ICELAND Volcano New ERUPTION LIGHTS UP SKY ... Forces Evacuations

Iclandic Coast Guard

Iceland is putting on a spectacular, and dangerous, display of volcanic power ... as the eruption of a new volcano throws plumes of lava in the sky, following weeks of increased seismic activity.

A public state of emergency was declared as the Grindavík volcano exploded Monday ... just south of the Keflavik International Airport and the capital city of Reykjavík, and video footage shows molten rock exploding up to 300 feet into the air.

The eruption created a 2.5-mile fissure, which sent a stream of lava flowing through the surrounding towns ... while hundreds of cubic meters spewed across the Reykjanes peninsula.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office listed the time of eruption at 10:17 PM ... after closely monitoring seismic activity in the area for a while.

The flow has slowed since its peak on Monday evening ... and lava fountains have fallen from 300 to 100 ft.

However, evacuated areas are still off-limits, and authorities remain on high alert ... with local experts warning it's possible several more cracks could open in the ground.

Iceland President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson has confirmed there are no casualties from the eruption -- only extensive damages to buildings.

Report: Draymond Green Out At Least Three More Weeks ... After Beginning Counseling

Draymond Green will reportedly miss at least the next nine-or-so Warriors games ... this after beginning counseling following his second suspension of the 2023-24 NBA season.

The Golden State star has been barred from the hardwood since Dec. 13, after he hit Jusuf Nurkic in the head in a heated moment during the Dubs' Dec. 12 game against Phoenix -- and according to The Athletic's Shams Charania, the ban will now go through at least the early part of January.

Charania reported Monday morning Green has begun getting professional help while sidelined ... adding that the 33-year-old forward "has been understanding and prepared to undergo the process required to return to the team in a full capacity."

Green has yet to issue a public statement on the suspension ... though his head coach, Steve Kerr, said last week the ban "makes sense."

Golden State Warriors

"The one who choked Rudy [Gobert], the one who took a wild flail at Jusuf [Nurkic], the one who punched Jordan [Poole] last year -- that's the guy who has to change," Kerr said.

"You look at the past year and what's happened," the coach continued, "it's clear he needs the opportunity to change."

The Warriors have piled up a 2-1 record with Green out -- logging two straight victories over Brooklyn and Portland this weekend.

Shohei Ohtani I'm A Dodger!!! ... Inking $700 Million Deal

Shohei Ohtani just announced he will be a Los Angeles Dodger ... reportedly landing a massive 10-year, $700 million contract -- the richest deal in Major League Baseball and North American sports history.

The Japanese two-way superstar personally shared the news on his Instagram page just minutes ago ... apologizing for keeping the baseball world on pins and needles as he came up with his decision to leave the Los Angeles Angels.

"First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone involved with the Angels organization and the fans who have supported me over the past six years, as well as to everyone involved with each team that was part of this negotiation process," Ohtani said in his post. "Especially to the Angels fans who supported me through all the ups and downs, your guys’ support and cheer meant the world to me. The six years I spent with the Angels will remain etched in my heart forever."

Ohtani also pledged to give his absolute best on the field for the Dodgers fanbase ... adding, "Until the last day of my playing career, I want to continue to strive forward not only for the Dodgers but for the baseball world."

The Dodgers are getting the most entertaining player in the sport -- as Shohei is a dominant force on both sides of the ball.

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He played the first six seasons of his MLB career with the crosstown rival Angels ... racking up 681 hits, 171 homers and 437 RBI ... as well as a 38-19 record with a 3.01 ERA and 608 strikeouts on the mound.

Other organizations reportedly had a chance at landing the two-time MVP -- including the San Francisco Giants and Toronto Blue Jays -- but the free agency process was super secretive, per Ohtani's request.

The 29-year-old said he will speak on the decision more at a later press conference ... as there are some thoughts he can't put into words at this time.

Norman Lear muere a los 101 años

Norman Lear, el icono de la televisión que tuvo un impacto sísmico en la cultura estadounidense y el cambio social, ha muerto.

