Rashee Rice Crash Allegedly Involving NFLer's Car ... Chiefs Vow To 'Get To The Bottom Of It'

The Kansas City Chiefs say they're preparing to do everything they can to figure out what role Rashee Rice played -- if any -- in a car crash that allegedly involved one of his vehicles ... with the team's president, Mark Donovan, vowing to "get to the bottom of it."

According to the Dallas Morning News, a car registered to Rice was caught up in a multi-vehicle accident on a Dallas expressway at around 6:25 PM on Saturday. It's not clear at all how exactly the NFL player is believed to be connected to the incident, although the DMN reported cops are now looking to speak to him.


Donovan appeared on KCMO Talk Radio Monday morning to address the allegations -- and he said while they're still in the process of getting information, "We'll get to the bottom of it."

Joe Lieberman Ex-Senator, Prez Candidate ... Dead at 82

Joe Lieberman, who was Al Gore's running mate in the disputed 2000 election, is dead after suffering a fall at home.

The former U.S. Senator's family says he fell while at home Tuesday night, and he passed away on Wednesday.

Joe was first elected to the Senate, representing Connecticut, in 1989 ... and he retired in 2013. He was a Democrat for most of his political career, but declared himself an Independent late in his political career.

Ron DeSantis Settles Retaliation Suit w/ Disney ... Over 'Don't Say Gay' Saga

Ron DeSantis and Disney have buried the hatchet in court over their nearly year-long war regarding his 'Don't Say Gay' bill ... and it seems the Gov. and co. gave in.

Board members for the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District -- which took over Disney's Reedy Creek -- signed off on terms for a settlement Wednesday with the entertainment giant ... bringing a close to their ongoing litigation, something Disney initiated last year.

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Disney says, "This agreement opens a new chapter of constructive engagement with the new leadership of the district and serves the interests of all parties by enabling significant continued investment and the creation of thousands of direct and indirect jobs and economic opportunity in the State."

Baltimore Disaster Ship Crashes, Bridge Collapses ... 2 People Found, 6 Presumed Dead

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5:55 PM PT -- The 6 remaining people officials were searching for in Baltimore are now officially presumed dead. A Coast Guard spokesperson said they're suspending their rescue operation. Divers are heading back out again Wednesday to try and recover the bodies.

7:32 AM PT -- Maryland Gov. Wes Moore says crew on the cargo ship were able to issue a "mayday" call before the collision, which enabled authorities to limit traffic on the bridge.

7:18 AM PT -- Officials say 8 people were on the bridge at the time of the collapse, and that thus far -- two of them have been accounted for ... with one in the hospital, and the other being stable. The search for the other six continues.

Desastre en Baltimore Un barco se estrella, el puente colapsa... Encuentran a 2 personas, 6 siguen desaparecidas

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El aterrador colapso


7:32 PT -- El gobernador de Maryland Wes Moore dice que la tripulación del carguero pudo emitir una llamada de "mayday" antes de colisionar contra el puente, lo que le permitió a las autoridades limitar el tráfico en el puente.

7:18 AM PT -- Las autoridades dicen que 8 personas estaban en el puente en el momento del colapso y que hasta ahora dos de ellas han sido encontradas. Una de ellas está en el hospital y la otra se encuentra estable. La búsqueda de los otros seis continúa.

El barco pierde energía

El gobernador de Maryland también dice que la tripulación a bordo del barco notificó a las autoridades que habían perdido potencia, lo que ha llevado a los investigadores a creer que se trató de un accidente. Ha estado circulando un video donde se ve cómo la nave pierde potencia al menos dos veces antes de entrar en contacto con el puente, lo que parece corroborar esta descripción.

6:18 AM PT -- Las operaciones de buceo han comenzado en Baltimore mientras los equipos de rescate empiezan a buscar a quienquiera se encuentre en el agua. Los socorristas se han congregado cerca de la orilla del río al salir el sol.

Aún hay un montón de piezas en movimiento, obviamente, pero ahora van a tratar de encontrar y salvar a cualquiera que esté en el agua.

El puente Francis Scott Key de Baltimore se derrumbó el martes después de ser golpeado por un gran buque de carga, causando un posible accidente de proporciones con varias víctimas, y todo fue grabado en video.

Echa un vistazo a estas impresionantes imágenes del buque que se estrelló contra el puente de acero, que tenía una forma de arco y que de repente se derrumbó en el río Patapsco, rompiéndose en pedazos ante los ojos de las personas.

