'RHOC' Shannon Beador Speeds, Crashes Into Home ... Hit-And-Run Video Shows

'RHOC' star Shannon Beador was zooming around a residential street moments before slamming her car into the side of a house ... according to this insane footage of her alleged DUI incident.

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Beador was hightailing it around a Newport Beach, CA street on Saturday just before midnight, when -- based on this video -- she seemed to misjudge a corner, careen out of control and crash into the home.

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Almost immediately, Beador threw her car in reverse, getting off the sidewalk and back onto the street before slowly pulling away.

We got these pics of the damage left behind from the accident ... a concrete planter is crumbled after taking the brunt of the impact and there's a huge skid mark on the road.

It also looks like Beador barely missed the front door of the house ... which likely would've caused even more damage, and potentially injured someone inside the home.

TMZ broke the story ... sources say Beador eventually parked in the middle of the street, getting out with her dog. We're told when cops arrived, she tried to act like she was just walking her pup, but the officers weren't buying it.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Shannon was arrested and booked for hit-and-run and DUI alcohol -- both misdemeanors -- and was cited and released without bond.

The Bravo series isn't currently in production, so she wasn't filming before the arrest -- her lawyer Michael Fell says, "[Beador] is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Don't forget, Beador revealed earlier this year that she felt blindsided by the brutal split from her BF, John Jassen ... which came just weeks after production wrapped on season 17.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Do you think Shannon Beador's DUI/hit-and-run will affect her chances of staying on the 'Real Housewives' franchise? Vote below.

Quinnes "Q" Parker of 112 Scary Times For R&B Groups ... Let's Reunite, Fellas!!!

Instagram / @qparker112

112, the peaches-and-cream blending R&B group from Diddy's Bad Boy era, has been operating as a duo for years -- but recent events have one of the ex-members calling for a reunion, stat!!!

OG member Quinnes "Q" Parker left the group in 2018 but says he had a change of heart on Sunday.

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According to Q, he was shaken to the core over the weekend by the sudden passing of 702 singer Irish Grinstead, who died on Saturday after a "long battle" with illness her family says ... and once again when his homie Brandon Casey of Jagged Edge posted the aftermath of a car accident he recently survived.

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Q says he now realizes life is precious and publicly asked remaining members Marvin "Slim" Scandrick and Mike Keith to return his calls so they get back to biz.

112 were a key part of Diddy's musical empire back in the day ... the Atlanta-bred quartet released several platinum albums with Bad Boy and even won a Grammy in 1997.


Q's timing could possibly net some traction too. Slim recently appeared on "TMZ Live" to confirm Diddy had indeed returned their publishing rights after all these years.

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Slim and Mike have momentum as a duo so it'll be interesting if they let Q back into the mix.

They should probably text 112's other member, Daron Jones, as well to keep him updated.



El abogado de Shannon Beador, Michael Fell, le dije a TMZ: "Pasé bastante tiempo con Shannon ayer. Está muy arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible, y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

El año difícil de Shannon Beador acaba de empeorar, la estrella de telerrealidad fue arrestada por conducir ebria este fin de semana en SoCal.

Fuentes policiales nos informan que la estrella de "The Real Housewives of Orange County" condujo su coche en una propiedad residencial en Newport Beach el sábado por la noche y destruyó parte de la casa.

Nos dijeon que Beador volvió a la carretera y siguió adelante antes de estacionar su vehículo en medio de la calle y salir con su perro.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella trató de actuar como si estuviera dando un paseo cuando la policía llegó después de recibir una llamada al 911. Nos dicen que no estaba engañando a nadie. Ella estaba cláramente ebria y fue detenida.

Los policías también incautaron el coche de Beador como parte de su investigación sobre los daños a la casa.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice Beador fue procesada por 2 delitos menores de  chocar y huir y alcoholemia. Fue citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

Ha sido un viaje lleno de baches para Beador últimamente, en enero discutió públicamente su dolorosa ruptura con su novio de 3 años y medio, John Janssen.

Beador dijo a People que fue sorprendida por la ruptura de Janssen con ella en noviembre de 2022, semanas después de haber terminado el rodaje de la temporada 17 de RHOC. Según los informes, ella dijo: "Él me dijo que había terminado con la relación. Y escuchar lo que me dijo entonces fue absolutamente devastador".

