'SUCCESSION' STAR ALAN RUCK I'm Fine After Crashing Truck into Pizza Joint ... Thankful No One Died

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Alan Ruck is thankful to escape his scary car crash without so much as a scratch on him ... and he's giving credit to a higher power no one else was killed in the accident.

The "Succession" star was spotted leaving a convenience store Thursday in Los Angeles when he was asked how he was doing after Tuesday's crash when he smashed his Rivian truck into a Hollywood pizza place.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Alan was limping with a sleeve over his left knee, but he says it's just a sign of his old age and not related to the crash. The actor says he's fine and thanks God no one was killed in the incident.

As for the online chatter ... Alan's well-aware folks are comparing the truck crash to his famous Ferrari crash scene in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off."

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

TMZ broke the story ... Alan crashed into Raffallo's Pizza at the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard in an incident that is now under police investigation.

Video shows Alan's truck lodged into the side of the brick building ... and surveillance appears to show his Rivian colliding with another vehicle from behind before flying through the intersection and crashing.


Our sources told us two people were injured in the crash, but they were both breathing and conscious and are expected to be OK.

Alan's not letting the car crash stop him from getting behind the wheel ... after talking to photogs, he drove off in a Nissan.



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Siguiendo adelante

Alan Ruck está agradecido de haber escapado de su accidente de carro sin ningún rasguño, y le está dando crédito a un poder superior el que nadie haya salido herido.

La estrella de "Succession" fue visto saliendo de una tienda de conveniencia el jueves en Los Ángeles cuando se le preguntó cómo estaba después del accidente del martes cuando estrelló su camión Rivian contra una pizzería en Hollywood.

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Serios daños
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Alan estaba cojeando con una rodillera sobre su pierna izquierda, pero dijo que esto solo es signo de su vejez y que no está relacionado con el accidente. El actor dice que está bien y agradece a Dios que nadie muriera en el incidente.

En cuanto a lo que se está hablando en las redes, Alan es bien consciente de que la gente está comparando su accidente con la famosa escena de "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".

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Registro del incidente
TikTok / @olgaparusske

TMZ publicó la historia, Alan se estrelló contra Raffallo's Pizza en la intersección de La Brea Avenue y Hollywood Boulevard en un incidente que está bajo investigación policial.

El video muestra el camión de Alan alojado en el lado del edificio de ladrillo y el registro de vigilancia parece mostrar a su Rivian chocando con otro vehículo por detrás, antes de volar a través de la intersección y estrellarse.

El accidente de Ruck

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que dos personas resultaron heridas en el accidente, pero ambas estaban conscientes y respirando y se espera que estén bien.

Alan no está dejando que el accidente le impida volver a ponerse al volante. Después de hablar con los fotógrafos, se fue en un Nissan.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador 3 YRS PROBATION For DUI ... Prosecutors Wanted Jail


6:37 PM PT -- Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer is ripping the judge.

In a statement to TMZ, Spitzer says ... "Driving under the influence must have consequences. When a judge gives someone who not only drove with a blood alcohol level of .24 - three times the legal limit - but then ran away from the scene of an DUI collision a slap on the wrist, you are sending a message that DUIs are not serious crimes that demand accountability."

Spitzer adds ... "Judge London clearly felt otherwise and not only gave her a court offer, but dismissed the hit and run charge in the interest of justice. This is not justice. We as a society need to wake up and address the very real - and often deadly - consequences of driving under the influence."

Shannon Beador will avoid jail time in her DUI case ... because a judge just sentenced her to 3 years of probation.

The 'RHOC' star learned her fate Thursday, and was sentenced to 36 months informal probation, fines and fees, plus 40 hours community service and a 9-month alcohol program.

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Shannon did not show face in the Orange County courtroom, instead having her attorney appear on her behalf to enter her plea of no contest to one count DUI and one count driving with a blood alcohol content of .08% or more.

The judge dismissed one count of hit-and-run with property damage.

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In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Orange County D.A. Todd Spitzer tried to convince the judge to give Shannon a harsher sentence -- he wanted her to also serve 30 days in jail, but the judge ruled otherwise.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was arrested in September after slamming her car into a Newport Beach home, with surveillance footage showing her car zipping through a residential area before her crash.

In the docs, the D.A. says she had a .24% BAC after the crash ... and she suffered a fractured left wrist, plus cuts and bruising to her left eye. Shannon's since paid for the property damage.

BTW ... Shannon's still set to appear at BravoCon this weekend in Vegas.

