Hollywood Sign Standin' Tall For 100 Years!

The world-famous Hollywood Sign has officially stood tall for a century ... so take a look at how the Los Angeles landmark has aged over the past 100 years!

The SoCal icon first lit up the Hollywood Hills on December 8, 1923, originally displaying the word "Hollywoodland" ... and built by L.A. Times publisher Harry Chandler for $21k as a larger-than-life billboard for his real estate development company.

The original letters were 30 feet wide and 43 feet tall, with the metal squares held together by a frame of pipes, scaffolding, wires, and even telephone poles.

Since then, the Hollywood Sign has etched its way into showbiz lore ... and it even followed the Hollywood A-lister model by getting a few facelifts as time passed!

It's also been subject to some temporary makeovers -- including the infamous "Hollyweed" look in 2017 or the "Rams House" switch-up by the city last year after the football team's Super Bowl victory -- although that appearance didn't win folks over.

Regardless, it's been a pretty sweet 100 years for the iconic sign -- here's to 100 more!

Bam Margera visita a su hijo y planea reunirse con él en Navidad

Bam Margera finalmente consiguió la luz verde para ver a su hijo, esto después de cruzar recientemente un gran hito en la sobriedad y tiene planes para ver al niño para la Navidad. TMZ ha iondagado.

David Glass —el abogado que representa a la esposa separada de Bam, Nikki— nos dice que la ex estrella de "Jackass" ha concedido visitas supervisadas para ver a su hijo pequeño, Phoenix. Se nos dice Bam puede ver Phoenix con un supervisor profesional siempre y cuando sea en el sur de California, que es donde Nikki vive con el niño.

Glass dice que ni él ni su cliente han sido informados acerca de cualquier fecha potencial para Bam ver Phoenix, aunque nos dicen lo contrario por Bam.

El propio Margera le dice a TMZ que no ha visto a Phoenix en persona desde hace más de 200 días y está decidido a visitar a su hijo justo alrededor de Navidad... nos informan que pasa a ser el cumpleaños del niño también.

batalla por la custodia

Bam dice que esto es desde hace mucho tiempo, ya que afirma que sólo se ha permitido FT llamadas con Phoenix hasta ahora - y como tal, Papá Oso está todo listo para conducir a Cali para pasar algún tiempo de calidad con él. Nos dicen que Bam viene con un saco lleno de regalos, también, para Phoenix.

Al parecer, Bam había comprado $ 5,000 en regalos para su hijo - pero debido a todo el drama legal últimamente, no ha sido capaz de darles a Phoenix todavía ... aunque, Bam dice que va a recoger estos juguetes de la casa de un amigo en Burbank cuando llegue a la ciudad.

Como hemos informado, Bam recientemente logró estar más de 100 días sobrio, lo cual es una gran victoria para él en muchos aspectos. Bam nos dice que el juez en su caso de divorcio ha estado monitoreando este progreso cuidadosamente y pareciera que la decisión de concederle visitas se debe a su sobriedad.

Ahora todo lo que tiene que hacer es llamar a Nikki y contarle sus planes. 😅

Bam Margera Scores Monitored Visitation w/ Son Plans Xmas/Bday Meetup

Bam Margera finally got the green light to see his son -- this after recently crossing a huge milestone in sobriety -- and he has plans to see the boy for Christmas ... TMZ has learned.

David Glass -- the attorney repping Bam's estranged wife, Nikki -- tells us the former "Jackass" star has, indeed, been granted monitored visitation with their young son, Phoenix. We're told Bam can see Phoenix with a professional supervisor if/when he's in Southern California ... which is where Nikki lives with the kid.

As of right now, however, Glass says neither he nor his client have been informed about any potential dates for Bam to see Phoenix.

BM himself tells TMZ ... since he hasn't seen Phoenix in person for well over 200 days now, he's dead set on visiting his son right around Christmas -- which we're told happens to be the kid's birthday as well.