'RHOC' Star Shannon Beador Arrested For DUI, Hit-and-Run ... Struck House in Newport Beach


10:30 AM PT -- Shannon Beador's lawyer, Michael Fell tells TMZ ... "I spent quite a bit of time with Shannon yesterday. She is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Shannon Beador's tough year just got a lot rougher ... the reality TV star got busted for driving drunk this weekend in SoCal.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... "The Real Housewives of Orange County" star drove her car onto a residential property in Newport Beach Saturday night, and actually clipped the house.

We're told Beador then turned back onto the road and kept going before parking her vehicle in the middle of the street and getting out with her dog.

Our sources say she tried to act like she was taking a walk when police arrived after receiving a 911 call. We're told she wasn't fooling anyone ... as she appeared wasted and was taken into custody.

Cops also seized Beador's car as part of their investigation into the damage to the home.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Beador was booked for 2 misdemeanors ... hit-and-run and DUI alcohol. She was cited and released without bond. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she was not filming with Bravo before the arrest, as the show's not currently in production.

It's been a bumpy ride for Beador lately -- in January, she publicly discussed her painful split with her boyfriend of 3 and a half years, John Janssen.

Beador told People she was blindsided by Janssen breaking up with her in November 2022 -- weeks after they had wrapped filming for Season 17 of 'RHOC.' She reportedly said, "He told me he was done with the relationship. And to hear what he said to me then was absolutely devastating."

We reached out to Shannon's team for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:41 AM PT


Los policías de Las Vegas están presionando duro para obtener información en torno a la fatal atropello y fuga que mató a un ciclista, rogando a cualquier persona con pistas sobre el terrible incidente a presentarse.

El departamento de policía de la ciudad solicitó la ayuda del público a finales de agosto, un par de semanas después de que el jefe de policía jubilado Andreas Probst fuera atropellado y muriera mientras montaba en bicicleta.

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el horrible momento

Laas autoridades dijeron que los oficiales encontraron y detuvieron al conductor de 17 años y lo acusaron del atropello y fuga, pero las cosas cambiaron una vez que descubrieron el video, añadiendo asesinato abierto a sus cargos después de determinar que el golpe fue intencional.

La policía no ha dicho si el pasajero —que filmó el brutal accidente— ha sido arrestado pero la policía de Las Vegas está pidiendo a cualquiera que tenga información que se presente y ofrezca lo que sabe.

El departamento tampoco ha revelado información sobre el conductor de 17 años debido a su edad.

Como informamos, los 2 adolescentes se reían en el vídeo perturbador mientras conspiraban para golpear Probst en una calle de Las Vegas el mes pasado chocando contra él y enviándolo volando por su parabrisas y sobre el hormigón detrás de ellos.

Probst fue trasladado a un hospital donde más tarde fue declarado muerto.

Cyclist Hit-And-Run Las Vegas Police Pleading For Info Surrounding Fatal Video

Las Vegas cops are pushing hard for information surrounding the fatal hit-and-run that killed a cyclist ... pleading for anyone with tips about the horrific incident to come forward.

The city's police department asked for the public's help at the end of August -- a couple of weeks after retired police chief Andreas Probst was struck and killed while riding his bicycle.

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The LVMPD said officers found and arrested the 17-year-old driver, and charged him related to the hit-and-run ... but things changed once they discovered the video -- adding open murder to his charges after determining the hit was intentional.

Cops haven't said if the passenger, who filmed the brutal crash, has been arrested ... but Las Vegas PD is asking for anyone with info to come forward and offer up what they know.

The department also hasn't released information about the 17-year-old driver due to his age.

As we reported, the 2 teens were laughing in the disturbing video while plotting to hit Probst on a Las Vegas street last month ... crashing into him and sending him flying up their windshield and onto the concrete behind them.

Probst was rushed to a hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Lamar Odom Al volante en accidente de carro Destroza su Mercedes

Es probable que Lamar Odom vea subir mucho la factura del seguro de su carro, pues acaba de estrellar su Mercedes contra dos coches aparcados en un accidente en la madrugada.

Un representante de Lamar le dice a TMZ, que él estaba al volante cuando se metió en un accidente de carro alrededor de las 3 AM del lunes en una zona residencial cerca de su casa.

Nos dicen que Lamar estaba conduciendo a casa de un amigo en Northridge cuando se le cayó el teléfono dentro de su Mercedes, se agachó para recuperarlo, perdió el control y se estrelló contra un par de carros aparcados en la calle.

El representante de Lamar dice que su Mercedes blanco golpeó a otro coche blanco, que chocó contra otro coche aparcado delante de él.

