Alan Ruck Es demandado por el choque contra una pizzería

La estrella de "Sucesión" Alan Ruck podría estar en problemas con la policía por el accidente de su carro contra una pizzería, ya que está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por uno de los conductores que estuvo en el incidente.

Según una demanda obtenida por TMZ, Horacio Vela dice que estaba parado en una luz roja en la intersección de Hollywood Blvd y La Brea Ave la noche de Halloween. Vela dice que Ruck estaba esperando detrás de él en su camioneta Rivian 2023.

Sin previo aviso, Vela dice que Ruck se estrelló contra la parte trasera de su Hyundai, mientras el semáforo todavía estaba en rojo, empujándolo hacia el tráfico en sentido contrario y provocando que Vela chocara con otro vehículo.

Como informamos, el vehículo de Ruck continuó acelerando hasta chocar contra la pizzería de Raffalo y causar significativos daños.

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Graves daños
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Vela dice que sufrió, "lesiones graves y daños" como resultado del accidente y que fue llevado inmediatamente al hospital en ambulancia para ser revisado.

Aunque no especifica, el demandante también afirma que el accidente le causó "daños a la propiedad, costos en atención médica en el pasado y el futuro, dolor, angustia mental, angustia emocional y otros daños consecuentes".

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Detenido por nada
TikTok / @olgaparusske

El video del accidente muestra cómo el Rivian de Ruck acelera sin previo aviso mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo en rojo. La policía dice que el actor no estaba bajo la influencia de ninguna droga o alcohol y tilda todo el asunto de accidente.

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Dando vuelta la página

Nos encontramos con Ruck después del accidente, pero no dijo mucho.

Nos pusimos en contacto con su equipo para hablar sobre la demanda, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Alan Ruck Sued for Pizza Shop Truck Crash

"Succession" star Alan Ruck might be out of the woods with cops for his pizza shop truck crash, but he's being dragged to court by the driver of one of the vehicles he collided with before driving through a building.

According to a lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Horacio Vela says he was stopped at a red light at the intersection of Hollywood Blvd and La Brea Ave Halloween night. Vela claims Ruck was waiting directly behind him in his 2023 Rivian truck in the line of traffic.

Without warning, Vela says Ruck slammed into the back of his Hyundai while the light was still red, pushing him into oncoming traffic and causing Vela to collide with another vehicle.

As we reported ... Ruck's vehicle continued on, slamming into Raffalo's pizza and causing significant damage.

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Vela says he suffered, "severe injuries and damages" as a result of the crash ... and was immediately taken to the hospital by ambulance to get checked out.

While he doesn't get specific ... Vela also states the crash left him with "property damage, costs of past and future medical care, pain and suffering, mental anguish, emotional distress, and other consequential damages."

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Video from the crash showed Ruck's Rivian accelerate without warning while it was stopped at a red light, cops say he was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol ... and chalked the whole thing up to an accident.

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We got Ruck out following the crash, but he didn't say much.

We reached out to Ruck's team about the lawsuit ... so far, no word back.

Sauce Walka Charged with Evading Arrest ... 130 MPH High-Speed Chase!!!

Houston rapper Sauce Walka is free on bond after police say he attempted to flee at a crazy high speed ... only to find himself in the hospital after wrecking his car.

Harris County Sheriff's Office tells us deputies observed Sauce running a red light Wednesday night and attempted to pull him over -- but he darted away, eventually reaching a top speed of 130 mph during a pursuit that lasted just over 2 miles.

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Cops say the rapper then lost control of his vehicle, crashed and ended up needing to be rushed to a hospital. We're told doctors treated him for non-life-threatening injuries.

Sauce was eventually released from the hospital, and booked into the Harris County Joint Processing Center for felony evading in a vehicle.

We're told Sauce was released on $15k bond, and has a court date this Friday ... which he doesn't seem to be worried about.


After getting sprung from jail, SW phoned his homie Sauce Money JC and described the incident as a "catastrophic accident,” but downplayed it by promoting his new music.

Concerned fans should be able to reach Sauce more easily now ... thanks to JC's video.