Bam says this is long overdue, as he claims to have only been allowed FT calls with Phoenix up until now -- and as such, Papa Bear is going to be flying into Los Angeles this month for an event and wants to spend some quality time with him. We're told Bam's coming with a sack full of presents, too, for Phoenix.

Apparently, Bam had purchased $5,000 worth of gifts for his kid -- but because of all the legal drama lately, he hasn't been able to give them to Phoenix just yet.

As we reported ... Bam recently hit over 100 days sober, which is a major win for him in so many respects. Bam tells us the judge in his divorce case has been monitoring this progress carefully -- and feels like the decision to grant him visitation is due to his sobriety.

Now all he has to do is have his lawyers call Nikki's lawyer and make them aware of what he wants to do.

Britney Spears posa semidesnuda en la cama tras su fin de semana de cumpleaños

mostrando lencería

Britney Spears cumplió 42 años el fin de semana, pero no lo habrías adivinado al verla posando en la cama con su ropa interior sexy de Victoria's Secret.

En un video publicado en Instagram el domingo, la estrella del pop se mostraba en su sujetador rosa y bragas, mientras posaba en su cama en varias posiciones.

Ella elogió a la famosa marca por un trabajo bien hecho, diciendo: "¡Por fin he encontrado un sujetador de Victoria's Secret que no duele! Me encantan los sujetadores push up, pero no me gustan los que tienen relleno. Este sujetador es genial... te levanta y no tiene relleno!".

Brit dijo que le encantaba el color rosa del sujetador y el hecho de que fuera de seda porque ni siquiera se notaba que lo llevaba puesto.

También hizo una burda broma sobre cumplir los cuarenta, explicando que se siente más como si tuviera 6.

Durante su fin de semana de cumpleaños, Brit vivió un montón de drama. En primer lugar, tuvo que correr al veterinario la madrugada del sábado después de que su perro se lastimó la pierna, pero todo salió bien. El perro está bien.

En otras buenas noticias, Brit también se reconcilió con su madre, Lynne, y su hermano, Bryan, después de estar distanciada de su familia durante años y criticarlos en sus recientes memorias.

Lynne y Bryan visitaron a Brit en Los Ángeles para celebrar su cumpleaños y todos parecían llevarse bien como una gran familia feliz.


Esperemos que siga así.

Britney Spears Poses In Bra And Panties In Bed ... After Celebrating 42nd Birthday


Britney Spears turned 42 over the weekend ... but you wouldn't have known it by watching her frolic around in bed wearing her sexy Victoria's Secret undergarments.

In a video posted on Instagram Sunday, the pop star didn't look a minute over 20 in her pink bra and panties, while posing on her bed in various positions.

She praised VS for a job well done, saying in her caption ... "I finally found a bra from Victoria’s Secret that doesn’t hurt !!! I love a push up bra but I don’t like padded push up bra !!! This bra is genius … it pushes you up and there’s no padding !!!"

Brit said she loved the pink color of the bra and the fact that it was silk because she couldn't even tell she was wearing it.

She also made a crude joke about turning fortyish, explaining she feels more like she's 6.

Over her birthday weekend, Brit experienced a lot of drama. First, she had to race to the vet early Saturday morning after her pooch hurt its leg, but everything turned out dandy. The dog is just fine.

In other good news, Brit also reconciled with her mom, Lynne, and her brother, Bryan, after being estranged from her family for years and blasting them in her recent memoir.

Lynne and Bryan visited Brit in L.A. to celebrate her bday -- and they all appeared to get along like one big happy family.


Let's hope it stays that way.

Amanda Seyfried Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

There's a 100% chance Amanda Seyfried has (already) been makin' it rain for years!

Going back to North Shore High School ... here is a 18-year-old version of the stunning star looking oh so "fetch" -- playing "Mean Girls" Karen Smith -- in her Santa talent show outfit back in 2004 (left).

And, 19 years later, Mrs. Seyfried recently dazzled and glowed on stage at a skincare event in Shanghai, China (right). Today, this "Jingle Bell Rock" queen is celebrating her 38th birthday, and she's never shined brighter!

