Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler ain't sparing any of her exes ... blasting Oscar De La Hoya over how their relationship ended.

The former Miss USA claims she was blindsided after watching Oscar on TV attending the Latin Grammy Awards in L.A. with his now ex-wife Millie ... telling Bunnie XO's on her 'Dumb Blonde' Podcast he told her he was going to NYC for a work trip at the time.

She says a lawyer came to her Bel-Air mansion the next day ... ordering her to move out with their baby daughter, Atiana immediately.

Shanna adds Oscar told her he wasn't happy she sued him for child support when they met up IRL a month later ... warning if she sued him for palimony, he wouldn't see her or the baby until she was 16 cause he had more money than God.

Oscar was true to his word ... Shanna says he didn't see his daughter until she was around 16.

They dated for 3 years from 1997 -- even getting engaged in the process.

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Meanwhile, Shanna dropped a further slew of relationship bombshells during the podcast.

She claimed that her ex, Travis Barker, was trolling her online when they were together and also slammed his new wife, Kourtney Kardashian's family ... again.


We've reached out to reps for Oscar ... so far no word back.

Shanna Moakler recuerda su brutal ruptura con Oscar De La Hoya

el momento conmovedor
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Shanna Moakler está acusando a Oscar De La Hoya por cómo terminó su relación.

La ex Miss EE.UU. afirma que fue sorprendida después de ver a Oscar en la televisión asistiendo a los Grammy Latinos en Los Ángeles con su ahora ex esposa Millie, comentandole a Bunnie XO's en su pódcast "Dumb Blonde", que él le había dicho que iba a Nueva York por un viaje de trabajo en ese entonces.

Ella dice que un abogado llegó a su mansión en Bel-Air al día siguiente, ordenándole que se mude con su hija —Atiana— inmediatamente.

Shanna añade que Oscar le dijo que estaba bastante molesto con la demanda por manutención que le hizo ella cuando se reunieron un mes más tarde ... advirtiéndole que si ella le demandaba por pensión alimenticia, él no la vería ni al bebé hasta que tuviera 16 años porque tenía más dinero que nadie en la tierra.

Oscar fue fiel a su palabra, Shanna dice que no vio a su hija hasta que ella tenía alrededor de 16 años.

Salieron durante tres años a partir de 1997, incluso se comprometieron en el proceso.

Mientras tanto, Shanna dejó caer otra serie de polémicas de su relación durante el podcast.

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Afirmó que su ex, Travis Barker, la troleo en línea cuando estaban juntos y también criticó a la familia de su nueva esposa—Kourteney Kardashian— otra vez.

¿qué es lo que realmente está pasando?

Hemos contactado a los representantes de Oscar, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.


Vivek Ramaswamy espera que Jake Paul pueda darle un golpe decisivo en la campaña electoral, por eso se están uniendo para una etapa crucial en su búsqueda de la nominación del GOP.

La temporada de primarias presidenciales comienza el próximo lunes en Iowa… y Jake y Vivek estarán lado a lado el domingo mientras recorren el estado, instando a los jóvenes de la generación Z a salir y votar.

Sintoniza con Vivek

La portavoz de Vivek, Tricia McLaughlin, le cuenta a TMZ… “Estamos muy emocionados de que Jake se una a la campaña y esperamos que pueda motivar a los jóvenes”.

Continúa diciendo que, aunque Vivek está viendo mucho entusiasmo entre los jóvenes votantes, la popularidad de Jake y su capacidad para atraer a una multitud será un gran activo en la víspera de las asambleas de Iowa.

Nos comentan que el dúo viajará en el avión privado de Vivek a eventos en 4 de las universidades más grandes de Iowa, todo como parte del “Compromiso con la concentración.”

Tricia dice que Vivek habló con Jake sobre unirse a la campaña hace algunas semanas, cuando asistió a la pelea de Jake contra Andre August en Florida. Como informamos, Jake consiguió asientos de primera fila para Vivek.

No hay duda, Ramaswamy necesita un impulso importante. Las encuestas recientes muestran que está muy por debajo del 10 por ciento de los posibles votantes de las asambleas del GOP en Iowa… pero la campaña de Vivek insiste en que están llegando a un grupo de votantes que no se tiene en cuenta en esas encuestas.

