4.8 Magnitude Earthquake Leaves New Yorkers in Times Square Unfazed!!!


It takes quite a bit to rattle residents of New York City -- so much so, in fact, that not even a 4.8-magnitude earthquake can make them break their stride.

Check out this wild footage that shows people in Times Square Friday not being fazed at all by the massive quake that hit the area. As you can see, barely anybody reacts as the tremor hits the Big Apple Friday morning.

It's totally business as usual, despite the noticeable rattling ... with sightseers snapping selfies, etc. Traffic is barely even impacted ... as cars are seen whizzing by Times Square with no issue. The shaking reportedly only lasted about 20 to 30 seconds.

Temblor magnitud 4.8 Los neoyorquinos ni se inmutan en Times Square!!!

Andando como si nada

Se necesita mucho para sobresaltar a los habitantes de Nueva York, tanto que ni siquiera un terremoto de magnitud 4,8 puede hacerles perder la calma.

Echa un vistazo a estas imágenes que muestran a la gente de Times Square el viernes sin inmutarse en absoluto con el fuerte temblor que sacudió la zona. Como puedes ver, casi nadie reaccionó cuando el temblor sacudió a la Gran Manzana el viernes por la mañana.

Todo sigue como siempre, a pesar de los remezones, con los turistas tomándose selfies, etc. El tráfico apenas se vio afectado, ya que se puede ver a los carros pasando por Times Square sin problemas. Al parecer, el temblor solo duró entre 20 y 30 segundos.

Josie Canseco Handsy With Johnny Manziel ... Amid Dating Rumors


More evidence to support the Johnny Manziel and Josie Canseco dating rumors -- the former college football superstar made another appearance on the model's social media on Thursday ... and once again, the proof is in the hand tats.

Manziel and Canseco were both in NYC this week ... and as we previously reported, it appeared the two took the flight to the Big Apple together, as the former MLB star's daughter shared a pic that showed the quarterback in the background.

If the couple(?) was trying to keep a low profile, that's all out the window now ... 'cause Canseco posted a short video at dinner -- and it's clear Manziel was right by her side.

Anna Paquin Looks Stunning At NYC Movie Premiere with Walking Cane

Anna Paquin made her return to the red carpet Wednesday night after a long absence from the public eye due to a mysterious health crisis – and she was using a walking cane.

Still, the Oscar-winning actress looked like a million bucks in her all-black, form-fitting dress -- while propped up by her cane at the Crosby Street Hotel in Manhattan.

Anna posed for photos next to hubby Stephen Moyer -- also decked out in all-black  -- at the opening of their new film, "A Bit Of Light." Moyer directed the movie starring Anna who plays Ella -- an alcoholic trying to stay sober.

Shakira Deslumbra a los fans durante show sorpresa en NYC...

LA loba en Nueva York

Shakira le dio un verdadero regalo a los neoyorquinos el martes por la noche, ofreciendo un espectáculo sorpresa en Times Square para 40.000 fans que no paraban de gritar.

La cantante y ganadora del Grammy se subió al escenario TSX en el Crossroads of the World en el centro de Manhattan, apenas unas horas después de que anunciara el espectáculo en la plataforma de redes sociales, "X".

Miles de fans se apresuraron a llegar para ver el concierto improvisado de Shakira, con motivo de celebración del lanzamiento de su nuevo álbum "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran".

Shakira Mesmerizes Fans During Surprise NYC Show ...


Shakira gave a real treat to New Yorkers Tuesday night ... putting on a surprise performance in Times Square for 40,000 screaming fans.

The Grammy-winning singer hit the TSX stage at the Crossroads of the World in Midtown Manhattan just hours after she announced the pop-up show on the social media app, "X."

Thousands of her followers rushed to see Shakira's spur of the moment concert as she celebrated the release of her new album, "Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran."

Jake Gyllenhaal Dazzles With Conor McGregor At 'Road house' Premiere

Jake Gyllenhaal was the man of the moment at the NYC premiere of his new movie, "Road House," posing for a slew of photos with his costar – none other than UFC Legend Conor McGregor!