El alcalde de Baltimore Brandon Scott lo calificó como una "tragedia impensable" y sacada de una película de acción.

Los funcionarios de Maryland acaban de ofrecer una conferencia de prensa, donde compartieron con el público lo que saben hasta ahora.

A partir de la 1:30 AM, el Departamento de Bomberos de Baltimore comenzó a recibir cientos de llamadas del 911, reportando lo que fue descrito como una "emergencia extrema".

Varios vehículos que estaban cruzando el puente en ese momento se precipitaron hacia el río durante el colapso, pero no está claro cuántos.

El carguero ardió en llamas tras chocar contra el puente. En la rueda de prensa, los funcionarios parecieron sugerir que estaban en comunicación con la tripulación del buque, cuyo estado actual es desconocido.

Buzos y equipos de búsqueda han respondido a la emergencia, escaneando las aguas heladas con sonares para encontrar a más de 7 personas y posiblemente más. Dos personas han sido rescatadas, una con heridas graves.

La temperatura del agua es de 48 grados y las autoridades dicen que es prácticamente imposible sobrevivir durante más de 3 horas.

Devastadoras consecuencias

Sonar ha detectado múltiples carros bajo el agua, mientras la búsqueda continúa.

Los funcionarios dijeron que las autoridades federales y locales estaban investigando lo que podría haber causado el desastre. No se sabe aún cuántas víctimas en total resultaron heridas o posiblemente fallecidas.

Ex-NHLer Chris Simon Died By Suicide ... Family Believes He Suffered From CTE

Ex-NHL player Chris Simon's family is revealing the tragic details surrounding his sudden passing ... confirming the 52-year-old took his own life, and they believe it was the result of CTE.

The former enforcer's loved ones released a statement via his former agent Paul Theofanous on Wednesday ... saying they saw Simon show strong signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, a brain disease caused from concussions and traumatic head injuries.

"The family strongly believes and witnessed firsthand, that Chris struggled immensely from CTE which unfortunately resulted in his death," the statement read.

"We are grieving with the loss of our son, brother, father, partner, teammate and friend," the family continued. "The entire Wawa community is sharing in our grief. We will not be releasing any further details at this time and ask for privacy during this very difficult time. We appreciate everyone who shares in our tragic loss."

As we previously reported, the hockey community was devastated by the news ... and an outpour of tributes came out in honor of the 15-year NHL vet.

The NHL Alumni Association addressed the loss ... saying, "Chris was never afraid to stand up for his teammates, and played a key role in the dressing room. He was a beloved friend, father, brother, and son."

Chris won a Stanley Cup with the Colorado Avalanche in 1996 ... and played for several other teams, including the Washington Capitals, Chicago Blackhawks, Calgary Flames and New York Islanders.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Aaron Donald I'm Retiring

Shocking news in the NFL world ... Aaron Donald -- arguably the best defensive player of his generation -- is retiring.

The Los Angeles superstar just announced his decision on social media ... revealing that after 10 seasons with the Rams, he's hanging up his cleats.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In his announcement post, the 32-year-old thanked L.A.'s org. and its fans ... before explaining he's now hoping that without football in his life, he'll be able to spend plenty more time with his wife and kids.

"Throughout my career," Donald said, "I have given my everything to football both mentally and physically -- 365 days a year was dedicated to becoming the best possible player I could be."

"I respected this game like no other and I'm blessed to be able to conclude my NFL career with the same franchise that drafted me."

Donald was picked by the Rams in the first round of the 2014 NFL Draft and he immediately became one of the team's best players. In his first year, he started 12 games and won Defensive Rookie of the Year honors.

He went on to make the Pro Bowl in every season he played in ... and was named an All-Pro eight total times. He also won Defensive Player of the Year honors three times.

Most didn't expect him to retire this offseason -- as he was still playing at an extremely high level. However, rumors of him possibly turning in his helmet have swirled since 2022, when it was revealed that he had previously only envisioned playing eight seasons.

The only question that remains surrounding his career is not if he'll get a gold jacket in five years -- but whether or not he'll be remembered as the greatest defensive tackle ever.

Congrats, A.D.

Tiroteo en Kansas City 3 hombres acusados de delitos federales con armas de fuego

Tres hombres se enfrentan a cargos federales relacionados con el porte de armas con relación al tiroteo de Kansas City ocurrido justo en medio de la celebración de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl. Esto, después de que el fiscal de Estados Unidos en Missouri dijera que la investigación reveló una operación ilegal de armas.