Lear murió en su casa de Los Ángeles el martes por causas naturales, según su publicista.

No hay manera de exagerar la importancia de Lear en los medios de comunicación y más allá. Él creó "All in the Family" y fue más que innovador cuando se estrenó en 1971 ... un espectáculo sobre un intolerante, tipo de cuello azul con una familia que no se alinean con sus puntos de vista. El personaje que creó, Archie Bunker, era a la vez despreciable y, en ocasiones, adorable.

La serie abordó temas nunca antes tocados en televisión... como la homosexualidad, el racismo, la guerra de Vietnam, el racismo y los derechos de la mujer. Archie se enemistó con George Jefferson, que se hizo tan popular que Lear creó otro éxito monstruoso: "Los Jefferson". Asimismo, otro personaje, Maude, interpretado por Bea Arthur, se convirtió en otro spinoff de éxito.

Esa es sólo una pequeña lista de los éxitos de Lear... otros incluyen "Sanford and Son", "Good Times", "One Day at a Time" y "Diff'rent Strokes".

Lear tenía un don único para crear humor en torno a temas sociales y políticos delicados. En resumen, cambió la televisión y la cultura estadounidense.

Fue un activista hasta su muerte... un liberal acérrimo que en su día se enfrentó a la conservadora Mayoría Moral. Fue un crítico acérrimo de Donald Trump.

Su familia dijo en un comunicado: "Gracias por la conmovedora efusión de amor y apoyo en honor de nuestro maravilloso esposo, padre y abuelo. Norman vivió una vida de creatividad, tenacidad y empatía".

recordando a una leyenda
Courtesy Act III Productions

Amaba profundamente a nuestro país y pasó toda su vida ayudando a preservar sus ideales fundacionales de justicia e igualdad para todos. Conocerle y quererle ha sido el mayor regalo".

Lear deja atrás a su tercera esposa, Lyn Davis, seis hijos y cuatro nietos.

una noticia impactante

Lear tenía 101 años y los vivió bien.


'All in the Family' Creator Norman Lear Dead at 101

Norman Lear, the TV icon who had a seismic impact on American culture and social change, has died.

Lear died at his home in L.A. Tuesday of natural causes, according to his publicist.

There is no way to overstate Lear's importance in media and beyond. He created "All in the Family" and it was more than groundbreaking when it debuted in 1971 ... a show about a bigoted, blue-collar dude with a family that did not align with his views. The character he created, Archie Bunker, was both despicable and, at times, loveable.

The show tackled issues never touched before on TV ... including homosexuality, racism, the Vietnam War, racism and women's rights. Archie became frenemies with George Jefferson, who became so popular Lear created another monster hit -- "The Jeffersons." Likewise, another character, Maude, played by Bea Arthur, became yet another hit spinoff.

That's just a short list of Lear's hits ... others include "Sanford and Son," "Good Times," "One Day at a Time," and "Diff'rent Strokes."

Lear had a unique knack for creating humor around touchy social and political issues. In short, he changed TV and American culture.

He was an activist until he died ... a staunch liberal who once took on the conservative Moral Majority. He was a die-hard critic of Donald Trump.

His family said in a statement, "Thank you for the moving outpouring of love and support in honor of our wonderful husband, father and grandfather. Norman lived a life of creativity, tenacity, and empathy.

Courtesy Act III Productions

They continued, "He deeply loved our country and spent a lifetime helping to preserve its founding ideals of justice and equality for all. Knowing and loving him has been the greatest gift."

Lear leaves behind his third wife, Lyn Davis, six kids and four grandkids.


Lear was 101 and lived those years well.


Jussie Smollett Pierde la apelación ... De vuelta a la cárcel?!?


10:05 AM PT -- Jussie Smollett y su equipo no van a caer sin antes luchar, un representante nos dice: "Queremos destacar que la decisión fue dividida, con el juez Lyle ofreciendo un análisis detallado a favor de Smollett. Nos estamos preparando para elevar este asunto al Tribunal Supremo, armados con un conjunto sustancial de pruebas".

