Kayla Nicole Not Rootin' For Chiefs SB Sunday ... Out Partying w/ 49ers WAGs

Kayla Nicole's probably not rooting for Kansas City on Sunday ... instead she seems firmly in Niners camp -- partying with San Francisco wives and girlfriends


The ex-GF of Travis Kelce took to Instagram in the wee hours of Saturday morning to share a number of clips from a wicked rager she attended ... and a few familiar faces to 49ers fans popped up in the clips.

During the night, Kayla took a shot with some ladies ... and George Kittle's wife Claire threw one back alongside her. George of course is San Fran's tight end -- the same position Kelce plays.

Claire and Kayla are clearly friends ... having been photographed together at a different event near the end of January.

Kristin Juszczyk -- wife of versatile SF fullback Kyle -- tagged Claire in multiple posts last night from the party, so it seems she was there at least -- though it's unclear if she had any face time with Kayla as well.

Kayla's been fraternizing with people on both sides of the Super Bowl debate ... remember, we obtained photos of her and Patrick Mahomes' bro Jackson chatting amicably -- so maybe she's just being friendly to both teams.

Given her acrimonious breakup with TK, though -- and his new very public relationship -- we gotta imagine Kayla throwing back shots with Niners wives means she's chosen her side for the Super Bowl.

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Rooting against your ex in the Super Bowl ... really adds a whole new meaning to "winning the breakup!"

Travis Kelce's Ex-GF & Mahomes' Bro Hobnobbin' In Vegas Leading Up to Super Bowl!!!

Travis Kelce's ex, Kayla Nicole, might have had a falling out with Patrick and Brittany Mahomes ... but there's clearly still plenty of love between her and Jackson Mahomes -- 'cause TMZ Sports has learned they rubbed elbows in Vegas.

Eyewitnesses tell us ... Kelce's former flame -- who he dated for years before Taylor Swift -- and the Chiefs QB's younger bro came together at the Aria's High Limit Lounge around 10:15 PM Thursday, and they didn't leave each other's side for about an hour.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us this meetup wasn't planned -- it was more of a bump-into sitch, apparently -- although folks at the casino say it seemed coordinated, as we're told Kayla joined Jackson at the hotel's fancy bar after he'd been waiting around for a minute.

So, to some, it appeared Jackson might've been waiting for her.

Regardless, witnesses say Jackson and Kayla -- who became good friends during the years the model dated Kelce -- were warm toward each other while they talked, appearing jovial throughout their entire conversation ... which, we're told, was an engrossing one for both.

Of course, this is notable because Kayla has recently attempted to distance herself from Patrick and Brittany ... after the latter struck up a bond with Kelce's new bae, Tay Tay.

ICYMI ... Kayla unfollowed the famous couple online -- later explaining she did it to "protect" herself amid the tight end's new romance and his obvious continued bond with Patrick.

While Kayla seemingly shook off any connection to Mahomes/Kelce -- she's clearly still cool with Jackson, which makes sense based on what else we know.

Sources tell us there's no bad blood between any of the parties, and just because Brittany and Kayla's friendship fizzled after she and Trav ... there was never an expectation anyone else surrounding them would cut ties, including Jackson.

Trav, of course, has moved on ... and Kayla seems more than ready to do the same -- saying last month she's no longer interested in dating athletes, wanting a man with power instead.

On its face, her run-in with Jackson doesn't appear to have been romantic. But it is interesting Kayla is in Vegas at all right now ... suppose we'll see what happens.

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Play nice, kids!

Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie Su divorcio podría estar terminando Dan un paso importante

El contencioso divorcio entre Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie podría estar cerca de terminar, con cada una de las estrellas realizando uno de los últimos pasos para alcanzar un acuerdo.

De acuerdo con documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, tanto Pitt como Jolie le están entregando sus declaraciones financieras finales a la otra parte, que es digno de mencionar teniendo en cuenta que no ha habido mucho movimiento en su caso de divorcio por lo menos en un par de años.

Los términos finales de cualquier acuerdo de divorcio aún no se han presentado, pero los archivos del jueves indican que uno de los matrimonios y divorcios más legendarios y enconados en la historia reciente de Hollywood finalmente está llegando a su fin.

