Sen. Dianne Feinstein Dead At 90

Dianne Feinstein -- the esteemed, longtime Senator from California, has died.

A statement from Feinstein's team reveals she died Thursday night at her home in Washington D.C.. The statement reads, "Her passing is a great loss for so many, from those who loved and cared for her to the people of California that she dedicated her life to serving."

Feinstein was the longest-serving female member of the Senate in history -- spending more than three decades within the hallowed walls of the Senate. She was a staunch Democrat from San Francisco and a strong voice for gun control.

Before serving in the Senate, Feinstein cut her political teeth as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. She became Mayor of San Francisco in 1978 after Mayor George Moscone was assassinated, along with Supervisor Harvey Milk. She became a U.S. Senator in 1992.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has said in the event of a Senate vacancy he would appoint a Black woman to serve out Feinstein's term.

The 90-year-old senator has suffered from various ailments in the last few years. She had a long absence recently because of shingles and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, along with encephalitis. There were calls for her resignation but Feinstein decided to tough it out.


The senator was born in 1933 in San Francisco, going to an all girls' high school and participating in things like ballet, athletics, and the glee club. She went on to attend Stanford University, graduating in 1955 with a Bachelor of Arts in history.

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She was 90.


Senadora Dianne Feinstein Muere a los 90

Dianne Feinstein, la estimada senadora por largo tiempo en California, ha muerto.

Un comunicado de su equipo revela que falleció el jueves por la noche en su casa de Washington D.C. El comunicado dice: "Su fallecimiento es una gran pérdida para muchos, desde los que la querían y cuidaban hasta el pueblo de California al que dedicó su vida a servir".

Feinstein fue la mujer que más tiempo ocupó un escaño en el Congreso, más de tres décadas en el Senado. Era una demócrata incondicional de San Francisco y una firme defensora del control de armas.

Antes de trabajar en el Senado, Feinstein se inició en la política como miembro de la Junta de Supervisores de San Francisco. En 1978 fue nombrada alcaldesa de la ciudad tras el asesinato del alcalde George Moscone, junto con el supervisor Harvey Milk. En 1992 se convirtió en Senadora de los Estados Unidos.

El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, ha declarado que en caso de que se produzca una vacante en el Senado, nombraría a una mujer de raza negra para completar el mandato de Feinstein.

La senadora de 90 años había sufrido diversas dolencias en los últimos años. Recientemente, estuvo mucho tiempo de baja debido a herpes y al síndrome de Ramsay Hunt, además de una encefalitis. Hubo peticiones de dimisión, pero Feinstein decidió permanecer.

REcordando a Dianne

Dianne Feinstein nació en 1933 en San Francisco, donde asistió a un instituto femenino y participó en actividades como ballet, atletismo y coro. Estudió en Stanford y se licenció en Historia en 1955.

Tenía 90 años.

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La última vez que la vimos

Que en paz descanse.

'Harry Potter' Actor Michael Gambon Dead at 82 ... After Bout With Pneumonia

Actor Michael Gambon -- best known for his role as Albus Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' films -- has died from pneumonia.

In a statement released Thursday, Gambon's publicist said he passed away peacefully in a hospital surrounded by his wife Anne and son Fergus.

The rep also said Gambon's family is "devastated" and requested privacy "at this painful time."

The esteemed Hollywood actor was cast in his most memorable role as Dumbledore in 6 out of the 8 'Harry Potter' films after the death of his predecessor, Richard Harris, in 2002.

Gambon also starred in dozens of other movies, including "Gosford Park," "The King's Speech" and the animated family flick "Paddington." His work spanned TV, theater and radio, as well.

Gambon was 82.


Huelga de escritores Se acaba oficialmente a la medianoche Tras 5 meses de paro

La prolongada huelga de guionistas está llegando oficialmente a su fin, ya que los líderes del sindicato firmaron el acuerdo provisional alcanzado el domingo con los estudios de Hollywood, casi 5 meses después de que comenzara la paralización.

La dirección del WGA votó el martes para poner fin a la huelga, aprobando el nuevo acuerdo de 3 años con la AMPTP y será efectivo justo después de la medianoche.

