Oprah Corre por la playa para celebrar su cumpleaños... ¡¡Estoy sana a los 70!!

Oprah Winfrey no hizo una gran fiesta para celebrar sus 70 años. Tampoco pidió un montón de regalos, en cambio, parecía estar muy contenta con un saludable trote por la playa.

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La legendaria presentadora celebró su cumpleaños el lunes, con un video en las redes sociales donde aparece haciendo una caminata rápida por una playa de California con un amigo y uno de sus perros. Parece que tenía un amigo (o tal vez un entrenador) que estaba trotando junto a ella.

La magnate de los medios subtituló su post de Instagram con el comentario: "Celebrando los 70 con un trote en la playa. #La salud es el mejor regalo. Gracias por todo su amor en mi cumpleaños". El hashtag es probablemente una buena noticia para los amigos y seres queridos de Oprah, ¡tiene que ser difícil encontrar un regalo para un multimillonario!

Por cierto, Oprah añadió el clásico de Jill Scott "Golden" en su post, y ciertamente se ve muy en forma en sus años dorados. Ese es el punto más importante, o quizás el hecho de que está haciendo ejercicio, lo cual es oportuno teniendo en cuenta su reciente confesión de que ha usado medicamentos para bajar de peso.

La verdad es que ella ha recibido algunas críticas últimamente por lo que la gente percibe como estar "tomando el camino más fácil". Esto, después de que denunciara drogas como el Ozempic, antes de aparentemente cambiar de opinión.

Aquí, sin embargo, ella parece estar enviando un mensaje, y es que está activa también.

TMZ investiga
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El trote por la playa, obviamente, encaja con su última transformación de salud. Como informamos, el mes pasado Oprah reveló que bajó 40 libras en 2023, gracias en parte a que los médicos le prescribieron algunos medicamentos.

Con esto, sin embargo, parece estar sugiriendo que el ejercicio fue parte de la baja de peso también. Es difícil saber si esto apaciguará a las personas como Jillian Michaels, quien parecen estar muy en contra de Ozempic.

De todos modos, feliz cumpleaños, Sra. Winfrey. ¡¡¡Te ves muy bien a pesar de todo!!! 🎉

Ellen DeGeneres Sweatin' 66th Birthday with Intense Workout


Ellen DeGeneres hit the gym hard for her 66th birthday, impressing her wife, Portia De Rossi, who pulled out a camera phone and started recording the intense workout.

The former talk show host celebrated another year on the planet Friday by pumping iron and doing other strenuous exercises at the gym, proving that she's as fit as an Olympian.

Portia was right there by Ellen's side, shooting it all on video, which was later posted on Instagram.

Check it out ... Ellen started off lifting dumbbells while asking Portia who was filming her, "Are you saying this is what 66 looks like?'

Portia sweetly replied, "what your 66 looks like."

Ellen then did one-arm overhead presses using a single dumbbell before pushing a large piece of exercise equipment across the gym floor and ending her routine with a series of pullups. Pretty Impressive, Ellen!

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Portia thought so too, writing in the IG caption, "My darling wife! You continue to amaze me and inspire me. Happy Birthday to the strongest, sweetest, most brilliant person I know."

She added, "I'm so lucky to be standing next to you as we share this incredible life together. I love you."

Elle King aplaza repentinamente su actuación Tras la metedura de pata con Dolly Parton

Elle King no estará en el escenario a finales de esta semana a pesar de que estaba programada, porque canceló su concierto a última hora y sin dar una razón.

La estrella del country estaba programada para rockear el viernes en Fort Worth, en un lugar llamado Billy Bob's Texas, que es básicamente una sala de conciertos de la ciudad y donde Elle iba a servir como acto principal de cara al fin de semana.

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El miércoles, sin embargo, se anunció por Billy Bob y co. que Elle tenía que posponer su show y no sería capaz de volver hasta septiembre.

TMZ confirmó la noticia y un representante nos dijo que acaba de recibir la palabra del equipo de Elle sobre esto hoy, así que sí, todo el asunto es muy repentino. Más importante aún, nos dicen que el campamento de Elle no ofreció ninguna explicación válida para el aplazamiento.

