Kylie Jenner Vuelve a la era 'King Kylie' con el cabello rosado

Kylie Jenner está volviendo a su era "King Kylie", ¡porque la Kardashian está comenzando el año con el pelo rosado de nuevo!

La magnate de la belleza y el maquillaje mostró su nuevo look en un clip de TikTok el martes, claramente sintiéndose bien con ella misma mientras posaba en su carro. En el pie de foto añadió que este año va a ser todo sobre las vibraciones de 2014.

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También compartió selfies en IG con el nuevo peinado y le preguntó a los fans si la recordaban y por supuesto que lo hicieron, pues dejaron un montón de comentarios emocionados sobre su look, que también ha revisitado en 2016 y 2018.

Kylie le debe mucho a su caballera rosada, la que significó el punto de inicio de su salto a la fama en Instagram una década antes, con sus rellenos de labios sumándose a la histeria colectiva que rodeó a la imagen de la entonces adolescente.

Aunque ha experimentado mucho con su peinado, las extravagantes salpicaduras de color pasaron a un segundo plano en el último año, mientras lucía un look de pelo castaño oscuro más natural.

Se puede argumentar que optó por este cambio para mantener las cosas frescas y picantes con su aclamado novio y actor de Hollywood, Timothée Chalamet. Sea cual sea la razón de este cambio, a sus fans les encanta. "King Kylie" es tendencia ahora mismo en Twitter.

Todo ese período de su pelo colorido ocurrió cuando estaba saltando a la fama y cuando la gente realmente llegó a conocerla por derecho propio como una KarJenner prometedora.

Vamos a decir esto, ella definitivamente está atrayendo un montón de atención de nuevo, y mostrando un poco de personalidad.

Hablando de estar en rosa, ¿eh?


Kylie Jenner is throwing it back to her "King Kylie" era ... cause she's rocking pastel pink hair again!

The beauty/makeup mogul showed off her new bubblegum-pink dye job in a TikTok clip Tuesday ... clearly feeling herself as she posed away in her car -- adding in the caption this year was all about rocking 2014 vibes.

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She also shared IG selfies of the new hairdo ... asking fans if they remembered her -- and sure enough, they did as they left thrilled comments over her comeback look, which she's also revisited in 2016 and 2018.

Kylie owes her candy-colored hair a lot ... it kickstarted her IG fame a decade earlier ... with her lip fillers adding to the mass hysteria surrounding the then-teenager's image the following year.

While she's experimented heavily with her hairstyle, the quirky splashes of color took a backseat over the last year ... as she sported a more natural dark brown hair look.

You could argue she might've opted for this to keep things fresh and spicy with her acclaimed Hollywood actor BF, Timothée Chalamet. Either way, whatever the reason is for the switch-up ... her fans are loving it online ... "King Kylie" is trending right now on Twitter.

This whole period of her rockin' colorful hair was a time when she was blowing up in fame -- and when people really got to know her in her own right as an up-and-coming KarJenner.

We'll say this ... she's definitely making a splash again, and showing off some personality.

Talk about being in the pink, huh?

Sarah Snook 'Succession' Star Belittled Early In Career

Sarah Snook is flying high these days as an awards darling — but she’s had to take some slings and arrows along by the way … according to the woman herself.

The actress -- who just won her second GG as Siobhan Roy in "Succession" --revealed in a new interview with The Times a couple times where she was berated for her appearance ... by other powerful industry pros.

As SS tells it, she landed a role early in her career ... an exciting moment for a struggling young actress that quickly took a turn when a casting director said straight to her face they didn't want to hire her because she was a "nobody."

The casting director explained she only got the job because the writer and director liked her, and she needed to change nearly everything about her appearance ... from whitening her teeth and darkening her hair to losing weight.

A terrible moment that didn't exist in a vacuum ... Snook says after she took the part, agreeing to intense demands regarding appearance she decided to have "the tiniest bit of chocolate cake" -- and all hell broke loose.

