Savannah Chrisley's Ex-Fiancé Nic Kerdiles Dies in Motorcycle Crash ... Savannah Breaks Silence


3:47 PM PT -- Savannah just further discussed Nic's passing, posting a photo of them holding hands. She writes, "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you."


She adds, "I'll forever save our last messages of 'I love you.' please send me a sign that you're ok." SC goes on to list some of Nic's favorite things -- including food, which appears to carry some significant meaning to her.


Savannah ends with ... "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."


Savannah addressed Nic's death on social media, posting a clip of the two of them kissing and writing ... "I'm still hoping you respond to my text."

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, died in a motorcycle crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

Nashville PD tells us Kerdiles passed away early Saturday morning as a result of injuries sustained following an accident around 3:30 AM ... when they say he ran through a stop sign in a residential area north of central Nashville.

Cops say he struck the driver's side of a BMW with his Indian Motorcycle. We're told the other driver stopped immediately -- and that Kerdiles was transported to a local hospital ... where he later died. The police note ... there were no signs of impairment from either driver.

We've confirmed Kerdiles' DOB with police. Tragically, NK also posted a photo of himself on his IG story last night that shows him cruising around on his Indian bike. A caption attached reads "Night rider."

Kerdiles had been engaged to Todd and Julie Chrisley's second daughter, Savannah, for a bit between 2018 and 2020 ... when she called it off and broke up with Nic. They'd been dating since 2017, and he was even featured on her parents' reality show, "Chrisley Knows Best."

Of the breakup, Savannah has said ... "When we got engaged, I feel like it was for all the wrong reasons. When he proposed, I knew it shouldn't have been happening. It was filmed, it was on TV. His family was there, my family was there. It was not the way I would want it to go down, ever."

She went on to say ... "Everything was just wrong at the time. Granted, I loved him, I was in love with him. It was just, there was so much more work that needed to be done before you got married."

Nic comes from a hockey background, having played at the college level for a while ... before a brief stint professionally with the Anaheim Ducks in the 2010s. He bounced around for a little bit before hanging up his hockey career in 2018 ... having played for a total of 4 years.

Most recently, Nic had been working as real estate broker in the Nashville area. He had no children of his own -- but most certainly was close to his family ... including his nieces and nephews -- with whom he just posted a bunch of sweet pictures earlier this month.

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One of Nic's last posts is heartbreaking to read. At the time he wrote, "Getting to go home this past weekend and seeing my family was something that I need more than I knew."

Nic adds, "Time in this life goes by quicker and quicker each day. I will never again take the these days with them for granted and my advice is the same for everyone else. Love is unconditional, and it’s rare to find in this world. I’m so thankful that I have parents, siblings, nieces and nephews that love me back the way they do. I’ve already booked my next trip back home and I cannot wait to see them again soon! Love you guys all so much!"

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We've reached out to Nic's family for comment, but haven't been able to connect. We've also reached out to Savannah's rep ... so far, no word back.

Nic was only 29. RIP

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

Ex prometido de Savannah Chrisley Nic Kerdiles muere en accidente de moto

El ex-prometido de Savannah Chrisley, Nic Kerdiles, murió en un accidente de moto esta semana, según ha indagado TMZ.

Policías de Nashville dicen que Kerdiles falleció la madrugada del sábado como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en un accidente a las 3:30 AM aproximadamente, cuando pasó por una señal de stop en una zona residencial al norte del centro de Nashville.

La policía dice que chocó el lado del conductor de un BMW con su motocicleta Indian. Nos dicen que el otro conductor se detuvo de inmediato y que Kerdiles fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció más tarde. La policía puntualiza que no había señales de herida en el otro conductor.

Hemos confirmado la fecha de nacimiento de Kerdiles con la policía. Trágicamente, Nic también publicó una foto suya anoche en sus historias de Instagram, que lo muestra paseando en su moto. Un pie de foto adjunto dice: "conductor nocturno (night rider)".

Kerdiles había estado comprometido por un tiempo con la segunda hija de Todd y Julie Chrisley, Savannah, entre 2018 y 2020, hasta que ella terminó con él. Llevaban saliendo desde 2017, e incluso Nic apareció en el reality de los padres de ella, 'Chrisley Knows Best'.

Sobre la ruptura, Savannah ha dicho: "Cuando nos comprometimos, creo que fue por todas las razones equivocadas. Cuando me lo propuso, sabía que no debería haber pasado. Lo filmaron, salió en la tele. Su familia estaba allí, mi familia estaba allí. No era la forma en que me gustaría que sucediera, nunca".

