LACMA Gala A-Listers Become Tourists Flock to Urban Light Display!!!

There was a big shindig at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art this weekend -- and a crap ton of A-listers showed up ... doing their best impression of a tourist along the way.

The event was a LACMA Art and Film Gala -- sponsored by Gucci -- that was hosted by a trustee of the institution, Eva Chow, and one Leo DiCaprio ... where everyone was coming together Saturday to honor artist Judy Baca, and pat themselves on the back, etc.

In other words, just another reason to get dressed up and step out in La La Land -- and the stars who attended certainly didn't disappoint ... nor did they miss the chance to pose at one of the most iconic IG-friendly spots in L.A., which is normally crawling with sightseers.

Of course, we're talking about the Urban Light display right outside of LACMA's front doors -- and right next to the tar pits there too, which stink to high heaven. A lot going on there!

Anyway, take a peek at who swung by to be fancy and flashy in front of the famed forest of street lamps that folks like to run through and snap pics in front of ... just about everyone got the opportunity to act like an out-of-towner, and they all certainly took it.

Kim K struck a pose, as did Ben and Jen ... and let's not forget Paris Hilton, Salma Hayek, Heidi Klum and Lenny Kravitz, just to name a few. BTW, Lupita N'yongo and Jodie Turner-Smith were both also there ... which is a little awkward considering the Joshua Jackson connection they share lately. Unclear if they crossed paths, but each came off as chill.

At any rate ... looked like a fun night out, and it also seems they booted all the normies. 😅

Gotta say, there's something about the lighting those lamps offer ... everyone always looks great in it, and perhaps doubly so for celebs. Now then ... on to the Griffith Observatory!

Kourtney Kardashian Strong Evidence She's Given Birth Travis, Kylie at Hospital

There is growing evidence Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are welcoming their son Rocky into the world ... although we don't know for certain she's had the baby, we'll lay out what we do know, and the biggest clue involves Travis Barker and Kylie Jenner.

This past Monday, we began receiving tips Kourtney showed up at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. On the one hand, lots of people know the Kardashians typically give birth at that hospital, so it's not automatically a lock the tips are accurate.

But then, we've been in touch with various people in the Kardashian orbit, and they have been unusually sketchy on the subject. The only clear fact we confirmed is that her due date was this week. One source said labor would be induced.

And that brings us to the next clue ... Travis and Kourtney have said they wanted the baby to be born on Halloween, which was this past Tuesday. If this was an induced birth and she was due this week, that kinda makes sense.

And now, the kickers ... Check out the photo of Travis Barker's reflection from the side mirror as he pulled into Cedars Thursday afternoon.

And then there's a photo of Kylie Jenner's Range Rover pulling into Cedars Thursday around 3:30 PM. Witnesses eyeballed her as she entered the facility.

All in all, our money is on Kourtney gave birth this week.


Stay tuned ...

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN Fuerte evidencia de que dio a luz Travis y Kylie en el hospital

Cada vez hay más pruebas de que Kourtney Kardashian y Travis Barker están dando la bienvenida al mundo a su hijo Rocky, aunque no sabemos con certeza si tuvo al bebé, vamos a exponer lo que sí sabemos, y la mayor pista implica a Travis Barker y Kylie Jenner.

El pasado lunes, empezamos a recibir pistas de que Kourtney se presentó en el Cedars-Sinai Medical Center en Los Ángeles. Primero que todo, muchos saben que las Kardashians suelen dar a luz en ese hospital, aunque eso no implica que siempre sea así.

Además de eso, hemos estado en contacto con varias personas de la órbita Kardashian, quienes han sido inusualmente escuetos sobre el tema. El único hecho que confirmamos es que su fecha de parto era esta semana. Una fuente dijo que el parto sería inducido.

Y eso nos lleva a la siguiente pista... Travis y Kourtney han dicho que querían que el bebé naciera en Halloween, que fue este martes pasado. Si se trata de un parto inducido, que estaba previsto para esta semana, tiene un poco de sentido.

Y ahora, las mayores pistas... Echa un vistazo a la foto de Travis Barker desde el espejo lateral cuando se detuvo en Cedars el jueves por la tarde, donde se lo ve muy reflexivo.

Y luego está la foto del Range Rover de Kylie Jenner entrando al Cedars el jueves alrededor de las 3:30 PM. Los testigos la vieron mientras estaba entrando en las instalaciones.