A producer started telling her off in front of the cast and crew, she explains, "And all the while I am dying inside. The infantilizing of women, to not be able to make their own decisions, why would we do that to women?”

These sorts of comments and criticisms have been hurled at actors for years ... in 2017 Carey Mulligan talked about feeling "belittled" on film sets while Rose McGowan said she was told she'd only get parts if men found her attractive the following year.

Bottom line ... this sort of bullying isn't new to Hollywood by any means -- and it just makes Snook's recent Golden Globes win even that more impressive.

Now, if a producer or casting director criticizes Sarah's appearance again ... she can always point them to her trophy case 🏆.

FKA Twigs Calvin Klein Ad Pic Banned in UK ... She Claims Double Standard

FKA Twigs recently did a Calvin Klein campaign where she showed a little skin -- which was apparently too risque for the United Kingdom ... but she's calling it BS, and outright unfair.

Here's the deal ... the singer is one of the newest faces for the famed fashion line, and one of the shots that was released as part of her campaign has actually gotten censored in the UK -- all thanks to a government agency known as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

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According to them, this specific ad featuring FKA violates one of its provisions in that it could "present her as a stereotypical sexual object" ... this because the pic places "viewers' focus on the model's body rather than on the clothing being advertised." They go on to say that this image is likely to cause serious offense ... so they're completely yanking it in public.

The photo in question shows Twigs butt naked -- but covered up with a denim shirt of some kind, which is draped over her ... and some side-boob showing, as well as some butt/thigh.

It's not the raciest shot in the world, and yet ... it seems to have been too much for the Brits. FKA came out and slammed the decision, saying she sees herself as a strong woman of color in this photo -- while going on to suggest there are double standards at play here.

She might have a point ... there's another recent Calvin Klein ad with Kendall Jenner -- where she too is somewhat topless -- that's been running in the UK without issue.

Of course, there's also the Jeremy Allen White campaign that dropped last week -- and we're sure that's getting a ton of play across the pond. Unclear if FKA thinks this enforcement on her pertains to race, sex or both ... but in any case, she feels she's getting a raw deal.


She writes, "i am proud of my physicality and hold the art i create with my vessel to the standards of women like josephine baker, eartha kitt and grace jones who broke down barriers of what it looks like to be empowered and harness a unique embodied sensuality."

Calvin Klein themselves came out in Twigs' defense ... saying, "The images were not vulgar and were of two confident and empowered women who had chosen to identify with the Calvin Klein brand, and the ads contained a progressive and enlightened message."

FKA Twigs Su anuncio de Calvin Klein es prohibido en el Reino Unido Ella reclama doble estándar

FKA Twigs hizo una campaña para Calvin Klein recientemente donde mostró un poco de piel, lo que al parecer fue demasiado para el Reino Unido, aunque ella está diciendo que todo es una estupidez y algo abiertamente injusto.

Esta es la cuestión, la cantante es uno de los nuevos rostros de la famosa marca de moda, y una de las fotos que se publicó como parte de su campaña ha sido censurada en el Reino Unido por una agencia gubernamental conocida como Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

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Según ellos, este anuncio específico de FKA viola una de sus disposiciones, pues podría "presentarla como un objeto sexual estereotipado" al poner "el foco de los espectadores en el cuerpo de la modelo en lugar de la ropa que se anuncia."

Continúan diciendo que es probable que esta imagen cause una ofensa grave, por lo que han decidido retirarla completamente del público.

La foto en cuestión muestra el culo desnudo de Twigs, pero cubierto con una camisa de mezclilla de algún tipo sobre ella y un poco de su pecho, así como algunas nalgas y muslos.

No es la foto más sexual del mundo y, sin embargo, parece ser demasiado para los británicos. FKA salió a criticar la decisión, diciendo que se ve a sí misma como una mujer de color fuerte en esa foto. Además, sugirió que hay un doble estándar.

Ella podría tener un punto. Otros anuncios recientes de Calvin Klein con Kendall Jenner algo en topless, han estado funcionando en el Reino Unido sin problemas.