Los airbags de Lamar se desplegaron, y por suerte él no resultó herido ni necesitó asistencia médica, aunque estaba un poco aturdido y su Mercedes; destrozado.

Se llamó a la policía de Los Ángeles, pero esta no realizó un informe policial después de atender la escena. Nos han dicho que los oficiales hablaron con Lamar y le preguntaron si había estado bebiendo, a lo que Lamar respondió que no y les dijo que se encuentra sobrio y que es dueño de centros de rehabilitación.

Los policías no realizaron ninguna prueba de alcoholemia.

Lamar luego le explicó a los policías cómo ocurrió el accidente. Los propietarios de los carros impactados salieron de sus casas y Lamar les dio la información de su seguro.

Afortunadamente, nos dicen que no había nadie dentro de los carros aparcados en el momento del accidente. Aunque el Mercedes de Lamar fue remolcado y su seguridad lo llevó a casa.

Después de ver que todos intercambiaron información, la policía se fue.

Lamar Odom Behind The Wheel In Car Crash ... Smashes Up His Mercedes

Lamar Odom is likely to see his car insurance bill go way up ... he crashed his Mercedes into two parked cars in an early morning accident.

A rep for Lamar tells TMZ ... Lamar was behind the wheel when he got into a car crash around 3 AM Monday in a residential area near his home.

We're told Lamar was driving home from a friend's place in Northridge when he dropped his phone inside his Mercedes, reached down to retrieve it, lost control and smashed into a pair of cars parked on the street.

Lamar's rep says his white Mercedes hit another white car, which bumped into another car parked in front of it.

Lamar's airbags deployed, and he wasn't injured and didn't need medical assistance ... though he was a little shaken up and his Mercedes is now mangled.

Cops were called but LAPD did not take a police report after responding to the scene. We're told officers spoke with Lamar, asking him if he had been drinking, to which Lamar said no and told cops about being sober and owning rehab facilities.

Cops did not perform a field sobriety test.

Lamar, we're told, then explained to LAPD how the accident happened ... and the owners of the impacted cars came out of their homes and Lamar gave them his insurance information.

Fortunately, we're told no one was inside the parked cars at the time of the crash ... though Lamar's Mercedes was towed and his security drove him home.

In the end, cops left after seeing everyone exchange information.

Gary Busey Fallout From Alleged Hit-And-Run ... COPS WANT HIM TO RETAKE DRIVING TEST

Gary Busey may have to prove he's a good driver ... cops are considering trying to get the actor to retake his driving test in the wake of his latest alleged traffic mishap.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... sheriff's deputies in Malibu are very familiar with Gary's alleged poor driving habits, and cops are strongly leaning toward submitting paperwork to the DMV requesting a driving retest for the 79-year-old.

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We're told Gary has been involved in multiple car accidents in the past few years ... and with last week's alleged hit-and-run aftermath caught on video, police are thinking of ways to take action.

TMZ broke the story ... Gary was chased down by a woman who claims he rear-ended her car in Malibu and fled the scene, and she recorded their confrontation on PCH.

Law enforcement tells us the Busey incident remains under investigation and no arrests have been made, nor citations issued.

In the meantime, it sounds like Gary may want to get some practice behind the wheel.

Gary Busey Policías quieren que vuelva a tomar su examen de conducir

Puede que Gary Busey tenga que demostrar que es un buen conductor. La policía está considerando la posibilidad de que el actor vuelva a tomar su examen de conducir a raíz del supuesto accidente de tráfico que tuvo por última vez.

Las fuerzas del orden le dijeron a TMZ, que los ayudantes del oficial en Malibú están muy familiarizados con los presuntos malos hábitos de conducción de Gary, y los policías se están inclinando fuertemente a la idea de presentar documentos a la DMV (Dirección del Tránsito), para solicitar una nueva prueba de conducción para el actor de 79-años de edad.

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Busey al volante

Nos han contado que Gary ha estado involucrado en varios accidentes de carro en los últimos años, y con el presunto choque y fuga de la semana pasada, grabado en video, la policía está pensando alternativas para tomar medidas.

TMZ dio la noticia. Gary fue perseguido por una mujer que asegura que la chocó por detrás en Malibú y huyó de la escena. La mujer grabó el enfrentamiento en la Pacific Coast Highway.

La policía nos dijo que el incidente de Busey sigue bajo investigación y que no se han hecho detenciones ni citaciones por el momento.

Mientras tanto, puede que Gary quiera empezar a practicar un poco tras el volante.