El avance significa que los escritores en huelga pueden empezar a trabajar en producciones de Hollywood tan pronto como el miércoles, a pesar de que la votación de ratificación no es hasta la próxima semana, cuando se espera que se apruebe.

Bill Maher, que iba a traer de vuelta su programa de entrevistas sin escritores antes de dar marcha atrás después del acuerdo tentativo, dice que sus escritores están regresando lo antes posible y que tendrá un nuevo episodio de su programa de HBO el viernes.

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Siendo realistas con Bill Maher

Como informamos, la huelga comenzó el 2 de mayo, y se extendió durante todo el verano con los escritores en las costas oeste y este luchando por salarios más justos, ganancias resiudales, restricciones al uso de la inteligencia artificial por parte de los estudios, transparencia de las empresas de streaming y otras cuestiones importantes.

El WGA y AMPTP volvieron a la mesa recientemente por unos días hasta que un acuerdo tentativo fue alcanzado el fin de semana, con los productores finalmente accediendo a la mayoría de las demandas del gremio.

En cuanto al nuevo contrato, gran parte se reduce a incrementos salariales, límites a la IA y más puestos de trabajo garantizados en las salas de redacción, solo para nombrar algunos.

Solo porque los escritores pueden tomar sus plumas nuevamente, no significa que las producciones de Hollywood estén de vuelta y funcionando como siempre. Los actores de SAG-AFTRA siguen en huelga por un trato justo hacia el gremio.

Los aproximadamente 65.000 actores se unieron a los guionistas en julio, luchando por muchos de los mismos problemas. Hemos visto a un montón de famosos en la primera línea, que han puesto en pausa algunas de sus series y películas favoritas.

Ahora, esos proyectos pueden volver a desarrollarse, pero Hollywood no se reabrirá del todo hasta que la SAG-AFTRA llegue a un acuerdo con los estudios.

Writers' Strike Officially Ending at Midnight ... 5 Months After Shutdown

The long-running writers' strike is officially coming to an end, as the union's leaders sign off on the tentative deal struck Sunday with Hollywood studios ... almost 5 months after the stalemate began.

WGA leadership voted Tuesday to end the strike, approving the new 3-year deal with the AMPTP ... and it will be effective just after midnight.

The breakthrough means striking writers can start working on Hollywood productions as early as Wednesday ... even though the ratification vote is not until next week when it's expected to pass.

Bill Maher, who was going to bring his talk show back without writers before reversing course after the tentative deal, says his writers are coming back ASAP and he will have a new episode of his HBO show Friday.

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As we reported, the strike began back on May 2 ... stretching all summer long with writers on the West and East Coasts fighting for fair wages and residuals, a crackdown on use of AI by the studios, transparency from streaming companies and other important issues.

The WGA and AMPTP went back to the table recently for a number of days until a tentative deal was struck over the weekend -- with producers finally meeting writers on most of the guild's demands.

As for the new contract ... a lot of the nitty gritty comes down to pay increases, limits on AI and more guaranteed jobs in writer rooms, just to name a few.

Just because writers can pick up their pencils again, doesn't mean Hollywood productions are back up and running like normal ... the actors in SAG-AFTRA are still striking for a fair deal of their own.

The roughly 65,000 actors joined the writers in July, fighting for many of the same issues the writers were facing. We've seen loads of celebs on the picket lines since pushing pause on some of your favorite shows and movies.

Now, those projects can be developed once again ... but Hollywood won't fully reopen until SAG-AFTRA hammers out an agreement with the studios.

'Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta' Brown Table Talk All About Erica's Firing ... As She Puts VH1 On Blast!!!


Erica Mena's ousting from "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" is giving the cast plenty of content for an upcoming special ... which Erica says is pretty hypocritical, considering everything was all good until her controversial episode aired.

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VH1's airing a special roundtable discussion Tuesday, hosted by "colorism expert" Dr. Sarah L. Webb and featuring cast members such as Lil Scrappy, Yung Joc and Spice, ... who was the target of EM's "monkey" comment, which led to Erica's firing.


After tonight's episode was announced, Erica posted a video claiming she'd been on the set several days after her explosive argument with Spice aired and says the network "proudly" put it out for the world to see.

