LADY GAGA DEFIENDE A DYLAN MULVANEY Luego de criticas en el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Lady Gaga sale en defensa de Dylan Mulvaney después de que una publicación en redes sociales en honor a las dos celebridades durante el Día Internacional de la Mujer provocara una dura reacción en línea.

La cantante publicó una foto de ella y Dylan -que es transgénero- e hizo un punto para criticar a los trolls que reaccionaron a la publicación Insta de Dylan del viernes (Día Internacional de la Mujer) que la presentaba a ella y a Gaga juntas, y recibió una gran cantidad de odio en sus comentarios.

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Gaga escribe: "Me resulta espantoso que un post sobre el Día Nacional de la Mujer escrito por Dylan Mulvaney y por mí sea recibido con tanto vitriolo y odio. Cuando veo que un periódico informa sobre el odio, pero lo llama "reacción violenta", creo que es importante aclarar que el odio es odio, y este tipo de odio es violencia".

mostrando algo de amor

Y continuó: "'Contragolpe' implicaría que a la gente que nos quiere o nos respeta a Dylan y a mí no les ha gustado algo que hemos hecho. Esto no es una reacción violenta. Esto es odio".

Gaga añade: "Pero no es sorprendente dado el inmenso trabajo que todavía tenemos que hacer como sociedad para darle lugar a las vidas transgénero para que sean apreciadas y defendidas por todos nosotros". Gaga dice que protege a la comunidad trans... pero dice que no habla en su nombre.

Gaga termina diciendo: "Espero que todas las mujeres se unan para honrarnos a TODAS en el Día Internacional de la Mujer, y que siempre lo hagamos hasta EL DÍA en que todas las mujeres sean celebradas por igual. Que se celebre a todas las personas por igual. Un día en el que las personas de todas las identidades de género sean celebradas en cualquier festividad que les hable. Porque las personas de todas las identidades de género y razas merecen paz y dignidad".

En otras palabras. Gaga está totalmente de acuerdo con Dylan y dice que la gente debería retirarse.

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el anuncio de bud light
Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Dylan, por supuesto, no es ajeno a la controversia. Recordemos que Dylan se enfrentó a una gran indignación en Internet por su colaboración con Bud Light el año pasado, la cual que provocó un boicot masivo y perjudicó a Anheuser-Busch.

Los que se opusieron a la colaboración, entre ellos Kid Rock, se comprometieron a no comprar la marca de cerveza a propósito, llegando incluso a destruir las latas que ya habían comprado. Kid Rock incluso se hizo viral por disparar a cajas de Bud Light por la colaboración.

La respuesta no fue del todo negativa... Paris Hilton, Sasha Colby de "Drag Race" y muchos más expresaron su apoyo a Dylan.

Dylan tiene ahora una nueva defensora en Lady Gaga, que es una aliada muy poderosa, por cierto.

Lady Gaga Defends Dylan Mulvaney ... Against Hate on IWD

Lady Gaga is coming to the defense of Dylan Mulvaney after a social media post honoring the two celebs on International Women's Day sparked a harsh reaction online.

The singer posted a photo of her and Dylan -- who's transgender -- and made a point to slam trolls who reacted to Dylan's own IG post from Friday (International Women's Day) that featured her and Gaga together ... which got a massive amount of hate in her comments.

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Gaga writes, "It’s appalling to me that a post about National Women’s Day by Dylan Mulvaney and me would be met with such vitriol and hatred. When I see a newspaper reporting on hatred but calling it 'backlash' I feel it is important to clarify that hatred is hatred, and this kind of hatred is violence."


She continued, "'Backlash' would imply that people who love or respect Dylan and me didn’t like something we did. This is not backlash. This is hatred."

LG adds, "But it is not surprising given the immense work that it’s obvious we still have to do as a society to make room for transgender lives to be cherished and upheld by all of us." Gaga says she's protective of the trans community ... but says she doesn't speak for them.

Gaga finishes by saying ... "I hope all women will come together to honor us ALL for International Women’s Day, and may we do that always until THE DAY that all women are celebrated equally. That all people are celebrated equally. A day where people of all gender identities are celebrated on whichever holiday speaks to them. Because people of all gender identities and races deserve peace and dignity."

In other words ... Gaga is fully in Dylan's corner here -- and says people oughta back off.

