Tyson Fury Paul Vs. Tyson ... 'Fantastic' For Boxing!!!

All the boxing purists crying over the Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fight need to chill out ... at least that's what Tyson Fury thinks, 'cause the Gypsy King says their upcoming fight is "fantastic" for boxing -- and it's a "pretty even" matchup!!

The heavyweight champ gave his two cents on the huge July 20 event this week ... and while he acknowledged the naysayers' points (Tyson being 57 and Paul's lack of experience), he believes it's a perfect combination for a "good spectacle" that'll attract new eyeballs to the sport.

"You've got a legend in Mike Tyson. You've got a YouTube boxer who has come into the game and blew it up and he's got millions of followers and millions of views and millions of eyes," Fury said. "Good, bad or indifferent. Some people love him, some people hate him."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Fury -- who's named after Iron Mike -- pointed out Paul's rise in boxing after starring on the Disney Channel ... saying he doesn't blame the Problem Child for wanting to fight a legend like Tyson.

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Still Got It

As for the fight, Fury says there will be no winners since the boxers will undoubtedly make a ton of money ... but he believes with Tyson's age and Paul only being a few years into the sport, it's actually a fair matchup.

"You gotta admire them both and I wish them both the best of luck."

Meek Mill vs. Akademiks 🥊 $2M Offer Still On Table ... YK Osiris Says He'll Beat 'Em Both!!!

I'll Beat Them Both

Meek Mill and Akademiks' 7-figure deal to squash their beef with body blows is still an option -- but YK Osiris is advising you not to wager on either guy ... and simply bet on him.

Yep, the R&B star took time out of his NYC hustle and bustle to laugh off Meek and Ak's unresolved clash -- telling TMZ Hip Hop he's confident he'll pummel them both in the ring!!! 🥊

YK hits the high notes, but loves his boxing highlights as well ... having sparred with Lil Uzi Vert, Tjay and Blueface in the past.

Damon Feldman, CEO of Official Celebrity Boxing, drummed up and sent out an agreement for both Meek and Ak to sign ... $1M for participating and an additional million for the winner!!!

Quite the payoff for beating up your arch-nemesis but we're told neither Ak or Meek have responded to OCB's request to sign the paperwork.

They may be moving toward a more peaceful solution ... Ak recently offered Meek a million dollars of his own for a year-long podcast deal, which probably won't happen either.

Ak recently scolded Meek for flip-flopping on his stance about street life -- much like Dee-1 did months ago, and the two seem to be in their comfort zone yelling at one another on X.

Maybe a celebrity-shouting podcast will appease all parties!

Ryan Garcia Breaks Down In TikTok Video ... Tearfully Thanks Fans

TikTok / @kingrygarcia

Ryan Garcia just got super emotional on video ... crying as he tried to create a TikTok to thank his fans for their recent support.

The boxing star can be seen in the footage -- which was posted to his social media page on Monday -- listening to Hillsong UNITED's "Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)" ... before he suddenly starts to break down.

In the clip, Garcia tearfully explains that he's "been going through a lot lately," but his faith -- and the love from his supporters -- have helped him get through it.

Garcia noted he was torn up over the fact that despite trying to do good in his community -- some tried to muzzle him ... and even cancel his upcoming megafight with Devin Haney.

"I was trying to do something good, you know?" he said ... adding, "I love you guys. And I appreciate every one of you guys. And I love all you guys."

Garcia ended the vid by promising to address his fans again soon.

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks for the 25-year-old ... especially when it comes to social media postings. Since announcing his April 20 tilt with Haney, he's shared bizarre messages and clips frequently on both his X and Instagram pages.


At one point following a series of unusual posts earlier this month, he actually vowed to no longer talk about anything but sports, boxing, and his fight with Haney.

Clearly, however, he's still making content ... although Haney's father and trainer, Bill, said on Tuesday he's sure Garcia is fine and the fight will go down as scheduled.

"No matter how many distractions, no matter the antics Ryan has displayed, I know the kid ain't crazy," Bill said.

"The crazy thing was signing up to fight Devin. We're gonna be ready."

Boxing Star Keith Thurman Suffers Bicep Injury ... Out Tim Tszyu Fight

The Keith Thurman comeback has been put on hold -- the boxing star suffered a bicep injury that is forcing him to back out of his upcoming fight against Tim Tszyu.

The Boxing Voice broke the news of the ailment on Monday ... saying the 30-1 welterweight fighter was getting an MRI for a possible arm injury that could put his March 30 bout against Tszyu in jeopardy.

