Un camión choca contra el surtidor de una gasolinera Y la explosión queda grabada en video

impacto explosivo

Un viaje por la carretera a través del país casi se convierte en un episodio fatal para un conductor. Cuando se detuvo a llenar el tanque, una camioneta fuera de control se estrelló a través de una bomba de gasolinera a metros de distancia de su carro.

Tienes que ver el video, imágenes de la cámara de tablero muestra un carro llegando a una gasolinera, cuando de repente, una camioneta viene a toda velocidad, pasando por encima de una bomba de gas y generando una explosión ardiente.

La camioneta sigue su camino y arrolla el surtidor de gasolina, derribando el toldo de la gasolinera, el cual se viene abajo delante del conductor mientras frena bruscamente.

"Oh mi f******, Dios!!!", grita el conductor, mientas el accidente se desarrolla frente a sus ojos, en una gasolinera Speedway en La Plata, Nuevo México.

El tipo que tomó el video de la cámara de tablero dice que el incidente ocurrió el 4 de febrero en su viaje por carretera a través del país de Seattle a Mississippi.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Él dice que informó del incidente al Sheriff local y le dio a la policía el video para la documentación.

En cuanto a la razón detrás del accidente, el hombre dice que la policía le dijo que el conductor de la camioneta estaba teniendo un ataque.

Manténgase a salvo amigos.

Presumed Suicide Ride Car Almost Hits Pedestrian Before Driving Off VA Beach Pier


A driver who went over the edge of a pier on the East Coast seemed determined to end his/her life, and perhaps anyone else's who was in the way ... evidenced in this video here.

TMZ has obtained footage from Saturday morning that shows the moment an unidentified vehicle barrels through the opening of the Virginia Beach Fishing Pier -- where it was driving at a high rate of speed and with what appears to be intent to keep going toward the end.


As has been reported by local media outlets, that's exactly what ended up happening -- this driver crashed their car through the far-side of the pier and went straight into the water.

But check out this new video we have now ... you can see the car almost hit somebody who was walking along the entrance to the pier at about 6:49 AM ET, and they look shocked.

Debris on the Dock

Of course, the car kept going -- and video of the moment that it ended up plunging over the ledge has been circulating online. It's strange -- you see the car somewhat jerk its way along before finally crashing through and falling into the ocean below -- with no word on the condition of whoever was inside. The car sank to the bottom, and rescue/recovery efforts have been futile ... at this point, the driver and any other occupants are presumed dead.

We also obtained footage of the immediate aftermath of this tragedy -- and the damage this car caused is quite clear ... with police caution tape spread out all along the pier, and cops standing by as first-responders attempted to pull the car itself out from depths of the sea.

On Sunday, there was a full-blown effort to retrieve the vehicle with heavy-duty equipment -- but weather conditions delayed the undertaking ... and there's no official word on when they'll try again. Few details about the driver or their motive are known for the time being.

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If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Michael B. Jordan Ferrari Up For Auction ... Banged Up After Crash

The Ferrari Michael B. Jordan crashed in a Hollywood street race is on the open market, but it's an "as is" situation ... and the sports car is still a mangled mess.

The "Creed" star's ride is being auctioned off to the highest bidder ... and the minimum sale price is $58,000.

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YouTube / LA-OC.tv

Remember ... Michael wrecked his blue 2021 Ferrari 812 back in December ... video shows him racing another Ferrari down Sunset Blvd in Hollywood, with MBJ ultimately crashing his whip into a parked KIA.

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Michael ended up being the subject of a police investigation into the incident, but, as we reported, the case has been closed and he won't face any criminal repercussions.

The damage on the Ferrari looks the same as the night of the crash ... so it seems there haven't been any repairs made.

If $58,000 -- at a minimum -- sounds steep for a wrecked sports car, you should keep in mind that exotic ride costs about $400K out of the showroom.

Michael's not the one auctioning off the car here though ... the owner is listed as a Cincinnati insurance company, which clearly took ownership after the MBJ wrecked it.

The Ferrari shows a salvage certificate was issued Dec. 2, the same date as the crash, and the auction website is exclusively for salvaged cars.

TMZ Studios

The auction ends Feb. 8. In the meantime ... drive safe, folks.


