Evander Holyfield Rips Gays on Big Brother UK It's a Choice and Can Be Fixed

Evander Holyfield told a housemate on "UK Celebrity Big Brother" that being gay is no different than being handicapped ... because a doctor can fix both ... and was immediately SCOLDED like a child by "BB" producers.

Holyfield made the comments Sunday -- during his first week in the BB house -- when reality star Luisa Zissman asked him if there were any gay boxers in the sport.

Holyfield -- a deeply religious Christian --cited the bible and said homosexuality is NOT a choice ... but rather something like a "handicap" ... something doctors can fix.

Zissman respectfully disagreed with Evander ... and it seemed the two were ready to move on with their lives ... when Evander was taken to a private room, where producers RIPPED him for expressing his beliefs.

In fact, "BB" producers called Evander's comments "inappropriate" because they "aren't the views that are held by a large section of society."

Holyfield says he understood that his comments could be considered offensive ... but never apologizes.

This whole situation reminds us why we revolted against England ... so we could have the freedom to express our religious and other beliefs ... no matter how offensive.

As bad as Evander is .. the show is being RIDICULOUS. Didn't they they learn anything from the A&E/"Duck Dynasty" debacle??

Evander's views ...

Mike Tyson's Wife Alleged Mistress Is Threatening to Kill Me & Our Kids

A crazy ex-military woman claiming to be Mike Tyson's mistress has been threatening to kill the boxing legend's wife and family ... this according to Tyson's wife Kiki ... and now, Kiki's obtained a temporary restraining order.

Kiki Tyson filed the request for the restraining order in L.A., claiming a woman named Mickey Gordon has sent her more than 60 threatening emails in the last two years ... and Kiki desperately fears for her and her family's safety.

Kiki attached the alleged emails from Gordon in her restraining order request, and they're pretty nuts. Here are a few excerpts ... and yes, the emails are all in caps:




Kiki claims she's never met Mickey Gordon before, and has no idea how the woman obtained her contact information, but in one of her emails ... Gordon identifies herself as Kiki's "husband's mistress." She also calls herself "Kiki's nightmare."

Gordon has since been ordered to stay 100 yards away from Kiki, Mike, and their 2 children. Another hearing has been scheduled for next month to decide whether to make the TRO permanent.

Mike Tyson Conspiracy The Government's Killing Our Pigeons


America's precious pigeon population is in danger -- especially in NYC -- so says famed pigeon lover Mike Tyson, who claims the government has launched an evil campaign to get rid of our gray little friends forever!!!

Tyson was at LAX yesterday when the conversation inevitably turned to his beloved animals -- in the words of Woody Allen, "rats with wings" -- and he explained his conspiracy theory ... that municipalities like NYC have introduced falcons to curb the pigeon population.

He's not far off ... according to a government report from 2007 -- called "Curbing the Pigeon Conundrum" -- NYC officials have used hawks to keep pigeons in check ... but that brief experiment ended in 2003 when one hawk attacked a small dog.

There is currently a growing hawk population in NYC, but the report says it's "a natural resurgence" ... even though official groups like the NYC Dept. of Parks and Recreation are actively conserving the wild hawk/falcon population.

So there you go ... it's pigeon lovers vs. hawk conservationists ... which means, we gotta ask ...

Oscar De La Hoya Alleged Coke Binge Photos Being Shopped

Graphic photos of Oscar De La Hoya on an apparent cocaine binge during a party in Las Vegas are being shopped to the highest bidder -- they show just how scary his addiction had become and possibly explain the curious timing of going to rehab just before his epic fight as a boxing promoter.

We're told the photos were shot at a party in a Vegas hotel room a few weeks before Oscar announced he was back in rehab -- and they appear to show the ex-champ using a rolled up bill to do lines of a white substance off a plate on a table. According to the seller of the pics the substance is cocaine.

Another pic shows De La Hoya leaning back from the table with a grimace on his face.

We've seen the photos -- which are making the rounds to media outlets -- and they offer a possible explanation for why Oscar suddenly checked into rehab just 4 days before what was, arguably, the biggest fight of his career as a boxing promoter ... the Mayweather-Canelo bout.

Sources tell us Oscar was "off the hinges" at the party in the photos, and made the decision to check into rehab shortly after ... realizing just how reckless he'd been that night.

As far as we know, the photos have not yet been purchased.

We're told De La Hoya is aware of the pics. We reached out to his rep ... so far, no word back.

Ex-Boxing Champ Arrested Cabbie Told Cops ... 'That Drunk F***' Ripped Me Off

Former middleweight boxing champ Kelly Pavlik was arrested today after allegedly stiffing a cab driver in Ohio -- and the police report is HILARIOUS.

The cabbie called cops immediately after Kelly allegedly bailed on his fare early Wednesday morning in Canfield, and when police arrived at the scene ... the cabbie told officers he had been "ripped off by that drunk f*** Kelly Pavlik."

According to the cabbie, he had picked Kelly up at a nearby bar and driven him home -- resulting in a $25 fare -- but Kelly didn't feel like paying, telling him, "F*** you guys. I'm not paying you. Go f*** yourselves." Pavlik then disappeared into his house.

