'Big Brother' Luke Valentine Dad Says N-Word Use Doesn't Mean Son's Racist ... He Has Black Family!!!

The "Big Brother" houseguest who got tossed, because he used the n-word, is NOT a racist ... according to his father, who says their family ties prove a lack of prejudice.

If ya missed it, Luke Valentine was booted this week after live feeds captured him using the racial slur in conversation with 2 other white houseguests, as well as a Black man. His dad, James, tells us his son's behavior was surprising and disappointing for a few reasons.

Luke's father says his son has many family members who are Black, including a stepmom and step-siblings, as well as biracial cousins ... and he says Luke is absolutely not a racist and was not raised in a racist family.

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The dad says Luke's stepmother was also disappointed to hear him use the n-word on the live feeds, but we're told she feels he's a good kid regardless and they have a good relationship.

Luke's pops also says he's never heard Luke using the racial slur, and he believes his son was not intending to be racist, though he admits his kid said the wrong thing and has to be more mindful of what comes out of his mouth.

Needless to say, Thanksgiving's gonna be interesting.

TMZ broke the story ... CBS kicked Luke off the show the same day as the incident, telling us there's "zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur."

James says it's disappointing his son was kicked off the show, in part because he seemed to be enjoying himself, and the family wanted to see him on the program longer.

But, Luke's dad says his son just didn't follow the rules and it got him expelled ... and he hopes his kid gets a chance to explain himself.

Tony Rock On 'Big Brother' Real Brothers Can Say The N-Word ... But Not Luke Valentine!!!


Tony Rock is ripping the white "Big Brother" houseguest who casually used the n-word in conversation ... setting the record straight on who can and can't use the racial slur.

We got the veteran comedian at LAX on Thursday and our photog asked him about Luke Valentine getting booted from 'BB' for dropping an n-bomb on the live feed.

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Tony says no one named Luke Valentine should ever say the n-word ... and his rule of thumb is to refrain from using the slur unless you are a person of color.

Chris Rock's brother also finds it interesting Luke was so quick to apologize ... he says that should be a sign Luke should have known better in the first place. He also feels it's a trend whenever people or companies offend Black people.

Tony's fascinated by the reaction from Luke's fellow white houseguests to having the n-word dropped into a conversation ... he says the virtue signaling is in full effect.

We covered the controversy on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'BIG BROTHER' White Contestant Kicked Off Show For Using N-Word

'Big Brother 25' contestant Luke Valentine just got kicked out of the house after casually dropping the N-word in the middle of a conversation with other houseguests.

CBS and the reality show's producers tell TMZ ... "Luke violated the BIG BROTHER code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur. He has been removed from the house."

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We're told Luke's departure will be addressed in Thursday's episode.

Wednesday morning's live feed captured Luke chatting with contests Jared, Cory, and Hisam as Luke says, "We were in the f****** (inaudible) room, n****."

Luke immediately tried to correct himself by saying "dude" ... and he laughs it off and later tells Jared, who is Black, that it was a slip of the tongue.

Jared didn't seem all too concerned with Luke using the slur, telling him ... "I don't give a f***" ... though it's possible Jared kept his cool for gameplay purposes.

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CBS has previously threatened to kick people off the show for similar incidents ... and now the network is following through.

'Big Brother' White Contestant Drops N-Word

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'Big Brother 25' contestant Luke Valentine created a pretty tense situation after dropping the N-word mid-conversation with some fellow houseguests.

Luke was seen chatting on the live feeds early Wednesday morning with contestants Jared, Cory, and Hisam when he said, "We were in the f****** (inaudible) room, n****." Realizing his mistake immediately, Luke tries to correct himself by saying "dude" ... and laughs it off.

Cory and Hisam immediately tense up, and rightfully so ... Luke looks over to Jared, who's Black, before apologizing. It seemed to tick off Cory and Hisam, who definitely didn't laugh with him -- instead, they step out, leaving Luke alone with Jared.

