Inteligencia artificial Primer concurso de belleza de IA... Premio en efectivo para el mejor bot!!!

La primera Miss IA del mundo será coronada el próximo mes en el nuevo concurso de belleza para modelos generadas digitalmente y, ¡ofrece un premio en efectivo para la chica más sexy!

Como dice la organización World AI Creator Awards, que celebra a los creadores que están a la vanguardia de la inteligencia artificial, los genios detrás de las mejores influencers de las redes sociales serán recompensados en este concurso.

Y añaden: "La creadora de IA coronada como Miss IA recibirá un impresionante premio en efectivo de 5.000 dólares gracias a nuestro socio Fanvue, además de acceso al Programa de Mentores de Imagine Education por un valor de 3.000 dólares y apoyo en relaciones públicas por un valor de más de 5.000 dólares."

Artificial Intelligence First AI Beauty Pageant Coming ... Cash Prize for Best Bot!!!


12:04 PM PT -- Actress and model Claudia Jordan joined "TMZ Live" today and ripped the AI beauty pageant saying, "It's hard enough being a woman in this society, the way it is and the scrutiny we already get. Now, we have AI highering the standard of beauty where they're just so perfect."


Claudia compares this to photoshopped images in magazines, saying these AI models are just adding to women's unrealistic beauty standards.

Megan Fox Everyone Mentions 'LiB' Comparison ... Guarantee She's Not Lying

Megan Fox is finally addressing the viral "Love is Blind" controversy ... saying she's heard about the comparison from a whole bunch of people -- even other celebs!

The actress sat down for an E! News interview at the 7th Annual Revolve Festival in Palm Springs when the interviewer asked her if she knew anything about Chelsea Blackwell saying people told her they looked alike.

Fox says tons of people keep bringing up this moment to her even though she doesn't watch much TV ... confessing even other celebs at awards shows have mentioned it to her.

Brittany Mahomes Ditches Signature Blonde 'Do ... Goes for 'Spicy' Red Hair!!!

Brittany Mahomes has debuted a fiery new look ... ditching her classic blonde locks for bright red hair, and she honestly looks like a whole other person.

Patrick Mahomes' wife shared her hair transformation with her followers Wednesday, posting a series of close-up pics to her feed. Brittany was clearly feeling the look -- as she beamed while posing in a black crop top and jeans. She added ... "Feeling spicy."

While it's unclear if BM simply dyed her hair or if she's rocking a wig, -- she credited hairstylist Laura Beth Cabott for the noteworthy new 'do. Laura Beth has worked with Brittany on a number of occasions, including last year's Met Gala and the 2023 ESPYS.

Ben Affleck Clean-Shaven Look for 'Accountant 2' ... Throwback Vibes!!!

Ben Affleck is looking a lot younger these days -- and it probably has to do with the fact that he's gotten rid of his face hairs ... all just in time for a new movie he's working on.

The actor was out and about in L.A. Thursday rocking a whole new mug -- and by that, we mean he was totally clean-shaven ... having lost his full salt and pepper beard, which he's been sportin' for quite a while now.

Now, Ben's got nothing but his bare skin out in the wild ... and we gotta say, he looks fresh!

Dude's got a cool 'fit on as well -- color-coordinated, per usual -- and he even had a basketball in hand that he was bouncing around as he strolled. Indeed, BA's got a pep in his step ... and something tells us him shaving might have something to do with it.

Frankly, he looks like a 30-something all over again ... albeit, with a more mature vibe.

If you're wondering why Ben lost the beard -- it appears directly tied to the start of production for his new movie, 'The Accountant 2,' which reportedly started filming this week. With him playing the lead character again (who was also clean-shaven), the face trim makes sense.

Like we said, Ben hasn't had a fully shaven face like this in quite a bit -- lately, he's been letting his facial hair grow ... which is why he was almost unrecognizable in these pics.

Of course, we'd recognize that handsome face anywhere with or without whiskers -- the real question now is ... what does the missus at home, Jennifer Lopez, think about it?

Ben Affleck Looks Better ...