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Instagram / @dylanmulvaney

Dylan, of course, is no stranger to controversy. Remember ... Dylan faced some serious outrage online over her partnership with Bud Light last year -- which sparked a massive boycott, and hurt Anheuser-Busch's bottom line.

Those who opposed the collab, including Kid Rock, vowed to purposely not buy the beer brand -- even going as far as to destroy cans they'd already purchased. ICYMI ... Kid Rock even went viral for shooting up cases of Bud Light over the partnership.

The response wasn't all negative, though ... Paris Hilton, 'Drag Race's Sasha Colby and more voiced their support for Dylan in the aftermath.

Dylan now has a new champion in Lady Gaga -- who is a pretty powerful ally, FWIW.

For more viral news check out TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Nicki Minaj Appears to Yell at Her Hair Girl ... During 'PF2' Tour Stop

Super Freakout Girl

Nicki Minaj appears to have chewed out a stagehand during her most recent tour date -- and it was all caught on video.

The rapper is in the middle of her "Pink Friday 2" tour, and on Sunday ... she was out in Seattle for a concert -- where some behind-the-scenes drama unfolded between Nicki and someone on her team, or at least someone on production.

Check it out ... Nicki and this woman -- who seems to be trying to work on NM's hair -- get into a little argument ... and it's mostly Nicki looking exacerbated/frustrated with this lady.

Before the woman can do anything for Nicki's 'do -- her boss side-steps her and shoos her away as she's getting ready to go back onstage ... getting back to business and carrying on with the show.

Some are calling Nicki's reaction a bit dramatic ... but others are actually defending her.

There are reports of her Seattle show experiencing other hiccups -- including apparent missed cues and delayed wardrobe changes. On its face, it would appear there were some hair issues as well. Nicki hasn't addressed this yet ... and hasn't gotten back to us either.

Amanda Bynes Wigs Out With New Blue, Blonde 'Do ... Amid Drake Bell Nick Claims

Amanda Bynes surfaced for the first time in public following Drake Bell's child molestation claims against a former professional mentor ... and she's got quite the new look.

The ex-Nickelodeon child star emerged Friday for the first time since her former 'Amanda Show' costar set the stage to level some serious allegations against Brian Peck, in a new documentary that'll air his story for the first time ever.

People have wondered whether Amanda herself would be part of this doc -- "Quiet on Set" -- since it touches on a lot of former child stars during Nickelodeon's heyday ... which is why this sighting of her out and about in L.A. is so interesting.

As you can see ... Amanda's sporting a colorful hairdo here -- namely, blonde on top with blue extensions. It's certainly a unique style -- and kinda in line with how she's rockin' lately.

Amanda has obviously been out of the spotlight for years now -- although these days, she's shown signs of putting herself out there again ... through podcasts and other ventures. Of course, with this Nickelodeon doc coming out ... many have wondered if she'd come forward to make allegations of her own, but so far -- there's no indication she's set to speak out.

Drake, on the other hand, is prepared to break his silence ... which is huge in itself.

Remember, he starred on "The Amanda Show" from 1999 to 2002 before getting his own Nickelodeon show in 2004 ... and he's among the former child stars who are going to speak out in the doc.

The network says Drake will make claims against Peck, who worked on "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh" as a dialogue coach.

Peck pled no contest in 2004 to performing a lewd act with a 14- or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16 ... and when the doc comes out later this month, Drake is expected to allege he was one of Peck's victims from that case.

Drake remained anonymous for decades ... but now he, and others, are speaking out about the bad things that allegedly happened during their Nickelodeon days.

Peck's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- including Amanda's, BTW -- and recently, some "Boy Meets World" stars said in hindsight they regret their affiliation with him back in the day. Yes, he was hobnobbing with kid actors in those days too.

Amanda's been mum on the whole subject thus far ... and it's unclear what message she's trying to send with this fashion statement, if any.

From the outside looking in, she seems to be telegraphing ... don't mind me, I'm sitting this one out.

Jalen Hurts Shaves Off Signature Goatee ... Fans Want It Back!!!

Jalen Hurts is sportin' a new look for the first time in YEARS -- he's shaved off his signature goatee ... but fans are already demanding he grow it back.

The Philadelphia Eagles QB took the razor to his face sometime between last month's NFL Pro Bowl Games and a trip to the dentist's office this week ... and so far, it's been met with mixed reviews, to say the least.

Remember, Hurts has rocked the facial hair since his college days -- and no one's really seen him with a babyface since.