Her point is "L&HH" producers were fine with her, and only fired her in response to the public backlash that came once the episode aired.

A source close to Erica tells TMZ Hip Hop ... she feels the network is trying to silence her, after the fact, by not letting her participate in the roundtable.

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We're also told Erica continued working on the show for 7 months after the "monkey" argument -- another reason she feels producers are only shutting her out to avoid public backlash.

We reached out to Viacom, but no word back yet.

Tory Lanez Upbeat Message From Prison ... Gushes Over New Cell


Tory Lanez cleared up much of the speculation behind his recent inmate transfer, and just like we reported, he’s making the most of the situation!!!

Fans and haters alike were surprised Monday when Tory’s official social media accounts posted a pretty upbeat voice memo from jail where he sounded like he's free as a bird ... even though that's clearly not the case.

As we previously reported, Tory’s celebrity status has him holed up solo inside the Administrative Segregation at North Kern State Prison in Delano, CA … and the “Color Violent” rapper says he’s loving the extra legroom.

North Kern

Tory’s new facility isn’t without its issues -- several people have been killed within the prison this year alone -- but Tory says it’s better than the L.A. county jail where they had him on 24-hour lockdown and in his words, they were “hating” on a G.

Tory thanked his supporters for holding him down and expressed how the situation made him fearless.

He's gonna need that confidence ... Tory's just starting a 10-year sentence for shooting Megan Thee Stallion.

The Canadian native vowed fans would be hearing from him sooner than they think in the form of the "Alone At Prom" deluxe edition which he tucked away for future release.

Russell Brand Sex Abuse Claims Spur Probe ... UK Cops Investigating

Russell Brand is under criminal investigation in the UK -- this after cops say a handful of women came forward to publicly claim he sexually abused them years ago.

The comedian-actor was not named by London's Metropolitan Police in their statement Monday -- but there was no ambiguity that he was at the center of this new probe. They wrote, "Following an investigation by Channel 4's Dispatches and The Sunday Times, the Met has received a number of allegations of sexual offences in London."

The cops add ... "We have also received a number of allegations of sexual offences committed elsewhere in the country and will investigate these."

Unclear what exactly the police are digging into, but, presumably, it might relate to the allegations mentioned in the joint report published a couple weeks ago -- which included claims from 4 different women ... a few of whom alleged RB had raped them.

Prior to Monday's announcement ... Metropolitan Police had said they received a report of a sexual assault that allegedly took place in Soho, London back in '03 -- and many believed that, too, was linked to Brand. Worth noting, Brand has yet to be arrested for anything at this point.

For his part, Brand has repeatedly and vehemently denied of all the claims against him thus far -- and it's too early to tell whether any of these investigations will result in charges.

His online videos and personal web pages have taken hits in the past several days ... with some sponsors pulling their ads from his channels.


Russell Brand está siendo investigado en el Reino Unido luego de que varias mujeres afirmaran públicamente que había abusado sexualmente de ellas hace años.

La Policía Metropolitana de Londres no mencionó el nombre del actor cómico en su declaración del lunes, pero no había ninguna ambigüedad en cuanto a que se encontraba en el centro de esta nueva investigación. Escribieron: "Tras una investigación de Dispatches de Channel 4 y The Sunday Times, la Met ha recibido una serie de acusaciones de delitos sexuales en Londres."

Los policías añaden: "También hemos recibido una serie de denuncias de delitos sexuales cometidos en otros lugares del país y los investigaremos".

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que la policía está investigando, pero suponemos que podría estar relacionado con las acusaciones mencionadas en el informe publicado hace un par de semanas. El informe incluía reclamaciones de 4 mujeres diferentes, algunas de las cuales alegaron que Russell las había violado.

Antes del anuncio del lunes, La Policía Metropolitana había dicho que recibieron un informe de asalto sexual que supuestamente tuvo lugar en el Soho de Londres en 2003 y muchos creían que también estaba vinculado a Brand. Vale la pena señalar que Brand aún no ha sido arrestado por nada en este momento.

Por su parte, Brand ha negado repetida y vehementemente todas las acusaciones en su contra hasta el momento y es demasiado pronto para saber si alguna de estas investigaciones dará lugar a cargos.