Cada vez que las partes en disputa presentan sus documentos financieros significa que el final está cerca.

Recuerden, Brad y Angelina se conocieron por primera vez en el set de "Sr. y la Sra. Smith" en 2004, cuando Brad todavía estaba casado con Jennifer Aniston. La pareja en pantalla se mantuvo como amigos durante todo el rodaje, aunque Brad se separó de Jennifer más o menos un año después.

Brad y Angelina rápidamente se involucraron después de que se anunciara su separación y construyeron una gran familia durante los siguientes años, con seis hijos en su prole.

Brangelina se comprometió en 2012 y se casó en 2014, pero Angelina pidió el divorcio solo dos años más tarde, en 2016, citando diferencias irreconciliables.

Ese mismo año, Pitt fue acusado de abusar físicamente de al menos uno de sus hijos, a pesar de que fue absuelto por las autoridades después de una investigación y negó las afirmaciones.

Los procedimientos de divorcio continuaron alargándose mucho después de eso y un juez finalmente dictaminó que Brad y Angelina eran legalmente solteros en 2019. Otros elementos del divorcio han estado ocurriendo detrás de cámaras desde entonces y ahora, en 2024, por fin se están acercando a la línea de meta.

Los asuntos se han vuelto más complicados entre Brand y Angie. Recuerden que en 2021, Angelina vendió su parte de una bodega que poseía con Pitt a un oligarca ruso, un movimiento que eventualmente llevó al actor a demandarla por supuestamente no obtener su firma antes de vender. Esa demanda sigue en curso y va por un carril separado al divorcio.

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Aunque otras batallas legales podrían todavía persistir, parece que el divorcio es casi un hecho, y ahora, es solo cuestión de tiempo antes de que se haga oficial.

Manténgase en sintonía ...

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Divorce May Be Wrapping Up ... Major Step Takes Place

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's contentious divorce could be close to coming to an end ... with each star taking one of the last key final steps on the path to a divorce settlement.

According to court documents, obtained by TMZ, both Pitt and Jolie are serving their final financial disclosures on the other party ... which is noteworthy considering there hasn't been much movement on their divorce case for at least a couple years now.

The final terms of any overall settlement of the divorce haven't been filed yet ... but Thursday's filings indicate that one of the most legendary marriages and acrimonious divorces in recent Hollywood history is finally coming to an end.

Whenever dueling parties in a divorce submit financial docs ... it means the end is near.

Remember ... Brad and Angelina first met on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" back in 2004 while BP was still married to Jennifer Aniston. The onscreen couple remained just friends through shooting though Brad separated from Jennifer about a year later.

Brad and Angelina quickly shacked up together after his separation was announced, and they built a big family over the next few years -- with six children in their brood.

Brangelina got engaged in 2012 and married in 2014 ... but Angelina filed for divorce just two years later in 2016, citing irreconcilable differences.

In the same year, Pitt was accused of physically abusing at least one of his children -- even though he was cleared by authorities after an investigation ... and he denied the claims too.

The divorce proceedings continued to stretch out well after that ... and a judge eventually ruled Brad and Angelina were legally single back in 2019. Other elements of the divorce have been playing out behind the scenes since then ... and now, in '24, the finish line approaches.

Matters have gotten more complicated between Brand and Angie -- remember, in 2021, Angelina sold her portion of a winery she owned with Pitt ... a move that eventually led to Pitt suing her for allegedly not getting his signoff before selling to a Russian oligarch's company. That lawsuit is still ongoing ... and separate from their divorce case.

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While other legal battles may still be lingering ... it seems like the divorce is nearly a done deal -- and now, it's just a matter of time before it becomes official.

Stay tuned ...

Transgender Woman Sued Ex-BF Over Tossed-Out Balls ... But Judge Says, No Case!!!

A transgender woman who sued her ex-boyfriend for throwing out her balls apparently didn't have a case worth litigating ... 'cause a judge tossed her suit, not to mention the BF's.

Brianna Kingsley had recently filed a lawsuit against William Wojciechowski in Detroit -- whom she was dating a couple years ago as she was transitioning ... and who she claims discarded her surgically-removed testicles in the wake of their breakup.

