Instagram / @jayluchs


11:57 AM PT -- A rep for the Dorchester Collection -- the company that owns The Beverly Hills Hotel, among others -- tells TMZ ... none of its valets had anything to do with this crash, despite speculation.

We're told the Cybertruck just happened to run into the signage right off the road ... and it's unclear what exactly caused that. In any case, they tell us their staff wasn't involved. It also looks like the guy who originally claimed it was the valet is copping to that not being true too.

A Tesla Cybertruck ended up with its front wheel ripped right off after a valet driver at the Beverly Hills Hotel reportedly crashed it ... and Elon Musk himself has something to say.

Check out this wild footage that was taken Sunday night -- the all-new futuristic monster truck is lodged into the raised cement curb just under the hotel's iconic green sign, and the damage looks pretty intense.

No video that shows the before from all this ... but word on the street is, a valet at the hotel somehow lost control of the vehicle while bringing it around to the owner -- and did this.

You can also see that the wheel is pretty torn up ... which is somewhat ironic, to be honest.

Of course, Tesla notably designed the Cybertruck with durability in mind, but we've already seen examples -- including this -- that it might not be the toughest thing on the road.

From the sounds of it, it looks like the truck is past the point of salvaging 'cause a friend of the vehicle's owner asked Tesla owner Elon Musk on X for a replacement. The billionaire has yet to respond ... but he did acknowledge another X post referencing the crash, giving a little speculative insight into the reason behind the crash.

EM basically said that the Cybertruck is much faster than a Porsche 911, so its immense power probably caught him off guard ... in other words, he thinks it was too much truck for the valet to handle.

FWIW, Tesla does have a Valet Mode that's designed to help prevent accidents like these by limiting the vehicle's peak power and imposing a speed limit of 70 MPH while being driven by valets -- but clearly, it's not foolproof.

Originally Published -- 11:22 AM PT

Britt Reid Andy Reid's Son ... Prison Sentence Commuted To House Arrest


4:22 PM PT -- Tom Porto, the attorney for Ariel Young and her family, just released a statement on Britt Reid's commutation to TMZ Sports ... saying simply, "What’s different between this criminal defendant and every other criminal defendant in the state of Missouri?"

Ex-Kansas City Chiefs assistant coach Britt Reid -- Andy's son -- just had his three-year prison sentence commuted to house arrest.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson made the surprising decision on Friday ... a little over a year after Reid was thrown behind bars for his role in a DWI crash that left a 5-year-old girl, Ariel Young, with life-altering brain injuries.

A spokesperson for Parson explained the move in a statement to media outlets ... saying, "Reid had completed his alcohol abuse treatment program and has served more prison time than most individuals convicted of similar offenses."

As part of his commutation, Reid will remain on house arrest until October 31, 2025. He'll have to abide by a lengthy list of conditions in order to avoid being thrown back in prison, however -- including working at least 30 hours a week, submitting to random drug screenings, and completing at least 10 hours a month of community service.

Reid is also forbidden from making contact with Young or her family members.

Reid was first hit with criminal charges in the case after authorities said he got drunk days before the Chiefs vs. Buccaneers Super Bowl in 2021 and slammed his pickup truck into the back of a car Young had been riding in.

Authorities alleged Reid was going 83.9 MPH in a 65 MPH zone just before the wreck, and had a BAC of .113 two hours following the accident.


Dash cam footage captured at the scene showed Reid was wearing a Chiefs COVID mask and a Chiefs sweatshirt in the minutes after the crash.

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Reid lost his job with Kansas City's NFL franchise a short time later ... and didn't work in the league again before beginning his sentence in November 2022.

We've reached out to an attorney for the Young family for comment, but so far, we haven't heard back yet.

Originally Published -- 3:45 PM PT

Ex-UFC Star Brendan Schaub Flips Truck Off-Roading ... Wild Crash Caught On Video

Crashing & Dashing
Instagram/ @brendanschaub

Brendan Schaub flipped his truck in a terrifying off-roading crash earlier this month ... and the wild accident was all captured on video.