Ya sea en redes sociales o en el boxeo, Jake ha demostrado que sabe cómo atraer a una multitud, pero ahora veremos si puede hacer que la gente vote por Ramaswamy.


Vivek Ramaswamy is hoping Jake Paul can deliver a knockout punch for him on the campaign trail ... which is why they're teaming up for a critical stretch in his bid for the GOP nomination.

The presidential primary season starts next Monday in Iowa ... and we're told Jake and Vivek will be side-by-side on Sunday as they travel around the state urging Gen-Zers to come out and vote.


Vivek's spokesperson, Tricia McLaughlin, tells TMZ ... "We're very excited Jake's joining on the campaign trail and we're hoping it can really drive out younger people."

She goes on to say that while Vivek is seeing a lot of enthusiasm from young voters, Jake's star power and ability to command a crowd is going to be a major asset on the eve of the Iowa caucus.

We're told the duo will travel in Vivek's private plane to events at 4 of the biggest universities in Iowa ... all as part of the "Commit to Caucus Rally."

Tricia says Vivek talked to Jake about joining the campaign trail a few weeks ago ... when he attended Jake's fight against Andre August in Florida. As we reported, Jake hooked up Vivek with ringside seats.

Make no mistake, Ramaswamy needs a big spark. Recent polls show he's well under 10 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus voters ... but Vivek's campaign is adamant they're tapping into a group of voters that isn't accounted for in those polls.

Whether it be social media or boxing Jake has proven he knows how to draw a crowd -- but now we'll see if he can draw folks to cast a vote for Ramaswamy.


Vuelve a intentarlo, Tyson

¡Francis Ngannou vs. Tyson Fury II puede estar en camino!

El Predator se unió a Babcock en el programa de televisión TMZ Sports (transmitido de lunes a viernes en FS1) el lunes, donde hablamos con la superestrella del boxeo y MMA sobre su ENORME y próximo choque con Anthony Joshua, de 34 años, el 8 de marzo, así como sus planes a futuro.

Por supuesto, Ngannou, de 37 años, tiene las manos ocupadas con AJ, uno de los atletas más físicamente imponentes en el mundo (al igual que Ngannou)… pero eso no significa que no sepa lo que quiere después de enfrentarse a Joshua.

Por el contrario, sí lo sabe… y no necesariamente es el ganador entre Tyson Fury y Oleksandr Usyk, quienes pelearán por los cinturones de peso pesado en febrero, semanas antes de que lo hagan Francis y Anthony.

“No estoy buscando al ganador de Tyson Fury. Estoy buscando a Tyson”, comentó el ex campeón de peso pesado de la UFC.

"Tyson me debe una pelea. Me importa una m*** el ganador de Usyk y Tyson. Voy tras Tyson. Voy por Tyson. Gane o pierda, quiero a Tyson".

Fury tiene un récord de 34-0 con 24 KO, y una de esas victorias fue contra Ngannou. Sin embargo, muchos en el mundo del boxeo creen que Tyson realmente perdió la pelea de octubre, que ganó oficialmente por decisión dividida.

Pero, primero lo primero, Ngannou-Joshua.

A pesar del éxito contra Tyson, Francis es un underdog bastante sustancial (arriesgar $100 para ganar $500), una línea de apuestas que afirma entender.

“Me enfrento a un ex campeón y a tipos que han estado en el juego durante mucho tiempo, ganando y demás”, dijo Ngannou.

“Creo que él tiene 30 y algo, yo soy cero y uno. Vamos, hombre. ¿Cómo me hacen favorito?” Vamos hombre. ¿Cómo me haces el favorito?”

“Él ya me ha visto boxear, así que sabe lo que le espera, a diferencia de Tyson Fury, que fue sorpresa, no sabía qué esperar”, dijo Ngannou.

Incluso con su inexperiencia en el boxeo, Ngannou espera que Joshua estudie su pelea con Fury y haga ajustes. Francis está decidido a demostrar que la pelea con Tyson no fue una casualidad.

“Esta vez necesito esforzarme aún más para hacer el trabajo.

¡Marzo no puede llegar tan pronto! Hazlo de nuevo, Tyson”.

Francis Ngannou Demands Rematch W/ Fury After A.J. ... Tyson Owes Me A fight!


Francis Ngannou vs. Tyson Fury II could be on deck!

