Wild 'N Out".

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Esto no me va a derrumbar

También nos encontramos con DC semanas después de la muerte de Jackie y dijo que está haciendo todo lo posible para mantenerse fuerte mientras regresa al trabajo.

Un representante de Jackie nos dijo que su marca de belleza, J Nova Collection, vio un aumento masivo en las ventas tras su muerte. Recibió más de 2.000 pedidos en solo dos semanas. Nos dijeron que el sitio web tuvo que cerrar debido al aumento del tráfico.

Page Six informó primero de la causa.

Jacky Oh! Cause Of Death Revealed Complications from Cosmetic Surgery

DC Young Fly's partner Jacky Oh!'s died as a result of complications from cosmetic surgery, complaining her head was "burning" just hours before her death, TMZ has learned.

According to the autopsy report, obtained by TMZ, Jacky flew to Miami in May to undergo a procedure where she had liposuction and fat transferred to her butt ... aka a BBL.

The surgery was completed May 30, and Jacky was prescribed Ciprofloxacin (an antibiotic), Oxycodone (a painkiller), and Ondansetron (anti-nausea).

Shortly thereafter, the 32-year-old began to get a headache, returning to the surgeon for a post-operative appointment ... she then decided to get a massage to help alleviate her pain, and was advised to take ibuprofen and to stop taking the Ondansetron.

On the night of May 31, Jacky began to feel her head was "burning" and began to have difficulty speaking, Jacky was with her aunt, who called 911 -- but Jacky went unresponsive before they arrived ... and was pronounced dead at the hospital at 11 PM.

The autopsy report states Jacky had swelling in her brain and extensive bleeding of the skin around her torso.

A since-deleted social media post before Jacky's death claimed she was in the city to go through a "mommy makeover" with Dr. Zachary Okhah.

Dr. Okhah spoke out shortly after her death, but didn't address the situation directly -- instead stating his office "remains devoted to the highest quality medical care." He added, "All aesthetic procedures are performed in a hygienically safe environment to universally recognized medical standards."

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DC, who shares 3 kids with Jackie, called her "the GREATEST MOTHER I KNOW" in an emotional tribute online, saying "LOVE YOU FOREVER jus know we goinn harder than ever and GOD is in control and he got us covered."

The rapper went all out on an ATL funeral celebrating the life of his loved one -- droves of folks showed up to say goodbye, and her casket rode in on a horse-drawn carriage.

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DC gave a touching speech about Jackie at the funeral ... echoing the outpouring of love she's received since her death. For those unaware, Jackie and DC met back in 2015 when he joined her and the rest of the cast of "Wild 'N Out."

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We also got DC weeks after her death, and he said he's doing his best to stay strong as he jumped back to work.

A rep for Jackie told us her beauty brand, J Nova Collection, saw a massive spike in sales following her passing ... receiving over 2,000 orders in just 2 weeks. We were told the website had to shut down due to the increase in traffic.

Page Six first reported the cause.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Photo Taken Hours Before Death ... While Hosting at D.C. Home

Dianne Feinstein entertained a close friend at her house -- and posed for photos with her -- in the hours preceding her sudden death.

The esteemed, longtime Senator from California posed for a photo Thursday afternoon with former California congresswoman Jane Harman ... who told CNN she was likely the last person to see Dianne.

As we reported ... Dianne died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.

Dianne was 90 years old and needed a wheelchair to get around the Capitol earlier this month, but she was standing and smiling in Thursday's photo ... so her death was clearly unexpected, at least judging from the last pic she snapped.

In fact, Dianne was working right up until her death ... in addition to hosting Harman at home, Dianne cast her final vote Thursday on the Senate floor.

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Dianne needed help getting onto the floor to vote ... raising her hand and voting 'aye' in favor of short-term funding for the government.

Tributes have been pouring in all day since news of her death broke, and there's now a vase with white roses occupying Dianne's longtime Senate seat.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Dead At 90

Dianne Feinstein -- the esteemed, longtime Senator from California, has died.

A statement from Feinstein's team reveals she died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.. The statement reads, "Her passing is a great loss for so many, from those who loved and cared for her to the people of California that she dedicated her life to serving."

Feinstein was the longest-serving female member of the Senate in history -- spending more than three decades within the hallowed walls of the Senate. She was a staunch Democrat from San Francisco and a strong voice for gun control.