TikTok / @rhinowitchsanctuary

At first, Kingsley was suing Bill for allegedly not returning her balls to her -- claiming in her small claims suit that he was holding them hostage, and keeping them in a mason jar in his fridge next to a carton of eggs. However, after she sued him ... her ex countersued her, claiming she'd humiliated him and also noting that he'd already thrown the testicles away.

It was a lot of back and forth for a while ... and the absurd case was highlighted by a quote Kinglsey had said in court at one point -- saying, "We’re talking about my nuts … I wanted them in my fridge -- not his. The damages were the loss of these nuts."

Kingsley was seeking the return of her testes -- even though they'd already been thrown out -- plus an extra $6,500 in damages. The boyfriend was also seeking damages for his claim.

In the end ... hizzoner said the whole thing was ridiculous and not worth taking under further consideration -- in fact, he called their competing lawsuits against each other a "wash," and added that it would've been too difficult to put a dollar amount on balls.

The judge tossed both lawsuits and basically closed the book on this matter. He also noted his decision could not be appealed -- so no chance of either of them continuing to fight it.

BTW, Kingsley seemed proud to show off her balls a couple years ago after she underwent gender-reassignment surgery -- so we suppose it's understandable they were of value to her.

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Unfortunately, this case ended up being a little too nuts for small claims court. Dismissed!

Bobbi Althoff Sonriente mientras habla por teléfono en Los Ángeles... Tras solicitud de divorcio

Bobbi Althoff estaba completamente absorta en su conversación mientras caminaba por Los Ángeles, apenas un día después de que se supiera sobre la separación de su marido Cory.

La famosa TikToker se veía muy casual en un suéter rosa y pantalones negros de Nike mientras disfrutaba de una hermosa mañana de Los Ángeles. Incluso la vimos con una pequeña sonrisa mientras charlaba con alguien por teléfono.

No ha sido la semana más fácil para Bobbi, con la noticia de su divorcio ayer. Sin embargo, parece que ella está poniendo su mejor cara para el resto del mundo.

Como informamos, Bobbi está a punto de convertirse en una mujer soltera después de que su marido de cuatro años, Cory, solicitara el divorcio citando "diferencias irreconciliables."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

La noticia sobre su matrimonio no parece ser exactamente un shock para Bobbi. Cory aludió como fecha de separación entre ellos el 4 de julio de 2023, y ella escribió sobre su ruptura en un elocuente post de Instagram ayer mismo.

Ella señaló que está pasando por un momento muy difícil, por lo que es agradable verla con una sonrisa en el rostro, incluso si solo es momentánea.

Por cierto, Cory está pidiendo la custodia física y legal conjunta de sus dos hijas, Isla, de 1 año, y Luca, de 3 años, aunque también marcó la casilla para bloquear la capacidad del tribunal de conceder la manutención del cónyuge a cualquiera de las partes.

Por supuesto, Bobbi ha dominado TikTok en el último año con su humor de estilo inexpresivo y entrevistas con grandes celebridades. Cory, en tanto, tampoco se queda atrás profesionalmente, con una posición ejecutiva en una importante empresa de tecnología.

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Cubrimos la separación de Cory y Bobbi en un reciente episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Bobbi Althoff Smiling On Phone Call in L.A. ... After Divorce From Husband

Bobbi Althoff appeared deep in conversation while walking around L.A. ... engrossed in a phone call less than a day after news of her split from her husband Cory broke.

The famed TikToker looked casual in a pink sweater and black Nike sweats while enjoying a beautiful Los Angeles morning ... and even cracking a small smile while chatting up someone on the phone.

It hasn't been the easiest week for Bobbi -- with news of her divorce breaking yesterday -- but it seems she's putting her bravest face on for the rest of the world.

As we previously reported ... Bobbi's about to become a single woman after her husband of four years Cory filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences."

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Their marriage ending doesn't exactly seem like a shock to BA ... since Cory listed the date of separation as July 4, 2023 -- and she wrote about her marriage's end in an eloquent caption she posted to IG yesterday.

She noted she's going through quite a difficult time in the post ... so it's nice to see Bobbi with a smile on her face, even if it's only in the moment here.

BTW ... Cory's asking for joint physical and legal custody of their two daughters, 1-year-old Isla and 3-year-old Luca while also checking the box to block the court's ability to award spousal support to either party.