The fight is still a go ... but without Thurman -- ESPN Ringside's Mike Coppinger reported Tszyu will now defend his WBO junior middleweight title against Sebastian Fundora (20-1) instead.

This is unfortunate news for Thurman, who would've stepped in the ring for the first time in over two years ... and he previously said it was a chance to prove he's not washed.

"I believe boxing needs Keith Thurman. I really deliver some of the greatest entertainment on that world-class scene every time they put me in the ring," Thurman told us earlier this month.

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I'mma keep pushing

"My haters are my real motivators!" So keep hatin' baby, and I'ma keep pushing."

Thurman also told us he was gunnin' for a knockout ... and his win against Tszyu would've been an opportunity to get closer to a match with Terence Crawford.

Thurman hasn't spoken about what this means for his career ... but like he told us -- he believes boxing needs him, so chances are he'll be back.

Callum Walsh, Irish Boxing Star Not Trying Be The Next McGregor ... Making My Own Legacy!

I'M ME!!!

Callum Walsh may look and sound like Conor McGregor (after all, they're both Irish!), but the undefeated boxer tells TMZ Sports he's NOT trying to be a carbon copy of the UFC star!

Walsh is an up-and-coming super welterweight boxing star with a main event at Madison Square Garden on March 15 against Dauren Yeleussinov, his second fight at the iconic arena in the last four months.

Making the event even more special, it's St. Patrick's Day weekend, and Callum is pumped!

"It's unbelievable," the Irish boxer told us, adding, "I'm very grateful to be able to do this at such a young age."

Because of his Irish nationality and fighting talent, many, including Dana White (who works with CW), see him being the next McGregor ... but it's a comparison he doesn't love.

"I'm trying to make my own path and do my own thing," the 23-year-old said.

"I'm never trying to copy anybody or be like anyone. Everyone always says 'Oh you wanna be like the Conor McGregor of boxing'. I'm just trying to be Callum Walsh."

That's no disrespect to McGregor ... Walsh and Conor have met before, and Callum says McGregor was somewhat of a role model for him when he was younger.

But, he wants to be himself, not another star fighter.

"I'm just trying to do my own thing, try make my own path. Leave my own legacy," Callum said.


With a 9-0 record, Walsh is on the way ... and hopes to keep his winning streak alive by knocking out Yeleussinov (11-3, 10 KO) at MSG Friday night.

"I'm always looking for the knockout in every fight," Walsh said.

And, when it comes to his next target, Walsh is down for whoever, whenever ... and that includes McGregor if it comes down to it!


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"todavía lo tengo"

Todavía hay tiempo para que Jake Paul lo reconsidere, porque Mike Tyson acaba de compartir imágenes de su primer día de entrenamiento para su próxima pelea, y el tipo parece que todavía tiene poder en sus puños.

La leyenda del boxeo de 57 años de edad, demostró que sigue estando en buen estado físico, golpeando muy duro con su entrenador Rafael Cordeiro.

Tyson también se mostró sin camisa para mostrar su impresionante físico, diciendo que la diversión acaba de empezar, y está claro que se está tomando esta pelea en serio.

La gran pregunta cuando se anunció la pelea era si Iron Mike -uno de los luchadores más temidos que jamás haya llevado un par de guantes- todavía podía entrar al ring y atemorizar a su contrincante.

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Por supuesto, el ex campeón de la UFC -Chuck Liddell- le dijo a TMZ Sports la semana pasada que el poder es lo último que se pierde en un luchador de edad, y una vez que Tyson haga contacto con Paul, la pelea habrá terminado.

En cuanto a Jake -que está a la altura del reto por delante- se refirió a los rumores de tag teaming con Logan en el evento y el uso de casco.

El Niño Problema dijo que son tonterías, y cualquiera que crea en esos "informes", es simplemente un iluso.


La lucha se llevará a cabo en el AT&T Stadium en Arlington, Texas, en julio, así que hay un montón de tiempo para que la expectativa llegue a los cielos.

Mike Tyson Looks Violent In First Training Sesh ... For Jake Paul Fight

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Still Got It

There's still time for Jake Paul to reconsider ... 'cause Mike Tyson just shared footage of his first day of training for their upcoming fight -- and the dude looks like he's still packing a ton of power!!

The 57-year-old boxing legend proved his hands haven't slowed down all that much on Wednesday ... hitting the mitts with his coach Rafael Cordeiro.

Tyson also went shirtless to show off his impressive physique ... saying the fun is just getting started, but it's clear he's taking this fight seriously.

