Tupac Shakur Presunto asesino Keefe D en el tribunal para lectura de cargos

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, el hombre presuntamente responsable del asesinato de Tupac Shakur hace más de 25 años, finalmente tuvo su día en la corte después de dos retrasos.

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Keefe D estuvo presente y esposado el jueves por la mañana en un tribunal del Condado de Clark, en Las Vegas, para hacer frente a su cargo de asesinato, del cual se declaró no culpable después de que le designaran a un defensor público.

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Como informamos, el sospechoso de 60 años de edad se presentó por primera vez en la corte a principios de octubre, pero su abogado nunca apareció retrasando la lectura de cargos un par de semanas. La segunda audiencia se retrasó por el mismo motivo.

Después de la audiencia inicial, el fiscal del distrito Steve Wolfson dijo que se esperaba que Keefe se declarara no culpable del cargo de asesinato con uso de un arma mortal.

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Captado durante un paseo

Recuerden, Keefe D fue detenido a fines de septiembre y las imágenes captadas en cámara lo muestran bastante calmado mientras es llevado a la parte trasera del carro policial.

Keefe había sido muy abierto en entrevistas sobre su participación en el asesinato de Tupac, lo que en última instancia llevó a los investigadores a reabrir el caso, que ya tiene 27 años.

Tupac Shakur Alleged Killer Keefe D In Court ... For Arraignment on Murder Charge

Duane "Keefe D" Davis, the man who's allegedly responsible for the murder of Tupac Shakur over 25 years ago finally got his day in court after 2 delays.

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Keefe D was present and in handcuffs Thursday morning at a Clark County courtroom in Las Vegas to face his murder charge ... he pled not guilty after being appointed a public defender.

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As we reported, the 60-year-old suspect first showed up in court at the beginning of October, but his lawyer never appeared ... delaying the arraignment a couple of weeks. The second hearing was again delayed for the same issue.

After the initial hearing, Clark County D.A. Steve Wolfson said Keefe was expected to plead not guilty to the charge of murder with the use of a deadly weapon.

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Remember, Keefe D was arrested near the end of September -- and the body cam footage of the arrest showed him acting pretty calmly while being put in the back of the cop car.

Keefe had been outspoken in interviews about being involved with Tupac's killing ... which played a big role in ultimately leading investigators to crack open the 27-year-old case.


La muerte de Matthew Perry seguirá siendo un misterio por ahora, ya que las autoridades están esperando a que se realicen algunas pruebas clave antes de pronunciarse definitivamente sobre cómo murió.

La Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Los Angeles acaba de publicar sus conclusiones sobre una autopsia inicial del difunto actor de "Friends", y están aplazando su causa de la muerte a la espera de los resultados de toxicología y una mayor investigación, que podría tomar semanas para completarse.

Tampoco han informado el motivo de la muerte, aunque nuestras fuentes nos han dicho que no hay rastros de actividad sexual y no se encontraron narcóticos ilícitos en el lugar.

El único detalle destacable del informe de la autopsia es que se indica que murió en su domicilio y que el cuerpo está listo para ser entregado a la familia para su entierro o cremación. Una investigación sobre las circunstancias de su muerte está en marcha con la aplicación de la ley.

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tomas aereas

TMZ publicó la noticia, los primeros en responder se apresuraron a su propiedad por una llamada de paro cardíaco y Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su bañera de hidromasaje, esto después de un aparente ahogamiento. La secuencia exacta de los acontecimientos no está clara, pero finalmente fue declarado muerto en el lugar.

Como informamos, Perry estuvo jugado al pickleball el sábado por la mañana durante un par de horas antes de volver a casa y enviar a su asistente a hacer un recado. Un rato después, el asistente regresó, descubrió a su jefe y luego llamó al 911.

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audio del despacho

No hace falta decir que el fallecimiento de Matthew envió ondas de choque en todo Hollywood. Teniendo en cuenta su historial con el abuso de sustancias, se ha especulado que podría estar en juego, pero hasta ahora, no hay ninguna indicación de que ese sea el caso.

Los profesionales médicos van a esperar para ver lo que estaba en su sistema en al momento de su muerte, mientras tanto, todos sus fans y seres queridos pueden recordarlo con cariño.

No se sabe nada aún sobre los planes funerarios, pero nos imaginamos que una gran celebración de la vida está por venir.