It happened while the former UFC fighter was trying to show off his souped-up TRX for an episode of his "Tune Town" YouTube show.

The 40-year-old took the ride to Johnson Valley, Calif. for a day of fun after getting it all tricked out ... and, initially, everything was going according to plan.

He and the vehicle were getting good shots blowing through dirt, sand and boulders -- and despite getting stuck at one point, the afternoon still appeared to be a success.

But, as he was getting set to leave, Schaub tried to spin some donuts ... and lost control.

You can see in video that Schaub posted to his social media pages, his airbag exploded as he was thrown around inside of the cab.

Thankfully, he was able to make it out of the car relatively unscathed ... though he did reveal he suffered a concussion in the wreck.

"Definitely didn't need another one," he said of the head injury. "But it could be a whole lot worse."

Schaub wrote on his YouTube page that the truck cost him in the area of $200,000.

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"My favorite vehicle I've ever owned is that TRX," he said.

Schaub noted that he learned from the incident that he needs to be more patient ... but he was able to joke about it all -- writing on his X page, "The only question after flipping your truck is….but did you have fun tho?"


Instagram/ @brendanschaub

Brendan Schaub volcó su camión a principios de este mes y el salvaje accidente fue capturado en video.

Ocurrió mientras el ex luchador de la UFC estaba tratando de mostrar su TRX en un episodio de su programa de YouTube "Tune Town".

El ex luchador de la UFC de 40 años se fue a Johnson Valley, California, para pasar un día de diversión después de haberlo equipado todo, y al principio, todo marchaba según lo previsto.

Él y el vehículo iban de lo mejor a través de tierra, arena y rocas y a pesar de quedarse atascado en un punto, la tarde todavía parecía ser un éxito.

Pero cuando se estaba preparando para salir, Schaub trató de girar y perdió el control.

Usted puede ver en el video que Schaub publicó en sus páginas de redes sociales que su airbag explotó cuando él fue lanzado dentro de la cabina.

Afortunadamente, fue capaz de salir del coche relativamente ileso, aunque reveló que sufrió una conmoción cerebral en el accidente.

"Definitivamente, no necesitaba otro", dijo de la lesión en la cabeza. "Pero podría ser mucho peor".

Schaub escribió en su página de YouTube que el camión le costó al rededor de $200.000.

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"Mi vehículo favorito que he tenido es ese TRX", dijo.

Schaub señaló que aprendió del incidente que tiene que ser más paciente, pero fue capaz de bromear sobre todo escribiendo en su página X, "La única pregunta después de voltear su camión es... pero ¿te divertiste?".

Choque masivo en China 100 carros apilados a causa del hielo en las carreteras... Ningún muerto

Salvaje choque

Un impactante accidente múltiple en China dejó a 100 carros apilados y parece que todos sobrevivieron a la terrible experiencia, que quedó registrada en video.

Los medios estatales de China publicaron el video, que ahora está por todas las redes sociales, donde se ve una enorme fila de coches embestidos unos contra otros en extrañas posiciones, con un vehículo incluso descansando encima de todos en un ángulo casi vertical.

También se pueden ver escombros sobre la autopista y a la gente saliendo de los carros para ayudar a sus compañeros, aunque la policía local está diciendo que todo el mundo está más o menos bien, con solo algunas personas heridas.

La policía del Parque Industrial de Suzhou publicó en sus redes sociales WeChat que tres personas habían sido derivadas al hospital por sus lesiones y seis sufrieron rasguños menores, pero según ellos, todo el mundo sigue vivo.

Reuters está apuntando al mal tiempo como la principal razón detrás de este accidente, diciendo que el país ha sido golpeado con ventiscas y toneladas de lluvia.

El medio también informa que ha habido más gente circulando por las carreteras debido a las recientes vacaciones del Año Nuevo Lunar.

Por cierto, estos enormes accidentes no son totalmente desconocidos en China. En 2022, más de 200 carros se vieron implicados en un accidente múltiple provocado por la niebla, según el diario estatal Global Times. Según los informes, una persona murió en ese caso.