Jake first hit the red carpet with his model girlfriend Jeanne Cadieu at Manhattan's Lincoln Center Tuesday night -- and the two were total knockouts. The actor looked super spiffy in his black suit and tie while Jeanne was the epitome of glamour in her long dark dress.

A bunch of shutterbugs snapped pictures of the smiling couple surrounded by shimmering powder blue neon signs that read, "Road House."

At one point, the couple was joined by Jake's parents, Stephen and Naomi, and all four mugged for the cameras.

But the real treat was when Conor popped up and shared the floor with Jake for their little photo shoot. The costars stood side by side, shaking hands, putting up their dukes and laughing and joking with one another.

Afterward, everyone went inside the theater to enjoy the film, which was a remake of the famous 1989 bar fight drama starring the late Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer in 2009.

Jake took on Swayze's iconic role of tough guy protagonist Elwood Dalton while Conor played the villainous hired muscle named Knox. Post Malone also had a cameo as a character called Carter.

Sounds like this reboot packs one helluva punch!

Don Lemon Standing By Elon Musk Interview ... X Needs Talks Like These!!!

Just Watch The Interview

Don Lemon's defending his interview with Elon Musk ... asking people to watch the interview before they dismiss him -- and saying X would benefit from these kinds of convos.

We caught up with the talk show host in the Big Apple Friday and asked him all about his upcoming interview with Elon ... he's challenging people to sit down, watch the interview and let him know why he's not the right voice for X -- 'cause Don says he can't figure it out!

facts weren't important

Lemon -- who says he's open to speaking to Musk despite his recent firing -- says he's giving the platform the kind of conversation he thinks it needs ... and he wants X to hire people with his viewpoint to further its free speech goals.

When asked if he'd consider the Shannon Sharpe/"Club Shay Shay" route -- DL seems to be thinking about it, and he's got nothing but praise for the former Denver Bronco.

As for whether his beef with Don might cause Elon to lose followers ... Lemon's a lot less sure. He seems to think Elon is uber-popular with his base, regardless.

BTW ... Elon's resorting to name-calling in this beef -- calling Don a "pompous fool" on X Friday before saying he's still got the right to share the interview on X when it drops.

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Don's on his full rollout tour right now -- sharing bits and pieces of his interview set for release on YouTube and X on Monday, and he shared a particularly wild clip on "The View" Friday.


Check out the latest clip he dropped on "The View" ... Don asks EM if he values women and minority pilots less than men, and Elon says no -- but he also cites replies on his platform as alleged evidence standards are being lowered to include them in the profession.

All in all, not really a great look for the X CEO ... and it seems like this is just the very tip of the controversy iceberg.

The whole interview's out March 18 ... and it looks like we'll just have to take Don's advice and watch it for ourselves!

Subway Brawl Man Shot in Head with His Own Gun ... Altercation Caught on Video


A NYC subway rider is in critical condition after getting shot in the head at the end of a brutal brawl where he was also stabbed ... and the whole thing was recorded by an onlooker.

This went down Thursday in Brooklyn, where cops say 2 men got into a fight while they were both riding a subway car -- their showdown alarmed nearby commuters, some of whom started shooting video as it got physical.

Police say they were told the man who was shot actually instigated things -- and that seems to be confirmed by the video -- as he squared off with the other guy.


While the 2 men were punching and wrestling each other, a woman enters the fray and apparently stabs one of them in the back -- it appears she was with the other combatant. l

The stabbing victim, who was visibly bleeding, started screaming and asking if she'd stabbed him .. and then fumbles in his jacket pocket for a gun.

The man he was originally fighting ran over and tried to shield his woman ... as the gun-wielding man corners them.

At that point, everyone else in the subway car started running in the opposite direction ... desperately trying to get off, because they've seen the gun. It was a tense and terrifying scene ... and as they were cowering 4 gunshots go off.

Struggling To Stay Safe

Someone captured the aftermath of this -- where you can see cops on the scene attending to the man who was shot ... and as you can see it's the man who originally pulled out the gun.

The other man was eventually cuffed and led away, but it's unclear if he's been charged yet.

Rushed Out

NYC officials say it appears the man who was detained wrestled the gun away and fired upon the other man -- no word on whether this will be determined to be self-defense. The man who was shot was eventually rushed away by paramedics, and he's hospitalized in critical condition.

Lindsay Lohan Vuelve al ruedo con su nueva película... Fans vueltos locos como en los viejos tiempos

Me encanta ser madre!!!

¡El renacimiento de Lindsay Lohan está en pleno apogeo! Basta echar un vistazo al frenesí que ha provocado su paso por Nueva York esta semana durante la promoción de su nueva película, tanto que pareciera que es 2004 de nuevo.

La actriz se entregó plenamente a su regreso a los focos el jueves mientras llegaba a los estudios de NBC para promocionar su próxima película de Netflix "Irish Wish", que está previsto que salga el 15 de marzo, y si esto no grita lista A, no sabemos qué lo haría.

Echa un vistazo, LiLo se adueñó del momento mientras firmaba autógrafos y dejaba que los paparazzi le dispararan para sacarle fotos. Incluso tuvo la amabilidad de hablar con nuestro fotógrafo para responder a algunas preguntas.

Le preguntamos cómo la maternidad la estaba tratando desde que dio la bienvenida a su bebé, Luai, que comparte con su marido Bader Shammas y realmente nos permitió hacernos una idea, diciéndole a nuestra chica en cámara que le encanta ser madre.

Lindsay ha tenido a su familia a su lado mientras trabaja en Estados Unidos. Recuerden que ella vive en el extranjero y con todos los proyectos que tiene por estos días, está claro que está lista para abrazar el estrellato que alguna vez tuvo durante su juventud.

Es bastante impresionante de ver, para ser sinceros, es como una especie de momento redondo para ella y parece más que lista para reclamar lo que es suyo.

Recuerden Lindsay hizo un breve cameo/aparición en el reciente remake de "Mean Girls" y también se confirmó su participación para una secuela de "Freaky Friday", por lo que está bien ocupada.

Por supuesto, ella saltó a la fama como una estrella infantil en "The Parent Trap" y se convirtió en un icono en películas para jóvenes y adolescentes, pero con el tiempo, después de algunas turbulencias, se alejó del centro de los focos y se fue al extranjero.

Es genial que Lindsay esté reclamando su lugar en Hollywood. Parece que sus fans están aquí para darle la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos. ¡Nos encanta verlo!



Lindsay Lohan's renaissance is in full swing -- just take a look at the frenzy surrounding her in NYC this week while promoting her new movie ... it feels like 2004 all over again!

The actress was fully embracing her return to the spotlight Thursday while arriving at NBC Studios for an interview to plug her upcoming Netflix film "Irish Wish" -- which is set to start streaming on March 15 -- and if this doesn't scream A-list ... we don't know what does.

Check it out ... LiLo owned the moment as she signed autographs -- and let paps fire away for photos. She was even kind enough to speak with our photog to answer some questions.

We asked her how motherhood was treating her ever since welcoming her baby boy, Luai -- whom she shares with her hubby Bader Shammas -- and she actually gave us some insight into that ... telling our camera girl that she loves being a mom.

Lindsay's had her family with her while working here in the States lately -- even though she lives abroad. And with all these projects she's on these days ... it's clear she's ready to embrace the major stardom she once had in her youth.

It's pretty awesome to see, TBH ... sort of a full circle moment for her, and she seems more than ready to take it all on again.

Remember ... LL made a brief cameo/appearance in the recent "Mean Girls" remake and has also been confirmed for a "Freaky Friday" sequel ... so she's booked and busy.

Of course, she skyrocketed to fame as a child star in "The Parent Trap" and became an icon in teen/young adult movies thereafter -- but eventually, after some turbulence, she stepped away from the limelight and went overseas.

It's great that Lindsay's reclaiming her place in Hollywood all these years ... looks like her fans are here to welcome her back with open arms, too. We love to see it!


Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz has offloaded her lavish NYC condo ... and snagged a helluva haul for the sale.

Sources with knowledge of the transaction tell TMZ ... AL was able to sell this sweet home of hers for a whopping $10.6 million, closing on the deal last Thursday with the new buyer.

The price tag on the 4-bed, 3-bath apartment on Manhattan's Upper West Side is totally justified given its sweeping, picture-perfect Central Park views but, of course, Annie's got a keen eye for capturing beauty, so it's no surprise the grand interiors are just as stunning.

The condo is sprawled out on two levels of living space and includes a powder room and home office ... all with high ceilings, inlaid hardwood floors, and moldings.

The grand formal dining room, complete with giant picture windows framing those Central Park West to South vistas, is one of its key selling points ... seamlessly opening up from the 32 by 20-foot living room via French doors, making it the perfect spot for entertaining.

There's a newly renovated eat-in kitchen outfitted with top-notch appliances, spacious custom cabinetry, and an adjacent butler's pantry ... proving that no expense was spared.

The full-service amenities offered by the building add an extra layer of opulence to the condo ... with the news owners having access to the lobby with concierge, doorman services, private storage space, and an emergency backup generator.

Needless to say ... the condo is definitely the perfect backdrop for life's most beautiful moments -- both behind the lens and in everyday living. Annie knew that, and now some lucky bastard will too as he moves into this place.

TMZ Studios

Corcoran’s Deborah Kern held the listing.


La famosa fotógrafa Annie Leibovitz ha vendido su lujoso condominio de Nueva York y se embolsó una nada despreciable cantidad de siete dígitos.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Annie fue capaz de vender el lugar por la cantidad de $10.6 millones, cerrando el  trato el pasado jueves con el nuevo comprador.

El precio de este apartamento de 4 dormitorios y 3 baños, situado en el Upper West Side de Manhattan, está totalmente justificado dadas sus amplias y perfectas vistas de Central Park, pero, por supuesto, Annie tiene un buen ojo para captar la belleza, por lo que no es de extrañar que los magníficos interiores sean igual de impresionantes.

El condominio se extiende en dos niveles de espacio de vida e incluye una lujosa sala y una oficina, todo con techos altos, suelos de madera con incrustaciones y molduras.

El gran comedor cuenta con grandes ventanales que enmarcan las vistas de Central Park Oeste a Sur y la sala de estar es de 32 por 20 pies a través de puertas francesas, por lo que es el lugar perfecto para el entretenimiento.

Hay un recién renovado comedor en la cocina equipada con electrodomésticos de primera categoría, amplios armarios a medida, y la despensa de un mayordomo adyacente, lo que demuestra que no se escatimaron gastos.

Las comodidades de servicio completo que ofrece el edificio añaden una capa extra de opulencia a la propiedad. Los nuevos propietarios tienen acceso al vestíbulo con conserje, portero, espacio de almacenamiento privado y un generador de copia de seguridad de emergencia.

En resumen, es un lugar soñado para cualquier mortal, y ahora hay un afortunado que puede gozar de semejante palacio.

tmz investiga
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Deborah Kern de Corcoran tenía el listado.

Millie Bobby Brown Cannolis y compras en Nueva York V-Day con Jake Bongiovi

Millie Bobby Brown y Jake Bongiovi disfrutaron de un discreto San Valentín en Nueva York, haciendo algunas compras y probando unos deliciosos pasteles.

La estrella de "Stranger Things" y su prometido pasearon por Chinatown el miércoles por la noche, parando a echar un vistazo a algunas tiendas, incluyendo una divertida galería.


Millie y Jake, el hijo de Jon Bon Jovi, se abrigaron con chaquetas y una bufanda de colores, pero Millie aún tenía un poco de frío y terminó comprando un par de guantes.

Después de pasear por Chinatown, la pareja se dirigió a Little Italy y compró una caja de cannolis de Ferrara Bakery. Millie sonrió antes de darles un mordisco y Jake captó su emoción con una selfie. Tenemos que decir que tenían una pinta deliciosa.

Millie y Jake llevan casi un año comprometidos. Su romance comenzó en 2021, cuando empezaron a publicar fotos juntos.

Los cannolis quedan increíble con el café y estos tortolitos pidieron unos y luego se subieron a un taxi. Simple, pero eficaz y sin duda romántico.

TMZ investiga
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Echa un vistazo a la galería. Millie y Jake no necesitan nada lujoso para disfrutar su V-Day.

Millie Bobby Brown Cannolis and Shopping In NYC ... V-Day With Jake Bongiovi

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi enjoyed a low-key Valentine's Day in New York City ... doing some window shopping and chowing down on pastries.

The "Stranger Things" star and her fiancé strolled arm in arm through Chinatown on Wednesday night, stopping to browse around a few shops ... including a fun-looking arcade.


Millie and Jake, the son of Jon Bon Jovi, bundled up with jackets and a colorful scarf ... but she still got cold ... and Millie ended up buying a pair of gloves.

After walking around Chinatown, the couple hoofed it over to Little Italy and picked up a box of cannolis from Ferrara Bakery. Millie smiled before taking a bite, and Jake captured her excitement with a selfie. We gotta say, it looks pretty damn yummy.

Millie and Jake have been engaged almost a year now -- and their romance reportedly first popped off sometime in 2021, when they first started posting pics together.

Cannolis go great with coffee, and these longtime lovebirds ordered some java and then hopped in a cab. Simple, yet effective ... and definitely romantic, no doubt.

TMZ Studios

Check out the gallery ... Millie and Jake don't need anything fancy to enjoy their V-Day.

Pete Davidson no abandonó el concierto de Matt Rife Nunca fue programado para actuar

Pete Davidson dice que han "retirado" del show de comedia de Matt Rife, pero eso no podría estar más lejos de la verdad... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que los informes que sugieren que Matt no pudo actuar durante la primera de tres noches en el legendario Radio City Music Hall de Nueva York el pasado fin de semana son simplemente falsos, aunque sabemos que Pete, de hecho, no actuó.

Sin embargo, hay una buena razón para esto, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Pete nunca estuvo técnicamente contratado o programado para subir al escenario para abrir, pero nos dicen que le preguntaron.

Esto es lo que realmente sucedió, nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt le extendió una invitación a Pete para su show, y mientras que al ex "SNL" le hubiera encantado venir y animar a su amigo, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que simplemente no pudo hacerlo e incluso se lo dijo a Matt directamente.

A primera vista parece que ha habido un malentendido o falta de comunicación entre Matt y su equipo, eso es lo que nos han dicho de todos modos. Pete transmitió el mensaje.

Nuestras fuentes también añaden que Pete no tiene nada más que amor por Matt, pero no podía hacer el show porque ya estaba reservado y ocupado con sus propios conciertos.

Pete tenía un show de stand-up el día cuatro, lo que significa que tuvo que viajar el día tres para llegar, ambas fechas coinciden con los shows de Matt en Nueva York. Además de estar en medio de su propia gira de stand-up y nos dicen que Pete también está comenzando la producción de una película con Eddie Murphy.

Así que la gran noticia aquí es que realmente no hay ninguna noticia en absoluto. Eso no quiere decir que las actuaciones de Matt últimamente no hayan sido agitadas, porque ciertamente lo han sido.

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"no fui yo"

Recordemos que la estrella porno Lisa Ann fue esposada y expulsada del show de Matt por actuar supuestamente "borracha y desordenada", según la policía. Fue una escena muy dramática.

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En cuanto a lo de Pete y Matt... no es para tanto. ¡Sigan adelante!

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