Scott Disick Car Crash Made Me 'Terrible' In Bed!!! Weight Gain, Back Pain Don't Help


Scott Disick is still suffering from his 2022 car crash in a bunch of different ways ... and it all adds up to making his sex life total crap.

Lord D opened up about the aftermath of his accident on Thursday's episode of "The Kardashians" as Khloé Kardashian took him to see a doctor for his back pain -- something he attributes to his Lamborghini rollover wreck last year near Calabasas.

The back pain isn't all Scott says he's still dealing with ... he also says the accident led to some weight gain and all of it is directly affecting his sex life.

When the doc asks Scott what he'd usually do for fun before the crash, he says sex but admits he's terrible at it now, thanks to a lack of mobility. Khloé's no doctor, but she's got some sorta bedside manner ... because she asks Scott if he'll be motivated to fix his pain so he can "get back on the wagon to f**k?"


Scott even jokingly suggests maybe once he's all healed up, he and Khloé could test out his new back in the sack! Not surprisingly ... Kourtney's sis refused to participate in that joke!

TMZ broke the story, Scott's accident was a scary one ... but thankfully, no one else was involved in the accident. Outwardly, he walked away with just a minor cut to his head, but obviously, there was more internal damage.

Scott later revealed he was going to pick up his son, Mason, when he turned the wheel a little too sharply and smacked into a pillar.

Scott Disick Soy terrible en la cama después del accidente de carro La subida de peso y el dolor de espalda no ayudan...

Disick en el doctor

Scott Disick todavía está sufriendo por su accidente de carro en 2022, de un montón de maneras diferentes, y todo eso está haciendo que su vida sexual sea una mierda total.

Lord D se abrió sobre las secuelas de su accidente en el episodio del jueves de "The Kardashians", mientras Khloé Kardashian lo llevaba a ver a un médico por su dolor de espalda, algo que él atribuye al accidente con su Lamborghini cerca de Calabasas.

El dolor de espalda no es lo único con lo que está lidiando, también dice que el accidente le provocó un aumento de peso y que ambas cosas afectan directamente su vida sexual.

Cuando el médico le pregunta a Scott lo que solía hacer para divertirse antes del accidente, él dice que tener sexo, pero admite que es terrible en eso ahora, debido a la falta de movilidad. Khloé no es doctora, pero tiene buenos modales porque le pregunta a Scott si estaría interesado en sanar su dolor y así poder "volver a follar".

Scott incluso sugiere en broma que tal vez cuando esté curado, él y Khloé podrían probar su nueva espalda en la cama. Como era de esperar, ¡la hermana de Kourtney se negó a participar en la broma!

TMZ dio la noticia, el accidente de Scott fue un susto, pero por suerte, nadie más estuvo involucrado en el accidente. Exteriormente, salió con solo un corte menor en la cabeza, pero obviamente hubo más daños internos.

Más tarde, Scott reveló que iba a recoger a su hijo Mason cuando giró el volante demasiado bruscamente y chocó contra un pilar.

YG Baby Mama Involved in Fatal Crash ... 89-Year-Old Woman Killed

YG's baby mama, Catelyn Sparks, was involved in an unfortunate accident, resulting in the death of an 89-year-old woman ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sparks was driving her 2023 Tesla in L.A. Wednesday when the crash occurred. We're told the other woman -- driving a 1985 Cadillac -- made a U-turn in front of Catelyn's vehicle, and Catelyn struck the woman's driver-side door.

The 89-year-old was pronounced dead at the scene ... and Catelyn was transported to a local hospital with minor injuries.

Our law enforcement sources tell us Catelyn did not commit a crime, no drugs or alcohol were involved, and the crash was the result of an accident.

It's not totally clear if YG and Catelyn are currently together, they've got 2 kids, but their relationship has had it's ups and downs. It was back in May when the rapper and Saweetie were spotted on a romantic trip down in Cabo ... locking lips in the pool.

Shortly after the photos went public, Catelyn posted a cryptic message on social media, writing, "Just because we got the same blood don't make us family & just because we got kids don't make us family, cuz with 'family' like mine? I rather not have any."

We reached out to a rep for YG ... so far, no word back.

SHANNON BEADOR Getting Treatment After DUI Arrest ... Still Doing Stand-Up

Shannon Beador is getting herself some treatment after her recent DUI bust ... but it's not preventing her from going on tour with her fellow 'Housewives of Orange County' castmates.

Sources close to Shannon tell TMZ ... she is taking responsibility and accountability for her arrest and is currently enrolled in an outpatient behavioral wellness program with an alcohol component.