Pavlik was eventually arrested today for failing to show up to court to answer to the cabbie's complaint.

For Pavlik's part, he reportedly said he refused to pay because the cabbie was driving like a lunatic and he feared for his safety.

We mentioned Pavlik is an ex-middleweight champ, right?

Ken Norton Ex-Heavyweight Boxing Champ Dies at 70

Former heavyweight boxing champ Ken Norton -- who had 3 classic fights with Muhammad Ali -- died today in Las Vegas ...according to his son.

Norton had been in failing health for several years after a series of strokes.

Norton defeated Ali -- breaking his jaw in the process -- during their first non-title fight in 1973. They faced each other in the ring two more times ... with Ali winning both.

Their last battle was the 1976 classic held in Yankee Stadium (below).

Norton was awarded the WBC Heavyweight title in 1978, when reigning champ Leon Spinks refused to give Norton -- the top contender -- a shot at the belt.

However, Norton lost to Larry Holmes a few months later ... in his first defense of the belt.

His boxing career began while he was serving in the U.S. Marine Corps in the mid to late 60s -- and he was a 3 time heavyweight champ in the Corps.

Norton's son said his dad was in hospice when he died today. He was 70 years old.

Oscar De La Hoya TALKS TO TMZ 'Greatly Appreciated' Mayweather's Apology


Oscar De La Hoya tells TMZ he accepts Floyd Mayweather's apology -- after Mayweather's team posted an Instagram pic mocking Oscar's substance abuse problems.

Oscar -- who recently checked himself into rehab after falling off the wagon -- was out with a group in L.A. yesterday for a coffee run at a Starbucks and appeared to be in good spirits.

On his way out, we asked Oscar about Floyd's Instagram apology -- and the Golden Boy told us, "It was very nice of him. I greatly appreciated it ... so, thank you."

As we previously reported, Mayweather claims he never authorized anyone to publish the original Instagram image -- and insisted he would "never personally disrespect [Oscar] or anyone else who struggles with addiction."

Floyd Mayweather APOLOGIZES to Oscar Addiction Should NOT Be Mocked

Floyd Mayweather has issued a full apology for a photo on his Instagram page that mocked Oscar De La Hoya's struggle with substance abuse ... though Floyd insists he never approved the photo to go up.

Mayweather came under fire yesterday ... because after he beat up Canelo Alvarez (who's signed to Oscar's boxing promotion company), a pic was posted on his Instagram page showing a crying De La Hoya along with the caption, "Meanwhile Back In Rehab."

Another caption on the picture read, "Oscar: I gave Canelo the wrong blueprint I was high."

Now, Floyd's speaking out ... with another Instagram post ... which reads, "It's unfortunate that a stupid picture was posted to my Instagram account earlier today that was not posted by me or authorized by me to post."

He adds, "I completely support Oscar De La Hoya and his family during this difficult time in his life. I stand by him unconditionally and would never personally disrespect him or anyone else who struggles with addiction."

"I apologize to Oscar and his family for this posting. I wish him well and am rooting for him to win his fight too."

"I also apologize to all of my followers for this ridiculous post. I have no ill-will towards anyone."

Floyd's Baby Mama Outraged Over 10-Year-Old Daughter's Fight Outfit

Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s baby mama is LIVID -- telling TMZ, her 10-year-old daughter was dressed up like some gold-digging hoochie at the big fight on Saturday ... and it's all one designer's fault.

The designer in question is Project Runway's Michael Costello -- and Floyd's baby mama Josie Harris tells us, Costello was hired to design a very special dress for the boxer's 10-year-old daughter Jirah to wear at the Canelo fight in Vegas (left).

Josie says the dress came out great -- but when they showed up to the fight, she noticed Floyd's on-and-off-again side piece Shantel Jackson wearing the same exact dress (right).

According to Josie, she paid Costello $795 for a one-of-a-kind dress, and now she's pissed the guy gave a replica to none other than Floyd's girlfriend ... who also sat ringside.

Josie tells us, "It's an unspoken rule and a cardinal sin for a 'real designer' to dress clients alike going to the same major event ... Tacky, tacky, tacky."

And Josie didn't stop there, turning her anger toward Jackson as well ... adding, "She is a total gold digger ... She conveniently came back around 2 days before Floyd got his $41.5 million check."

As for the designer, Costello says he will NOT be giving anyone a refund -- telling us, "No exclusivity was promised regarding the dress. If you want exclusivity, you need to pay more." Costello says his people told Miss Jackson that Floyd's daughter would be wearing the same dress and she didn't care.

Floyd Mayweather MOCKS De La Hoya's Substance Abuse Problem

Floyd Mayweather doesn't think Oscar De La Hoya's stint in rehab is off-limits when it comes to talking smack -- and today, the boxer took a BIG shot at the Golden Boy's substance abuse issues on Instagram.

Money posted a meme featuring a picture of Oscar looking sad ... with the caption, "Meanwhile In Rehab."

Another caption reads, "Oscar: I gave Canelo the wrong blueprint I was high."

