RASHEE RICE Los Chiefs prometen "llegar al fondo" del accidente

Los Kansas City Chiefs dicen que se están preparando para hacer todo lo posible para averiguar qué papel jugó Rashee Rice -si es que jugó alguno- en un accidente de carro que supuestamente involucró a uno de sus vehículos. El presidente del equipo -Mark Donovan- prometió "llegar al fondo de esto".

Según el Dallas Morning News, un carro registrado a nombre de Rice se vio envuelto en un accidente de varios vehículos en una autopista de Dallas alrededor de las 18:25 del sábado. No está claro cómo fue que el jugador de la NFL está conectado con el incidente, aunque el DMN informó que los policías ahora están buscando hablar con él.


Donovan apareció en KCMO Talk Radio el lunes por la mañana para hacerle frente a las acusaciones y dijo que aunque todavía están en el proceso de obtener información, "Vamos a llegar al fondo de la misma".

Rashee Rice Crash Allegedly Involving NFLer's Car ... Chiefs Vow To 'Get To The Bottom Of It'

The Kansas City Chiefs say they're preparing to do everything they can to figure out what role Rashee Rice played -- if any -- in a car crash that allegedly involved one of his vehicles ... with the team's president, Mark Donovan, vowing to "get to the bottom of it."

According to the Dallas Morning News, a car registered to Rice was caught up in a multi-vehicle accident on a Dallas expressway at around 6:25 PM on Saturday. It's not clear at all how exactly the NFL player is believed to be connected to the incident, although the DMN reported cops are now looking to speak to him.


Donovan appeared on KCMO Talk Radio Monday morning to address the allegations -- and he said while they're still in the process of getting information, "We'll get to the bottom of it."

RASHEE RICE Primeras fotos del accidente

Hemos obtenido nuevas fotos del accidente automovilístico en el que la policía dice que estuvo involucrado el vehículo de Rashee Rice. Ahora se puede ver como algunos pasajeros salen del carro.

Échale un vistazo a estas fotos que conseguimos de accidente del sábado en la autopista North Central. Nos dicen que estas fueron tomadas inmediatamente después del accidente, el cual afectó a varios vehículos. Se puede ver lo grave que fue por los daños causados.

Rashee Rice 1st Crash Site Pics ... Alleged Occupants Seen Leaving

The car accident that cops say Rashee Rice's vehicle was involved in was a mess on the side of a freeway in Dallas -- which you can now see in these photos from the scene we've obtained, including what we're told are some of the occupants beelining it out of there.

Check out these pics we got a hold of from Saturday's wreck on the North Central Expressway. We're told these were taken in the immediate aftermath of the accident -- which affected several vehicles, per police -- and you can tell how bad it was by the damage done.

Not only do you see what it all looked like once first responders arrived ... but eyewitnesses tell us these photos also capture some of the guys who were allegedly in the 2 cars involved in causing this mess -- and you can see them casually leaving the scene.


el video

Un hombre de California está compitiendo con el hombre de Florida por el titular más extraño de la semana, porque fue arrestado por caminar y aparentemente masticar una pierna humana.

El nombre del tipo es Rosendo Tellez, y fue arrestado el viernes cerca de Bakersfield -en una pequeña ciudad llamada Wasco- después de que testigos lo vieron paseando por la ciudad con lo que parecía ser una extremidad inferior completa.

Funcionarios del Condado de Kern dicen que la pierna fue tomada ilegalmente de la escena de un accidente de tren esa mañana, cuando Téllez la robó después de que un hombre fue atropellado y muerto en la estación de Amtrak en la ciudad. No mucho después de eso, los ciudadanos dicen que vieron Tellez caminando con la pierna en la mano.

California Man Appears to Go Full Zombie Walking Around, Biting Human Leg?!?


A California man is competing with Florida Man for weirdest headline of the week -- 'cause he got arrested for walking around and apparently chomping on a human severed leg.

The dude's name is Rosendo Tellez. and he got busted Friday out near Bakersfield -- in a small town called Wasco -- after eyewitnesses saw him strolling through town with what looked to be an entire limb that was attached to a person just earlier in the day.

Kern County officials say the leg was illegally taken from the scene of a train accident that morning -- when Tellez is alleged to have swooped it up after a man was hit and killed at the Amtrak station in town. Not too long after that ... citizens say they spotted Tellez holding it.

