Maitland Ward Danielle Set Me Up for Podcast Clash ... But I've Got No Ill Will!!!


Maitland Ward is spilling the beans on her clash with "Boy Meets World" costar Danielle Fishel now that she’s caught her breath -- and she's telling us she definitely didn’t expect to be cornered like that!

The actress-turned-adult entertainer opened up to TMZ, saying the heated "Pod Meets World" episode wasn’t about DF wanting to truly mend their estrangement, but more about wanting to "give it to her" -- so much so, Maitland says it felt like she suddenly morphed into villainous Regina George.

Pod Meets World

Catch the video, 'cause Maitland doesn't hold back -- she makes it crystal clear she wasn’t buying any of Danielle’s excuses, like "accidentally" unfriending her on Facebook and leaving her message unread for years.

Danielle Fishel Oh 'Boy'!!! Podcast Clash With Maitland Ward

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Pod Meets World

Danielle Fishel revisited her heated estrangement from her former "Boy Meets World" costar Maitland Ward -- and it's safe to say, it sparked one heck of a firestorm!

DF had Maitland on the latest "Pod Meets World" episode to chat about her switch to adult entertainment -- but things got heated when Danielle straight-up asked, "Do you hate us?" -- and that’s when the drama really kicked off.

You have to hear the back-and-forth between the two -- 'cause Maitland accused Danielle of actually hating on her.

Maitland Ward on Diddy Orgies Aren't For Normies ... We Don't Need IVs In Porn

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Maitland Ward says the now-infamous "Freak Off" parties the feds claim Diddy was orchestrating sound way more intense than group sex romps on porn sets.

The former "Boy Meets World" star, who now makes her living shooting X-rated content, tells TMZ ... she's never heard of anyone needing IV fluids while filming an orgy for an adult movie -- and those can go for half a day!


Maitland's referencing Diddy's federal indictment, in which prosecutors say Diddy's victims typically received IV fluids to recover from the physical exertion and drug use from the Freak Offs.

Maitland Ward Porn on X Is Great For Industry ... OnlyFans 2.0?!?

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Maitland Ward's stoked X is formally allowing porn ... saying it provides legitimacy for the adult film industry, and, it has her wondering if XXX posts are about to dominate Elon Musk's playground.

We caught up with the sitcom actress turned porn star in L.A., and asked her about X's change in policy. While Ward admits people have put nudes on X for years, she feels the content's been shadowbanned -- a problem she hopes the new rules will solve.

MW applauds the clearly-defined rules Elon and co. have devised for the content too ... adding the porn industry is totally on board with only allowing 18+ individuals to watch.

'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward Happy Trina's Preggo at 54 But, Like, Prove It Maybe Too?!?

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Trina McGee says she's ready to welcome a new baby into the world at the ripe age of 54 -- something her one-time costar Maitland Ward is stoked to hear ... but a bit wary of too.

We got the ex-"Boy Meets World" star -- who played Rachel in the later seasons, and who was Trina's on-screen BFF too -- out in L.A. Tuesday on the heels of TMG's big news ... namely, that she was about to be a mom again with her 4th kid on the way.

Of course, the thing that caught everyone by surprise is the fact Trina's in her 50s ... something that Maitland noticed as well, and which she's somewhat incredulous about.

'Boy Meets World' Trina McGee Pregnant at 54 ... Asks for Prayers

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"Boy Meets World" star Trina McGee is celebrating a pregnancy, but because she happens to be 54 years old ... she's asking fans to send some good vibes for a successful birth.

The actress took to Instagram Monday to announce she's expecting her 4th child ... and, from the sounds of it, the news was an unexpected surprise.

In a post set to The Supremes' hit "Baby Love," Trina wrote ... "At the tender age of 54 I have found myself pregnant. Please bless us with your prayers for a safe delivery. Thank you."

'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward Brian Peck Gave Me Weird Vibe ... Before Child Sex Abuse Case

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Boy Meets Predator

Maitland Ward crossed paths with convicted child molester Brian Peck on the "Boy Meets World" set before she knew he was a bad seed.

We got Maitland in Bev Hills and she told us about her experience with Brian, the 'BMW' guest-star who, in the early 2000s, was convicted on child sexual abuse charges.

Maitland says she was always suspicious of Brian ... saying he always wanted to hang around the cast, including Rider Strong and Will Friedle, despite being much older than them.

The way Maitland remembers it ... Brian made her feel like he was jealous she might get in between him and the cast ... and she's not surprised Brian got in tight with Rider and Will, because she felt that was always his intention.