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olvidando la letra
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

Mientras que nadie tiene una respuesta clara, mucha gente ya está especulando que puede tener que ver con lo que pasó el fin de semana, cuando Elle subió al escenario en el Grand Ole Opry y trató de interpretar una canción de Dolly Parton, solo para estropearlo terriblemente.

Fue acusada de arrastrar las palabras, olvidar la letra y actuar desordenadamente durante toda la actuación y muchos pensaron que podría haber estado bajo la influencia en ese momento. Elle misma lo confirmó diciendole a todos que estaba "muy borracha".

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Su "homenaje" a Dolly recibió un montón de críticas y ahora está dando un paso al costado. Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Elle nosotros mismos y nos dijeron que tenía que posponer por "circunstancias imprevistas" y señalaron que no haría más comentarios sobre esto.

Elle tiene otro show programado en Shipshewana en febrero, y un representante de la sede nos dice que un anuncio de aplazamiento para que es inminente también.

Elle King Suddenly Postpones Show No Explanation After Dolly Parton Flub

Elle King will not be taking the stage later this week even though she was scheduled to -- 'cause she pulled the plug on her live gig kinda last minute ... without providing a reason.

The country star was set to rock the house Friday at a venue in Fort Worth, TX called Billy Bob's Texas -- which is basically a concert hall there in town ... and where EK was due to serve as the main talent heading into the weekend.

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On Wednesday, however, it was announced by Billy Bob and co. that Elle would not actually be performing ... they said she had to postpone her show, and wouldn't be able to come back until way down the road in September.

TMZ confirmed the news -- and a rep there told us they just got word from Elle's team about this today ... so yes, the entire thing is very sudden. More importantly, we're told Elle's camp did not offer any valid explanation for the postponement.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

While nobody has a clear answer on why Elle bailed, a lot of people are already speculating it may have to do with what went down over the weekend ... when Elle went onstage at the Grand Ole Opry and tried covering a Dolly Parton song -- only to botch it terribly.

She was accused of slurring her words, forgetting the lyrics and acting disorderly through the whole performance -- and many thought she might've been under the influence at the time. Elle herself confirmed that in her words ... telling everyone she was "f****** hammered."

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Her "tribute" to DP caught a ton of flak ... and now, she's stepping away from the spotlight, it seems. We reached out to Elle's team ourselves and were told she had to postpone for "unforeseen circumstances" ... and they noted they wouldn't be commenting on this further.

BTW, Elle's got another show scheduled in Shipshewana, IN in February -- and a rep for the venue there tells us a postponement announcement for that is imminent as well.

Madonna Let's Sing Happy Bday to My Kid!!! Onstage MSG Shout-Out


Madonna gave her daughter one of the biggest birthday presents imaginable -- getting a packed crowd at Madison Square Garden to sing along and help her ring in the big 1-8.

The pop star brought out her kid, Mercy, onstage Monday night during her show at MSG and showed off her incredible talent by having her play a little piano for the arena -- that is, before Mama Bear helped lead a full-blown sing-a-long for her to celebrate her born day.

It was a pretty sweet moment ... not only did Madge come over and belt out the tune, but a lot of her backup dancers and stage crew members also rushed the stage to join in.

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Once they were finished with the song -- which almost everyone helped sing -- they brought out a little cupcake with Mercy for good measure ... complete with a candle and everything.

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Madonna gave Mercy a hug afterward ... and it seems she stuck around to play more too.

Mercy is one of Madonna's six children -- she, along with three others, was adopted at a young age. Mercy, specifically, was born in Malawi in 2006 and came under Madge's care in '09. She's been raised by Madonna ever since ... and clearly loves her mom and then some.

Elle King estropea el homenaje a Dolly Parton

La cantante de country Elle King —borracha—, desafinó en un concierto para celebrar el cumpleaños número 78 de Dolly Parton, olvidando la letra de una versión de la canción mientras maldecía.