Los acusados, Fedo Manning, de 22 años, Ronnel Williams Jr., de 21 años, y Chaelyn Groves, de 19 años, no están acusados de abrir fuego en el desfile, pero los fiscales creen que formaban parte de alguna actividad relacionada con el "tráfico ilegal de armas de fuego".

Durante su investigación, la policía recuperó múltiples armas de fuego en la escena, al menos dos de los cuales fueron capaces de rastrear a la supuesta red ilegal de armas.

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Caos total

Una de las armas, una pistola Anderson Manufacturing AM-15 calibre .223, fue supuestamente comprada por Manning en una armería en 2022. Fedo Manning está acusado de traficar ilegalmente con decenas de armas.

La segunda arma, correspondiente a una pistola Stag Arms calibre 300, fue supuestamente comprada por Williams para Groves en una feria de armas en 2023, ya que este último era demasiado joven en ese momento.

En total, Manning se enfrenta a 12 cargos federales, mientras que Williams Jr. y Groves fueron golpeados con 4 cargos.

Ninguno de los hombres está siendo acusado de disparar a nadie, aunque los funcionarios no están descartando la posibilidad de que las armas ilegales hayan sido disparadas.

De hecho, según documentos judiciales, 12 personas blandieron armas de fuego y al menos 6 dispararon sus armas durante el desfile.

"Detener a los compradores y prevenir el tráfico ilegal de armas de fuego es nuestra primera línea de defensa contra la violencia armada", dijo la fiscal federal Teresa Moore.

"Al menos dos de las armas de fuego recuperadas de la escena del tiroteo masivo en Union Station fueron compradas o traficadas ilegalmente. Trabajamos diligentemente con nuestros socios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley para mantener las armas de fuego fuera del alcance de los delincuentes, investigando y persiguiendo a quienes compran y venden ilegalmente armas peligrosas".

Para su información, straw gun es un término utilizado para referirse a alguien que compra un arma para otro individuo.

Aparte de los cargos federales relacionados con la presunta red de armas, varios individuos han sido acusados en relación con el tiroteo que arrebató la vida de una mujer y dejó a más de 20 personas, en su mayoría niños, heridos.

K.C. Chiefs Parade Shooting 3 Men Charged W/ Federal Gun Crimes ... Investigation Uncovered Alleged Illegal Gun Ring

Three men are facing federal gun charges in connection with the Chiefs Super Bowl parade shooting after the U.S. Attorney in Missouri says the investigation turned up an illegal gun operation.

The defendants, 22-year-old Fedo Manning, 21-year-old Ronnel Williams Jr., and 19-year-old Chaelyn Groves are not accused of opening fire at the parade ... but instead, prosecutors believe they were part of "illegal firearms trafficking and straw purchases of firearms."

During their investigation into the shooting, police recovered multiple firearms at the scene ... at least two of which they were able to trace back to the alleged illegal gun ring.

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One of the weapons, an Anderson Manufacturing AM-15 .223-caliber pistol, was allegedly bought by Manning from a gun store in 2022. He's accused of illegally trafficking dozens of guns.

The second weapon was a Stag Arms 300-caliber pistol was allegedly purchased by Williams for Groves at a gun show in 2023 ... as the latter was too young at the time.

In total, Manning is facing 12 federal charges, while Williams Jr. and Groves were both hit with 4 charges.

None of the men are charged with shooting anyone ... though officials aren't ruling out the possibility that the illegal guns were fired.

In fact, according to court docs, 12 people brandished firearms, and at least 6 fired their weapons during the parade.

"Stopping straw buyers and preventing illegal firearms trafficking is our first line of defense against gun violence," U.S. Attorney Teresa Moore said.

"At least two of the firearms recovered from the scene of the mass shooting at Union Station were illegally purchased or trafficked. We work diligently with our law enforcement partners to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals by investigating and prosecuting those who illegally buy and sell dangerous weapons."

FYI, a straw gun sale is when someone purchases a weapon for another individual.

Aside from the federal charges relating to the alleged gun ring, several individuals have been charged in connection with the shooting which left one woman dead and over 20 people, mostly children, injured.

Eric Carmen Raspberries Lead Singer ... Dead at 74

Eric Carmen -- famous for being the frontman of the Raspberries, and for multiple solo hits through the '70s and '80s, including "All By Myself" -- has died ... this according to his family.