Surprisingly, Jared doesn't seem all that concerned with the apparent slip-up -- it's possible he wanted to keep his cool for gameplay purposes -- later telling Luke, "I don't give a f***," in response to the slur.

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White folks dropping the N-word on 'BB' has become a reoccurring theme ... it's happened quite a bit over the years, especially in 2018 when houseguest Kaitlyn said it while quoting Drake's "0 to 100."

BTW, producers just warned the cast about their language after 2 contestants were worried their tans would make them look "ghetto."

CBS has threatened to kick people off the show for situations just like Luke's ... but it's unclear if he'll be forced to pack his bags anytime soon.

We've reached out to CBS, so far no word back.

'Big Brother' Felicia Cannon Destroying Mics in Toilet, Hot Tub ... Three Dunks in One Week!!!


"Big Brother" contestant Felicia Cannon is leaving a trail of destruction in her wake -- ruining several microphones in just the first week, with toilets and hot tubs proving to be her kryptonite.

Felicia, the oldest houseguest this season, has only been in the 'BB' house a few days ... and she's already dunked at least 3 microphones in water.


One incident happened when the houseguests first got access to the backyard, and Felicia literally fell into the hot tub ... which produced some hilarious audio.

Before the mic was ruined, it captured her scream and then the sound of bubbles as the mic was submerged.


Felicia's also destroying equipment in the bathroom, as the mics fall off her clothing and down into the toilet water when nature calls.

It's not like she can get away with it either -- the show's 24/7 online feed captured her exiting the bathroom with her skirt halfway down her butt as she tries to explain away her latest wet mic incident.

According to BB Live watchers there may have been a few other splash downs not captured by cameras.

Equipment loss aside, Felicia's proving to be the star of "Big Brother 25" ... she's a must-watch on the live feeds, and she's pretty funny when she laughs off the mic drops.

"Big Brother" producers are doing their best to cut their losses -- they've started wrapping her mics in plastic bags!!!

'Big Brother's Memphis & Christmas Attacked Outside Bar ... Caught On Camera


"Big Brother" alums Memphis Garrett and Christmas Abbott were involved in a wild fight outside their Florida bar with a couple of upset patrons ... and the vicious beatdown was caught on video.

The whole thing went down in January outside their Ft. Lauderdale spot, No Man's Land. As for what sparked the violence ... one source tells us the couple walked inside and asked for drinks, but Memphis told them they were closed, and when they refused to leave things got heated.

However, a different source -- who was inside the bar -- tells us the couple wasn't in the establishment, and the fighting all started and ended outside.

Memphis and Christmas' attorney, Brian Karpf, says Memphis was attacked by the guy.

Karpf says Christmas -- who was awaiting surgery for a neck injury -- tried to pull Memphis away but got hit by the other woman. You see a bartender trying to break things up.

Christmas says she called the cops and filed a report because the couple continued to throw things at the windows and wouldn't leave. According to her attorney, she opted to not press charges but got assurance the couple would not return.

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Fans of "Big Brother" remember the 2 first met during season 22 of "Big Brother: All-Stars" when they jumped into an alliance together early on. They confirmed they were an item after the season ended, and tied the knot last year.

'Big Brother' Contestant SURPRISE, ONLY WE CAN SELL YOUR HOME Pennsylvania AG Sues Alleging Fraud

A former "Big Brother" contestant is being taken to court ... because Pennsylvania's attorney general claims she and her company are running a "homeowner benefits" scam.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, AG Josh Shapiro is going after season 15 contestant Amanda Zachman -- who went by "Zuckerman" on the show -- and her Florida-based company, MV Realty.

According to the docs, Zachman's company scams customers by offering them a one-time upfront payment -- usually between $400 and $700 -- in exchange for the right to exclusively list their homes on the real estate market for 40 years.

However, the AG says backing out before 4 decades has draconian penalties -- and the AG says they buried the risks in the fine print, and never told the homeowners about it. The AG says the company screwed over 1,000 unsuspecting homeowners.

The docs claim MV Realty's phone sales pitch misleads homeowners by stating there's no risk or cost to them unless they sell. He says his office has heard from a bunch of homeowners claiming they've been ripped off.

