Caitlyn Jenner I'm Nothing Like O.J.!!! Slams Killer Comparisons

Caitlyn Jenner is refusing to apologize for her blunt statement regarding O.J. Simpson's death, and she's calling out those who say she's just like him ... due to a deadly car wreck.

The Olympian faced a barrage of negative comments after she celebrated O.J.'s passing ... writing "Good Riddance" in a curt statement on X. In response, many slammed Caitlyn -- and compared her to Simpson by calling her a killer for her involvement in a 2015 fatal car accident.

Caitlyn responded to the criticism Friday, defending she is nothing like the controversial NFL star -- who was found liable in a 1996 civil trial for the killing of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Caitlyn Jenner ¡¡¡Lejos de ser como O.J!!! Critica las comparaciones en las redes

Caitlyn Jenner se niega a disculparse por su contundente declaración sobre la muerte de O.J. Simpson, y está criticando a los que dicen que es igual a él, debido a un trágico accidente vehicular en el que estuvo involucrada hace algunos años.

La atleta olímpica se enfrentó a un aluvión de comentarios negativos después de que comentara el fallecimiento de O.J., con el mensaje: "Good Riddance" / "Buen viaje" en X. En respuesta a ello, muchos criticaron a Caitlyn y la compararon con Simpson llamándola asesina por su participación en un fatal accidente automovilístico en 2015.

Caitlyn respondió a las críticas el viernes, defendiendo que no se parece en nada a la controvertida estrella de la NFL, quien fue declarado responsable en un juicio civil de 1996 por el asesinato de Nicole Brown Simpson y Ron Goldman.

Rashee Rice Turns Himself In To Police In Texas ... Facing 8 Charges


4/12 -- 5:55 AM PT -- Rashee Rice posted bond shortly after he was taken into police custody.

He did, however, take a mug shot before he was released ... and you can see in the picture, he looked stoic.

Rashee Rice is currently in police custody after the K.C. Chiefs star surrendered to law enforcement on Thursday ... and is now behind bars in a Texas jail.

EV Fender Bender Three-Way Tesla Crash Goes Down ... Only in Los Angeles, Huh?!?


6:07 PM PT -- A rep for Jeff Beacher tells TMZ ... he was not driving during the accident, he had been dropped off at the gym and was checking to see if everyone was safe. His assistant was driving his car.

The most L.A. car crash you could imagine went down in La La Land this week -- with three electric vehicles touching tips on the road ... and yes, they're all Elon's creations.

Check out these pics taken from a crash scene in Bev Hills Wednesday -- where a 3-way Tesla pile-up occurred at the intersection of Rexford Drive and Beverly Drive, and it looks like there were a few different models in the mix, not to mention varying degrees of damage.

Rashee Rice Arrest Warrant Issued ... For Role In Dallas Car Crash

Rashee Rice is now officially a wanted man in Texas ... cops just announced they've issued an arrest warrant for the Chiefs star after he was involved in that massive car crash in Dallas last month.

Officials from the Dallas Police Dept. said in a statement Wednesday Rice is facing one count of aggravated assault, one count of collision involving serious bodily injury, and six counts of collision involving injury ... this after he admitted to driving one of the cars -- a matte black Lamborghini -- that caused a huge pileup on a highway on March 30.

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Theodore Knox -- the man accused of driving the other car, a Corvette -- was also issued an arrest warrant ... and faces the same charges as Rice.

NFL Draft Prospect T'Vondre Sweat Involved In Rollover Car Crash ... Before DWI Arrest

T'Vondre Sweat is fortunate to have been able to walk out of jail this weekend under his own power ... because cops say the top NFL draft prospect was involved in a rollover car crash just hours before he was thrown behind bars.

New Austin Police Department documents we obtained state that Sweat's 2023 orange Ford Bronco flipped on its side after it collided with a 2020 blue Dodge sports car on a Texas highway at around 4:41 AM on Sunday.

In the docs, cops state the Dodge hit the Bronco from behind, causing it to lose control, roll over, and eventually come to a stop on its right side.

Los Angeles Intersection Truck T-Bones Ambulance ... Carrying Patients Inside!!!


A truck in Los Angeles smashed full-tilt into an ambulance Sunday ... and the emergency vehicle held two patients when the crash happened.

Check out the video obtained by TMZ ... traffic's totally stopped down at this Culver City intersection with the ambulance slowly approaching -- when the silver truck comes streaking out of nowhere.

It runs smack into the ambulance's side, rocking the vehicle a bit ... though it's strong enough to survive the big hit.

Rashee Rice Admite que estaba conduciendo el Lamborghini... En accidente vehicular

Rashee Rice admitió que estaba al volante del Lamborghini que estuvo involucrado en un gran accidente vehicular en Texas el fin de semana pasado.

El abogado de la estrella de los Chiefs, Royce West, acaba de decirle a los medios de comunicación en una conferencia de prensa el jueves por la tarde, que Rice admitió el hecho mientras hablaba con la policía del Departamento de Policía de Dallas esta semana.

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Conductor confirmado
Fox 4

West dijo que Rice está asumiendo plena responsabilidad por sus acciones y promete compensar a quienquiera haya resultado herido en el accidente o con algún daño en su propiedad.

