Martin Scorsese Celebrates 81st Bday ... W/ Viral TikTok-Inspired Cake!!!


Martin Scorsese has become a TikTok sensation in recent months -- and it looks like his family wanted to highlight that for his birthday ... with a sweet treat that's totally lit.

The famed director -- who's as old school as it gets -- hit the big 8-1 Friday ... and his loved ones threw him a little shindig to celebrate -- complete with a cake, of course, that was intricately decked out to reflect his viral stardom.

Check it out ... his 24-year-old daughter, Francesca, got some video of her dad's born-day pastry -- and it's full of Gen Z lingo that Marty's apparently pretty keen on.

The big icing writing across reads, "We Slay Birthdays" ... and other hip phrases like "Tea," "Slept On," "Throw Shade" and "Ick" are stenciled on all sides -- with a giant TikTok logo on top, of course.

Tik Tok/@francescascorsese

Francesca certainly seemed impressed by the job that their cake decorator did on this ... and for good reason -- it's pretty freaking awesome. Papa Bear himself also looked pleased.

If you're unaware of what this is all about ... Francesca's been featuring MS on her TikTok videos lately -- and she's been having him use all the fun features, like voice-changers, and having him play viral games that all the young'ns are into ... including movie rankings.

Dude's already a legend in film ... and now, on social media too. King s***, dead ass.

JORDYN WOODS le regala a Karl-Anthony Towns un anillo de diamantes por su cumpleaños

bling bling

Jordyn Woods se aseguró de que su novio, la estrella de la NBA Karl-Anthony Towns, brillara en su cumpleaños número 28, regalándole un anillo de diamantes y una cadena de hielo.

El pívot de los Timberwolves celebró otro viaje alrededor del sol el miércoles y aunque Minnesota tuvo que jugar un partido contra los Suns, su señora se aseguró de que su día fuera muy espeial.

En un video que compartió en redes sociales, se puede ver que ella le regaló el conjunto de diamantes después de la derrota de los Wolves en Phoenix. Las piezas creadas por "Tim Da Joyero" son increíbles.

nuevo bling para mi novio

TMZ Sports ha indagado, el anillo cuenta con 15.4 quilates de diamantes VVS1/VVS2, mientras que el colgante es de 14 quilates de oro rosa con 37.5 quilates de diamantes VVS1/VVS2. Ambos fueron diseñados para que se viera el número 32, un guiño al número de camiseta que lleva en la NBA.

"Feliz cumpleaños mi amor 🤍", le dijo la chica de 26 años a Karl en un post separado de IG. "No puedo imaginar la vida sin ti 🤍".

Woods y Towns —la primera elección global en el Draft de la NBA de 2015— se juntaron en 2020 y han hecho saber que han sido muy felices el uno con el otro desde entonces.

De hecho, Woods elogió recientemente su relación con el tres veces All-Star, diciendo que ama la confianza, el tiempo de calidad y los regalos que comparten juntos.

"Nos encanta darnos regalos, ¿por qué? ¿El lenguaje del amor? El lenguaje del amor es el tiempo de calidad. Nos encanta todo", dijo a la revista PEOPLE.

"Él hace mucho por mí. Yo hago lo que puedo por él. Nos amamos mucho. Así que cuando llega el momento de mostrar ese aprecio, nos gusta ir lo más lejos posible".

Jordyn Woods Gifts KAT Massive Diamond Ring, Chain ... 'Happy Birthday My Love'


Jordyn Woods made sure her boyfriend, NBA star Karl-Anthony Towns, was shinin' on his 28th birthday ... gifting him a massive diamond ring AND an iced-out chain!!

The Timberwolves center celebrated yet another trip around the sun on Wednesday ... and even though Minnesota had to play a game against the Suns, his lady made sure his cake day wasn't all about work.

In a video she shared on her social media page, you can see she gifted KAT the diamond set after the Wolves' loss in Phoenix ... and the pieces -- created by Tim Da Jeweler -- are incredible.