Jeremy Renner lleva un dispositivo de compresión en la pierna un año después de su accidente

Jeremy Renner interpreta a Ojo de Halcón, pero la estrella de "Los Vengadores" se parecía más a Iron Man mientras viajaba por el aeropuerto JFK de Nueva York, gracias a un dispositivo de compresión que tiene que llevar casi un año después de su terible accidente con un quitanieves.

El actor llevaba dos dispositivos que se utilizan para mejorar el flujo sanguíneo y reducir el dolor y la hinchazón en la parte inferior de sus piernas.

Aunque, Jeremy ya ha recorrido un largo camino desde que milagrosamente sobrevivió a la terrible experiencia de ser aplastado por su quitanieves el día de Año Nuevo.

Además de sus huesos rotos, también sufrió un colapso pulmonar y se perforó el hígado, pero desafió las probabilidades solo diez semanas más tarde ya que comenzó a caminar con la ayuda de un bastón.

los terribles detalles

Las imágenes de video capturaron el horror del accidente, con un equipo de médicos corriendo para salvar su vida antes de que finalmente fue trasladado por vía aérea al hospital en estado crítico.

Además de la actuación de los socorristas, Jeremy le declaró meses después a Jimmy Kimmel que su supervivencia se debió a la suerte.

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Bueno, desafiar las probabilidades se ve muy bien ahora que se acerca el aniversario de su terrible experiencia.

JEREMY RENNER Wired Up, Ready to Fly with Device ... Helps Recovery 1 Yr. Later

Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye, but 'The Avengers' star looked more like Iron Man while traveling through NYC's JFK Airport ... thanks to a compression device he has to wear nearly 1 year after his horrific snowplow accident.

The actor wore 2 of the devices -- used to improve blood flow and reduce pain and swelling -- strapped to his lower legs ... along with some warm winter threads during his Wednesday travel plans.

Though, Jeremy has already come a long way since miraculously surviving the ordeal of being crushed by his snowplow on New Year's Day.

As well as his broken bones, he also suffered a collapsed lung and punctured liver ... but defied the odds a mere 10 weeks later as he began to walk with the aid of a cane.


Video footage captured the horror of the accident ... with a team of medics racing to save his life before he was eventually airlifted to the hospital in critical condition.

As well as the actions of the first responders, Jeremy told Jimmy Kimmel months later that his survival was down to pure luck.

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Well, defying the odds looks great on him as he approaches the anniversary of his ordeal.

Kelly Oubre Jr. Breaks Silence On Accident ... Expected To Return Wed


Kelly Oubre Jr. is finally speaking out about the hit-and-run accident that left him with serious injuries last month ... speaking with media in Philly ahead of his return to the basketball court on Wednesday.

Remember, the Philadelphia 76ers forward hasn't played any basketball since he suffered a broken rib, in addition to hip and leg injuries, after he was struck by a vehicle on November 11.

The 27-year-old has kept quiet about the incident ... until now, as he's been cleared to play and is expected to be available against the Washington Wizards on Wednesday.

"First and foremost before anything, I just want to say thank you to my family and my friends, the 76ers organization, especially coach [Nick] Nurse, for the utmost support throughout this whole process," Oubre said to the media on Monday.

"I’ve spoken to the police about this situation and they have an ongoing investigation. So I’ve spoken to who I need to speak to about it and I keep that where that is. I won’t be speaking on any details about that because they’re looking into it."

Even with all the injuries, Oubre says he does not have any ill will towards the driver, saying he's always about "love and peace".

Kelly also addressed rumors he made up the incident.

"I'm just really blessed that it wasn't worse than what it is and that I'm able to come back to work and smile, walk, talk, and breathe," Oubre said. "So yeah, that's what I have to say about the conspiracy theorists."

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Remember, TMZ Sports posted video, with permission, showing Oubre returning home after the accident, clearly in a great deal of pain. His wife immediately called 911, and Oubre was rushed to the hospital.

Oubre -- who signed a 1-year, $2.9 million deal with the 76ers in September -- was averaging 16.3 points and 5 rebounds a game before the incident.

Welcome back, KO!

Michael B. Jordan Crashes Ferrari into Parked Kia in Hollywood

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Michael B. Jordan had a bad encounter Saturday night ... with a Kia, which is now worse for wear after MBJ veered into it.

