Floyd Mayweather Gifted $150k Watch, Sings Karaoke ... At Exclusive Bday Bash!

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Floyd Mayweather once again proved no one celebrates a birthday better ... the legendary fighter threw a super exclusive party for his 47th trip around the sun, and was gifted an insane $150K watch!

The shindig went down Thursday night at Swan -- David Grutman's spot in Miami -- where Mayweather, who turns 47 on Saturday, hosted 150 of his closest friends, including Nicky Jam ... many of whom TBE flew into town, and put up at a fancy hotel.

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On the menu ... everything from pizzas to wagyu steak and truffle fries. Guests also sang karaoke, as Floyd danced.

But, the highlight of the night was when Mayweather was presented with a $150k watch from Avi Hiaeve of Avi & Co. -- jeweler to a ton of celebs -- made with 18 karat gold, and over 29.3 carats of diamonds!

“It’s rare to find such a human being like Champ. Giving him a gift is the least I can do to show my appreciation for having him in my life,” Avi told us about giving such an expensive gift.

And get this ... last night's party was just one of multiple bashes the former champ is having this week. In fact, the partying started Wednesday night when the 50-0 fighter was chillin' with Rick Ross!

Floyd, thanks to his buddies Jona Rechnitz and P Reala, has a bunch of fun things planned in the MIA area through Monday!

Stay tuned ...

Damian Lillard, Mac McClung All-Star-Studded Dinner In Indy ... After Big Wins

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post-dunk dinner

Damian Lillard and Mac McClung were big winners during NBA All-Star Weekend ... and the two champs celebrated like it -- getting the VIP treatment at a celeb-packed hot spot on Saturday.

The Milwaukee Bucks superstar and G League standout were victorious in the Three-point and Slam Dunk contests, respectively ... and shortly after they got their shiny, new hardware, they made their way to Sei Less NYC's popup party in Indianapolis.

The gathering had an impressive guest list ... including Allen Iverson, Draymond Green, Fabolous, Druski, Paulo Bancero, Anthony Edwards and Trae Young.

Mac was loving the cuisine, even making his way to the back kitchen to hang with the chefs and thank them for the grub.

We're told Dame and McClung weren't the only ones with a reason to party -- ex-NBAer Al Harrington was also feeling the love on his 44th birthday ... getting surprised with a cake!!

The folks at Sei Less made sure no one left hungry ... 'cause chef Allen Ma continued to whip together chicken satays, salt and pepper shrimp and fried rice late into the night.

Teresa And Joe Giudice Daughter Melania Turns 18 ... She's 'My Mini Me'!!!

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Teresa Giudice's daughter Milania is growing up fast right before our eyes ... 'cause she just turned 18!

"The Real Housewives of New Jersey" star celebrated Milania's big day Friday by posting a series of photos on Instagram showing her daughter's progression over the years on the reality show and behind the scenes.

The images begin with present-day Milania, appearing elegant and mature alongside her famous mom, both of whom are dressed to the nines. More snaps feature Melania as a cute little baby followed by a video and a pic of her dressed as a badass in scenes from 'RHONJ.'

Of course, Teresa wrote a lovely caption, wishing Milania a happy 18th birthday and showering her with compliments.

Teresa called Milania "my mini me" who has "blossomed into an incredible young woman with a heart of gold."

She also described Melania as loving, caring, and kind as well as someone who radiates beauty, takes pride, and works hard in everything she does.

Teresa ended by saying Milania is the life of the party who brings joy and laughter to all.

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Now that's a doting mother. And even her father, Joe Giudice, sent his love to Milania from his home in the Bahamas.

In his IG Story, Joe posted a photo of father-daughter and a video montage of them with a gushing message on a baby pic of Milania that read, "Happy birthday Milana ❤️ Daddy loves you so much!!"

As you know, Joe was married to Teresa for two decades before they divorced in 2020 after a slew of legal issues involving wire fraud and tax fraud. The ex-couple served time in federal prison and Joe got deported from the U.S.