TMZ Sports has learned ... the ring features 15.4 cts of VVS1/VVS2 diamonds, while the pendant is 14K rose gold with 37.5 cts of VVS1/VVS2 diamonds. Both were fashioned so they made out the No. 32 ... a nod to the jersey number he wears in the NBA.

"Happy Birthday my love 🤍," the 26-year-old said to KAT in a separate IG post. "Can't imagine life without you 🤍"

Woods and Towns -- the first overall pick in the 2015 NBA Draft -- got together in 2020 ... and they've made it well known they've been super happy with each other ever since.

In fact, Woods recently praised her relationship with the 3-time All-Star ... saying she loves the trust, quality time and gifts they share together.

"We love gift giving and ... What is it? The love language? The love language is quality time. We love everything," she said to PEOPLE magazine.

"He does so much for me. I do what I can for him. I want to say it's a lot. So when it's time to show that appreciation, we like to go all out."

Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Accused of Leaking King Charles Call ... 'Privacy' Needs Labeled BS

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry talked to King Charles this week to wish him a happy birthday -- but they're being slammed for allegedly leaking the news.

Page Six cites palace sources as accusing the Sussexes of spilling the deets of the Tuesday call to the Telegraph, which outlined what was said down to a T ... including the fact Meg herself actually hopped on the call, and that her and Harry's kids were in the mix as well.

Long story short ... they rang up Chuck to wish him a happy 75th birthday, marking the first time they'd spoken in months -- this following a non-invite to the King's UK festivities.

While things have seemed icy between both sides for a long time now -- the call itself was viewed as a step in the right direction to mend fences ... however, because news of it got out -- PS is saying the King's camp is pissed, and labeling Meg and Harry and hypocrites.

This boils down to their storied pursuit of privacy, which these Royal sources are now calling BS ... since they think the Sussexes set up this whole thing to gain some positive press.

Of course, Page Six also reports that a source close to the Sussexes is straight up denying leaking the contents of the call ... so it's a little unclear who actually leaked what here.

In any case, Harry's supposed to be talking to his dad again next week -- here's hoping this means they're on track to get the band back together. It's been a long, distant road.

MEGHAN MARKLE Y EL PRÍNCIPE HARRY Son acusados de filtrar una llamada con el Rey Carlos

Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry hablaron con el Rey Carlos esta semana para desearle un feliz cumpleaños, pero están siendo criticados por supuestamente filtrar la noticia.

Page Six cita fuentes del palacio que acusan a los Sussexes de difundir los detalles de la llamada al Telegraph, que describió lo que se dijo a la perfección, incluyendo el hecho de que Meg sugirió que todos estuvieran en la llamada, incluyendo sus hijos.

Para hacerlo más corto, la pareja llamó al Rey para desearle un feliz cumpleaños (su majestad cumple 75), lo que representa la primera vez que hablan en meses. Esto, después de que no los invitaran para las festividades del Reino Unido del Rey.

Aunque las cosas parecen estar frías entre ambas partes desde hace mucho tiempo, la llamada en sí fue vista como un paso en la dirección correcta para arreglar las cosas. Sin embargo, por el hecho de que la noticia se supo, están diciendo que el equipo del Rey está enojado y están etiquetando a Meg y Harry de hipócritas.

Esto se reduce a la muy preciada búsqueda de Meg y Harry por privacidad. Las fuentes reales están diciendo que esto sería pura mentira, ya que piensan que los Sussexes configuraron todo este escenario para ganar algo de prensa positiva.

Por supuesto, Page Six también informa que una fuente cercana a ellos niega la filtración del contenido de la llamada, así que es no está del todo claro quién filtró qué aquí.

En cualquier caso, Harry se supone que debe estar hablando con su padre de nuevo la próxima semana. Esperemos que esto signifique que están en camino a reconciliarse. Ha sido un camino largo y distante.


Kourtney Kardashian celebrated hubby Travis Barker's 48th birthday with a heartfelt tribute ... and a carousel of topless pregnancy pics.

The Blink-182 drummer took on the role of bump cradler during Kourtney's revealing shoot -- and when she ditched the clothes, he channeled his inner Janet Jackson circa 1993 with a strategic boob-cupping move.