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olvidano las letras
Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

King subió al escenario el viernes por la noche en el Grand Ole Opry después de haber bebido demasiado y fue grabada en varios videos estropeando su homenaje a Parton, mientras interpretaba el tema del icono de la música, "Marry Me".

Échale un vistazo a las imágenes subidas a TikTok, King está de pie frente a un micrófono mientras canta la canción, pero su voz comienza a quebrarse y se olvida de la letra.

King entonces confiesa que no sabe la letra, suplicándole a la multitud que no se lo diga a Parton, mientras dice groserías por el micrófono.

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En un momento dado, King incluso se burló de los fans por comprar entradas para el espectáculo, explicando: "Ni siquiera voy a (groserías) mentir... ustedes compraron entradas para esto (groserías), no van a recuperar su dinero".

Un fan respondió gritando: "No lo quiero", lo que provocó que King respondiera: "Bien, porque no lo vas a conseguir".

Pero, King no había terminado todavía, añadiendo: "Te voy a decir una cosa más... hola, mi nombre es Elle King. Estoy (maldice), muy borracha".

Otro fan publicó una queja en X sobre King, diciendo que "arruinó la noche con su horrible, borracha y profana actuación", mientras afirmaba que "Parton se habría mortificado".

El Grand Ole Opry comentó el post, expresando que "lamentan profundamente y se disculpan por el lenguaje que se utilizó durante la segunda actuación del Opry de anoche".

Hasta ahora, King y Parton no se han referido públicamente al asunto. Pero la hermana de Parton, Stella, se pronunció sobre la polémica, llamando a King "mal educada".

Country Singer Elle King Drunk Onstage For Dolly Parton Tribute ... Guts Cover Song

Country singer Elle King drunkenly played off-key at a concert celebrating Dolly Parton's 78th Birthday, forgetting the words to a cover song while cursing up a storm.

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Tik Tok / @auctioneergirl

King hit the stage Friday night at the Grand Ole Opry after admittedly having one too many drinks – and was caught on multiple videos botching her tribute to Parton, while performing the music icon's tune, "Marry Me."

Check out the footage uploaded to TikTok ... King stands at a mic as she belts out the track, but her voice starts cracking and she forgets the lyrics.

King then confesses she doesn't know the words, pleading with the crowd not to tell Parton as she peppers them with foul language.

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At one point, King even mocked the fans for purchasing tickets to the show, explaining, "I'm not even gonna (curses) lie … y'all bought tickets for this (curses), you ain't getting your money back."

One fan shouted a response, "I don't want it," prompting King to reply, "Good, 'cause you ain't getting it."

But, King wasn't done yet, adding, "I'll tell you one thing more … hi, my name is Elle King. I'm (curses), hammered."

Another fan posted a complaint on X about King, saying she "ruined the night with her horrible, drunk, and profane performance," while claiming "Parton would have been mortified."

Grand Ole Opry commented on the post, expressing that they "deeply regret and apologize for the language that was used during last night’s second Opry performance."


So far, King and Parton have not publicly addressed the matter. But Parton's sister, Stella, weighed in on the controversy, calling King a "hillbilly."

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Janis Joplin Compren mi antigua mesa de billar Llega al mercado para su cumpleaños 81

Hay un pedazo del corazón de Janis Joplin que acaba de llegar a las subastas: una antigua mesa de billar que la cantante guardaba en su casa de California y cuya venta coincide con su cumpleaños.

La Reina del Rock & Roll fue una gran jugadora de billar cuando no estaba sobre los escenarios en la década de los 60. Le gustaba jugar al pool, beber cerveza y pasar el rato en las salas de billar. Por eso, cuando Janis compró una casa en Larkspur, California en 1969, puso una mesa de billar de época en una habitación.

Ahora, en lo que habría sido el cumpleaños número 81 de Janis, Subastas de Julien está anunciando la venta de su mesa de billar, una Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Monarca Cushion de la década de 1920.

Janis se mudó a su casa de una sola planta en Larkspur en 1969, casi un año antes de su fatal sobredosis en Hollywood, y la mesa de billar ha permanecido en la misma habitación de su casa desde entonces.