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Parece que todo el mundo está bastante bien aquí, nada menos que un milagro.

100-Car Pileup in China Icy Roads Caused Massive Accident ... No One Reportedly Dead


The aftermath of a 100-car pileup in China looks absolutely terrifying on camera ... and yet, it seems everyone survived the horrible ordeal.

Chinese state media posted the video, now all over social media, Friday which showed a huge swath of cars rammed into one another at odd angles, with one vehicle even resting atop several others at a near vertical angle.

Debris litters the freeway in the vid, and people can be seen clambering out of cars and looking to help their fellow crashed drivers ... but, local police are saying everyone's pretty much fine with just a few people injured.

Suzhou Industrial Park traffic police posted on social media platform WeChat saying three people were headed to the hospital for their injuries and six suffered minor scratches ... but, according to them, everyone's still alive.

Reuters is pointing to a recent bout of bad weather as the main reason behind this crash ... saying the country's been hit with blizzards and tons of rain.

More people have been on the roads too, the outlet reports, because of the recent Lunar New Year holiday.

BTW ... these huge accidents aren't totally unheard of in China. More than 200 cars were involved in a massive pileup in 2022 caused by heavy fog according to the state-owned Global Times. One person reportedly died in that instance.

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Seems like everyone's pretty much OK here, however ... truly nothing short of a miracle.

University Of Wyoming 3 Swim Team Members Killed ... In Horrific Car Crash


4:16 PM PT -- Colorado State Police tell TMZ Sports that "excessive speed" is being investigated for the fatal crash of the three UW swim team members.

"The vehicle was southbound on Highway 287 and swerved to miss a vehicle in front of them stopped to make a left turn on to Larimer CR 37," CSP said.

"No alcohol or drugs suspected as casual factors."

Three members of the University of Wyoming swim team were tragically killed on Thursday after a horrific, single-car crash in northern Colorado.

According to the Colorado State Police, five passengers were traveling in a Toyota RAV4 around 2:44 PM when the vehicle swerved off the road, and rolled over, ejecting two people, and leaving the SUV mangled.

Sadly, three victims, ages ranging from 18 to 21, were pronounced dead at the scene, according to the Denver Post ... and they were members of the UW swim and diving team.

The two surviving victims are also members of the swim team.

"My thoughts and prayers are with our swimming and diving student-athletes, coaches, families and friends," UW Director of Athletics Tom Burman said in a statement.

"It is difficult to lose members of our University of Wyoming family, and we mourn the loss of these student-athletes."

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The crash is under investigation ... and it is not yet known if speed, or any other factors played a role in the crash.

This isn't the first time UW Athletics has seen such devastation ... in 2001, eight runners from the track team were killed when a drunk driver crashed into their Jeep on the same highway.


Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT

Tim McKyer Three-Time SB Champ Arrested ... After Alleged Hit And Run

Former San Francisco 49ers defensive back Tim McKyer -- who won three Super Bowls in his NFL career -- was arrested in Florida this week ... after he was accused of crashing into multiple parked cars before fleeing the scene.

According to police documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, McKyer allegedly slammed his Tesla into five vehicles on Sunday in a Riviera Beach parking garage.

Cops wrote in the docs all five rides -- which were parked at the time -- had visible damage, with some left totally "inoperable."

Police say their investigation revealed that after wrecking the cars ... McKyer backed his Tesla into an open space on a different floor of the garage -- before he left without making anyone aware of the damage he had caused.

According to the docs, Riviera Beach Police Dept. officers made contact with McKyer a short time later ... and they claim he showed signs of inebriation -- namely, cops say he reeked of alcohol and struggled with his balance.

McKyer was taken into custody for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage ... and transported to a nearby hospital. While there, cops say he admitted he was the only one who had driven his Tesla that evening.

McKyer was ultimately arrested and booked on five total charges of hit and run.