The Polaroid IG images caught some heat online with fans likening it to a "prison conjugal visit" and others saying it was way too much PDA for their liking - "We could've lived happily without seeing these pics."


But, the star made it obvious she wasn't holding back on displaying her infatuation ... going on to gush in the caption: "To my husband, the keeper of my heart, my partner in crime, my personal heartthrob, the daddy to our little mischief-maker, my all-encompassing joy… Here's to another year of putting up with me! Happy birthday, love!"

Ensuring to express her gratitude to Travis further, Kourtney took things one step further by throwing him a Thanksgiving-themed birthday bash.


She offered a glimpse of the festive atmosphere with a series of snaps and clips with Frank Sinatra's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" playing in the background. She captioned it, "vegan thanksgiving for my baby's birthday @travisbarker ❤️."

This will be the couple's first holiday season as new parents ... as the pair welcomed their first child, Rocky, into the world last week.

Kourtney Kardashian Topless para una sesión de fotos con Travis ¡Feliz cumpleaños, amor!

Kourtney Kardashian celebró el cumpleaños 48 de su marido Travis Barker con un sentido homenaje y un carrusel de fotos de su embarazo en topless.

El baterista de Blink-182 está abrazando a Kourtney y acunando cariñosamente su panza durante sesión, y cuando ella se quitó la ropa, él canalizó su Janet Jackson interior por ahí por 1993 con un movimiento estratégico de tetas.

Las imágenes fueron un poco criticadas en las redes con los fans comparándolo con una "visita conyugal en prisión" y otros diciendo que era demasiada demostración de afecto en público para su gusto: "Podríamos haber vivido felizmente sin ver estas fotos."

Sin embargo, la estrella dejó claro que no se contenía a la hora de mostrar lo enamorada que está, y se deshizo en elogios en el pie de foto: "Para mi marido, el guardián de mi corazón, mi compañero de aventuras, mi rompecorazones personal, el papá de nuestro pequeño travieso, mi alegría que todo lo abarca. ¡Este es por otro año de aguantarme! Feliz cumpleaños, amor!".

Para asegurarse de expresar aún más su gratitud a Travis, Kourtney le organizó una fiesta de cumpleaños con la temática de Acción de Gracias.

Una cena para Travis

En las fotos se aprecia un poco la atmósfera festiva. En un clip se escucha "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", de Frank Sinatra sonando de fondo. Ella lo subtituló, "acción de gracias vegana para el cumpleaños de mi bebé @travisbarker ❤️".

Estas será las primeras fiestas de la pareja como nuevos padres. Kourtney y Travis le dieron la bienvenida a su primer hijo, Rocky, la semana pasada.

Blac Chyna Epic 7th Bday Party for Dream ... 'Tiana' & 'Unicorn' Arrive!!!

Angela White -- formerly known as Blac Chyna -- and Rob Kardashian's daughter, Dream, got back-to-back birthday parties this past weekend -- and the one with her mom was a princess', well ... dream come true.

The bash went down Sunday at Famecast in Santa Monica, where Chyna -- who now goes by her real name -- went all out with a Disney theme ... namely, 'Princess and The Frog,' and Mama Bear didn't spare any expense to make it all very real.

For starters, there were real-life horses in the building -- including one that received a dye job to look like a freaking unicorn! Dream made sure to hop aboard and pose for cute pics.

Speaking of photos, just about everyone who was there -- a hodgepodge mix of a ton of Dream's friends and family members, plus her half-brother King Cairo -- snapped shots with the professional photog on hand ... and everybody seemed to be having a really good time.

Makes sense, considering everything else that was going on ... like the buffet of desserts, party bags for guests and even an appearance from Hip Hop Harry himself (from the children's show). Oh, and yes ... "Tiana" herself from the 'P&TF' flick showed face as well.

Royal Bus Divazz produced the entire event.

Like we said, this was actually the second shindig for Dream ... just a couple days earlier, her dad and aunts -- Kim and Khloe, specifically -- threw a party of their own for the bday girl ... and that one was just as extravagant, with a "spa day" theme running throughout.