Jussie Smollett acaba de recibir un gran portazo en los tribunales, pues su condena por haber falseado un ataque acaba de ser confirmada.

Un tribunal de apelaciones de Illinois emitió el fallo el viernes. El panel de tres jueces votó 2-1 para mantener la condena de Jussie, de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ.

La clave de la apelación de Jussie era el argumento de que él no puede ser procesado porque, después de la acusación inicial, la Fiscal del Estado del Condado de Cook, Kim Foxx, decidió no procesar el caso. Ello suscitó enormes críticas y se nombró a un fiscal especial que, en última instancia, acudió al gran jurado que lo volvió a acusar.

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Liberado y listo
Fox 32 Chicago

Los dos jueces que confirmaron la condena dijeron que no era relevante que se hubiese retirado la acusación inicial. El juez que discrepó, en tanto, dijo que la decisión de Foxx de no procesar el caso era en realidad una promesa a Jussie de que este había terminado.

Con el fallo, es probable que Jussie regrese a una cárcel de Chicago para completar su condena de 150 días.

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Apegado a su versión

Recordemos, el actor fue condenado inicialmente en 2022 y pasó 6 días en la cárcel del condado de Cook antes de ser puesto en libertad mientras intentaba conseguir que anularan su sentencia.

Ahora, Jussie se ha quedado con las manos vacías, pero su equipo legal tiene la opción de apelar la decisión a la Corte Suprema de Illinois, que luego decidiría si escuchar el caso.

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Si lo hubiera hecho...

Durante su apelación, Jussie lanzó nueva música, dirigió una película con Vivica A. Fox, hizo ejercicio con Taraji P. Henson, fue a rehabilitación y se afeitó la cabeza.

Será interesante ver si Jussie apela nuevamente, o bien, si se dirige de otra vez a la cárcel ... Permanezcan atentos.

Publicado originalmente -- 9:02 AM PT

REP. GEORGE SANTOS Expelled From Congress

Rep. George Santos just got booted from Congress ... after the House voted to expel him following a controversial time in office, which includes multiple felony charges.

Santos is the first member of Congress not convicted of a felony to be expelled since the Civil War. Only 6 members have been expelled in U.S. history.

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The vote to expel Santos was 311 - 114. Among those voting to expel ... 105 Republicans.

A defiant Santos refused to resign Thursday before Friday's vote ... but he's out of Congress now nonetheless.

Remember ... Santos was arrested back in May on a variety of felony charges, including lying, wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and making false statements to the House of Representatives.

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Santos had escaped two previous votes to expel him from Congress, but the third time was not a charm for him.

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Fox News

The difference this time ... a recent House Ethics Committee report claiming evidence of Santos' alleged federal law violations. Among the report's juicy claims -- Santos allegedly used campaign funds for OnlyFans and Botox.

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NBC News / Fox News

During his time in office, Santos was surrounded by controversy and accusations of lying his way to Congress ... he made a few friends, but even more enemies ... often sparring with media and, most recently, some anti-Israel protestors.

So long, George, we hardly knew ya. 👋🏽

Representante George Santos Es expulsado del Congreso

El representante George Santos acaba de ser expulsado del Congreso. Esto, después de que la Cámara votara a favor de su expulsión tras un controvertido tiempo en el cargo, el que incluye múltiples cargos por graves delitos.

Santos es el primer miembro del Congreso no condenado por un delito grave en ser expulsado desde la Guerra Civil. Solo seis miembros han sido expulsados en la historia de Estados Unidos.

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La votación ha concluido

La votación fue 311 a 114 y entre los votos a favor hubo 105 de republicanos.

Un desafiante Santos se negó a dimitir el jueves antes de la votación del viernes, pero ahora está fuera del Congreso.

Recuerden, Santos fue detenido en mayo por una variedad de cargos por delitos graves, incluyendo la mentira, fraude electrónico, lavado de dinero, robo de fondos públicos y hacer declaraciones falsas a la Cámara de Representantes.