Continuó diciendo: "Todo estaba mal en ese momento. Por supuesto, yo lo amaba, yo estaba enamorada de él. Pero había mucho trabajo por hacer antes de casarnos".

Nic viene del mundo del hockey. Jugó a nivel universitario por un tiempo y después tuvo un breve paso profesional con los Anaheim Ducks en el 2010. Luego de pensárselo un poco, decidió terminar su carrera en 2018, habiendo jugado un total de cuatro años.

Más recientemente, Nic había estado trabajando como corredor de bienes raíces en el área de Nashville. No tenía hijos, pero estaba cerca de su familia, incluyendo sus sobrinas y sobrinos con los que acababa de publicar un montón de fotos a principios de este mes.

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Uno de los últimos post de Nic resulta desgarrador de leer. En ese momento escribió: "Llegar a casa el fin de semana pasado y ver a mi familia era algo que necesitaba más de lo que pensaba".

Y añadía: "El tiempo en esta vida pasa cada día más rápido. Nunca volveré a dar por sentados estos días con ellos y mi consejo es el mismo para todos los demás. El amor es incondicional, y es raro encontrarlo en este mundo. Estoy muy agradecido de tener padres, hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos que me quieren como lo hacen. Ya he reservado mi próximo viaje a casa y estoy deseando volver a verlos pronto. Los quiero muchísimo".

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la familia de Nic para hacer comentarios, pero no hemos podido contactarlos. También intentamos conversar con el representante de Savannah, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido ninguna palabra de vuelta.

Nic sólo tenía 29 años. Que en paz descanses.

Angus Cloud Causa de muerte revelada... Sobredosis de fentanilo, cocaína y más

Angus Cloud murió a causa de una combinación letal de fentanilo, cocaína, metanfetamina y otras sustancias, en lo que se está dictaminando como una sobredosis accidental, según ha indagado TMZ.

Según el forense del condado de Alameda, la estrella de "Euphoria" sufrió una intoxicación aguda por la combinación de drogas que también incluía benzodiazepina.

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audio del 911

TMZ dio la noticia, Angus murió en su casa familiar en Oakland el 31 de julio. La policía y los bomberos respondieron después de que su madre, Lisa, informara de una "posible sobredosis", diciendo que no tenía pulso.

Una fuente cercana a la familia nos dijo que Angus había estado lidiando con pensamientos suicidas graves después de enterrar a su padre en Irlanda. Angus se estaba quedando con su familia, intentando contener y superar su dolor ... aunque su madre niega que su hijo haya tenido pensamientos suicidas.

Como informamos, el padre de Angus, Conor, falleció en mayo después de una corta batalla contra el cáncer, que Lisa dijo "avanzó rápidamente lo que fue devastador para todos los que lo amaban."

Angus había ido a una fiesta de lanzamiento de un disco solo unos días antes de su muerte. Parecía estar de buen humor en ese momento, mientras compartía con un montón de gente.

A raíz de su muerte, los amigos de Angus se reunieron para pintar un mural en Oakland, que desde entonces se ha convertido en un lugar de reunión para las personas que lo quieren recordar.

recordando a angus
@madebydarin / @kalonstadamonsta / @danirose.a

El mural fue incluso un lugar de encuentro para velarlo, y la obra de arte capturó la atención de la coprotagonista de "Euphoria", Zendaya, quien publicó al respecto en las redes sociales.

Zendaya también ha estado entre las celebridades que han compartido homenajes a Angus. La actriz ha dicho que va a apreciar cada momento que compartieron.

Angus Cloud Cause Of Death Revealed ... Combo of Fentanyl, Cocaine & More

Angus Cloud died from a lethal combination of fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine and more in what's being ruled an accidental overdose ... TMZ has learned.

According to the Alameda County Coroner, the "Euphoria" star suffered acute intoxication from the combination of drugs which also included benzodiazepine.

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TMZ broke the story, Angus died at his family home in Oakland July 31 -- police and the fire dept. responded after his mother, Lisa, reported a "possible overdose," saying he didn't have a pulse.

A source close to the family told us Angus had been battling severe suicidal thoughts after burying his father in Ireland the week before. Angus was staying with his family, trying to work through overcoming his grief ... though his mom denies her son was suicidal.