Matthew Perry Cause of Death Still a Mystery ... Autopsy Pending

Matthew Perry's death will remain a mystery for now -- because officials are waiting for some key tests to be done before weighing in definitively on how he died.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office just published their findings on an initial autopsy of the late "Friends" actor -- and they're deferring his cause of death ... pending toxicology results and further investigation, which could take weeks to complete.

They're also not indicating the manner of death at this point ... although our sources have told us no foul play is suspected, and no illicit narcotics were found on the premises.

The only other notable detail from his autopsy report is that they note he died at his residence -- and that his body is now ready to be released to his family for burial/cremation. A probe into the circumstances of his death is underway with law enforcement.

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TMZ broke the news ... first responders rushed to his property on a cardiac arrest call, and Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub ... this after an apparent drowning. The exact sequence of events is unclear, but he was eventually declared deceased on the scene.

Like we told you ... MP had played pickleball Saturday morning for a couple hours before returning home and sending his assistant on an errand. Sometime later, the assistant returned, discovered his boss ... and then called 911.

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It goes without saying ... Matthew's passing sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood. Considering his history with substance abuse, there's been speculation that could be at play -- but so far, there's no indication that's in fact the case.

Medical professionals are going to wait to see what was in his system at the time of his death -- in the meantime, all his fans and loved ones can do is mourn.

No word yet on funeral plans ... but we imagine a major celebration of life is coming soon.


Tiroteo masivo en Maine Sospechoso Robert Card es encontrado muerto Por aparente suicidio

Robert Card, el hombre acusado de iniciar un tiroteo masivo en Maine, en el que murieron al menos a 18 personas y más de una docena salió herida, fue hallado sin vida y con una herida de bala autoinfligida.

El cuerpo de Card acaba de ser encontrado en el bosque en Maine y se espera que los funcionarios compartan más detalles en una conferencia de prensa programada para las 7 PM PT.

Como informamos, estaba en marcha una persecución para encontrar al hombre de 40 años, después de que abriera fuego en un bowling y un bar en Lewiston el miércoles por la noche. Algunas de las personas que estaban en el bowling eran parte de una liga de bolos juvenil.

El tiroteo del miércoles por la noche quedó registrado como uno de los 10 tiroteos masivos más mortíferos en la historia de Estados Unidos.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

Una orden de refugio en el lugar estaba en efecto después del tiroteo masivo. La gobernadora de Maine, Janet Mills, había instado a los residentes a no acercarse a Card si lo veían. También se habían cerrado los colegios de la zona mientras continuaba el operativo.

Se informó que el reservista del Ejército de EE.UU., Robert Card era instructor de armas de fuego con 20 años de experiencia militar. Había trabajado como especialista en suministro de petróleo, sin despliegues de combate. Se había alistado en 2002.

Huyendo para protegerse

Según varios medios de comunicación, el sospechoso había dicho que recientemente que escuchaba voces e incluso había amenazado con disparar a una base de la Guardia Nacional en Saco, Maine. También se informó de que fue internado en una institución mental este verano, pero fue puesto en libertad después de un par de semanas.

Las relajadas leyes de posesión de armas en Maine se han convertido en un gran tema de conversación a raíz del horrible tiroteo. El estado no tiene una ley de bandera roja que permita a los miembros de la familia pedir directamente a un juez que le quiten las armas a alguien que muestra signos de ser una amenaza para los demás.

Maine Mass Shooting Suspect Robert Card Found Dead ... From Apparent Suicide

Robert Card -- the man accused of going on a shooting spree in Maine, killing at least 18 people and injuring over a dozen more -- has been found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Card's body was just found in the woods in Maine and officials are expected to share more details in a news conference scheduled for 7 PM PT.

As we reported, a manhunt was underway for 40-year-old Card after he opened fire at a bowling alley and a bar in Lewiston, Maine Wednesday night ... with some of the people at the bowling alley being a part of a youth bowling league.

Wednesday night's shooting is now infamously cemented as one of the 10 deadliest mass shootings in American history.


A shelter-in-place order was in effect following the mass shooting, with Maine Governor Janet Mills urging residents not to approach Card if they saw him. Schools in the area were also shut down as the hunt continued.

The U.S. Army Reservist is reportedly a trained firearms instructor with 20 years of military experience, working as a petroleum supply specialist in the Reserve with no combat deployments -- enlisting in 2002.


According to multiple media outlets, he recently reported hearing voices and had even threatened to shoot up a National Guard Base in Saco, ME. He also was reportedly committed to a mental institution this summer but was released after a couple of weeks.