Of course, Bobbi's dominated TikTok over the past year with her deadpan-style humor and interviews with major celebs ... and Cory's no slouch professionally as well with an executive position for a major tech company.

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We covered Cory and Bobbi's split on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Jason Isbell Files to Divorce Amanda Shires ... Ironclad Prenup in Place

Jason Isbell is divorcing his wife, Amanda Shires -- and there's an ironclad prenup that he wants the court to enforce.

The famous country music couple -- who've been together for over a decade now -- are ending their marriage of 11 years ... this after Jason ran to court in Tennessee this week and filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jason says their date of separation was Dec. 3 of 2023 ... and he goes on request joint custody of their 8-year-old daughter, Mercy.

JI also says he and Amanda will enter into a Parenting Plan ... and even submitted a certificate highlighting the fact that he's recently obtained a parenting skills certificate that helps people navigate their children through divorce. So, he's ready for the challenge.

No mention of spousal support here, but presumably ... all of that is hashed out in their prenuptial agreement, which he says was executed 2 days before their wedding in 2013.

One other thing ... there's a restraining order that was submitted in his filing -- but it's a standard thing there in TN, and has nothing to do with claims of misconduct. It's simply there to tell both parties not to move any assets until a judge can go through and divvy things up.

Jason says that while a prenup is in place, he notes there's separate property between him and Amanda that needs to be allocated and divided -- which will be handled later.

Like we said, Jason and Amanda have been together for a long time -- and the fact they often perform together is hitting their fans even harder now that they're splitting up.

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Neither Jason nor Amanda has addressed the divorce yet.

Jason Isbell se divorcia de Amanda Shires Con acuerdo prenupcial vigente

Jason Isbell se está divorciando de su esposa -Amanda Shires- y hay un acuerdo prenupcial blindado que quiere que el tribunal haga cumplir.

La famosa pareja de música country -han estado juntos durante más de una década- están terminando su matrimonio de 11 años, esto después de que Jason corriera a los tribunales en Tennessee esta semana y solicitara el divorcio, alegando diferencias irreconciliables.

De acuerdo con los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Jason dice que su fecha de separación fue el 3 de diciembre de 2023 y él va a solicitar la custodia compartida de su hija de 8 años de edad, Mercy.

Jason dice que él y Amanda entrarán en un plan de crianza e incluso presentó un certificado destacando el hecho de que ha obtenido recientemente un certificado de habilidades parentales que ayuda a los hijos a lidiar con el divorcio. Por lo tanto, él está listo para el desafío.

No se menciona la manutención del cónyuge aquí, pero presumiblemente todo eso está resuelto en su acuerdo prenupcial, que él dice que se ejecutó dos días antes de su boda en 2013.

Otra cosa... hay una orden de restricción que se presentó en su presentación, pero es algo estándar allí en Tennessee y no tiene nada que ver con las reclamaciones de mala conducta. Es simplemente allí para decirle a ambas partes no mover los activos hasta que un juez puede ir a través y dividir las cosas.

Jason dice que si bien un acuerdo prenupcial está vigente, señala que hay propiedades separadas entre él y Amanda que necesitan ser divididas, lo cual será manejado más adelante.

Como hemos dicho, Jason y Amanda han estado juntos durante mucho tiempo y el hecho de que a menudo actúan juntos es un golpe aún más difícil para sus fans ahora que se están separando.

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Ni Jason ni Amanda han abordado el divorcio todavía.

Bobbi Althoff Marido de la podcaster solicita el divorcio

Bobbi Althoff está aparentemente a punto de convertirse en una mujer soltera, pues su marido parece estar poniendo fin a su matrimonio ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Cory Althoff está solicitando el divorcio de su esposa, con quien llevaba 4 años casado, citando diferencias irreconciliables. La fecha de separación es el 4 de julio de 2023.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Cory está pidiendo la custodia física y legal compartida de sus dos hijas Isla, de un año, y Luca, de tres. También marcó la casilla que tiene por objetivo bloquear la capacidad del tribunal para conceder manutención conyugal a cualquiera de las partes.