As we reported, Angus' father, Conor, passed away in May after a short battle with cancer, which Lisa said "moved quickly which was devastating to all who loved him."

Angus attended an album release party just a few days before his death ... appearing to be in good spirits at the time while partying it up with a bunch of people.

In the wake of his death, Angus' friends came together to paint a mural in Oakland ... which has since become a gathering place for people wanting to remember him.

@madebydarin / @kalonstadamonsta / @danirose.a

The mural was even the site of a candlelight vigil ... and the artwork captured the attention of Angus' "Euphoria" costar Zendaya, who posted about it on social media.

Zendaya's also been among the celebs sharing tributes to Angus ... she says she will cherish every moment they shared.

We covered Angus' death on a previous episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Billy Miller era una estrella de telenovela desde hace mucho tiempo, protagonizó algunos de los programas más famosos del género. Al parecer estaba luchando contra algunos demonios y lamentanos informar que ha muerto. TMZ ha indagado.

Un representante del actor nos dice Miller falleció el viernes en Austin Texas. Una causa exacta no ha sido revelada, pero nos dicen que estaba luchando con la depresión maníaca en el momento de su muerte. Su equipo sugiere que podría haberse quitado la vida.

Es una noticia increíblemente impactante y triste para la comunidad de la telenovela, ya que Billy fue una de las estrellas más brillantes del negocio durante un buen tiempo. El chico tuvo una participación importante en 'The Young and The Restless', así como un papel memorable en 'General Hospital'.

Protagonizó más de 700 episodios en la primera -en el papel de Billy Abbott- y actuó en casi 600 episodios de la segunda, interpretando a distintos personajes. Además de estas dos series emblemáticas también protagonizó "All My Children" a mediados de la década de 2000, que dio el pistoletazo de salida a su carrera en el mundo de las telenovelas.

El trabajo de Miller en la televisión diurna fue reconocido y alabado por sus compañeros: ganó los Emmy en 2010, 2013 y 2014 al mejor actor principal y secundario de una serie dramática por su papel en Y&R. También fue nominado en otras ocasiones, entre ellas por GH.

Además, actuó en muchas otras series de televisión y películas, como "CSI: NY", "Justified", "Ringer", "Castle", "Ray Donovan", "Suits", "Truth Be Told", "The Rookie" y "NCIS", entre otras. También ha participado en películas como "American Sniper", entre otras.

A Miller le sobreviven su madre, Patricia, y su hermana Megan... así como otros familiares y amigos. Sólo tenía 43 años.


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Soap Star Billy Miller 'Y&R,' & 'GH' Star Dead at 43 ... Rep Cites Depression

Billy Miller -- a longtime soap opera star, who starred on some of the most famous shows in the genre -- has died, and it sounds like he was battling some demons ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for the actor tells us Miller passed away Friday in Austin, TX. An exact cause hasn't been revealed, but we're told he was struggling with manic depression at the time of his death. His team suggests he may have taken his own life.

It's incredibly shocking and sad news for the soap community, as BM was one of the brightest stars in the biz for a good while. The guy had incredible runs on both 'The Young and The Restless' as well as a memorable role on 'General Hospital.'

He starred in over 700 episodes for the former -- playing Billy Abbott -- and acted in nearly 600 episodes for the latter, playing different characters. In addition to these two iconic shows, he also starred in 'All My Children' in the mid-2000s, which kicked off his soap career.

Miller's work on daytime TV was recognized and praised by his peers -- he won Emmys in 2010, 2013 and 2014 for Outstanding Lead and Supporting Actor in a Drama Series for his role on 'Y&R.' He was also nominated a handful of other times, including for 'GH.'

He didn't just work on soaps, either, BTW -- BM acted in a number of other TV series and movies ... such as 'CSI: NY,' 'Justified,' 'Ringer,' 'Castle,' 'Ray Donovan,' 'Suits,' 'Truth Be Told,' 'The Rookie,' 'NCIS' and others. He also starred in flicks like 'American Sniper' and more.

Miller is survived by his mother, Patricia, and his sister, Megan ... as well as other extended family and friends. He was only 43.


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'NYPD Blue' Star Austin Majors Fentanyl OD Was In Transitional Housing ... Rolled-Up Bills, White Powder Found At Scene

Former child star Austin Majors' tragic fentanyl overdose occurred while he was in transitional housing ... and officials say there was evidence of drug use found at the scene.

