Kansas City Chiefs Tiroteo en desfile... 22 personas heridas de bala, 1 fallecido

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La aterradora escena
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Las fuerzas policiales acaban de revelar que un total de 22 personas fueron alcanzadas por los disparos del tiroteo de este miércoles, diciendo que ocho de esas víctimas sufrieron heridas "que ponen en riesgo su vida".

Nuevas actualizaciones
Fox 4 Kansas City

No se ha revelado el posible motivo del ataque, aunque las autoridades dijeron que tres personas han sido detenidas en relación con el fatal incidente.

1:51 PM PT -- La jefa del Departamento Policial de Kansas City acaba de decir en una reunión con miembros de los medios de comunicación que "más de 10 a 15" personas resultaron heridas por disparos, con un fallecido. Añadió que no creía que ninguna de las víctimas fueran niños.

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Dos sospechosos en custodia
Fox 4 Kansas City

El alcalde de Kansas City, por su parte, dijo que todos los jugadores, entrenadores y empleados de los Chiefs se encuentran a salvo.

En cuanto al posible motivo del tiroteo, el jefe dijo que todavía no está claro, ya que la investigación sigue en curso. Dos sospechosos, sin embargo, están bajo custodia, dijo.

1:22 PM -- La policía dice que una persona murió en el tiroteo, mientras que otras nueve resultaron heridas.

1:19 PM -- Acaba de surgir un perturbador y explícito video de la escena que muestra a varias personas que necesitan atención médica mientras la sangre corre por el suelo.

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Intento de reanimación

El desfile de los Chiefs por el Super Bowl acaba de tomar un giro horrible: unos disparos estallaron en la fiesta y varias personas han resultado heridas.

El Departamento de Policía de Kansas City dijo en un comunicado que poco después de que Travis Kelce y Patrick Mahomes se dirigieran a los cientos de miles de fanáticos del Kansas City en Union Station, estallaron unos disparos alrededor de un garaje cercano.

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Conmoción en las calles

Según la policía, "varias personas fueron alcanzadas" por las balas, aunque no está claro la gravedad de sus lesiones.

La policía dice que "dos personas armadas" fueron "detenidas para más investigación".

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Entrando en acción
Fox 4 Kansas City

Las autoridades están ahora instando a todos a abandonar la zona "con el fin de facilitar el tratamiento de las víctimas del tiroteo".

Un video de la escena muestra cómo se desencadenaron estos lamentables hechos. En las imágenes se pueden ver múltiples policías con sus armas desenfundadas mientras corrían dentro de Union Station para hacer frente a la situación.

El KCPD dijo en su declaración que los oficiales estaban "trabajando para proporcionar la seguridad de todos dentro de la estación y acelerar la atención de los heridos".

Mientras tanto, James Palmer, de NFL Network, dijo que él y sus colegas fueron instruidos inicialmente para meterse debajo de un escenario después de que estalló el tiroteo. Minutos después, sin embargo, fueron escoltados fuera de la escena.

Tras el caos, el linebacker de los Chiefs Drue Tranquill publicó oraciones por los heridos en su página de X escribiendo: "Oren para que los médicos y los primeros en responder tengan manos firmes y que todos experimenten una curación completa".

Historia en desarrollo ...

Kansas City Chiefs Gunfire Erupts At Parade ... 22 Shot, One Dead

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The Scary Scene
X / @NPNOWMeikel / @Vince_Lovergine


3:29 PM PT -- Law enforcement just revealed a total of 22 people were struck by gunfire in Wednesday's shooting ... saying eight of those victims suffered "immediately life threatening" wounds.

Fox 4 Kansas City

No potential motive for the attack has been released ... although authorities said three people have been detained in connection with the shooting.

1:51 PM PT -- The Kansas City Police Dept. Chief just said in a meeting with media members that "upwards of 10 to 15" people were injured by gunfire ... with one deceased. She added that she did not believe any of the victims were children.

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Fox 4 Kansas City

K.C.'s Mayor, meanwhile, said all of the Chiefs' players, coaches and staffers are accounted for and safe.

As far as a potential motive for the shooting, the chief said that's still unclear -- as an investigation remains ongoing. Two suspects, however, are in custody ... she said.

1:22 PM PT -- Law enforcement says one person died in the shooting -- while nine others were injured.

1:19 PM PT -- Disturbing and graphic video has emerged from the scene ... showing multiple people needing medical attention -- while blood is clearly on the ground nearby.