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Bobbi comenzó su carrera en TikTok con su humor seco y de estilo inexpresivo. Luego pasó a desarrollar "The Really Good Podcast", donde hizo entrevistas torpemente entretenidas con gente como Drake, Mark Cuban y otras más que se han vuelto virales.

Cory, por su parte, es un jugador importante en el mundo de la tecnología como vicepresidente senior de programas de desarrollo de software en CompTIA.

También ha escrito algunos libros y ha dado charlas públicas de vez en cuando.

Bobbi dijo en una entrevista para Cosmopolitan en 2023 que prefería mantener su matrimonio con Cory en privado, aunque ella lo ha presentado en las redes sociales antes.



6:32 PM PT -- Bobbi Althoff addressed her divorce with Cory Althoff on social media, writing ... "As sad as I am right now, I am so thankful for the time I got to be his wife. Our girls are so lucky to have him as a father & I am so lucky to be able to coparent with such an incredible father and person.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She adds, "While our relationship did not work out as husband and wife, we will always be friends and I will always love him."

Bobbi Althoff is apparently about to become single -- 'cause her husband just pulled the plug on their marriage ... TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Cory Althoff is filing to divorce his wife of 4 years ... citing irreconcilable differences. He has their date of separation listed as July 4, 2023.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Cory is asking for joint physical and legal custody of their two daughters, 1-year-old Isla and 3-year-old Luca. He also checked the box to block the court's ability to award spousal support to either party.

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Bobbi kickstarted her career on TikTok with her dry, deadpan-style humor  ... going on to develop the "The Really Good Podcast," ... where her awkwardly entertaining interviews with the likes of Drake, Mark Cuban, and more have gone viral.

For his part, Cory is a major player in the tech world ... serving as the senior vice president of software development programs at CompTIA.

He's also written some books and seems to do some public speaking every now and then as well.

Bobbi said in a 2023 Cosmopolitan interview that she preferred to keep her marriage to Cory private ... although, she has featured him on social media before.

Originally Published -- 1:41 PM PT

El nuevo disco de Taylor Swift podría ser un troleo a Joe Alwyn "Tortured Man Club"

Taylor Swift podría tener una indirecta más para su ex novio -Joe Alwyn- es decir, si su nuevo álbum está relacionado con un club de chicos... y parece que es así.

Fans con ojos de águila se dieron cuenta de que el próximo proyecto de Tay Tay -que ella ha titulado "The Tortured Poets Department"- suena extrañamente similar a un grupo que Joe admitió una vez que había creado entre sus amigos en el mundo virtual, y Taylor podría estar troleándolo en su cara.

La razón por la que muchos están llegando a esa conclusión es que Joe contó este pequeño detalle hace un par de años durante una entrevista que le hizo Paul Mescal en un segmento de "Actors on Actors".

En la entrevista, Paul y Joe -que son amigos- revelaron que forman parte de un grupo de WhatsApp llamado "Tortured Man Club" (Club del Hombre Torturado)... donde, al parecer, comparten sus problemas con sus parejas. Se rieron de ello, señalando que ya no estaban tan torturados.

Esto fue durante una época en la que Paul y Joe estaban ambos en relaciones. Joe estaba obviamente todavía con Tay Tay a finales de 2022, y el propio Paul estaba saliendo con la cantante Phoebe Bridgers.

Por supuesto, el nombre de su club es una broma y suena inquietantemente similar al título del nuevo álbum de Taylor. Hay que tener en cuenta que Paul rompió con Phoebe no mucho tiempo después de esta charla con Joe (por no hablar de Joe y Taylor rompiendo), aparentemente todo está conectado.

Curiosamente, Taylor y Phoebe son mejores amigas estos días, así que sí, es una indirecta.

Mientras que sus fans se deleitan con esta nueva amistad, básicamente se viene otro álbum post-ruptura con Taylor quemando a su ex. Algunos están levantando una ceja si esta es de hecho la ruta que está siguiendo, porque ella está metida hasta las rodillas en una relación con Travis Kelce.

El hecho es que si Taylor va a utilizar un álbum entero (o una buena parte de él) para destrozar a Joe y airear sus sentimientos acerca de su ruptura -lo cual la mayoría de la gente está asumiendo- entonces hace que te preguntes... ¿cómo se sentirá Kelce al respecto?