Maine's relaxed gun laws have become a big talking point in the wake of the horrific shooting -- the state doesn't have a red flag law that lets family members directly ask a judge to take guns away from someone who shows signs of being a threat to others.

Northwestern State Football Season Canceled, Coach Resigns After Player's Tragic Death

Northwestern State University has canceled its football team's season following a player's tragic death.

The school announced the move on Thursday ... just 14 days after junior safety Ronnie Caldwell was shot and killed near NSU's campus in Louisiana.

The university said in a statement "the mental health and wellbeing of its student-athletes" was the "primary reason" for the decision.

"While our instinct was to return to the field of play following [Caldwell's] death," NSU President Dr. Marcus Jones said, "we've since learned that the hurt on our team was too deep. Now it is in the best interest of our players, coaches, and staff to pause and to take this time to mourn, to heal, and to support Ronnie's family."

The team canceled its Oct. 14 game against Nicholls State immediately after Caldwell's death, but it suited up for its game against Southeastern Louisiana a week later. It lost the contest, 37-20, but players and coaches all honored Caldwell during the matchup.

The team had four more games remaining on its schedule before Thursday's decision to forego the rest of the year was made.

Meanwhile, NSU head coach Brad Laird revealed he was resigning from his position after holding it for the past six years ... saying he was heartbroken over Caldwell's passing.

"Due to the loss of Ronnie and the emotional burden it has caused me, I don't feel I can give my all to these players or this program," Laird said. "Any coach will tell you that their players become like family, so the loss of Ronnie was like losing a son. I love this program and this university and I know it will persevere and move forward with the competitive spirit that is at the core of our DNA."

Caldwell had appeared in 11 games last season for NSU, but hadn't suited up this season due to a preseason injury.

He was just 21 years old.

Drake Biggest RIAA Artist Ever ... Over 200 Million Units Sold!!!

Drake can now claim he's a King too -- à la Michael Jackson or Elvis -- because he's hit a milestone ... the Recording Industry Association of America says he's sold more single units than anyone. Ever. In history.

Mr. Morgan, Drake's OVO Sound President, made the surprise reveal amid Drizzy's 37th birthday celebrations ... the Canadian rapper is the first artist in RIAA history to surpass 200 million units, and he did it convincingly -- his tally now stands at 220 mil!!!

Some of the biggest wins on his leger include the 2011 album "Take Care," and 2013 smash hit "Started From the Bottom" ... as both inch toward diamond plaques at 8x platinum.

BTW ... RIAA single units include purchases of records, permanent downloads and streams -- all categories Drake regularly crushes with every new release. OIder acts like Elvis, The Beatles and even MJ sold millions upon millions of records ... but Drake tends to beat them by a country mile on digital downloads and streams.

Translation: It's good to be the King.

Another cool stat ... his alt-left dance album, "Honestly, Nevermind" officially cements that all his studio releases have sold at least one million units.

Two tracks from his new album, the J. Cole-featured, "First Person Shooter" and Yeat-featured, "IDGAF" currently sit in the Billboard Hot 100's Top 10 also.

Table For One / SiriusXM

With a catalog this prosperous, it's no wonder Drake is comfortable entering a hiatus from music soon ... to deal with the stomach issues he says are causing him grief.

The time away should give Drake's peers plenty of time to play catch up. 😉

Blueface Jaidyn Alexis Signs Columbia Records Joint Deal Milf Music 'Til Infinity!!!



6:11 AM PT -- We're told Jaidyn Alexis is signed to BuVision for a single through a joint venture with Columbia Records ... in other words, expect her biggest record yet.

Blueface's fiancée Jaidyn Alexis is now in a position to make her own splash in the music biz ... inking a record deal.

The newly engaged couple popped champagne Tuesday and toasted the immediate future -- Jaidyn signed a deal with Columbia Records.

The rookie rapper signed several pages of contracts with Blue by her side. A rep for the label also confirmed with TMZ Hip Hop the move was no publicity stunt.

Jaidyn just started hitting the booth this year but has remained dedicated to the craft.


Following BF's Vegas arrest last year, Jaidyn bailed him out and was ordered straight to the studio to get her skills up.

Her last string of music videos have amassed several million views each ... just the type of motion a record label like Columbia is looking for in this social media era.

BF's other baby mom, Chrisean Rock has been making waves herself on the indie circuit, most notably with her viral "Mr. Take Ya B*tch" collab with Lil Mabu.

Congrats to Jaidyn.