Janis Joplin y sus amigos fueron fotografiados usando la mesa para una icónica edición de agosto de 1970 de la revista Rolling Stone. Ella estaba en la portada y una copia de esa edición también está incluida en la venta.

La oferta de apertura comienza en $2.500 y la casa de subastas nos dice que esperan que la mesa alcance entre los $10.000 y $20.000 aproximadamente.

Janis Joplin Buy My Antique Pool Table ... Hits Market On 81st Bday

There's a piece of Janis Joplin's heart hitting the auction block ... an antique pool table she kept in her California home ... and the sale happens to coincide with her birthday.

The Queen of Rock & Roll was a big-time pool player when she wasn't rocking out in the 1960s ... playing billiards, drinking beer and hanging out in pool halls ... and when Janis bought a home in Larkspur, CA in 1969 she put a vintage pool table in a room.

Now, on what would have been Janis' 81st birthday, Julien's Auctions is announcing the sale of Janis' pool table ... a Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. Monarch Cushion 9' pool table from the 1920s.

Janis moved into her single-story home in Larkspur way back in 1969 ... about a year before her fatal overdose in Hollywood ... and the pool table's remained in the same room in her house ever since.

JJ and her friends were photographed using the table for a game of pool in a feature from an August 1970 issue of Rolling Stone magazine ... she was on the cover and a copy of the issue is included in the sale.

The opening bid starts at $2,500 and the auction house tells us Janis' pool table is expected to fetch between $10,000 to $20,000 when the dust settles.

Cue "Me and Bobby McGee."

Jake Ferguson Cowboys Star Gets Cavinder Shout-Out ... Happy B-Day 'Oldhead!'

An embarrassing playoff loss suddenly got easier to swallow for Dallas Cowboys star Jake Ferguson ... 'cause he just received an adorable birthday shout-out from his smokin' hot GF, Haley Cavinder!!

One half of the famous Cavinder twins dropped the happy b-day wishes to the tight end on her Instagram page Thursday morning ... sharing a collage of pics of her snuggled up with her man to celebrate his 25th trip around the sun.

"Ocho siete day," she wrote with a party emoji. "Twentyyyy five oldhead!"

Ferguson, of course, could use the TLC from Cavinder ... after all, while he did ball out against the Packers in a playoff game on Sunday, his Cowboys team got smacked, 48-32.

Cavinder, meanwhile, seems to have no problem sharing her love for the football player ... after they took their relationship public a few months ago, she's been nothing but a loyal GF.

The 23-year-old TCU women's basketball player -- who's sitting out this season after transferring from Miami -- was at most of his games .... rockin' his jersey number loudly and proudly.

Ferguson now has plenty of time to watch the Horned Frogs with Cavinder -- but first, it seems a big birthday bash Thursday is on the agenda!

Selena and Benny PJ'd Up for Nicola Peltz Beckham ... Happy 29th!!!

Selena Gomez may have gone radio silent for a minute on social, but she's circulating in the world with her BF Benny Blanco ... most recently at a surprise pajama-themed birthday party for Nicola Peltz Beckham.

Nicola turned 29, and her buds surprised her with the PJ party at Selena's home. All the guests wore matching black PJs with white trim.

Nicola was stoked, and she said so on her Insta.

No drama here ... Selena and Nicola are hugging it out in the pics, so no one was denied a photo -- at least as far as we can tell!

Brooklyn posted a pic as well, with him, Nicola, Selena and Benny.

Apparently, the food was a big hit ... no surprise, since Selena has the chops in the kitchen.

And of course, the obligatory, awful "Happy Birthday" song.

It's pretty clear ... Selena and Benny are serious and she wants the world to know.  Good times.

Jeff Bezos Rings in the Big 6-0 in Style ... W/ Lauren S. in Milan!!!

Jeff Bezos turned 60 yesterday, and a day later -- he emerged looking like he's in his 20s again ... at least that's what his outfit's screaming here all the way over in Europe.

The Amazon founder/multibillionaire hit the town Saturday in Milan -- where he and his fiancée, Lauren Sanchez, are visiting as he celebrates the big 6-0 in style. Emphasis on that last part ... 'cause, as you can see here, they left their hotel dressed to the nines.