Records show he's due in court for a hearing on the matter on March 4.

McKyer played in the NFL for 12 years ... helping Joe Montana and John Elway win Super Bowls in '89, '90 and '98. He logged snaps in 170 total games ... piling up 470 combined tackles and 33 interceptions.

DAYTONA 500 ENORME ACCIDENTE GENERA CAOS EN LA PISTA William Byron consigue la victoria

un choque caótico

Un accidente masivo estropeó las últimas vueltas de la Daytona 500. Hubo 23 carros en total chocando entre sí en un lío salvaje hacia el final de la famosa carrera, aunque la carnicería en última instancia, permitió al desvalido William Byron salir con la victoria.

El caos se produjo a falta de ocho vueltas para el final en el Daytona International Speedway de Florida... cuando Alex Bowman inició el choque al empujar a Byron.

El golpe hizo que el carro de Byron -No. 24- se deslizara hacia Brad Keselowski, lo que desencadenó una enorme reacción en cadena de accidentes.

Échale un vistazo a la repetición, más de la mitad de los 40 vehículos en el campo quedó atrapado en el desastre.

De alguna manera, Byron escapó ileso -y después de que otro grupo de pilotos chocara unos momentos después de que los oficiales limpiaran la pista- el piloto de 26 años fue declarado ganador.

Después, celebró como un loco, diciéndole a los periodistas que no podía creer lo que estaba viviendo.

La carrera, por su parte, se retrasó un día completo después de que la lluvia obligara a los funcionarios de NASCAR a moverla de su habitual domingo para el lunes.

Mientras Pitbull no pudo realizar su show como estaba previsto, La Roca lo hizo en las festividades y encendió a la multitud cuando le dijo a los corredores que encendieran sus motores.

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Bubba Wallace terminó la carrera en sexto lugar, mientras que el favorito de los fans -Kyle Busch- terminó doceavo y Jimmie Johnson -dos veces ganador de Daytona 500- obtuvo el lugar número veintiocho luego de que un accidente lo dejara fuera temprano.

Daytona 500 Huge Crash Wrecks Half The Field ... William Byron Gets The Win


A massive crash marred the final laps of the Daytona 500 ... as 23 cars in total pinballed off each other in a wild mess toward the end of the famed race -- although the carnage ultimately allowed underdog William Byron to come out with the win.

The chaos happened with eight laps to go at Daytona International Speedway in Florida ... when Alex Bowman started the wreck by nudging Byron.

The bump caused Byron's No. 24 car to slide into Brad Keselowski's ... which set off a huge chain reaction of accidents.

Check out the replay from the race's broadcast ... more than half of the 40 vehicles in the field got caught up in the melee.

Somehow, Byron escaped it all unscathed ... and after another set of drivers wrecked a few moments after officials got the track all cleaned up, the 26-year-old was declared the winner.

Afterward, he celebrated like crazy ... telling reporters he couldn't believe it all was actually happening.

The race, meanwhile, was delayed a full day ... after rain forced NASCAR officials to move it from its usual Sunday start time to Monday.

While Pitbull could not perform his scheduled pre-race concert as planned ... The Rock still made it out to the festivities -- and fired up the crowd when he told the racers to start their engines.

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Bubba Wallace finished the race in sixth place ... while fan-favorite Kyle Busch ended up 12th. Jimmie Johnson -- a two-time Daytona 500 winner -- nabbed 28th place after a wreck knocked him out early.

Un carro se estrella contra una sala de urgencias Y el conductor muere

el terrible momento

Un carro chocó contra una sala de urgencias en Austin, Texas, esta semana y el video de las consecuencias es absolutamente horrible.

Este accidente ocurrió el martes por la noche en St. Davis's North Austin Medical Center, donde un vehículo literalmente embistió contra la entrada de la sala de emergencias, donde terminó hiriendo a un puñado de personas, entre ellas algunos niños.