The actor crashed his blue Ferrari into a similarly-colored parked Kia at around 11:30 PM in Hollywood.

The LAPD responded and found no signs of Michael being impaired by drugs or alcohol. Cops did not perform a field sobriety test.

Our law enforcement sources say police on the scene asked Jordan, "What happened?" but the 'Creed' star didn't offer an explanation.

There were no injuries or damage to property, other than the Kia and the Ferrari. LAPD told Michael to fill out a police report online.


Michael has been out and about with this Ferrari before -- he was photographed walking away from it in 2021 ... when he was still dating Lori Harvey, so there's no doubt it's his.

We've reached out to Mike's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

WWE Legend Tammy Sytch Sentenced To 17 Years In Prison ... For Fatal Car Crash


WWE legend Tammy Sytch has been ordered to spend roughly the next decade and a half in prison for her role in a 2022 car crash that killed a 75-year-old man.

Sytch learned her fate inside of a Volusia County courtroom on Monday morning ... three months after she pled no contest to, among other charges, one felony count of DUI causing death.

Sytch -- wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles on her wrists -- addressed the courtroom for a few minutes during the hearing, which lasted several hours and featured testimonies from people affiliated with the case, including a medical expert who evaluated the former wrestling personality in the spring.


Sytch broke down in tears during her speech and apologized for her actions. At one point, the 50-year-old also turned to the victim's family and said, "I know my words are not enough but please know that I think about you every day."

When the judge ultimately sentenced her to 17 years in prison, Sytch appeared stoic -- before she was taken out of the courtroom by officials.

Sytch -- also known as "Sunny" in the ring -- has been locked behind bars since May 2022 ... after prosecutors claimed she drunkenly slammed her car into Julian Lasseter's, killing him during a horrific March 2022 crash in Florida.

According to authorities, Sytch barreled into Lasseter while he was stopped at a traffic light. They alleged that at the time of the wreck, she had a blood alcohol content of .08 or higher.

Sytch was hit with eight total charges over the incident ... and, at first, she pled not guilty to all of the charges, though she changed her pleas in August after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

Following the plea deal, she had been facing a prison sentence of up to 25 years.

The judge also said during Tuesday's proceedings that Sytch will be required to serve 8 years of probation following her prison sentence ... and her driver's license has been permanently revoked.

The case was not the first time Sytch -- who was elected into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011 -- had been accused of drinking and driving ... she had previously been arrested at least six times prior for impaired driving.



La leyenda de la WWE, Tammy Sytch, ha sido condenada a pasar casi década y media en prisión por su papel en un accidente automovilístico en 2022 que causó la muerte de un hombre de 75 años.

Sytch conoció su destino dentro de una sala de la corte del condado de Volusia el lunes por la mañana, tres meses después de declararse sin oposición a, entre otros cargos, el delito grave de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol, ocasionando una muerte.

Sytch, vistiendo un mono naranja y grilletes en sus muñecas, se dirigió a la sala de audiencias durante unos minutos, duró varias horas y contó con testimonios de personas vinculadas al caso, incluyendo un experto médico que evaluó a la ex personalidad de la lucha libre en la primavera.


Sytch se quebró en lágrimas durante su discurso y se disculpó por sus acciones. También se dirigió a la familia de la víctima y dijo: "Sé que mis palabras no son suficientes, pero por favor, sepan qué pienso en ustedes todos los días".

Cuando el juez finalmente la condenó a 17 años de prisión, Sytch lució estoica, antes de ser sacada de la sala por los oficiales.

Sytch, también conocida como "Sunny" en el ring, ha estado tras las rejas desde mayo de 2022, después de que los fiscales afirmaran que chocó su automóvil contra el de Julian Lasseter, matándolo durante un aparatoso accidente en marzo de 2022 en Florida.

De acuerdo con las autoridades, Sytch embistió a Lasseter mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo. Alegaron que al momento del accidente, tenía un contenido de alcohol en sangre de .08 o superior.

Sytch enfrentó un total de ocho cargos por el incidente… e inicialmente, se declaró no culpable de todos los cargos, aunque cambió sus declaraciones en agosto después de llegar a un acuerdo con los fiscales.