Fans of "Big Brother" remember Zachman having a showmance with McCrae Olson and placing 7th in the season ... she went down as one of the most villainous, and this may not help her reputation.

A statement from MV reads, "MV Realty has helped more than 30,000 satisfied clients nationwide through our Homeowner Benefit Agreement (HBA) by providing our clients up to $5,000 that can be used to pay their mortgage, utility bills or improve their financial standing. In return, we only ask to be their realtor if they sell their home during the term of our agreement."

They continue, "New and innovative business models, like the HBA, can transform established industries and can sometimes draw questions from critics or outright hostility from those whose existing business model is threatened. However, to suggest that MV Realty has engaged in unfair or deceptive practices is simply false."

Finally saying, “After a full airing of the facts, we are confident that the conclusion will be that MV Realty’s business transactions are in full compliance with Pennsylvania law."

'BIG BRO' MIKE 'BOOGIE' MALIN Arrest Warrant Issued, Probation Revoked

"Big Brother" winner Mike "Boogie" Malin is in legal hot water ... a California judge issued a warrant after Mike failed to show up to a court date, and now his probation's revoked.

Sources with knowledge tell TMZ ... Mike was MIA from a Wednesday court hearing related to his felony stalking case... so the judge issued a bench warrant, set Mike's bail at $20k and revoked his probation.

It sounds like Mike blew his second chance here ... we're told he was due in court two weeks ago for a "proof of live-in program" hearing but he didn't show up then either, but his public defender took the blame and the judge moved the court date to Wednesday ... but Mike was a no-show again.

We're told Malin, who won season 7 of the reality series, had a new public defender Wednesday, who told the court she emailed Mike and he was aware he was supposed to show up ... but when the judge told her to call Mike, he didn't pick up the phone.

According to our sources, Mike's probation officer said Malin told him Tuesday he would be in court Wednesday ... but after an hour of waiting around for him at the courthouse, the judge called the case and issued the bench warrant.

TMZ broke the story ... Mike pled no contest to felony stalking last year in a case involving his former 'BB' buddy Dr. Will Kirby, and Malin was sentenced to 2 years probation and ordered to pay Will more than $44k.

We're told Mike's latest public defender told the judge his client doesn't have the money to pay the restitution.

We reached out to Mike ... so far no word back.

'Big Brother 2' Winner Dr. Will Kirby Officially Single ... Divorce Final

Dr. Will Kirby, known as the "Big Brother 2" champ, is a single man once again ... because his divorce from Erin Brodie has been officially finalized.

The judgment, obtained by TMZ, shows neither party will pay any spousal or child support -- he and Erin will share joint legal and physical custody of their 2 kids.

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According to the docs, Will gets to keep his dermatology practice ... as well as his jewelry, artwork, and -- most importantly -- the dog, Wriggley. Erin walks away with all her personal items.

They'll continue to co-own their L.A.-area property ... and the docs indicate they plan to hold onto the spot until their young daughter graduates from high school, at which point they'll look to lease or sell the pad.

As we reported, the dermatologist filed for divorce last year after nearly 4 years of marriage.

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Will and Erin at the time told TMZ in a joint statement, "Our relationship is stronger than ever, just not in a traditional sense. We remain committed to being the best parents to our two children and supportive of each other as we navigate through this transition."

'Big Brother' Housemate Kyle Labeled 'Racist' ... Fans Demand His Axing


6:12 AM PT -- 8/30 -- While some fans may have felt the show didn't do enough to highlight what Kyle said, there still were some instances during the actual broadcast when the situation was brought up -- including a conversation between Kyle and Brittany -- where they discussed the racial tension from last season and how an all-white alliance would be a bad look.


There was also a separate convo between Michael and Brittany along the same lines, where they discussed what Kyle had proposed.

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A "Big Brother" contestant is being accused of racism after some live feed footage was conveniently left out of the finished product.

