"Biggest Loser" Competitor Upgraded to Stable Condition After Bone-Shattering Fall

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"Biggest Loser" competitor Sam Poueu -- who was listed in critical condition after falling several stories from a fire escape this month -- is making some serious progress in his recovery and has been upgraded to stable, TMZ has learned.

We're told doctors are still wary because Sam's status could change at any moment -- but overall, everyone's excited by his progress.

As we previously reported, Sam was celebrating a friend's birthday when he accidentally locked himself on the roof -- and fell several stories while trying to climb down a fire escape.

Sam suffered a pelvic injury, torn ligaments, a punctured lung, and a broken leg during the accident.

'Biggest Loser' 911 Call 'I Heard a Really Loud Crash'

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Biggest Loser' Call -- 'I Heard a Really Loud Crash' :: 0919-poau-911-launch-credit

"Biggest Loser" contestant Sam Poueu made "a really loud crash" when he fell from a building earlier this month ...this according to the woman who saw him lying on the ground and called 911.

As TMZ first reported, Poueu was hospitalized on September 3 with a pelvic injury, torn ligaments, a punctured lung, and a broken leg. His fiancée later explained he fell from a fire escape after he was accidentally locked out on the roof of a friend's apartment.

'Biggest Loser' Sam Poueu Details Revealed In Devastating Fall

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The "Biggest Loser" contestant who was seriously injured after he plummeted several stories from a building last week was trying to climb down a fire escape when he slipped and fell ... this according to his fiancee.

TMZ broke the story, Season 9 competitor Sam Poueu was listed in critical condition after the Sept. 3 incident ... and now fiancee Stephanie Anderson told People.com the whole thing happened because he got locked out on the roof of his friend's apartment.

It all went down in San Francisco, as Poueu was celebrating a friend's birthday -- when he went up to the roof by himself and the door locked behind him.

Anderson says Poueu "attempted to climb down the fire escape ladder to drop down into the fourth floor balcony and slipped."

As we first reported, Poueu suffered a pelvic injury, torn ligaments, a punctured lung, and a broken leg during the accident ... but Anderson says he's making "positive and encouraging strides" in his recovery ... adding, "To date, many of his internal injuries are on the healing mend."

'Biggest Loser' Competitor In Critical Condition After Falling Several Stories

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One of the contestants from "Biggest Loser" Season 9 is listed in critical condition at a San Francisco hospital, TMZ has learned -- after plummeting several stories from a building on September 3rd.

It's unclear how he fell -- but sources close to Sam Poueu tell us ... he suffered a pelvic injury, torn ligaments, a punctured lung, and a broken leg during the accident.

According to sources, Sam -- who was a fan favorite on the show last year -- is currently recovering in the ICU -- but while he's listed in critical condition, we're told he can still recognize visitors.

Dr. H from "Biggest Loser" tells us, he can't make specific comments about Sam's current condition -- but claims Sam is doing better every day.

Anna Kournikova Scores Gig on 'Biggest Loser'

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It's official, tennis hottie Anna Kournikova has signed a deal to join "The Biggest Loser" next season -- while THREE current stars of the show will be on their way out.

Producers confirm the 29-year-old will join the show as a celebrity trainer ... but trainers Jillian Michaels, Brett Hoebel and Cara Castronuova will not return for Season 12.

Exec. producer Todd Lubin tells New York Magazine the decision to hire Anna was all part of an effort to reboot the show for it's 12th season.

We're "getting slightly away from just the tape measure, and getting into overall well being and health. That's where Loser needs to go" explains Lubin.

He continues ... "She grew up with very little in Moscow, pounding tennis balls every day when she was 5. That's the drive she's bringing to the show."

Jillian Michaels Her 'Biggest' Challenge Yet

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"Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels believes slim is in -- but not everyone (in the TMZ newsroom) agrees and now she's sparked a major beef. Mmm ... did someone say beef?

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'Biggest Loser' Camper Injured in Malibu

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A woman who enrolled at The Biggest Loser Resort just learned the hard way ... exercise can be a bitch.

The Biggest Loser Resort is a weight loss center in Malibu with ties to NBC and the show. We've learned a woman staying there was hiking on Backbone Trail in the Malibu area, when she fell off the trail and broke her ankle.