Por supuesto, también está la campaña de Jeremy Allen White que se lanzó la semana pasada, y estamos seguros de que está recibiendo un montón de atención al otro lado del charco. No está claro si FKA piensa que esta decisión sobre ella se refiere a la raza, el sexo o ambos, pero en cualquier caso, siente que está recibiendo un trato injusto.

Ella escribió: "Estoy orgullosa de mi físico y sostengo el arte que creo con mi recipiente (...) como Josephine Baker, Eartha Kitt y Grace Jones, quienes rompieron las barreras de lo que parece estar empoderado y encarnaron una sensualidad única".

La propia Calvin Klein salió en defensa de Twigs diciendo: "Las imágenes no eran vulgares y eran de dos mujeres seguras de sí mismas y empoderadas que habían elegido identificarse con la marca Calvin Klein y los anuncios contenían un mensaje progresista e ilustrado".

Lukas Gage Lo de Raya no fue un dardo a my ex... Todo bien con Chris!!!

No lo quise opacar

Lukas Gage está aclarando los comentarios que hizo sobre una aplicación de citas. Dice que no deben ser interpretados como un golpe a su ex marido, Chris Appleton.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "White Lotus" el martes cerca del gimnasio DOGPOUND en West Hollywood y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó si estaba faltándole el respeto a Chris con su indirecta sobre Raya, una red social privada basada en las membresías.

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Reparto repleto de celebridades

Recuerden, cuando nos encontramos con Lukas la semana pasada, después de que su perfil de Hinge acabara de aparecer, nos dijo que se fue con Hinge en vez de Raya porque estaba buscando a personas "reales" y no "influencers".

Algunos tomaron las palabras de Lukas como un dardo hacia su marido separado, ya que Chris es un estilista de celebridades.

Pero Lukas está conteniendo el ruido en ese frente, diciéndonos que no estaba criticando a Chris y que todo está bien con su ex.

Parece que Lukas está al tanto de los rumores y está aclarando las cosas.

Lukas Gage Raya Dig Wasn't Shot at My Ex ... All Good With Chris!!!


Lukas Gage is clarifying some comments he made about a dating app ... telling us they shouldn't be perceived as a swipe at his estranged husband, Chris Appleton.

We got the "White Lotus" star Tuesday near DOGPOUND Gym in West Hollywood and our photog asked him if he was dissing Chris with his dig at Raya ... a private, membership-based social networking app.

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Remember ... when we got Lukas last week -- after his Hinge profile had just popped up -- he told us he went with Hinge over Raya because he was looking for "real ones" and not "influencer" types.

Some took Lukas' words as a shot at his estranged husband ... seeing as Chris is a celeb hairstylist.


But, Lukas is pumping the brakes on that front ... telling us he wasn't throwing shade at Chris and everything is all good with his ex.

Seems Lukas is well aware of the scuttlebutt ... and he's setting the record straight.

Paul Mitchell's Son Angus Mitchell Dead At 53 ... Found in Swimming Pool

Angus Mitchell, the only child of world-famous hairstylist Paul Mitchell, has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us they got a call just after 6 AM Wednesday to Angus' home in Honolulu for a male who appeared to have drowned in a pool. We're told Angus was pronounced dead at the scene. At this time, there's no official cause of death.

Angus had spent Tuesday night with friends at his home, sharing a video of himself enjoying Hawaiian music with others.

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Angus is the co-owner of John Paul Mitchell Systems, which was founded by his father back in 1980. He inherited his dad's stake in JPMS and its schools after his dad's death from pancreatic cancer in 1989.

Angus went to school for hairstyling, but once said most of what he learned came from his pops -- he worked in Hawaii for a number of years before opening the Angus Mitchell Salon in Beverly Hills in 2010.

Apart from traveling the world on behalf of JPMS, Angus also made a name for himself as an educator ... as well as a model and spokesman for MITCH -- a men's line under the JPMS brand.

He married Michelle Raab on the island back in 2010, and remarried twice ... once with Sian, whom he shares 8-year-old Dylan with, and his current wife, Mara.