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The Chiefs' Super Bowl parade has just taken a horrifying turn ... cops say gunfire has broken out at the party -- and multiple people have been wounded.

The Kansas City Police Dept. said in a statement that shortly after Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes addressed the hundreds of thousands of K.C. supporters at Union Station ... gunfire erupted around a garage nearby.

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According to cops, "several people were struck" by bullets ... though it's unclear the severity of their injuries.

Cops say "two armed people" have been "detained for more investigation."

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Fox 4 Kansas City

Authorities are now urging everyone to leave the area "in order to facilitate treatment of shooting victims."

Video from the scene shows just how horrifying things got ... you can see in footage multiple cops had their guns drawn as they raced inside Union Station to deal with the matter.

The KCPD said in its statement the officers were "working to provide for the safety of everyone inside union station and expedite care of those injured."

NFL Network's James Palmer, meanwhile, said he and his colleagues were initially instructed to get under a stage after the gunfire erupted. Minutes later, though, they were escorted from the scene.

Following the mayhem, Chiefs linebacker Drue Tranquill posted prayers on his X page for those injured ... writing, "Pray that doctors & first responders would have steady hands & that all would experience full healing."

Mahomes also posted prayers on X ... writing, "Praying for Kansas City…"

Originally Published -- 12:16 PM PT

El rey Carlos III diagnosticado de cáncer


10:43 AM PT -- El rey Carlos III ha notificado a sus dos hijos -el príncipe Guillermo y el príncipe Harry- sobre su diagnóstico y ambos se apresuraron a estar a su lado. Se dice que Will está en contacto regular con su padre, y obviamente está cerca de verlo en persona también.

En cuanto a Harry, nos informan que va a volar al Reino Unido los próximos días para ver a su padre.

El Rey Carlos III está luchando contra el cáncer...

El Palacio de Buckingham -la residencia real del Reino Unido- emitió un comunicado oficial el lunes diciendo: "Durante el reciente procedimiento hospitalario del Rey por un agrandamiento benigno de la próstata, se observó una cuestión separada de preocupación. Las pruebas de diagnóstico posteriores han identificado una forma de cáncer".

El Palacio añade: "Su Majestad ha comenzado hoy un programa de tratamientos regulares, tiempo durante el cual se le ha aconsejado por los médicos posponer los deberes de cara al público".

El palacio dice que Carlos continuará con sus asuntos de Estado y trámites oficiales a pesar del diagnóstico.

Como informamos, Carlos ingresó en un hospital londinense el mes pasado para someterse a un "procedimiento correctivo" por un agrandamiento de próstata. Kate Middleton estuvo en el mismo hospital al mismo tiempo para una cirugía de estómago.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

El Palacio dice que Carlos "sigue siendo totalmente positivo sobre su tratamiento y espera volver a su plena función pública tan pronto como sea posible".

La familia real dice que está anunciando el diagnóstico de Carlos "para evitar especulaciones y con la esperanza de que pueda ayudar a la comprensión pública para todos aquellos en todo el mundo que se ven afectados por el cáncer".

Es curioso... El anuncio del cáncer de Carlos llega justo después del Día Mundial contra el Cáncer.

La esposa del Rey, la Reina Camilla, inauguró la semana pasada un nuevo centro de apoyo contra el cáncer en el Royal Free Hospital del Reino Unido.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:08 AM PT

KING CHARLES III Diagnosed With Cancer Will & Harry Looped In


10:43 AM PT -- King Charles III has notified both of his sons -- Prince William and Prince Harry -- about his diagnosis ... and both of them are rushing to be by his side. Will is said to be in regular contact with his dad, and is obviously nearby to see him in person too.

As for Harry ... he's reported to be flying into the UK in the coming days to see his father.

Major health update out of Buckingham Palace ... King Charles III is fighting cancer.

Buckingham Palace – the United Kingdom's royal residence – released an official statement Monday saying ... "During The King’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer."

The Palace adds ... "His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties."

Charles, the Palace says, will continue with his state business and official paperwork despite the diagnosis.

As we reported, Charles was admitted to a London hospital last month for a "corrective procedure" for an enlarged prostate. Kate Middleton was in the same hospital at the same time for stomach surgery.

TMZ Studios

The Palace says Charles "remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."

The Royal family says it's announcing Charles' diagnosis "to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."