A$AP Rocky No es difícil comprarle un regalo de cumpleaños a RiRi... Es piscis y tengo buen gusto

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Tengo buen gusto

El sentido de la moda de A$AP Rocky está codificado en su ADN, por eso está tranquilo con el próximo cumpleaños de Rihanna y las compras que pueda hacerle.

TMZ Hip Hop se reunió con Rocky en Beverly Hills el miércoles y le preguntamos si es difícil comprarle algo a una artista tan intuitiva como Rihanna. Y lo que es más importante, ¿qué demonios le regalas cuando es tu mujer?

El cumpleaños de la megaestrella se acerca rápidamente, es el 20 de febrero, pero Rocky dice no es tan complicado encontrar el regalo perfecto para su dama pues "sabe lo que debe buscar". ¿El motivo? Tiene buen gusto, y eso es todo lo que se necesita.

Hey, no lo llaman Pretty Flacko por nada, de hecho, tiene confianza de sobra.

Ese buen gusto le vino muy bien durante las fiestas de fin de año cuando lanzó su colaboración con Bottega, en parte influenciado por uno de nuestros recientes encuentros con el rapero de "Praise The Lord",  ¡¡¡donde llevó a nuestro fotógrafo a un mini-maratón alrededor de la manzana!!!

Rocky claramente no quiso arruinar la sorpresa y contar sus planes de cumpleaños para RiRi, pero de seguro implica verlos súper guapos y a la moda.

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Aquí está un agradecimiento preventivo de su esposa, cortesía de nosotros. ¡Gracias, AR!

A$AP Rocky Shopping for RiRi's Bday is Easy ... She's Pisces, I Have Taste!!!

I've Got Great Taste

A$AP Rocky's fashion sense is encoded in his DNA, which is why he's not sweating Rihanna's upcoming birthday, and has supreme confidence in shopping for her.

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with Rocky in Bev. Hills on Wednesday and we asked about the degree of difficulty when it comes to shopping for such an intuitive artist as Rihanna. More importantly, what the heck do you get for her when she's your woman?!?

The megastar singer's birthday is fast approaching in a couple of weeks -- on February 20, specifically -- but Rocky says finding the right gift for his lady is a piece of cake ... 'cause he knows what to look for. The reason? He's got good taste, and that's all you need.

Hey, they don't call him Pretty Flacko for nothing ... dude does, indeed, have swag to spare.

That good taste came in handy this past holiday season when he launched his 2024 collab with Bottega ... partially influenced by one of our recent encounters with the "Praise The Lord" rapper -- where he took our photog on a mini-marathon around the block!!!

Rocky clearly didn't want to spill the beans and spoil his birthday plans for RiRi but it's safe to say it'll involve them looking fly and fashionable.

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Here's a preemptive thank-you from wifey ... courtesy of us. Thx, AR!

Snoop Dogg's Daughter Bouncing Back After Stroke ... Family Affair for Charlie Wilson Bday!!!!

Instagram / @princessbroadus

Snoop Dogg's daughter is in a far better place than she was a couple weeks ago when she suffered a stroke ... in fact, she's showing all the signs of a major comeback, getting in some exercise and some QT with Dad!!!

On Monday, Cori Broadus posted a vid of herself walking down the street basking in the sun -- a far cry from the alarming messages she posted earlier in January while she was hospitalized.

The 24-year-old influencer told her fans she wasn't sure she'd recover ... her blood pressure had spiked to high levels, but doctors and nurses got her on the path to recovery.

Amerikaz Most Wanted
Instagram / @princessbroadus

Later in the day, she joined her father at Charlie Wilson's 71st birthday bash -- the perfect cherry on top after the Gap Band singer received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Cori was well enough to gangsta boogie along with her dad's performance -- where he performed "2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted" holding down his and Tupac Shakur's verses!!!

Keeping The Spirit Alive
Instagram / @jsrohn

Another fun moment for Snoop happened when he was unexpectedly reunited with his long-lost Nate Dogg tribute jacket ... which journalist Jake Rohn now owns.