Ex-NFL Star Hugh Douglas Son Dead At 20 ... Killed In Car Crash

The son of ex-NFL star Hugh Douglas was tragically killed in a car crash on Monday ... the younger Douglas' college announced this week.

He was just 20 years old.

According to police documents, obtained by The Philadelphia Inquirer, the accident occurred at around 5 PM in the Atlanta area. Police say Douglas' son, Hugh, and his Morehouse College roommate, Christion Files Jr., had been driving at a high rate of speed when their car careened off the road, hit two utility poles and flipped over.

Both men were pronounced deceased at the scene.

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In its announcement of the tragedy, Morehouse College said the loss of the two "is deeply felt by all of us in the Morehouse family."

"Hugh Douglas was an exceptional student who displayed immense dedication and promise in pursuing a business administration degree with a concentration in finance," the school said, adding, "Christion Files Jr. was a remarkable young man who made his mark academically and in extracurricular activities."

The elder Douglas -- who made three Pro Bowls with the Philadelphia Eagles in the early 2000s -- has been posting tributes to his son throughout the past few days on X ... writing in one of them on Wednesday, "Your father is the only man that is truly happy you are better than them. You made me so proud."

Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni expressed his condolences to the Douglas family on Tuesday -- saying in a press conference that he had always been told Douglas' son was "an unbelievable kid."

Philadelphia Eagles


Gary Busey Allegedly Involved In Hit-&-Run ... Video Shows Confrontation on PCH

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Gary Busey was chased down by a woman who claims he rear-ended her car in Malibu and then just beat it ... and she's got some hardcore receipts in the form of video.

The woman tells TMZ ... she was driving down PCH Wednesday and Busey whipped out of a shopping center, slamming into her back bumper. Rather than pulling over, she says Busey fled the scene.

She went into hot pursuit mode, following him on PCH, and that's where the video begins. She screams at him that he rear-ended her, but Busey blows her off and keeps driving.

The woman follows Busey to a parking lot outside a restaurant, where she's just incredulous ... schooling him on the law requiring him to stay put and exchange information.

Busey's response was, to say the least, unsatisfactory. He simply told her, "I'm private."

He does volunteer his insurance carrier is Progressive, but that's about it. Busey drives away as the woman is screaming at him.

Here's the thing. She obviously doesn't have video of the crash, but his reaction is more than telling. Plus, you see the damage on her car and his as well.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... the woman filed a hit-and-run report and detectives will investigate. BTW, leaving the scene of a car accident that results in property damage or injury is a crime.

We reached out to Busey's team for comment ... so far, no word back.

Ashley Tisdale Sued Over H'wood Car Accident ... I'm in The Hole b/c Of You!!!

Ashley Tisdale is getting dragged into court over a car crash she allegedly caused ... but her team is calling BS.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a woman named Lina Gonzales is suing the actress for injuries she claims she suffered from the accident that occurred in September of last year. As a result of the crash, Lina alleges she's suffered wage loss, medical expenses ... and, interestingly, loss of love and protection -- now seeking damages from a judge.

Her attorney, Michael R. Parker, tells TMZ ... the accident went down as Lina was driving on Hollywood Blvd., waiting for her turn to make a left in the left turn lane. However, while waiting, he alleges Ashley changed lanes and collided with Lina's car.

According to Parker, it didn't end there ... he says Lina told him Ashley made a big fuss about the situation and even allegedly called her names.

Lina's attorney says the accident caused her severe neck and back injuries ... and to make matters worse, she's facing roughly $140k in medical expenses. Parker says he made a demand $600k to Tisdale ... but it was rejected, hence this new lawsuit.

A rep for Ashley Tisdale tells TMZ  ... there was no aggressiveness or words exchanged from Ashley following the crash -- adding, after the accident, the 2 exchanged info and moved on.

Robert Quinn 911 Audio Chaos At Crash Scene ... 'You Just Hit Me!!!'


It was complete chaos at the scene just seconds after Robert Quinn allegedly crashed his truck into four cars in a South Carolina neighborhood ... with one woman screaming at the ex-NFL star, claiming he had hit her.

The alleged incident all unfolded on Aug. 15 in Summerville ... when, according to a 911 call obtained by TMZ Sports, Quinn and a woman were arguing about the vehicles he had been accused of running into.

You can hear in the background of the police audio ... a woman was yelling at a man appearing to be Quinn, demanding he get off her property.