Originally Published -- 10:29 AM PT

'RHOC', SHANNON BEADOR 3 AÑOS DE LIBERTAD CONDICIONAL por conducir en estado de ebriedad

Shannon Beador evitará la cárcel en su caso de conducción bajo estado de ebriedad, porque un juez acaba de condenarla a tres años de libertad condicional.

La estrella de 'RHOC' (The Real Housewives of Orange County), conoció su destino el jueves y fue condenada a 36 meses de libertad condicional informal, multas y honorarios, además de 40 horas de servicio comunitario y un programa de alcohol de nueve meses.

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Shannon no dio la cara en la sala del tribunal del Condado de Orange, en lugar de eso, su abogado se presentó en su nombre para realizar la declaración de no oposición a un cargo de DUI y un cargo de conducir con un contenido de alcohol en la sangre de 0.08% o más.

El juez desestimó un cargo de atropello y fuga con daños a la propiedad.

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Dejando la escena

En los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, el Condado de Orange D.A. Todd Spitzer trató de convencer al juez de darle a Shannon una sentencia más dura. Querían que pasara 30 días en la cárcel, pero el juez dictaminó lo contrario.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue detenida en septiembre después de estrellar su coche contra una casa de Newport Beach, con imágenes de vigilancia que muestra su coche a toda velocidad a través de una zona residencial antes de su accidente.

En los documentos, el D.A. dice que tenía un 24% BAC después del accidente y sufrió una fractura en la muñeca izquierda, además de cortes y contusiones en el ojo izquierdo. Shannon ha pagado por los daños causados a la propiedad.

A propósito, Shannon todavía está lista para aparecer en BravoCon este fin de semana en Las Vegas.


Alan Ruck es el desafortunado protagonista de un llamativo accidente en una pizzería en Hollywood.

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daños serios
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Fuentes policiales dicen que el accidente ocurrió alrededor de las 9 PM del miércoles en Raffalo's Pizza, en la intersección de La Brea Avenue y Hollywood Boulevard. El video muestra al vehículo del actor enterrado hasta la mitad, atravesando la pared del restaurant.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que dos personas resultaron heridas en el accidente, pero ambos estaban conscientes y respirando por lo que es probable que estén bien. Afortunadamente, ningún peatón fue atropellado en el accidente.

Alan se quedó alrededor después del accidente. Fue visto fuera de la camioneta hablando por su teléfono celular, mientras que otros evaluaron los daños.

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¡sin parar!
TikTok / @olgaparusske

En cuanto a cómo ocurrió el accidente, la cámara de vigilancia muestra a la camióneta de Alan cruzando una intersección de manera imprudente y chocando contra un carro, para posteriormente impactar contra el edificio.

Por supuesto, la escena del accidente atrajo a una multitud. Muchos tomaron fotos y videos del vehículo; claramente poco ayuda al intenso tráfico de L.A.


Alan Ruck might want to consider delivery next time he's got a hankering for pizza ... ramming his truck into the side of a pie joint in a 4-way crash in Hollywood.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Law enforcement sources say the crash occurred around 9 PM Tuesday at Raffalo's Pizza at the intersection of La Brea Avenue and Hollywood Boulevard. Video shows the actor's Rivian with about half of the cab lodged into the side of the brick building.

Our sources say two people were injured in the crash, but both were conscious and breathing ... so they're likely to be OK. Thankfully, no pedestrians were struck in the accident. We're also told there's no indication of DUI.

Alan stuck around after the crash, seen out of the truck and talking on his cellphone while others assessed the damage.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

As for how the crash happened, surveillance appears to show Alan's truck collide with another vehicle from behind, pushing it into the intersection as Alan's truck smashes into the building.

Of course, the crash scene drew a crowd, with many taking pictures and videos of the vehicle ... certainly not a help to the flow of traffic in Hollywood.


'Challenge' Star Nelson Thomas Charged With DWI ... Months After Fiery Car Crash

"The Challenge" star Nelson Thomas has officially been charged with DWI for his near-fatal car crash from earlier this year.

Thomas was hit with the misdemeanor charge at the end of September in Texas, according to docs obtained by TMZ ... and officers said he had "bloodshot, glassy eyes" as he explained to them that another car had swerved in front of him before the crash.

The docs say Thomas told cops he "only had 2-3 mixed alcoholic drinks," but officers claimed Thomas had a "strong odor of an alcoholic beverage emitting from his breath" while being treated for injuries at the hospital.