Después del acuerdo de culpabilidad, se enfrentaba a una sentencia de prisión de hasta 25 años.

El juez también dijo durante la audiencia del martes que Sytch deberá cumplir 8 años de libertad condicional después de su condena a prisión… y su licencia de conducir ha sido revocada permanentemente.

Este no fue el primer caso en el que Sytch, quien fue incluida en el Salón de la Fama de la WWE en 2011, fue acusada de conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol… anteriormente, había sido arrestada al menos seis veces por conducir alcoholizada.

UFC Star Tony Ferguson Sentenced To Probation ... In Truck Wreck Case

UFC star Tony Ferguson has been sentenced to one year of probation in his truck wreck
case, TMZ Sports has confirmed.

According to court records, Ferguson was tagged with the punishment on Nov. 20, after reaching an agreement with prosecutors.

The records show as part of the deal with officials, Ferguson pleaded no contest to one misdemeanor count of wet reckless driving upon a highway. In exchange, his DUI charge was dismissed.


As we reported, Ferguson had first been hit with the driving under the influence count in the spring ... after authorities alleged he drunkenly crashed his pickup truck into two parked cars outside of a Hollywood club just before 2 AM on May 7.

The scene was terrifying ... Ferguson's truck had ended up on its side after the alleged crash -- though, somehow, he and nobody else were injured.

Ferguson had initially pleaded not guilty to the charge in June.

With the case behind him, the 39-year-old who last fought in July, is now slated to step into the Octagon next against Paddy Pimblett at UFC 296 on Dec. 16.

Rainbow Bridge Crash New Video Shows Bentley Airborne, Crashing, Exploding

X / @CBP

New video has surfaced of the horrific car crash at the U.S.-Canadian border that left 2 people dead and authorities scrambling for answers.

The video provides a clearer look at the Bentley that went airborne ... then crashed and exploded into a guard post at the border, killing both occupants inside -- a husband and wife.


The car was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed ... and it's unclear why. There have been reports the driver may have suffered a medical emergency.


The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol released the video. The Agency is investigating the crash, to determine if it was accidental or intentional.

The Bentley crashed on the U.S. side of the bridge crossing. The couple was on their way to the KISS concert in Toronto, but when that concert was canceled they decided to go to a casino instead.

NY Gov Kathy Hochul said Wednesday there's no indication this was a terrorist attack. The U.S. Attorney for NY doubled down, saying the prelim investigation shows terrorism was not involved.

Henry Ruggs Getting Thanksgiving Meal In Prison ... Turkey, Potatoes & Pie

Henry Ruggs will be able to have a Thanksgiving meal during his first major holiday behind bars if he wants it ... 'cause TMZ Sports has learned the ex-NFL star is being offered a full turkey dinner in prison Thursday.

A spokesperson for the Nevada Department of Corrections tells us ... inmates throughout the state -- including Ruggs -- will be offered roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing and more in celebration of the November holiday.

No out-of-the-ordinary activities, however, will be offered.

"Normal operations and special meal," the spokesperson said.

Thanksgiving will be the first big holiday for Ruggs since he was sentenced to prison back in August over the 2021 car crash that resulted in the death of 23-year-old Tina Tintor and her dog.

Ruggs, who will turn 25 years old in January, will have to spend at least two more Thanksgivings in a cell as part of his sentencing ... as the former Las Vegas Raiders player was ordered to spend 3-to-10 years behind bars after cutting a deal with prosecutors in the case.

For his part, Ruggs took responsibility at the sentencing hearing three months ago ... apologizing to the Tintor family -- before adding there was "no excuse" for his actions.

Hulk and Nick Hogan Working Bikini Contest Before Nick's DUI Arrest


Nick Hogan was working a bikini contest at his father Hulk Hogan's restaurant hours before being arrested for DUI in Florida.

TMZ obtained video from Friday's event at Hogan's Hangout in Clearwater ... and you see Nick working from the DJ booth, playing music and introducing some of the winners.

Hulk was one of the judges, and he was also hosting the bikini contest, which featured $5,000 in cash prizes to three winners ... with Nick serving as MC/DJ.

When the contest started, Hulk announced they were giving out free shots ... which is interesting because ... as we first told you, later that night Nick got busted on suspicion of driving under the influence.

