TONI BRAXTON POSA DESNUDA cumpleaños número 56

La cantante Toni Braxton está MUY guapa a sus 56 años y lo sabe, por eso ha compartido una foto muy picante para celebrar su cumpleaños.

La estrella de la música publicó una foto casi desnuda el sábado al cumplir 56 años subtitulando la foto: "En mi traje de cumpleaños".

En los comentarios, la gente le deseó "Feliz cumpleaños" y se tomó la molestia de destacar lo guapa que está. Una persona dijo: "¡La mejor foto de cumpleaños!".

Toni ha pasado por algunos momentos difíciles últimamente. Como informamos, se sometió a un procedimiento el año pasado después de que los médicos encontraron una obstrucción del 80% en su arteria coronaria principal, lo que podría haber dado lugar a un ataque al corazón fatal.

Ella también sufre de lupus y perdió a su hermana —Traci— de cáncer el año pasado. Le atribuye esta terrible experiencia a sus constantes chequeos médicos.

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tómate tu tiempo

Tuvimos a Toni en Nueva York a principios de este año, poniéndonos al corriente de lo agradecida que estaba meses después de pasar por el bisturí y nos dice por qué la muerte de Traci le hizo pensar que estaba triste, no enferma.

Feliz cumpleaños, Toni -- ¡estás GENIAL!

Toni Braxton Poses In The Nude For 56th Birthday

Singer Toni Braxton is looking STUNNING at 56, and she's gotta know it ... which is why she shared a racy snap of herself to celebrate her birthday.

The R&B star posted the nearly-nude shot on Saturday, as she turned 56 -- captioning the hot shot, "In my birthday suit..."

Folks in the comments sounded off with their "Happy Birthday" wishes ... and took the time to point out how great she looks. As one person put it, "Best BDAY photo EVER!!"

Toni's been through the wringer lately -- as we reported, she underwent a procedure last year after doctors found an 80% blockage in her main coronary artery ... which could've resulted in a fatal heart attack.

She also suffers from lupus and lost her sister, Traci, to cancer last year ... something she actually attributed to a slip in checkups with the doctor.

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We got Toni in NYC earlier this year, filling us in on how grateful she was months after going under the knife -- and telling us why Traci's passing made her just think she was sad, not sick.

Happy birthday, Toni -- looking GREAT!

Rihanna Dancin' Up on A$AP for 35th Bday ... After Drake's 'FATD' Diss

best you ever had?!?

Drake may say he's over Rihanna -- but she's the one who truly seems to have moved on ... just peep how happy she looks celebrating A$AP Rocky's big birthday weekend!

The songstress and her baby daddy were raging Friday night after hitting the town on the East Coast to ring A$AP's 35th born day ... which was actually on Oct. 3. Nothing like a prolonged party though -- and that's exactly what RiRi and AR had on their hands here.

It appears to have been an adult-only rager ... sans any sign of their 2 little ones. As far as where exactly they were -- apparently, they started in the Big Apple, and made their way to a go-kart joint in Jersey City after -- though, unclear if that's where this shindig went down.

In any case ... they were living it up big time, dancing up on each other and boogeying on down with their close friends nearby. Rihanna, specifically, made sure to bust out the moves.

We must say, post-delivery of her 2nd son in August -- she's looking pretty damn good ... and about as spry as ever. And dare we say ... she's still hot as hell, despite what Drizzy might be claiming now.

Of course, we're referring to the shots he took in his new song 'Fear Of Heights' -- where he lamented the fact people felt he hadn't moved past RiRi ... while also claiming he'd been with way hotter women than her -- and also, he suggested A$AP was "stuck" with Rihanna.

In the wake of his latest dig at his ex ... Drake's been getting dragged across the coals by Rihanna fans -- who were quick to point out how obsessed home boy was back in the day. Remember, he infamously declared his love for her on live TV during the 2016 VMAs.

They actually dated for a bit after that ... but it didn't last, and the relationship fizzled.


A couple years later, Rihanna kinda shaded Drake in a Vogue cover story ... saying this about the status of their relationship, "We don’t have a friendship now, but we’re not enemies either. It is what it is." The outlet also noted her "eyes glaze[d] over with cool indifference."

She hasn't talked much about him since, but Drizzy's still going on about her ... a mom of 2, who's in a committed relationship ... and who's billionaire fashion mogul.

Time to turn the page, eh?

RIHANNA BAILANDO CON A$AP POR SU 35 CUMPLEAÑOS Luego de polémica canción de Drake

bailando toda la noche

Drake puede decir que ha superado a Rihanna, pero ella es la que realmente parece haber seguido adelante, ¡solo hay que ver lo feliz que se ve celebrando el gran fin de semana de cumpleaños de A$AP Rocky!