And, perhaps more importantly ... does he look better shaven or covered in fur???


La publicista de Beyoncé no está de acuerdo con Erykah Badu y le responde con pruebas que demuestran que la diva siempre ha llevado las trenzas que Erykah afirma que le han robado.

La publicista de Bey -Yvette Noel-Schure- entró al chat para responderle a Badu, y no perdió el tiempo publicando un álbum de recortes de Bey luciendo el peinado de trenzas a lo largo de su carrera, algunas fotos incluso parecen estar fechadas en su infancia.

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Yvette subtitula el post diciendo: "She slays. She slays. Now. Then. Always. act ii COWBOY CARTER 3.29 #criticswithoutcredentials".

Así que, sí, es un ataque directo a Erykah.

Como informamos, la cantante de "Mama's Gun" tiene la impresión de que Beyoncé le está robando su estilo. El año pasado, la selección de sombreros de Bey durante su gira "Renaissance" hizo que Erykah se pusiera roja, ya que ella también ha mostrado ese estilo durante años en sus propios conciertos.

Badu ya se desahogó, y tiene a los fans respondiéndole, y probablemente vendrá una inevitable respuesta de la abeja reina.

Beyoncé Wearing 'Erykah' Braids Since Childhood!!! Publicist Pal Posts Receipts

Beyoncé's ride-or-die isn't here for Erykah Badu's copycat shade -- she's firing back with receipts proving Miss "Cowboy Carter" has always rocked the braids Erykah claims she jacked from her.

Bey's longtime publicist Yvette Noel-Schure entered the chat to respond to EB, and wasted no time posting a full-blown scrapbook of Bey wearing the braided hairstyle throughout her career ... some snaps even appear to be dated in her childhood!!!

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Yvette captioned the post with ... “She slays. She slays. Now. Then. Always. act ii COWBOY CARTER 3.29 #criticswithoutcredentials.”

So, yeah ... totally a direct shot at Erykah.

As we reported, the "Mama's Gun" singer is under the impression Beyoncé is leeching off her style flair -- last year, Bey's hat selection during her "Renaissance" tour made EB see red as she's also donned the oversized derby for years in her own concerts.

Badu's got her hands full -- she already has the Beyhive buzzing, and what's likely coming next is ... the inevitable response from the Queen Bee, Mama Tina!!!

Megan Fox on 'CHD' Talks Past Plastic Surgery & Quirks Defends Drinking Blood!!!

It's A Big Deal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox says her paranoia surrounding surgery has been her saving grace in not going under the knife too much ... even though she admits she's had quite a lot of work done.

The actress appeared on Wednesday's episode of "Call Her Daddy," where she opened up about all her plastic surgery experiences -- including a lengthy pre-op routine she says she requires all her surgeons to follow, 'cause she wants to make sure there's no bad energy.

MF says she responds poorly to general anesthesia, so she demands that her doctors tell her if they've seen any bad omens before cutting into her ... take a listen to what those are.

On the actual procedures themselves -- Megan admits to having had three separate boob jobs, and insists she's only had her nose worked once, despite what some people think. She also teases a mystery surgery she's had as well ... but wouldn't disclose what that was.

Megan also says she's considered a BBL -- but notes she doesn't have the body fat for it.

Anyway ... there was more Megan talked about -- including the fact she and Machine Gun Kelly drink each other's blood ... which has been accused of being Satanic.

It's Sweet!
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defends the practice here ... saying it's a lot more innocent than folks think -- likening it to two kids putting their bleeding thumbs together on the playground when they think they've found their "soulmate." She says she and MGK share that kind of bond.

She's also got a pretty graphic comparison in making her point -- saying she finds girls who engage in oral sex so freely to be way more gross than anything she's doing with her man.

Lots of interesting nuggets from the Fox here ... we're certainly learning a lot!


es algo serio
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox dice que su paranoia en torno a la cirugía ha sido su salvación para no excederse con el bisturí, a pesar de que admite que se ha hecho más de una intervención.