Before serving in the Senate, Feinstein cut her political teeth as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. She became Mayor of San Francisco in 1978 after Mayor George Moscone was assassinated, along with Supervisor Harvey Milk. She became a U.S. Senator in 1992.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has said in the event of a Senate vacancy he would appoint a Black woman to serve out Feinstein's term.

The 90-year-old senator has suffered from various ailments in the last few years. She had a long absence recently because of shingles and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, along with encephalitis. There were calls for her resignation but Feinstein decided to tough it out.


The senator was born in 1933 in San Francisco, going to an all girls' high school and participating in things like ballet, athletics, and the glee club. She went on to attend Stanford University, graduating in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts in history.

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She was 90.


Senadora Dianne Feinstein Muere a los 90

Dianne Feinstein, la estimada senadora por largo tiempo en California, ha muerto.

Un comunicado de su equipo revela que falleció el jueves por la noche en su casa de Washington D.C. El comunicado dice: "Su fallecimiento es una gran pérdida para muchos, desde los que la querían y cuidaban hasta el pueblo de California al que dedicó su vida a servir".

Feinstein fue la mujer que más tiempo ocupó un escaño en el Congreso, más de tres décadas en el Senado. Era una demócrata incondicional de San Francisco y una firme defensora del control de armas.

Antes de trabajar en el Senado, Feinstein se inició en la política como miembro de la Junta de Supervisores de San Francisco. En 1978 fue nombrada alcaldesa de la ciudad tras el asesinato del alcalde George Moscone, junto con el supervisor Harvey Milk. En 1992 se convirtió en Senadora de los Estados Unidos.

El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, ha declarado que en caso de que se produzca una vacante en el Senado, nombraría a una mujer de raza negra para completar el mandato de Feinstein.

La senadora de 90 años había sufrido diversas dolencias en los últimos años. Recientemente, estuvo mucho tiempo de baja debido a herpes y al síndrome de Ramsay Hunt, además de una encefalitis. Hubo peticiones de dimisión, pero Feinstein decidió permanecer.

REcordando a Dianne

Dianne Feinstein nació en 1933 en San Francisco, donde asistió a un instituto femenino y participó en actividades como ballet, atletismo y coro. Estudió en Stanford y se licenció en Historia en 1955.

Tenía 90 años.

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La última vez que la vimos

Que en paz descanse.

Chandler Jones Cries During Live Stream Mentions Aaron Hernandez Death

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Chandler Jones went live on social media amid his ongoing dispute with the Las Vegas Raiders ... and the NFL star displayed a wide range of emotions over the span of 25 minutes -- at one point, breaking down in tears over his former teammate, Aaron Hernandez.

The two-time All-Pro defensive end -- who is currently on the non-football illness list -- documented himself sitting by a fire at his Nevada residence on Thursday ... interacting with his followers as he discussed a number of topics.

33-year-old Jones stated multiple times he is sane and wants to continue his career with the Raiders ... just days after he claimed he was sent to a mental hospital and injected with a substance against his will.

At one point, Jones discussed knowing government secrets ... from the Illuminati to ISIS.

Jones made several disturbing statements about members of the NFL -- including Raiders coach Josh McDaniels and team owner Mark Davis.

He also had an exchange with a neighbor ... stating he's trying to protect the community and inviting the person over for gumbo.

In the final minutes of the stream, Jones breaks down in tears ... insinuating McDaniels had something to do with Hernandez's death.

"Oh, y'all didn't know what Josh McDaniels really did to Aaron Hernandez?" Jones asked his followers. "If y'all don't know what really happened with Aaron Hernandez ... y'all thought Aaron Hernandez killed himself in jail?"

"Y'all thought my n***a chico killed himself in jail?"

Jones became visibly emotional about the subject ... but did not elaborate on his claims before abruptly ending the stream.

'Harry Potter' Actor Michael Gambon Dead at 82 ... After Bout With Pneumonia

Actor Michael Gambon -- best known for his role as Albus Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films -- has died from pneumonia.

In a statement released Thursday, Gambon's publicist said he passed away peacefully in a hospital surrounded by his wife Anne and son Fergus.

The rep also said Gambon's family is "devastated" and requested privacy "at this painful time."