Sus vídeos en línea y páginas web personales han recibido duros golpes con algunos patrocinadores retirando sus anuncios de sus canales.

Fatal Vegas Hit-And-Run Cops Arrest Passenger ... Who Filmed & Laughed During Attack

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The passenger who was filming and cackling while his buddy struck and killed a man riding his bike has been arrested.

The unnamed suspect was taken into custody Tuesday in Clark County -- this according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which says they have their man. His identity has yet to be revealed ... he's also a minor -- just like his alleged accomplice.

The DAs said on Tuesday the 2 males are expected to be tried as adults, however. It was also revealed a student at a local school showed the shocking video to an officer on campus, which was how the department first learned of it.

Andreas Probst's daughter, Taylor, spoke about the loss of her father at the press conference ... saying her family is "devastated by the senseless murder" that took place last month, saying the death is a direct result of "society's decayed family values" and the effects of social media.

Remember, these two are who cops say is featured in a now notorious video that circulated online ... graphically depicting the murder of 64-year-old Probst, who was simply riding his bicycle down the street when the two guys in the stolen car opted to hit him.

You can hear them talking about it right before they hit the accelerator -- the guy driving asks his passenger if he should go for it ... and the passenger encourages him to do it.

Probst went flying into the air and was left for dead on the road. The two teenagers in the car can be heard laughing it up as they drive away.

Mind you ... right before they ran over Probst, the two had gotten into a separate road rage incident -- where they slammed into another car -- literally just moments beforehand.

However, authorities now say there was a third incident that went down roughly 30 minutes before all of this ... where the 2 teens hit another person on a bike, claiming the passenger was the one behind the wheel this time.

They say the other cyclist and the alleged road rage victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries.

The video has drawn widespread outrage and condemnation ... and Vegas PD has since publicly pleaded for help in ID'ing the other dude. Now, police say they have them both.

It remains to be seen if the passenger will face similar charges as the driver -- who's being prosecuted for hit-and-run as well as murder.

Russell Brand Denies Rape, Abuse Allegations ... Ahead of Explosive Exposé

Russell Brand got ahead of explosive allegations against him -- including claims of rape -- before they hit the news ... taking to his own channel to vehemently deny wrongdoing.

The comedian-actor turned podcaster hopped on YouTube and Twitter Friday night with a video addressing what he said was a couple different stories that were set to be released ... which detailed allegations made by women, some of whom say he'd abused them.

The two pieces were published Saturday -- it was a collab between The Times (UK) and Channel 4 ... and their reporting appears to be extensive with a year-long investigation.

A total of at least 5 women have gone on the record to detail disturbing stories that they claim occurred between them and Russell from 2006 to 2013 -- when RB was at the peak of his fame in Hollywood. They range from outright rape and sexual assault to abuse ... as well as claims of controlling/threatening behavior. One woman, who stayed anonymous, alleged her toxic interactions with Russell started while she was underage ... at just 16 years old.

In anticipation of the pieces being ran, Russell talked to his audience directly ... telling them that he completely refutes the allegations that rise to a criminal level -- seemingly, the rape/sexual assault claims. He says all of his sexual episodes have been consensual.

Russell does acknowledge that he was very promiscuous once upon a time and that he's had a lot of partners -- but also says he's been very open about all of this in the years since.

Eventually, he goes on to suggest that he's being targeted by mainstream media agendas ... and that the reason might lie in his recent stances and politics, on which he's been vocal.

If you haven't followed Russell's journey lately, the dude is very much leaning right these days -- and has espoused strong opinions on everything from COVID to Ukraine and beyond. He's very much so in the Joe Rogan field of POVs ... and thinks that's at the root of this.

It doesn't sound like anything formal has been done as it pertains to the allegations -- including police reports or lawsuits -- but he says he's going to look into all of them.

FWIW, Russell doesn't seem to have any acting projects on the horizon at the moment.

Russell Brand Niega acusaciones de violación y abuso

Russell Brand se adelantó a las explosivas acusaciones en su contra antes de que llegaran a las noticias, haciendo uso de su propio canal para negar vehementemente haber cometido un delito.