According to the coroner's report, obtained by TMZ, security at the facility where 27-year-old Majors was staying did a bed check around 9:30 PM on February 11, but he didn't answer. When they entered the room they found him unresponsive in his bed.

The report notes Austin was seen getting food hours earlier as he walked around the facility -- which provides temporary shelter for the unhoused.

The report also mentions security found 2 rolled up dollar bills, foil with a white crystal-like powder, pills and a shot glass with white powder residue. Cops collected all the items as part of the death investigation.

TMZ broke the story, the former actor's autopsy results -- released last month -- revealed his death was attributed to an accidental fentanyl overdose.

Austin was known for playing Theo Sipowicz for 7 seasons on "NYPD Blue," winning a Young Artist Award back in 2002.

Estrella de 'NYPD Blue' Muere por sobredosis de fentanilo En la escena se encontraron billetes y polvo blanco

La trágica sobredosis de fentanilo de la ex estrella infantil Austin Majors se produjo mientras estaba en una vivienda de transición (transitional housing), y las autoridades dicen que se encontraron pruebas de consumo de drogas en la escena.

Según el informe del forense obtenido por TMZ, el equipo de seguridad de la instalación donde Majors, de 27 años de edad, se estaba alojando hizo un chequeo de la cama alrededor de las 9:30 PM del 11 de febrero, pero el actor no respondió. Cuando entraron en la habitación, lo encontraron inconsciente en la cama.

El informe señala que Austin había sido visto horas antes comiendo mientras paseaba por el centro, que ofrece alojamiento temporal a personas sin hogar.

El reporte también menciona que el personal de seguridad encontró dos billetes de dólar enrollados, papel de aluminio con un polvo blanco parecido al cristal, pastillas y un vaso de chupito con restos de polvo blanco. La policía recogió todos estos objetos en el marco de la investigación por su muerte.

TMZ dio la noticia, los resultados de la autopsia del ex actor -publicados el mes pasado- revelaron que su muerte se atribuyó a una sobredosis accidental de fentanilo.

Austin era conocido por interpretar a Theo Sipowicz durante 7 temporadas en "NYPD Blue", ganando un Young Artist Award en 2002.

Gillie Da Kid Son's Death Made Me A Man ... Freeway Helped Me Get Through

Gillie Da Kid says the moment he washed his late son's body -- in tradition with Islamic faith -- was his lowest moment in life, but he also says enduring the tragedy officially took him to adulthood.

The "Million Dollarz Worth of Game" co-host made the emotional confession Tuesday while appearing on The Pivot podcast.

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His son, 25-year-old rapper YNG Cheese, was shot and killed in Philly back in July. Before his death, Gillie says he thought he understood the concept of being a man ... taking the reigns, providing for his immediate family and even supporting several non-relatives.

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But, he says going through the body-washing process opened his eyes, "and that day, I became a man."

Gillie also tearfully thanked fellow Philly rapper Freeway for standing by his side, and helping him through what he calls the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Despite the unimaginable grief, he's confident he sent his son off the right way.

Gillie spearheaded Cheese's funeral procession at famed venue The Met Philadelphia. Police are still searching for suspects in his murder.

JoJo Offerman Emotional Tribute To Bray Wyatt ... 'My Soulmate'

JoJo Offerman is breaking her silence on Bray Wyatt's shocking passing ... remembering her fiancé as "the kindest, funniest, most caring man in the world."

JoJo -- who started dating Wyatt (real name Windham Rotunda) in 2017 -- poured her heart out in an emotional post on Tuesday ... her first since the WWE Superstar passed away last month.

"I miss the love of my life so much it hurts," JoJo said on Instagram. "He was everything I ever wanted and everything I never knew I needed, and I let him know that everyday."

"I'm so grateful that he allowed me to love him fiercely. But I am so blessed he loved me fiercely in return. He was and always will be the best person I know, my best friend, and my soulmate."

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"Windham truly gave me a love that will last a lifetime and oh baby I thank him for that."

JoJo praised Wyatt for making everyone around him feel special ... and the bond they shared was unmatched.

JoJo added she will make sure their two kids, Knash and Hyrie, will feel the love he had for them every day.

"He was the only person in the world that I could be unapologetically myself around and not only did he accept it, he loved it," JoJo continued. "I cry because I wish we had more time baby, but I smile because I was so blessed to be loved by you in the time we did have."

As we previously reported, Wyatt died on Aug. 24 after suffering a heart attack at his home in Florida. He was 36 years old.

"I love you forever baby," JoJo said, "until we meet again."