The guy's name is Kyle Capener and he's one of the remaining house guests on the reality show's current season. There was uproar this week when the new episode aired on CBS, but some troubling comments he'd recently made during the 24/7 Internet feed were nowhere to be found.


Some fans think the network is covering his ass in an attempt to keep him around longer ... even though many feel he oughta be booted immediately.

As for what everyone's up in arms about -- there's one specific moment that's getting referenced a lot, a conversation Kyle had with another white contestant ... where he expressed concern about an alliance forming among the housemates of color.

He calls it a "cookout"-like collection of characters, and notes they've said they're in the house for ethnic representation on TV. With this in mind, he suggests to the other housemate they should form their own alliance ... what some have perceived as a "white" alliance.

Apparently, there are other comments he's made that some are calling "microaggressions" ... and they feel like the dude is straight-up racist, warranting producers axing him from the show entirely.

CBS hasn't commented on this controversy, but there's a disclaimer at the start of each episode that emphasizes the contestants are being filmed constantly ... and that they may say things that don't necessarily align with the company's values.

Time will tell if Kyle eventually has to answer for what some fans are seeing.

'Big Brother' We've Kept The Wall Yellers Away!!! ... After Beefin' Up Security

The "Big Brother" crew has been working hard to stop fans from revealing details to houseguests over their studio walls ... and it sounds like the extra efforts are paying off.

CBS has gone a solid 8 weeks with no disruptions at its L.A. studios, according to production sources. The security teams have been able to keep people FAR from the studio, unlike in previous seasons.

As we reported, CBS made the call to beef up security last season ... after fans showed up with bull horns, yelling over the wall to try and help certain houseguests.

In addition to CBS's security team AND a third-party company that has eyes on the space 24/7, we're told they've also planted production assistants around the area to keep watch.

We got pics of security and PAs near an area of the fence that would give easy access to the studio wall -- 6 people were posted at the spot.

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This week has been even more essential to keep the wall yellers away -- half the house had to live in the backyard. Luckily, not a peep was heard from the outside world.

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Now the houseguests can focus on what really matters -- gettin' hot and heavy on an inflatable pool floatie!!!

'Big Brother' Houseguests Knockin' Boots On A Pool Floatie!!!

Two "Big Brother" contestants did the deed on a butterfly-shaped pool floatie ... but it doesn't sound like their evening of romance lasted very long!

Kyle and Alyssa are houseguests on the latest season of the reality show, and they've been hooking up, forming a showmance.

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Things got hot and heavy in the "Have-Not" room -- the show swapped out beds with pool floaties on the hard floor ... but that didn't stop the two from getting it on.

After their hook up was over, Kyle jumps into apology mode -- confessing he lasted a grand total of 10 seconds.

Alyssa didn't seem to mind ... although she sounded a little embarrassed when talking to housemate Turner after.

She does, however, call the quickie a "really nice moment."

Fans went wild online after the hook up ... but some had more sympathy for the floatie than Kyle and Alyssa.

'Big Brother' Fiance Upset HOH Letter Not Aired ... No Love For Gay Couple?!?

CBS and "Big Brother" missed a chance to highlight an LGBTQ couple by deciding NOT to air castmate Michael reading a letter from his fiancé, Hayden Middleton.

Here's the deal ... Michael won Head of Household this week, which means he gets a letter from a loved one, but CBS didn't air video of Michael reading the note to his fellow 'BB' players.

Hayden tells TMZ ... he's upset his letter was not heard on TV because it would have been a good opportunity to highlight a monogamous, committed relationship at a time when there is a lot of negativity directed at the LGBTQ community.


Hayden tells us he doesn't think there was any ill intent from CBS and 'BB' ... but he's still disappointed because the last two HOH winners had their letters featured on TV.

CBS does not air every letter to an HOH winner, and this year only 2 of the 5 HOH winner letters made the final cut.

However, BB's Twitter account did share a post on Tuesday showing all the snacks Michael received for winning HOH as well as photos from home and Hayden's full letter.

Miesha Tate Wins 'Celebrity Big Brother' ... 'Not Sure This Is Real!!!'