La cantante y el papá del bebé llegaron a la ciudad de la Costa Este para celebrar el cumpleaños número 35 de A$AP, que en realidad era el 3 de octubre. Nada como una fiesta prolongada ¿cierto?

Parece que la fiesta era estrictamente para adultos, ya que no había señal de sus dos pequeños. En cuanto a dónde estaban exactamente; al parecer, encendieron los motores en la Gran Manzana y después se dirigieron a una pista de go-kart en Jersey aunque, no está claro si ahí es donde se llevó a cabo la fiesta.

En cualquier caso, se lo pasaron en grande, bailando uno encima del otro y compartiendo con sus amigos cercanos. Rihanna, en concreto, se aseguró de bailar a lo grande.

Debemos decir que después de dar a luz a su segundo hijo en agosto, tiene muy buen aspecto y está más ágil que nunca. Nos atrevemos a decir sigue siendo hot como el infierno a pesar de lo que Drake podría decir.

Por supuesto, nos referimos a las cosas que dijo en su nueva canción "Fear Of Heights", donde lamentó el hecho de que la gente sentía que no había superado a la cantante, mientras afirmaba que había estado con mujeres mucho más atractivas que ella, además de sugerir que A$AP estaba "atrapado" con Rihanna.

Drake ha recibido mucho hate de parte de los fans de Rihanna debido a esta última canción, además se apresuraron a señalar lo obsesionado que estuvo alguna vez por la estrella del pop. Recordemos que él, infamemente, declaró su amor por ella en la televisión en vivo durante los VMA 2016.

La verdad es que salieron un poco después de eso pero no duró, y la relación se esfumó.

drake y rhianna en los vmas

Un par de años más tarde Rihanna mencionó a Drake en una portada de Vogue, diciendo esto sobre su relación: "No tenemos una amistad ahora, pero no somos enemigos tampoco. Es lo que es". El medio también señaló que sus "ojos brillaban con fría indiferencia".

Ella no ha hablado mucho sobre él desde entonces, pero Drake todavía habla de ella; una madre de 2 que está en una relación comprometida y que es una magnate multimillonaria de la moda.

Es hora de pasar la página, ¿eh?

Eminem Lil Wayne's 'Funyuns' Bars Blew My Mind!!! 🤯

Eminem is now among the top 10 artists for all-time sales, but he's not above admiring the work of his peers ... 'cause Lil Wayne completely floored Slim Shady simply by rapping about snack food!!!

Wayne recently celebrated his 41st birthday by lending his lyrical greatness to YG and Tyga's "Brand New" single where he spits, "Brand new money, brand new hundreds/Got a bunch of zeros like a bag of new Funyuns."

Eminem gave the song a listen and Wayne's Funyuns line left him wondering why he hadn't thought of flipping the bar first.

It's been over a decade since the two crossed paths on a track -- may be time for an update, steel sharpens steel after all!!!

Em is clearly hungry for bars these days ... he's actively calling for all capable MCs to submit tracks to a playlist he's spearheading.

Tori Spelling Happy Birthday, Mom!!! Signs Relationship on The Mend???

They've had a rocky relationship over the years, but it appears Tori Spelling has decided to put all that aside to wish her mother, Candy, a very happy birthday.

Candy turned 78 Wednesday, and Tori took to Instagram to celebrate, posting a series of sweet pics of the two with the caption, "I love you. Grateful to be your daughter. Some of my happiest memories involve laughing so hard with you that we were happy crying uncontrollably and you doing your LOL wheeze…"

She continues, "I never take for granted the beautiful life you raised Rand and I in with Dad. And, I am such a resilient and strong human and I owe so much of that to you. Strong 💪 women run in our family. I’m passing it on. Loved and still love watching horror films in bed with you. Always. Xo"

The message is as nice as it is surprising, given the pair's history -- Candy's accused Tori in the past of shunning her, keeping her grandchildren from her and has allegedly held money from Tori when Tori's struggled in the past.

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However, over the last few years it seems they've mended things ... we recently spoke to Candy after pics surfaced of Tori seemingly living out of a trailer with her kids. Candy told us she'd be more than willing to help Tori out financially ... but unclear if the offer was ever taken.

Kim Kardashian & Odell Beckham Jr. De fiesta juntos en los últimos meses Desde el 4 de julio hasta el cumple de Odell

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. han estado mucho más cercanos últimamente, pero en realidad ambos han sido parte de los mismos círculos durante años.