No es el tipo de persona que se muerde la lengua, y tienes que imaginar que si le molestara, lo haría saber. Su álbum saldrá en unos dos meses, así que ya veremos que es lo que pasa.


Por cierto, recientemente nos encontramos con  la estrella de "Million Dollar Matchmaker" -Patti Stanger- y nos dieron sus impresiones acerca de Taylor y Travis, y si ella piensa que van a continuar juntos.

Resulta que Patti cree que van a terminar casándose, y compartió algunas especulaciones de como debe ser la vida sexual de la pareja. Según ella, ¡tienen muy buen sexo!

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Una cosa más Swifties... tenemos un nuevo pódcast que sale esta semana en el que tocaremos todas las cosas relacionadas a Taylor Swift, que se llama "TMZ Swift-Tea" y vamos a estar hablando todo sobre Tay Tay... TODO, lo bueno o malo.

Llegará a nuestras redes de pódcast a partir del martes seis de febrero, así que ¡atentos Swifties!

Taylor Swift New Album Might Be Riff On Ex's 'Tortured Man Club'

Taylor Swift might have one more dig for her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn -- that is, if her new album is in any tied to a boy's club he admitted to have created ... and it sure seems to be.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Tay Tay's forthcoming project -- which she's titled "The Tortured Poets Department" -- sounds eerily similar to a group that Joe once admitted he'd created among his buddies in the virtual world ... and on its face, Taylor might be trolling it.

The reason many are jumping to that conclusion -- Joe spilled this little detail a couple years ago during an interview he did with Paul Mescal on an 'Actors on Actors' segment.

In the sit-down, Paul and Joe -- who are friends, BTW -- reveal they're part of a WhatsApp group called the 'Tortured Man Club' ... where they apparently share their woes about their significant others. They had a good laugh about it, noting they weren't so tortured anymore.

This was during a time when Paul and Joe were both in relationships -- Joe was obviously still with Tay Tay in late 2022, and PM himself was dating singer Phoebe Bridgers.

Of course, the name of their joke-y club sounds eerily similar to Taylor's new album title ... almost to a T. And considering that Paul broke up with Phoebe not too long after this chat with Joe (not to mention Joe and Taylor hitting Splitsville) ... it's all seemingly connected.

Funny enough, Taylor and Phoebe are low-key BFFs these days ... so yeah, it's a dig.

While her fans are reveling in this perceived connection -- basically, it's yet another post-breakup album with Taylor torching her ex -- some are raising an eyebrow if this is in fact the route she's pursuing ... 'cause she's knee-deep in a relationship with Travis Kelce.

Fact is ... if Taylor's gonna use a whole album (or a good portion of it) to trash Joe/air out her feelings about their breakup -- which most people assume is the case at this point -- then it makes ya wonder ... how does TK feel about that???

He's not the type to hold his tongue -- and you gotta imagine if he's bothered by it, he'd let it be known. Her album is coming out in about 2 months ... so we'll see, we suppose.


BTW, we recently ran into "Million Dollar Matchmaker" star Patti Stanger ... and we got her thoughts about Taylor and Travis, generally, and whether she thinks they'll go the distance.

As it turns out ... PS does think they'll get hitched eventually, and had some other interesting insights -- including what their sexual chemistry might be like between the sheets. According to her, they have great sex!

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One more thing we'll leave you with regarding TS -- we actually have a new podcast coming out this week that touches on all things T-Swift ... it's called "TMZ Swift-Tea" and we're going to be talking all about Tay Tay and everything that comes with her ... good or bad.

It'll hit our podcast network starting Tuesday Feb. 6 -- so keep an eye out, Swifties!

Bad Bunny Thirst Traps From the Bathtub ... Check Out My Bubble Bush

Bad Bunny's sexual energy is bubbling over ... as in, he's sharing nude thirst traps from his bubble bath ... with a (soapy) crotch shot!!!

The Latin rapper/pop star just posted a series of tasteful nudes on his Instagram ... and he's kinda showing off the goods, although there's bubbles blocking what's between his legs.

Bad Bunny snuck a crotch shot into his IG post ... it's a few slides into the carousel, but you can see his bare and tattooed legs sticking out of the water, with bubbles the only thing between his penis and the camera.

