Patrick Beverley Under Police Investigation ... For Ball-Throwing Incident

Cops are now looking into the Patrick Beverley ball-throwing incident ... confirming to TMZ Sports on Wednesday the NBA player is currently under police investigation.

A spokesperson for the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department tells us ... officers did end up taking a case report on May 2 after Beverley hurled a basketball not once, but twice, at Indiana fans toward the end of the Bucks' playoff game with the Pacers at Gainbridge Fieldhouse.

According to the rep, the report has since been forwarded to detectives, who are now trying to gain access to more video from the arena ... as well as interview the involved parties.

Darvin Ham Fired After 2 Seasons W/ Lakers

Darvin Ham is out of the job -- the Los Angeles Lakers just fired their head coach after two seasons on Friday ... days after the Purple and Gold were booted from the playoffs in the first round.

Rumors of a change on the bench started right after LeBron James and Co. lost to the Denver Nuggets ... with many pointing the finger at Ham's lack of leadership or ability to make adjustments.

It wasn't all bad for Ham -- the team did make a solid run in the playoffs last year ... and won the inaugural In-Season Tournament back in December.

Donald Trump Acusado de desacato en caso sobornos... Juez amenaza con la cárcel

Un tribunal acaba de declarar a Donald Trump en desacato por violar una orden que le prohíbe hablar del caso penal de dineros para sobornos, y aunque solo tiene que pagar multas por ahora, el juez lo está amenazando con la cárcel.

El ex Presidente sufrió una bofetada el martes, tras recibir algunas sanciones de parte de un tribunal de Nueva York, que le impuso una multa de $9.000 mil por cada violación de la orden de silencio emitida en este caso y que exige que todos cierren la boca y no hagan declaraciones públicas al respecto, incluyendo Donald Trump.

Si bien puede parecer poca cosa, y ciertamente lo es para un tipo como Trump, su señoría mantuvo la posibilidad de encerrarlo temporalmente si sigue hablando.

Donald Trump Held in Contempt in Hush Money Case ... Judge Threatens Jail!!!

Donald Trump just got held in contempt of court for violating a gag order in his criminal hush money case -- and while he only has to pay fines for now ... the judge is threatening jail.

The ex-Prez got slapped with some sanctions Tuesday in NYC, where a court imposed a $9,000 fine -- a thousand for each violation of the gag order that's been issued in this case, which demands everyone shut their yap and not make public statements ... including DT.

While it might seem like small potatoes -- and it certainly is for a guy like Trump -- hizzoner held the prospect of temporary incarceration over Trump's head if he kept running his mouth.

Los Angeles County D.A.'s Office Harvey Weinstein's Conviction Solid ... No Overturning Expected

Harvey Weinstein's guilty verdict in New York was overturned, but there's no way that happens here on the West Coast ... according to the L.A. County D.A.'s Office, that is.

While many are questioning whether Weinstein's L.A. conviction will hold up now that a NY appeals court tossed his conviction, the prosecutors who handled the case here in Cali aren't worried one bit ... telling TMZ its case was consistent with state law.

A rep for the D.A.'s office says California law allows "propensity evidence" in sexual assault cases subject to a judge's discretion ... and, the office used evidence of Weinstein's sexual assaults in other jurisdictions to make its case -- totally legal, according to them.

White House Reacts to O.J. Death News Sympathy, Thoughts for His Family

The White House

Everyone seems to be reacting to the O.J. Simpson death news -- and the White House was no exception ... but their response to his passing is raising eyebrows, at least to some.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre addressed O.J.'s passing Thursday during a press briefing -- but only when she was asked by a reporter ... at which point KJP directly acknowledged it by saying the administration was thinking of the family ... his brood, specifically.

She says, "Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time. Obviously with his family and loved ones. And I say this, I know that they have asked for some privacy -- and so we're going to respect that."

Padres de Ethan Crumbley Sentenciados a 10-15 años de prisión... Tras condenas por homicidio

Los padres de Ethan Crumbley van a ir a la cárcel al igual que su hijo. Esto, luego de que un juez los condenara a más de una década tras las rejas después de haber sido condenados de homicidio involuntario.

Padres sentenciados

James y Jennifer Crumbley conocieron la sentencia el martes en un tribunal de Michigan, donde un juez dictó sentencias de 10 a 15 años de prisión para cada uno de ellos. Esa era la pena máxima a la que se enfrentaban e Hizzoner los castigó duramente. Ellos están recibiendo 858 días acreditados por el tiempo servido.

Recuerden, la madre y el padre de Ethan, responsable de un tiroteo masivo en una escuela secundaria, fueron acusados de homicidio involuntario después de que su hijo disparara y matara a 4 personas de su colegio en 2021.

Ethan Crumbley's Parents Sentenced to 10-15 Years in Prison ... After Manslaughter Convictions


12:03 PM PT -- Defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh came on "TMZ Live" Tuesday to weigh in on the Crumbley case -- and he told us this case will serve as a precedent for years to come on this type of scenario.


According to him, this is going to remind parents that they are, in fact, responsible for their children's behavior -- and that moms and dads need to know their kids inside and out in order to prevent another tragedy like this from ever happening again.

Ethan Crumbley's parents are going to prison just like their son -- 'cause a judge just sentenced them to more than a decade behind bars, this after their manslaughter convictions.