The sad news was posted to the singer's own website, with a message posted from none other than his wife, Amy. It reads, "It is with tremendous sadness that we share the heartbreaking news of the passing of Eric Carmen."

It goes on ... "Our sweet, loving and talented Eric passed away in his sleep, over the weekend. It brought him great joy to know, that for decades, his music touched so many and will be his lasting legacy."

Amy adds, "Please respect the family’s privacy as we mourn our enormous loss." No further details were shared about the circumstances of his death ... Eric had no known or reported ailments of late.

Obviously, it's a huge blow to the music industry -- as Eric was a staple in pop culture in the late 20th century. Not only was his hit 'ABM' a massive success ... but he went on to churn out several others well into the next decade ... including "Never Gonna Fall in Love Again," "She Did It," ''Hungry Eyes" (from the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack), and "Make Me Lose Control."

Other great songs of his included ... "Go All the Way," "Love Is All That Matters," "I'm Through With Love," "It Hurts Too Much," "The Way We Used to Be," "I Wanna Hear It From Your Lips" ... and many, many more.

In addition to 4 albums he put out as the lead singer of the Raspberries, Eric released 6 studio albums solo ... and he went on to become a phenomenon in the music biz. He's survived by his wife and two children. Eric was 74.


Jason Kelce I'm Retiring ... Gives Tearful Goodbye

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Philadelphia Eagles

Jason Kelce's NFL career is over.

The Philadelphia Eagles superstar just revealed he's officially retiring ... saying at an emotional news conference Monday afternoon he's done.

Jason cried while making the announcement ... in fact, tears streamed down his face even before he began speaking at the event. Several times during his speech, he needed breaks to compose himself.

Plenty of family and friends turned out to watch the 36-year-old center say goodbye ... including Travis Kelce, who was also emotional as his big bro addressed the crowd.

Throughout his speech, Jason thanked a ton of people -- namely coaches and ex-teammates. He also referenced losing the Super Bowl to Travis.

Jason talked about meeting his wife, Kylie, as well. And, he drew some big laughs, too, when he talked about Nick Foles' "big d***" and Darren Sproles' "4-foot-8" height.

After he thanked the city of Philadelphia one more time, he left the podium without taking questions -- and gave a big hug to Travis.

Jason got his start in the league back in 2011, when the Eagles took him in the sixth round of the NFL draft. He went on to play in every game for Philly that season -- and three years later, in 2014, he earned his first Pro Bowl selection.

Jason went on to make the Pro Bowl six more times ... while recording All-Pro honors six total times as well.

In 2018, he won his first Super Bowl when he helped the Birds beat Tom Brady and the Patriots. Jason nearly logged another SB win in 2023, but his younger brother and the Chiefs came out on top in an epic matchup.

While Jason was a star on the field for nearly the entirety of his 13 seasons ... his off-the-field career really exploded this past season.

After Travis began dating Taylor Swift, the duo's "New Heights" podcast took off. Jason also got a bunch more camera time on various networks while the Eagles were on off days.

Many expect Jason's next move to be a broadcast booth -- but for now, it'll be a well-deserved celebration of a Hall of Fame career.

JASON KELCE "ME RETIRO..." Se despide entre lágrimas

La carrera de Jason Kelce en la NFL ha terminado.

La superestrella de los Philadelphia Eagles acaba de revelar que se retira oficialmente, diciendo en una emotiva conferencia de prensa el lunes por la tarde que ha terminado.

Jason lloró al hacer el anuncio, de hecho, las lágrimas corrían por su rostro, incluso antes de empezar a hablar en el evento. Varias veces durante su discurso, necesitó pausas para serenarse.

Un montón de familiares y amigos acudieron a ver el centro de 36 años de edad, decir adiós, todos, incluso su hermano Travis Kelce.

Jason comenzó en la liga en 2011, cuando los Eagles lo eligieron en la sexta ronda del draft de la NFL. Pasó a jugar en todos los partidos para Philly esa temporada y tres años más tarde, en 2014, ganó su primera selección Pro Bowl.

Jason llegó al Pro Bowl seis veces más, mientras obtuvo honores All-Pro seis veces en total.

En 2018, ganó su primer Super Bowl cuando ayudó a los Birds a vencer a Tom Brady y los Patriots. Jason casi registró otra victoria de Super Bowl en 2023, pero su hermano menor y los Chiefs salieron victoriosos en un enfrentamiento épico.