Hairstyling was in Angus' blood from the beginning -- although he once admitted the path he ended up going down as a career was "one of the more difficult" ones he chose.

Angus took home multiple awards over the years -- including #1 Platform Artist by Be magazine, a whole day named after him in Beverly Hills, and 3 awards on behalf of the Alternative Hair Show, which raises money for leukemia research.

Angus was 53.


Hijo de Paul Mitchell Angus Mitchell muere a los 53 años Encontrado en una piscina

Angus Mitchell, el único hijo del mundialmente famoso estilista Paul Mitchell, ha muerto ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que recibieron una llamada justo después de las 6 de la mañana del miércoles en la casa de Angus en Honolulu, por un hombre que parecía haberse ahogado en una piscina. Nos que dicen Angus fue declarado muerto en la escena. Por el momento, no hay causa oficial de muerte.

Angus había pasado la noche del martes con amigos en su casa, incluso había compartido un video suyo disfrutando de la música hawaiana con los demás.

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Pasando el rato con amigos

Angus es copropietario de John Paul Mitchell Systems, fundada por su padre en 1980. Heredó la participación de su padre en JPMS y sus escuelas tras su muerte en 1989, a causa de un cáncer de páncreas.

Angus fue a la escuela de peluquería, pero una vez dijo que la mayor parte de lo que aprendió provino de su padre. Trabajó en Hawái durante varios años antes de abrir el Angus Mitchell Salon en Beverly Hills en 2010.

Además de viajar por el mundo en nombre de JPMS, Angus también se hizo un nombre como educador, modelo y portavoz de MITCH, una línea masculina bajo la marca JPMS.

Se casó con Michelle Raab en la isla en 2010 y se volvió a casar dos veces, una con Sian, con quien comparte a Dylan, de 8 años, y con su actual esposa, Mara.

La peluquería estaba en la sangre de Angus, aunque una vez admitió que el camino que terminó eligiendo como carrera fue "uno de los más difíciles".

Angus se llevó a casa múltiples premios a lo largo de los años, incluyendo Artista #1 de Plataforma por la revista Be, un día entero con su nombre en Beverly Hills y 3 premios en nombre del Alternative Hair Show, que recauda dinero para la investigación de la leucemia.

Angus tenía 53 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Kelly Clarkson Su ex supuestamente dijo... No eres lo suficientemente sexy para 'Voice'

Kelly Clarkson afirma que su exmarido y ex manager le dijo que no era lo suficientemente sexy para aparecer como jueza en "The Voice", a pesar de que finalmente lo consiguió.

La ex participante de 'Idol' al parecer hizo la alegación sobre Brandon Blackstock -con quien se divorció en 2022- a un comisionado de trabajo de California en 2023 al tratar de determinar cómo había manejado Brandon sus finanzas durante su relación, según un documento judicial obtenido por el Post.

Según el medio, Clarkson dio testimonio en el que alegó que Blackstock le había dicho que no pasaría como entrenadora de 'The Voice' porque no tenía el atractivo para ello.

Según los informes, Blackstock le dijo que la NBC estaba "buscando a alguien más del tipo símbolo sexual". Luego, supuestamente invocó el nombre de Rihanna como una comparación para señalar que Kelly no se parecía a ella, y citó que esta era una razón para no perseguir el trabajo de coaching que quería.

Kelly al parecer le había transmitido a Blackstock que quería unirse al panel de jueces por un tiempo, pero este la habría rechazado, argumentando que no solo no era lo suficientemente guapa para la televisión, sino que la cadena estaba interesada en contratar a una estrella negra.

Al parecer, Blackstock dijo que Kelly y el entonces juez Blake Shelton eran "demasiado parecidos". Por supuesto, Kelly finalmente se unió a "The Voice" en 2018 y se quedó durante varias temporadas. Blackstock testificó que le consiguió el trabajo a Kelly en 2017 después de conversar con un ejecutivo de NBC y amenazarla con que volvería a 'Idol' si no la contrataban, y cuando le preguntó qué necesitaban para engancharla en NBC, según los informes, dijo que iba a costarles el "dinero de Blake."