"What a bright time, it's the right time!"

The question is ...

Amanda Seyfried ...

Amanda Seyfried ¡¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?!

¡Hay un 100% de posibilidades de que Amanda Seyfried (ya) haya estado haciendo un montón de dinero desde años!

Volviendo a North Shore High School, aquí tenemos una versión de 18 años de la actriz interpretando a Karen Smith en "Mean Girls". Luce con su traje de Santa para el concurso de talentos de 2004 (izquierda).

Y, 19 años después, la Sra. Seyfried deslumbró y brilló en el escenario de un evento sobre el cuidado de la piel en Shanghai, China (derecha). Hoy, esta reina del "Jingle Bell Rock" celebra su cumpleaños 38, ¡y nunca ha brillado tanto!

"¡Qué tiempo tan brillante, es el momento adecuado!".

La pregunta es ...

Amanda Seyfried...

Britney Spears Reconciliation w/ Mom ... Comes Amid Isolation Post-Memoir


4:20 PM PT -- As if Lynne's presence wasn't enough proof they're simpatico again ... here she is cradling her daughter ... and vice-versa.

These photos are starting to make the rounds, and they appear to show Brit and Lynne palling around during her birthday get-together. Like we said ... mending fences.

Britney Spears and her mother, Lynne Spears, reunited this weekend and appear to be on the road to reconciliation ... and despite their recent problems, mom seems to realize -- her daughter needs her right now.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Lynne's drop-in for Brit's birthday party Friday night was no coincidence ... but it is indeed meaningful, especially after everything the two of them -- the Spears family, at large -- have experienced over the past few years.

More recently, Britney torched her immediate family members in her memoir, 'The Woman in Me' ... and as it pertains to Lynne, she accused her throwing out precious valuables of hers -- something Lynne denied.

There were also reports of Lynne selling off some of Britney's famous clothes ... but she denied that too. Of course, Britney has also suggested her mom was just as culpable for her conservatorship as her father, Jamie ... and there's been bad blood for a while there.

The two of them attempted to bury the hatchet earlier this year, pre-memoir, with Lynne flying in to L.A. to meet up with Britney and her then-husband Sam Asghari ... but it was a brief chat, and it wasn't clear whether they were on the greatest of terms at that point.

Now, we're told Lynne and Britney are definitely in a better place ... not only did Lynne swing by for the birthday bash -- but our sources say they were 2 peas in a pod last night, which then turned into Lynne spending the night ... and also, hanging out with Brit today.

As far as what, exactly, spurred this latest coming-together ... our sources tell us Britney's incredibly isolated and alone right now -- especially after divorcing Sam. We're told she has almost no friends or confidants -- and it appears Lynne recognized that.

Britney is still close with her brother, Bryan -- who was also in attendance for her party Friday night -- but she doesn't see him as often. Now, there's another person in her orbit ... somebody of her own flesh and blood, no less.

It's great to see them acting like a family again ... but the same can't be said about Britney and her dad/sister, whom she has not been seen with for several years. By all accounts, she doesn't talk to them ... although there have been signs of warming toward Jamie Lynne.

No better time than now to heal old wounds, we suppose ... it is the holidays, after all.

Originally Published -- 3:50 PM PT

Chanel Iman Gifted Brand New G-Wagon For Bday ... From Fiancé, Patriots' Davon Godchaux


It wasn't even a milestone birthday, but don't tell Patriots DT Davon Godchaux ... he gifted his fiancée Chanel Iman with a brand new Mercedes Benz G-Wagon for her upcoming 33rd birthday, and it literally brought the model to tears!

The 7-year NFL pro shocked Iman with the 4-wheeled gift on Tuesday -- three days before her actual birthday (December 1) -- and shared the surprise on his Instagram story.

You can see the bright blue whip, which starts around $140k, sitting in the driveway with a massive red bow on the hood ... as the Victoria's Secret Angel stood next to the Benz, smiling ear to ear.