En definitiva, apostamos a que Kourtney dio a luz esta semana.

Estén muy atentos.


La ex estrella infantil Adam Wylie fue arrestado en California, esto después de que trató de salir de la tienda sin pagar por un montón de cosas.

La policía de Burbank le informó a TMZ que el equipo de prevención de pérdidas en la tienda Target local vio a Adam el viernes 13 tomando productos de salud y belleza de un estante y los puso en un carrito de compras con algunos otros artículos.

Dicen que Adam luego se dirigió a la zona de auto-caja y solo escaneó algunos de los artículos de su carrito antes de tratar de salir por la puerta. Una vez que salió del edificio fue abordado por la seguridad de la tienda y escoltado de nuevo en el interior.

Se nos dice que los artículos recuperados por un total de $108 y la policía de Burbank llegó poco después, citando a Wylie por hurto antes de liberarlo.

Los fans pueden recordar a Adam por su papel de Zachary en la serie de los 90 "Picket Fences", interpretando al hijo del sheriff Brock. También apareció en "Kindergarten Cop", la película de Disney Channel "Under Wraps", e incluso apareció en Broadway en "Into the Woods" en 2002.

Adam también ha demostrado sus habilidades como mago en los últimos años, pero parece que su juego de manos no funcionó esta vez.

'Picket Fences' Star Adam Wylie Arrested for Shoplifting ... Allegedly Hit Target

Former child actor Adam Wylie -- who starred on the hit show, "Picket Fences" -- is in a little hot water for hitting up the ol' Target boutique and allegedly leaving without paying for a bunch of stuff.

Burbank PD tells TMZ ... the loss prevention team at the local Target store spotted Adam on Friday the 13th -- what luck -- taking health and beauty products from a display shelf and loading them in a shopping cart with other items.

They say Adam headed to the self-checkout area, but only scanned some of the items from his cart before heading for the exit. Once he got outside with the merch, store security nabbed him.

We're told the items recovered totaled $108, and Burbank police arrived shortly thereafter, citing Wylie for petty theft before releasing him.

Young Adam had a very memorable face in his role as Zachary on the '90s TV show "Picket Fences" ... playing the son of Sheriff Brock. He also appeared in "Kindergarten Cop," the Disney Channel film "Under Wraps" and on Broadway in 2002's "Into the Woods."

Adam's also shown off his skills as a magician in recent years, but it looks like his alleged sleight of hand didn't work this time around.

Britney Spears Suffered JT-Induced Panic Attack ... Before Awful 'Gimme More' Performance at VMAs

Britney Spears says a brief run-in with ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake triggered a panic attack before her infamously bad 2007 MTV VMA performance.

Britney was set for a big return to the stage that night with her song "Gimme More" ... but was caught off guard when she saw JT at the show.

In her new memoir, "The Woman In Me," Britney recalls the interaction, writing ... "It had been a while since I'd seen him. Everything was going great in his world. He was at the top of his game in every way, and he had a lot of swagger. I was having a panic attack."

Britney says she "hated the way I looked" ... because "It was less than a year since I'd had my second baby in two years but everyone was acting like my not having six-pack abs was offensive."

What's more, Britney admits she hadn't rehearsed enough and knew the performance "was going to be bad." She says "nothing was going right" backstage ... claiming there were problems with her costume and hair extensions. She says she didn't sleep the night before, and was feeling dizzy.

Britney continued ... "I couldn’t believe I was going to have to go out onstage feeling the way I felt." She says she went out and tried her best, admitting it wasn't up to par for her.


She added ... "I could see myself on video throughout the auditorium while I performed; it was like looking at myself in a fun-house mirror."

JT, on the other hand, was on the other end of the spectrum in Britney's eyes.

She says, "Justin glided down the runway. He was flirting with girls in the audience, including one who turned around and arched her back, shaking her breasts as he sang to her."

Britney's performance was one for the ages, but not in a good way ... and looking back on it with her new insights is pretty revealing.

BRITNEY SPEARS SUFRIÓ UN ATAQUE DE PÁNICO Antes de su horrible actuación de "Gimme More" en los VMAs

Britney Spears dice que un breve encuentro con su ex novio Justin Timberlake le provocó un ataque de pánico antes de su infame actuación en los MTV VMAs de 2007.