It's interesting ... Charles' cancer announcement comes on the heels of World Cancer Day.

The King's wife, Queen Camilla, last week opened a new cancer support center at Royal Free Hospital in the UK.

Originally Published -- 10:08 AM PT

WWE's Vince McMahon Resigns ... Amid Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Vince McMahon is out at WWE.

The wrestling legend tendered his resignation as the Executive Chairman of TKO, the company that owns WWE ... just a day after an explosive lawsuit was filed by a former WWE staffer, alleging McMahon sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions.

78-year-old McMahon released a statement reiterating his innocence with respect to the disturbing allegations but would step down because it's the best move for the wrestling promotion he built decades ago.

"Out of respect for the WWE Universe, the extraordinary TKO business and its board members and shareholders, partners and constituents, and all of the employees and Superstars who helped make WWE into the global leader it is today, I have decided to resign from my executive chairmanship and the TKO board of directors, effective immediately."

McMahon was not running the day-to-day operations for WWE ... but still had a prominent role within TKO. TKO Group Holdings has owned WWE since its purchase in 2023.

Curent WWE president Nick Khan announced the news to his employees late Friday, sending an email to the staffers.

"[Vince McMahon] has tendered his resignation from his positions as TKO Executive Chairman and on the TKO Board of Directors. He will no longer have a role with TKO Group Holdings or WWE," Khan wrote.

The massive shakeup comes after a federal lawsuit was filed in Connecticut on Thursday by Janel Grant ... where she claimed she was subjected to degrading sexual acts at the hands of Vince.

Amid the allegations, Grant accused McMahon of defecating on her during a threesome in 2020.

She says the situation left her "miserable and enraged," though she didn't leave because "in her years of experience with McMahon, she knew her requests to stop would be ignored at best or used to destroy her career and reputation at worst."

Ultimately, Grant claimed McMahon distanced himself from her in early 2022 after his wife Linda McMahon became aware of their alleged relationship.

Some time after, McMahon, according to Grant, agreed to pay her $3 million in exchange for signing a non-disclosure agreement, but she says he failed to pay the full amount.

McMahon has claimed the allegations contained in the lawsuit are meritless, calling the suit "replete with lies, obscene made-up instances that never occurred, and is a vindictive distortion of the truth."

Former WWE executive John Laurinaitis was also named in the lawsuit.

Story developing ...

Vince McMahon de la WWE Renuncia... En medio de una demanda por agresión sexual

Vince McMahon está fuera de la WWE.

La leyenda de la lucha libre presentó su dimisión como Presidente Ejecutivo de TKO, la empresa propietaria de la WWE, justo un día después de que un ex empleado de la organización presentara una explosiva demanda alegando que McMahon la agredió sexualmente en numerosas ocasiones.

McMahon, de 78 años, emitió un comunicado reiterando su inocencia respecto a las inquietantes acusaciones, pero decidió renunciar porque considera que es la mejor decisión para promover la lucha libre que construyó hace décadas.

"Por respeto al Universo de la WWE, al extraordinario negocio de TKO y a sus miembros del consejo y accionistas, socios y electores, y a todos los empleados y superestrellas que ayudaron a convertir a la WWE en el líder mundial que es hoy, he decidido renunciar a mi presidencia ejecutiva y al consejo de administración de TKO, con efecto inmediato."

McMahon no dirigía las operaciones diarias de la WWE, pero seguía teniendo un papel destacado dentro de TKO. TKO Group Holdings ha sido propietaria de la WWE desde su compra en 2023.

El actual presidente de WWE, Nick Khan, anunció la noticia a sus empleados a última hora del viernes, a través de un correo electrónico.

"[Vince McMahon] ha presentado su dimisión de sus cargos como presidente ejecutivo de TKO y en el Consejo de Administración de TKO. Ya no tendrá ningún papel en TKO Group Holdings ni en WWE", escribió Khan.

La masiva reorganización se produce después de que Janel Grant presentara el jueves una demanda federal en Connecticut en la que afirmaba haber sido sometida a actos sexuales degradantes a manos de Vince.

En medio de las acusaciones, Grant acusó a McMahon de defecar sobre ella durante un trío en 2020.

Ella dice que la situación la dejó "miserable y enfurecida", pero no se fue porque "en sus años de experiencia con McMahon, sabía que sus peticiones de parar serían ignoradas en el mejor de los casos o usadas para destruir su carrera y reputación en el peor".