"Thank you so much, honey!" Iman yelled. "This is the best gift ever! I love you!"

Chanel was super excited ... there was even dancing and some (very happy) screaming.

"She was crying lol," Godchaux said in the caption. "Big baby!"

Making the whole scene even sweeter ... the couple's little newborn daughter got to witness mom and dad's joy from the baby stroller.

"Happy early birthday to you baby! Thank you for always holding it down," Godchaux said.

"Real ones do real things."

Godchaux -- who signed an extension with the Pats last year -- and Iman went public with their relationship in 2022 ... before revealing they were having a baby in May.

The 29-year-old proposed to Iman shortly after the pregnancy announcement ... and the couple welcomed Capri in September.

"I never thought I would be getting down on one knee," Godchaux said in May, "but LOVE will make you do some amazing things in life!"

Only question, Davon ... now what do you do for Christmas?!

Tyga Money, Strippers, Stars 🤩 You Only Turn 34 Once ... So I Threw 2 Parties!!!


Tyga set out to make his 34th birthday legendary and based on this evidence, he succeeded ... twice, with parties in Vegas and Los Angeles this week surrounded by plenty of his celebrity pals!!!

Tyga's first string of celebrations kicked off inside Vegas' Spearmint Rhino strip club immediately after the F1 racing events, in the early hours of Nov. 19 ... and we're told everybody and their momma showed up.

YG, Saweetie, Swae Lee, Future, French Montana, Coi Leray, Odell Beckham Jr., Nav and Russell Westbrook were all Last Kings and Queens that evening!!!

Tyga's longtime bud Lil Wayne didn't want him to shoulder the load alone having to dole out stacks of cash to the strippers in the venue, and made a very supportive appearance ... his and Fat Joe's classic "Make It Rain" anthem clearly still lives up to that title!!!

Sunday was T-Raww's actual birthday and he enlisted the WTB Agency to morph a private West Hollywood residence into a makeshift club "Studio 34" ... disco ball and all!!!

The 2nd shindig was highlighted by cameos from Leo DiCaprio, Chris Brown, Kaytranada,  and Bryson Tiller ... and Saweetie, DDG and 310Babii all grabbed the mic for live performances!!!

Looks like an exhausting blast ... but Tyga's gotta go for the 3-peat party to ring in 35 next year.

Taylor Lorenz Biden Memes Won't Win Young Voters ... Ya Gotta Help Their Lives!!!


President Biden's lighting up the Internet with his fiery birthday cake poking fun at his age -- but that won't get him over the electoral hump with the young'ns ... so says a seasoned journo.

Technology reporter Taylor Lorenz -- who covers all things digital for the Washington Post -- weighed in on Joe getting a little cheeky this week to celebrate his 81st birthday ... with a jokey post that ended up fueling endless memes online.

Everybody, it seems, made cracks ... some were light-hearted, others were a little more serious -- but according to Taylor, none of it really helps the Prez in the long run for 2024.

As she put it on Tuesday's "TMZ Live," Biden and his staff are missing the mark on how to connect with Gen Z -- mistakenly thinking that viral content and memes alone will be enough to get a full base of potential voters to pull the lever for him come next November.

Lorenz says that's not gonna do it, unfortunately -- and that Joe needs to connect with young people on a more fundamental, serious level ... through policy that helps their lives.

There are a number of issues she thinks JB's out of touch with when it comes to this specific demographic -- everything from the economy to housing and healthcare ... and even the war between Israel and Hamas. On that topic, too, she says Joe's not reflecting their view.


Of course, there are also the Biden stumbles and fumbles that happen all too often -- including recently mixing up Britney Spears and Taylor Swift -- that Lorenz says aren't serving him well.

Bottom line ... TL thinks Joe's gotta sharpen up and engage 20-somethings with substance, if he wants to rely on their support at the polls ... 'cause right now, the gimmicks aren't cutting it.