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Snoop says every time he accumulates swag and trinkets from a tour, his wife eventually has a yard sale ... to keep them from becoming hoarders!!!

La hija de Snoop Dogg vuelve a casa Tras sufrir un derrame cerebral

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un paso a la vez
Instagram / @princessbroadus

La hija de Snoop Dogg está mucho mejor de lo que estaba hace un par de semanas cuando sufrió un derrame cerebral, de hecho, está mostrando todos los signos de un gran regreso, haciendo un poco de ejercicio y pasando tiempo de calidad con papá.

El lunes, Cori Broadus publicó un video caminando por la calle tomando el sol. Algo muy diferente a los mensajes alarmantes que publicó a principios de enero, cuando estuvo hospitalizada.

La influencer de 24 años le dijo a sus fans que no estaba segura de recuperarse. Su presión arterial había subido a niveles altos, pero los médicos y enfermeras pudieron hacer que se recupere.

Amerikaz Most Wanted
Instagram / @princessbroadus

Más tarde se unió a su padre en la fiesta de cumpleaños número 71 de Charlie Wilson, la guinda perfecta de la torta después de que el cantante recibiera su estrella en el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood.

Cori estaba lo suficientemente bien como para acompañar la actuación de su padre, que interpretó "2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted" con sus versos y los de Tupac Shakur.

con el espíritu en alto
Instagram / @jsrohn

Otro momento divertido para Snoop ocurrió cuando se reencontró inesperadamente con su chaqueta tributo a Nate Dogg perdida hace mucho tiempo, la misma que el periodista Jake Rohn ahora posee.

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Snoop dice que cada vez que vuelve cargado de cosas de las giras, su esposa finalmente tiene una venta de garaje, ¡para evitar que se conviertan en acaparadores!

Christian Bale Presumiendo en su cumpleaños... ¡¿Qué saben de tener 50?!

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Christian Bale es conocido por sus extremas transformaciones corporales en la gran pantalla, pero para su cumpleaños número 50 el tipo ha llegado a un buen punto medio, luciendo súper en forma y tonificado.

El actor ganador del Oscar fue fotografiado el lunes celebrando sus grandes 50 en Cabo, México, para ser específicos, y como hemos dicho, estaba definitivamente listo para mostrar sus enormes atributos a las cámaras, pues apareció en el balcón sin su camiseta.

También llevaba una toalla alrededor de su cintura en un momento también...

Finalmente, Christian Bale se puso un top, un sombrero y unas gafas de sol para protegerse de los rayos y se dirigió a la playa con su mujer Sibi Blažić y su hijo de nueve años, Joseph. Vamos a decir esto.... incluso vestido, Christian deja en vergüenza a otros padres.

Christian y Sibi también son padres de Emmeline, de 18 años, aunque parece que ella no estuvo presente en esta escapada familiar.

El actor de Hollywood está claramente disfrutando su tiempo libre después de tomarse un respiro en su carrera. Su único crédito en 2023 fue la voz en off para la película animada "El niño y la garza", y actualmente no tiene nada en carpeta para este año.

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Por supuesto, él sigue siendo uno de los actores más prolíficos hoy en día y aún está en un punto alto de su carrera. Sin duda, puede permitirse un descanso ante las cámaras.

Por suerte para nosotros (y todos los demás), aquí está ofreciendo otro tipo de espectáculo. Tampoco se exigen entradas de admisión general para verlo.

Feliz cumpleaños, Christian, ¡eres una joya, señor!

CHRISTIAN BALE Birthday Boy Flexin' ... Whatchu Know 'Bout 50?!?

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Christian Bale is known for his extreme on-screen body transformations -- but for his 50th birthday, the dude's reached a great middle-ground ... looking super ripped and toned.

The Oscar-winning actor was photographed Monday ringing in the big 5-0 down in Mexico -- Cabo, to be specific -- and like we said ... the guy was definitely ready to show off his huge guns for the cameras, 'cause he was hanging out on the balcony without a shirt on.

He was also wearing a towel around his waist at one point too ... big-time thirst trap vibes.

