Brad Pitt Struggles to Maintain Relationship with Kids

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are at war in their divorce case, but the more immediate struggle is the co-parenting situation that even has a judge issuing a warning to cool it ... or else.

We're told Brad has been spending the bulk of his Summer in England -- where Angelina and the kids live -- so he can see his 6 children. The judge in the divorce case set out a schedule for Brad to visit with his children in London beginning in mid-June for 10 hours a day. The visitation increased last month to 4 consecutive days at a time.

Our sources say Brad and Angelina never interact with each other, and the handoffs are always through nannies and assistants.

It's clear there have been issues over Brad interacting with the kids. The judge in the divorce case already issued an order saying Angelina tried to restrict Brad's access that the judge believed was "harmful" to the children. The judge even said Brad had a right to call and text the kids whenever he wanted, and Angelina could not monitor the contacts.

TMZ broke the stories about Angelina claiming Brad has only provided minimal child support, and Brad fired back in legal docs that he's paid her $1.3 mil in child support since they split nearly 2 years ago ... and he loaned her $8 million to buy a house.

From what we're told, things are getting worse, not better, between the two.

Angelina Jolie Making Divorce So Hostile ... Her Lawyer is Quitting

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Angelina Jolie is fighting Brad Pitt so hard and nasty in their divorce and child custody dispute, her lawyer is quitting her ... sources tell TMZ.

Sources familiar with the matter say Angelina has been out for blood. As one source connected to Brad tells us, they believe she wants to kill any relationship he has with his kids. We're told there has been a lot of screaming on Angie's part ... as one source said, "She's fueled with anger and has gotten ridiculously unreasonable."

Our sources say her lawyer, Laura Wasser, is going to quit and made that known to her, because it's gotten too venomous. It seems like this was not a good match, because Wasser has made a name for herself in divorce circles by promoting settlements and co-parenting.

We're told Angelina has hired another law firm to take over when Wasser officially leaves, but for now the divorce is nowhere near settling ... it's more like all-out war.

Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie Selling New Orleans Mansion Big Easy Future Unclear

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6:15 AM PST -- Brad's rep just got back to us and said Brad and Angelina will look for another home "off the beaten path down the road," adding, "They remain committed to, and infatuated as ever with the city of New Orleans and will continue to focus on growth in the lower 9th through the Make it Right Foundation."

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are selling the New Orleans mansion they bought after Hurricane Katrina ... and it's unclear if they'll stay in the Big Easy.

You'll recall ... after the 2005 disaster leveled part of New Orleans, Brad and Angelina came to town and became extremely active in rebuilding the community. They bought the mansion a year later for $3.5 million and said they would remain embedded in the community.

Brad and Angelina were true to their words and spent a substantial amount of time in the city with their family.

But now they're moving on, selling the 5 bedroom, 3.2 bathroom home in the French Quarter. We're told the house has Brad Pitt's touch ... which is awesome, because he's an architectural aficionado who has masterfully restored a number of notable estates.

Real estate sources tell TMZ, Brad and Angelina have listed the home at $6.5 million.

For obvious reasons, prospective buyers are not allowed to take pictures of the interior.

As for their next move, Brad and Angelina's reps would not say if they plan on buying another home in New Orleans.


Brad Pitt Takes a Licking ...

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Brad Pitt's face is indestructible -- a fact whoever (or whatever) hit Brad should have known before attempting to disfigure our national treasure.

Brad showed up for a charity event in Hollywood Saturday night with a big bruise that starts under his left eye, and trails under his nose.

Most people would've stayed home with that kind of scarring, but most people don't have BP's genes. No clue what's behind this crime against beauty -- we've got a call in to his rep.

Even battered ... you know you'd do him.

Angelina Jolie I Got My Ovaries Removed I'm On a Mission to Live

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Angelina Jolie took a second big step in minimizing a cancer risk which she has been living with for years ... she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed.

Jolie told an emotional, dramatic story in a NY Times op-ed piece, in which she talked about her normal ... an 87% chance of developing breast cancer and a 50% chance of ovarian cancer, because she carries the BRCA1 gene mutation.

The actress took proactive steps with breast cancer 2 years ago by getting a double mastectomy. She'd been seriously considering the second preventative procedure but she was pushed into action when medical tests revealed the possibility of ovarian cancer but in the early stages.