The "MONACO" singer's not being the least bit shy here ... so take a gander. It's not all about his junk ... he's also sharing shirtless snaps from the tub.

Bad Bunny's no stranger to nude thirst traps ... back in August, he kinda did the same thing with some vacation photos ... including one where he showed off his extremely bushy pubic hair. No shame to his game, it seems ... dude just lets it all hang out.

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Looks like Bad Bunny's still letting the hedges run wild ... his pubes are peeking out from the edge of the bubbles, BTW ... but that's about all we're seeing in terms of his manhood.

Folks in the comments are thirsty for more ... daring him to whip it out.

It's interesting that he's posting this in light of his recent apparent rekindling with Kendall Jenner. Bad Bunny was dating her the last time he posted nudes ... but they've since broken up, and this certainly feels more like an "I'm single" post.

They don't call him Bad Bunny for nothing ... he just might need to work in a "Bubble" in there somewhere to bring it home.

Bad Bunny Sube fotos en cueros desde su bañera... Echa un vistazo

La energía sexual de Bad Bunny está burbujeando, pues acaba de compartir unas sugerentes fotos desde su bañera, sumergido en un montón de burbujas.

La estrella del trap y el pop latino publicó una serie de fotos desnudo desde su cuenta de Instagram, donde aparece casi mostrando su mercancía, aunque hay unas cuantas burbujas que bloquean lo que hay entre sus piernas.

Ahora, el pícaro de Bad Bunny igual coló una foto de su entrepierna en el post de IG, donde se ven sus piernas desnudas y tatuadas sobresaliendo del agua.

El cantante de "MONACO" no es nada tímido, así que echa un vistazo porque no es todo. También compartió fotos sin camisa desde la bañera.

Bad Bunny no es nuevo en este tipo de juegos. En agosto, hizo algo parecido con unas fotos de sus vacaciones, incluyendo una imagen en el que mostró parte de tupido vello púbico. Ninguna vergüenza, el rapero solo deja que todo fluya.

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Parece que Bad Bunny sigue dejando que sus vellos crezcan salvajemente, algo deja entrever al borde de las burbujas, por cierto ... Pero eso es todo.

Ahora, la gente en los comentarios está sedienta de más.

Es interesante que Bad Bunny esté publicando esto a la luz de su reciente reencuentro con Kendall Jenner. El cantante estaba saliendo con ella la última vez que publicó unas fotos desnudo, pero desde entonces se han distanciado y esto sin duda se siente más como un post de "estoy soltero".

No lo llaman Bad Bunny por nada.

Justin Timberlake Sorry, Not Actually Sorry ... Britney & Janet Fans Pissed

020124_justin_timberlake-kal 1/31/24
no apologies given

Justin Timberlake seems to be taking back his apology to Britney Spears, and maybe even Janet Jackson too -- the timing of which couldn't have come at a worse time, TBH.

The singer performed in NYC Wednesday for a one-night-only show, and there's footage of him going around on social media that's raising eyebrows -- specifically, a clip of him winding down one song and transitioning into the next, where he says something curious.

Check it out ... JT tells the crowd that he'd like to take this moment to apologize -- but then hits a brief pause before he finishes his thought and says ... "to absolutely f***ing nobody."

Some in the audience cheered right then and there -- but this video is NOT being well-received online in the aftermath ... for a couple reasons, depending on how you look at it.

For starters, this is immediately being perceived by many as a straight-up shot to Britney -- which is probably spot-on considering he reportedly went right into "Cry Me a River" right after this ... and everyone knows that track is famously about his popstar ex.


Of course, BS herself recently apologized to JT publicly ... well, kinda. She said sorry if what she wrote in her book made anyone feel bad -- so it was a half-apology, of sorts, to him.

The other celeb people are expressing outrage on behalf of is Janet -- and that's 'cause Thursday is the 20-year anniversary of her Super Bowl performance with him, where he pulled her boob out in front of millions ... something folks are still angry about even today.

There was a lot of controversy over this a few years ago when a doc dove into the topic in great detail, and JT ended up apologizing at the time not just to JJ, but Britney as well.

TMZ Studios

He issued a full-blown statement, etc. ... but now, it seems he maybe didn't mean it? 🤷🏽‍♂️