The Predator joined Babcock on the TMZ Sports TV show (airs weekdays on FS1) on Monday ... where we talked to the boxing and MMA superstar about his HUGE upcoming clash with 34-year-old Anthony Joshua on March 8, as well as his plans for the future.

Of course, 37-year-old Ngannou has his hands full with AJ, one of the most physically imposing athletes in the world (as is Ngannou) ... but that's not to say he doesn't know what he wants after he scraps with Joshua.

To the contrary, he does ... and it's not necessarily the victor of Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk, who are fighting for the heavyweight belts in February, weeks before Francis and Anthony.

"I'm not looking for the winner of Tyson Fury. I'm looking for Tyson!" the former UFC heavyweight champ told us.

"Tyson owes me a fight. I don't give a s*** about the winner of Usyk and Tyson. I'm coming after Tyson. Win or lose, I want Tyson!"

FYI, Fury is 34-0 with 24 KOs ... with one of those wins coming against Ngannou. However, many people around boxing believe Tyson actually lost their October fight, which he officially won by split decision.

But, first things first, Ngannou-Joshua.

Despite the success against Tyson, Francis is a fairly substantial underdog (risk $100 to win $500) ... a betting line he says he understands.

"I'm going in against a former champion and getting guys that have been in the game for so long, winning, and all this stuff," Ngannou said.

"I think he's 30-something and I'm zero and one. C'mon man. How do you make me a favorite?"

"He's seen me box already so he knows a little bit what he's coming after unlike Tyson Fury that was out of the blue, didn't know what to expect," Ngannou said.

Even with his inexperience in the boxing ring, Ngannou says he still expects Joshua to study his fight with Fury, and make adjustments. Francis is intent on showing the Tyson fight was no fluke.

"I think this time I need to put it up even more to get the job done."

March can't come soon enough!


Ryan Garcia afirma que su matrimonio con Drea Celina se encontraba más allá de la reparación: la estrella del boxeo presentó la solicitud de divorcio debido a “diferencias irreconciliables”… de acuerdo a documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ Sports.

Como informamos anteriormente, el viernes por la noche el púgil de 25 años anunció la separación de su esposa de casi 3 años a través de su cuenta de Instagram, minutos después de revelar que habían dado la bienvenida a su segundo hijo juntos.

En los documentos presentados la semana pasada, Garcia menciona que él y Celina, quienes se casaron el 14 de enero de 2021, estaban oficialmente separados el día de Navidad de 2023.

El boxeador con un récord de 24-1 afirma estar dispuesto a apoyar financieramente a sus dos hijos, Bela, de 3 años, y Henry, nacido el mes pasado, de acuerdo con las “necesidades razonables” de los niños.

En cuanto a Drea, los documentos indican que Garcia está dispuesto a pagar la manutención conyugal durante los próximos 17 1/2 meses, la mitad del tiempo que estuvieron casados.

En el anuncio del divorcio, Garcia mencionó que la crianza compartida es la “prioridad principal” de la expareja… y continuará centrándose en la salud y el bienestar de Bela y Henry.

“Creo que nuestra devoción mutua hacia nuestros hijos es sólida como una roca, y confío en que juntos seguiremos brindándoles el amor, el apoyo y estabilidad que merecen”, dijo en el comunicado.

Drea, por otro lado, compartió mensajes crípticos en su cuenta… dando a entender que puede haber más en la historia.

Ryan Garcia, Drea Celina Split Due To 'Irreconcilable Differences' ... Divorce Docs Show

Ryan Garcia says his marriage to Drea Celina was beyond repair -- the boxing star filed for divorce due to "irreconcilable differences" ... this according to court docs obtained by TMZ Sports.

As we previously reported, the 25-year-old pugilist announced his split from his wife of nearly 3 years via his Instagram account Friday night ... just minutes after revealing they welcomed their second child together.

In the docs filed last week, Garcia says he and Celina -- who got married on Jan. 14, 2021 -- were officially separated on Christmas Day 2023.

The 24-1 fighter says he is willing to financially support their two children -- 3-year-old Bela and Henry, who was born last month -- based on the minor children's "reasonable needs."

As for Drea, the docs state Garcia is open to paying spousal support to her for the next 17 1/2 months -- half the time they were married.

In the divorce announcement, Garcia said co-parenting is the former couple's "top priority" ... and he will continue to focus on Bela and Henry's health and well-being.