The big question when the fight was announced was if Iron Mike -- one of the most feared fighters to ever wear a pair of gloves -- still had it ... and it's safe to say we have answers.

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Of course, former UFC champ Chuck Liddell pointed out to TMZ Sports last week that power is the last thing to go in an aging fighter -- and once Tyson makes contact with Paul, the fight will be over.

As for Jake, he's up to the challenge ahead ... and addressed rumors of tag teaming with Logan in the event and the use of headgear.

The Problem Child said it's all BS ... and anyone believing the "reports" is straight-up too dumb to be allowed to vote or drive.

Come On People

The fight goes down at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX in July ... so there's plenty of time to get hyped for the big event.

Floyd Mayweather VISITA ISRAEL Reza en el muro de los lamentos

Floyd Mayweather envió miles de kilos de suministros a Israel en octubre, y ahora la leyenda del boxeo se ha entregado a sí mismo... aterrizando en Tel Aviv y subiéndole el ánimo a soldados, trabajadores de rescate y civiles.

Desde el ataque del 7 de octubre de Hamás, sería difícil encontrar una celebridad más abiertamente pro israelí que Floyd. Sin embargo, él quería hacer más, así que se subió a su jet privado y voló a Israel, donde recientemente aterrizó en Tel Aviv.

en el ring

Mayweather ha estado por todas partes, incluyendo una parada en una base de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel, donde nos informan que organizó una comida para los militares.

Por supuesto, Floyd es uno de los mejores boxeadores de la historia, y ya que la base de las IDF tenía un ring de boxeo, Mayweather hizo de sparring con algunos de los soldados.

Floyd también hizo una parada en la sede de United Hatzalah, un servicio ambulatorio en Jerusalén, además del banco de sangre Magen David Adom.

Mayweather, que está en Israel con sus amigos -Jona Rechnitz y Avi Hiaeve (de Avi & Co.)-, pasó tiempo en el Muro Occidental, un lugar sagrado, donde nos dicen que oró por la paz.

Le obsequiaron una kipá TMT personalizada del rabino Steven Burg, además de un impresionante collar de la Estrella de David, cortesía de los joyeros de Diamond Club Miami.


Por último, pero no menos importante, Mayweather recibió una pintura única en su tipo, la cual le fue entregada por el músico israelí Osher Cohen.

¡Y el viaje ni siquiera ha terminado!

Floyd Mayweather Visits Israel ... Prays At Western Wall, Hangs W/ IDF

Floyd Mayweather sent thousands of pounds of supplies to Israel in October, and now the boxing legend has delivered himself ... touching down in Tel Aviv, and lifting the spirits of soldiers, rescue workers, and civilians.

Since the October 7 Hamas attack, you'd be hard-pressed to find a celebrity more outwardly supportive of the Israeli cause than the 50-0 fighter ... but Floyd wanted to do more, so he hopped on his private jet and flew to Israel, where he recently touched down in Tel Aviv.


Mayweather has been all over the place, including a stop at an Israel Defense Forces base where we're told he hosted a BBQ for the military!

Of course, Floyd's one of the greatest boxers ever ... and since the IDF base had a boxing ring, Mayweather sparred with some of the IDF. No word if he took his first L.

Floyd also made a stop at the headquarters of United Hatzalah, an ambulatory service, in Jerusalem ... in addition to the Magen David Adom blood bank.

Mayweather, who is in Israel with friends Jona Rechnitz and Avi Hiaeve (of Avi & Co.), spent time at the Western Wall, a holy site ... where we're told he prayed for peace.

Floyd was gifted a custom blinged-out TMT kippah from Rabbi Steven Burg, in addition to an awesome Star of David necklace pendant from the jewelers at Diamond Club Miami.

Rooftop Rally

Last but not least, Mayweather received a one-of-a-kind painting as well ... which was presented to him, from Israeli musician Osher Cohen.

And, trip's not even done yet!

Nate Diaz, Jorge Masvidal We're Taking Our Beef To Boxing Ring ... Announce Fight

Nate Diaz and Jorge Masvidal are moving their heated rivalry from the Octagon to the ring -- the two MMA superstars just announced they're going to duke it out once again ... this time, in a 10-round professional boxing match.

The light heavyweight fight is being dubbed "Last Man Standing" ... and will settle the score after their first fight -- for the UFC's inaugural BMF belt -- ended in controversy.

Of course, Masvidal won by TKO at UFC 244 back in 2019 ... after refs stopped the fight due to a nasty cut above Diaz's eyebrow.

A lot of fight fans felt it wasn't the right call ... so now, Diaz and Masvidal hope to give viewers the whole package.