Finalmente, Grant afirmó que McMahon se distanció de ella a principios de 2022 después de que su esposa Linda McMahon se enterara de su supuesta relación.

Algún tiempo después, McMahon, según Grant, acordó pagarle 3 millones de dólares a cambio de firmar un acuerdo de no divulgación. Sin embargo, ella dice que él no pagó la cantidad total.

McMahon ha afirmado que las acusaciones contenidas en la demanda carecen de fundamento y la ha calificado como "repleta de mentiras, obscenos casos inventados que nunca ocurrieron y una distorsión vengativa de la verdad".

El ex ejecutivo de la WWE John Laurinaitis también fue nombrado en la demanda.

Historia en desarrollo ...

Alec Baldwin Hit with New Criminal Charge ... In 'Rust' Case

Alec Baldwin is being dragged back into criminal court in the "Rust" case -- and he's facing the same charge as before ... involuntary manslaughter.

The actor just got hit with a new grand jury indictment out of Santa Fe -- and it says he's being rung up on one count of involuntary manslaughter involving negligent use of a firearm. However, there's an alternative charge he could face ... involuntary manslaughter without due caution or circumspection.

The reason there are 2 charges listed is because the grand jury basically agreed there is enough evidence for him to be prosecuted on either ... but the D.A.'s office will presumably only pursue one of these.

Remember, Alec has already been put through the wringer on this front -- he was charged with involuntary manslaughter, but those charges were eventually dropped.


He might've thought he was out of the woods, but prosecutors have been signaling for months they were leaving the window open to possibly re-charge ... and now they've followed through with the grand jury's indictment.


Alec pled not guilty at first -- and we imagine he'll enter the same plea again. His attorneys, Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, signaled as much ... telling TMZ, "We look forward to our day in court."

Lil Nas X se disculpa por el video "J Christ" tras recibir críticas


Lil Nas X está tratando de limpiar el caos que su single "J Christ" ha causado en la comunidad cristiana, pero el daño podría estar hecho, si las reacciones de estos artistas significan algo.

El Sr. Montero se expresó en Insta el lunes para pedir disculpas por todas las reacciones, pero también admitió que estaba sorprendido por el nivel de odio que recibió.

Lil Nas X dice que se imaginaba que las masas habrían captado su sátira, es decir, su lucha contra Satanás en el video y su alejamiento del lado oscuro, por así decirlo. Continúa diciendo que la inspiración en Jesús pretendía ser una metáfora de su carrera resucitada.

Admite, sin embargo, que su video promocional quizás llevó las cosas demasiado lejos. Se disculpa por las payasadas, al tiempo que niega ser el anticristo enviado para arruinar los valores familiares.

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A pesar del "lo siento" de Nas X, varios de los principales raperos cristianos de hoy en día no están de acuerdo. Piensan que su nueva campaña "J Christ" se burla abiertamente de su religión y ¡no están de acuerdo!

Dee-1 no es ajeno a llamar la atención a artistas que siente que están llevando a los fans por caminos oscuros, y publicó una foto junto a un mural de Lil Nas X advirtiendo que su sello discográfico —Columbia Records— le estaba permitiendo ser un maniquí de choque para los cristianos.

Dee sugirió que Lil estaba "Herido por la iglesia", siendo rechazado por ser gay.

Lecrae, el primer rapero en ganar un Grammy al Mejor Álbum Gospel, se hizo eco de pensamientos similares e instó a sus seguidores a orar por Lil, argumentando que no es una causa perdida, todavía.

no se juega con el nombre de jesús
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

El huracán Chris —que nos dijo que le dio crédito a Jesús por su veredicto de inocencia tras ser absuelto de asesinato— fue mucho menos indulgente y amenazó con resucitar las Cruzadas y luchar por su Señor y Salvador contra lo que él percibe como el mal en la canción de Nas X.

El tiempo dirá lo sincero que está siendo Lil. A primera vista, suena como si fuera un poco en serio. ¿Es hora de confesarse y buscar penitencia?

Lil Nas X Meant No Disrespect w/ 'J Christ' ... Christian Artists Pile On


Lil Nas X is trying to clean up the mess that his "J Christ" single has caused in the Christian community ... but the damage might be done, if these artists' reactions mean anything.

Mr. Montero hopped on IG on Monday to apologize for all the backlash but also admitted he was surprised by the level of hate he received all the same.