But, in a smiling photo posted fresh out of a dentist's chair in Philadelphia on Thursday ... you can see clear as day, the face fuzz is no more.

Fans -- especially the female ones -- expressed their frustration with his new appearance on social media ... with one writing, "The goatee gave him a harder, no nonsense, 'Don't f*** with me' look."

Another person said on X, "He aged 75 years in the offseason." Someone else accused the pic of being AI-generated!!

Don't worry, the Eagles' 2024 season is still roughly six months away ... giving Jalen plenty of time to have it all well-groomed again for Philadelphia's Week 1.

Oscars 2024 Se despliega la alfombra roja... Preparativos a toda marcha

¡Hollywood está desplegando la alfombra roja para los Oscar este fin de semana! Y lo decimos literalmente porque los trabajadores ya están de rodillas y ocupados con los preparativos para el gran espectáculo.

La icónica entrega de premios se realizará el domingo en el famoso Teatro Dolby de Hollywood, y es bastante obvio que se necesitan un par de días para transformar el Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood en una alfombra roja para recibir a las estrellas de la lista A.

El equipo se reunió esta mañana para desplegar grandes cantidades de tela roja para cubrir la pasarela por donde pasarán las estrellas. Parece que el rojo y el dorado serán los colores de la noche, a juzgar por las cortinas que se están colocando, algo que no es extraño porque esa suele ser la temática de los Oscar.

Por supuesto, las plantillas de las estatuillas de los Oscar están muy presentes en todo el espacio, como si se nos fuese a olvidar la entrega de premios que estamos viendo. El caso es que, ¡ya están preparando el lugarl!

La Academia hace esto todos los años, pero siempre es fascinante de ver.

Se espera que superestrellas como Margot Robbie, Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr., Ryan Gosling y America Ferrera asistan este domingo, ya que todos están nominados en la noche más grande del cine.

Es seguro decir, que el lugar será aprobado por los A-listers, igual como pasó en 2023.

El año pasado la entrega de premios contó con actores de la talla de Austin Butler, Ana de Armas, Angela Bassett, Jamie Lee Curtis y Cate Blanchett, quienes vistieron sus mejores atuendos y posaron para las cámaras.

Echa un vistazo a las fotos tras bambalinas del año pasado, como una muestra de lo que está por venir.

Oscars 2024 Red Carpet Getting Rolled Out ... BTS Prep Fully Underway

Hollywood is rolling out the red carpet for the Oscars this weekend ... and we mean that literally -- 'cause workers are already knee-deep in prep work for the big show!

The iconic awards show will kick off Sunday at the famed Dolby Theatre in Hollywood -- and it's pretty obvious it takes a few days to transform the Hollywood Walk of Fame into an A-list-ready red carpet ... as you can see, people were already hard at work starting Wednesday.

Crew members came together to roll out massive amounts of red fabric in order to cover up the star-studded walkway. It looks like red and gold will be the colors of the evening, if all the drapes that are going up are any indication. No surprise ... that's usually the Oscars' theme.

Of course, stencils of Oscar statuettes are heavily featured throughout the space ... as if we'd forget which awards show we're watching. Point is ... they're getting the joint ready to go!

They do this every year -- but it's always fascinating to see what goes into making the venue actor-ready once cameras start rolling later this weekend. Clearly, there's a lot of work BTS.

Superstars like Margot Robbie, Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr., Ryan Gosling and America Ferrera are expected to attend ... as they're all big nominees heading into Tinseltown's biggest night.

Safe to say ... this thing will be backed with A-listers -- similar to how the 2023 show was.

That's to be expected, of course. Last year's awards show featured the likes of Austin Butler, Ana de Armas, Angela Bassett, Jamie Lee Curtis and Cate Blanchett ... all of whom stepped out for the event and posed for cameras.

Take a peek at last year's behind-the-scenes pics above for a taste of what's to come!

Mathew Knowles Beyoncé's Got Hair Care In Her Blood ... Salon Was Houston's Best!!!

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Mathew Knowles says his daughter Beyoncé knows all about the world of hair care ... 'cause he and her mama Tina ran the best salon in The Bayou City -- according to him.

We caught up with Knowles in NYC Tuesday and asked about Bey's blossoming hair care line Cécred ... which has drawn some criticism online since Queen Bey wears hair extensions, leading some to question what she knows about taking care of natural hair.