We're told Shannon still plans on participating in her upcoming 'Tres Amigas' comedy shows with Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson -- and although alcohol's been a big part of their act ... Shannon won't be drinking, and they're adjusting the show to focus more on their friendship.

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TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was arrested last month over what cops say was a wild ride in her car that ended with her slamming into someone's Newport Beach home, damaging a concrete planter and nearly crashing through the front door.

Surveillance footage of Shannon's alleged drunken night shows her zipping through a residential area before crashing into the property.

Remember, cops on the scene say they found Shannon pretending to walk her dog before they booked her on 2 misdemeanors ... DUI alcohol plus hit-and-run.

Shannon's also offering to pay for the property damage ... and after looking into treatment options, she's found one she feels suits her needs.

Adolescente muere Al golpear una viga de hormigón en aparcamiento ... Se habría atascado en el techo del carro

Un adolescente canadiense falleció después de ponerse de pie a través del techo de un carro y cruzar a través de un garaje de estacionamiento, trayecto en el que accidentalmente golpeó su cuerpo contra una viga de hormigón.

La Policía de Edmonton respondió a una llamada en el estacionamiento del West Edmonton Mall el jueves por la tarde, después de enterarse sobre las heridas del hombre de 18 años.

Los oficiales dicen que el carro se estaba moviendo bajo una rampa cuando el chico se levantó y se golpeó con la viga. Los paramédicos respondieron para intentar tratarlo, lo llevaron al hospital, pero murió a causa de sus heridas.

Según la policía, el conductor de 17 años de edad, de sexo masculino y un pasajero de 15 años de edad, no resultaron heridos, pero siguen investigando para obtener más detalles.

En este momento, la policía no cree que el exceso de velocidad, las drogas o el alcohol hayan jugado un papel en la colisión fatal.

El West Edmonton Mall ha tenido una mala racha este año. Este es el 2º centro comercial más grande de Norteamérica y fue también escenario de un tiroteo el mes pasado, que dejó a tres personas heridas.

Canadian Teen Dies Hits Concrete Beam in Parking Garage ... Stuck Himself Through Sunroof

A Canadian teenager is dead after standing up through a car sunroof, cruising through a parking garage ... and accidentally slamming his body into a concrete beam.

Edmonton Police responded to a call at the West Edmonton Mall's parking garage Thursday afternoon ... after getting the call about the 18-year-old man's injuries.

EPS says the car was moving under a ramp when the guy stood up and struck the beam. Paramedics responded to treat the guy and rushed him to the hospital, but he died from his injuries.

According to cops, the 17-year-old male driver and a 15-year-old passenger weren't injured -- but cops are still investigating to get more details.

At this point, the police don't think speeding, drugs or alcohol played a role in the fatal collision.

The West Edmonton Mall's had a bad run this year -- the 2nd largest shopping mall in North America was also the scene of a shooting last month, which left 3 people wounded.

Britney Spears Su icónico Mercedes negro está a la venta

El icónico carro de Britney Spears, en el que siempre fue vista conduciendo durante 2007, está a la venta, lo que significa que alguien puede tener las llaves de uno de los carros más documentados de la celebridad en la historia.

El auto negro de Britney de 2006 es un Mercedes-Benz CLK350, y ha estado en exhibición en el Museo del Automóvil Volo en Illinois desde 2011. Pero ahora tiene un precio de $70k.

El deportivo descapotable fue conocido como el vehículo más peligroso de Los Ángeles en su momento, porque es el que Brit conducía en 2007 cuando su vida empezó a salirse de control.

Fue el año en que se saltó semáforos en rojo jugando al gato y al ratón con los paparazzi, dio innumerables paseos nocturnos y se dio a la fuga.

Aunque dista mucho de ser un coche único, el Benz de Britney se hizo casi tan reconocible como ella, ya que los paparazzi le tomaban cientos de fotografías a diario.

Esta oscura etapa de su vida llegó a su punto álgido en enero de 2008, cuando fue sacada de su casa en ambulancia y trasladada a un hospital. Más tarde ese mismo año sería puesta bajo tutela hasta 2021.

En otras palabras, este carro ha pasado por todo, que es exactamente la razón por la que está en un museo para que todos lo vean.

Sin embargo, Volvo quiere deshacerse de esta pieza histórica de la estrella pop, así que podría ser tuya si te animas... pero conduce con cuidado.

Britney Spears Iconic Black Mercedes Up For Sale

The car Britney Spears drove during, perhaps, the most cataclysmic year of her life is now for sale ... meaning someone's getting the keys to one of the most photographed celeb vehicles of all time.