Eventually, CB popped on a top, hat, and shades to shield himself from the rays ... making his way down to a beach with his wife, Sibi Blažić, and their nine-year-old son Joseph. We'll say this about him ... even when clothed, Christian puts other dad bods to shame.

Christian and Sibi are also parents to daughter Emmeline, 18 ... although, she didn't appear to be on the family getaway here.

The Hollywood actor is clearly making the most of his downtime after taking a bit of a breather on the career front -- his only 2023 credit was voiceover work for "The Boy and the Heron" ... and he currently has nothing in the pipeline this year.

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Granted, he's still one of the most prolific actors working today -- and he's still killing it at this point in his career. He can most certainly afford to take a break from on-camera work.

Lucky for us (and everyone else) ... he's right here putting on another type of show, no general admission tickets needed either.

Happy bday, Christian ... you're a gem, sir!

Oprah Birthday Beach Run ... I'm Healthy at 70!!!


Oprah Winfrey didn't throw a huge party for her 70th birthday, and she didn't ask for a bunch of gifts either ... instead, she seemed content with a healthy run along the beach.

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The legendary talk show host celebrated her birthday milestone Monday, posting a video on social media showing her jogging on a California beach with a friend and one of her dogs. Looks like she had a pal (or perhaps a trainer) who was jogging alongside her.

The media mogul captioned her IG post ... "Celebrating 70 with a run on the beach. #healthisthebestgift. Thank you for all the birthday love." The hashtag is probably good news for Oprah's friends and loved ones ... it's gotta be hard to find a gift for a billionaire!

BTW ... Oprah added Jill Scott's timeless song "Golden" to the post ... and she's certainly looking pretty fit in her golden years. That's the bigger point -- O showing off the fact she works out, which is timely considering her recent confession to using weight-loss drugs.

Fact is ... she's caught a little flak of late for what people perceive as "taking the easy way out" -- this after she denounced drugs like Ozempic, before doing an apparent about-face.

Here, however, she seems to be telegraphing something ... namely, she gets active too.

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The beach run obviously dovetails with her latest health transformation ... as we reported, last month Oprah revealed she dropped 40 pounds in 2023, thanks in part to doctors prescribing her some medication.

With this, though ... O seems to be suggesting exercise was part of the drop in poundage. Hard to say if this will appease people like Jillian Michaels -- she seems very anti-Ozempic.

Anyhoo ... happy birthday, Ms. Winfrey. You look great regardless!!! 🎉

Oprah Corre por la playa para celebrar su cumpleaños... ¡¡Estoy sana a los 70!!

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Oprah Winfrey no hizo una gran fiesta para celebrar sus 70 años. Tampoco pidió un montón de regalos, en cambio, parecía estar muy contenta con un saludable trote por la playa.

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La legendaria presentadora celebró su cumpleaños el lunes, con un video en las redes sociales donde aparece haciendo una caminata rápida por una playa de California con un amigo y uno de sus perros. Parece que tenía un amigo (o tal vez un entrenador) que estaba trotando junto a ella.

La magnate de los medios subtituló su post de Instagram con el comentario: "Celebrando los 70 con un trote en la playa. #La salud es el mejor regalo. Gracias por todo su amor en mi cumpleaños". El hashtag es probablemente una buena noticia para los amigos y seres queridos de Oprah, ¡tiene que ser difícil encontrar un regalo para un multimillonario!

Por cierto, Oprah añadió el clásico de Jill Scott "Golden" en su post, y ciertamente se ve muy en forma en sus años dorados. Ese es el punto más importante, o quizás el hecho de que está haciendo ejercicio, lo cual es oportuno teniendo en cuenta su reciente confesión de que ha usado medicamentos para bajar de peso.

La verdad es que ella ha recibido algunas críticas últimamente por lo que la gente percibe como estar "tomando el camino más fácil". Esto, después de que denunciara drogas como el Ozempic, antes de aparentemente cambiar de opinión.

Aquí, sin embargo, ella parece estar enviando un mensaje, y es que está activa también.