Mientras que Jason fue una estrella en el campo durante casi la totalidad de sus 13 temporadas, su carrera fuera del campo realmente explotó esta última temporada.

Después de que Travis comenzó a salir con Taylor Swift, el pódcast "New Heights" del dúo despegó. Jason también consiguió un montón más de tiempo de cámara en varias redes mientras los Eagles estaban en sus días de descanso.

Muchos esperan que el próximo movimiento de Jason sea una cabina de transmisión, pero por ahora, será una merecida celebración de una carrera en el Salón de la Fama.

Cam Newton Dragged Into Brawl ... Fight at 7v7 Football Event

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Cam Newton appeared to get in a fight with a group of guys recently ... and it was all caught on video.

The former NFL quarterback's right in the middle of a group of guys who have jumped on him, and he's trying to hold them back without swinging back.

As they spun around, another man in a white t-shirt came up and threw a punch at Cam, a blow that appeared to make contact with someone.

Ultimately, Cam fended off these people long enough to receive help from others -- including a police officer who came in and backed several individuals away from Newton.

There's not a lot of context about what started the brawl which seems to have taken place at the B.E.S.T. Academy 6-12 in Atlanta.

TMZ Studios

It seems Cam was there for an event put on by his foundation C1N, a 7v7 league that plays tournaments all across the country.


Another angle of the brawl shows a couple of the guys shoving Cam around before the group goes flying off into an area covered by trees -- but, outside of that, it's unclear what might've set off such an explosive situation.

We've reached out to Cam's camp and Atlanta police ... so far no word back.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Donald Trump Defeats Nikki Haley in S.C. Primary ... Trounces Former Gov. In Her Home State!!!

Donald Trump is one step closer to the White House ... destroying Nikki Haley in another primary -- this time in her home state!

Saturday's South Carolina primary has been projected for the former president just minutes after polls officially closed in the state ... with at least 29 delegates heading Trump's way.

The whole state's got 50 total, with the last 21 being divided up based on the winners of the seven congressional districts ... three delegates for each district a candidate wins.

Regardless, Trump's already apparently won the majority of delegates in the state -- a state where Haley not only was born but also where she served as governor from 2011 to 2017.

She left the post after then-President Trump named her United Nations Ambassador ... and, it seems voters would rather go with the man who appointed her to the post than their former gov.

Fox News

Nikki's had a very difficult run as of late ... becoming embroiled in controversy caused by comments she made about the Civil War while her opponent's dominated every single primary so far.

Of course, it ain't over 'til the lady sings ... but, with her home state now squarely in Trump's camp, it seems only a matter of time before Nikki cuts bait and 45 stands unopposed in the Republican party.

BTW ... Trump's already delivered a victory speech where he praised how united his party is at this moment -- and also looked past Haley and said he was looking to take President Joe Biden's job instead.

TMZ Studios

Super Tuesday's less than two weeks away ... and, it's hard to imagine Haley hanging in there for that long after tonight's crushing defeat.

Stay tuned ...

Chiefs Rally Fatal Shooting New Video Reveals Rapid-Fire Shots AR-Style Rifle Seized, 22 Gunshot Victims

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4:45 PM PT -- A bit of good news ... an official at the local children's hospital tells us the 11 minor patients they are treating, ages between 6 and 15, are expected to survive. 9 of the victims were treated for gunshot wounds.

3:26 PM PT -- Kansas City officials just held a press conference and the scale of this mass shooting ... and it was much larger than anyone thought.

For starters, there are a total of 22 gunshot wound victims at this point ... and 7 of them have suffered life-threatening injuries -- way more than what was initially reported.

Fox 4 Kansas City

3 individuals have been detained at this point ... but it's unclear if they've been arrested and charged with anything just yet. The cops say that one of people detained stemmed the viral tackling that went around on social media -- where an apparent AR-style rifle was seized.

At least one person was killed in the shooting.

3:11 PM PT -- We're now learning more about the victims from this shooting -- a majority whom are apparently children.

Multiple reports are pouring in that say of the 12 patients at a local hospital -- 11 of them are children ... and 9 of those 11 have gunshot wounds.

2:37 PM PT -- As it turns out ... an AR-style rifle may well have been used during this shooting -- something you can now see clearly in zoomed-in footage of a man getting tackled.