BTW, Taylor's got a book out, 'Extremely Online,' which touches on the nuances of going viral.


menos memes y más política

El presidente Biden está encendiendo Internet con su ardiente pastel de cumpleaños en el que se burla de su edad, pero eso no lo hará superar el obstáculo electoral con los jóvenes... al menos eso dice una periodista experimentada.

La reportera de tecnología Taylor Lorenz  —que cubre todo lo relacionado con temas digitales para el Washington Post— se refirió a la celebración del cumpleaños número 81 del presidente, la cual generó una ola de memes.

Todo el mundo tuvo algo que decir, algunos comentarios fueron alegres, otros eran un poco más graves —pero de acuerdo con Taylor— nada de eso realmente ayudará a largo plazo para las elecciones de 2024.

Como ella dijo el martes en "TMZ Live", Biden y su equipo están perdiéndose al momento de conectar con la Generación Z, pensando erróneamente que el contenido viral y los memes por sí solos serán suficiente para obtener una base completa de votantes potenciales para el próximo noviembre.

Lorenz dice que eso no va a funcionar, por desgracia, y que Joe tiene que conectar con los jóvenes en un nivel más serio, a través de la política y de como esta ayudará en sus vidas.

En su opinión, Biden no está en contacto con ese sector de la población: desde la economía hasta la vivienda y la sanidad, pasando por la guerra entre Israel y Hamás. En ese tema, ella dice que Joe no refleja su punto de vista.

grandes momentos

Por supuesto, también están los tropiezos y torpezas de Biden que ocurren con demasiada frecuencia  —incluyendo la reciente confusión de Britney Spears y Taylor Swift que Lorenz dice que no le están sirviendo bien.

En resumen, Taylor cree que Joe tiene que afilar y comprometerse con los veinteañeros con sustancia si quiere contar con su apoyo en las urnas, porque en este momento, los trucos no están funcionando.

Por cierto, Taylor ha sacado un libro, "Extremely Online", que trata sobre los matices de volverse viral.

Presidente Biden Ardiente torta de cumpleaños Suscita memes y bromas!!!

El pastel de cumpleaños del presidente Joe Biden pareció estar en llamas esta semana mientras celebraba su cumpleaños número 81, lo que provocó una tonelada de bromas.

Joe estaba celebrando su cumpleaños el lunes y parece que su equipo decidió encender la fiesta con una tonelada de velas en un pastel bastante pequeño para el presidente de la nación, algo que el Comandante en Jefe pareció apreciar.

Como pueden ver, pareciera que el pastel está ardiendo y la gente no se pudo aguantar las ganas de esparcir memes por todo Internet, bromeando desde que la Casa Blanca está en riesgo de ser quemada hasta que ese es el estado del país bajo la mirada de Joe.

Por muy graciosas que fueran algunas de estas comparaciones varias de las cuales estaban inspiradas en famosos, de hecho, el propio Joe hizo una broma para rematar la situación, escribiendo: "Gracias a todos por los buenos deseos de cumpleaños. Resulta que en tu cumpleaños 146, ¡te quedas sin espacio para las velas!".

Es una forma interesante de aceptar su edad, es decir, con humor irónico, ya que el hecho de que el presidente sea una persona mayor ha sido objeto de un intenso escrutinio, especialmente a medida que se acerca 2024.

Por ejemplo, el otro día confundió a Taylor Swift con Britney Spears. Obviamente, no es un gran problema, ¡¡¡pero vamos, hombre!!!

Y, sin embargo, está tomando sus 81 años con calma, jugando con las bromas y críticas. El tiempo dirá si es una estrategia eficaz de cara a las próximas elecciones presidenciales. En este momento, sus números en las encuestas no andan bien.

En cualquier caso, feliz cumpleaños, presidente Biden. Que sigan llegando contenidos hilarantes, intencionados o no.

President Biden Fiery 81st Birthday Cake Spurs Memes and Jokes Galore!!!

President Joe Biden's birthday cake appeared to be on fire this week to ring his 81st birthday -- sparking a ton of jokes.