We're told an L.A. County Sheriff's Search and Rescue team assisted the L.A. County Fire Dept. in finding her, put her on a stretcher and rushed her by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

A rep for NBC says the woman was not a contestant on the show.

But who knew there was a Biggest Loser camp?

Jillian Michaels Sued 'Potentially Lethal' Diet Product

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"Biggest Loser" star Jillian Michaels was just slapped with another multi-million dollar lawsuit over her weight loss products -- and this time, it's about a detox supplement that allegedly "might kill you."

The class action lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, was filed today in L.A. County Superior Court by a woman who only wants to be known by her initials -- R.D. -- due to her "very real fear of retaliation OR harassment by Defendants."

In the lawsuit, R.D. claims Jillian's "Triple Process Total Body Detox & Cleanse" diet supplement contains a "potentially lethal combination of toxic ingredients" ... and it "might kill you."

In the suit, R.D. lays out what she considers to be the risks associated with various ingredients in Jillian's product, including:

-- Irish Moss Powder ... "causes gastrointestinal ulcers" and is "so toxic that it is the gel commonly applied to aircraft wings to dissolve ice"
-- Bearberry ... "known to cause nausea and vomiting"
-- Yarrow ... "a toxic lawn weed that causes dermatitis"
-- Chinese Rhubarb ... "a harsh laxative and dangerous diuretic that can cause sever dehydration and may cause irreversible liver damage"
-- Fenugreek Seed ... "interferes with digestion and causes both diarrhea and gas"

R.D. is suing Jillian and Thin Care International for more than $10 million for "actively and fraudulently" conspiring to hide the alleged dangers of their product.

If this story sounds familiar, it's not the first ... second ... or even the third time Jillian has been sued by people who claim her diet products are potentially toxic.

No comment from Jillian Michaels' camp.

More Jillian Michaels

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'Biggest Loser' Chick Dumps Hubby ... for a Lady

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A female "Biggest Loser" contestant didn't just drop a couple of pounds after she left the show -- she also dropped her husband ... and picked up a brand new GIRLFRIEND!

TMZ has learned Rasha Spindel -- who appeared on the NBC reality show back in 2006 with her then-fiance Edwin Chapman -- recently divorced the guy after three years of marriage ... and is now engaged to a woman.

We spoke to Rasha, who told us, “After 30 years, I finally realized I was gay. I have never been this happy as I am now as I am about to marry my best friend and soul mate who just happens to be the sexiest drag-king on the planet.”

Rasha added, "I wish Edwin the best of luck and I hope he finds happiness."

Spindel's new special somebody is Vanna Pecoraro -- they're set to tie the knot at a private ceremony on August 28.

Jillian Michaels Sued by Another Big, Big Fan

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If you're keeping score at home, this is the third time Jillian Michaels has been sued over her line of fat burning pills -- but this time, there are allegations they contain a "potentially lethal" blend of ingredients.

In the class action lawsuit, filed today in L.A. County Superior Court, Kathy Hensley claims "The Biggest Loser" trainer "sold her proverbial soul to the devil" by teaming up with the companies that created her fat burner.

Hensley claims Jillian and those companies -- Thin Care and Basic Research -- failed to disclose that the main ingredients of the "Jillian Michael Maximum Strength Fat Burner" allegedly combine to make a "toxic cocktail."

In the lawsuit, Hensley claims one of the pill's ingredients -- citrus aurantium -- is "potentially lethal" and known to cause high blood pressure and serious cardiac problems in certain individuals.

Hensley filed the class action lawsuit against Jillian, Thin Care, Basic Research and Walgreens -- and is suing for less than $5,000,000.

Two lawsuits ago, Jillian's people told us the product was vetted by experts and she's confident she'll prevail in court.

Another Overweight Woman Sues Jillian Michaels

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Jillian Michaels of "Biggest Loser" fame has been sued for a second time in as many days over a weight loss product a consumer claims is "worthless."

Stephanie Creer claims in her class action lawsuit she has struggled with weight loss her entire life and was "intrigued" into purchasing the product Calorie Control because Michaels was endorsing it.