As we reported ... Rider and Will recently talked about Brian's case on their "Pod Meets World" podcast, expressing shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him.

Pod Meets World

Brian spent a year behind bars as part of a plea deal he copped after being accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child star ... and now he's set to be featured in an upcoming documentary about Nick's ugly underbelly.

TMZ Studios

Maitland says she didn't know Brian was a pedophile, just that there was something strange and off-putting about him. She really respects the guys for shining new light on it.

It's an interesting perspective, and Maitland tells us why her adult film experience might keep her off the podcast with Rider, Will, and Danielle Fishel.

Los protagonistas de "Boy Meets World" acusan a la ex estrella invitada De tergiversar las acusaciones de abuso de menores

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Pod Meets World

Dos actores de "Boy Meets World" dicen que ahora tienen una imagen distorsionada de una estrella invitada a su programa, después de que el hombre fuera condenado por un cargo de abuso sexual infantil.

Rider Strong y Will Friedle abordaron este tema de frente junto a su compañera de reparto Danielle Fishel en su pódcast "Pod Meets World" el lunes, donde hablaron de Brian Peck, un actor que fue condenado por cargos de abuso sexual infantil en la década de 2000.

En ese momento, fue acusado de abusar de un actor infantil no identificado de Nickelodeon y terminó aceptando un acuerdo con la fiscalía y cumpliendo más de un año tras las rejas. Ahora aparecerá en un nuevo documental sobre el lado oscuro de Nick que se emitirá en marzo.

Bueno, resulta que Rider y Will dicen que también conocían a este tipo, ya que actuó en su propio programa un par de veces, y aunque, literalmente solo fue invitado en dos episodios de con papeles muy menores, los actores dicen que estaba profundamente arraigado en sus vidas y los ha dejado sintiéndose realmente incómodos todos estos años después.

Ahora que miran hacia atrás, Will y Rider dicen que su afán por ser buenos amigos con ellos en ese entonces y salir con ellos muchas veces después del trabajo, al parecer era inapropiado y extraño, pero en ese momento no sospechaban nada.

Cuando las acusaciones en su contra surgieron por primera vez - cosa que en última instancia lo llevó a los tribunales- Will y Rider dicen que compraron la historia de Peck de ser víctima de "cebo cárcel" e incluso fue a hablar a favor del chico cuando se presentó ante un juez, porque le creían.

Dicen que ahora se dan cuenta de lo retorcida que era su relación con este tipo y ambos expresan vergüenza y arrepentimiento por haberse afiliado con él, incluso cuando eran adultos jóvenes.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con Peck para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

'Boy Meets World' Will & Rider Claim Ex-Guest Star ... Twisted Child Molestation Claims

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harrowing tale
Pod Meets World

Two actors from 'Boy Meets World' say they now have a warped view of a guest star from their show ... after the guy was later convicted on a child molestation charge.

Rider Strong and Will Friedle tackled this issue head-on alongside fellow costar Danielle Fishel on their 'Pod Meets World' podcast Monday -- where they discussed Brian Peck, an actor who was convicted on child sexual abuse charges back in the early 2000s.

At the time, he was accused of molesting an unidentified Nickelodeon child actor and ended up taking a plea deal and serving over a year behind bars. He's now set to be featured in this new documentary about the ugly underbelly of Nick that's airing in March.

Welp, as it turns out ... Rider and Will say they also knew this guy back in the day since he acted on their own show a couple times -- and even though he literally only guest-starred on two 'BMW' episodes with very minor roles, the actors now say he was deeply embedded into their lives ... and it's left them feeling creeped out and uneasy all these years later.

As they look back now, Will and Rider say his eagerness to be good pals with 'em back then -- hanging out with them a lot after work, apparently -- was wildly inappropriate and weird ... but at the time, they say they didn't suspect anything.

When allegations against him first surfaced in the early aughts -- which ultimately landed him in court -- Will and Rider say they bought Peck's story of falling victim to "jail bait" ... and even went to bat for the guy as he appeared before a judge, 'cause they believed him.

They say they now realize how twisted their relationship with this guy was ... and both express shame and regret for ever affiliating themselves with him, even as young adults.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Peck for comment ... so far, no word back.

Matthew Lawrence Chilli's Best Person I've Ever Met!!!

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Matthew Lawrence is praising his new girlfriend ... telling us TLC's Chilli is "one of the most spectacular people" he's ever known.

We got the "Boy Meets World" star Thursday at Nesmon Cafe and Boutique in Sherman Oaks, CA, and our photog asked him if going Instagram official with the singer has changed their relationship dynamic.