Lil Nas X says he figured the masses would have picked up on his satire ... namely, him combatting Satan in the video and turning away from the dark side, so to speak. He goes on to say the Jesus inspo was aimed to be a metaphor for his resurrected career.

He does admit, however, that his communion promo video perhaps took things too far ... he apologizes for the antics ... while denying he's the anti-Christ sent to ruin family values.

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Despite Nas X's I'm-sorry ... several of today's top Christian rappers may beg to differ ... they think his new "J Christ" campaign openly mocks their religion and they're not going for it!!!

Dee-1 is no stranger to calling out artists he feels are leading fans down dark paths and posted up next to a mural of Lil Nas X ... and warned him his record label Columbia Records was allowing him to be a crash dummy for Christians.

Dee suggested LNX was suffering from "church hurt" -- shunned for being gay but still told him to cut it out.

Lecrae, the first rapper to ever win a Grammy for Best Gospel Album, echoed similar thoughts and urged his following to pray for LNX -- arguing he's not a lost cause, yet.

Don't Play With Jesus' Name
Instagram / @hurricanechrisofficial

Hurricane Chris -- who told us he credited Jesus for his not guilty verdict after being acquitted of murder -- was far less forgiving and threatened to resurrect the Crusades ... and slide for his Lord and Savior against what he perceives as the evil in Nas X's song.

Time will tell how sincere LNX is here ... on its face, it sounds like he's kinda serious. Time to hit confession and seek penance???

White House Swatted!!! Fake 911 Call Reports Fire

Somebody swatted the White House this week, if you can believe that -- and, apparently, the prankster actually got first responders to rush over to POTUS' crib.

According to the Associated Press, a fake 911 call was placed Monday morning in the D.C. area just after 7 AM ... and the person who phoned in filed a BS report of a fire breaking out at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., while going on to claim someone was trapped inside.

President Joe Biden and his family were not at the WH this morning, BTW ... they were over at Camp David, and not long after -- he touched down in Philly for an MLK event later today.

It's unclear if JB was immediately aware of the swatting attempt -- but in any case, it sounds like it worked ... 'cause AP reports that the local fire department rushed over to the White House, where they met with Secret Staffers to figure out what the hell was going on.

Of course, none of it was true ... something official realized quite quickly. AP says that when the authorities tried calling the number that first called in -- the person on the other end denied placing any such call ... so the whole thing was just an elaborate practical joke.

Swatting incidents happen to celebs all the time -- but it's stunning D.C. got duped at the most famous residence in the world. You'd think they'd have cams on the place ... apparently not!

New England Patriots Hire New Head Coach ... Bill Belichick Out, Jerod Mayo In

Well, that didn't take long ...

Roughly 24 hours after parting ways with Bill Belichick, the New England Patriots have hired a new head coach ... Jerod Mayo!!

ESPN's Adam Schefter just reported Robert Kraft made the decision on Friday morning, explaining the team will formally announce the move at a news conference next week.

According to Schefter, the Patriots were able to bypass the NFL's normal, lengthy hiring process because they had written in Mayo's most recent contract that he'd be Belichick's successor.

37-year-old Mayo becomes the youngest current NFL head coach. He's also the Pats' first-ever Black head coach.

Mayo has spent the entirety of his football career in Foxborough -- he was picked by New England in the first round of the 2008 NFL Draft ... and played eight years for the org. alongside Tom Brady.

Following his career -- which included one All-Pro selection -- he joined Belichick's staff as a linebackers coach in 2019, holding that role until The Hoodie's departure this week.


The move will almost certainly be welcomed by most in Patriots Nation ... as Deion Branch just told TMZ Sports on Thursday he wanted someone from inside of the building to take over the vacant gig.


Hunter Biden has pled not guilty to all charges in the DOJ's case accusing the President's son of tax evasion.

As we reported, President Joe Biden's son was indicted last month on 9 charges, including failure to pay taxes, evasion of assessment, filing false or fraudulent tax returns ... and more.

Hunter made his first appearance in the case Thursday ... appearing before Judge Mark C. Scarsi, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, at the federal courthouse in downtown L.A.

He faces up to 17 years behind bars if convicted.

Special counsel David Weiss brought the case after an investigation involving Hunter's business dealings overseas.


Prosecutors claim Hunter spent millions on an extravagant lifestyle instead of paying his taxes.