You know the story ... Creer didn't lose a pound so she's suing.

What's interesting: The suit is almost a verbatim copy of another class action suit filed against Michael's yesterday -- a suit which also alleges Calorie Control is bogus. But this suit was filed by a different set of lawyers.

After the first suit was filed, Michael's rep told TMZ the product was vetted by experts before Jillian put her name on it and she is confident she'll prevail in court.

'Biggest Loser' Star - Big Fat Liar ... Allegedly

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Based on the weight of the evidence "The Biggest Loser" star Jillian Michaels is pulling a dietary fast one on the American public for profit ... according to a new class action lawsuit.

According to documents filed in L.A. County Superior Court, the Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control dietary supplement is "worthless."

The lawyer who filed the suit, Melissa Harnett, tells TMZ, "Telling people you take two magic pills and then eat chocolate cake all day is a deception."

The suit alleges, "Sadly, Michaels has decided to exploit her fame and goodwill by collaborating with Thin Care and Basic Research to promote a weight loss supplement that purportedly will cause weight loss by itself, without any additional effort on the part of the consumer."

The suit asks for an injunction prohibiting the sale of the product, plus damages.

: Jillian has released the following statement:

"Unfortunately, anyone can file a lawsuit in California. All it takes is a $355 filing fee. That research was reviewed by some of the leading weight-loss experts in the world before Jillian would put her name on the product.

The lawsuit will be handled in the courts like all other lawsuits, and we are confident we will prevail."

'Biggest Loser' Wedding Let Them Eat Cake

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They lost a combined 264 pounds since being on "The Biggest Loser" -- but this weekend, Nicole Brewer and Damien Gurganious decided their wedding was the perfect chance to let their diet slide a little bit!

TMZ got a copy of the menu for their big day in Long Island this past Sunday, where they did a pretty good job of serving healthy low-fat meals -- with the exception of the super-delicious cake! Not that we blame them one bit...

: miniature meat rolls, spring rolls and crab cakes

: fish, sauteed chicken and grilled beef

Cake: sweet potato-praline/vanilla, Bourbon-butterscotch layered cake filled with bourbon infused candied sweet potato and hazelnut buttercream

Sidenote: Jillian Michaels did not jump out of the cake and force everyone who had a piece to run up a mountainside until they puked.

'Biggest Loser' Trainer Involved in Big Fat Fight

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Jillian Michaels, the no nonsense trainer on "The Biggest Loser" who whips overweight contestants into shape, dealt with her own weighty drama in West Hollywood last night -- some d-bag called her fat.


Jillian's male friend and everyone else outside Guy's came to her rescue, but we're pretty sure she could have regulated the creep on her own.

'Biggest Loser' Star I Got Screwed on Tape

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One of the hard body trainers from "The Biggest Loser" claims she's feelin' the burn from an exercise video deal gone bad -- and now she's suing the spandex off the company behind the DVDs.

Jillian Michaels claims she should have raked in more than $550,000 in royalties and bonuses from her 2005 instructional tape series "The Biggest Winner: How to Win By Losing" -- instead she claims all she got was a measly $100,000 cash advance.

In a lawsuit filed Friday in L.A. County Superior Court, Michaels claims Genius Products -- the home video company -- utilized "fraudulent and unfair accounting methods so as to avoid paying additional sums."

Michaels also claims Genius refused to sell videos on request "in an attempt to avoid paying Plaintiff additional bonuses."

Now she's looking for some serious jack -- at least $550k -- to "punish [Genius] for wrongdoing."

Calls to Genius have not been returned.

'Biggest Loser' Accused of Screwing Chubb-y

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A guy who won $100K on "The Biggest Loser" is facing some heavy jail time for allegedly trying to bilk an insurance company out of $63,000.

Season one loser David Fioravanti just was indicted by a Massachusetts grand jury on seven counts of insurance fraud -- he allegedly tried to insure $63K worth of jewels that he already had reported as stolen a year before, reports the Boston Globe. And he tried to perpetrate this scheme not once, but twice, says the DA.

And get this -- one of the allegedly victimized insurance companies was named ... Chubb Insurance!!!

You can't make this stuff up, folks.