Prince Harry Solo Trip to UK 1 Year After Queen's Death

Prince Harry is back on his home turf, but without Meghan Markle by his side as he makes a lowkey trip on the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's death.

Harry was stepping out of St. George's Chapel Friday in Windsor, where likely visited his grandmother's resting place a year after she passed away.

The Duke of Sussex's appearance came unannounced, but isn't a total shock given the date -- it appears to have been a quick trip, however, and he wasn't seen with any other royal family members while stepping out of the chapel.

Harry was seen just an hour after his father, King Charles, attended a memorial service for QE2 with Queen Camilla in Scotland.

His brother Prince William, was in Wales with his wife, Kate Middleton, not long after Harry left Windsor, too. Seems like the royals spread out over the UK to honor the late Queen.

Of course, there's a pretty glaring difference ... the King and William's appearances were public affairs with media present -- they're "working" Senior Royals, after all -- while Harry's visit was off the grid.

TMZ broke the story, Harry and Meghan have recently been spending time house hunting in Malibu -- sources told us they spent Labor Day weekend checking out an $8M plot of land that's almost 6 acres.

They also were having fun at Beyoncé's L.A. concert last weekend, so while they've got a lot happening for them on this side of the pond -- Harry still made time to fly back to pay his respects to the late Queen.

Bob Barker Town Square Memorial In Hollywood?!? GF, Team Working With City

Bob Barker's name could soon grace an intersection in Hollywood ... his longtime girlfriend and management team are working on getting him a memorial town square.

Roger Neal, Bob's longtime publicist, tells TMZ ... Bob's girlfriend, Nancy Burnet, and Bob's reps are working with the City of Los Angeles to make a potential "Bob Barker Memorial Square" a reality.

We're told Bob's camp is talking with city council members to see which intersection works best for a Barker tribute.

The late 'Price Is Right' host lived in Hollywood on Outpost Drive since the 1950s, and we're told the city agrees it's a no-brainer to remember him with a town square named in his honor ... so it sounds like location is the main hurdle.

Bob's publicist previously helped shepherd memorial town squares for Carol Burnett and Mickey Rooney in L.A. ... which would seem to bode well for Barker's camp.

TMZ broke the story ... PETA previously asked the city to honor Bob with Bob Barker Blvd. in front of their office on Sunset Blvd.

We're told Nancy and Bob's team are not a part of PETA's plans, and this is a totally separate memorial.

Bottom line ... Bob's so beloved in L.A. it sounds like he could end up with multiple city tributes.

Ex-NFL WR Mike Williams On Life Support ... After Accident At Construction Site


1:42 PM PT -- The mother of Mike Williams' daughter said Wednesday afternoon the former NFL player has not died ... although she did say he is currently on life support inside a Florida hospital.


Tierney Lyle told the Tampa Bay Times ... she and the couple's daughter visited Williams Wednesday afternoon at the medical facility and he was "mostly non-responsive."


"He was asleep when we went in there and he woke up when he heard our voices and his daughter’s voice," Lyle said. "And he looked around, and he blinked and he was crying but he can't move."


Lyle told the outlet she was under the impression the plan was to take Williams off life support ... though that has yet to happen.

Former NFL receiver Mike Williams -- the Offensive Rookie of the Year runner-up in 2010 -- has died following a recent accident at a construction site.

According to a GoFundMe page set up by Williams' family, the ex-Tampa Bay Buccaneers wideout suffered a "massive head injury" a few days ago when a steel beam fell on him ... causing "complete paralysis in his right arm as well as his lower body from the waist down."

Sadly, Williams' family says his condition worsened in the ensuing days ... and Spectrum News 1's Jon Scott reported Monday he passed away.

He was just 36 years old.

News of his death Monday evening rocked the football world ... with his former teammate, Gerald McCoy, tweeting he was devastated to learn of the passing.

"Dang man hurts my heart seeing the news of my former teammate and Buccaneers 2010 draft class brother Mike Williams," McCoy said. "Always great energy, brought joy and laughter to the locker room and a heck of a player!! Prayers and blessings to his family!! 🙏🏾😔"

The Bucs picked Williams with a selection in the fourth round of the '10 NFL Draft ... and he went on to have an outstanding rookie season, finishing only behind Sam Bradford for OROY honors.

He would go on to play for three more seasons in Tampa, before he was traded to the Bills in 2014. He was never able to replicate the production he had as a rookie, however, and he bounced from the league after just one year in Buffalo.