La actriz apareció en el episodio del miércoles de "Call Her Daddy", donde se abrió sobre todas sus experiencias de cirugía plástica, incluyendo una larga rutina pre-operatoria que dice que le exige a todos sus cirujanos a seguir, porque quiere asegurarse de que no hay mala energía.

Megan dice que responde mal a la anestesia general, por lo que le exige que sus médicos que le digan si han visto algún mal presagio antes de proceder.

En cuanto a las operaciones, Megan admite que se ha operado tres veces el busto e insiste en que solo se ha operado la nariz una vez, a pesar de lo que algunos piensan. Ella también bromea sobre una cirugía misteriosa, pero no reveló mucho más.

Megan también dice que ha considerado una gluteoplastía, pero señala que no tiene la grasa corporal para hacerlo.

Megan también habló sobre el hecho de que ella y Machine Gun Kelly bebían la sangre del otro, acto por el que se les tilda de satánicos.

es muy dulce
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defiende la práctica, diciendo que es mucho más inocente de lo que la gente piensa, y lo compara con dos niños que ponen sus pulgares sangrantes juntos en el patio de recreo cuando piensan que han encontrado su "alma gemela". Ella dice que ella y MGK comparten ese tipo de vínculo.

Además, asegura las niñas que participan el sexo oral con libertad entre ellas son mucho más sangrientas...

Un montón de pepitas de parte de Fox... ¡Ciertamente estamos aprendiendo mucho!

Keanu Reeves ¡¡¡Aparece con el pelo corto!!! Por primera vez en años

Keanu Reeves se está deshaciendo de su larga melena por un peinado muchísimo más corto y todo por un nuevo rol en una película.

El actor apareció en el set de "Outcome" con el pelo mucho más corto de lo que hemos visto de él en años.

Aunque el papel requería que la estrella se recortara su larga melena, al actor de 59 años se le permitió conservar su característica barba, que luce desde hace tiempo.

El pelo de Keanu se ha ido alargando progresivamente a lo largo de las 4 primeras películas de John Wick, pero su barba ha permanecido intacta en su mayor parte. Así que nos preguntamos qué significa esto para la próxima entrega de "John Wick".

Sin embargo, cuando lo fotografiaron el mes pasado, Keanu aún lucía su pelo largo, por lo que el recorte debe haber ocurrido en las últimas semanas.

De hecho, Keanu tenía el pelo notablemente más corto en una foto para la que posó con su novia Alexandra Grant, Rob Lowe y Sheryl Lowe, que fue publicada la semana pasada, por lo que el corte puede ser super nuevo.

Lo importante es que el nuevo look se le ve más que excelente.

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Además de lucir el nuevo peinado, Keanu fue fotografiado con unos vaqueros clásicos, una camisa blanca y una chaqueta de color canela para la película dirigida por Jonah Hill.

Para aquellos curiosos sobre "Outcome", en la película Keanu interpreta a una estrella de Hollywood ficticia que tiene la tarea de hacer las paces con su pasado cuando es extorsionado con un clip suyo que ha vuelto a resurgir.

Cameron Diaz, que regresó a la actuación el año pasado después de un paréntesis de 10 años, también es parte del proyecto.

Entre la transformación del pelo de Keanu y el regreso de Cameron, hay mucho que esperar de esta película.

Keanu Reeves Steps Out With Short Hair!!! First Time in Years

Keanu Reeves is ditching his signature long locks for a drastically shorter 'do ... all for a new movie role.

The actor stepped out on the set of his new feature film, "Outcome," and debuted the shortest cut we've seen on him in years.

While the role clearly required the action star to trim his lengthy hair, the 59-year-old A-lister was allowed to keep his trademark beard, which he's sported for a while.

Keanu's hair has gotten progressively longer across the first 4 'John Wick' movies -- but his beard has stayed the same for the most part. So, we wonder what this means for the next 'John Wick' installment.

However, Keanu was photographed just last month still rocking his longer hairstyle -- so the snip must have happened in the last few weeks.

In fact, Keanu had noticeably shorter hair in a photo he posed for with girlfriend Alexandra Grant, Rob Lowe, and Sheryl Lowe ... which was posted last week, so the cut may be super fresh.