Porsche in Michigan Multiple Flips in Air, Skips on Pavement ... Three Injured, Car Wrecked


A Porsche recently went flying through the air -- skipping like a stone for a couple hundred feet -- before landing in a shopping center parking lot ... and it was all caught on video.

Surveillance footage from Ann Arbor, Michigan has surfaced -- capturing a wild accident from last week that shows the sports car racing along a road when it seemingly hits some object -- and begins a long sequence of flying, bouncing and smashing its way through a gas station and an adjacent parking lot before finally coming to a rest.

Like we said ... the footage is absolutely bonkers, and more surprising -- nobody died.

Watch for yourself ... the Porsche pops up and twists to its side, smacking on the ground and bouncing numerous times before landing -- right side up -- hundreds of feet down the road.

Video of the crash site hours later on Sunday, March 16 shows the car still sitting in the parking lot ... and the damage the car seemed to do to the asphalt and in the gas station it went careening through.

Ann Arbor police posted an update about the crash as well -- saying officers arrived on the scene and found three individuals after the crash, two 19-year-old females with minor injuries and one 20-year-old male who was transported to the hospital in critical condition but is expected to survive.

Cops say speed and alcohol seem to have been factors in the car crash, and they say they are still investigating the incident.

Given the state of the car ... it's a miracle everyone survived the tumbling crash.


Backplate Busted

Kylie Jenner was all pumped up to push her new canned vodka soda venture ... but things fizzled right out of the gate.

The makeup mogul's driver accidentally crashed into her mom Kris Jenner's $400k Rolls-Royce Ghost while arriving at WeHo's Catch Steak Thursday for the brand's launch party -- and the collision's aftermath is captured in this wild clip.

Check it out ... as the KarJenners were arriving for Kylie's big launch event -- where she was plugging her new booze Sprinter -- one of the drivers behind the wheel in their fleet of SUVs, believed to be that of Kylie's, rammed into Kris's very pricey whip.

As the driver reverses ... you can see the impact was so strong that it left Kris's license plate dangling off the RR's bumper. It amounted to a fender-bender -- but it was still shocking.

Luckily, Kris's luxury ride doesn't seem too messed up ... and it looks like it'll just need a quick trip to the repair shop. That's a relief ... especially seeing how Kris was the first person to snag keys to the ride in 2021.

After the little vehicle run-in, the rest of the evening went on without a hitch for the Sprinter Soda bash, with host Kylie rocking a killer black plunging PVC dress.

Another thing to note -- this outing was the first one Kris made after the tragic news that her sister Karen Houghton recently passed just days earlier. She was all smiles for this, putting on a brave face no doubt.

Despite her personal grief, Kris rocked her momager hat like a boss ... showing up with her trademark support at her daughter's shindig.

As for the bumper thing ... leave it to the insurance.

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Kylie Jenner Su chofer choca contra el Rolls Royce de Kris!!!

Choque en la parte trasera

Kylie Jenner estaba con toda la adrenalina en el cuerpo para impulsar su nueva empresa de refrescos de vodka, pero las cosas se salieron de control al salir nada más del carro.

El conductor de la magnate del maquillaje se estrelló accidentalmente contra el Rolls-Royce Ghost de su madre Kris Jenner, avaluado en $400K, mientras estaban llegando a Catch Steak en West Hollywood para la fiesta de lanzamiento de su marca el jueves, y las consecuencias del choque fueron capturadas en este loco video.

Compruébalo tú mismo, las KarJenners estaban llegando al gran evento de Kylie, donde ella lanzó su nueva bebida Sprinter, cuando uno de los conductores al volante de su flota de SUVs, que se cree que era de Kylie, embistió contra el lujoso vehículo de Kris.

Mientras el conductor estaba dando marcha atrás, se puede ver que el impacto fue tan fuerte que dejó la matrícula de Kris colgando del parachoques del Rolls Royce. Al final fue un accidente menor, pero aun así impactante.

Por suerte, el carro de lujo de Kris no quedó demasiado estropeado y parece que solo necesitará un viaje rápido al taller mecánico, lo que es un alivio.