Angelina underwent the procedure last week, and doctors found a small benign tumor on one ovary but no signs of cancer in her tissues.

Jolie says she's now in menopause as a result of the surgery, and she can't have any more children. She stoically writes about the fact that she has to live with the possibility of cancer but adds, "I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. l know my children will never have to say, 'Mom died of ovarian cancer.'"

Jennifer Aniston & Angelina Jolie Together At Last ... In the Same Photo

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We're gonna need a bigger room ... is what Critics' Choice Awards planners must have been saying with Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie showing up at the same event for the first time in years.

The ex and current Mrs. Pitt were actually photographed together -- several dozens of feet apart -- in a wide shot of the room ... making it clear someone (who wants to remain employed) was careful to seat them as far away as possible from each other.

We're told there were no chance run-ins between them during the show -- their first close encounter since the 2009 Oscars. For the record ... both women lost last night.

Although Justin Theroux was with Jennifer ... Angie was riding solo. Brad's no dummy.

Angelina Jolie Plunks Down $$$ for Brad's Wedding Present HEMINGWAY'S TYPEWRITER!!!

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Angelina Jolie put down thousands of dollars on the last typewriter Ernest Hemingway used before killing himself ... a $250,000 wedding gift for Brad Pitt ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected with the couple tell us ... Angelina's agent got in touch with L.A. Police Commission President Steve Soboroff, who has an unbelievable typewriter collection, including Hemingway's 1926 Underwood.

Get this ... Hemingway used the typewriter for his works in the late 1930s, and "For Whom the Bell Tolls" was published in 1940.

We're told Jolie initially wanted to buy his Tennessee Williams typewriter but he wouldn't sell it. So then the agent asked if Soboroff would sell one of the 2 Hemingway typewriters he owned ... they offered a quarter of a million bucks and it was an offer he couldn't refuse.

We're told this summer the agent sent a deposit check from Angelina's production company -- Chivan Productions -- for $11,000, but at some point she had a change of heart and cancelled the deal. She didn't even ask for the money back, but we're told the check was returned.

BTW ... Soboroff has a number of epic typewriters, including those owned by the Unabomber, John Lennon, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, and he just snagged Jerry Siegel's, who used the typewriter to create Superman!

Billy Bob Thornton Why I Didn't Send Angelina a Wedding Gift

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Billy Bob Thornton is still on good terms with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie ... but that doesn't mean he went out of his way to get her and Brad Pitt a wedding present.

It's not that that he doesn't want to get them something -- it's just that ... well, watch ... he explained it at LAX on Friday.

BBT also says it would NOT have been weird if he got an invite to the big event -- though he plays it coy as to whether he really did get the nod.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Get Married ... Finally!

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have finally made it official ... they got married!

In typical Brangelina fashion, it happened very under the radar. In fact ... they did the deed last weekend in France, according to a spokesman for the couple.

They were married in a small private ceremony at Chateau Miraval, which they own. Jolie was walked down the aisle by her oldest sons Pax and Maddox, while Zahara and Vivienne threw petals and Shiloh and Knox served as ring bearers.

Pitt apparently went right back to work after the wedding ... he was seen on Thursday promoting his next movie and wearing a new ring on his ring finger.

The two had said they wouldn't get married until "everyone else in the country" had the right to get married. Guess they jumped the gun a little ...

Brad Pitt Attacker Gettin' Dirty ... With Brad On His Mind

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The guy who bum rushed Brad Pitt at a Hollywood premiere is still hung up on Pitt -- even as he begins serving his sentence for the attack.

Vitalii Sediuk was wearing a tank top emblazoned with Brad's pic while he picked up garbage as part of his court-ordered community service.

Sediuk pled no contest to the attack -- he was ordered to stay away from Pitt and Angelina Jolie and has to do 20 days labor -- mostly clean-up duty.

Brad Pitt. He even makes trash look glamorous.

Brad Pitt Attacker Banned from Red Carpets ... And Brad & Angelina

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Brad Pitt's red carpet attacker just pled no contest to battery and unlawful activity at an event -- and will do 20 days community labor for that crime ... but more importantly, the judge blocked him from getting even a sniff of any future Hollywood events.