FWIW, the new look is most excellent.

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In addition to sporting the new 'do, Keanu was photographed wearing classic denim blue jeans, a white shirt and a tan jacket for the Jonah Hill-directed feature.

For those curious about the new flick, "Outcome" features Keanu playing a fictional Hollywood star tasked with coming to terms with his past when he's extorted over a resurfaced clip.

Cameron Diaz, who returned to acting last year after a 10-year hiatus, is also starring in the project.

Between Keanu's hair transformation and the return of Cameron, there's a lot to look forward to with this movie.

Chris Appleton Está saliendo con un graduado de Harvard Luego del divorcio...

Chris Appleton ha dado vuelta la página de su ex marido Lukas Gage, y ahora está saliendo con un nuevo novio que no tiene vínculos con Hollywood.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que el peluquero de celebridades, conocido por ser uno de los mejores amigos de Kim Kardashian, ahora está saliendo casualmente con un tipo normal, que resulta ser un bombón llamado Frederico.

Los dos fueron fotografiados por primera vez en público durante el fin de semana de los Oscar en el famoso Chateau Marmont de Los Ángeles.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la pareja se llevó bien después de cruzar caminos a través de amigos en común hace aproximadamente un mes, y ahora están manteniendo las cosas relajadas y viendo hacia dónde los lleva, más o menos como todo el mundo cuando está saliendo con alguien nuevo.

Nos dice que después de la separación de Lukas, Chris estaba abierto a probar algo completamente diferente y es un cambio bienvenido que no esté saliendo con alguien de Hollywood.

Aunque no está claro en qué campo trabaja Frederico, es un sabelotodo, pues nos dicen que es un graduado de Harvard, así que pueden asumir que tiene una carrera bastante sólida por delante.

¡Chris definitivamente se siente bien en esta nueva etapa y parece que Frederico está encajando bien con su círculo! Nos dicen que incluso se reunió con algunos de los amigos de Chris, que le están dando su pulgar de aprobación.

Como ya informamos, Chris puso fin a su relación con Lukas en noviembre, solo 6 meses después de su rápida boda en Las Vegas en la Little White Chapel oficiada por Kim K. Chris alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de la ruptura. La pareja tenía un acuerdo prenupcial.

Disfrutando mi soltería!!!

Chris y Lukas están siguiendo con sus vidas después de la separación. Lukas se metió de lleno en Hinge en enero para encontrar un nuevo amor, aunque ahora dice que está muy bien disfrutando de sí mismo.

Todo es cuestión de amor propio, ¿verdad?


Chris Appleton has moved on from his ex-hubby Lukas Gage ... and is now dating a new guy who has no ties to Hollywood.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the celeb hairdresser, known famously for having Kim Kardashian as his client/BFF, is now casually dating a regular dude -- who happens to be a bona fide hottie -- named Federico.

The two were first photographed in public together during Oscars weekend at L.A.'s famous Chateau Marmont.

Our sources tell us the pair hit it off after crossing paths through mutual friends about a month ago, and right now they're keeping things laid-back and just seeing where it takes them -- pretty much how everyone rolls when they're vibing with someone new.

We're told after Chris' split from Lukas, he was open to something completely different and this is a welcomed change he’s not dating someone in the Hollywood scene.

While it's unclear exactly what field Federico works in, he's a smarty pants as we're told he's a graduate of Harvard ... so one can assume he has a pretty solid gig career-wise.

Chris is definitely feeling good about moving forward, and it sounds like Federico's fitting right in with his crew -- we're told he's even met some of Chris' pals, who are giving him a thumbs up!

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with Lukas in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim K. Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split. The couple did have a prenup.


Chris and Lukas are making moves post-split ... Lukas went all-in and hopped on Hinge in January to find new love -- but now he says he's all about dating himself.

It's all about self-love, right?

James Charles Congress Too Focused on TikTok ... Bigger Problems to Fix!!!

Congress' potential TikTok ban isn't sitting right with some people ... especially influencers it's going to affect like James Charles -- who absolutely trashed the government.