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Santos se retira

Santos había escapado de dos votaciones anteriores para ser expulsado del Congreso.

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Es una caza de brujas!!!
Fox News

La diferencia, esta vez, la hizo un reciente informe del Comité de Ética de la Cámara de Representantes que afirma tener pruebas de las supuestas violaciones de las leyes federales por parte de Santos. Entre las jugosas afirmaciones del informe está que supuestamente este utilizó fondos de campaña para OnlyFans y Botox.

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Haciendo una escena
NBC News / Fox News

Durante su tiempo en el cargo, Santos estuvo rodeado de controversias y acusaciones de mentir para llegar al Congreso. Hizo algunos amigos, pero aún más enemigos y a menudo estuvo en conflicto con los medios de comunicación y, más recientemente, con algunos manifestantes anti-Israel.

Hasta la vista, George, apenas te conocíamos. 👋🏽

Kim Kardashian Coming to Netflix w/ Comedy Film ... After Studio Bidding War

Kim Kardashian is jumping from Hulu to Netflix -- at least for movies, anyway -- 'cause she sold a forthcoming comedy she'll star in to the streaming giant ... this after a ton of interest.

Deadline broke the news Sunday ... a new flick called "The Fifth Wheel" just got sold to Netflix after an apparent bidding war to snap up the rights among 5 different studios. In the end, Netflix made the winning offer ... although it's unclear how much they shelled out.

This film isn't written or shot yet ... Kim K and the 2 co-writers who came up with the concept -- Paula Pell and Janine Brito -- simply sold the idea ... and now they'll actually make it. Kim's gonna play the lead ... a "fifth wheel" among an ensemble of female actors.

The rest of the plot deets are being kept under wraps ... but word is, Pell and Brito immediately thought of Kim for this and pitched her. After she came aboard, they started hitting the town as soon as the actors' strike ended and collectively shopped it around.

Deadline says Kim's been present at a lot of the meetings, and her involvement spurred a lot of studios to open their doors and take the movie under consideration. BTW, she's not only gonna act in this thing ... but she'll produce as well, alongside Pell and possibly others.

Pell is a well-known and established TV comedy writer ... as is Brito. Pell's got a lengthier resume, with tons of 'SNL' credits. She also wrote the Amy Poehler/Tina Fey movie "Sisters." Paula also notably EP'd Judd Apatow's 'This Is 40.'

Considering Pell's extensive history with 'SNL' stars ... you can probably expect that same type of mid-2010s humor for this new movie -- just with a little Kim K star power twist.

Of course, the bigger takeaway here is the fact that Kim's diving further into the acting pool. She already had a run on 'AHS' this year ... plus all the other smaller roles she's done in the past. This would be an even greater flex, though ... her straight-up leading a comedy.

We'll see how it turns out ... Deadline says this got picked up by Netflix's "mid-budget" team -- and according to reports, Netflix is aiming to spend between $30-$80 million on those.


The empire grows, still.

Taylor Swift Postpones 2nd Brazil Show ... Amid Fan Death, High Temp

Taylor Swift is postponing her second show in Brazil this weekend after a fan died the day prior and amid scorching temperatures there in the city that she deems too dangerous.

The pop star announced the decision Saturday, not long before she was scheduled to take the stage there at Rio de Janeiro's Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos -- where she had just performed Friday ... and where a young fan lost her life ahead of curtain call.

Taylor says she's hitting pause for her performance tonight -- which would've marked night #2 of a 3-show stop there in Brazil -- and says her fans' safety comes first before anything.

She says, "I'm writing this from my dressing room in the stadium. The decision has been made to postpone tonight's show due to the extreme temperatures in Rio. The safety and well-being of my fans, fellow performers, and crew has to and always will come first."

No word on whether she's going to proceed with Sunday's show -- for now, it looks like Rio's expecting a high of 84 degrees ... whereas it's in the 90s today, and hit 88 with high humidity yesterday.