Joe was celebrating his born day Monday, and it looks like his staff lit up the festivities with a crap ton of candles on a meager-sized pastry for POTUS -- something the Commander in Chief appeared to appreciate.

As you can see, the cake looks to be set completely ablaze ... and people didn't hold back in making cracks and memes on the Internet ... joking about everything from the White House at risk of getting burned down, to comparing it to the state of the country under Joe's watch.

As funny as some of these comparisons were -- several of which were celeb-inspired, in fact -- Joe himself had a joke to top it off, writing ... "Thanks for the birthday well-wishes today, everyone. Turns out on your 146th birthday, you run out of space for candles!"


It's an interesting way to embrace his age -- namely, tongue-in-cheek humor -- as the Prez being a super senior has fallen under intense scrutiny ... especially as 2024 approaches.


For instance, just the other day, he mixed up Taylor Swift and Britney Spears. Obviously, not a huge problem ... but c'mon, man!!!

And yet, he's taking 81 in stride -- rolling with the punches and jabs. Time will tell if it's an effective strategy ahead of the next presidential election ... right now, his poll numbers stink.

Anyhoo ... happy birthday, President Biden. Keep the hilarious content -- whether intentional or not -- coming!!!

Travis Kelce To Jason Kelce Jokes About Chiefs' Loss ... 'That Was A Late Birthday Present For You'

Travis Kelce was able to have a little fun Monday night despite a crushing loss to the Eagles ... telling his big brother, Jason Kelce, the defeat was "a late birthday present" for the Philly star.

Travis shared the lighthearted moment with Jason just seconds after Philadelphia pulled off the 21-17 upset at Arrowhead Stadium ... roughly two weeks after Jason turned 36 years old.

"Love you, big guy," Travis said after throwing out the quip to the offensive lineman. "Get home safe."

Of course, Travis was anything but smiles just minutes earlier ... as he was one of the reasons Kansas City ended up falling in the contest.

Playing without his new girlfriend, Taylor Swift, in attendance ... Travis logged only 44 yards on seven catches -- and while he did score a touchdown, he had a critical fourth-quarter drop and fumble.

To make matters worse, the Eagles trolled him and Swift a bit after the L ... posting a green friendship bracelet on their X page with the caption, "In our winning era."

The loss marked the first time Travis has ever fallen to his big brother in an NFL game ... although, fortunately for the star tight end, the Chiefs are still very much alive in the race to make a deep postseason run.

And, with Philly at 9-1 and the Chiefs at 7-3, there seems to be a very good chance there's a Super rematch coming on the horizon.



Martin Scorsese se ha convertido en una sensación de TikTok los últimos meses, y parece que su familia quería hacer algo especial para su cumpleaños... haciendo referencia a la popular red social.

El famoso director (que es de la vieja escuela), llegó a los 8.1 el viernes y sus seres queridos le organizaron una pequeña fiesta para celebrar. La fiesta incluyó un pastel, por supuesto, que fue intrincadamente adornado.

Échale un vistazo, su hija de 24 años de edad, Francesca, tiene un poco de video de la pastelería del día de nacimiento de su padre y está lleno de jerga Gen Z a la que Marty aparentemente es muy aficionado.

En el gran glaseado se lee, "We Slay Birthdays" y otras frases de moda como "Tea", "Slept On", "Throw Shade" y "Ick" se pueden leer en todos los lados, con un logotipo gigante de TikTok en la parte superior, por supuesto.

usando tik tok
Tik Tok/@francescascorsese

Francesca ciertamente parecía impresionada por el trabajo que su decorador de pasteles y por una buena razón... es bastante impresionante. Papá también parecía satisfecho.

Si no sabes de qué va todo esto, Francesca ha estado presentando a Martin en sus videos de TikTok, y ella le ha estado haciendo utilizar todas las características de la diversión, como los cambiadores de voz, y haciéndole jugar juegos virales en los que están todos los jóvenes... incluyendo rankings de películas.

¡El hombre ya es una leyenda del cine y ahora también de las redes sociales!