Gamebred spoke about the fight ... and he had some harsh words for his opponent, saying, "Nate's a dead man walking."

"I can’t wait to prove that last time was no fluke. He got saved by the referee. Now we are boxing, which he says is his forte, but he’s got no shot at beating me. I’m not going to give him an inch in that ring to even breathe. If he thought our MMA match was bad, this is going to be much worse. I’m going to drown him. I want to put away any talk that him and I are the same, or that the referee saved the day."

The big event is slated to go down at the Kia Forum in Los Angeles on June 1 ... and will be put on by both fighters' promotions.

"All of that talk ends June 1," Masvidal added. "Violence and throwing hands are in both of our bloods but as I proved before, I’m a far superior athlete and I’m a meaner fighter. When June 1 comes I’ll put all unanswered questions to rest, live for the world to see."

Ryan Garcia On the Hunt For A Girlfriend ... 'I Need A Queen!!!'

Instagram / @kingryan

Single ladies, Ryan Garcia is looking for you!

The boxing star posted a casting call video of sorts, making it clear he is on the lookout for a partner to hold him down ... this a few months after he filed for divorce from his ex.

The 24-1 super lightweight boxer, posing shirtless, announced on Instagram he was accepting applications ... with a caption claiming he's seriously looking for a loyal lady to hold him down.

"Someone who is going to be my ride or live cause we ain't dying," the 25-year-old said.


Garcia continued his pitch, explaining he needs a woman's support.

"Right now, I do need a Queen," Ryan said, "I need a friend first, to be honest. I need someone I can trust and rock with me in any situation."

We're guessing the young, talented, handsome, and wealthy Garcia won't have problems finding a girlfriend.

Of course, Ryan was previously married to Drea Celina for nearly three years ... until they split in December 2023.

It was just last week that Garcia promised to steer clear of any non-sports-related topic to focus on his April 20 fight with Devin Haney, and while that might've been short-lived ... ya can't blame the guy for looking for love! 💘

Chuck Liddell On Tyson Vs. Jake Paul ... If Iron Mike Hits him, It's Over!!!

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You better not blink if Mike Tyson connects during his bout with Jake Paul ... 'cause Chuck Liddell tells TMZ Sports a KO is guaranteed if an Iron Mike haymaker lands.

"As soon as Tyson hits him," the UFC legend said of the upcoming boxing match, "it's over."

Liddell didn't mince any words when giving his thoughts on the superfight out at LAX this month ... saying he believes even at 57 years old, Tyson's got to be the favorite.

As for why, the Iceman made it clear he's still a huge believer in the former heavyweight champ's hands.

"The last thing to go is power," Liddell said. "Last thing to go is power."

"If he hits him, it's over."

Most betting websites feel differently -- Paul is the favorite on the majority of them. After all, he is only 27 years old and 9-1 in his career -- and he's coming off two easy victories.

But, listen to Liddell ... he seems to think there's just no chance.

"If you've seen Mike," he said, "he still hits."

As for any advice he's got for Paul ... Chuck made it short and sweet -- "Keep covered up, man."

Fight's slated to go down in four months -- be warned, Jake!

Boxer Besar Niman Gunned Down In Germany ... Dead At 38

Besar Nimani, a former boxing champion with only one loss in his career, was shot to death outside a restaurant in Germany.

Nimani was leaving the establishment in Bielefeld Saturday night around 6 PM, according to a report, when 10 shots were fired ... at least some striking Nimani, who was pronounced dead at the scene.

"One or more perpetrators approached and shot the victim," police said in a statement, adding, Nimani "died at the scene due to the great wounds he received."

Authorities are currently investigating -- a "major police operation" -- as they hunt for the person (or people) behind the shooting.

Cops have not commented on motive or the identity of any suspect(s).

Besar, an Albanian who was born in Kosovo in 1985, fled to Germany in the late '90s as the Kosovo War raged in the Southeastern European country.

And, the boxer eventually made his mark in his new country ... becoming a successful pro pugilist. In fact, Besar was 26-1 with 22 knockouts ... and once held the IBF European Super Welterweight title. Nimani retired in 2019 after winning his last fight by TKO.

Nimani's brother, Berati, paid tribute to his late sibling on social media ... "My brother Besar Nimani was killed today in an ambush in Bielefeld, Germany."

He added ... "May God join us in heaven with him. I will forever be proud of you, I love you."


Muhammad Ali Headed Into WWE Hall of Fame ... Set To Be Inducted Into 2024 Class

Muhammad Ali won't be just a boxing Hall of Famer anymore ... in less than a month, he'll be a WWE one too!!