Not that it's a competition or anything, but let's just say Angela gave the Kardashians a run for their money when it came to showing out for her little girl.

Talk about getting spoiled twice over ... happy birthday, kid!!!


Angela White —antes conocida como Blac Chyna— y la hija de Rob Kardashian, Dream, tuvieron fiestas de cumpleaños consecutivas el pasado fin de semana y la de su mamá fue un sueño de princesa hecho realidad.

La fiesta se llevó a cabo el domingo en Famecast en Santa Mónica, donde Chyna (que ahora se conoce por su nombre real) llevó la diversión de Disney lo más lejos posible. La temática era sobre "La princesa y el sapo" y no escatimó en gastos para que todo sea muy real.

Para empezar, había caballos de verdad en el edificio, ¡incluido uno que se tiñó para que pareciera un unicornio! Dream se aseguró de subir a bordo y posar para las fotos.

Casi todo el mundo estaba allí. Una mezcla entre amigos de Dream y miembros de la familia, además de su medio hermano King Cairo. Un fotógrafo profesional se preocupó de las fotos y todo el mundo parecía estar pasando un buen rato.

Hubo buffet de postres, bolsas de fiesta para los huéspedes e incluso una aparición del propio Hip Hop Harry (de la serie infantil). Ah, y sí, la mismísima "Tiana" de la película "P&TF" también hizo acto de presencia.

Como hemos dicho, esta fue en realidad la segunda fiesta para Dream, solo un par de días antes, su padre y sus tías, Kim y Khloe, organizaron una fiesta para la pequeña cumpleañera y fue igual de extravagante, con un "día de spa".

No es que sea una competencia ni nada, pero digamos que Angela hizo las cosas a lo grande, y eso que las Kardashians no se andan con pequeñeces tampoco.

Hablando de ser mimada por partida doble... ¡feliz cumpleaños Dream!

Russell Westbrook Dances W/ Wife At 35th Bday Bash ... 'The Birthday Boo!'


The Clippers might've lost Sunday, but that didn't stop Russell Westbrook from having a blast celebrating his 35th trip around the Sun ... dancing the night away at his birthday party with his wife, Nina!

Nina shared video of the special moment with her 9x NBA All-Star hubby on Instagram on Monday ... showing the two hand in hand, twirling on the dance floor, celebrating Westbrook's bday.

You can hear Russ's family and friends, including L.A. rapper/singer Blxst, cheerin' them on while Nina, who claims to not be the dancing type, gives it all she has.

"The birthday boo gets one dance outta me," Nina joked.

Russ and Nina have been together since they met in 2007 when both of them played college ball at UCLA.

Of course, Westbrook went on to be the 4th pick in the NBA Draft in 2008, while Nina hit the books hard, graduating with her bachelor's in psychology and master's in clinical psychology.

She is now a licensed marriage and family therapist.

The couple tied the knot in August 2015 and welcomed their first son, Noah, in May 2017. They had two more kids, twin daughters Skye and Jordyn, in 2018.

"Happy Happy Birthday Suga!," Nina said in an IG post. "You’re so loved and appreciated! Never forget it! I love you!"

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Unfortunately, the bday shenanigans come after the Clippers 5th consecutive loss ... putting them squarely in 11th place in the West with a 3-6 record.

Westbrook had 12 points and 5 assists in the loss ... and a dope party!

Happy birthday, Russ!

LEO DICAPRIO ¡TENGO 49 AÑOS Y SIGO SIENDO EL REY DEL MUNDO! Celebra su cumpleaños con amigos famosos

Leo DeCaprio tuvo una probadita de lo que se viene en un año porque su fiesta de cumpleaños número 49 ¡fue fuera de serie!

leo se divierte

La fiesta tuvo lugar en un espacio para eventos en Bev Hills y la lista de invitados es agotadora de escribir: Lady Gaga, Salma Hayek, Snoop Dogg, Irmelin Indenbirken, Soleil Moon Frye, Scott Eastwood, Casey Affleck y Caylee Cowan, Kate Beckinsale, Zoe Saldaña y Marco Perego, Jordan Masterson, Luka Sabbat, 2 Chainz, Rita Ora Taika Waititi, Beck, Chris Rock, Corey Gamble, Emile Hirsch y Lukas Haas.