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Lots of fans are rushing to Bey's defense online, but there are still some out there who say they won't buy the product 'cause they're not sure they know what her real hair looks like.

But, Mathew's saying none of that should matter 'cause she should know all about how to keep hair happy and healthy -- after all, he and Tina Knowles ran the best salon in Houston for nearly two decades

Of course, we had to ask MK about former Destiny's Child member Kelly Rowland walking off the set of "TODAY" -- and he says it's totally out of character for her.

Kelly bailed on guest hosting "TODAY" because she wasn't satisfied with the dressing room.

Knowles said he views Kelly as a daughter, and he can't imagine her ever having a diva attitude ... so, seems like he's firmly on KR's side.

Mathew's view on both issues seems basically the same ... people need to chill out and let both his children embrace their destinies!!!


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completamente válido

Mathew Knowles dice que su hija Beyoncé sabe todo sobre el mundo del cuidado del cabello, porque él y su mamá Tina dirigieron el mejor salón de belleza en The Bayou City, según él.

Nos pusimos al día con Knowles en Nueva York el martes y le preguntamos acerca de la floreciente línea de cuidado del cabello de Bey que ha suscitado algunas críticas en línea, ya que Queen Bey lleva extensiones en el cabello, llevando a algunos a cuestionar lo que sabe sobre el cuidado del cabello natural.

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Muchos fans se apresuran a la defensa de Bey en línea, pero todavía hay algunos por ahí que dicen que no van a comprar el producto porque no están seguros de saber cómo es su pelo real.

Sin embargo, Mathew dice que nada de eso debería importar porque ella debe saber todo acerca de cómo mantener el cabello feliz y saludable, después de todo, él y Tina Knowles dirigieron el mejor salón de Houston durante casi dos décadas

Por supuesto, tuvimos que preguntarle a Mathew sobre la ex integrante de Destiny's Child Kelly Rowland caminando fuera del set de "TODAY", y él dice que es a ella le falta mucho carácter.

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Kelly abandonó el programa "TODAY" porque no estaba satisfecha con el vestuario.

Knowles dijo que ve a Kelly como una hija y que no puede imaginarla nunca teniendo una actitud de diva, así que parece que está firmemente de su lado.

¡La opinión de Mathew sobre ambos temas parece básicamente la misma, la gente necesita relajarse y dejar que sus dos hijos abracen sus destinos!

Heather Gay Body Positivity's a 'Big Lie' ... Ozempic the Way to Go!!!


One of the 'Real Housewives' is saying the quiet part out loud ... Heather Gay is calling BS on all the talk about body positivity -- flat out saying, "It is better not to be overweight."

The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" cast member went off about weight issues during a sit down with "20/20" co-anchor and ABC senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts.

In the Friday night "Impact x Nightline" segment, Heather fired back at critics of Ozempic and other weight loss meds. She said, "I’ve sold out, I’ve given up the banner of you know, accept yourself. And it’s disappointing and sad to know that body positivity was all a big lie. It is better not to be overweight.”

She also admitted, "I didn’t want to show up at another party and see all of my friends 20 pounds thinner and just be resentful."

Once she started shedding pounds, Heather says she noticed treating her differently -- "For the first time, I was being valued by my castmates, by the public, in a way that I had never been valued before. And that felt to me … sad.”

Her overall message here is ... people give a lot of lip service to the idea of body positivity, but the reality is society loves you more when you're in better shape.

Fact is, even the supremely accomplished Oprah Winfrey has said how much better she feels having dropped at least 40 lbs while using medication.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George and several other celebs are publicly embracing the use of weight loss meds -- and, for her part, Heather's saying why the hell wouldn't you??

It's a totally relevant point that the National Institutes of Health says obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, only behind tobacco.


Una de las "Real Housewives" está dándo de que hablar. Heather Gay está llamando una "mentira" todo lo que tiene que ver con la positividad del cuerpo, diciendo: "Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

La "Real Housewives de Salt Lake City" miembro del elenco, se refirió a cuestiones de peso con Deborah Roberts de ABC News.

En el segmento del viernes por la noche de "Impact x Nightline", Heather respondió a las críticas sobre Ozempic y otros medicamentos para perder peso. Dijo: "Me he vendido, he renunciado a la bandera de, ya sabes, acéptate a ti misma. Y es decepcionante y triste saber que la positividad corporal era una gran mentira. Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

También admitió: "No quería aparecer en otra fiesta y ver a todas mis amigas nueve kilos más delgadas y estar resentida".