Matthew says he and Chilli have agreed to keep their romance private, but that doesn't mean he can't talk about how great a partner she is ... saying he's never met anyone quite like her.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew and Chilli started officially dating right before Thanksgiving, spending the holidays together in Atlanta, where ML met her family.

Chilli's since met Matthew's relatives, including his famous brothers, and they had nothing but praise for her as well ... telling us she makes Matthew really happy, and that's all that matters.

Remember, Chilli is Matthew's first serious relationship in the wake of his divorce from "Dancing with the Stars" pro, Cheryl Burke. They started hanging out in the summer, going on vacation together in Hawaii and hit it off.

Matthew and his bros, Joey and Andrew, are doing a new podcast together called "Brotherly Love Podcast" ... and it's debuting today, and they say Chilli will be one of many topics.

'Boy Meets World' Maitland Ward Backs Ben Savage ... He's Got my Vote for Congress!!!

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Maitland Ward from "Boy Meets World" says she's in costar Ben Savage's corner as he makes his run for congress ... even if it might be an uphill battle for him.

We got the actress, who played Rachel on the hit show, in Bev Hills and she had nothing but positive things to say about Ben ... adding he's always been into politics, so his drive for a seat in the House of Representatives makes sense.

She does seem kinda doubtful about him getting a W, though ... admitting it's gonna be a very tough fight. However, she has some killer Cory Matthews-themed campaign ideas to give him a leg up on the competition!

As we reported, Ben filed paperwork this month expressing interest to run for CA's 30th district, which includes parts of Los Angeles and its northern cities.

The filing came after he unsuccessfully ran for West Hollywood City Council back in November.

Maitland, who's famously transitioned into the porn industry, was all for Ben's decision to join that race, but says he might not have had enough brand recognition that time around.


Here's the question no one's asking ... would Mr. Feeny vote for Cory?!

Ben Savage Boy Meets U.S. Congress ... IF You Vote for Me, That Is!!!

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Ben Savage wants another bite at the apple in politics -- only this time, he's thinking bigger ... now running for a U.S. Congressional seat.

The "Boy Meets World" star is throwing his hat in the ring for a soon-to-be vacant seat in the U.S. House of Representatives -- assuming Rep. Adam Schiff makes a run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Senate seat, which is widely expected to happen in the near future.

Anticipating that political shift ... Ben has officially filed paperwork expressing his interest to enter the race for a chance to represent California's 30th District, which includes parts of Los Angeles and cities immediately to its north.

Of course, this comes just a couple months after Ben tried his hand at more local politics -- in November, he ran for L.A. City Council, but lost ... garnering only 6.3% of the vote and tying for 7th place.

Rather than take his ball and go home, though ... Cory Matthews is getting back out there. He's registered as a Democrat, same as when he ran for city council.

Ben actually interned for then-U.S. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania back in the 2000s while he was a student at Stanford University.


Schiff's seat is highly coveted, so Ben should expect a tough race with seasoned political vets.

TLC's Chilli Nothing to Do with Matthew's Divorce From 'DWTS' Cheryl Burke


Fans accusing TLC's Chilli of coming between Matthew Lawrence and his ex -- 'DWTS' star Cheryl Burke -- are barking up the wrong tree ... even though Cheryl seems to be throwing shade about the new relationship.

A source familiar with the situation tells TMZ ... Matthew's divorce was filed before he started talking to Chilli in any romantic way -- they knew each other, but simply weren't pursuing one another.

Chilli and Matthew did reconnect in March, a month after Cheryl filed for divorce, at a '90s convention ... but sources say they waited a while before jumping into anything serious due to Matthew being fresh out of his marriage.

Chilli was even dating other people up until they made things official over the holidays -- and we're told Matthew and Cheryl weren't living together when the romance began.

In fact, Cheryl herself says she and Matthew were officially single as of September.

As we reported, Chilli and the "Boy Meets World" star spent the holidays -- Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year -- together in Atlanta with her family.

Cheryl took to Instagram soon after our story, posting a short and seemingly sour message -- "That was fast ..."


Based on those 3 words, people online suspected some relationship overlap, but our sources say there was no funny biz ... as Chilli wanted to make sure there was no gray area before going exclusive with Matthew.

Maitland Ward Danielle Might Hate Me ... I Think I Was Too Hot on 'BMW'!!!

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Maitland Ward has a theory about why things aren't great between Danielle Fishel and her -- and it's all about the former costars having an unspoken war of hotness.

We got the actress -- who's doing adult films lately -- in L.A. on the heels of her releasing a memoir, "Rated X: How Porn Liberated Me from Hollywood." She's dishing juicy stories she's experienced in the biz ... including while shooting "Boy Meets World."