Miesha Tate is more than just an MMA champ, now -- she just took the crown as the winner of "Celebrity Big Brother!!"

Tate -- a former UFC Women's bantamweight champion -- beat houseguests like Lamar Odom, Olympic figure skater Mirai Nagasu, Todrick Hall and singer Chris Kirkpatrick over the course of 3 weeks to finish on top.


Tate was the lone survivor after winning a 7-1 vote against Hall in the season finale on Wednesday ... and she told TooFab she still can't believe it really happened.

"It's like somebody pinch me -- not even sure if this is real right now," Tate said.

Tate admits that she wasn't super confident she would win it all ... and thought the votes would be way closer.

"I really thought the votes were gonna be 50-50," Tate said.

The 35-year-old also commented on her relationship with the runner-up ... saying Hall was the "yin to my yang" throughout the competition.

"He was my homie in that house," Tate said. "He was funny and sweet. He just was able to offer me a different perspective on life."

Now that it's all over, Tate is ready to go home to her two children, Amaia and Daxton.

"I just want to kiss my babies. I wanna hold them and squeeze them until they beg me to put them down."

The 19-8 UFC fighter is the first athlete to win 'CBB' ... following singer Tamar Braxton and actress Marissa Jaret Winokur.


Lamar Odom Still Carrying a Torch for Khloe


Lamar Odom is sending a message to ex-wife Khloe Kardashian ... after he was evicted from "Celebrity Big Brother."

The former Los Angeles Lakers star had his exit interview with Julie Chen Moonves -- after getting kicked out of the "Celebrity Big Brother" house -- and she asked if there's anything he'd like to say to Khloe.

His response ... "I miss you and I hope to get to see you soon."

Lamar and Khloe -- who were together from 2009 to 2016 -- had a tumultuous relationship ... much of it fueled by Lamar's drug abuse. He's said he has deep regrets and would like a redo if that were possible.


Earlier in the season, Lamar told singer and choreographer Todrick Hall ... "I had some good dreams last night. I dreamt about my ex-wife last night I wish I could take that time back. I miss her so much."


Since their split, Khloe had a daughter, True, with Tristan Thompson ... whom Odom recently called "corny" over the way he's treated her.

Lamar was eliminated on 'CBB' with Todd Bridges during a double-elimination episode. Lamar and Todd have used their time in the house to bond over their sobriety.

And, Lamar says they have a special bond ... "Todd has been sober for 33 years now, so I asked him to be my sober coach. That is why I joined the 'Celebrity Big Brother' cast because sobriety is really important to me at this point in my life."  Lamar says he's been sober for seven years.

Odom had tried moving on from Khloe after their divorce. He got engaged to lifestyle coach Sabrina Parr in November 2019, but they called it off a year later.

Shanna Moakler I'm Not Into Lamar ... Didn't Mean to Hurt BF

Shanna Moakler says she's not trying to get with Lamar Odom ... despite flirting with him on "Celebrity Big Brother" and upsetting her boyfriend in the process.

Shanna, who was recently evicted from the 'CBB' house, tells TMZ ... she's not interested in Lamar, romantically or in any capacity -- but she understands why her boyfriend, Matthew Rondeau, is pissed about her antics in the 'CBB' house.


TMZ broke the story ... Shanna's boyfriend, Matthew Rondeau, was not happy with the subtle sexual innuendos flying back and forth between SM and LO, and was having second thoughts about popping the question.

Shanna says Matthew's feelings are valid, admitting she made comments that would have hurt her if the roles were reversed. She adds ... the last thing she ever wanted was to hurt the one person who has been by her side through thick and thin.

Remember, Matthew was shopping for engagement rings earlier this month, but now he's pumping the brakes on a potential proposal ... and he and Shanna have unfollowed each other on Instagram.

Shanna says she and Matthew -- who've dated on and off since 2020  -- are taking things day by day, but are still together and "working on us."

Sounds like Shanna wants a future together ... she says Matthew means everything to her and she's happy to have him in her life because "we have a real and honest love."

It remains to be seen if Matthew agrees, honestly.

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