When dispatch asked what was going on ... the caller said, "My mom's talking to the guy that did it and he's like a little too close to her" -- but a short time later, things seemed to turn violent.

In the background of the call, a woman can be heard shouting, "You just hit me!" -- with dispatch quickly adding, "Male just hit the complainant's mother."

Despite the apparent physical confrontation, you can hear in the audio a verbal one still continued, with Quinn seemingly offering to buy the woman two new cars.

"Is he offering to buy your mom two cars?" dispatch asked the caller.

"He just totaled two of our cars just now," the caller responded. "And my neighbor's car, and my other neighbor's car. He just hit four cars."

The caller then added, "He pushed my mom in the head, he hit her in the head."

Later, the caller said of Quinn ... "He's acting like he's drunk. I think he's been drinking or something else."

Cops eventually arrived on the scene ... but, according to police documents, officers say the ex-Dallas Cowboys pass rusher bolted from the area before they could question him. They added that following a search of Quinn's wrecked vehicle, they discovered a "partially empty bottle" of Crown Royal Apple whiskey on the passenger side floorboard.

Ultimately, Quinn -- a current free agent -- turned himself in later in the week... and was hit with seven total charges stemming from the incident -- including hit-and-run and assault.

He's due in court for another hearing on the matter in October.

Kyle Larson NASCAR's Making Strides In Safety ... Thankful Preece Is OK


NASCAR star Kyle Larson tells TMZ Sports he's relieved to see Ryan Preece escape serious injury after Saturday's terrifying crash ... praising the organization for taking necessary steps over the years to improve driver safety.

Preece's No. 41 car flipped multiple times during an accident in the Coke Zero Sugar 400 at Daytona last weekend ... leaving many shocked he was able to walk away from the scene.

Of course, superspeedway racing is the most dangerous in the circuit ... with cars reaching their limits at insane speeds.

Larson's wife, Katelyn, shared her hatred for the style of race on X shortly after the Preece crash ... and while Kyle said he wasn't aware of her post, he admitted superspeedway events can really get the nerves going.

"I'm not sure what she said, but I just know that we're all thankful that we were able to see Ryan get out of that car and walk away from that wreck," Kyle said. "That was a very scary accident."

"It's definitely a style of race in that it's really the only time I'm ever a little bit nervous in a race car. I have been caught up in a lot of big accidents at those style tracks."

Larson said NASCAR is doing a great job at taking the proper measures to keep all the drivers out of harm's way ... adding, "On the flip side of that, our sport has gotten so much safer in the last couple of decades that allows a guy to flip that violently to get out, walk away, go see his family at home is pretty remarkable."

"Our sport can always be safer, but it's come a long way and we're all thankful for that."

As for Preece, he posted after the accident ... vowing to return.


We also spoke with Larson about a great cause ... helping raise $50,000 for the Phoenix Children's Hospital at the NASCAR Championship Ignition Luncheon earlier this week, and he said it's rewarding to use his platform to give back to the community.

"I'm excited to be a part of it," he said. "I'm a new resident here in Arizona, so good to be a part of the event, help raise money but also raise awareness to our sport and our playoffs that are starting soon."

Man Sues Over Surgery Docs Left Object Inside Me!!! See Disgusting Ankle Wound

A man in Wisconsin says his ankle is now home to an infection and horrific wound brought on by a botched surgery -- and now that he's suing over it, we've obtained some super gross pics.

Nestor Vega is the patient behind the lawsuit, and he claims during a procedure to treat a car accident injury, he heard a loud noise and feared a fragment from a device used to drain his wound had broken off under his skin.

Vega claims one doc told him his fears were unlikely and reassured him by saying ... "Even if it did, it should be sterile, and it's small enough of a fragment, so it shouldn't cause any issues like an infection or anything."

But as Vega claims, there was indeed a fragment of a medical device left behind in his ankle and it caused a painful and debilitating infection.

Vega's lawyer, B'Ivory LaMarr, shared images with TMZ that he says show the aftermath of infection ... and it's extremely graphic. Think rotting pork chop.

In his suit, Vega claims he kept complaining to doctors about a pain in his ankle but they brushed him off until a follow-up visit revealed the fragment lodged in his body.

Vega claims the fragment caused the infection that turned his ankle into a disgusting mess ... and he's going after the surgeons, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, and the Medical College of Wisconsin for damages.

A rep for the hospitals tells us, "We are empathetic to any patient whose expectations have not been met during their course of care. Due to patient privacy laws and ongoing litigation, we are not commenting further."