"I believe our mutual devotion to our children is rock solid, and I trust that together, we will continue to provide them with the love, support and stability they deserve," he said in the statement.

Drea, on the other hand, shared cryptic messages on her account ... seemingly indicating that there may be more to the story.

Blueface & Jaidyn Alexis Rap's a 🤡 Filled Circus ... We Chase Plaques, Not Clout!!!

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Blueface and Jaidyn Alexis came into 2024 with plenty of momentum and controversy ... but they're embracing the notoriety, because it's fueling their rap careers!!!

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Blue and Jaidyn at the event Meet The Faces at Fountain LA over the weekend and they had a laugh at all the feathers their new "Barbie (Remix)" ruffled -- remember, BF decided to skewer Soulja Boy, NLE Choppa and more on the track.

Speaking of NLE, their proposed boxing match ain't happening ... NLE's mother got involved after Blueface mentioned her, and she called them both childish Crips who are taking their antics too far.


Blueface agrees with Mama Choppa, but tells us he looks at the current Hip Hop game as a circus, and he's taking it upon himself to be its ringleader.


We also gauged Jaidyn's temperature on breaking her engagement after saying "Yes" to his proposal back in December, and much to Blueface's amusement ... she's cool for now!

They are still in agreement on bringing more money to their Milf Music imprint, however, as the only 2 artists on the label ... they're not accepting applications at this time.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Arrested For 'Ghost Gun' In L.A. Illegal Weapons Possession

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. was arrested for illegal possession of an assault rifle this weekend in L.A. ... after cops were called to the scene by a concerned fan who believed the boxer may be a danger to himself or others.

TMZ Sports has learned the 37-year-old former champ, son of the legendary Mexican pugilist Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., was taken into custody by LAPD around 1:30 PM ... after Jr. permitted responding officers to enter his home, where they located the illegal rifle.

Law enforcement sources tell us the weapon was an untraceable "ghost gun."

Chavez Jr. was ultimately transported to the Valley Jail in Van Nuys ... where the 6'1", 170 lb. fighter was booked.

It's not the first time people around Julio have feared for his safety. In fact, Chavez Sr. recently opened up about fears his son could lose his life if he continues down the same path.

Speaking of his God-like figure of a dad, although Julio didn't come close to the astronomical success his dad achieved in the squared circle, Jr. finished his boxing career with a 53-6-1 record ... fighting the likes of Daniel Jacobs and Canelo Alvarez.

Chavez Jr. a former WBC middleweight champion in 2011, last fought in December 2021, when he beat David Zegarra.

Boxer Ryan Garcia Guys, I Had a Baby!!! Also, I'm Getting Divorced?!?

Ryan Garcia had a little good news/bad news sitch on his hands this week -- first, he's a father to a new baby ... plus, he's apparently leaving his wife who just delivered said baby.

The lightweight boxing phenom made shocking back-to-back announcements Friday evening, almost instantaneously ... namely, breaking happy news that he and his partner, Andrea Celina, had recently welcomed a boy into the world ... whom they named Henry Leo.

Within the hour of posting pics of his new kid -- which is actually his second with AC -- RG threw up a downer of a post ... in which he declared he and Andrea were getting divorced.

Ryan's birth post was jubilant, reading ... "Honored To announce my Beautiful First Born SON PRAISE THE LORD. I am so thankful, I love him so much already. He is so fast already haha. Took him just 8 min to arrive You know where he got that speed from lol. GOD DID! And GOD WILL ... THANK YOU LORD I LOVE YOU."

In a since-deleted IG post that went up almost immediately after the baby announcement, Ryan said he and Andrea were ending their marriage ... which was eye-popping for a couple different reasons. For starters, no one seemed to know they were already hitched.

Of course the bigger reason is ... it was literally the very next thing he posted.. Ryan wrote in part, "As I step into a new chapter in my life, it's with a heavy heart to share that Drea and I have decided to divorce." He goes on to say that they remain committed to co-parenting their two children, etc. Now, it's a bit unclear if he and Andrea are on the same page here.

Andrea herself did not post the divorce statement, and Ryan's now scrubbed it from his page -- even though it was publicly up for well over 12 hours. Andrea has since posted some cryptic messages of her own on her IG Story ... perhaps suggesting she's mad at him.