The iconic ride is Britney's black 2006 Mercedes-Benz CLK350, and it's been on display at the Volo Auto Museum in Illinois since 2011 -- but now it has a price tag of $70k.

The sporty convertible was once known as the most dangerous vehicle on the streets of L.A., because it's the one Brit was driving in 2007 as her life started to spiral out of control.

That was the year she zoomed through red lights while playing cat-and-mouse with paparazzi, went for countless late night joyrides and also had an infamous hit-and-run.

While it's far from a unique car, Brit's Benz became almost as recognizable as her as paps snapped hundreds of shots of it on the daily.

This dark stage in her life came to a head in January of 2008 when she was removed from her house by ambulance, and taken to a hospital -- and later that year she would be placed under the conservatorship that remained in place until 2021.

In other words, this car's been through the wringer ... which is exactly why it's been parked in a museum for all to see.

However, Volo's looking to unload the piece of pop star history, so it could be yours if you're game -- just drive carefully.

'RHOC' SHANNON BEADOR Offers To Pay For Property Damage ... Looking Into Treatment After DUI Arrest

Shannon Beador is ready to pay for the cost of the damage she caused to a property after her hit-and-run ... and we're told she's also currently looking at options to get herself treatment.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Shannon's lawyer, Michael Fell, is in contact and is working directly with the owner of the Newport Beach property she smashed into over the weekend to help make things right.

We're told "The Real Housewives of Orange County" star, through her lawyer, offered to pay for all the damage and repairs needed to be done ... and she's completely prepared to cough up the cash to cover it.

Aside from helping fix the property damage, we're told she's also looking into treatment options but hasn't nailed down a decision yet. Our sources tell us this whole ordeal is still very fresh to her, but she really wants to get the help she thinks she needs.

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As we reported, footage obtained from Shannon's alleged drunken night showed her zipping around a neighborhood before crashing into the side of the property.

We were told officers later found her pretending to walk her dog, and she was arrested and booked for 2 misdemeanors -- hit-and-run and DUI alcohol.

Shannon Beador Se ofrece a pagar los daños causados ... También quiere buscar tratamiento tras arresto

Shannon Beador está dispuesta a pagar por el costo de los daños que causó a una propiedad después de chocar este fin de semana, según nos dicen, también está buscando opciones para conseguir tratamiento.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ: El abogado de Shannon, Michael Fell, está en contacto directo con el dueño de la propiedad de Newport Beach, en donde se estrelló el fin de semana, para ayudarla a hacer las cosas bien.

Su abogado también nos dice que la estrella de "The Real Housewives of Orange County"  se ofreció a pagar por todos los daños causados y todas las reparaciones que hay que hacer. Ella está completamente dispuesta a desembolsar el dinero para cubrirlo.

Además de ayudar a reparar los daños de la propiedad, nos contaron que también está buscando opciones de tratamiento, pero no ha tomado una decisión todavía. Nuestras fuentes dicen que todo este calvario es aún "muy fresco" para ella, pero que realmente quiere obtener la ayuda que ella piensa que necesita.

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dando vueltas y a toda velocidad

Como ya informamos, las imágenes obtenidas de la supuesta noche de borrachera de Shannon la mostraban dando vueltas a toda velocidad por un vecindario antes de estrellarse contra el lateral de la propiedad.

Nos dijeron que los oficiales más tarde la encontraron fingiendo pasear a su perro, y fue detenida y fichada por dos delitos menores: atropello y fuga y conducción bajo los efectos del alcohol.

SHANNON BEADOR SALE A LA luz DESPUéS DE ARRESTO Se apoya en su ex para consolarse

Shannon Beador está en modo de descanso y recuperación después de chocar su coche y ser arrestada por estado de ebriedad. Las nuevas fotos muestran que tuvo que salir adelante con un poco de ayuda de nada menos que su ex novio, John Janssen.

Échale un vistazo a estas fotos de la estrella de "RHOC" dirigiéndose a lo que nos dicen es la casa de John en Newport Beach California, sólo unos días después de que Shannon fue detenida por conducir supuestamente bajo la influencia del alcohol y luego escapar.

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Shannon subió las escaleras el martes con John siguiendola de cerca. Usted puede ver que su brazo izquierdo está metido dentro de su chaqueta, y la foto de la escena dice que podría haber usado un cabestrillo lo que sugiere que se lastimó en el accidente

Lo que también es interesante es verla con John. Recordemos que habían pasado por una ruptura desagradable que devastó Shannon. Sin embargo, parece estar en su esquina de nuevo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannon fue llevada a la cárcel el sábado por la noche por lo que la policía dijo que era un paseo salvaje en su coche que terminó chocando la casa de alguien, dañando la jardinera de hormigón y estuvo demasiado cerca de cruzar a través de la puerta principal.