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El trote por la playa, obviamente, encaja con su última transformación de salud. Como informamos, el mes pasado Oprah reveló que bajó 40 libras en 2023, gracias en parte a que los médicos le prescribieron algunos medicamentos.

Con esto, sin embargo, parece estar sugiriendo que el ejercicio fue parte de la baja de peso también. Es difícil saber si esto apaciguará a las personas como Jillian Michaels, quien parecen estar muy en contra de Ozempic.

De todos modos, feliz cumpleaños, Sra. Winfrey. ¡¡¡Te ves muy bien a pesar de todo!!! 🎉

Ellen DeGeneres Sweatin' 66th Birthday with Intense Workout


Ellen DeGeneres hit the gym hard for her 66th birthday, impressing her wife, Portia De Rossi, who pulled out a camera phone and started recording the intense workout.

The former talk show host celebrated another year on the planet Friday by pumping iron and doing other strenuous exercises at the gym, proving that she's as fit as an Olympian.

Portia was right there by Ellen's side, shooting it all on video, which was later posted on Instagram.

Check it out ... Ellen started off lifting dumbbells while asking Portia who was filming her, "Are you saying this is what 66 looks like?'

Portia sweetly replied, "what your 66 looks like."

Ellen then did one-arm overhead presses using a single dumbbell before pushing a large piece of exercise equipment across the gym floor and ending her routine with a series of pullups. Pretty Impressive, Ellen!

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Portia thought so too, writing in the IG caption, "My darling wife! You continue to amaze me and inspire me. Happy Birthday to the strongest, sweetest, most brilliant person I know."

She added, "I'm so lucky to be standing next to you as we share this incredible life together. I love you."

Elle King aplaza repentinamente su actuación Tras la metedura de pata con Dolly Parton


Elle King no estará en el escenario a finales de esta semana a pesar de que estaba programada, porque canceló su concierto a última hora y sin dar una razón.

La estrella del country estaba programada para rockear el viernes en Fort Worth, en un lugar llamado Billy Bob's Texas, que es básicamente una sala de conciertos de la ciudad y donde Elle iba a servir como acto principal de cara al fin de semana.

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El miércoles, sin embargo, se anunció por Billy Bob y co. que Elle tenía que posponer su show y no sería capaz de volver hasta septiembre.

TMZ confirmó la noticia y un representante nos dijo que acaba de recibir la palabra del equipo de Elle sobre esto hoy, así que sí, todo el asunto es muy repentino. Más importante aún, nos dicen que el campamento de Elle no ofreció ninguna explicación válida para el aplazamiento.

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olvidando la letra
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

Mientras que nadie tiene una respuesta clara, mucha gente ya está especulando que puede tener que ver con lo que pasó el fin de semana, cuando Elle subió al escenario en el Grand Ole Opry y trató de interpretar una canción de Dolly Parton, solo para estropearlo terriblemente.

Fue acusada de arrastrar las palabras, olvidar la letra y actuar desordenadamente durante toda la actuación y muchos pensaron que podría haber estado bajo la influencia en ese momento. Elle misma lo confirmó diciendole a todos que estaba "muy borracha".

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Su "homenaje" a Dolly recibió un montón de críticas y ahora está dando un paso al costado. Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Elle nosotros mismos y nos dijeron que tenía que posponer por "circunstancias imprevistas" y señalaron que no haría más comentarios sobre esto.

Elle tiene otro show programado en Shipshewana en febrero, y un representante de la sede nos dice que un anuncio de aplazamiento para que es inminente también.

Elle King Suddenly Postpones Show No Explanation After Dolly Parton Flub

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Elle King will not be taking the stage later this week even though she was scheduled to -- 'cause she pulled the plug on her live gig kinda last minute ... without providing a reason.

The country star was set to rock the house Friday at a venue in Fort Worth, TX called Billy Bob's Texas -- which is basically a concert hall there in town ... and where EK was due to serve as the main talent heading into the weekend.

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On Wednesday, however, it was announced by Billy Bob and co. that Elle would not actually be performing ... they said she had to postpone her show, and wouldn't be able to come back until way down the road in September.