Britney estaba lista para su gran regreso a los escenarios esa noche con su canción "Gimme More", pero fue sorprendida con la guardia baja cuando vio a Justin en el show.

En sus nuevas memorias, "The Woman In Me", Britney recuerda el momento: "Hacía tiempo que no lo veía. Todo iba genial en su mundo. Estaba en la cima de su juego en todos los sentidos y era fanfarrón. Me estaba dando un ataque de pánico".

Britney dice que "odiaba mi aspecto", porque "Hacía menos de un año había tenido mi segundo bebé en dos años y todo el mundo actuaba como si el hecho de que no tuviera abdominales de six-pack fuera ofensivo".

Es más, Britney admite que no había ensayado lo suficiente y sabía que la actuación "iba a ser mala". Dice que "nada iba bien" entre bastidores, afirmando que hubo problemas con su vestuario y sus extensiones de cabello. Ella dice que no durmió la noche anterior y se sentía mareada.

Britney continuó: "No podía creer que iba a tener que salir al escenario sintiéndome como me sentía". Ella dice que salió y lo intentó lo mejor que pudo, admitiendo que no estuvo a la altura.

Añadió: "Podía verme en video por todo el auditorio mientras actuaba; era como mirarme en un espejo de feria".

Justin, por su parte, estaba en el extremo opuesto de la situación.

Ella dice: "Justin se deslizaba por la pasarela. Coqueteaba con las chicas del público, incluida una que se dio la vuelta y arqueó la espalda, sacudiendo los pechos mientras él le cantaba".

La actuación de Britney fue para el recuerdo, pero en el mal sentido.


La compañía de Kim Kardashian shapewear está lanzando una línea para hombres, y la mujer de negocios trajo a uno de los atletas más famosos e influyentes en el mundo para promover la marca... Neymar Jr.

La compañía multimillonaria de Kardashian está entrando en la moda masculina, y Kim quería a un atleta de alto nivel para promover Skims Mens y consiguió a la estrella brasilera de fútbol internacional de 31 años de edad que actualmente juega para Al Hilal en Arabia Saudita.

Además de Neymar, Skims también fichó para la campaña a la estrella de los 49ers Nick Bosa y a la estrella de los OKC Thunder Shai Gilgeous-Alexander.

"Tener a un icono como Neymar Jr como imagen de nuestra campaña de lanzamiento, junto con el All-Star de la NBA, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander y el mejor jugador defensivo de la NFL, Nick Bosa, creo que dice mucho de la forma en que SKIMS ha evolucionado para convertirse en una marca que puede proporcionar comodidad a todos los públicos, no solo a las mujeres", dijo Kardashian sobre el fichaje de los tres deportistas de élite.

Kardashian fundó Skims en 2019, ¡una compañía que ahora está valorada por encima de los 4.000 millones de dólares!

Kim Kardashian Neymar Goes Shirtless for SKIMS ... Nick Bosa & Shai, Too!

Kim Kardashian's shapewear company is launching a men's line, and KK brought on one of the most famous and influential athletes in the world to promote the brand ... Neymar Jr.!

Kardashian's multi-billion-dollar company is getting into menswear, and Kim wanted a top athlete to promote Skims Mens ... enter the 31-year-old international soccer star from Brazil, who currently plays for Al Hilal in Saudi Arabia.

In addition to Neymar, Skims also signed 49ers star Nick Bosa and OKC Thunder star Shai Gilgeous-Alexander for the campaign.

"To have an icon like Neymar Jr be the face of our launch campaign, along with NBA All-Star, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander and NFL’s top Defensive Player Nick Bosa, I think speaks volumes to the way SKIMS has evolved into becoming a brand that can provide comfort for all audiences, not just for women," Kardashian said of signing the three top athletes.


Kardashian founded Skims in 2019 ... a company that's now valued north of $4 billion!

ESTRELLA DE 'OITNB' TARYN MANNING Alguien robó mi carro!!! Arrestan a su maquilladora

Taryn Manning y su maquilladora están sumando incidentes a su extraña lista de sucesos. Esta vez, Holly Hartman fue arrestada por conducir el carro de Taryn que supuestamente había sido reportado como robado.