The pic is an obvious reference to Floyd's big victory over Canelo Alvarez this weekend ... which took place one day after Oscar (Canelo's fight promoter) checked himself back into rehab for substance abuse.

We're guessing Floyd didn't create the meme -- but he definitely signed off on the joke by putting it on his Instagram page.

So, we gotta ask ...

Mayweather Judge I Stand Behind My Decision ... The Fight Was a Draw

The boxing judge being ripped apart for scoring the Mayweather/Canelo fight as a draw tells TMZ she doesn't care what the critics say ... insisting she called the fight correctly.

Judge C.J. Ross tells us "I stand behind my decision" and isn't phased by all the ferocious criticism she's received from both experts and amateurs.

In case you missed it -- Floyd Mayweather scored a convincing victory over Saul "Canelo" Alvarez last night ... but C.J. was the only judge to score them evenly.

After the fight, boxing expert Teddy Atlas went on ESPN and said Ross' score was a travesty and suggested she was paid off by gamblers.

Everyone in the arena was shocked by C.J.'s call ... including Floyd Mayweather who mouthed the words, "What the f***" when the announcer revealed he won on a majority decision and not unanimous.

But it's clear the judge doesn't care ... in her mind it was a draw.


Justin Bieber Flies Posse to Vegas All About the Money

Justin Bieber just high tailed it to Las Vegas with his crew to walk Floyd Mayweather into the ring tonight ... and they're clearly expecting "Money" to kick ass.

Justin boarded with Lil Twist, Lil Za and a few others Saturday for Floyd's fight against Saul "Canello" Alvarez -- and most of his entourage were proudly sporting Mayweather's Money Team shirts.

Worth noting ... no visible puffs of smoke as they boarded the plane ... this time.

8:20 PM PT -- Bieber is officially backstage with the champ.

Justin Bieber Money May's Hype Man At Vegas Boxing Match

Justin Bieber has successfully weaseled his way into Floyd Mayweather's inner circle -- AGAIN -- TMZ has learned, the 19-year-old will walk Money May to the ring tomorrow before his next big boxing match in Vegas.

Bieber has been ingratiating himself with Mayweather since last year, when the singer appeared out of nowhere at Mayweather's match against Miguel Cotto ... walking the fighter to the ring, and celebrating with him afterwards (along with Lil Wayne).

The courtship continued ... and this summer, Mayweather flew Bieber out to his 13-year-old daughter's birthday party.

Now, Bieber's back for more shameless money-flaunting publicity whoring ... agreeing to accompany Mayweather to the ring Saturday at the MGM Grand, where May's set to fight Saúl "Canelo" Alvarez.

And he deserves to get his ass kicked. (We may or may not be talking about Alvarez.)

FYI, if you want to catch a live glimpse of the Biebs -- and rub elbows with Jay Z and Jack Nicholson -- you better be ready to pony up, big time. Tickets are going for up to $100k per seat.

Roy Jones Jr. to Anderson Silva: HELL YEAH, I'LL FIGHT YOU!


​If Anderson Silva WANTS Roy Jones Jr., he's gonna GET Roy Jones Jr. -- 'cause RJJ tells TMZ he'll accept Spider's challenge to a boxing match ... but the clock's tickin'.

We spoke to the 44-year-old former boxing champ in L.A. this week ... who says he heard Silva loud and clear when Anderson told the New York Post about his dream to fight a "great champion" like Jones.

38-year-old Silva is currently under contract with the UFC ... but suggested that UFC honcho Dana White should strike a deal to make the fight happen.

As for Roy -- once considered the best pound-for-pound fighter on the planet -- he tells TMZ, "I would love it ... Call me and we'll make that happen."

But Roy is concerned about his age -- and says if the fight is gonna happen, it's gotta happen ASAP -- in fact, Jones suggested the two get in the ring right after Silva fights Chris Weidman at UFC 162 on July 6.

Evander Holyfield's Wife KOs Protective Order

Evander Holyfield's wife is throwing in the towel in the war against the former boxing champ -- asking a judge to drop the protective order she obtained against him earlier this month.

According to court officials in Fayette County, GA, Candi Holyfield pulled the plug on the order yesterday.

Candi had accused Evander of hitting her in the face, the back, and the back of her head after she complained that their children were cold because the heat had been cut off in their Georgia home.

In Candi's petition for the protective order, she also claimed Evander had been physical with her in the past -- saying he "choked me in front of our daughter and housekeeper" in 2008.

The two were scheduled to go head-to-head in court on Thursday -- but now that the order has been dismissed, the case is closed ... for now.

Evander Holyfield Lightweight in the Wallet

Former boxing heavyweight Evander Holyfield is attempting to change up his child support payments -- claiming he's just not pulling in the cash he was 10 years ago.

According to documents filed last month in Cobb County Superior Court in Georgia, Holyfield wants his agreement with ex-wife Janice Itson from 2000 modified because his "income has decreased."

The docs also say he now has other children "for whom he is also responsible to support."

According to his Wiki page, Holyfield has "at least" 11 children.