El comediante-actor convertido en podcaster saltó a YouTube y Twitter el viernes por la noche, para abordar en un video un par de historias, a su juicio, "diferentes" que estaban a punto de ser publicadas. Estas detallan las acusaciones hechas por las mujeres, algunas de las cuales dicen que él abusó de ellas.

Las dos piezas fueron publicadas el sábado, en una colaboración entre The Times (Reino Unido) y Channel 4, y la información que contiene parece ser extensa con investigaciones de hasta un año.

Un total de al menos 5 mujeres hablaron con los periodistas para detallar historias perturbadoras entre ellas y Russell, desde 2006 hasta 2013, cuando el rapero estaba en la cima de su fama en Hollywood. Estas van desde la violación directa y la agresión sexual hasta el abuso, así como acusaciones de comportamiento controlador y amenazante. Una mujer, que se mantuvo en el anonimato, alegó que las interacciones tóxicas con Russell comenzaron cuando era menor de edad, con solo 16 años.

Anticipándose a la publicacion de las piezas, Russell habló directamente a su audiencia, diciéndoles que refutaba completamente las acusaciones que se elevan a un nivel criminal, que aparentemente, corresponden a las alegaciones de violacion/agresion sexual. Dice que todos sus episodios sexuales han sido consentidos.

Russell reconoce que fue muy promiscuo en el pasado y que ha tenido muchas parejas, pero también dice que ha se ha referido abiertamente a esto sobre todo esto en los últimos años.

Finalmente sugiere que su persona se encuentra en la mira de los medios de comunicación, y que la razones podrían deberse a sus posturas y políticas recientes, en las que se ha hecho oír.

Si no has seguido la trayectoria de Russell últimamente, el tipo está muy inclinado a la derecha en estos días y ha adoptado fuertes opiniones en temas que van desde COVID hasta Ucrania y más allá. Él está muy en el campo de Joe Rogan ... y piensa que eso está en la raíz de todo esto.

No suena como que esté haciendo nada formal en lo que respecta a las acusaciones -incluyendo informes policiales o demandas- pero él dice que va a mirarlos.

Lo que es importante subrayar es que Russell no parece tener ningún proyecto como actor en el horizonte por el momento.

Tory Lanez Denegada la fianza en caso de Megan Thee Stallion

Tory Lanez permanecerá tras las rejas después de haber sido declarado culpable de disparar a Megan Thee Stallion, pues su solicitud para ser puesto en libertad bajo fianza en espera de su apelación acaba de ser denegada.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, Tory estaba pidiendo a un juez de Los Ángeles que le permitiera vivir con su hijo y su esposa en lugar de permanecer tras las rejas mientras se desarrolla su apelación.

Tory tuvo una audiencia el jueves sobre su solicitud, pero un juez le dijo que no, señalando que está condenado por un delito violento, tiene un historial de violación de las órdenes judiciales, y no es un ciudadano de EE.UU., como razones para decirle lo siento.

La defensa de Tory argumentó el último punto, diciendo que el rapero canadiense está en Estados Unidos legalmente con un visado de trabajo activo y no tiene ninguna razón para volver a Canadá. Pero al parecer eso no tuvo ninguna influencia en el juez.

Como ya informamos, Tory fue condenado el mes pasado a una década tras las rejas después de enfrentarse a más de 22 años.

El año pasado fue declarado culpable de tres cargos: disparo negligente de un arma de fuego, agresión con un arma de fuego semiautomática y portar un arma de fuego cargada y no registrada.

Tory habló después de su sentencia: continuó diciendo que es inocente y que fue "injustamente condenado".

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Dejando el vehículo

El infame video de 2020, obtenido por TMZ, mostró a Megan cojeando cerca de su vehículo con un rastro de sangre detrás de ella.

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Ejemplo extremo

El abogado de Tory, José Báez, llamó a la sentencia "increíblemente dura". También expresó su desaprobación por el equipo de la fiscalía, quienes a su juicio quieren construir un caso ejemplificador con su cliente.

Tory Lanez Denied Bond In Megan Thee Stallion Case ... Stays Behind Bars Pending Appeal

Tory Lanez will remain behind bars after being found guilty of shooting Megan Thee Stallion ... his request to be released on bond pending his appeal was just denied.