Después del pequeño incidente, la noche transcurrió sin problemas para celebrar el lanzamiento de Sprinter Soda, con la anfitriona Kylie luciendo un vestido negro de PVC.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es que esta fue la primera salida de Kris desde que se supo la trágica noticia de la muerte de su hermana Karen Houghton hace unos días. La personalidad televisiva estaba muy contenta, seguramente haciéndose la fuerte.

A pesar de su dolor personal, Kris sacudió su sombrero de matriarca para apoyar el lanzamiento de la marca de su hija.

En cuanto a lo del parachoques, déjenlo en manos del seguro.

Karen Huger First Photos From Crash Site ... Shows Extent of Damage

Karen Huger's scary Tuesday night crash seems to have left its mark on the area ... with the first photos from the scene appearing to show just how close Karen came to disaster.

The pics, obtained by TMZ, show where the 'Real Housewives' star swerved off the road in Potomac, MD -- leaving lots of skids and torn-up grass before slamming into a tree ... taking a big chunk of the bark with her. We've confirmed these were taken at the specific location mentioned in the court docket that laid out all of Karen's charges and traffic violations.

The photos and video we got give a clear indication of how serious the wreck was -- honing in on the point of contact where Karen went off the roadway -- which she says she did to avoid an oncoming car -- this after having a very emotional dinner with a friend of hers.

Police however tell a different tale ... with Montgomery County PD now offering another update on what they say went down after Karen had her accident.

As we reported ... cops had told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and we're now told a security guard in the neighborhood saw the whole thing and called the police.

A MCPD rep says fire rescue and police officers responded to the call with an ambulance ... but, police say Huger refused to go to the hospital or be evaluated.

We're told KH was then taken into custody and transported to a district station ... with police telling us she was actually arrested and cited for DUI that evening ... but wasn't booked into their jail. Instead, they tell us she was released to her husband, Raymond.

Karen was also cited for other traffic violations before being released.


Huger hasn't addressed the DUI/DWI charges yet ... the only thing she mentioned to us Wednesday was a car going straight for her while she was driving ... which she says caused her to swerve to dodge it -- explaining she miraculously walked away without injuries.

Given how the crash scene looks ... Huger may actually have a guardian angel on her side like she says.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Charged w/ DUI ... In Connection to Crash

Karen Huger has been charged with driving under the influence and hit with several other traffic violations in connection with her car crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

According to online court records, the 'Real Housewives of the Potomac' star is facing one count of DUI over Tuesday night's wreck -- which notes she has to make a mandatory court appearance to answer for it. She's facing an additional DWI charge as well here.

There are several other alleged infractions she's been dinged with too -- per the docket -- that touch on everything from negligent and reckless driving to driving way over the speed limit and driving with a suspended registration. The 6 traffic violations she was cited with don't require court appearances ... and have fines attached ranging from $50 to $510.

We broke the story ... Huger was driving her 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what police described as an aggressive manner.

Cops told us Karen struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway. The car itself was badly damaged, but Karen told us she was doing fine after the accident ... which she chalked up to driving while in a super emotional state.

Huger said she went to dinner with a friend where she said the two talked about some pretty emotional topics -- including KH's deceased mother -- saying it left her bawling while trying to drive home and she says she swerved to avoid a car coming directly at her.

Huger did note she received citations, one of which she says was not related to the incident ... but, made no mention of being intoxicated or arrested in her statement to us. Cops didn't tell us she'd been arrested either ... and there's no record of her having been booked in their jail.

Montgomery County PD says the reason charges weren't mentioned earlier Wednesday is because all that was available at the time was a preliminary collision report -- and that a police report would have further info. We haven't obtained that police report just yet ... but clearly, cops felt something criminal had happened here -- evidenced in the court update.

We've reached out to Huger for further comment ... so far, no word back.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Breaks Silence on Car Accident ... Cites Emotional State


4:25 PM PT -- Karen Huger tells TMZ … "Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes during this very frightening experience. I am still in shock from last nights incident, but grateful to be alive today. With the  passing of my Beloved Mother, Grief comes and goes in waves, and with Mothers Day approaching it has felt more like a tsunami."

She adds, "Last night I met a girlfriend for dinner, we talked and brought up some very emotionally sensitive topics. I was crying on my way home and saw a car heading right for me. I swerved to avoid the head-on collision, hit the divider and then a tree. I'm hurt, bruised up a bit, but so grateful I am alive! I did receive citations, one of which was unrelated to the incident which is understandable, but what was most surprising is that the car that almost hit me just drove away!"