Las imágenes que se ven aquí comenzó a rodar momentos después de que el coche vino volando a través de la parte delantera del edificio ... y como se puede oír, los neumáticos seguía chirriando - lo que sugiere que alguien tenía el pie en el pedal del acelerador, incluso después de hacer contacto.

La gente estaba luchando en medio del caos y algunos incluso tuvieron que ser levantados y cargados en brazos mientras las enfermeras y médicos salieron tratando de darle sentido a lo que había sucedido.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que causó esto, pero lo que sí sabemos con certeza es que el conductor terminó muriendo justo después de recibir primeros auxilios. A primera vista, parece que pudo haber sufrido una emergencia médica y perdió el control del carro.

Los policías señalaron que el accidente no parecía ser intencional... vale la pena aclararlo porque algunos pensaban que podría ser incluso un ataque terrorista. Por suerte, no fue el caso.

Afortunadamente, nadie en el hospital murió, pero hubo muchos heridos. Cinco víctimas fueron trasladadas a otros hospitales con diversos grados de lesiones, incluyendo un niño que fue catalogado como en estado crítico.

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Se informa que el pequeño sufrió lesiones que tienen su vida en riersgo, y las lesiones de un adulto nos informan que son potencialmente mortales.

Austin, TX Car Slams Into Emergency Room Driver Dies, Not Intentional


A car rammed into an emergency room in Austin, TX, this week -- and the video of the immediate aftermath is absolutely horrifying.

This accident happened on Tuesday night at St. David's North Austin Medical Center -- where a vehicle literally rammed into the entrance of the ER there ... which ended up injuring a handful of people, including some kids.

The footage you see here starts just moments after the car came flying through the front of the building ... and as you can hear, the tires were still screeching -- suggesting someone had their foot on the gas pedal even after the impact.

People were scrambling in the chaos ... and some even had to be lifted and carried away as nurses and doctors poured out trying to make sense of what had happened.

At this point, it's unclear what exactly caused this, but what we do know for sure is that the driver died ... this after requiring CPR on the scene.

Cops noted the crash did not appear to be intentional, which some thought might've been the case ... there were immediate concerns it was some sort of terror attack. Luckily, this wasn't that.

Thankfully, no one in the hospital was killed, but there were serious injuries. Five victims were taken to other hospitals for treatment ...and one of them is a child listed in critical condition.

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The kid's injuries are reportedly life-threatening, while one adult suffered potentially life-threatening injury.

NBA's Haywood Highsmith Issued Careless Driving Citation ... After Man Suffers Partial Amputation In Crash

Cops issued Miami Heat forward Haywood Highsmith a citation for careless driving on Tuesday ... after they say he caused an accident that resulted in a man suffering a partial amputation of his leg as well as other broken bones.

According to a crash report, obtained by TMZ Sports, the gruesome wreck happened at around 11:20 PM -- just minutes after Highsmith and the Heat beat the Orlando Magic at the Kesaya Center in Miami.

Cops state in the documents that Highsmith was going an estimated 45 MPH in a 40 MPH zone ... when he slammed into the back of a pedestrian who appeared to be pushing a broken-down car in the middle of a roadway.

The docs state Highsmith told officers that the disabled vehicle did not have its lights on ... and he couldn't stop his ride in time when he came across it in the street.

Cops wrote in the docs the pedestrian lost part of his right leg in the accident and sustained a compound fracture to his left leg as well. They also say the man suffered a possible broken left arm.

Police added the man was rushed to a local hospital in critical condition.

The crash report states drugs and alcohol were not involved ... though officers did write in the docs that Highsmith may have been distracted by unknown circumstances.

Highsmith logged three minutes of playing in the Heat's 121-95 win earlier in the night. He did not play Wednesday, though -- as the team announced he was sitting out of their game against San Antonio due to "personal reasons."

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Highsmith has yet to comment on the matter. The Heat, meanwhile, said in a statement, "Our hearts go out to those who were injured."

Ohio Truck Massacre Train Obliterates 18-Wheeler Stopped On Tracks ... Driver Miraculously Survives

Close Call

An Ohio truck driver is lucky to be alive after his 18-wheeler got crushed by a speeding railroad train as he dashed away in a nick of time!