JB was in an all-black getup ... rocking a leather jacket and some nifty shades, while his lady was in a matching black-and-white ensemble. Indeed, they look very power couple-y.

Of course, there were a ton of paps around snapping their exit, and Jeff made sure Lauren got into their waiting car first -- ever the gentleman. Gotta say ... dude's a bit of a butterfly.

By that ... we mean he's glowed up quite a bit over the past 2 decades -- especially ever since he got with Lauren. Jeff's in the best shape of his life, and he's finally dressing like the uber-wealthy tech mogul that he is. This fashionable outfit is Exhibit A on that.

Consider what he looked like when he first started Amazon in the '90s .. a stark difference.

Now, homeboy's in his Lex Luthor phase ... and he's definitely living it big as one of the richest men on the planet. Luckily for him, Lauren completely complements that vibe too.


They've been on a nonstop unofficial honeymoon ever since they got together -- traveling the world and soaking in vacays everywhere you can imagine. Safe to say, she's brought him out of his shell a bit ... or dare we say, his cocoon!

Like we said, they're set to get married in the near future ... and we're sure that era will be loads of fun as well. Happy bday, Mr. B -- you sure are a sight to behold at 60.

El Range Rover 2022 de Kim Kardashian está a la venta en Carfax... y parece bastante golpeado

El Range Rover de Kim Kardashian de hace un año y medio está a la venta en todo el país y parece que ha sufrido un accidente.

El anuncio de su antiguo carro, un modelo de plata 2022 que fue enchulado con llantas personalizadas y todo, apareció en un listado de Carfax esta semana ... y como se puede ver, está bastante magullado. Los parachoques están fuera y los airbags están desplegados.

Aparte de ser similar al carro Kim una vez condujo, la matrícula real coincide y TMZ ha comprobado los registros en DMV y aparece ella como propietario anterior.

Ahora, se está vendiendo todo el camino en la Florida por una empresa llamada Elite Motor Cars de Miami - que está utilizando Carfax para descargar esta cosa (dañado y todo) y que están pidiendo un paquete ... listado por poco menos de $100k. Así es... ¡puedes llevártelo por ese precio!

Ahora, en cuanto a cómo es que el carro terminó en un lote en Miami... tenemos respuestas para eso también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el vehículo había sido conducido por un ex empleado de Kim que tuvo un accidente en algún momento del año pasado... conduciendo solo.

Nos dicen que nadie resultó herido, pero que a raíz de eso Kim y compañía lo vendieron a un tercero que se hizo cargo y que ahora están aparentemente tratando de darle la vuelta.

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siempre con estilo

Recordemos que Kim ha conducido esta cosa por todo Los Ángeles durante todo el año pasado. Ella lo recibió como regalo de cumpleaños de su madre, Kris Jenner, en octubre de 2022 y luego lo personalizó en un lugar de la ciudad llamado Platinum Motorsports.

En ese momento, los informes tenían el carro por el valor de $125k. Parece que todavía vale mucho, incluso después de ser destrozado, al menos eso es lo que los nuevos propietarios sienten.

Veremos si alguien suelta el dinero, mientras tanto, conduzcan con cuidado.

Kim Kardashian 2022 Range Rover For Sale on Carfax ... Looks a Lil' Banged Up

Kim Kardashian's Range Rover from about a year and a half ago is all of a sudden hitting the open market all the way across the country -- and it looks like it's been in an accident.

The listing featuring her old ride -- a silver 2022 model that was pimped out with custom rims and all -- popped up on a Carfax listing this week ... and as you can see, it's pretty smashed up from front to back. The bumpers are off, and the airbags are deployed.

Aside from the similar look to the car Kim once drove, the actual license plate matches up too ... and TMZ checked DMV records as well on this, and she's listed as a previous owner.

Now, it's being sold all the way over in Florida by a company called Elite Motor Cars of Miami -- which is using Carfax to unload this thing (damaged and all) and they're asking for a bundle ... listing it for just under $100k. That's right ... you can take it as is for that price!