Of course, she's being praised for this move ... as many were wondering how she could possibly go forward after the tragedy from Friday night, which Taylor obviously addressed as well. She said she was heartbroken over it, but also said she wouldn't talk about it onstage.

The fact that she was apparently just going to proceed with her regular show and not address the fan's death in person -- despite already having done so online -- didn't sit well with some -- and it seems Taylor/her team realized that ... wisely opting to stop down.

It appears that even before Taylor became aware of the fan's death -- which has been speculated to be over a heatstroke of some sort -- she already suspected something was wrong. There's footage of her at Friday's show demanding that the fans be handed water.


Time will tell if Sunday's concert is a go or not -- we imagine those talks are happening right now.

Taylor Swift Pospone su segundo concierto en Brasil...

Taylor Swift pospuso su segundo show en Brasil este fin de semana después de que un fan muriera el día anterior. Todo ello, en medio de temperaturas demasiado abrasadoras, que ella considera son muy peligrosas.

La estrella del pop anunció la decisión el sábado, no mucho de que se subiera al escenario del Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos de Río de Janeiro, donde actuó el viernes y una admiradora perdió la vida antes de la apertura del telón.

Taylor dice que está haciendo una pausa para su actuación de esta noche, la segunda de las tres paradas que tiene programadas en Brasil, y dice que la seguridad de sus fans es lo primero.

Ella dice: "Estoy escribiendo esto desde mi camerino en el estadio. Se ha tomado la decisión de posponer el espectáculo de esta noche debido a las temperaturas extremas de Río. La seguridad y el bienestar de mis fans, mis compañeros de actuación y equipo tiene que ser y siempre será lo primero".

No se sabe si la estrella del pop seguirá adelante con el show del domingo. Se espera que Río alcance una temperatura máxima de 84 grados (F), comparados con los 90 (F) de hoy. Ayer llegó a 88 con alta humedad.

Por supuesto, Taylor está siendo elogiada por esta decisión, ya que muchos se preguntaban cómo podría seguir adelante después de la tragedia de ayer viernes que también abordó con una sentida carta. Dijo que tenía el corazón roto, pero también que no hablaría de ello sobre el escenario.

El hecho de que procediera con su show y no abordara la muerte de su fan,  a pesar de que ya lo había hecho en línea, no le sentó bien a algunos y parece Taylor y su equipo se dieron cuenta, optando sabiamente por posponer.

Parece que incluso antes de que Taylor se enterara de la muerte del fan -que se ha especulado que fue por un golpe de calor de algún tipo- ya se sospechaba que algo andaba mal. Hay imágenes de ella en el show del viernes exigiendo que les dieran agua a los fans.

Ángel protector

El tiempo dirá si el concierto del domingo se realizará o no. Nos imaginamos que las conversaciones están sucediendo en este momento.

New Edition We're Getting A Vegas Residency Yes, All 6 Of Us!!!

The Sherri Sheperd Show

New Edition is set to take Vegas by storm ... the famed R&B powerhouse just announced a residency for Wynn Las Vegas’ Encore Theater -- and it's coming at ya next year.

The six-man supergroup revealed the six-date details to Sherri Shepard's TV audience on Monday ... with Johnny Gill promising nothing short of a blockbuster, not to mention a more intimate performance than what fans have gotten accustomed to.

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NE has been packing arenas on tour for the past two years and says they want to give their diehards a more streamlined experience on stage.

“This is going to be more theatrical than our Legacy and Culture tours,” Bobby Brown told the AP, adding, “This will be a lot more intimate. We wanted it to be up, close and personal for our fans.”

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The last time we spoke to Bobby, he told us NE was "forever" and they take pride in everything they do ... looks like nothing's changed on that front!!!

The festivities kick off on February 28 with tickets going on sale Friday.

Expect to see all the candy girls there!!!

Kourtney & Travis Welcome Baby Boy Rocky Barker is Here!!!

Kourtney Kardashian is a mommy once again -- she and her boo, Travis Barker, have welcomed a brand new bundle of joy after a scary rollercoaster of a pregnancy.