Originally Published -- 10/24 3:56 PM PT

Georgetown Coach Tasha Butts Dead At 41

Georgetown women's basketball head coach Tasha Butts has tragically died following a battle with breast cancer, the school announced Monday.

She was just 41 years old.

In revealing the heartbreaking news, school president John J. DeGioia called her death "a devastating loss."

"She was extraordinary," DeGioia said. "Tasha was a person of character, determination, vision, and kindness. She will be deeply missed by our community and by so many people around the country who have been inspired by her life."

Butts starred on the court at Tennessee from 2000 to 2004 -- playing forward for Pat Summit ... before she was picked by the Minnesota Lynx in the second round of the 2004 WNBA Draft.

She eventually got into coaching following her one season in the league, beginning as an assistant with Duquesne in 2007. She later coached for LSU and UCLA, before landing a promotion to the associate head coach role at Georgia Tech in 2021.

She found a ton of success as the leader of the Yellow Jackets, this despite being diagnosed with breast cancer during the 2021 season ... and in April, she was named Georgetown's head coach.

She stepped away from the team last month, however, to continue her fight with cancer.

"When I met Tasha, I knew she was a winner on the court, and an incredible person whose drive, passion and determination was second to none," Georgetown AD Lee Reed said. "She exhibited these qualities both as a leader and in her fight against breast cancer. This is a difficult time for the entire Georgetown community, and we will come together to honor her memory."

The school announced Darnell Haney will be the interim head coach for this upcoming season. It also said Monday it and the Big East will continue to raise funds and breast cancer awareness through her "Tasha Tough" initiative.


Jay-Z Are You Crazy?! Take $500K Over Dinner with Me

Jay-Z is advising all Twitter philosophers out there to take the proverbial "$500,000" over having dinner with him ... he's saying all the "jewels" they think they'll get are in his old albums!!!

HOV weighed in on the viral social media question Monday with Gayle King on "CBS Mornings," where he finally gave fans the answer key ... well, his, at least.

In case you’re not hip, fans have been having a field day with the topic for YEARS ... debating if having just ONE dinner with Jay is worth more than $500K cash upfront.

Clearly an obvious choice for many, but some have argued that Jay will bless them with the missing link to create their own billion-dollar empire!!!

Jay’s not exactly disagreeing with them, but he’s saying there’s a $499,989.01 discount just for listening to one of his old albums!!!

He touted cash-saving tactics on his last released album “4:44” back in 2017, and way back in 2009, he infamously rapped the lines ... "HOV on that new s**t, n****s like "How come?" N****s want my old s**t, buy my old albums."

Jay says he didn't name a batch of his albums "The Blueprint" just because ... he says the songs contain his life's work and everything he rapped about became true.


With over 100 million records sold, the most Grammy wins for a rapper, and his Roc Nation label still going strong, no one's questioning him either.

Israeli-Hamas War Majority of Israeli Hostages Still Alive

Scores of Israeli citizens who were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists during their deadly terrorist attack are still alive, according to the Israeli military.

As many as 200+ people were kidnapped by Hamas in the October 7 attack. More than 20 of those captured are under the age of 18, while another 10 to 20 hostages are over 60.

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Israeli military officials would not say precisely how many they believe are still alive -- only that a majority have survived over the past 2 weeks.

At least 2 hostages have been confirmed dead ... a 13-year-old Israeli girl, and her 80-year-old grandmother.

The Israelis are planning a ground invasion, which appears to be imminent. The Herculean task ... somehow eliminating Hamas without harming the hostages or other innocent people in Gaza.


Megan Thee Stallion le dijo recientemente a sus fans que su próximo álbum sería un esfuerzo indie, y no estaba mintiendo... Su batalla de años con su sello discográfico 1501 Certified y su jefe Carl Crawford, ¡se ha terminado!

Billboard informó el jueves que tanto Megan como 1501 acordaron "separarse amistosamente", poniendo fin a tres años de ida y venidas en las redes sociales.

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Hot Girl Producciones

Las dos partes comenzaron a tener problemas en 2020, cuando la rapera citó repetidos intentos del sello de bloquear el lanzamiento de nueva música y no cumplir su contrato.

No se sabe si alguna de las partes pagó dinero para poner fin al acuerdo, pero Crawford suavizó su postura sobre Meg a principios de este año después de conocer el veredicto de culpabilidad de Tory Lanez por dispararle.