Como informamos, Kim y OBJ tienen algunos amigos en común que los han llevado a acercarse, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que no hay nada romántico entre la pareja.

La verdad es que Kim y Odell han estado en algunas de las mismas fiestas en el último año, incluyendo el cumpleaños del mismísimo Odell, lo que demuestra que tienen mucho en común cuando se trata de su vida social.

Además de eso, tanto Kim como OBJ asistieron a la Fiesta Blanca del 4 de Julio de Michael Rubin a principios de este año. Si bien no posaron en ninguna foto juntos, ambos estaban en buena compañía, con celebridades de la talla de Tom Brady, Jennifer López, Ben Affleck, Jay-Z, Justin Bieber, Travis Scott, Kelly Rowland y un montón más.

Kim también asistió a la fiesta de cumpleaños por los 30 de Odell en Mother Wolf en Los Ángeles en noviembre. Una vez más, no fueron fotografiados juntos... pero Kim estaba definitivamente allí, y se fue de la fiesta en solitario más tarde en la noche.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Kim está muy entusiasmanda en encontrar el amor de nuevo, si es que llegase a encontrar a la persona adecuada. Pero de todos modos está muy ocupada con sus labores de madre y sus exitosos negocios.

En cuanto a OBJ, él también está soltero. A principios de este año se separó de su novia Lauren Wood, por lo que tiene mucho más tiempo libre para estar con sus amigos.

Kim Kardashian & Odell Beckham Jr. Party Pals in Recent Months ... 4th of July Bash & His Bday

Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. have recently linked up on a more personal level, but the two have actually run in the same circles for years.

As we reported, Kim and OBJ have some mutual friends who have helped to bring them together, but our sources say there's nothing romantic between the pair.

Truth is, Kim and Odell have been at some of the same parties -- including his own birthday -- within the last year ... further proving they've got a lot in common when it comes to their social lives.

Both Kim and OBJ attended Michael Rubin's July 4th White Party to celebrate America's Independence earlier this year. While they didn't appear to pose in any pics together, the two were certainly in good company ... with the likes of Tom Brady, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck, Jay-Z, Justin Bieber, Travis Scott, Kelly Rowland and a whole lot more.

Kim was also in attendance for Odell's 30th birthday party at Mother Wolf in Los Angeles back in November. Once again, they weren't photographed together ... but Kim was definitely there, leaving the bash solo later in the night.

Our sources say Kim's totally down to find love again if she finds the right match ... but she's having a ton of fun being a mom and continuing to grow her businesses.

As for OBJ, he's recently single, splitting with longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood earlier this year ... leaving plenty of time for more parties with his super hot and famous friends.

JAMES MARSDEN Celebra sus 50 años ... ¡Con una sexy foto suya en el pastel!

La fiesta de cumpleaños número 50 de James Marsden se celebró a lo grande. Supimos que hubo un postre a la luz de las velas con una foto de la estrella de sus días de modelaje.

el cumpleañero

El actor nominado al Emmy y un montón de otras celebridades se amontonaron en la Residencia Sheats-Goldstein en Los Ángeles el lunes para celebrar el hito de Marsden.

Entre los más destacados se encontraban Tessa Thompson, Woody Harrelson, Natasha Lyonne, Ben Barnes y Aaron Paul. Ronald Gladden, que compartió reparto con Marsden en la popular serie de Amazon Freevee "Jury Duty", también hizo un cameo.

La atracción principal no era el propio Marsden, sino que la foto de él como un modelo joven y guapo pegado en el pastel de cumpleaños.

La imagen en blanco y negro de Marsden estaba rodeada de velas doradas con la inscripción "¡Feliz 50 cumpleaños JAMES!".

Marsden publicó más tarde varias instantáneas de la extravagante tarta en Instagram, junto con un vídeo en el que se le veía soplando las velas mientras todo el mundo cantaba "Happy Birthday".

Los asistentes a la fiesta también pudieron beber como marineros gracias a Casamigos, la compañía de tequila que organizó la fiesta. La lista de "James Birthday Cocktails" incluía un margarita de pepino y jalapeño, un margarita de fruta de la pasión y agua de casa ranch.

¡Una noche divertida! Felicidades James.

James Marsden 50th Birthday Bash ... Hot Modeling Photo On Cake!!!

James Marsden's 50th birthday bash took the cake -- literally -- with a candlelit dessert featuring a throwback photo of the star in his modeling days.


The Emmy-nominated actor and a bunch of other celebs piled into the Sheats-Goldstein Residence in L.A. Monday to celebrate Marsden's milestone.