Kate Beckinsale brilló con luz propia con sus enormes diamantes acariciando su cintura.

Aquí está a quien no conseguimos, el siempre escurridizo Leo, que evadió a los paparazzi de una manera bastante espectacular, ¡dado que era su fiesta!

Tampoco sabemos si su actual novia, Vittoria Ceretti estaba allí, pero es una buena apuesta, ya que no vimos a ninguno de los dos.

A propósito, Salma Hayek tuvo una noche ocupada... llegó después de asistir a la Gala Baby2Baby, una organización benéfica para niños desfavorecidos, donde recibió el Premio Giving Tree.

¡Feliz cumple Leo!

Leonardo DiCaprio I'm 49 and Still King of the World!!! Celebrates 49th Birthday with Celeb Pals

Leonardo DiCaprio partied it up with his famous friends for his 49th birthday party -- and it was off the hook!


The party went down at an event space in Bev Hills and the guest list is exhausting to type ... Kim Kardashian, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Salma Hayek, Snoop Dogg, Irmelin Indenbirken, Soleil Moon Frye, Scott Eastwood, Casey Affleck and Caylee Cowan, Kate Beckinsale, Zoe Saldaña and Marco Perego, Jordan Masterson, Luka Sabbat, Lil Wayne, 2 Chainz, Rita Ora and Taika Waititi, Beck, Chris Rock, Corey Gamble, Emile Hirsch and Lukas Haas.

Kate was a glittery standout with ginormous diamonds caressing her waist.

Besides the glimpse we got inside, the ever-elusive Leo evaded paparazzi in a pretty spectacular way -- given it was his party!

We also don't know if his current GF, Vittoria Ceretti was there, but it's a good bet since we didn't see either of the 2 they came together.

BTW ... Salma had a busy night ... she arrived after attending the Baby2Baby Gala -- a charity for underprivileged kids -- where she received the Giving Tree Award.


Happy BD Leo!

French Montana Moroccan 'Playboy' Bday Bash ... Chris Brown, Offset & Fire Dancers!!!🔥


French Montana kicked off his 39th birthday in exotic fashion ... with a Moroccan-themed soiree in the L.A., where several of his fellow hip hop stars helped him celebrate.

TMZ Hip Hop got this video from inside French's party -- the theme was "Playboy Nights" -- and it was packed with plenty of decadent temptations. Live entertainment, including a sultry fire dancer and a next-to-naked DJ, did plenty to boost the vibes!!!


French clearly had a ball ... he and Offset dapped it up and posed for photos together as the bottle service was flowing -- Travis Scott made a cameo and we're told Chrisean Rock stopped through to help lead the "Happy Birthday" serenade.

Chris Brown was also in the building, and in good spirits... he dropped his 11:11 album last night but still made time to swoop in to show French love.

The crowd was partying around a candlelit pool, and a violinist armed with a glowing neon violin also performed to spice up the festivities.

The event also doubled as a teaser for French's upcoming mixtape "Mac & Cheese 5" ... a continuation of the series that helped boost his path to becoming the highest-streamed African-born artist of all time!!!


Kim Kardashian had a busy trip to NYC, also stopping in at Odell Beckham Jr.'s 31st birthday bash ...  after TMZ confirmed they had started "hanging out" thanks to mutual friends.

Making her way to the party following the 2023 CFDA Awards, busy bee Kim stole the spotlight in her black, figure-hugging lace-up gown.


Kim was in good company, with other attendees such as Lil Baby, Saquon Barkley, Saweetie, Stefon Diggs, James Harden, Ashley Graham, Justine Skye and more.

We were previously told Kim and Odell have run in the same circle for years ... but it's only recently that the SKIMS queen fueled romance speculation with the NFL athlete.