The investigation into Michael B. Jordan's violent Ferrari crash is closed, and he won't face any criminal repercussions ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells us there's just not enough evidence to prove what happened during the December crash in Hollywood ... despite a video showing Michael racing another driver -- also in a Ferrari -- moments before Michael careened into a parked KIA.

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Cops say the video is part of the puzzle of what happened during the accident, but it's not enough to complete it -- especially as it doesn't capture whether MBJ was behind the wheel.

If a crime had been committed, we're told it would be street racing, and because that's a misdemeanor ... an officer would need to witness Jordan driving. That didn't happen as cops only responded after the fact.

TMZ Studios

Ditto for speeding -- we're told it isn't clear from the vid just how fast Michael's car was going as he apparently raced the other down Sunset Blvd.

So, when you put it all together ... just too many question marks to prosecute.

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YouTube / LA-OC.tv

TMZ broke the story ... LAPD opened its investigation after video surfaced showing the Dec. 3 crash. There were no injuries, but a lot of property damage, as Jordan's Ferrari and the KIA were mangled.

Accidente en Oklahoma Un agente sale disparado durante un control de tránsito

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

Un patrullero de carretera en Oklahoma fue lanzado como un muñeco de trapo después de que un carro se detuviera para un control de tránsito y se estrellara contra un vehículo completamente diferente, y todo está en video.

Este registro acaba de ser liberado por la Patrulla de Carreteras de Oklahoma, que muestra a uno de los suyos siendo golpeado (indirectamente) por un carro que viene chocando contra el SUV blanco que estaba detenido para hablar con él, mientras estaba al costado de la carretera en una autopista en Yukon, Oklahoma.

El nombre del policía estatal es Jesse Gregory y como se puede ver, definitivamente no lo vio venir, lo que queda en evidencia por el hecho de que no tuvo tiempo para prepararse para el impacto en absoluto.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Por mucho que él podría haber sido herido en el momento, hay que preguntarse cómo quedó el conductor del carro que estaba hablando con él. En su cara, se ve bastante feo y aunque se podría pensar que habría daños importantes, al parecer no.

Los empleadores del oficial Gregory dicen que no solo estaba bien después de esto, sino que también lo estaban las otras dos personas involucradas en el accidente que, francamente, es un poco de un milagro (en el buen sentido).

La razón por la que publicó esto era para recordarle a las personas los peligros de la carretera y para destacar la importancia de reducir la velocidad y ser conscientes del tráfico.

Considérenlo lección aprendida porque esto es casi tan aterrador como un accidente de carro puede ser. 😬

Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officer Goes Flying During Traffic Stop Vehicle Swiped by Other Car

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

A highway patrolman in Oklahoma got tossed like a rag doll after the car he pulled over for a traffic stop got smashed into by a completely different vehicle ... and it's all on video.

This wild footage was just released by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol ... which shows one of their own getting hit (indirectly) by a car that comes crashing into the white SUV he was in the middle of talking to while on the side of the road on a freeway in Yukon, OK.

The state trooper's name is Jesse Gregory ... and as you can see, he definitely didn't see this coming -- evidenced by the fact that he had no time to brace for impact whatsoever.

TMZ Studios

As much as he might've been hurt in the moment ... you gotta wonder how the driver of the car he was speaking with might've been -- 'cause they got rammed into on their side. On its face, it looks pretty ugly ... and while you'd think there'd be major damage, apparently not.

Officer Gregory's employers say that not only was he okay after this ... but so were the other two people involved in the accident -- which, frankly, is a bit of a miracle (in a good way).

The reason they posted this was to remind people of the dangers of the road ... highlighting the importance of slowing down, moving over to the shoulder, and being mindful of traffic.

Consider the lesson learned ... 'cause this is about as scary as a car wreck can get. 😬

Demandan a Kim Delaney por atropellar a un motorista

Kim Delaney está siendo llevada a tribunales en dos frentes diferentes sobre un accidente que se alega que ha causado hace casi dos años... y está acusada de huir TMZ ha indagado.

La actriz de "NYPD Blue" está siendo demandada por un hombre llamado Dzhamal Badalov, quien acaba de presentar documentos legales -obtenidos por TMZ- alegando que Kim chocó contra su motocicleta mientras estaba parado en un semáforo en rojo en noviembre de 2022, esto después de que él dijera que ella estaba conduciendo erráticamente por Venice Boulevard en Los Ángeles.