The former Syracuse standout finished his career with 3,089 receiving yards and 26 receiving touchdowns in 63 total games.


Originally Published -- 6:08 AM PT

Smash Mouth Band Members Get Shut Out ... From Steve In Hospice

Smash Mouth members were not allowed to say their final goodbyes to Steve Harwell in person ... because he didn't want visitors while he was in hospice care.

The rock band's manager, Robert Hayes, tells TMZ ... Steve asked for privacy in his final days and he did not want a large gathering at his home in Boise, Idaho.

We're told the only folks allowed to see Steve while he was on his deathbed were his family, his fiancée, her family and his manager.

While Steve's bandmates missed the cut, their manager says they were all on good terms with Steve. They sent their prayers and well wishes before he died ... mainly over the phone.

TMZ broke the story ... Steve died Monday as a result of liver failure. He had been in hospice and over the weekend he was only given days to live, receiving end-of-life care at home.

Despite Steve's death, it's still business as usual for Smash Mouth ... we're told the band will continue to tour with new singer Zach Goode. The band's not planning to cancel any gigs unless Steve's memorial takes place during a previously scheduled event.

With Smash Mouth's frontman gone, the band's manager says ... "Steve's legacy will live on through the music."

Bob Barker Death Caused By Alzheimer's Disease

Bob Barker's cause of death has been revealed as a result of Alzheimer's disease, TMZ has learned.

According to his death certificate, obtained by TMZ, the 99-year-old 'Price Is Right' icon suffered from Alzheimer's, something he's never addressed publicly before. It's unclear exactly how long Bob battled the disease, but the docs say his death came "years" after his Alzheimer's began.

You'll recall, Bob also suffered multiple falls over the years -- he had minor battles with skin cancer, and took 2 trips to the hospital for issues with his back in 2018.

For those unaware, Bob -- who has been a vegetarian for over 4 decades -- teamed up with PETA back in 2013 to highlight the benefits of the diet, saying giving up meat can help prevent the onset of the brain disorder.

TMZ broke the story, Bob's rep told us he died peacefully at his Los Angeles home on August 26 ... and his passing has been met with an outpour of love across the globe.

CBS thanked Bob for "making countless people's dreams come true" for decades on "The Price Is Right" ... and PETA said his longtime involvement with the org cemented him as "a national animal rights treasure."

A majority of Bob's estate is to be divvied up and donated to over 40 different animal rights organizations and military nonprofits -- still giving back to the community, even in death.

'Dream Weaver' Singer Gary Wright Dead at 80 ... Had Parkinson's, Dementia

Gary Wright has died after a long battle with his health ... TMZ has learned.

Justin Wright, Gary's son, tells us his father passed away Monday morning at his home in Palos Verdes Estates, CA -- which is in the South Bay. We're told he'd been diagnosed with Parkinson's about 5 or 6 years ago, as well as Lewy body dementia shortly thereafter.

Gary's Parkinson's progressed rapidly over the past year, and Justin says his dad eventually lost the ability to move around and speak. Over the past few days, we're told, nurses who were working at Gary's home told the family he was entering his final chapter.

His family and loved ones were by his side at the time of his death -- word of which has already started to spread in the music world, including to singer-songwriter Stephen Bishop.

Bishop posted 2 shots of him and Gary, adding ... "The attached photos hold precious memories from the very first and last time we shared the stage together, alongside our mutual musical pal John Ford Coley. Gary's vibrant personality and exceptional talent made every moment together truly enjoyable. His legacy will live on for many years to come."

He adds, "I will always cherish the warmth and kindness shown to me by Gary and his wife Rose, and I will forever hold dear the stories he shared with me about days gone by. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends, and fans during this difficult time."

Gary will, perhaps, best be remembered for two massive songs he churned out in the mid-1970s -- "Dream Weaver" and "Love is Alive" -- but his catalog goes well beyond just that.

He ended up producing 12 different albums dating back to 1970 ... not to mention a ton of compilations and collaborations he did with other musicians. One of the famous partnerships he was a part of for a while was with none other than former Beatle George Harrison.

Gary served as the keyboardist on George's album "All Things Must Pass" and is credited with helping out on other solo songs of George's too. George returned the favor for one of Gary's albums, having worked on "Footprints."

Gary has done a lot for music in general -- he's also known as one of the first mainstream artists to introduce the synthesizer in pop ... which has become a staple in the biz today.

He was 80. RIP