The wrestling org. announced Monday the legendary pugilist will be inducted into the 2024 class in April ... alongside several others, including Paul Heyman, Bull Nakano and the U.S. Express.

"Known simply as 'The Greatest,'" the WWE said in a statement revealing the news, "Ali's influence transcended sports as his work as an activist, artist, and personality established him as one of the most renowned figures in the entire world."

Ali made several appearances for the WWE in his career ... including back in June 1976, when he competed in an exhibition match against Antonio Inoki in Japan.

That fight -- called "The War of the Worlds," which resulted in a 15-round draw -- was televised to nearly 33,000 fans at Shea Stadium in Queens, New York.

Ali -- who died in 2016 at 74 years old -- also served a special guest referee at WrestleMania in 1984. During the main event -- which featured Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff -- Ali actually landed a punch on Piper.

Ali's induction ceremony is slated to happen on April 5 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. His widow, Lonnie Ali, is scheduled to speak at the festivities.

Andre Ward Aconseja a Ryan García... Aléjate de las redes sociales!!!

Es realmente duro

El ex campeón de boxeo Andre Ward le dice a TMZ Sports que tiene una solución simple para los aparentes problemas de Ryan García: mantenerse alejado de las redes sociales y empezar a tomarse más en serio su próxima pelea con Devin Haney.

García tiene a un montón de fans preocupados, y también a Ward, por su salud mental después de publicar cosas extrañas en sus cuentas de X e Instagram durante el mes pasado.

Algunos de los mensajes incluían promesas de exponer numerosos secretos de la sociedad así como un video diciendo que algo malo le había pasado.

Ward nos dijo en Nueva York esta semana que se ha dado cuenta de todo, y está preocupado, pero cree que el boxeador de 25 años puede volver a la pista si simplemente deja de estar tan pendiente de su teléfono.

"Creo que lo primero que tiene que hacer es dejar las redes sociales", dijo Ward. "Creo que alguien a su alrededor tiene que decirle: 'Tenemos que lidiar con esto, pero no lo vamos a hacer públicamente'".

"Ya es bastante estar lidiando con ello y luchando tal y como es", continuó, "pero luego vas a dejar que todo el mundo se entere. No siempre es lo más sensato".

Al parecer, las cosas se han vuelto tan preocupantes que algunos de sus mayores partidarios lo han instado a que renuncie a su pelea del 20 de abril con Haney, pero Ward cree que se las arreglará si su entrenamiento va en sintonía.

"No es tiempo para el autocuidado, no es tiempo para el asesoramiento, es tiempo de prepararse para la guerra", dijo el hombre de 40 años.

"Estoy rezando por él y no le deseo nada más que lo mejor".

De vuelta al ring

García, por su parte, reconoció en un video que ha subido algunas "cosas bastante intensas" en sus redes sociales, pero que ahora se está concentrando únicamente, al menos públicamente, en "el boxeo, los deportes y su pelea".

Andre Ward Message To Ryan Garcia ... Stay Off Social Media!!!


Former boxing champ Andre Ward tells TMZ Sports he's got a simple solution for Ryan Garcia's apparent woes ... stay off social media -- and start taking his upcoming fight with Devin Haney more seriously.

Garcia has a bunch of his fans -- and Ward, too -- concerned about his mental health ... after he spent a few days this past month posting some bizarre things on his X and Instagram pages.

Some of the posts included vows to expose numerous secrets about society ... as well as a video claiming something bad had happened to him.

Ward told us out in NYC this week he's noticed it all, and he's worried -- but he thinks the 25-year-old can get back on track if he simply stops hitting the send button online.

"I think the first thing is, he's got to get off social media," Ward said. "I think somebody around him gotta tell him, 'We gotta deal with this, but we not going to deal with it in the public side.'"

"It's enough to be dealing with it and struggling with it as is," he continued, "but then you gon' let the whole world in on your struggle. It's not always a wise thing to do."

Things have seemed to turn so troubling with Garcia that some of his biggest supporters have urged him to opt out of his April 20 bout with Haney ... but Ward believes he'll manage -- if his training camp goes accordingly.

"That ain't time for self-care, that's not time for counseling, that's time to get ready for war," the 40-year-old said.

"I'm praying for him and I wish him nothing but the best."


For his part, Garcia acknowledged in a video earlier this week there have been some "pretty intense things" on his social media pages ... but he's now focusing solely -- at least publicly -- on "boxing, sports and my fight."

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