La acusación se produce en medio de un reciente hallazgo por el mismo comisionado de trabajo de California de que Blackstock habría cobrado de más a Kelly durante su relación profesional, que coincidió con su matrimonio. TMZ fue el primero en dar a conocer la noticia, ahora él le debe $2,6 millones por los honorarios que cobró.

Ese dinero en efectivo también tiene que ver con este drama de "The Voice". La comisión de trabajo descubrió que este habría cobrado alrededor de $1,98 millones de más en coordinar y apuntar su participación. Blackstock ha prometido que va a apelar.

Kelly Clarkson Ex Allegedly Said ... Ya Ain't Sexy Enough for 'Voice'

Kelly Clarkson claims her ex-husband/former manager told her she wasn't hot enough to appear as a judge on "The Voice" ... even though she eventually got the gig.

The 'Idol' alum reportedly made the allegation about Brandon Blackstock -- who she divorced in 2022 -- to a California labor commissioner in '23 while trying to determine how BB had handled her finances during their relationship, per a court doc obtained by the Post.

According to the outlet, Clarkson gave testimony in which she alleged Blackstock had told her she wouldn't pass as a 'Voice' coach 'cause she didn't have the sex appeal for it.

She reportedly said Blackstock told her NBC was "looking for a more sex symbol type" ... and then allegedly invoked Rihanna's name as a comparison to point out who Kelly did not look like, and which he cited as a reason for not pursuing the coaching gig she wanted.

Kelly had apparently relayed to Blackstock she wanted to join the panel of judges for a while -- but went on to claim Blackstock rebuffed her, arguing back that not only was she not good looking enough for 'TV,' but claiming the network was interested in signing a Black star.

Blackstock reportedly said Kelly and then-judge Blake Shelton were just "too similar." Of course, Kelly did eventually join "The Voice" in 2018 ... and stayed on for several seasons. Blackstock testified that he got Kelly the job in 2017 after going to an NBC exec and threatening that she'd go back to 'Idol' if they didn't sign her ... and when asked what it would take to snag her at NBC, he reportedly said it was going to cost "Blake money."

The allegation comes amid a recent finding by the same CA labor commissioner that Blackstock had overcharged Kelly during their professional relationship -- which coincided with their marriage. TMZ broke the story ... he now owes her $2.6 mil for fees he collected.


That cash also touched on this 'Voice' drama ... where the labor commission found he'd overcharged her about $1.98 million in booking the gig. Blackstock has vowed to appeal.

YFN Lucci Haircut, Shave, New Clothes Coming Up ... Gotta Look Fresh For Court!!!

YFN Lucci is going to great lengths to look like his usual self when he enters a Georgia courtroom to stand trial for murder -- the incarcerated rapper got the judge's approval for some professional grooming.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Lucci has the greenlight to get a haircut and shave ahead of his trial ... and it seems like he'll be rocking a new suit too. The judge also granted him a contact visit, so a tailor could get his proper measurements.

Lucci's been locked up since the top of 2021 on murder charges, and his road to redemption hasn't been a cakewalk -- just ask his legal counsel.


TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Lucci claims he was stabbed by a fellow inmate in February 2022, but he has been unsuccessful in attempting to bond out of jail ahead of the trial.

It remains to be seen what sort of defense he presents, but he's at least looking to impress the court with his personal presentation.

Blac Chyna dice que la cirugía de reducción de implantes mamarios le causó complicaciones de salud

dando explicaciones

Angela White, antes Blac Chyna, va por un nuevo look, y dice que la reducción del tamaño de sus implantes mamarios ha sido un proceso doloroso.

Chyna dice que recientemente decidió disminuir sus implantes mamarios con múltiples cirugías que condujeron a algunas complicaciones de salud.

Chyna dice que hizo el cambio porque ya no se sentía que unas grandes tetas falsas encajen con su tipo de cuerpo, pero debido a que ha tenido tantos implantes en los últimos años, tuvo que reducir gradualmente los implantes para llegar a su tamaño deseado.