Rashee Rice Admits To Driving Lambo In Car Crash

Rashee Rice has admitted to being behind the wheel of the Lamborghini that was involved in the massive car crash in Texas last weekend.

The Chiefs star's attorney, Royce West, just told media members at a news conference on Thursday afternoon that Rice made the admission while talking with Dallas Police Dept. investigators this week.

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Fox 4

West said Rice is taking full responsibility for his actions ... vowing to make whole anyone who was injured in the accident or had property damaged in the wreck.

Rashee Rice Se disculpa por su rol en el accidente

Rashee Rice se está disculpando por su papel en el gran accidente automovilístico del sábado, que dejó varios heridos. El miércoles compartió un comunicado donde dice: "Asumo toda la responsabilidad por mi parte en este asunto".

Rice no dice cuál fue exactamente su papel en el accidente, esto es, si estaba o no al volante de uno de los carros de lujo que iba a exceso de velocidad y causó el accidente durante el fin de semana. Pero sí dijo que se reunió con los investigadores del Departamento de Policía de Dallas para revisar todo el miércoles.

Rice prometió "seguir cooperando" con las autoridades y añadió:  "Me disculpo sinceramente con todos los afectados en el accidente del sábado".

Rashee Rice Meets With Dallas PD ... Apologizes For Role In Crash

Rashee Rice is apologizing for his role in a massive car crash Saturday that left several people injured ... releasing a statement on Wednesday where he said, "I take full responsibility for my part in this matter."

Rice never said what exactly his role was in the accident -- AKA whether or not he was behind the wheel of one of the speeding luxury cars that caused the wreck over the weekend -- but he did say he met with Dallas Police Dept. investigators over it all earlier on Wednesday.

Rice promised to "continue to cooperate" with law enforcement ... before he added, "I sincerely apologize to everyone impacted in Saturday's accident."


Rashee Rice estuvo involucrado en el accidente de carro que hirió a varias personas en Dallas el sábado y se lo admitió a la empresa propietaria del Lambo... TMZ Sports ha indagado.

Rice era dueño del Corvette que estuvo involucrado en el accidente y alquiló el Lambo de una empresa llamada The Classic Lifestyle. Rice estaba en el Lambo en el momento del accidente y de acuerdo con el contrato de arrendamiento, él es la única persona que se le permitió conducir el carro, esto de acuerdo con Kyle Coker, el abogado que representa Classic Lifestyle.

Coker le dice a TMZ Sports que Rice publicó un texto poco después del accidente, reconociendo que estaba involucrado en el accidente y la promesa de pagar por el Lambo, que fue total.

Rashee Rice Admitted To Involvement In Dallas Car Crash

Rashee Rice was involved in the car crash that injured multiple people in Dallas Saturday ... and he admitted it to the company that owns the Lambo ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Rice owned the Corvette that was involved in the crash and leased the Lambo from a company called The Classic Lifestyle. Rice was in the Lambo at the time of the crash and, according to the leasing agreement, he's the only person who was permitted to drive the car ... this according to Kyle Coker, the attorney representing Classic Lifestyle.

Coker tells TMZ Sports, Rice fired off a text shortly after the wreck, acknowledging he was involved in the crash and promising to pay for the Lambo, which was totaled.

NFL Keeping Tabs On Rashee Rice ... After Chiefs Star's Car Allegedly Involved In Wreck

The NFL says it's keeping a close eye on Rashee Rice ... this after one of his vehicles was allegedly involved in a massive car wreck in Dallas on Saturday.

A spokesperson for the league told TMZ Sports on Tuesday they're "monitoring" the situation ... although no further details surrounding their probe into the matter were given.

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As we previously reported, two high-end cars -- a Lamborghini and a Corvette -- caused a huge pile-up on an expressway over the weekend, after they were seen speeding in and out of traffic. None of the passengers of the cars, cops say, stayed on the scene to see if anyone needed medical help.

Rashee Rice es visto celebrando con su familia antes del accidente

Rashee Rice estaba celebrando con su familia y amigos antes de que uno de sus carros se viera involucrado en un accidente... al menos si consideramos las nuevas fotos que tenemos de un restaurante y un nuevo video de la escena del accidente.

TMZ obtuvo fotos que fueron tomadas el sábado en Dallas, las cuales parecen mostrar al receptor de Kansas City Chiefs pasando el rato con su madre -Marsha Kearney- en el restaurante... y todos parecen estar disfrutando de una ocasión especial.

Hay una foto en la que aparece Rashee posando con su madre, y otro tiro que lo muestra junto a los demás levantando las bebidas para un brindis.

Rashee Rice Seen Celebrating w/ Fam Before Crash ... Victim Speaks Out, New Vid

Rashee Rice was celebrating with family and friends before one of his cars was involved in a nasty car wreck ... at least based on new pics we got from a restaurant/bar and new video from the accident scene.

TMZ obtained photos we're told were taken Saturday in Dallas, appearing to show the Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver hanging out with his mother, Marsha Kearney, at the restaurant/bar ... and they all seem to be enjoying themselves for a special occasion.

There's a photo that looks like Rashee posing with his mother -- and another shot that shows him next to others as they appear to raise drinks in the air for a toast.