Una vez que empezó a perder kilos, Heather dice que se dio cuenta de que la trataban de manera diferente, "Por primera vez estaba siendo valorada por mis compañeros de reparto y por el público de una manera que nunca había sido valorada antes. Y eso me pareció... triste".

Su mensaje general es que la gente habla mucho sobre la idea de la positividad corporal, pero la realidad es que la sociedad te quiere más cuando estás en mejor forma.

El hecho es que incluso Oprah Winfrey ha dicho lo mucho mejor que se siente después de haber bajado al menos 40 libras mientras usaba la famosa medicina.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George y varias otras celebridades están abrazando públicamente el uso de medicamentos para perder peso, y por su parte, Heather dice ¿por qué diablos no lo harías?

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Es un punto totalmente relevante que los Institutos Nacionales de Salud digan que la obesidad es la segunda causa de muerte prevenible en Estados Unidos, solo por detrás del tabaco.


Kim Kardashian y Anya Taylor-Joy están siendo acusadas de perpetuar lo que algunos consideran lo contrario de la positividad corporal.

Kim es la última en ser criticada, aunque a Anya ya le pasó a principios de semana. La Kardashian publicó algunas fotos con un corsé de Mugler que hace que su cintura parezca diminuta y mucha gente no estuvo contenta.

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La gente vino por ella en los comentarios, acusándola de establecer estándares de belleza poco realistas para las mujeres, mientras que otros la llamaron por promover un ideal de delgadez imposible. Por supuesto, todo lo que Kim hizo fue publicar las fotos y mencionar la marca.

Todo lo demás que se está diciendo en esta conversación es solo gente proyectando sus interpretaciones y quejas, y sin embargo, ella sigue siendo criticada. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

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Kim no es la única que la gente está criticando en línea esta semana por usar corsé, Anya también ha recibido quejas por lo mismo.

La actriz compartió una instantánea en blanco y negro luciendo un corsé de una prueba de Maison Margiela antes del estreno de "Dune 2" y ella también fue atacada por normalizar y dar glamour a su pequeña figura, cuando, en realidad, no muchas personas se ven así.

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Ninguna de las dos estrellas ha abordado todas las críticas que están recibiendo, pero la gente está haciendo mucho ruido al respecto.

KIM K, ANYA TAYLOR-JOY SPARK Body Positivity CONTROVERSY By Posting Corset Photos

Kim Kardashian's catching some heat for rocking a corset, as is Anya Taylor-Joy ... both of whom are being accused of perpetuating what some consider the opposite of body positivity.

Kim is the latest one to get backlash -- although, Anya kicked it all off earlier in the week. KK posted some photos of herself wearing a Mugler corset that makes her waist look teeny-tiny ... and a lot of people weren't happy with it.

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People came for her in the comments ... accusing her of setting unrealistic beauty standards for women, while others called her out for promoting an impossible skinny ideal on her platform. Of course, all Kim did, really, was post the pics and mention the brand.

Everything else that's being kicked around in this convo is just people projecting their interpretations/gripes ... and yet, she's still getting dragged. What else is new?

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FWIW, Kim isn't the only one who people are bashing online this week over corset looks -- Anya has also been getting criticism for her own photo with a corset on.

The actress shared a B&W snap of herself wearing a corset from a Maison Margiela fitting ahead of the 'Dune 2' premiere ... and she too was lambasted for what some consider normalizing and glamorizing her tiny frame -- when, in reality, not many people look like this.

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Neither A-lister has addressed all the flak they're getting ... but people are making a lot of noise about it regardless.

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Olivia Wilde Shows Off Revenge Bod In NSFW Look at Paris Fashion Week

Olivia Wilde had all eyes on her at the YSL fashion show in Paris ... this as she put her body on full display with a bodysuit that showed off what she's working with upstairs.

Check out these photos of the director/actress confidently striking a pose Tuesday while attending a runway show for the Parisian fashion house -- beaming while wearing the black, see-through look on the red carpet. Yes, her breasts are visible in the sheer outfit.

There were other stars at this event too, BTW ... but Olivia was definitely the highlight.

The "House" alum paired the racy item with dark leather gloves, tinted shades and sexy pumps -- only further highlighting her spicy outfit ... and even spicier attitude.