Vitalii Sediuk appeared before the judge in L.A. County court to enter his plea -- and in addition to the hard labor ... he was sentenced to 36 months probation, $220 in fines, and ordered to stay 500 yards away from red carpets, movie premieres, and award shows.

Sediuk was already on probation for getting on stage with Adele and Jennifer Lopez at the 2013 Grammys -- so, he's now been ordered to stay 100 yards away from Staples Center and the L.A. Live complex, where the Grammys are held.

The judge instructed the Ukrainian prankster to stay away from Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie -- and the Hollywood and Highland shopping center, where the Brad attack went down.

He'll be released from custody shortly.

Brad Pitt Attacker Destroyed Pitt's Sunglasses Hit With Restraining Order

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The guy who attacked Brad Pitt on the red carpet last night violated a cardinal rule of fighting -- never hit a guy with glasses ... especially when he's surrounded by a team of security goons.

TMZ broke the story ... Ukrainian troublemaker Vitalii Sediuk lunged at Pitt at the "Maleficent" premiere ... hitting him in the face and breaking the designer sunglasses he was wearing. Sediuk was immediately subdued ... and hauled off to jail.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... Brad wasn't hurt in the attack -- just stunned -- but a temporary emergency restraining order is now in place ... ordering Sediuk to stay at least 500 feet way from Pitt for the next 5 days.

We're told the case has been sent to the L.A. City Attorney for possible prosecution.

Sediuk is already on 3 years probation for crashing the Grammys in 2013 ... when he appeared on stage and tried to accept Adele's award.

Brad Pitt Man Arrested for Rushing Actor at 'Maleficent' Premiere

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Brad Pitt was the target of a crazed man who jumped a barrier and made contact with the actor while he walked a red carpet..

Pitt was at the El Capitan theater in Hollywood for the premiere of wife Angelina Jolie's new Disney flick "Maleficent" ... when a man suddenly jumped the fence and ran up to the actor while he was walking down the red carpet.

We're told the man actually made contact with Pitt's face before being nabbed by cops. It's unclear what the man's intentions were.

Law enforcement sources tell us the man was arrested by LAPD and booked for misdemeanor battery.

9:45 PM PT -- The whacked out fan turned out to be the moron Ukranian reporter, Vitalii Sediuk, who also got slapped for trying to kiss Will Smith, was arrested after he crashed the Grammys, and once got a face full of Leonardo DiCaprio's crotch. 

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie The Great Snack Debate

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Joile were given the ultimate "Sophie's Choice" Saturday night in Hollywood -- don't worry, their kids are fine -- but the couple's taste buds may NEVER BE THE SAME!

Brangelina were leaving the Independent Spirit Awards last night and our photog blew Brad Pitt's mind with a simple question.

If he had to choose one snack to eat for the rest of his life -- between Jell-O or pudding -- which would it be?

Angelina Jolie got another toughie from our photog -- Cheez-Its or Goldfish? Like a true fembot, she's stumped.

So, we gotta ask ...

Which is it?

Maddox Jolie-Pitt iPads Jacked Alleged Thief BUSTED

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Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's son fell victim to everyone's biggest fear -- the dreaded iPad heist -- after a man allegedly broke into the family's SUV and jacked not one, but TWO of the high-priced Apple tablets.

Sources on the scene tell TMZ, 11-year-old Maddox Jolie-Pitt, some friends, and a family bodyguard went to Hollywood Sports Paintball Park in Bellflower, CA, last weekend ... and while Maddox was playing inside, some jackass jimmied their SUV door and snatched the iPads and a cell phone.

But before the guy could make a clean getaway ... we're told someone spotted him in the act, and alerted security guards -- who nabbed him and then called police.

Our sources say the man was arrested, and the stolen items were returned.

A rep for the paintball park tells us, he felt so bad about the whole thing ... he hooked Maddox and his bodyguard up with a bunch of free food and other stuff.

Angelina Jolie First Appearance Since Mastectomy Announcement

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In her first red carpet appearance since announcing she underwent a double mastectomy, Angelina Jolie posed for pics with Brad Pitt today at the London premiere of his movie "World War Z."

In an op-ed piece for the New York Times last month, Jolie revealed she underwent a preventative double mastectomy back in February because "doctors estimated that I had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer."

Since making the announcement, Jolie has been recovering at home in Los Angeles before taking on her next project -- directing a film called "Unbroken."