Karen finishes by saying, "I would like to stress, it’s important to understand your emotional state when driving and may this be a reminder to all to use their seatbelts, my Mother may be my Guardian Angel but the seatbelt saved my life."

Karen Huger was involved in a scary crash this week ... with officers telling us she wrecked her car so badly, it was no longer operable.

A representative for Montgomery County Police tells TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' star was driving a 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what they describe as an aggressive manner -- too fast for the conditions, they say.

Police say Huger struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway where the car came to a rest.

We're told the airbag deployed in the car but no other passengers were in her vehicle. No word on whether she or anyone else was injured.

The car itself was allegedly damaged so badly it couldn't be driven and a tow truck was called to retrieve it ... the extent of the damage is not yet known.

Cops say KH received multiple citations -- unclear exactly what they were for at this time -- but, we're told she was not arrested.

We've reached out to Huger -- a main cast member on all eight seasons of 'RHOP' -- about the accident ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:52 AM PT

Chris Brown Scrapes Up His Lambo in H'wood Looking Pissed Hours Later


Chris Brown apparently got into a little fender-bender this weekend -- and while the scrape to his sports car will probably buff right out ... that doesn't mean he was happy about it.

The singer was hitting the town very early Sunday morning in Hollywood -- leaving The Nice Guy after a little partying, we're told -- and on his way out ... he seems to have bumped into another vehicle that left the front of his Lamborghini with some major scuff marks.

The fact that his whip is white makes the black marks all the more noticeable, of course, and it looks like Chris stopped to exchange info with whoever it was he might've tapped.

He certainly looked frustrated at the moment -- but handled his biz and went on his way.

The next morning, however, Chris seems to have realized the extent of the damage -- 'cause he was photographed looking a little heated as he appeared to be addressing the mishap with a crew of people he was with while leaving a private house party just hours later.

No word on what exactly he was saying -- but it sure reads like ... "LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO MY F***ING CAR!!!" This new angle also appears to show the bumper is slightly dented.

Like we said ... it should be easy enough to fix it -- but considering how damn pricey these cars are -- it might end up costing CB a pretty penny ... assuming insurance doesn't just handle it. In any case ... Chris wasn't happy about having to deal with it, period.

Drive safe, y'all.

Treat Williams' Death Other Driver in Fatal Crash Strikes Plea Deal ... Won't Do Jail Time

The Vermont man who crashed into Treat Williams -- resulting in the beloved actor's death -- is pleading guilty to a reduced charge, and, as a result, he will not go to prison.

Ryan Koss pled guilty on Friday to negligent driving with death resulting. Koss was turning into a parking lot last June when he collided with Treat, who was riding his motorcycle. Although he was wearing a helmet, and was airlifted to a hospital for treatment, Treat did not survive his injuries.

In exchange for his plea, Koss is getting a one-year deferred sentence, probation and his license is revoked for a year. In addition, he'll have to complete a community restorative justice program for the misdemeanor charge.

Prosecutors say Koss has fully cooperated, and been accountable for the tragedy from the start, and even called Treat's wife from the scene of the accident to tell her what had happened.

During Friday's hearing, he said, “I’m here to apologize and take responsibility for this tragic accident.” Interestingly, Treat's family was not interested in pressing charges or seeing Koss do time.

Treat's son, Gill, was in court and told Koss, “I do forgive you, and I hope that you forgive yourself." Treat's wife, Pam, expressed a similar sentiment in a statement that was read in court ... but she added, “Our lives will never be the same, our family has been torn apart and there is a huge hole that can’t possibly be filled."

Koss had originally been facing up to 15 years in prison ... as he'd been charged with gross negligent operation with death resulting, a felony. He pled not guilty to that charge, before copping a plea for the reduced misdemeanor charge.

Treat famously starred in the movie, "Hair" and the CW TV series, "Everwood."

J Balvin sobre el Cybertruck Es un poco difícil calibrar la velocidad ... Haz algo, Elon!!!

Paseo en el cibercamión de Tesla

J Balvin dice que hay un defecto con el Cybertruck, el motor es tan silencioso, que es difícil saber la velocidad a la que andas, pero él tiene una solución para Elon Musk.