Badalov afirma que los testigos vieron a Kim desviarse dentro y fuera de los carriles y manejando de forma errática antes de chocar contra él, lo cual terminó sacándolo de la carretera. Afirma que Kim trató de conducir lejos después del accidente, pero fue detenida por los transeúntes.

Finalmente, Badalov afirma que Kim salió del carro y llamó a alguien con su teléfono. Él alega que ella parecía completamente desorientada, lo que sugiere que estaba intoxicada. Badalov alega que la persona con la que ella estaba hablando al otro lado intentó pagarle para que lo dejara las cosas así y no llamara a la policía... pero Badalov dice que se negó a hacerlo.

En la demanda, se pasa a alegar Kim fue instruida por la persona en el teléfono para huir. Ahora, él la está demandando por el accidente y quiere daños y perjuicios.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Hicimos algunas investigaciones por nuestra cuenta y encontramos un caso criminal en Los Ángeles, de hecho, se ha abierto contra Kim y ella ha sido acusada de atropello y fuga. Las reclamaciones formuladas contra Kim en un informe de la policía de esa noche -obtenido por TMZ- esencialmente se hacen eco de lo que se alega en la demanda. Ella debe presentarse en la corte la próxima semana.

Hemos llegado a Kim para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Kim Delaney Sued Over Alleged Hit & Run ... Accused of Fleeing Scene

Kim Delaney is being taken to court on two different fronts over an accident she's alleged to have caused almost two years ago -- one she's being accused of fleeing ... TMZ has learned.

The 'NYPD Blue' actress is being sued by a man named Dzhamal Badalov, who just filed legal docs -- obtained by TMZ -- alleging Kim rammed into his motorcycle while he was stopped at a red light back in Nov. 2022 ... this after he says she was driving erratically down Venice Boulevard in L.A.

Badalov claims witnesses saw Kim swerving in and out and lanes and driving erratically before she crashed into him -- which he alleges sent him flying into the road. He claims Kim tried driving away after the accident, but was initially stopped by bystanders.

Eventually, Badalov claims Kim got out of the car and called someone on her phone. He alleges she appeared completely out of and disoriented -- suggesting she was intoxicated. Badalov alleges that the person she was talking to on the other end attempted to pay him off to just let it go and not call the cops ... but Badalov says he refused to do so.

In the suit, he goes on to allege Kim was then instructed by the person on the phone to flee -- which he claims she then did. Now, he's suing her over the accident ... and wants damages.

TMZ Studios

Here's the other element to this ... we did some digging and found that a criminal case in L.A. has, in fact, been opened against Kim -- and she's been charged with hit and run. The claims made against Kim in a police report from that night -- obtained by TMZ -- essentially echo what's alleged in the lawsuit. She's due in court next week.

We've reached out to Kim for comment ... so far, no word back.

Man Ejected From RV Thought I Was Going To Die ... Wife Passed Out Driving


Cordell Patrick, the man ejected from a moving RV, says he's lucky to be alive ... because he thought he was going to die on that busy Los Angeles area freeway.

Cordell joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday from his hospital bed ... and he told us how he ended up being thrown from his RV onto the freeway.


It's pretty incredible ... Cordell says he was getting up to use the bathroom and took off his seatbelt in the 5-second window where his wife passed out behind the wheel and veered into the median.

Cordell says the impact sent him crashing through the driver-side window ... and his body flying over the median and landing on the other side of the freeway, inches away from the carpool lane.


As he lay on the freeway with his mangled ankle, Cordell says he thought he was going to be run over by a car ... telling us it's a miracle he was able to make it out of harms way.

Cordell says he and his wife had just gotten back from a trip and were heading to their storage unit when she suddenly blacked out and crashed.


She's getting medical attention too, and Cordell says they're still trying to figure out why she passed out.

Frankly, it's a miracle Cordell survived ... and he tells us why he's certain someone or something must have been watching over him.

Hombre expulsado en la autopista Pensé que iba a morir... Su esposa se desmayó mientras conducía

Agradecido de estar aquí

Cordell Patrick, el hombre que salió expulsado de una caravana en movimiento, dice que tiene suerte de estar vivo porque pensó que iba a morir en la concurrida autopista de Los Ángeles.