As we reported, Hunter was indicted on separate gun charges back in Sept ... originally getting a plea deal for both the federal tax case and the gun situation.

But, the deal fell through after the judge questioned the terms of the arrangement.

Kali Uchis & Don Toliver We Collaborated ... On A Baby!!!

Kali Uchis and Don Toliver are the latest musical couple expecting a bundle of joy -- the R&B stars popped the lid off their baby-making secret with an IG reveal on Thursday.

The soon-to-be parents both shared a heartfelt video that not only chronicled their baby's journey in their womb but also included footage of them both as children.

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Kali capped off the vid with a loving message to their newborn ... "Starting our family❤️‍🩹 don’t take too long to get here little pooks, mom & dad can’t wait to share our life with you."

The two began dating in 2020 and are also frequent in-studio collaborators with one another.

Kali also drops her "Orquídeas" album tomorrow ... '24 is looking like a monumental year for them both.

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver Esperan su primer hijo juntos!!!

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver son la última pareja musical que está esperando un bebé. Las estrellas del R&B destaparon el secreto en Instagram el jueves.

Los futuros padres compartieron un emocionante video que no solo muestra el embarazo de Kali, sino que también incluye imágenes de cuando ambos eran niños.

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Kali culminó el video con un cariñoso mensaje a su recién nacido: "Empezando nuestra familia ❤️‍🩹 no tardes mucho en llegar pequeño, mamá y papá no pueden esperar para compartir su vida contigo".

Los dos comenzaron a salir en 2020 y también son colaboradores frecuentes en el estudio.

Kali también va a lanzar su álbum "Orquídeas" mañana, por lo que parece que el 2024 será un año monumental para ambos.

Chris Christie Bad-mouths Nikki Haley On Hot Mic ... She's Going To Get Smoked

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Chris Christie has officially bowed out of the race for President ... but just before he did, he was caught talking trash about Nikki Haley.

The former New Jersey Governor was picked up on a hot mic Wednesday ahead of announcing he's pulling out of the presidential race ... talking to someone about who can potentially hold their own in the primaries.

You can hear him say, "She's gonna get smoked" and "She's not up to this," referring to Haley.

This was Christie's 2nd attempt at the White House. BTW -- he went up against Donald Trump in 2016, but pulled out after his approval rating was simply anemic.

This time around, he went up against Trump, Haley, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy -- and things got heated between the candidates on the debate floor.

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Vivek fat-shamed CC in December, shutting him down on the topic of foreign policy by saying, "Just walk yourself off that stage, enjoy a nice meal, and get the hell out of this race."


While Trump was absent from all debates, Christie let him have it nonetheless -- calling him Donald Duck, citing how often the former President was "ducking" the debates.

One thing's for sure. Christie is not banking on being the #2 on a Trump ticket ... he hates the guy.

Chris Christie Habla mal de Nikki Haley con el micrófono abierto

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Hablando sobre Haley

Chris Christie se ha retirado oficialmente de la carrera presidencial, pero justo antes de hacerlo, fue sorprendido hablando mal de Nikki Haley.

El ex gobernador de Nueva Jersey fue captado con el micrófono abierto el miércoles antes de anunciar que se retiraba de la carrera presidencia, hablando con alguien sobre quién podría potencialmente mantenerse en las primarias.

Lo puedes oír decir: "Ella va a ser derrotada a lo grande (get smoked)" y "no está a la altura de esto", refiriéndose a Haley.

Este fue el segundo intento de Christie de llegar la Casa Blanca. Por cierto, se enfrentó a Donald Trump en 2016, pero se retiró después de que su índice de aprobación fuera simplemente anémico.

Esta vez, se enfrentó a Trump, Haley, Ron DeSantis y Vivek Ramaswamy y las cosas se calentaron entre los candidatos en el debate.

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Regañando a Christie

Vivek avergonzó a Chris Christie en diciembre sobre su peso, criticándolo en el tema de política exterior diciendo: "Solo camina fuera del escenario, disfruta de una buena comida y abandona esta carrera (get the hell out)"

Aunque Trump se ausentó de todos los debates, Christie lo criticó de todos modos, llamándolo Donald Duck (Pato Donald) y citando la frecuencia con la que el ex Presidente "esquivaba" los debates.

Una cosa es segura. Christie no está apostando por ser el número 2 en una candidatura de Trump... lo odia.

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