Now, as for how the hell KK's whip ended up on some random lot in Miami -- we have answers for that too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us the vehicle had been driven by a former Kim K staffer who got into an accident at some point last year ... driving solo.


We're told nobody was hurt, but that in the aftermath of that ... Kim and co. sold it to a 3rd party who took it over -- and who is now apparently trying to flip it.

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Remember, Kim has driven this thing pretty consistently all over L.A. throughout the past year and change. She received it as a birthday gift from her mom, Kris Jenner, in Oct. 2022 ... and then got it customized by a place here in town called Platinum Motorsports.

At the time, reports had this thing pegged in value at about $125k. Looks like it's still worth quite a lot even after getting wrecked -- at least that's how the new owners feel, anyway.

We'll see if anyone coughs up that kinda dough for this. In the meantime -- drive safe, y'all.

Kanye West's Wife Bianca Lets It All Hang Out for Bday ... Busty Display in Vegas

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swing lo, sweet chariot ...

Bianca Censori's been showing a lot of skin lately, and that didn't change whatsoever for her birthday weekend ... where she was in Sin City with Kanye West showing off the goods.

Ye brought wifey to Las Vegas Friday, and between yesterday and today -- they've been hitting the town ... in very little clothing, from BC's side anyway. Exhibit A is this video of her walking around the Wynn Las Vegas casino-resort Saturday ... hand-in-hand with hubby.


Check out the clip -- obtained by TMZ -- where you can see KW and Bianca casually strolling along as a crowd of people look on around them. There sure was an eyeful to take in.

As you can see ... Bianca is wearing an incredibly skimpy bikini top, with her breasts pouring out. She's got no shame to her game -- and even giggles a little. She appeared to be wearing something similar on Friday as well ... another video's going around that shows her, Ye and their entourage singing Happy Birthday, and she's busting out of her top there too.

This new boobs-out look matches what Bianca has been rocking lately -- particularly on Ye's IG feed, where he seems enthralled by her figure ... and for good reason, she's banging.

As we reported ... Ye shouted out his wife on Saturday with several different posts, calling her the love of his life, a great muse and an awesome stepmom to his and Kim K's children.

As for Saturday's bare-it-all outing ... we're told they were hitting up different high-end luxury shops -- like Balenciaga and Chrome Hearts, for example -- so it sounds like Ye was splurging on the missus as she rings in the big 2-9.


Birthday treats, indeed ... Bianca's snapping necks and then some with these outfits lately. 😅

Bianca en bikini en su cumpleaños en Las Vegas

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el micro bikini

Bianca Censori ha estado mostrando mucha piel últimamente y este fin de semana no fue la excepción. Estuvo celebrando su cumpleaños en "la ciudad del pecado" con Kanye West mostrando lo que Dios le dio.

Ye trajo a su musa a Las Vegas el viernes y entre ayer y hoy han recorrido la ciudad en muy poca ropa... Bianca al menos. Se puede ver en este video como camina por el casino-resort Wynn en Las Vegas el sábado de la mano de su marido.

bianca de cumpleaños

Échale un vistazo al clip obtenido por TMZ, donde se puede ver a kanye y Bianca paseando casualmente a lo largo de una multitud de personas.

Como se puede ver, Bianca está usando un bikini increíblemente pequeño. Ella no tiene vergüenza e incluso se ríe un poco, de echo, el viernes se le vio usando algo similar. En otro video se le peude ver a ella, Ye y a su séquito cantando Feliz Cumpleaños mientas luce una delantera de infarto.

No es para nada raro ver a Bianca con poca ropa y su marido la ha estado mostrando mucho últimamente por Insta.

Como informamos, Ye expresó su amor por Bianca, llamándola el amor de su vida, una gran musa y una madrastra impresionante para él y los hijos con Kim K.

En cuanto a la salida del sábado... nos dicen que visitaron varias tiendas de lujo, como Balenciaga y Chrome Hearts, por ejemplo. Parece que esa noche Ye tuvo desembolsar una buena cantidad.

Bianca está llamando la atención y algo más con estos conjuntos últimamente. 😅