Chyna dice que ha tenido dos cirugías recientes para pasar de implantes de 585cc a 190cc y uno de los procedimientos resultó en que su seno izquierdo se encapsuló. En otras palabras, su músculo se contrajo alrededor del implante.

La cosa es que Chyna dice que es la primera vez que lidia con los efectos secundarios de los implantes mamarios, calificándolo como el peor resultado posible.

nuevo año, nueva mujer

Aunque Chyna dice que ha sido doloroso, se está recuperando y está amando su nuevo aspecto y se ve feliz por su futuro.

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Chyna dice que va a retomar el atletismo en 2024, con el objetivo de terminar un maratón.

Blac Chyna I Got My Breast Implants Reduced ... Suffered Surgery Complications

Itty Bitty Committee

Angela White, formerly Blac Chyna, is going for a new look ... and she says reducing the size of her breast implants has been a painful process.

Chyna says she recently decided to decrease her breast implants, with multiple plastic surgeries leading to some health complications.

BC says she made the change because she no longer felt large fake boobs fit her body type ... but because she's had so many implants over the years, she needed to gradually reduce the implants to get to her desired size.

Chyna says she's had two recent surgeries to go from 585cc implants to 190cc ... and one procedure resulted in her left breast being encapsulated. In other words, her muscle contracted around the implant.

Thing is ... Chyna says it's the first time she's dealt with side effects from breast implants, calling it the worst possible outcome.


While Chyna says it's been painful, she's on the mend ... and she's loving her new look and happy about her future.

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BC says she's going to pick up running in 2024 ... with her goal to finish a marathon, which may be easier now that she's part of what she calls the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee."


Brooke Hogan is a married woman ... and has been so for over a year!!

Sources close to Brooke tell TMZ ... she tied the knot with ice hockey player Steven Oleksy June 8, 2022, in a private ceremony in Orlando, FL ... and we can also share the first-look image of the pair shortly after being pronounced husband and wife.

Brooke looks stunning in bridal white ... walking away from the altar hand-in-hand with her suited and booted new husband.

We're told it was only the 2 of them during the ceremony ... though earlier this month, they had a reception with Steven's side of the family in Michigan to celebrate.

Steven -- a professional ice hockey defenseman who played for the Washington Capitals and Pittsburgh Penguins -- slid into Brooke's heart after they met through mutual friends.

It's been a good ol' time lately for Brooke ... who's also doing great on the career front ... running her own Nashville-based interior design firm, BB Designs by Brooke.

She's also been working on new music ... releasing a new single this month called "Don't Know It Yet."

Congrats Brother!!!

Brooke Hogan Se casa en secreto con un jugador de hockey el año pasado!!!

¡¡¡Brooke Hogan es una mujer casada y lo ha sido durante más de un año!!!

Fuentes cercanas a Brooke le dicen a TMZ que ató el nudo con el jugador de hockey sobre hielo Steven Oleksy el 8 de junio de 2022, en una ceremonia privada en Orlando, Florida y también podemos compartir la primera imagen de la pareja poco después de ser declarados marido y mujer.

Brooke se ve impresionante en su vestido blanco, mientras se aleja del altar de la mano de su marido, todo elegante de traje y botas.

Nos dicen que solo estuvieron ellos 2 en la ceremonia, aunque a principios de este mes, tuvieron una recepción con la familia de Steven en Michigan para celebrar.

Steven, un defensa profesional de hockey sobre hielo que jugó para los Washington Capitals y los Pittsburgh Penguins, se robó el corazón de Brooke después de que se conocieran a través de amigos en común.

Ha sido un buen tiempo para Brooke últimamente, quien también lo está haciendo muy bien en lo profesional, con la gestión de su propia empresa de diseño de interiores, BB Designs by Brooke, con sede en Nashville.

También ha estado trabajando en nueva música, con el lanzamiento de un nuevo single este mes llamado "Don't Know It Yet".

¡¡¡Felicidades, hermano!!!

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