TMZ confirmed the news -- and a rep there told us they just got word from Elle's team about this today ... so yes, the entire thing is very sudden. More importantly, we're told Elle's camp did not offer any valid explanation for the postponement.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

While nobody has a clear answer on why Elle bailed, a lot of people are already speculating it may have to do with what went down over the weekend ... when Elle went onstage at the Grand Ole Opry and tried covering a Dolly Parton song -- only to botch it terribly.

She was accused of slurring her words, forgetting the lyrics and acting disorderly through the whole performance -- and many thought she might've been under the influence at the time. Elle herself confirmed that in her words ... telling everyone she was "f****** hammered."

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Her "tribute" to DP caught a ton of flak ... and now, she's stepping away from the spotlight, it seems. We reached out to Elle's team ourselves and were told she had to postpone for "unforeseen circumstances" ... and they noted they wouldn't be commenting on this further.

BTW, Elle's got another show scheduled in Shipshewana, IN in February -- and a rep for the venue there tells us a postponement announcement for that is imminent as well.

Madonna Let's Sing Happy Bday to My Kid!!! Onstage MSG Shout-Out

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Madonna gave her daughter one of the biggest birthday presents imaginable -- getting a packed crowd at Madison Square Garden to sing along and help her ring in the big 1-8.

The pop star brought out her kid, Mercy, onstage Monday night during her show at MSG and showed off her incredible talent by having her play a little piano for the arena -- that is, before Mama Bear helped lead a full-blown sing-a-long for her to celebrate her born day.

It was a pretty sweet moment ... not only did Madge come over and belt out the tune, but a lot of her backup dancers and stage crew members also rushed the stage to join in.

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Once they were finished with the song -- which almost everyone helped sing -- they brought out a little cupcake with Mercy for good measure ... complete with a candle and everything.

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Madonna gave Mercy a hug afterward ... and it seems she stuck around to play more too.

Mercy is one of Madonna's six children -- she, along with three others, was adopted at a young age. Mercy, specifically, was born in Malawi in 2006 and came under Madge's care in '09. She's been raised by Madonna ever since ... and clearly loves her mom and then some.

Elle King estropea el homenaje a Dolly Parton

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La cantante de country Elle King —borracha—, desafinó en un concierto para celebrar el cumpleaños número 78 de Dolly Parton, olvidando la letra de una versión de la canción mientras maldecía.

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olvidano las letras
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

King subió al escenario el viernes por la noche en el Grand Ole Opry después de haber bebido demasiado y fue grabada en varios videos estropeando su homenaje a Parton, mientras interpretaba el tema del icono de la música, "Marry Me".

Échale un vistazo a las imágenes subidas a TikTok, King está de pie frente a un micrófono mientras canta la canción, pero su voz comienza a quebrarse y se olvida de la letra.

King entonces confiesa que no sabe la letra, suplicándole a la multitud que no se lo diga a Parton, mientras dice groserías por el micrófono.

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En un momento dado, King incluso se burló de los fans por comprar entradas para el espectáculo, explicando: "Ni siquiera voy a (groserías) mentir... ustedes compraron entradas para esto (groserías), no van a recuperar su dinero".

Un fan respondió gritando: "No lo quiero", lo que provocó que King respondiera: "Bien, porque no lo vas a conseguir".

Pero, King no había terminado todavía, añadiendo: "Te voy a decir una cosa más... hola, mi nombre es Elle King. Estoy (maldice), muy borracha".

Otro fan publicó una queja en X sobre King, diciendo que "arruinó la noche con su horrible, borracha y profana actuación", mientras afirmaba que "Parton se habría mortificado".

El Grand Ole Opry comentó el post, expresando que "lamentan profundamente y se disculpan por el lenguaje que se utilizó durante la segunda actuación del Opry de anoche".

Hasta ahora, King y Parton no se han referido públicamente al asunto. Pero la hermana de Parton, Stella, se pronunció sobre la polémica, llamando a King "mal educada".