For those unaware, Tory was asking a judge in Los Angeles to let him live with his son and wife instead of staying behind bars while his appeal plays out.

Tory had a hearing Thursday about his request, but a judge said no dice -- noting Tory's convicted of a violent felony, has a history of violating court orders, and isn't a U.S. citizen as reasons for the thumbs down.

Tory's defense argued the last point, saying the Canadian rapper is in America legally on an active work visa and has no reason to go back to Canada ... but that didn't seem to sway the judge.

As we reported, Tory was given his sentence last month -- being handed a decade behind bars after facing over 22 years.

He was found guilty of 3 charges last year ... negligent discharge of a firearm, assault with a semiautomatic firearm, and carrying a loaded and unregistered firearm.

Tory spoke out after his sentencing ... continuing to claim he's innocent, saying he was "wrongfully convicted."

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The infamous 2020 clip, obtained by TMZ, showed Megan limping near their vehicle with a trail of blood behind her.

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Tory's lawyer, Jose Baez, called out the "incredibly harsh" sentence as it came in last month ... also expressing disapproval for the prosecuting team for making an example out of his client.

el prófugo DANELO CAVALCANTE ¡CAPTURADO! Luego de 14 días de persecución

capturado y a prisión
Fox News

El prófugo Danelo Cavalcante ha sido capturado luego de una masiva y alocada persecución de dos semanas que hizo temer a todo el estado de Pensilvania.

Cavalcante, un asesino convicto, fue detenido el miércoles sin incidentes por un equipo SWAT en la misma zona rural donde entró en una casa y robó un rifle después de recibir un disparo por el residente.

Se desconocía su estado tras 14 días de fuga, pero en un vídeo se le veía alerta y receptivo mientras estaba detenido.

En un momento dado, un gran grupo de los agentes que participaron en su captura se reunieron alrededor de Danelo para posar para una foto con el fugitivo capturado.

Las imágenes también muestran a agentes con uniforme militar que esposan a Cavalcante y lo introducen en la parte trasera de un camión blindado negro. El camión se alejó calle abajo con las luces rojas parpadeando.

La buena noticia llega luego de que un equipo especializado en fugitivos buscara a Cavalcante por toda Pensilvania. Aunque se produjeron varios avistamientos, Cavalcante consiguió eludir la captura, hasta hoy.

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el momento de la fuga

Cavalcante escapó el 31 de agosto escalando un muro del patio de recreo de la prisión del condado de Chester. Trepó por encima del alambre de espino, corrió por el tejado y saltó al suelo.

Escaped Prisoner Danelo Cavalcante CAPTURED!!! ... After 14-Day Manhunt

Fox News

2:08 PM PT -- We've obtained Danelo Cavalcante's booking photo, it appears he's been washed off and clean-shaven ... and will now get used to life in a cell once again.


11:58 AM PT -- Police say a K-9 "subdued" Cavalcante, leaving a minor bite wound on his scalp as he tried to break free. Shortly after, police moved in and brought him into custody.


Pennsylvania escaped prisoner Danelo Cavalcante has been captured ... this, after a massive, crazy two-week manhunt that put the entire state in fear.

Cavalcante, a convicted murderer, was arrested Wednesday without incident by Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) and SWAT teams in the same rural town where he broke into a home and stole a rifle after getting shot at by the resident.

His condition after 14 days on the lam was not known, but video appeared to show him conscious and alert while in custody.

At one point, a large group of the officers involved in his capture all gathered around Danelo to pose for a pic with the captured fugitive.

The footage also captured officers in military gear handcuffing Cavalcante and leading him into the back of a black armored truck. The truck then took off down the street with its red lights flashing.

The good news comes after a fugitive task force had been looking under every rock in Pennsylvania for Cavalcante. While there were a number of sightings, Cavalcante managed to elude capture ... until today.

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Cavalcante made his getaway August 31 when he scaled a wall in the recreational yard at Chester County Prison. He climbed over razor wire, ran across a roof and jumped to the ground below, fleeing the area.

Originally Published -- 6:19 AM PT

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