Bold-faced names included Tessa Thompson, Woody Harrelson, Natasha Lyonne, Ben Barnes and Aaron Paul. Ronald Gladden, who costarred with Marsden on the popular Amazon Freevee show "Jury Duty," also made a cameo.

The main attraction wasn't Marsden himself -- but, instead, the picture of him as a handsome young model plastered on the Bday cake.

The black and white image of Marsden was surrounded by gold candles with “Happy 50th Birthday JAMES!” inscribed underneath.

Marsden later posted several snapshots of the fancy cake on Instagram, along with a video showing him blowing out the candles as everyone sang, "Happy Birthday."

Partygoers also got to drink like sailors thanks to Casamigos -- the tequila company that threw the party. The “James Birthday Cocktails” list showcased a cucumber jalapeño margarita, a passion fruit margarita and casa ranch water.

Fun night! Congrats James!!

J Balvin Feliz cumple, cariño Fiesta sorpresa para su novia Valentina Ferrer


J Balvin sabe cómo pasarlo bien, y se aseguró de que su novia disfrutara del mismo modo en su cumpleaños, ¡por lo que le organizó una fiesta sorpresa de lujo!

El artista colombiano alquiló una villa enorme, de más de 7.000 pies cuadrados, en el paseo marítimo de Miami Beach para celebrar el cumpleaños número 30 de su novia, Valentina Ferrer este domingo, que tuvo cerca de 35 invitados, incluyendo a su familia.

Nos dicen sus padres, hermanos y otros miembros de la familia volaron desde Argentina para estar el gran día. Su hijo de 2 años, Río, también estuvo presente, pero no se quedó disfrutando hasta las tantas de la noche, como el resto de ellos.

La comida fue otro de los platos fuertes. J Balvin contrató a un chef colombiano que preparó un menú de carnes argentinas. También hubo un DJ, que estuvo marcando el ritmo durante toda la noche, pero sin hits de Jay Balvin, que se tomó la noche libre y no actuó.

¡Nos dicen que Valentina no tenía ni idea de la fiesta, por lo que fue un secreto súper bien guardado, sobre todo que su familia estuviera presente!

Para su información, este fue un fin de semana de torbellino para la pareja, quien también estuvo disfrutando de la Copa NASCAR Series en Tennessee el sábado, donde J lanzó su zapatilla en colaboración con Nike Jordan, antes de volar a Miami.

Antes de eso, habían disfrutado de una cita doble el jueves por la noche en Beverly Hills con Cher y Alexander Edwards, dos personas que según nos han dicho, pusieron fin a su relación. 👀

J Balvin Happy Birthday, Boo ... Throws Huge Surprise Party For Model GF


J Balvin knows how to have a good time ... and he made sure his model GF was doin' the same for her birthday, which is why he threw her a luxurious surprise party!

The Colombian artist rented out a massive villa -- over 7,000 square feet -- on the Miami Beach waterfront for his boo, Valentina Ferrer's, 30th bday Sunday night ... with about 35 people showing up to celebrate, including her family.

We're told he flew her parents, siblings and other family members out from Argentina for the big day -- their 2-year-old son, Rio, was also in attendance but likely didn't party as hard as the rest of them.

The food was another highlight ... J Balvin hired a private chef from Colombia who put together a spread of Argentinian meats to enjoy. There was also a DJ bumping beats throughout the night  -- and no, JB unfortunately took the night off and didn't perform.

We're told Valentina had no idea about the party, so it was a well-kept secret ... especially getting her whole fam to show up!

FYI, it was a whirlwind weekend for the couple ... they were enjoying the NASCAR Cup Series in Tennessee Saturday where J launched his shoe collab with Nike Jordan before jetting over to Miami.

We're told their weekend fun came after going on a double date Thursday night in Beverly Hills with Cher and Alexander Edwards ... 2 people whom we were told pulled the plug on their relationship. 👀

Prince Harry Birthday Serenade At Invictus Games ... Packed Arena Celebrates


Prince Harry's celebrating his birthday this year with an intimate gathering ... of several thousand people at the Invictus Games, which turned into a massive "Happy Birthday" sing-along.

Harry and Meghan Markle were in the crowd at the Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf Friday to watch Germany and Poland go at it in volleyball -- but when the game ended everyone's attention turned to the Duke of Sussex, who turns 39 today.

Meghan and Harry lit up pretty quickly as the "Happy Birthday" song began, with Harry jokingly trying to deflect some of the attention he was getting. He even got another song from the Polish team before he asked to snap a pic with them.