One of the nuggets that seeped out into her writing was an apparent feud that developed between Topanga (Fishel) and her. The puzzling part of that revelation is Maitland tells us the beef evolved out of nowhere ... at least on the surface of things.

We asked why she thinks Danielle might've given her the cold shoulder in recent years ... and what sparked the apparent animosity?

In Maitland's eyes, she thinks it all goes back to the Disney set they used to share, and the spotlight she thinks Danielle wanted all for herself.

Not just that, Maitland also suggests that her pivot into porn might have something to do with this -- she says Danielle's a bit more straight-laced than she is, and her career shift probably doesn't sit too well with her ... especially since Maitland's character was already getting the extra-sexy treatment during their original run way back when.

Speaking of that, there's another sort of bombshell Maitland revealed in her book -- namely that producers for the show allegedly used to ask her to model lingerie as they were tinkering with storylines.

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Slimy stuff, no doubt and painfully reminiscent of allegations other child stars have recently made about their on-set experiences.

We're betting Maitland has more where that came from in 'X Rated' ... which is out now.

'Girl Meets World' Dragged for Being 'Problematic' ... On God, Autism, Etc.


Twitter is at it again -- calling the "Boy Meets World" spinoff, "Girl Meets World," "problematic" years after it went off the air ... all because of how it dealt with delicate topics.

For whatever reason, several different clips from the show -- which ran on Disney Channel between 2014 and 2017 -- were resurfaced over the weekend ... with many of them drawing the ire of random Twitter users who are criticizing the show with a 2021 lens.

One example ... a clip where the character Farkle expresses he doesn't necessarily believe in God because he can't "see" him, basically suggesting he might be agnostic. Cory Matthews (now playing a Mr. Feeny-esque character) chimes in and explains that just because Farkle can't see God, doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't exist, using ROYGBIV as an example.

Heavy-handed? Eh, maybe. Is it "problematic" and worthy of ridicule ... not at all. Still, Twitter truthers are crushing the show for "pushing" Christian beliefs -- when in reality, all that's happening is an adult is, at worst, trying to influence a kid. Which is ... fine. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Here's another "problematic" theme people are now finding vile and offensive. That same character, Farkle, once said he might be autistic with Asperger's -- which his friends try to deny and convince him otherwise ... which Tweeters *think* means Disney was suggesting being autistic is a bad thing and something to be looked down on -- that's a huge reach.

His friends were just showing concern ... which again, is fine. Just because they weren't throwing him a party for the news doesn't mean they were saying Asperger's is awful.

One last episode that's getting gutted some 4 years later ... 'GMW' touched on communism, of all things. Some of the kids in Cory's history class go full commie -- and they play up the stereotype that communists all think the same and want everyone to be the same.

Cory gives a corny speech praising the fact that differences are important ... kinda punching a hole through the so-called communism doctrine. People are now claiming that Disney intended to shove capitalism down kids' throats ... which yet again, is twisting things.

Did 'GMW' tackle some issues in cringe fashion? Sure. But, saying this show is problematic and/or is terrible in hindsight is unfair, and just one more example of resurrecting years-old media to give it a woke 2021 postmortem autopsy ... which always looks bad.

Maitland Ward Sued You Screwed Us Out of More than $270k After Filming Porn w/ You!!!

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5:01 PM PT -- Maitland tells TMZ ... "The fact that these long time friends have gotten together after so many months to sue me is complete slander and immoral. There are zero contracts and agreements that have any info pertaining to this completely made up story."


She says the lawsuit is "a joke and warning to all porn stars to be careful who you shoot with on the outside."

Maitland Ward's encounter with an actress is coming back to bite her in the butt ... because she's being sued over the filming of those steamy scenes.

A reality TV and adult entertainment actress, along with a videographer/editor, are suing the former "Boy Meets World" actress turned porn star claiming she screwed them out of more than $270,000 they claim they rightfully earned.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the actress and videographer claim they started working together in July 2017, and all went fine and dandy. So good, in fact, Maitland allegedly started hooking up with the actress off-screen. But, according to the lawsuit, that relationship went south ... and so did a deal they say they cut with Maitland around September 2018 that was supposed to land them a hefty payday.

In docs, the actress and videographer claim Ward and her lawyer got a hold of the money they were all supposed to split, but instead of getting paid they got strung along with bad checks and broken promises. The actress and videographer are now suing for the money they claim they're owed -- $180K for the actress and $90K for the videographer -- plus other damages.

We've reached out to Maitland, so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:42 PM PT