Kourtney gave birth to a baby boy in Los Angeles, sources confirm to TMZ.

TMZ broke the story -- there were strong signs KK had popped this week ... as Kylie and Travis were both spotted at Cedars-Sinai Thursday, and were possibly there earlier.

As we reported, Kourt first dropped the baby bombshell at Travis' Blink-182 concert in June ... showing off her baby bump at BMO Stadium in L.A. while holding a sign that says, "Travis, I'm Pregnant," a reference to the group's music video for "All the Small Things."

Things took a scary turn for the couple in early September when Kourtney needed emergency surgery to save the child's life. At the time, Travis was in Europe traveling with Blink-182, and he rushed back to be by Kourtney's side. Thankfully the surgery was successful.

Kourtney and Travis had a major Disney-themed baby shower for their kid not long after that health scare -- and all seemed to be well at the shindig ... with everyone celebrating. The big takeaway from that get-together, however, was the fact that the baby's name might've leaked. Remember, somebody threw up a tree ornament that referenced "Baby Rocky."

As it turns out ... that is their child's name -- Travis confirmed as much this past week ... saying their boy will be called Rocky Thirteen Barker. A little anticlimactic, but there you go!

The live concert pregnancy announcement came a little over a year after they got hitched at a Santa Barbara courthouse ... which was followed up with a massive wedding in Italy where they exchanged vows at Dolce & Gabbana's private villa before heading to a medieval castle for their reception.

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Since the big announcement, the lovebirds have been looking happier than ever while waiting for the baby to come ... doing a couple of drummer-themed photoshoots with the bump on full display.

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Instagram / @kourtneykardash

She also showed off her pregnancy glow on a Hawaiian beach in July during a tropical trip.

In case ya forgot, Kourtney's already a mother to 3 kids -- Mason, Penelope, and Reign, all of whom she shares with her ex, Scott Disick. Travis also shares Landon and Alabama with Shanna Moakler.

BTW, Kourtney shared her struggles with IVF in recent years, saying on her family's show that her experience with the process has been "awful."


KOURTNEY Y TRAVIS Dan la bienvenida a su bebé Rocky Barker está aquí!!!

¡Kourtney Kardashian es madre una vez más! La mayor de las Kardashians y Travis Barker acaban de darle la bienvenida a su pequeño, después de un embarazo que se sintió como una montaña rusa de miedo.

Kourtney dio a luz a un niño en Los Ángeles, según fuentes confirmadas por TMZ.

TMZ publicó la historia, había fuertes indicios de que Kourtney había dado a luz, como por ejemplo, que tanto Kylie como Travis fueron vistos en el hospital Cedars-Sinai el jueves, y posiblemente estaban desde allí antes.

Como informamos, Kourtney dio a conocer la noticia de su embarazo en el concierto de Blink-182 de Travis en junio, mostrando su panza en el estadio BMO en Los Ángeles mientras sostenía un cartel que decía: "Travis, estoy embarazada", una referencia al video musical de la canción "All the Small Things".

Las cosas se pusieron feas a principios de septiembre, cuando Kourtney tuvo que ser operada de urgencia para salvar la vida del niño. En ese momento, Travis estaba en Europa viajando con Blink-182, y se apresuró a regresar para estar al lado de Kourtney. Afortunadamente, la cirugía fue un éxito.

Kourtney y Travis tuvieron una gran fiesta temática de Disney para su hijo no mucho después de ese susto, y todo pareció ir muy bien en la fiesta, con todos celebrando.

La gran sorpresa de la reunión fue que el nombre del bebé se filtró, luego de que alguien dejara un adorno en unos de los árboles que decía "Baby Rocky". Resultó ser que ese era el nombre de su hijo. Travis lo confirmó la semana pasada, diciendo que el bebé se llamaría Rocky Trece Barker. ¡Un poco anticlimático, pero ahí lo tienes!

El anuncio del embarazo llegó un poco más de un año después de que la pareja se casara en un juzgado de Santa Bárbara, lo que fue seguido con una boda masiva en Italia, donde intercambiaron votos en la villa privada de Dolce & Gabbana antes de dirigirse a un castillo medieval para su recepción.