Las autoridades le dijeron a TMZ que Holly fue detenida el miércoles por la mañana en West Hollywood después de que los oficiales la detuvieran y descubrieran que el Chrysler Crossfire 2004 que conducía era robado.

Nos contaron que los oficiales llamaron a Taryn, quien les dijo que el coche era suyo y se negó a decir si quería presentar cargos contra Holly o no.

Ahora el caso será enviado a la oficina del Fiscal del Distrito del Condado de Los Ángeles para posibles cargos criminales, según nos dicen.

No está claro cuándo se reportó el carro como robado, pero nos comentan que el informe fue realizado en Palm Springs, lo que es un viaje bastante largo desde West Hollywood.

Taryn y Holly tienen una historia complicada. Aunque han sido cercanas durante muchos años, Taryn fue arrestada por presuntamente atacar a Holly en 2012, aunque los cargos finalmente fueron retirados.

Holly también intentó obtener una orden de alejamiento después de alegar que Taryn la atacó en 2015, pero un juez terminó denegando la solicitud.

'OITNB' STAR TARYN MANNING Someone Stole My Car!!! Makeup Artist Arrested

Taryn Manning and her makeup artist are adding to their list of bizarre incidents ... this time, Holly Hartman was arrested for driving Taryn's car, which had been reported stolen.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... Holly was taken into custody Wednesday morning in West Hollywood after sheriff's deputies pulled her over and discovered the 2004 Chrysler Crossfire she was driving was hot.

We're told deputies called Taryn, who would only tell them the car belonged to her ... and she refused to indicate whether she wanted to press charges against Holly.

The case, we're told, will now be sent to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's office for possible criminal charges.

It's unclear when the car was reported stolen ... but we're told the report originated in Palm Springs, which is a pretty long drive from WeHo.

Taryn and Holly have a rocky history. Although they've been close for many years, Taryn was arrested for allegedly attacking Holly in 2012, though the charges were eventually dropped.

Holly also tried to get a restraining order after alleging Taryn attacked her in 2015, but a judge ended up denying the request.


Billie Eilish está mostrando la versión completa de su tatuaje en la espalda y los fans están bastante divididos en sus reacciones.

La cantante publicó una foto el miércoles. Aparece acostada sobre su estómago en lo que parece ser un estudio de tatuajes. Billie tiene su espalda desnuda expuesta, mostrando un diseño intrincado que atraviesa su columna vertebral y se ve recién hecho.

No está claro si se trata de una foto vieja. Hemos visto atisbos de este tatuaje antes, pero nunca completo. No sabemos si Billie está mostrando algún avance o simplemente es un recuerdo de la primera sesión.

En cualquier caso, el tatuaje luce un poco manchado e incompleto. Ha habido reacciones mixtas en línea, a algunos les gusta y a otros no son mucho.

Este es solo uno de varios tatuajes que tiene Billie. Tiene uno en el pecho que dice "Eilish", otro de un dragón en el muslo y otro que muestra las hadas en la mano.

Ahora está en el club de Ben Affleck, bienvenido a bordo.

Billie Eilish Shows Off Full Back Tattoo ... Gets Mixed Reactions

Billie Eilish is showing off the full version of her massive back tattoo, a piece she's teased before ... and fans are pretty mixed on their thoughts.

The singer posted a pic Wednesday as part of a larger October photo dump -- and in it, she's laying on her stomach at what appears to be a tattoo shop. Billie's got her bare back exposed, showing some sort of intricate design that runs down her spine -- and it looks fresh.

Unclear if this is a shot that she's had in her camera roll for a while ... we've seen glimpses of this tat before, but have never seen the entire thing. This is either Billie showing that she's gotten more work on it recently, or just a flashback to when she first got it done.

In any case ... the tattoo here looks a little smeared and incomplete. There've been mixed reactions to the ink online -- some dig it, others aren't big fans.

FWIW, this is just one of a handful of tats she has ... Billie has one on her chest that reads "Eilish," another one of a dragon on her thigh and yet another showing fairies on her hand.

Now, she's in the Ben Affleck club ... welcome aboard.

Kelly Clarkson Lookin' Incredible After Divorce ... Fans Go Nuts with Theories

Kelly Clarkson sent fans into a frenzy after looking incredible, appearing to have recently shed some weight ... this after last year's rough divorce from Brandon Blackstock.