Not a bad way to celebrate his big day, especially because the event is so near and dear to Harry. He founded the Games in 2014, and each year since it brings together injured, sick, and wounded veterans to compete.

So, having the athletes and their families and friends wish him happy birthday has to hold more weight.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The celebration seems to have started on Thursday night when Harry and Meghan went out to a German brewery. One of the waiters at the spot told DailyMail Harry knocked back 6 small beers during the pre-birthday festivities.

Sounds like his bday is already shaping up to be one for the books ... although, it doesn't appear his relatives will be celebrating with him. That royal rift still runs deep.

Beyoncé Bday Party on Private Island Rents Out Chunk o' Villas

Beyoncé is still in the middle of her hugely successful "Renaissance" tour, but that didn't stop her from taking a little break to get some serious privacy to celebrate her birthday.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the singer rented out a spot called Mermaid Bay -- a string of 11 villas located within The Brando, a private island resort for the ultra-rich in French Polynesia.

Our sources say Beyoncé and crew arrived at the property September 5, and stayed at least through Friday the 8th ... with adults and kids all in tow.

As for her accommodations, we're told Beyoncé and Jay-Z stayed in the Bay's main residence -- a 4-bedroom villa that goes for around $20K per night -- and the rest of their group stayed among the 10 other villas ... which have 1, 2 and 3 bedroom options.

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Of course, Beyoncé's actual birthday was September 4, and she celebrated it with Diana Ross and about 70,000 fans -- so the private island retreat looks like the perfect destination to unwind before taking on her 42nd year.

Beyoncé was back on tour in Vancouver Monday night ... so it's back on the grind after some serious rest and relaxation.

Beyoncé Celebra su cumpleaños en isla privada

Beyoncé sigue inmersa en su exitosa gira "Renaissance", pero eso no le ha impedido tomarse un pequeño descanso para disfrutar algo de intimidad y celebrar su cumpleaños.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le informaron a TMZ que la cantante alquiló un lugar llamado Mermaid Bay, que consiste en una serie de once villas situadas en The Brando, una isla privada para los más ricos en la Polinesia Francesa.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Beyoncé y su equipo llegaron a la propiedad el 5 de septiembre y se quedaron al menos hasta el viernes 8, con adultos y niños incluidos.

En cuanto a su alojamiento, nos dijeron que Beyoncé y Jay-Z se quedaron en la residencia principal de la Bahía -una villa de cuatro dormitorios que cuesta alrededor de $20K por noche- y el resto de su grupo se repartió entre las otras diez villas, que contaban con 1, 2 y hasta 3 dormitorios entre sus opciones.

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feliz cumpleaños queen b

Por supuesto, el cumpleaños real de Beyoncé fue el 4 de septiembre, y lo celebró con Diana Ross y unos 70.000 fans, por lo que el retiro en esta isla privada pareciera el destino perfecto para relajarse antes de empezar sus 42 años con todo.

Beyoncé volvió a la gira en Vancouver el lunes por la noche, por lo que regresó a su rutina después de un poco de descanso y muy buena relajación.

Tom Sandoval Wishes Rachel Leviss Happy Bday ... Says He Misses Her


10:05 AM PT -- Tom Sandoval's birthday wishes are falling on deaf ears, because Rachel's blocked him on Instagram.


She posted a screenshot of his blocked page and, just for good measure, added an "Ok bye!"

Tom Sandoval and Rachel Leviss are still in touch -- at least in one direction -- 'cause one of them is wishing the other a happy birthday ... even though they seem to be miles apart.

Rachel posted a video Sunday showing off where she's been hanging out lately, and it looks lovely -- a beautiful farm setting with a garden of flowers all around, which she's enjoying to the max. Her caption was, "I've been dreaming of a place like this."

While the clip went up 2 days ago, TS just commented on it Tuesday ... which is Rachel's 29th birthday. He wrote, "Happy Birthday Rachel, I really hope ur finding peace and happiness. Miss u friend."

Rachel hasn't responded ... but a lot of other people have, and most of the reactions to his unprompted shout-out aren't great. As you might imagine, folks are telling Tom to buzz off.

Seems the wounds of the cheating scandal are still fresh for many fans ... even though most of the '"Vanderpump Rules" cast is already moving on -- as cameras have been rolling for a new season, sans Rachel.

Remember ... she stepped away to deal with her mental health in the aftermath of the combative reunion, and at this point -- there's no indication she plans on coming back to L.A., at least for the time being anyway.

Meanwhile, Ariana Madix has a new man ... and Tom appears to be linked to a new flame.

And yet, he still has Rachel on the brain -- despite all they've been through.

Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT