BRADLEY COOPER My New FOOD TRUCK's A HIT!!! Rumored GF Gigi & Ex Irina Among First Customers

Bradley Cooper got to work, manning the grill in his new food truck ... and as luck would have it, he had some VERY familiar faces visit him as some of the joint's first customers.

The Philly native flashed a massive smile as he got a taste of home ... cookin' Philly cheesesteaks at his new Danny & Coop food truck -- a partnership with Danny DiGiampietro, owner of Angelo's Pizzeria in South Philly -- in NYC Wednesday.

Among his first customers was ex Irina Shayk and their daughter coming out to show their support -- as well as his current squeeze, Gigi Hadid.

Proving they were still co-parenting brilliantly, the "Maestro" actor engaged in a friendly exchange with lil' Lea and Irina -- who's been busy in NYC in recent months with rumored new man Tom Brady.

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The Image Direct

Though, last we heard, things "fizzled out" between them in Oct. However, Bradley still seems to be going strong with Gigi, who paid him a visit at the truck an hour before Irina.


Despite Gigi's status as a supermodel/Bradley's (unconfirmed) GF, any attempt on her behalf to bag freebies fell short ... as she was seen pulling out her card to pay for her cheesesteak.

Nonetheless, Bradley's food truck venture went down a treat ... with even Laura Dern grabbing a bite to eat alongside Gigi.

G&B haven't confirmed their romance ... though they've been seen together on loads of cozy sightings in NYC -- swiftly after Gigi reportedly parted ways with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Jonathan Majors Cuddles GF Meagan Good in NYC ... Day Before Assault Trial

Jonathan Majors is finding comfort in the arms of his girlfriend, Meagan Good, just one day before he's set to appear in front of a jury for the start of his criminal trial.

The embattled actor -- who's been charged with harassment and assault in the Big Apple after allegedly putting hands on his ex, Grace Jabbari, earlier this year -- was cuddling up with MG out in the streets of NYC Tuesday.

The two grubbed at Jack's Wife Freda ... and as you can see in these photos, obtained by TMZ, they were showing off a lot of love and PDA.

Meagan and Jon, who were both wearing all black, nuzzled one another in the street outside the restaurant ... and eventually switched positions a bit, to where JM had his arm draped around his lady with her back leaned up against him.

Safe to say, these pictures are worth more than a thousand words, especially ahead of such a big day for him and, arguably, his reputation and career down the line ... showing Meagan is standing by Jonathan amid this tumultuous time.

Meagan has been by Jonathan's side pretty much throughout his criminal case ... which is interesting, considering their relationship kinda came out of nowhere, right on the heels of the ugly allegations hurled against him.

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Remember, Jabbari alleges she and Jonathan got into an argument back in March -- and claims things got physical ... to the point where she says he struck her, and caused injuries.

He's denied any such attack ... in fact, he claims it was actually Jabbari who got physical with him -- not the other way around. Jabbari actually ended up getting arrested and booked well after the initial incident ... but the D.A. refused to prosecute.

Majors' team has pointed to surveillance footage of Jabbari partying after the alleged beating she claims she took from JM ... and they say she looks completely uninjured/unbothered.

Still, in the D.A.'s eyes ... Jabbari is the alleged victim, and Majors remains in their crosshairs as the defendant. If convicted on the misdemeanor charges he's pled not guilty to ... he faces up to a year behind bars or a 3-year probation period.

Jonathan Majors Abrazado de su novia Meagan en Nueva York Un día antes del juicio por agresión...

Jonathan Majors está encontrando consuelo en los brazos de su novia, Meagan Good, justo un día antes de comparecer ante un jurado por el inicio de su juicio penal.

El asediado actor, que ha sido acusado de acoso y asalto en la Gran Manzana después de supuestamente poner las manos sobre su ex Grace Jabbari a principios de este año, se acurrucó con Meagan en las calles de Nueva York este martes.

Los dos tortolitos estuvieron en Jack's Wife Freda y como se puede ver en estas fotos, obtenidas por TMZ, estaban demostrándose un montón de cariño en público.

Meagan y Jon, que iban vestidos de negro, se estuvieron acariciando en la calle afuera del restaurante y, finalmente, cambiaron de posición poco a poco. Jonathan Majors tenía su brazo alrededor de su dama con la espalda apoyada contra él.

Es seguro decir que estas imágenes valen más que mil palabras, sobre todo cuando tiene un día tan importante por delante y, posiblemente, clave para su reputación y su carrera. Estas muestran que Meagan está del lado de Jonathan en este tumultuoso momento.

Meagan ha estado al lado de Jonathan prácticamente durante todo su caso criminal, lo cual es interesante, teniendo en cuenta que su relación comenzó un poco de la nada, justo en los talones de las acusaciones lanzadas en su contra.

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Juntos en la corte

Recuerden, Jabbari alega que ella y Jonathan se enzarzaron en una discusión en marzo, que luego se puso agresiva a tal punto que, ella dice que la golpeó y le causó lesiones.

Jonathan ha negado cualquier ataque. De hecho, afirma que en realidad fue Jabbari quien se puso violenta con él y no al revés. Jabbari acabó siendo detenida y fichada mucho después del incidente inicial, pero el fiscal se negó a procesarla

El equipo de Majors ha señalado que las imágenes de vigilancia muestran a Jabbari de fiesta completamente ilesa después de la supuesta paliza a manos de Majors.

Aun así, a ojos del fiscal, Jabbari es la presunta víctima y Majors sigue en la mira como acusado. Si es condenado por los cargos de delito menor de los que se ha declarado inocente, se enfrenta a hasta un año tras las rejas o a un período de libertad condicional de 3 años.

NYC Subway Thanksgiving Served On Train ... Passengers Enjoy Feast!!!

TikTok / @itgirljayda_

A New York City subway train saw a Thanksgiving meal served to hungry passengers ... with folks passing around plates and eating on their underground ride.

Ya gotta see the video ... there's a table full of Thanksgiving treats and drinks, and people are sharing food and laughs between stops.

Tons of passengers are packed on the train like sardines and friendly folks are making sure anyone who wants to eat is served. Some people are sitting and eating, others are chowing down while standing up and everyone looks happy.

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This looks to be turning into a bit of a Thanksgiving tradition in the Big Apple ... last year, a Turkey Day dinner was served to riders on the L Train ... with heaping plates of sweet potatoes, mac and cheese, turkey and green bean casserole.

Never change, New Yorkers!!!


Jamie Foxx está siendo acusado de una agresión sexual en una azotea que supuestamente ocurrió hace 8 años en NYC.

Según la demanda obtenida por TMZ, Foxx estaba en Catch NYC & Roof en agosto de 2015, alrededor de las 11 PM, cuando la demandante llegó para sentarse en el salón y bar de la azotea. Ella dice que se dio cuenta de que Jamie estaba una mesa de distancia.

Alrededor de la 1 AM, la amiga de la demandante le preguntó a Foxx si se tomaría una foto con ella y la demandante. Ella afirma que él dijo: "Claro nena, cualquier cosa por ti", y parecía intoxicado en ese momento. Ella afirma que él le tomó más fotos y comentó: "Vaya, tienes ese cuerpo de supermodelo", "hueles tan bien" y le dijo que se parecía a Gabrielle Union.

La desconocida afirma que Foxx tiró de ella por el brazo hasta la zona trasera de la azotea, donde supuestamente le puso ambas manos en la cintura, las pasó por debajo de la camiseta y empezó a frotarle los pechos. Ella afirma que trató de alejarse y se dio cuenta de un guardia de seguridad y otras personas que vieron lo que había sucedido, pero optaron por alejarse.

En los documentos, la demandante afirma que Foxx entonces supuestamente deslizó su mano en sus pantalones y puso sus dedos sobre su vagina y el ano. Ella dice que su amigo se acercó y vio lo que estaba pasando y fue cuando Jamie dejó de tocarla.

Afirma que resultó herida y tuvo que someterse a tratamiento médico, y que sufrió dolor, sufrimiento y angustia emocional como consecuencia de la "agresión sexual, abuso, asalto y agresión".

Demanda a Foxx, Catch y sus empleados por daños compensatorios y punitivos.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Jamie, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Jamie Foxx Sued for Sexual Assault

Jamie Foxx is being accused of a rooftop sexual assault that allegedly happened 8 years ago in NYC.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Foxx was at Catch NYC & Roof in August 2015, around 11 PM, when the plaintiff arrived to be seated in the rooftop lounge and bar. She says she noticed Jamie one table away.

Around 1 AM, the plaintiff's friend asked Foxx if he'd take a photo with her and the plaintiff. She claims he said, "Sure, baby anything for you" ... and seemed intoxicated at the time. She claims he took more photos and commented, "Wow, you have that supermodel body," "You smell so good" and told her she looked like Gabrielle Union.

Jane Doe claims Foxx pulled her by the arm to the back area of the rooftop, where he allegedly placed both hands on her waist, moved them under her top and started rubbing her breasts. She claims she attempted to step away and noticed a security guard and others who saw what had happened ... but they chose to walk away.

In the docs, the plaintiff claims Foxx then allegedly slid his hand into her pants and put his fingers on and in her vagina and anus. She says her friend came over and saw what was happening, and then Jamie stopped touching her.

She claims she was injured and had to undergo medical treatment, and suffered pain, suffering and emotional distress as a result of the "sexual assault, abuse, assault and battery."

She's suing Foxx, Catch and its employees for compensatory and punitive damages.

We reached out to reps for Jamie ... so far, no word back.


Hold on to your turkey leg because Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is pulling out all the stops this year ... and we've got some behind-the-scenes pics from rehearsals.

Struttin' their stuff at Macy's Herald Square in the Big Apple Monday, a brand-spankin' new cluster of performers laced up their dancing shoes and warmed up those cords to groove to choreography from "Back to the Future: The Musical," "Spamalot" and "& Juliet on Broadway."

Seasoned stage stars such as Roger Bart, Casey Likes, James Monroe Iglehart, Christopher Fitzgerald, David Josefsberg, and Lorna Courtney gave onlookers a glimpse of what to expect during the main spectacle.

Meanwhile, the Radio City Rockettes pirouetted their way to perfection.

The main event Thursday will unleash a showstopping collection of 25 balloons -- including "Paw Patrol" and "Ronald McDonald" -- and 31 floats -- such as "Santa's Sleigh" and "Mutant Mayhem."

Led down by rope-holders to jubilant crowds, celebrity performers will include Brandy, Cher, Jessie James Decker, Jon Batiste, Ashley Park, En Vogue, the cast of Chicago and more.

With things looking better than ever this year ... now's the best time to hop on board the gravy train to NYC.


Taylor Swift cambió el romance con Travis Kelce por una reunión de chicas con su buena amiga Gracie Abrams en la Gran Manzana el lunes por la noche.

Después de una parada de la gira llena de titulares en Argentina, Taylor probablemente estaba desglosando los acontecimientos de su fin de semana - profesional y romántico - con su amiga cantautora mientras reían y charlaban.

Taylor se veía elegante para su salida en su chaqueta azul marino de gran tamaño por encima de un vestido blanco, mientras que Gracie mantuvo las cosas más informales.

El avistamiento se produce después de que la cantante de "Karma" besara apasionadamente los labios de su novio de la NFL el sábado por la noche luego de actuar ante un estadio lleno de fans durante su parada de Buenos Aires.

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La frase "conseguir una habitación" definitivamente vino a la mente cuando la pareja se besó en el backstage. La demostación de afecto era de esperarse, no olvidemos que fue justo después de que la superestrella cambiara la letra de "Karma".

La versión original, "Karma is the guy on the screen/Coming straight home to me", se actualizó a "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs/Coming straight home to me" (El Karma es el chico de los Chiefs viniendo hacia mi). Inteligente 😉

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el tipo de los chiefs

El cambio de letra fue una sorpresa muy agradable para los fans y para Travis, a quien se le vio muy emocionado mientras vibraba con la música junto al padre de Taylor.

La próxima parada de la gira de Taylor es este fin de semana en Río. Sabemos que Travis no puede asistir a esos shows por que tiene trabajo que hacer por su equipo, pero tal vez Gracie —que ha abierto algunas fechas de la gira "Eras"— mantendrá Tay Tay bien acompañada Brasil.


Taylor Swift swapped out the PDA with Travis Kelce for a girly powwow with her good friend Gracie Abrams in the Big Apple on Monday night.

After a jam-packed, headline-grabbing tour stop in Argentina, Taylor was probably breaking down her weekend's events -- professional and romantic -- with her singer-songwriter pal as they laughed and chatted away.

Taylor, of course, looked chic for her outing in her oversized navy blazer atop a white dress, while Gracie kept things more casual.

The sighting comes after the "Karma" singer passionately locked lips with her NFL beau Saturday night after performing to a packed stadium of fans during her Buenos Aires stop.

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The phrase "get a room" definitely came to mind when the pair made out backstage -- but the PDA was to be expected. Don't forget it came on the heels of the superstar changing the lyrics to "Karma."


The OG version -- "Karma is the guy on the screen/Coming straight home to me," was updated to "Karma is the guy on the Chiefs/Coming straight home to me." Clever 😉

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The change of lyrics came as a very pleasant surprise for fans and Travis, who was seen looking stoked while vibing along to her music next to Taylor's dad.

Taylor's next tour stop is this weekend in Rio. We know Travis can't make those shows -- the guy's got a J-O-B of his own -- but maybe Gracie, who's opened some "Eras" tour dates, will keep Tay Tay company down in Brazil.

Anthony Volpe Yankees Should Pursue Ohtani 'He's The Best Of The Best'


Yankees shortstop Anthony Volpe is hoping to share a dugout with Shohei Ohtani next season ... telling TMZ Sports he believes New York should go after the former MVP in free agency.

"Yeah!" he said emphatically while out at the MLB Flagship Store in NYC on Thursday. "Of course!"

Ohtani is eligible to leave the Angels this year ... after he spent the last six seasons with the team turning himself into one of the biggest superstars the sport's ever seen.

In his time in LA, he racked up three All-Star appearances, a .274 batting average, a 3.01 ERA and 171 home runs.

And, despite undergoing a second surgery on his throwing elbow in September, Volpe made it clear to us he really wants to see the 29-year-old in pinstripes.

"I mean, I think he's the best of the best," Volpe said.

Ohtani is expected to stay off the mound in 2024 while rehabbing, but he is slated to be healthy enough to hit at the dish -- and many in the MLB believe he's now poised to land the biggest contract in the history of the sport.

The Dodgers are currently the favorite to get him ... but we all know the Yankees aren't afraid to outspend anybody -- something Volpe is obviously hoping happens.

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