Bronny James Entra al draft de la NBA... Podría seguir en la escuela

Bronny James ha decidido entrar al Draft de la NBA en 2024. El estudiante de primer año de USC ha lanzado oficialmente su nombre para ser considerado para el siguiente nivel, pero eso no significa que su carrera universitaria haya terminado para siempre.

La noticia se dio a conocer hace apenas unos minutos. El hijo de 19 años de LeBron James pasará por el proceso profesional, entrenando y visitando equipos antes del draft.

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Ahora, no esperen que la pandilla James se una a la Asociación todavía. Bronny compartió una declaración sobre la decisión diciendo que mantendrá su elegibilidad universitaria y entrará en el protocolo de transferencia de la NCAA.

Bronny James Enters NBA Draft ... Could Stay In School

Bronny James has declared for the 2024 NBA Draft -- the USC freshman has officially thrown his name into consideration at the next level ... but it doesn't mean his college career is over for good.

The news broke just minutes ago -- LeBron James' 19-year-old son will go through the pro process ... working out and visiting teams leading up to the draft.

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Don't expect the James gang to team up in the Association just yet -- Bronny released a statement on the decision ... saying he will maintain his college eligibility and enter the NCAA transfer protocol.

Rashee Rice Admite que estaba conduciendo el Lamborghini... En accidente vehicular

Rashee Rice admitió que estaba al volante del Lamborghini que estuvo involucrado en un gran accidente vehicular en Texas el fin de semana pasado.

El abogado de la estrella de los Chiefs, Royce West, acaba de decirle a los medios de comunicación en una conferencia de prensa el jueves por la tarde, que Rice admitió el hecho mientras hablaba con la policía del Departamento de Policía de Dallas esta semana.

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Conductor confirmado
Fox 4

West dijo que Rice está asumiendo plena responsabilidad por sus acciones y promete compensar a quienquiera haya resultado herido en el accidente o con algún daño en su propiedad.

Rashee Rice Admits To Driving Lambo In Car Crash

Rashee Rice has admitted to being behind the wheel of the Lamborghini that was involved in the massive car crash in Texas last weekend.

The Chiefs star's attorney, Royce West, just told media members at a news conference on Thursday afternoon that Rice made the admission while talking with Dallas Police Dept. investigators this week.

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Fox 4

West said Rice is taking full responsibility for his actions ... vowing to make whole anyone who was injured in the accident or had property damaged in the wreck.

Rashee Rice Se disculpa por su rol en el accidente

Rashee Rice se está disculpando por su papel en el gran accidente automovilístico del sábado, que dejó varios heridos. El miércoles compartió un comunicado donde dice: "Asumo toda la responsabilidad por mi parte en este asunto".

Rice no dice cuál fue exactamente su papel en el accidente, esto es, si estaba o no al volante de uno de los carros de lujo que iba a exceso de velocidad y causó el accidente durante el fin de semana. Pero sí dijo que se reunió con los investigadores del Departamento de Policía de Dallas para revisar todo el miércoles.

Rice prometió "seguir cooperando" con las autoridades y añadió:  "Me disculpo sinceramente con todos los afectados en el accidente del sábado".

Rashee Rice Meets With Dallas PD ... Apologizes For Role In Crash

Rashee Rice is apologizing for his role in a massive car crash Saturday that left several people injured ... releasing a statement on Wednesday where he said, "I take full responsibility for my part in this matter."

Rice never said what exactly his role was in the accident -- AKA whether or not he was behind the wheel of one of the speeding luxury cars that caused the wreck over the weekend -- but he did say he met with Dallas Police Dept. investigators over it all earlier on Wednesday.

Rice promised to "continue to cooperate" with law enforcement ... before he added, "I sincerely apologize to everyone impacted in Saturday's accident."

Chef José Andrés World Central Kitchen Members Killed in Gaza ... IDF Blamed

Five aid workers from Chef José Andrés' World Central Kitchen were killed in Gaza during an alleged Israeli airstrike Monday ... this according to multiple reports.

The celebrity chef's humanitarian staffers -- who worked for his nonprofit, World Central Kitchen, which is stationed in Gaza rendering food and aid to Palestinians -- died after their vehicle was struck in the war-torn region.

World Central Kitchen did not identify the workers who were lost in the airstrike, but did claim the staffers died "while working to support our humanitarian food delivery efforts in Gaza." WCK also alleged their workers were taken out during an Israeli Defense Forces attack.

RASHEE RICE Los Chiefs prometen "llegar al fondo" del accidente

Los Kansas City Chiefs dicen que se están preparando para hacer todo lo posible para averiguar qué papel jugó Rashee Rice -si es que jugó alguno- en un accidente de carro que supuestamente involucró a uno de sus vehículos. El presidente del equipo -Mark Donovan- prometió "llegar al fondo de esto".

Según el Dallas Morning News, un carro registrado a nombre de Rice se vio envuelto en un accidente de varios vehículos en una autopista de Dallas alrededor de las 18:25 del sábado. No está claro cómo fue que el jugador de la NFL está conectado con el incidente, aunque el DMN informó que los policías ahora están buscando hablar con él.


Donovan apareció en KCMO Talk Radio el lunes por la mañana para hacerle frente a las acusaciones y dijo que aunque todavía están en el proceso de obtener información, "Vamos a llegar al fondo de la misma".

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