Nick's yet to address his DUI bust ... which comes 16 years after a scary car wreck in Clearwater that left a passenger with severe brain damage ... but now we know what he was doing earlier in the night.

Meanwhile, the mother of the Marine who was injured in Nick's '07 incident -- John Graziano -- is ripping Nick ... Debra Graziano says this latest incident shows NH hasn't learned his lesson.


Doble golpe para Wayne Brady... estuvo involucrado en un accidente de carro en Malibú y luego terminó en una acalorada discusión que terminó en ataques físicos, y ahora, la policía está involucrada.

Las fuerzas del orden le informan a TMZ que Wayne estaba conduciendo por la autopista Pacific Coast en Malibú el domingo por la noche cuando otro carro lo golpeó.

Nos dicen que Wayne y el otro conductor, un hombre de 51 años de edad, se detuvo y las cosas se calentaron y desencadenaron una intensa discusión que terminó en un altercado físico.

La policía dice que Wayne llamó al 911 después de la pelea y el otro conductor volvió a su carro y se fue. Nos informan que los ayudantes del Sheriff finalmente encontraron al tipo y terminaron arrestándolo por agresión, DUI y atropello con fuga.

Wayne tiene una reputación de ser uno de los tipos más agradables de Hollywood, fuera de ese sketch hilarante "Chappelle Show", por lo que es bastante increíble que alguien supuestamente llegara a las manos con él.

Nos dicen que el departamento de bomberos respondió a la escena, pero Wayne estaba bien y no necesitaba ser llevado a un hospital.

Fuentes cercanas a Wayne le dicen a TMZ que estuvo golpeado y adolorido el día después del incidente y se lo tomará con calma por el momento.

Wayne Brady Car Accident Leads to Fight with Other Driver

Double whammy for Wayne Brady ... he got into a car accident in Malibu, and then ended up in a heated argument that turned physical, and now cops are involved.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... Wayne was driving down Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu Sunday night when another car hit him.

We're told Wayne and the other driver, a 51-year-old man, pulled over and things got heated ... in the form of an intense argument escalating into a physical altercation.

Cops say Wayne called 911 after the fight, and the other driver got back in his car and took off down PCH. We're told Sheriff deputies ultimately found the guy and ended up arresting him for battery, DUI and hit-and-run.

Wayne's got a rep for being one of the nicest guys in Hollywood -- outside of that hilarious "Chappelle Show" skit -- so it's pretty incredible someone allegedly got physical with him.

We're told the fire department responded to the scene, but Wayne was OK and didn't need to be taken to a hospital.

Sources close to Wayne tell TMZ ... he's banged up and sore the day after the incident, and will be taking it easy for the time being.

Sixers Coach Nick Nurse Throws Support Behind Kelly Oubre ... Amid Hit-And-Run Speculation

Philadelphia 76ers head coach Nick Nurse is scoffing at the theories surrounding Kelly Oubre Jr.'s recent hit-and-run accident ... saying he 100% believes the hooper's injuries are the result of being struck by a vehicle.

Nurse -- who's in his first season with Philly -- met with the media prior to the Sixers' game against the Boston Celtics on Wednesday ... and was asked about the rumblings that Oubre isn't sharing the full story after police stated there was no surveillance footage to back the hooper's claim.

Nurse said he's not looking that much into the report ... as he has no reason to think the 27-year-old would fabricate his side of things.

"I would not address that," Nurse said in a back-and-forth with a reporter. "I don't have an answer to that other than I believe what's been reported so far."

Nurse said he was recently made aware of the chatter surrounding the incident ... but reiterated he wasn't giving it the time of day.

"Again, I'm going to believe Kelly at his word and all that stuff and focus on this game and handle things as they come."

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As we previously reported, Oubre was pretty beat up as he returned to his Philly apartment on Saturday ... with Ring footage showing him tell his wife he was just hit by a car.


We're told he was later interviewed by police at the hospital ... but possibly mixed up the location of the incident as he was on medication and new to the area.

Oubre suffered a broken rib and injuries to his hip and leg as a result ... but Nurse said he met with him earlier this week and the athlete was in "good spirits."