También obtuvimos un video de Shannon del supuesto incidente y las imágenes parecen mostrar su conducción errática justo antes del accidente. A traves de su abogado, Shannon dijo que esta muy arrepentida.

Afortunadamente, ella no golpeó a nadie con su coche, pero sí parece que Shannon podría haber sido abollado. Veremos si su proceso de curación realmente conduce a una reavivación con John.

Shannon Beador Surfaces After DUI Arrest ... Leans on Ex for Comfort?!?

Shannon Beador is rest and recovery mode after crashing her car and getting busted for DUI -- and new pics show her getting by with a little help from none other than her ex-boyfriend, John Janssen.

Check out these photos of the 'RHOC' star heading up to what we're told is John's pad in Newport Beach, CA -- just a few days after Shannon was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence ... not to mention what cops say was a straight up hit-and-run.

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Shannon headed up the stairs Tuesday, with John following closely behind. You can see her left arm is tucked inside her jacket, and the photog on the scene says she might've been wearing a sling ... suggesting she was injured in the crash.

What's also interesting is seeing her with John --. remember, they'd gone through a nasty split, which devastated SB. Now, however, he seems to be in her corner again.

TMZ broke the story ... Shannon was taken to jail Saturday night over what cops say was a wild ride in her car that ended with her slamming into someone's home, damaging a concrete planter and damn near going through the front door.

We also obtained video of Shannon's alleged DUI incident ... and the footage appears to show her driving in an erratic manner right before the crash. Through her attorney, Shannon's said she's extremely apologetic and remorseful.

Luckily, she didn't hit anyone with her car, but it does look like Shannon might've been dinged up. We'll see if her healing process really leads to a rekindling with John.

Darmouth Coach Buddy Teevens Dead At 66 ... After March Bike Crash

Dartmouth football head coach Buddy Teevens has tragically passed away from injuries he suffered in a bicycle accident six months ago, his family announced Tuesday.

He was 66 years old.

"Our family is heartbroken to inform you that our beloved 'coach' has peacefully passed away surrounded by family," Teevens' loved ones said in a statement. "We are confident and take comfort in the fact that he passed away knowing how much he was loved and admired."

Teevens -- the winningest coach in Big Green history -- was hit by a pickup truck in Florida back in March ... and the collision was so bad, doctors had to amputate his right leg. His family said he also suffered spinal cord injuries in the crash as well.

Assistant Sammy McCorkle was named interim head coach while Teevens attempted to recover.

"This is tragic news for Dartmouth and the entire football world," Dartmouth leaders said in a statement Tuesday night. "Buddy not only was synonymous with Dartmouth football, he was a beloved coach and an innovative, inspirational leader who helped shape the lives of generations of students."

The school added that McCorkle informed the football team of Teevens' passing Tuesday evening and ensured players "that they have the support and resources they need as they process such devastating news."

Teevens -- who played quarterback at Dartmouth in the late 1970s -- was first named Big Green head coach in 1987 ... and following five years on the Dartmouth sidelines, he took gigs at Tulane, Illinois, Florida and Stanford, before returning to his alma mater in 2005.

Teevens went on to pile up a 117-101-2 career record at the school ... gaining fame nationally for his efforts to limit his players' risk for concussions.

Teevens opted to do away with full-contact practices to keep his players safe ... and he also played a pivotal role in the creation of the Mobile Virtual Player, a bot college and NFL teams use to hone their tackling craft.

His tactics were so innovative, Roger Goodell recognized him as "a leader in making our game safer through breakthrough innovations" at the 2023 NFL Draft.

Teevens will be honored with a moment of silence before Dartmouth's game Saturday against Lehigh.


'RHOC' Star Shannon Beador Allegedly Tipsy At Bar Before DUI Arrest ... Heard 'Bitching' About Alexis Bellino

Shannon Beador was allegedly pretty boozed up ahead of her car crash and DUI arrest -- we're told she was at a nearby bar, complaining about a certain former 'RHOC' star.

A witness tells TMZ ... Shannon was with her pal and business partner, Steve Muller, at "A Restaurant" -- that's the real name -- in Newport Beach, CA on Saturday night. FYI, the spot is about half a mile from where she crashed her car later in the night.

We're told Shannon appeared tipsy while hanging at the bar the entire time, but it's unclear exactly what she was sippin' on. As one witness put it ... she was loud and boisterous through the night, with her arms flailing in the air.

A fan even snapped a pic with the reality star as the night went on.