The esteemed Hollywood actor was cast in his most memorable role as Dumbledore in 6 out of the 8 'Harry Potter' films after the death of his predecessor, Richard Harris, in 2002.

Gambon also starred in dozens of other movies, including "Gosford Park," "The King's Speech" and the animated family flick "Paddington." His work spanned TV, theater and radio, as well.

Gambon was 82.



El actor Michael Gambon, más conocido por su papel de Albus Dumbledore en las películas de Harry Potter, ha fallecido a causa de una neumonía.

En un comunicado emitido el jueves, el publicista de Gambon dijo que falleció en paz en un hospital acompañado de su esposa Anne y su hijo Fergus.

El representante también dijo que la familia de Gambon está "devastada" y pidió privacidad "en este momento doloroso."

El estimado actor de Hollywood fue elegido en su papel más memorable como Dumbledore en 6 de las 8 películas de "Harry Potter" después de la muerte de su predecesor, Richard Harris, en 2002.

Gambon también protagonizó docenas de otras películas, entre ellas "Gosford Park", "El discurso del Rey" y la película familiar de animación "Paddington". También trabajó en televisión, teatro y radio.

Gambon tenía 82 años.


'8 Mile' Actor Nashawn Breedlove Dead at 46

Nashawn Breedlove, famous for battle-rapping Eminem in the movie "8 Mile," is dead.

A family member tells TMZ ... Nashawn died in his sleep Sunday at his home in New Jersey. We're told his loved ones do not yet know the cause of death.

Nashawn played Lotto in the 2002 movie, which is loosely based on Eminem's life ... and he's known for a scene where his character takes on Em's B-Rabbit in a rap battle.

In his movie rap, Nashawn sings ... "I feel bad I gotta murder that dude from 'Leave it to Beaver'" ... and the crowd goes nuts, though he eventually loses the showdown.

Before his big break on '8 Mile' Nashawn was rapping under his stage name OX ... with a feature on the soundtrack for the 2001 movie "The Wash" with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg.

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Rapper Mickey Factz was first to report Nashawn's death, remembering him for his "tenacity and aggressiveness" as a battle rapper.

Nashawn was 46.


Actor de '8 Mile' Nashawn Breedlove Muere a los 46 años

Nashawn Breedlove, famoso por su rapeo con Eminem en la película "8 Mile", ha muerto.

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Nashawn murió mientras dormía el domingo en su casa de Nueva Jersey. Sus seres queridos aún no saben la causa de muerte.

Nashawn interpretó el papel de Lotto en la película de 2002, que se basa libremente en la vida de Eminem, y es especialmente conocido por una escena en la que su personaje se enfrenta a B-Rabbit de Em en una batalla de rap.

En la película, Nashawn canta: "Me siento mal tengo que asesinar a ese tipo de 'Leave it to Beaver'", y la multitud se vuelve loca, aunque finalmente pierde el enfrentamiento.

Antes de su gran oportunidad en '8 Mile', Nashawn rapeaba bajo su nombre artístico OX, y tuvo una participación en la banda sonora de la película de 2001, "The Wash", con Dr. Dre y Snoop Dogg.

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El rapero Mickey Factz fue el primero en informar de la muerte de Nashawn, recordándolo por su "tenacidad y agresividad" como rapero de batalla.

Nashawn tenía 46 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'NCIS' Actor David McCallum Dead at 90

Veteran actor David McCallum, most famous for playing medical examiner Dr. Donald 'Ducky' Mallard on the hit TV show "NCIS," is dead.

David died Monday at New York Presbyterian Hospital, the result of natural causes ... according to a statement from CBS.

The network is remembering David as "a gifted actor and author, and beloved by many around the world."

CBS also says of David ... "He led an incredible life, and his legacy will forever live on through his family and the countless hours on film and television that will never go away."

David appeared in more than 400 episodes of "NCIS" on CBS ... and he was also known for his work on the 1960s TV show "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." ... earning nominations for Emmys and Golden Globes.

In addition to his work in TV, David also landed roles in movies ... including "The Great Escape," "A Night to Remember," "Mosquito Squadron," "Freud," and "The Greatest Story Ever Told."

David is survived by his wife of 56 years, his three sons, his daughter, and his eight grandkids.

CBS says an upcoming 20th anniversary "NCIS" marathon will add an "In Memoriam" for David.

He was 90.