The singer stunned her followers online after she showed off her slim physique with a snap last weekend getting ready to appear on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" -- rocking a black lace top and a huge smile on her face.

Fans were praising Kelly left and right in the comments, with loads of folks shouting out how fantastic she looks ... but some pointed to the potential for meds contributing -- at least, in part -- to the slimmed look.

There are a handful of comments talking about Ozempic -- one wrote, "Ozempic to the rescue!!!" and another said, "looks like you've been hitting the ozempic."

For the record, Kelly hasn't spoken out about her recent weight loss, so it's unclear if meds were at play ... but safe to say, fans love the way she looks.

Some have also called it a "revenge bod" after settling her tumultuous divorce in March 2022 -- one commenter even wrote, "Brandon Blackstock eat your heart out."

TMZ broke the story, Kelly walked away with loads of assets at the end of their divorce, and she won primary custody of their 2 kids.

Brandon is currently getting $115k a month in spousal support, but that deal ends in January. He's also getting $45,600 monthly in child support ... and Kelly had to cough up another $1.3 mil as part of the settlement.

KELLY CLARKSON LUCE INCREíBLE TRAS SU DIVORCIO Los fans se vuelven locos con las teorías

Kelly Clarkson dejó a sus fans muy felices luego de aparecer luciendo increíble. Esto luego de haber ganado algo de peso extra después del difícil divorcio con Brandon Blackstock.

La cantante sorprendió a sus seguidores en línea cuando mostró su degada figura el fin de semana pasado cuando se preparaba para aparecer en "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", luciendo un top de encaje negro y una enorme sonrisa en su rostro.

Los fans elogiaron a Kelly a diestra y siniestra en los comentarios, con un montón de gente gritando lo fantástica que se veía. Algunos apuntaron a la posibilidad de que las medicinas ayudaron, al menos en parte.

Hay un puñado de comentarios hablando de Ozempic. Alguien escribió, "¡Ozempic al rescate!", y otro dijo, "parece que has estado dándole al ozempic".

Para que conste, Kelly no ha hablado acerca de su reciente pérdida de peso, así que no está claro si los medicamentos tuvieron algo que ver realmente. Lo que sí es seguro, es que a los fans les encanta como se ve.

Algunos también lo han llamado un "acto venganza" después de resolver su divorcio tumultuoso en marzo de 2022, un comentarista incluso escribió: "Brandon Blackstock se está comiendo su propio corazón".

TMZ publicó la historia, Kelly se fue con un montón de activos al final de su divorcio y ganó la custodia primaria de sus 2 hijos.

Brandon está recibiendo actualmente $115k al mes en manutención conyugal, pero ese acuerdo termina en enero. También está recibiendo $45.600 mensuales en manutención y Kelly tuvo que soltar otros $1.3 millones como parte del acuerdo.

Britney Spears I Shaved My Head to Rebel ... Before Conservatorship

Britney Spears says she shaved her head back in the day -- pre-conservatorship -- as an act of rebellion ... a stunning new revelation she just made in her forthcoming memoir.

The pop star's new book -- 'The Woman In Me' -- is coming out later this month ... but in an excerpt obtained by People Mag, BS addresses the infamous February 2007 moment when she lost her locks and rocked a bald look in public. At the time, it was cause for much concern.

Here's what she says in her own words ... "I’d been eyeballed so much growing up. I’d been looked up and down, had people telling me what they thought of my body, since I was a teenager."

Britney adds, "Shaving my head and acting out were my ways of pushing back."

It was a full year after BS used clippers on herself that she was placed in the conservatorship -- and once she was under the control of the legal apparatus, she says she was informed her short-hair look was a no-go ... and she needed to get back to her old self.

Britney explains ... "Under the conservatorship, I was made to understand that those days were now over. I had to grow my hair out and get back into shape. I had to go to bed early and take whatever medication they told me to take."

She goes on to say in this excerpt that she felt her creativity was zapped once she was in the conservatorship ... and her heart simply wasn't into performing/making music anymore.

Back to the shaved head thing for a bit -- it's interesting she's just chalking it up to lashing out rather than something more serious ... which is long what the public has assumed. Others have floated different theories about why she cut her hair off -- including claims of trying to hide traces of drugs -- but she's now making it sound like she just wanted to do it.

We're sure there'll be A LOT more juicy nuggets to sift through in the coming weeks.

We covered it all in the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.