It's a strange turn of events ... especially considering they've been together since 2019. Now that Ryan's taken down his divorce announcement -- we're not quite sure where things stand.

We've reached out to Ryan's team for clarification and comment. So far, no word back.

Boxeador Ryan García Ey, tuve un bebé!!! ¿Y también me estoy divorciando?

Ryan García tenía algunas buenas y malas noticias que compartir esta semana. Primero, que es padre de un nuevo bebé, y además, que aparentemente va a dejar a su esposa que acaba de dar a luz a dicho bebé.

El fenómeno del boxeo de peso ligero hizo estos sorprendentes anuncios, casi al mismo tiempo el viernes por la noche, a saber, la feliz noticia de que él y su pareja, Andrea Celina, habían dado la bienvenida recientemente a un niño que llamaron Henry Leo.

A la hora de haber publicado las fotos de su nuevo hijo, que en realidad es su segundo con Andrea, Ryan García compartió un deprimente post en el que declaraba que él y Andrea se estaban divorciando.

El post del nacimiento de Ryan era jubiloso, decía: "Estoy honrado de anunciar a mi hermoso primer hijo, alabado sea el Señor. Estoy tan agradecido, lo amo tanto ya. Él es tan rápido ya jaja. Le tomó solo 8 minutos llegar ¿Sabes de dónde sacó esa velocidad lol. ¡DIOS LO HIZO! Y DIOS LO HARÁ ... GRACIAS SEÑOR TE AMO".

En un post de IG ahora borrado, que subió casi inmediatamente después del anuncio del bebé, Ryan dijo que él y Andrea estaban poniendo fin a su matrimonio, lo que era llamativo por un par de razones. Para empezar, nadie parecía saber que ya estaban casados.

Por supuesto, la razón más importante fue, literalmente, lo siguiente que publicó. Ryan escribió, en parte: "Al entrar en un nuevo capítulo en mi vida, es con el corazón pesado que comparto que Drea y yo hemos decidido divorciarnos". Continuó diciendo que siguen comprometidos con la crianza de sus dos hijos, etc. Ahora, no queda claro si él y Andrea están en la misma página aquí.

Andrea no publicó nada sobre el divorcio y Ryan lo ha borrado de su página, a pesar de que estuvo publicado durante más de 12 horas. Andrea desde entonces ha publicado algunos mensajes crípticos en sus propias historias de IG, lo que sugiere que tal vez está enojada con él.

Es un extraño giro de los acontecimientos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que han estado juntos desde 2019. Ahora que Ryan ha quitado el anuncio del divorcio, no estamos muy seguros dónde están las cosas.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Ryan para aclarar las cosas y tener comentarios. Hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.

Boxing Star Jarrell Miller Arrested In Florida Allegedly Body Slammed Car Dealership Employee, Stole Truck

Boxing star Jarrell "Big Baby" Miller was arrested on Tuesday ... after he was accused of body-slamming a car dealership employee before stealing a truck.

According to the Hollywood Police Department in Florida, the incident took place at Haims Motors -- a used car lot located about half an hour north of Miami.

Cops say an employee at the dealership told them a woman had approached him and complained that she had left a phone in a truck that the establishment had recently repossessed.

Police say when the employee went to grab the keys to help her get the device back ... Miller grabbed him, put him in a chokehold -- and insisted he fork over the keys.

HPD officers say the employee told them Miller then threw him to the ground, nabbed the keys and jacked the truck.

Cops say that while Miller fled the scene, he was unaware that there was a tracking device in the ride -- and a short time later, officers found him, arrested him, and booked him on charges of carjacking without a firearm or weapon and burglary with assault or battery.

Miller appeared in court on Wednesday ... and during the proceedings, prosecutors said they believed Miller had planned the attack.

"It would appear that Mr. Miller," one official said in the courtroom, "he knew what the plan was going to this business to get his car back."

Miller, however, pled not guilty to the charges ... though jail records show that as of Thursday morning, he's still behind bars in Broward County.

Miller just fought Daniel Dubois on DAZN's huge Day of Reckoning undercard in Saudi Arabia two weeks ago ... but he lost, moving his pro record to 26-1-1.

Boxer Otto Wallin Joshua vs. Wilder Ain't Happening March 9!