Cops say a blood test done while at the hospital came back with a BAC of .178 -- which kicked up his charge to Class A misdemeanor.

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As we reported, Minnesota Vikings receiver K.J. Osborn and a few others helped pull Thomas out of the fiery vehicle back in March while driving by in an Uber, likely saving his life. Thomas later thanked K.J. for the heroic assist.

He also shared some pics of himself from the hospital, showing gnarly cuts and burns on his body ... and his GoFundMe was met with a ton of love and cash from fans and fellow reality TV stars like Corey Lay, Mark Long, and Tori Deal.

The Ashley's Reality Roundup first reported the news.

NELSON THOMAS ACUSADO DE CONDUCIR EBRIO Meses después de un accidente de carro

La estrella de "The Challenge", Nelson Thomas, ha sido oficialmente acusado de manejo en estado de ebriedad por su accidente casi fatal de principios de este año.

Thomas fue acusado con el cargo de delito menor a finales de septiembre en Texas, de acuerdo con documentos obtenidos por TMZ. Los oficiales dijeron que tenía "los ojos inyectados en sangre y vidriosos" cuando él les explicó que otro coche se había desviado delante de él antes del accidente.

Los documentos dicen que Thomas le dijo a la policía que "solo había rastro de dos o tres bebidas alcohólicas mezcladas", pero los agentes afirmaron que Thomas tenía un "fuerte olor a alcohol que emanaba de su aliento", mientras era tratado por las lesiones en el hospital.

La policía dice que un análisis de sangre realizado mostró un nivel de alcohol de 0,178, lo que significa que es un delito menor.

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extraído de los escombros

Como informamos, el receptor de los Minnesota Vikings (KJ Osborn) y algunos otros ayudaron a sacar a Thomas del vehículo en llamas en marzo mientras conducía en un Uber, probablemente salvando su vida. Thomas agradeció más tarde a KJ por el acto heróico.

También compartió algunas fotos de sí mismo desde el hospital, mostrando cortes y quemaduras en su cuerpo. Su GoFundMe se reunió con una tonelada de amor y dinero en efectivo de los aficionados y compañeros estrellas de la televisión realidad como Corey Lay, Mark Long, y Tori Deal.

'RHOC' Shannon Beador DUI BAC Was 3x The Legal Limit Charged With Hit-And-Run, DUI

"The Real Housewives of Orange County" star Shannon Beador has officially been charged after she allegedly drunkenly drove into the side of a Newport Beach home last month.

Shannon's just been hit with 2 charges by the Orange County District Attorney -- one count of DUI and one count of hit-and-run, both misdemeanors. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ she blew a .24% BAC after the crash.

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TMZ broke the story, the reality star was arrested in September after slamming her car into a home -- footage shows what appears to be her car flying through a residential area before her crash.

Cops said they found Shannon nearby pretending to walk her dog, but they weren't buying it and booked her on 2 misdemeanors -- DUI plus hit-and-run.

As we reported, she offered to pay for the damage done to the property and has been getting treatment.

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A witness at a nearby bar told us Shannon appeared to be tipsy the night of her crash and arrest ... acting loud and boisterous while complaining about her former 'Housewives' costar, Alexis Bellino, who was also in the building.

Kanye West I'm Not Bipolar ... Car Crash Gave Me 'Signs of Autism'

Kanye West wants the public to know -- he's not bipolar, as he's previously claimed -- instead, he says, he has "signs of autism" caused from his car crash in 2002.

In a bizarre text-rant to Elon Musk, Kanye states, "When are we going to speak. You owe me nothing. You never have to speak to me again. But if we do speak. The nature of the relationship has to change. I’m not bi polar. I have signs of autism from my car accident."

He continues, "You can’t watch Kim keep my kids from me. And not say anything publicly then call yourself my friend so I can bring my audience to your struggling platform."

The texts were posted by Ian Connor, a guy who has run in Kanye's circle for years, you can see Kanye instructed him to get the message out ... as Kanye's lost access to almost all of his social media accounts.

Elon suspended Kanye's Twitter account in December for antisemitic remarks the rapper made, including stating he was going to go, "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE." The account was reinstated again in July, but Kanye hasn't been active on the platform.

Unclear if Kanye and Elon have had private discussions on bringing him back onto Twitter with some other type of opportunity or what spurred his texts to the Tesla founder.

What's clear from the messages, Kanye's still at war with Kim Kardashian, claiming she's keeping the kids from him. Interestingly enough, we've seen Kanye in Italy for months with his wife, Bianca Censori, and only with his kids a couple of those times -- including a visit from Saint only a few weeks ago.