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Esto harto

Crawford estuvo conversando junto a Kai "Verse" Tyler, presidente del sello entonces, en TMZ Hip Hop en febrero, revelando que estaba arrepentido por su rol en las rencillas con Meg, las que incluyeron hablar mal de su jefe Roc Nation Jay-Z.

La fanfarria no duró mucho ... Desde entonces, Kai ha abandonado el barco, al igual que la otra creadora de éxitos de 1501, Erica Banks, que recientemente lanzó una canción disidente dirigida a 1501 con las mismas quejas que Megan: "Me importa una m*** esa discográfica, me ven, y me deben dinero, son codiciosos".

Carl fue All-Star de la Major League Baseball, así que es hora de recurrir a su experiencia en "formación de equipos".

Megan Thee Stallion 'Splits Amicably' With 1501, Carl Crawford

Megan Thee Stallion recently told fans her next album will be an indie effort, and that's no cap -- her years-long battle with her record label 1501 Certified, and its boss Carl Crawford, is now over!

Billboard reported on Thursday that both Megan and 1501 will "amicably part ways" ... ending 3 years of back-and-forth swipes on social media.

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The two parties started going at it in 2020 ... the "WAP" rapper cited repeated attempts by the Houston-based label blocking her from releasing music and fulfilling her contract.

No word if either party paid out any money to end the deal, but Crawford softened his stance on Meg earlier this year after the Tory Lanez guilty verdict for shooting her.

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He debuted his new label president Kai "Verse" Tyler to TMZ Hip Hop back in Feb. ... revealing he was sorry for his part in the Meg wars, which included bad mouthing her Roc Nation boss Jay-Z.

The fanfare didn't last long ... Kai's no longer a part of the machine and 1501's other hitmaker, Erica Banks, recently dropped a diss song aimed at 1501 with the same gripes as Megan -- "Give a f*** about that label they see me/And they owe me some money, they greedy" ... but we're told cooler heads have prevailed.

Carl's a former MLB All-Star, so it's time to draw on that "team-building" expertise.

Meg's been there, done that when it comes to 1501.

Chandler Jones Arrested In Las Vegas Again ... Tells Fans 'Pray For Me'

Instagram / @chanjones


Chandler Jones was just released from jail ... and apparently one of his first orders of business was to take a selfie video outside the station.

"Fresh out of jail again," Jones said in the clip. "Ya'll Pray For me."

Chandler Jones has been arrested in Las Vegas again.

The former Raiders star was locked up on Tuesday, according to jail records ... the second time in less than three weeks that police have placed the football player into custody.

Records show he was booked on a charge of violating a domestic violence temporary protection order ... and as of Wednesday morning, he remained behind bars.

No further details surrounding the arrest were made immediately available.

Jones was previously arrested for two counts of the same offense on Sept. 29 ... after authorities claimed he went to a woman's home, grabbed some of her items from her backyard, and then appeared to burn the stuff while "completely nude inside of his own backyard."

Jones was released by the Raiders shortly after the initial arrest.


The 33-year-old, however, appeared to be in good spirits following it ... smiling and laughing with artists while at a local tattoo shop in early October.

Originally Published -- 9:06 AM PT

Ronnie Caldwell NSU Football Player Dead At 21 ... Shot & Killed In Louisiana

College football player Ronnie Caldwell -- a junior safety at Northwestern State University -- was shot and killed on Thursday morning in Louisiana, police said.

He was just 21 years old.

According to the Natchitoches Police Department, the tragic incident happened near NSU's campus -- which is about three hours away from New Orleans -- at around 1:08 a.m.

Police say they were dispatched to a street near the university after 911 callers reported gunshots in the area. When officers arrived, they say they found Caldwell suffering from gunshot wounds ... and he was later pronounced deceased.

Cops say an investigation into the shooting is still ongoing.

The Northwestern State football team, meanwhile, canceled its Saturday game against Nicholls State after learning of the heartbreaking news.

"Ronnie Caldwell was a young man who had a bright future ahead of him on or off the football field," Demons head coach Brad Laird said on Thursday. "He was our voice in the locker room."

"Our hearts are broken and ache for Ronnie's family and friends. His loss will be felt here at Northwestern State, in Natchitoches and in his home."

Caldwell -- who transferred from Tyler Junior College after the 2021 season -- appeared in 11 games last season and finished seventh on the team in tackles. He did not play yet this season due to an injury he suffered in the preseason.

The Texas native was also a business administration major who helped coach a local youth baseball team over the summer.

Police are asking anyone with information on Caldwell's death to call cops at 318-357-3914.

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