Hard to tell what her intention here was ... but Olivia seems to be telegraphing that she ain't afraid to put it all out there in the aftermath of her high-profile splits from exes Jason Sudeikis and Harry Styles -- both of whom have moved on to new relationships.

ICYMI ... the 39-year-old actress split from longtime love Jason in 2020 ... after welcoming two children together over the course of their 9-year relationship. The "Ted Lasso" creator has since been linked to actresses Keeley Hazell and Elsie Hewitt.

Olivia then infamously dated the One Direction singer while working on her psychological thriller starring Florence Pugh.

Of course, as TMZ previously reported ... Olivia and Harry called it quits in November 2022 -- although, Harry still had an "Olivia" tattoo on his thigh as recently as July.

Nonetheless ... we don't anticipate a reconciliation between 'em any time soon -- Harry has been dating actress Taylor Russell since last summer. As for Olivia, she's looking real single right now ... and pretty good too, if we might say so ourselves.

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This 'fit is sure to cause lots of double takes ... so perhaps she won't be unattached much longer.

Camille Kostek, Lindsey Pelas B. Mahomes' S.I. Debut ... Can Kickstart Modeling Career!!!

You Never Know

Brittany Mahomes' Sports Illustrated Swimsuit debut might just be the beginning ... 'cause two big-time models tell TMZ Sports the Kansas City Chiefs superstar's wife could use the opportunity to launch a modeling career!!

Camille Kostek -- who graced the popular magazine's cover in 2019 -- said she's always loved how women use the platform to showcase themselves to the world ... and that's something Brittany can do now, too.

Despite being in the S.I. fam for years, Rob Gronkowski's girlfriend said folks kept things under wraps right up until the announcement ... so she found out the big news just like everyone else.

But now that the cat's out of the bag, Camille is welcoming Brittany with open arms ... and thinks there could be more time in front of the camera moving forward for Mahomes -- if she so wishes.

Women Can Do Anything!

As for anyone hating on Brittany's moment, fellow model Lindsey Pelas has a bit of advice for the mom of two.

"There's gonna be haters in every job and any industry, but who gives a s***. F*** haters!!"

As we previously reported, Mahomes was named an S.I. Swimsuit rookie for 2024 last week ... something she said was a wish come true.

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"I want people to know that they can accomplish anything, even things you never thought would be possible in your wildest dreams," Brittany said after the reveal.

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Sunbathin' Brittany

Sounds like she's got two mentors to hit up if she ever needs some pointers!!

Sofia Vergara 'Shut Up' Kelly Clarkson!!! 'Griselda' Makeup Took Hours

It Took Hours

Sofia Vergara's used to making everything she does look easy ... but she wants a bit more credit for "Griselda" -- even if she's gotta tell her pal Kelly Clarkson to zip it.

The actress hit up "The Kelly Clarkson Show" Wednesday to talk about her new Netflix limited series, and KC tried giving Sofia and the makeup team props for making the changes to her face seem very subtle.

But, the 51-year-old actress freaked out at that, and immediately questioned Kelly's sanity ... before popping off about all of the painstakingly dramatic changes the team made to her face and hair!

You gotta watch, because this is where it gets hilarious ... Kelly desperately tries to dig her way out of the hole, only to have Sofia jokingly tell her to "shut up."

Kelly's Olympic-level backpedal aside, Sofia was spot on about the makeover she underwent to play cartel queen Griselda Blanco -- full-on plaster mask, eyebrows glued on followed by a prosthetic nose and wig.

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Ultimately, Kelly said she looked like a totally different actress while maintaining the look of a real person ... something Sofia was happy with 'cause that's really what she wanted.

Vergara -- who's facing some legal drama because of her involvement with the series -- recently opened up about being typecast in an interview with the Los Angeles Times ... saying her accent has limited the parts she can get.

She said, "I’m always looking for characters because there’s not much that I can play with this stupid accent. I can’t play a scientist or be in ‘Schindler’s List.’ My acting jobs are kind of limited."

That's why drug queen-pin Griselda Blanco's such a great role for her, Sofia admitted ... though she said it was a more difficult process than she's ever previously put herself through.

Sofia said she was freaking out before shooting because she's not a classically trained actress -- she also name-dropped estranged husband Joe Manganiello here since he does have that training -- and worried people would "know that Gloria Pritchett is talking" despite the physical transformation.