As for the car crash he's referring to which caused his alleged "signs of autism" ... Kanye was driving home from a recording studio around 3 AM in October 2002 when he allegedly fell asleep behind the wheel of a rented Lexus -- crashing into an oncoming car.


Kanye completely shattered his jaw in the accident, and the other driver broke both legs. Kanye had to have his jaw wired shut during the healing process -- the inspo behind his hit "Through the Wire."

Terrell Owens Breaks Silence On Hoops Game Incident ... 'Hope The Car Is OK!!!'

Terrell Owens is clearly unbothered by being struck by a vehicle following an argument at a basketball game earlier this week ... joking Tuesday that he hopes the man's car "is OK!!!"

Around 24 hours after cops say Owens was hit in the knee by a man's ride after the two had beef during a hoops sesh ... T.O. took to Instagram to let his fans know he's doing just fine.

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Owens posted what appeared to be highlights of him playing in the Monday night game that led to the incident ... and then he wrote in the caption, "*hope the car is ok!!!"


In a separate statement to TMZ Sports, Owens said everything's fine with his body following the altercation.

We broke the story ... cops arrived to check on the situation with Owens and the man at around 10 p.m. on Monday night in Calabasas. They took a report for assault with a deadly weapon ... though no arrests have been made yet.

Police added they're still investigating the matter.


Kanye West quiere que el público sepa que no es bipolar, como ha afirmado anteriormente, sino que tiene "signos de autismo" causados por su accidente de carro en 2002.

En un extraño mensaje de texto dirigido a Elon Musk, Kanye afirma: "¿Cuándo vamos a hablar? No me debes nada. No tienes que volver a hablarme. Pero si hablamos. La naturaleza de la relación tiene que cambiar. No soy bipolar. Tengo signos de autismo por mi accidente de coche".

Y continúa: "No puedes ver cómo Kim oculta a mis hijos de mi. No decir nada públicamente y luego llamarte mi amigo para que pueda llevar a mi audiencia a tu plataforma en apuros".

Los textos fueron publicados por Ian Connor, un tipo que ha estado en el círculo de Kanye durante años, se puede ver que Kanye le dio instrucciones para transmitir el mensaje, debido a que ha perdido el acceso a casi todas sus cuentas de redes sociales.

Elon suspendió la cuenta de Tuiter de Kanye en diciembre por los comentarios antisemitas que el rapero hizo, como por ejemplo: "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE". La cuenta fue restablecida de nuevo en julio, pero Kanye no ha estado activo en la plataforma.

No está claro si Kanye y Elon han tenido discusiones privadas sobre traerlo de vuelta a Tuiter, o cuál es el motivo de los textos para fundador de Tesla.

Lo que queda claro en los mensajes es que Kanye sigue en guerra con Kim Kardashian, alegando que le está ocultando a los niños. Curiosamente, hemos visto a Kanye en Europa durante meses con su mujer, Bianca Censori, y solo con sus hijos un par de esas veces.

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En cuanto al accidente de coche al que se refiere y que causó sus supuestos "signos de autismo", Kanye volvía a casa de un estudio de grabación pasadas las tres de la madrugada en octubre de 2002, cuando supuestamente se quedó dormido al volante de un Lexus alquilado, chocando contra un coche que circulaba en sentido contrario.

Kanye se destrozó completamente la mandíbula en el accidente, y el otro conductor se rompió las dos piernas. Kanye tuvo que llevar la mandíbula alambrada durante el proceso de curación, lo que inspiró su éxito "Through the Wire".


Terrell Owens fue atropellado por un coche la noche del lunes y todo porque se metió en una pelea con alguien durante un juego de baloncesto, de acuerdo a la policía.

La ley le dice a TMZ Sports que Owens estaba en el área de Calabasas cuando al parecer se metió en una discusión con otra persona en la cancha.

Nos informan que después del partido, el hombre que había estado discutiendo con la leyenda de la NFL se metió en un carro y condujo el vehículo para golpear la rodilla del ex receptor.

Afortunadamente, la policía dice Owens no requirió atención médica.

La policía dice que los oficiales tomaron un informe de asalto con un arma mortal, aunque no se han hecho arrestos. Una investigación sigue en curso.

Owens ha estado involucrado en varios incidentes extraños similares desde su retiro. En 2022 se metió en una discusión salvaje con una vecina que finalmente dio lugar a cargos criminales para la mujer.