Cordell se unió a nosotros en "TMZ Live" el miércoles desde su cama del hospital y nos dijo cómo terminó siendo arrojado desde su vehículo en la autopista.

Disparado del vehículo

Es bastante increíble. Cordell dice que se estaba levantando para ir al baño y se quitó el cinturón de seguridad cuando su esposa se desmayó al volante y se desvió hacia un costado.

Cordell dice que el impacto lo llevó a estrellarse a través de la ventana del lado del conductor y su cuerpo salió volando hacia un lado de la autopista, a pocos centímetros de distancia del carril de carro compartido.

Golpeado fuerte contra el suelo

Mientras yacía en la autopista con su tobillo destrozado, Cordell dice que pensó que iba a ser atropellado. Nos dice que es un milagro que fuera capaz de salir del peligro.

Cordell dice que él y su esposa acababan de regresar de un viaje y se dirigían a su unidad de almacenamiento cuando de repente se desmayó y se estrelló.

Recibiendo atención médica

Ella también está recibiendo atención médica y Cordell dice que todavía están tratando de averiguar por qué se desmayó.

Francamente, es un milagro que Cordell haya sobrevivido y nos dice por qué está seguro de que alguien o algo debe haber estado velando por él.

RV Miracle Guy Gets Ejected on L.A.-Area Fwy ... Lives to Tell the Tale!!!


A guy got launched out of an RV that was barreling down a freeway in the Los Angeles area -- and he got thrown onto the complete opposite side ... somehow surviving the ordeal.

Wild video surfaced Monday of a horrifying accident that miraculously didn't end up being deadly. It shows a driver cruising in one direction along the 14 Freeway near Santa Clarita ... and his dashcam caught an RV coming toward him from the other side of the barrier.

Watch ... you see the RV is a little out of control, and it actually appears to bang against the cement divider -- which seems to have flung one of its passengers through its doors.

Soon enough, a man's body tumbling appears in clear view ... it looks like he fell out of the RV and onto the shoulder of the opposite end of the road, almost hitting oncoming traffic.


BTW, there are a couple different angles capturing the action here ... and it's totally insane.

As you might imagine, this ended up drawing a massive police response -- with first responders rushing to the scene to attend to this poor guy ... and, miraculously, he lived!


The man was taken to the hospital, and the extent of his injuries isn't entirely clear. Now, as for how exactly this could've happened in the first place -- an eyewitness is quoted as claiming that the driver fell asleep, and that the man who was shot out was her hubby.

If true, the lesson here obviously is ... buckle up. But, by the same token ... wake up!

Hombre sale despedido de un vehículo en una autopista de Los Ángeles y sobrevive

expulsado del vehículo

Un hombre salió despedido de un vehículo que se precipitaba por una autopista en la zona de Los Ángeles... y sobrevivió milagrosamente a la terrible experiencia.

La dashcam captó el momento en que una camioneta que parecía tambalearse, expulsa a un hombre de manera muy extraña...

Se ve que la camioneta está fuera de control y parece golpear la barrera cemento arrojado a uno de sus pasajeros a través de sus puertas.

Muy pronto, el cuerpo de un hombre dando tumbos aparece a la vista... al parecer se cayó de la camioneta quedando a la merced del tráfico.

golpeando el suelo

A propósito, hay un par de ángulos diferentes que capturaron la acción... y es totalmente increíble.

Como te puedes imaginar, esto desencadenó una respuesta masiva de la policía. Los socorristas corrieron a la escena para atender a este pobre hombre que milagrosamente sobrevivió.

recibiendo ayuda médica

El hombre fue llevado al hospital y el alcance de sus lesiones no está del todo claro. Ahora, en cuanto a cómo exactamente esto podría haber sucedido en primer lugar, un testigo ocular se cita como afirmando que el conductor se quedó dormido y que el hombre que salió disparado era su marido.

Si es verdad, hay una lección que aprender... ¡abróchate el cinturón!