El cantante colombiano llegó a los estudios Record Plant Recording Studios de Los Ángeles el lunes y lo hizo nada menos que en uno de estos futuristas vehículos eléctricos. Por supuesto, nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó sobre el camión Tesla que se estrelló contra el Hotel Beverly Hills el fin de semana.

Accidente en Beverly Hills Hotel
Instagram / @jayluchs

Echa un vistazo, Balvin compartió sus pensamientos sobre el incidente con nosotros, señalando que no hay manera de saber qué tan rápido va el Cybertruck si uno se guía solo por el sonido porque al parecer es bastante silencioso cuando está en uso.

Recuerden que el propio Elon dice que el Cybertruck es más rápido que un Porsche 911 y cree que el conductor del accidente de BHH "no esperaba tanta aceleración".

La diferencia es que el motor de un Porsche 911 rugiría la vida a altas velocidades y Balvin parece pensar que el Cybertruck necesita un indicador audible como ese para ayudar a los conductores detrás del volante.

J Balvin dice que sería bueno tener algún ruido o sonido característico una vez que el Cybertruck alcanza una cierta velocidad para alertar al conductor de que va rápido, y lo dice de una manera muy particular también.

Aparte de eso, Balvin suena muy contento con su nuevo juguete sobre ruedas, literalmente su juguete favorito, dice. ¡Incluso le dio a nuestro fotógrafo un rápido recorrido por el interior del carro y tenemos que decir que la vista desde el asiento trasero es bastante dulce!

Echa un vistazo al video, el Cybertruck de Balvin tiene un techo solar enorme y un montón de tecnología fresca en el interior. Es como cualquier otro Tesla que hayas visto, pero más elegante y con más funciones.

De hecho, parece bastante espacioso por lo que podemos ver y dice que los asientos son muy cómodos, con un sistema de sonido muy bueno también. Los Cybertrucks poco a poco se están volviendo más comunes en las calles de Los Ángeles, pero parece que todavía hay algunos detalles por resolver para Elon y compañía.

Conociendo a Musk, va a arreglar las cosas, si ese es realmente el problema aquí.

J Balvin on Cybertruck Crash It's Kinda Hard To Gauge the Speed ... Do Something, Elon!!!

Cybertruck tour

J Balvin says there's one flaw with the Cybertruck -- the engine's so dang quiet, it's hard to tell how fast you're going from behind the wheel ... but he's got a solution for Elon Musk.

We got the Colombian singer, who just released his newest single, "Triple S," featuring De La Ghetto and Jowell & Randy, at Record Plant Recording Studios in Los Angeles Monday ... and he rolled up in none other than one of these futuristic EVs. Of course, our photog asked him about the Tesla truck that crashed into the Beverly Hills Hotel over the weekend.

Instagram / @jayluchs

Check it out ... Balvin -- who was out with "Million Dollar Wheels" star and owner of Wires Only where Balvin bought the car, RD Whittington -- shared his thoughts on the incident with us -- pointing out there's no way of knowing how fast the Cybertruck is going based on sound alone ... 'cause it's apparently pretty silent when in use.

Remember, Elon himself says the Cybertruck is faster than a Porsche 911 ... and he thinks the driver in the BHH crash "wasn't expecting so much acceleration."

Difference being ... a Porsche 911 engine will roar to life at high speeds, and Balvin seems to think the Cybertruck needs an audible indicator like that to help out folks behind the wheel.

J Balvin says it would be nice to have a feature where there's some noise or sound once the Cybertruck reaches a certain speed to alert the driver they're going fast -- and he's got a unique way of putting it too in terms of relaying that message.

Other than that, Balvin sounds pretty pleased with his new set of wheels, which he says is literally his new favorite toy. Get this ... JB even gave our photog a quick tour inside the car ... and we gotta say, the back seat view is pretty sweet!

Check out the video ... Balvin's Cybertruck has a massive sunroof, and there's lots of cool tech inside. It's just like any other Tesla you've seen ... only slicker with more features.


Indeed, it looks pretty roomy from what we can see ... and he says the seats are super comfortable -- with a bumpin' sound system too. Cybertrucks are slowly becoming more common on the streets, at least in L.A., but it sounds like there's still a few kinks for Elon and co. to work out.

Knowing Musk, he'll get things straightened out ... if that's indeed the issue here.