The dramatic, near-death collision involving the large train and big rig was captured on video Wednesday morning in the small village of Versailles, OH.

Check it out ... the driver of the semi-truck pulled up to the tracks, stopping in the path of the oncoming train. Simultaneously, the electronic safety barrier was lowering with its arm hitting the top of the truck in a jerky motion.

The driver suddenly realized the truck cabin was about to get hit by the train screaming toward him at a high rate of speed.

Quickly, he tried to put the truck in reverse to get out of harm's way, but it was too late.

So, he jumped out of the cabin, pausing for a moment next to the truck before turning and running for his life.

Moments later, the train barreled into the cab, completely demolishing the front end of the truck. As the train made impact, you can hear two men filming the incident react in horror, blurting out, "Oh no! Oh no!"

Waiting for your permission to load the Facebook Post.

Miraculously, no one was seriously injured. The Village of Versailles Ohio Emergency Medical Service issued a statement, explaining that "all occupants of the semi and train were accounted for and uninjured." Paramedics evaluated two people at the scene and released them without further medical assistance.

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Local authorities were reportedly investigating the crash.

Accidente en Ohio Un tren arrasa con un camión parado en las vías ... El conductor se salva milagrosamente

Por un pelo

¡Un conductor de camiones en Ohio tiene suerte de estar vivo después de que su vehículo de 18 ruedas fuera aplastado por un tren de ferrocarril que iba a toda velocidad mientras él se apresuraba a escapar en el último momento!

La dramática colisión, que casi provoca la muerte del hombre, fue capturada en video el miércoles por la mañana en el pequeño pueblo de Versalles, en Ohio.

Echa un vistazo, el conductor del camión se acerca a las vías y se detiene en el camino mientras el tren se aproxima. Simultáneamente, la barrera de seguridad electrónica baja y golpea la parte superior del camión con un movimiento brusco.

El conductor se dio cuenta de repente que la cabina del camión estaba a punto de ser atropellada por el tren que se dirigía hacia él a gran velocidad.

Rápidamente, intentó poner el camión marcha atrás para salir del peligro, pero ya era demasiado tarde.

Entonces, saltó de la cabina, se detuvo un momento junto al camión antes de darse la vuelta y correr para salvar su vida.

Instantes después, el tren se estrelló contra la cabina, destrozando por completo la parte delantera del camión. En el momento del impacto, se escuchó a dos hombres que filmaban el incidente, reaccionar horrorizados y exclamar: "¡Oh, no!.

Milagrosamente, nadie resultó herido de gravedad. El Servicio de Emergencias Médicas del pueblo de Versailles, Ohio, emitió un comunicado, explicando que "todos los ocupantes del semi y del tren fueron contabilizados y no resultaron heridos." Los paramédicos evaluaron a dos personas en la escena y las liberaron sin más asistencia médica.

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Según los informes, las autoridades locales estaban investigando el accidente.

Gas Station Car Crash Truck Plows Through Gas Pump ... Fiery Blast On Video!!!


A cross-country road trip nearly turned fatal for one driver ... when he stopped to fill up, an out-of-control pickup truck crashed through a gas station pump ... feet away from his car.

Ya gotta see the video ... dash cam footage shows a car pulling into a gas station when suddenly a pickup comes barreling through, running over a gas pump and igniting a fiery explosion.

The pickup keeps on trucking as it plows over the gas pump ... knocking down the gas station canopy, which comes crashing down in front of the driver as he slams on the brakes.

"Oh my f******, God!!!" screams the driver as the crash unfolds in front of him at a Speedway gas station in La Plata, New Mexico.

The guy who took the dash cam video says the incident happened Feb. 4 on his cross-country road trip from Seattle to Mississippi.

He says he reported the incident to the local Sheriff and gave police the video for documentation.

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As for the reason behind the crash, the guy says cops told him the pickup truck driver was having a seizure.

Stay safe out there, folks.