Hulk Hogan Helps Teen Whose Car Flipped ... New Pics Show Wild Scene


9:59 AM PT -- Hulk Hogan's wife, Sky Daily, just posted about the crash ... writing, "Last night, after we left dinner in Tampa, we saw a car flip in front of us! I truly admire my husband @hulkhogan and our good buddy @jakerask for springing into action, puncturing the girls airbag, and getting her quickly out of the car. By all appearances, she was unscathed, just really rattled, which is an absolute miracle!"

9:07 AM PT -- TMZ Sports has obtained new photos from the scene of the crash ... and in them, you can see Hulk and his friend playing real-life superheroes.

Take a look at these pics ... which show an up-close-and-personal view of the action. From the looks of it, the accident was as dramatic as you can imagine -- with the teen's car completely flipped upside down ... and her actually stepping out from the vehicle.

In fact, you can also see Hulk's buddy, Jake (the marine), running over to help. It's like something straight out of a movie -- and fortunately, nobody was seriously harmed.

7:17 AM PT -- More startling details about this accident -- TMZ Sports has learned that the driver was a minor ... a 17-year-old girl, who, we're told, was completely rattled by the whole thing.

Our sources also tell us that Hulk Hogan's buddy, Jake, who dove right in on this is actually a Marine!

Hulk Hogan sloughed off his WWE heel persona in real life this weekend -- jumping to the rescue of a woman who got into a horrific car accident ... and TMZ Sports has the pics.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the legendary wrestler, his wife Sky Daily and a friend of theirs were cruising along a highway Sunday evening in Tampa, FL when they witnessed a bad wreck play out right in front of them.

We're told a car erratically swerved across the lanes to catch an exit it was about to miss -- and in the process ... clipped another car, which our sources say flipped over and tumbled.

Hulk and co., our sources explain, pulled over immediately -- with HH and his pal, Jake, rushing over to render aid to the driver ... a woman whom we're told was rattled. Since they were first on the scene, we're told Hulk and Jake actually helped get her out of the car.

Our sources say Jake popped the woman's airbag with some tools that Hulk had on hand -- and they both unbuckled her seatbelt and assisted her in safely leaving the vehicle. We're told paramedics eventually arrived on the scene, and Hulk and his crew looked on.

In the end, our sources say the woman appeared to be okay ... and HH was happy to help.

Pretty terrifying obviously -- and while, thankfully, everyone seemed alright in the end ... you gotta imagine the woman who was saved must've been surprised to see none other than Hulk himself being her personal hero. Again, he's often played the villain in the ring.


Turns out, he's the nicest guy and then some when called upon ... well done, brother!

Originally Published -- 6:37 AM PT

El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.

Actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans Nuevo video muestra el brutal choque la noche de Año Nuevo

Locura en el centro

Un nuevo video ha surgido que muestra lo peligroso que fue el accidente que envió a la actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans al hospital en la víspera de Año Nuevo, cuando un conductor imprudente se abalanzó sobre los transeúntes y un carro de food truck.

El aterrador accidente ocurrió en Midtown la madrugada del lunes, cerca de Madison Square Garden. En el registro se ve un Mercedes negro que vira imprudentemente y choca contra el carrito de comida, mientras la gente grita asustada.

El carro destrozado termina encima de una mujer, aunque no parece ser Carrie, mientras los transeúntes intentan sacarla de abajo. Sin inmutarse, el conductor imprudente continúa por la calle antes de que la persecución finalmente llega a su fin.

Como informamos, la madre de la estrella de "Pantera Negra", Patricia, ha estado actualizando a los fans sobre el estado de su hija, mostrando una foto de Carrie conectada a las máquinas del hospital después de la terrible experiencia.

Abran espacio

Patricia dijo que Carrie estaba con un amigo y que se detuvo en un camión de comida antes de que el carro la derribara, dejándola inconsciente e inmovilizada. No está claro en qué momento de la terrible experiencia Carrie fue golpeada.

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La actriz terminó siendo operada por sus graves lesiones, las que incluyeron dientes astillados y huesos rotos. Su familia ha estado pidiendo que piensen y oren por ella, mientras Carrie continúa recuperándose.

Después del caos
Loudlabs NYC

El conductor de 44 años, Mohamed Alaouie, ha sido acusado de intento de asesinato después de lo que pasó. Tres oficiales de la policía de Nueva York entre otras 9 personas resultaron heridas, incluyendo Carrie.