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Desde el gran anuncio, los tortolitos se han visto más felices que nunca a la espera del bebé, haciendo un par de sesiones de fotos temáticas con la panza de Kourtney en plena exhibición.

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Instagram / @kourtneykardash

Kourtney también mostró su embarazo en una playa de Hawai en julio durante un viaje tropical.

En caso de que se hayan olvidado, Kourtney ya es madre de 3 niños, Mason, Penelope y Reign, todos los cuales comparte con su ex, Scott Disick. Travis también comparte a Landon, Alabama y Atiana con Shanna Moakler.

Por cierto, Kourtney compartió sus luchas con la fecundación in vitro en los últimos años, diciendo en el programa de su familia que su experiencia con el proceso había sido "horrible."


Chiefs' Justyn Ross Allegedly Pushed GF, Knifed Car ... Over Cheating Claims

Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Justyn Ross allegedly roughed up his girlfriend, broke her stuff ... and then knifed her Mercedes during an altercation that led to his arrest last week.

The allegations are all spelled out in newly released court documents, obtained by TMZ Sports.

In the docs -- an affidavit -- prosecutors say cops told them the incident between Ross and his girlfriend happened in Johnson County, Kansas on Oct. 23 ... after the football player allegedly found out the woman had been cheating on him.

According to the documents, the woman told cops that after Ross viewed her phone ... he got in her face, pushed her, threw her to the floor, and then began throwing objects at her. The docs say the woman was seen with "a small scratch" on her hand following the incident.


Officials say the woman also told cops Ross broke several of her items during the confrontation, including jewelry, a cell phone, a laptop and her Mercedes key.

The docs also note that two neighbors say they witnessed Ross push the woman ... as well as "run a knife across" the woman's vehicle.

According to the docs, however, Ross told cops he had thrown the woman's stuff out the door after he found out she was cheating him. He allegedly admitted to breaking a computer -- though he claimed it was his. He denied breaking anything else that belonged to the woman, the docs state.

As we reported, Ross was ultimately arrested over the allegations and charged with one count of domestic battery with no priors as well as one count of criminal damage of less than $1,000. He pleaded not guilty to the charges at a hearing on Oct. 24. He's due to appear before a judge once again on Dec. 4.

As for his football career, he was placed on the Commissioner's Exempt List on Oct. 27, which means he's not currently allowed to play in games or practice with the Chiefs ... though he can still attend meetings and get any necessary medical treatment while his criminal case plays out.

Ross had played in seven games prior to the arrest, logging three catches.

FTX FOUNDER SAM BANKMAN-FRIED Found Guilty In Crypto Fraud Case

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried is not going to the moon, instead he appears headed for prison ... he's been found guilty on all counts against him in his federal cryptocurrency fraud case.

Federal law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a jury in New York City convicted the disgraced "Crypto King" on all seven counts of fraud, money laundering and conspiracy ... the latest development in one of the largest financial fraud cases in U.S. history.

The jury verdict came back Thursday ... SBF was found guilty on two counts of wire fraud conspiracy, two counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering ... each carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence.

Sam was also convicted on one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit commodities fraud ... each carries a maximum 5-year prison sentence.

All told, SBF is facing up to 110 years behind bars.

Our sources say after the guilty verdict came down, Sam appeared despondent and sort of upset ... starting to tear up.

Following the weeks-long trial, all 12 jurors were in agreement on convicting SBF on each of the 7 charges.

As we reported ... Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas back on Dec. 12 before federal prosecutors in New York hit him with a slew of charges.

SBF was accused of taking billions of dollars in FTX customer deposits and using the money to fund investments, make political donations and buy luxury real estate.

FTX was once one of the world's biggest crypto exchanges, being valued at $30 billion before ultimately becoming insolvent and filing for bankruptcy.

SBF is scheduled to be sentenced March 28 in a case spearheaded by Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

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