Luego, más tarde ese año, estuvo involucrado en una pelea a puñetazos fuera de un CVS.

terrell owens cvs fighting November 2022

Owens, que jugó por última vez en la NFL en la temporada 2010, ha dicho en ambos casos que no hizo nada malo.

Cops: Terrell Owens Struck By Car After Argument During Basketball Game

Terrell Owens was hit by a car on Monday night ... and it's all because he got into a tiff with someone during a pickup basketball game earlier in the evening ... this according to cops.

Law enforcement tells TMZ Sports ... Owens had been hooping in the Calabasas area when he apparently got into an argument with someone else on the court.

We're told following the game, the man who had been beefing with the NFL legend got into a car ... and drove the vehicle right into the former wide receiver's knee.

Thankfully, cops say Owens did not require medical attention.

Law enforcement says officers took a report for assault with a deadly weapon ... though no arrests have been made. An investigation remains ongoing.

Owens, of course, has been involved in several, similar bizarre incidents since his retirement ... back in 2022, he got into a wild argument with a female neighbor that actually led to criminal charges for the woman.

Then, later that year, he was involved in a fistfight with a heckler outside of a CVS.

terrell owens cvs fighting November 2022

Owens, who last played in the NFL in the 2010 season, has said in both cases he did nothing wrong.

TRACY MORGAN LAMBORGHINI GOLPEADO DE COSTADO ... ¡¡¡Más mala suerte de los automóviles exóticos!!!

Aquí está el Lamborghini Aventador SVJ de Tracy Morgan viajando por la interestatal ... ¡el problema es que el automóvil supercostoso está viajando sobre la plataforma de una grúa después de sufrir un caro golpe!

TMZ obtuvo fotografías del Lamborghini 2020 de Tracy siendo remolcado en la Ciudad de Nueva York ... y como pueden ver, en el lado izquierdo del vehículo deportivo se pueden ver unos rayones blancos que NO son marcas de rayas deportivas.

Parece que otro conductor le dio un golpe de costado o Tracy raspó algo - de cualquier forma, no será barato arreglar ese trabajo de pintura.

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Las fotografías fueron tomadas el pasado domingo y Tracy fue visto conduciendo el vehículo con un valor de 500 000 dólares durante el fin de semana en la Gran Manzana ... por lo que el daño es reciente.

Es más mala suerte para la costosa colección de automóviles costosos de Tracy ... como lo informamos por primera vez, en 2019 estrelló su nuevo Bugatti tan solo minutos después de sacar el látigo de 2 millones de dólares de una sala de exhibición de la Ciudad de Nueva York.

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Bugatti averiado

Las reparaciones del Bugatti de Tracy ascendieron a 32 000 dólares para arreglar el parachoques y el guardabarros ... y es muy probable que las reparaciones del Lamborghini asciendan a otras 5 cifras.

Tracy Morgan April 2020
Disputa en la Gran Manzana

Tracy tuvo más problemas con su Lamborghini en abril de 2020 ... entablando un acalorado altercado con un peatón después de un presunto choque.

Ah, los inconvenientes de conducir automóviles exóticos supercostosos en las malvadas calles de Nueva York. ¡¡¡Un gran inconveniente con el cual lidiar!!!

Tracy Morgan Lamborghini Sideswiped ... More Exotic Car Bad Luck!!!

Here's Tracy Morgan's Lamborghini Aventador SVJ traveling down the interstate ... problem is, the super expensive ride's cruising on a flatbed tow truck after sustaining a very expensive ding!

TMZ obtained photos of Tracy's 2020 Lambo getting towed in New York City ... and as you can see, it the left side of the sportscar has some white streaks that are NOT racing stripes.

It appears another driver sideswiped it, or Tracy scraped something -- either way, it won't be cheap to fix that paint job.

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The photos were snapped last Sunday and Tracy was spotted driving the $500,000 car over the weekend in the Big Apple ... so the damage is fresh.

It's more bad luck for Tracy's expensive car collection ... as we first reported, back in 2019 he crashed his brand new Bugatti only minutes after driving the $2 million whip out of a NYC showroom.

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Tracy's Bugatti repairs ran upwards of $32,000 to fix the bumper and the fender ... and it's a good bet the Lambo repairs will be another 5-figure tab.

Tracy Morgan April 2020

Tracy had more trouble with his Lambo in April 2020 ... getting into a heated conversation with a pedestrian after an alleged collision.

Ah, the pitfalls of driving super expensive exotic cars on the mean streets of New York. Great problem to have!!!