In the clip below -- where bystanders take a man down and pin him until cops arrive -- you see a woman in white pick up what appears to be a clear firearm ... and from the looks of it, it's a long rifle. The gun itself seems to be black -- but it's unclear if it belonged to the person who was tackled.

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A lot of questions still need to be answered ... and cops are looking into it. On the face of it though -- this could've been a lot worse than it already was.

The Chiefs also addressed the tragedy ... saying, "We are truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City."

The team added it will continue to stay in contact with law enforcement and local officials ... and shared their appreciation to all the first responders who took action.

New video, obtained by TMZ, shows the moment a flurry of shots rang out at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory rally.

You hear someone in the crowd scream out, "Patrick f**king Mahomes," seemingly in celebration of the Chiefs' victory. Then, in the distance, you hear a series of gunshots ... appearing to come from either an automatic or semiautomatic weapon, based on the rapid fire.

People then scramble for safety and victims fall to the ground.

At least one person was killed and authorities say 10 to 15 people were injured. None of the players, coaches or staffers were injured in the shooting.

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Two people are in custody in connection with the shooting.

Several people in the crowd had eyes on someone who they believed was one of the shooters. You see them run and then tackle that person to the ground ... while another bystander seems to grab what looks like a rifle, moving it away from the scrum until police arrived on the scene.

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The shooting occurred just after the parade ended.

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

Police do not know the motive.

Originally Published -- 2:01 PM PT

tiroteo en la celebración incautan un fusil y hay 22 víctimas de disparos


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abriendo fuego

4:45 PM PT -- Algunas buenas noticias... un funcionario del hospital infantil local nos dice que se espera que los 11 pacientes menores de edad que están tratando, de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 15 años, sobrevivan. 9 de las víctimas fueron tratadas por heridas de bala.

3:26 PM PT -- Funcionarios de Kansas City acaban de hacer una conferencia de prensa y la escala de este tiroteo fue mucho más grande de lo que nadie pensaba.

Para empezar, hay un total de 22 víctimas heridas de bala hasta el momento y 7 de ellos han sufrido lesiones que amenazan sus vidas... esto es mucho más de lo que se informó inicialmente.

actualizando la situación
Fox 4 Kansas City

Tres personas han sido detenidas, pero no está claro si han sido arrestados. La policía dice que una de las personas detenidas la encotraron gracias al seguimiento viral que dio la vuelta en redes sociales, y donde se incautó un rifle de estilo AR.

Al menos una persona murió en el tiroteo.

3:11 PM PT -- Ahora estamos aprendiendo más acerca de las víctimas de este tiroteo - la mayoría de los cuales son aparentemente niños.

Múltiples informes están llegando que dicen que de los 12 pacientes en un hospital local - 11 de ellos son niños ... y 9 de los 11 tienen heridas de bala.

2:37 PM PT -- Resulta que un rifle AR-15 podría haber sido utilizado durante el tiroteo, algo que ahora se puede ver claramente en estas nuevas imágenes.

En el clip se puede ver como los transeúntes tienen un hombre inmovilizado para entregarlo a la policía. Se ve a una mujer de blanco recogiendo lo que parece ser un arma de fuego,  y por lo que parece, es un rifle largo. El arma en sí parece ser negra, pero no está claro si pertenecía a la persona que fue inmovilizada.

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un tacleo heroico

Todavía quedan muchas preguntas por responder... y la policía está investigando. A primera vista, esto podría haber sido mucho peor de lo que fue.

Un nuevo video obtenido por TMZ, muestra el momento en que una ráfaga de disparos aterrorizó la celebración de la victoria de los Kansas City Chiefs en el Super Bowl.

Se oye a alguien entre la multitud gritando "Patrick f**king Mahomes", aparentemente para celebrar la victoria de los Chiefs. Entonces, en la distancia, se oye una serie de disparos que parecen venir de un arma automática o semiautomática.

A continuación, la gente lucha por su seguridad y las víctimas caen al suelo.

Al menos una persona murió y las autoridades dicen que entre 10 y 15 personas resultaron heridas. Ninguno de los jugadores, entrenadores o miembros del personal resultó herido en el tiroteo.

Dos personas están detenidas en relación con el tiroteo.

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Varias personas de la multitud tenían los ojos en alguien que creían que era uno de los tiradores. Se les ve correr y derribar a esa persona al suelo y sujetarla hasta que llegaron los policías y se hicieron cargo.

El tiroteo se produjo justo después de que terminara el desfile.

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un momento aterrador
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine

La policía no sabe el motivo.

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