Otto Wallin intends to be the 6'5", 230 lb. wrench that screws up Anthony Joshua's (very lucrative) plan to fight Deontay Wilder in March ... flat-out saying the scrap ain't happening!

Walling and Joshua are fighting Saturday in Saudi Arabia ... a stacked card that also includes Wilder vs. Joseph Parker. So, what's Otto's beef?

Well, Anthony and Deontay seem to be assuming they'll not only win this weekend, but also skate through relatively unscathed ... 'cause the heavyweight boxing superstars have agreed to fight each other in March.

TMZ Sports talked to 33-year-old Wallin, who has only 1 career loss, which came against Tyson Fury ... a very competitive fight that was nearly stopped after the Gypsy King suffered a gruesome cut above his eye.

We asked Otto about AJ's decision to sign the Wilder contract.

"I just think it's crazy that they think that fight is gonna happen on March 9th. What is it, 2 and a half months? There is no way that fight's gonna happen, I'll tell you that now. There's no way that fight's gonna happen. Maybe in the future."

Wallin continued ... "I'm gonna beat Joshua. Wilder-Parker, that's not an easy fight. he could get beat, too. Even if both guys could win, they have to come out with no injuries. The time's just too short, it's not gonna happen."

We also talked to Otto about the fight with AJ.

We also talked to Anthony ... who as you might've guessed, sees things a bit differently than Otto. Among the topics we discussed ... were the Wallin fight, the news of the Wilder bout leaking, and the recent success of the UK UFC fighters.

Like AJ, Wilder has his hands full, too, with 6'4" Parker, who is 33-3 (23 KOs) as a pro. Deontay, 43-2-1 (42 KOs), last fought in October 2022 when he dispatched of Robert Helenius inside 1 round.

Wilder and Joshua is a fight that fans have wanted for years ... and Wallin, a normally friendly guy, is in this case looking to spoil the party!

Stay tuned!

Larry Merchant Famed Boxing Analyst Rushed to Hospital in Critical Condition

Larry Merchant, one of the most iconic boxing broadcasters of all time, was rushed to a hospital Thursday night and is in the critical care unit of a L.A. area hospital ... sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ.

We're told an ambulance came to Larry's building at around 6 PM Thursday and rushed him to a nearby hospital. We're told he's in a critical care unit.

We do not know what triggered the emergency or his prognosis.

Larry has been a longtime HBO boxing commentator, working with Jim Lampley, George Foreman, Roy Jones Jr., Harold Lederman and many others. He's been called "The greatest television boxing analyst of all time."

The 92-year-old also has acting chops, appearing in "I Spy," "The Fighter,' and "Rocky Balboa."

Larry retired from HBO in 2012, but he cast a long shadow and is still remembered for his broadcasting skills.

We wish him well.

Deontay Wilder March Bout Vs. Joshua ... 'The Biggest Fight In The World'


Deontay Wilder vs. Anthony Joshua is the biggest fight in boxing, period ... according to The Bronze Bomber, who says the two heavyweight stars are finally ready to deliver the fight fans have wanted for nearly a decade!

TMZ Sports talked to 38-year-old WIlder about the tentatively scheduled March 9 bout set to go down in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ... assuming Deontay and AJ can successfully navigate their fights this weekend against Joseph Parker and Otto Wallin, respectively.

"I'm looking forward to all this," Wilder told us. "It's a beautiful time for me."

Deontay then put the magnitude of the fight into perspective.

"Me and the Joshua talk has been something, like you said for a decade," adding ... "and that is the biggest fight in the world."

Despite the talk about AJ, Wilder (43-2, 42 KOs) knows he has to first handle Parker (33-3, 23 KOs) ... who's no average Joe. In fact, Joseph told us earlier this week that he plans on putting Deontay to sleep on Saturday.

"The only thing with words, you have to believe what you say," Wilder said in response to Parker's statement. "Now, Joseph can say what he wants but do he believe what he says?!"


"We know that when Deontay says things, he speaks it, he believes it, he receives it."

Deontay said it was a beautiful time for him ... and he's not lying. He has a ton of big things going on, including talk of a major crossover MMA/boxing event with Francis Ngannou ... something Deontay seems interested in.

"This is something I'm very serious about getting into and I wanna do," Wilder said.

But, before he steps into the world that the likes of Jon Jones and Stipe Miocic have dominated, Deontay has a "job to do" against Parker ... and AJ right after! 👊