It's not clear who KK and OBJ's mutual friends are ... but this isn't the first time she has shown up for Odell's personal extravaganzas. Last November, she rocked up to his milestone 30th at Mother Wolf in L.A., and both attended Michael Rubin's July 4th White Party earlier this year.

Kim has been single since she split from former 'SNL' star Pete Davidson in August 2022 following a whirlwind 9-month romance. Meanwhile, OBJ and his longtime GF, Lauren Wood, split early this year.

While our sources divulged that Kim isn't serious about dating, it was added that she's absolutely open to finding love again if she finds the right person ... so what we're trying to say is that for Odell ... this may be the calm before the score.

Kim Kardashian Asiste al cumpleaños de Odell Beckham Jr.

Kim Kardashian tuvo un ajetreado viaje a Nueva York. Además de sus otros compromisos, Kim se detuvo en el cumpleaños número 31 de Odell Beckham Jr., después de que TMZ confirmara que ambos comenzaron a "salir" gracias a algunos amigos en común.

Kim fue a su fiesta después de participar en los Premios CFDA 2023, donde la estrella de la televisión se robó las miradas con su ajustado vestido negro de encaje.

En el cumpleaños de Odell estuvo en compañía de algunos famosos de la lista A, como Lil Baby, Saquon Barkley, Saweetie, Stefon Diggs, James Harden, Ashley Graham, Justine Skye y más.

Nos habían dicho que Kim y Odell habían estado compartiendo en el mismo círculo por años, pero solo recientemente comenzaron las especulaciones de que la reina de SKIMS está teniendo un romance con el atleta de la NFL.

No está claro quiénes son esos amigos en común de Kim y Odell, pero esta no es la primera vez que aparece en las extravagancias personales de Odell. El pasado mes de noviembre (2022), estuvo en su cumpleaños 30 en el Mother Wolf en Los Ángeles y ambos asistieron a la fiesta de Michael Rubin por el 4 de julio a principios de este año.

Kim ha estado soltera desde que se separó de la ex estrella de 'SNL' Pete Davidson en agosto de 2022, después de un romance relámpago de 9 meses. Mientras que Odell y su novia desde hace mucho tiempo, Lauren Wood, se separaron a principios de este año.

Aunque nuestras fuentes nos han dicho que Kim no va en serio con las citas, también dicen que está absolutamente abierta a encontrar el amor de nuevo si encuentra a la persona adecuada... así que lo que estamos tratando de decir es que para Odell esto puede ser "la calma" antes de la agitación.

Las Vegas Raiders Fans Drag Team Over Jimmy G Post ... You Bench Him But Wish Him A Happy Bday?!?

It's Jimmy Garoppolo's birthday, and as a present, the Las Vegas Raiders sent him well wishes on social media ... something fans are absolutely roasting the team for -- 'cause they just benched the QB hours prior!

Las Vegas moved on from the signal caller on Wednesday, opting to go with fourth-round pick Aidan O'Connell moving forward.

But, in an apparent effort to extend an olive branch to the now 32-year-old quarterback ... the team gave him a shout-out on its X page on Thursday morning.

"Join us in wishing Jimmy Garoppolo Happy Birthday!" the Raiders wrote. "#RaiderNation."

Of course, many in Black and Silver found the gesture cruel since the team had just moved on from the QB ... and his head coach, Josh McDaniels.

"Y'all messed up for this 😂," one fan said. "He gets benched then y'all wish him happy birthday 😂 he's probably like 'don’t wish me s***!!'"

Another Raiders supporter commented, "Benched em then telling us to wish em a happy bday? Cold game 😂😂😂😂."

However, some took the opportunity to dance on Jimmy G's grave ... after he didn't do much to help the 3-5 team this season.

"Happy Bench Day, I mean birthday 🎂 😂," one fan commented.

Surprisingly, this isn't the first time an NFL star has been benched on their cake day ... it happened to Andy Dalton when he was with the Bengals as well.

Tough birthday for sure ... but, hey, Garoppolo just signed a three-year, $72.5 million deal with the Raiders this offseason, so we're sure he ain't have that rough of a day.