The controversial social media star was at the 35th annual GLAAD Awards and -- while walking the red carpet -- he was asked about the potential TikTok ban that just passed through the House of Representatives.

Charles didn't mince words ... doing on an expletive-laden tirade that's sorta taking social media by storm at the moment where he laments the number of issues the U.S. is facing -- and makes it clear he doesn't think TikTok is one of them.

JC points out that the TikTok bill is relatively new to the discussion table ... whereas lots of other bills have languished in front of the governing body for years.

James says -- if nothing else -- that should show people Congress really can get things done ... but, only when it's something that truly benefits them.

Charles says this is exactly why people need to get out and vote ... especially important given that it's an election year, he says.

As we reported ... the bill calls upon ByteDance, TikTok's parent company, to sell off the social media platform or lose access to the American market anyway -- and it passed in a rare bipartisan landslide, moving to the Senate on the back of a 352 to 65 vote.

Anyhoo, Charles' reaction to the bill's passing is generating some buzz online ... and -- while most people agree he's in the right -- many of them are giving him kudos begrudgingly ... oftentimes making it clear they're not big fans of his.

Hey, sometimes ya gotta give it up when someone seems to be speaking for a whole generation.


Christie Brinkley says she was diagnosed with a form of skin cancer, which docs detected early -- and they got it out of her too ... something she documented with graphic pics.

The former model shared some behind-the-scenes images of her health journey Wednesday -- posting photos of her in recovery after a procedure she underwent to remove basal cell Carcinoma ... which she says she's lucky to have had removed quickly.

Christie writes, "Doctors that removed the cancer and stitched me up to perfection like an haute couture Dior. The good news for you is that all of this can be avoided by being diligent with your sun protection!"

She goes on to say ... "I was lucky to find mine, because I was accompanying one of my daughters to HER check up.. The Doctor was looking at each freckle with a magnifying glass… it wasn’t my appointment so I wasn’t going to say anything but at the VERY end I asked if he could just look at a little tiny dot I could feel as I applied my foundation."

Christie says the doctor then suspected something was amiss with what she was showing and ordered a biopsy, and the next thing you know ... cancerous cells were discovered.

Like we said ... Christie posted photos of having the cancer removed from near her temple -- and let's just say they're very detailed and gory. So, not for the faint of heart.

FYI, an estimated 3.6 million cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed each year, according to the Skin Care Foundation ... but the good news is that the cancer is curable if detected and treated early.

Glad Christie's doing well now!


Christie Brinkley dice que fue diagnosticada con una forma de cáncer de piel, por suerte los médicos lo detectaron a tiempo para extraerlo.

La ex modelo compartió algunas imágenes el miércoles. La publicación la muestra en plena recuperación después de un procedimiento al que se sometió para eliminar el carcinoma de células basales, el cual dice que tiene suerte de haber eliminado rápidamente.

Christie escribe: "Los médicos extirparon el cáncer y me cosieron a la perfección como un Dior de alta costura. La buena noticia para usted es que todo esto se puede evitar siendo responsable con el protector solar!".

Ella continúa diciendo: "Tuve suerte, porque estaba acompañando a una de mis hijas a su chequeo... El doctor estaba mirando cada peca con una lupa... no era mi cita, así que no iba a decir nada, pero al final le pregunté si podía mirar un pequeño punto que podía sentir mientras me aplicaba la base de maquillaje".

Christie dice que el médico entonces sospechaba que algo estaba mal con lo que estaba mostrando y ordenó una biopsia... resulta que descubrieron las células cancerosas.

Como dijimos, Christie publicó fotos de la extirpación del cáncer cerca de su sien... y son muy detalladas y sangrientas, por lo tanto, no son aptas para los débiles de corazón.

Para su información, un estimado de 3.6 millones de casos de carcinoma de células basales se diagnostican cada año según la Fundación de Cuidado de la Piel, pero la buena noticia es que el cáncer es curable si se detecta y se trata a tiempo.

Nos alegra de que Christie esté bien.