We're told Shannon was overheard at one point complaining about former 'Housewives' star Alexis Bellino, who was also in the restaurant -- although, that allegedly didn't stop Shannon from bitching about her to other people nearby, with real animosity in the air.

When reached for comment, Alexis told TMZ ... "When my girlfriends and I arrived for a fun night out together, it was soon brought to my attention that Shannon was also at the same restaurant. Shannon and I did not interact that night, but it greatly saddens me to learn that she may harbor negative feelings or resentment toward me, as I was not involved in Jim Bellino's lawsuit against Shannon. From one single mother to another, I wish Shannon nothing but the best as I know she is facing trying times ahead."

In case you didn't know, Alexis is referring to her ex-husband, Jim, who filed a million-dollar defamation lawsuit against Shannon and Tamra Judge in 2018, claiming they talked smack about his business on a podcast.

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Don't forget, Shannon's night at the bar came hours before video showed her car slamming into the side of a home ... leading up to her arrest for DUI and hit-and-run.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Shannon Beador estaba supuestamente borracha al momento del accidente de carro que terminó en arresto. Nos informan que estaba en un bar cercano quejándose de un viejo amor de "RHOC".

Un testigo nos infomó que Shannon estaba con su amigo y socio de negocios, Steve Muller, en "A Restaurant" (sí, ese es el nombre real) en Newport Beach California el sábado por la noche. Para tu informacion, el lugar está a media milla de donde estrelló su carro más tarde por la noche.

Nos dicen que Shannon parecía ebria en el bar, pero no está claro exactamente lo que estaba bebiendo. Como un testigo dijo; fue ruidosa y bulliciosa durante toda la noche, incluso agitó sus brazos en el aire.

Un fan incluso se tomó una foto con la estrella de reallity cuando la noche se encendió.

Nos dicen que se pudo escuchar a Shannon quejándose de la ex estrella de "Housewives" Alexis Bellino, que también estaba en el restaurante, aunque supuestamente no impidió que Shannon se quejara de ella a otras personas cercanas con verdadera animosidad en el aire.

Cuando se le pidió un comentario, Alexis le dijo a TMZ: "Cuando mis amigas y yo llegamos para una noche de diversión, pronto me mencionaron que Shannon estaba en el mismo restaurante. Shannon y yo no interactuamos esa noche, pero me entristece mucho saber que ella puede albergar sentimientos negativos o resentimiento hacia mí ya que yo no estaba involucrada en la demanda de Jim Bellino contra Shannon. De una madre soltera a otra, le deseo a Shannon sólo lo mejor, ya que sé que se enfrenta a tiempos difíciles por delante."

Por si no lo sabías, Alexis se refiere a su ex marido, Jim, quien presentó una demanda millonaria por difamación contra Shannon y Tamra Judge en 2018, alegando que hablaron mal de su negocio en un podcast.

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rompiendo la ley

No nos olvidemos de que todo este asunto del bar fue horas antes del incidente capturado en video que mostraba su carro estrellándose contra el lado de una casa, lo que llevó a su arresto por conducir bajo efecto del alcohol y fuga.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.


La estrella de "RHOC" Shannon Beador iba a toda velocidad por una calle residencial momentos antes de estrellar su coche contra el lateral de una casa (según  muestran las imágenes del incidente).

Beador estaba manejando por de una calle de Newport Beach el sábado justo antes de la medianoche. Al parecer juzgó mal una vuelta y terrizó justo en una propiedad.

Casi de inmediato, Beador puso marcha atrás, bajando de la acera y de nuevo a la calle antes de alejarse.

También tenemos fotos de las secuelas, mostrando un puñado de ladrillos que faltan de la casa y una enorme marca en el medio de la carretera donde ocurrió la terrible experiencia.

También parece que Beador casi golpea la puerta principal de la casa, lo cual hubiera causado estragos en la residencia.

TMZ publicó la historia, las fuentes nos dijeron Beador finalmente estacionó en medio de la calle y salió con su perro. Nos dijeron que trató de actuar como si estuviera paseando a su cachorro cuando llegaron los policías, pero los oficiales no se lo creyeron.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice que fue detenida y fichada por atropello y fuga y alcohol DUI, ambos delitos menores, siendo citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

La serie de Bravo no está actualmente en producción, por lo que no estaba filmando antes de la detención, su abogado —Michael Fell— nos dijo: "Beador está extremadamente arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

No hay que olvidar que Beador reveló a principios de este año que se sintió sorprendida por la brutal separación de su novio, John Jassen, la cual se produjo apenas unas semanas después de la producción terminó en la temporada 17.