Britney Spears dice que hace mucho tiempo se afeitó la cabeza como un acto de rebelión. Una nueva y sorprendente revelación que acaba de hacer en su próximo libro de memorias.

El nuevo libro de la estrella del pop "The Woman In Me", saldrá a la venta a finales de este mes, pero en un extracto obtenido por People Mag aborda el infame momento de 2007 cuando perdió sus mechones y lució un look calvo en público. En ese momento, fue motivo de gran preocupación.

Esto es lo que ella dice en sus propias palabras: "Me habían mirado tanto mientras crecía. Me habían mirado de arriba abajo. La gente me decía lo que pensaba de mi cuerpo desde que era adolescente".

Britney añade: "Afeitarme la cabeza y actuar eran mis formas de contraatacar".

Poco tiempo después de que se afeitarara la cabeza fue puesta bajo tutela. Una vez que estuvo bajo el control legal, dice que fue informada de que su look de pelo corto no estaba permitido y que necesitaba volver a su antiguo yo.

Britney explica: "Bajo la tutela, me hicieron entender que esos días habían terminado. Tenía que dejarme crecer el pelo y volver a estar en forma. Tenía que acostarme temprano y tomar la medicación que me dijeran".

Ella sigue diciendo en este extracto que sintió que su creatividad se detuvo y una vez que estuvo bajo la tutela, su corazón simplemente no estaba puesto en la actuación o hacer música.

Volviendo al tema de la cabeza afeitada, es interesante que lo atribuya a un arrebato y no a algo más serio, puesto que es lo que el público ha supuesto durante mucho tiempo. Otros han planteado diferentes teorías acerca de por qué se cortó el pelo; incluyendo afirmaciones de tratar de ocultar rastros de drogas. Sin embargo, parece que ella simplemente lo hizo por cuenta apropia.

Estamos seguros de que habrá MUCHAS más pepitas jugosas para escudriñar en las próximas semanas.

Cardi B Slips Into Kim K's Skims New Colors To Shape Those Curves

Cardi B joined Kim Kardashian's Skims campaign ... adding a sexy boost to the billion-dollar brand's "Cotton Collection."

The Diamond-selling rapper says the undies make her feel "snatched" in a press release Monday, modeling an array of new colors that put all her curvaceous features on display!!!

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Kim K's got quite the celebrity army wearing her labels and Cardi recently completed the trifecta along with Ice Spice and SZA of Hip Hop stars who rock Skims.

Cardi's been on the move helping hubby Offset promote his new album ... the new collab is right on brand for her.


And, the campaign isn't going to piss off PETA this time around ... a solution for everybody!!!

Suzanne Somers Husband Wrote Love-Filled Poem ... Read It Night Before She Passed

Suzanne Somers' husband, Alan Hamel, penned a heartfelt poem to his ailing wife in her final hours ... and she was able to read all about his love for her the night before she died.

Alan gave Suzanne the touching words Saturday night -- Suzanne's publicist R. Couri Hay told People she read the poem and went to bed, later dying peacefully in her sleep.

Hay says Alan gave it to her "a day early," so it likely was a present for her birthday, which would've been Monday.

Alan, a film producer, lists in all caps, the many ways he uses the word "love" in his daily life -- from emails to his family, to shows on Netflix, and even about "A GREAT MEAL."

However, Alan says nothing comes close to the love he has for his wife of 46 years ... adding, "THERE IS NO VERSION OF THE WORD THAT IS APPLICABLE TO SUZANNE AND I EVEN USE THE WORD APPLICABLE ADVISEDLY.”

He goes on, saying there is hardly anything in the world that can fully encapsulate his feelings for her -- writing, "I’LL TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU DOESN’T DO IT. I WEEP WHEN I THINK ABOUT MY FEELINGS FOR YOU."

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He says they've been together for 55 years, being married for 46 and they haven't spent, "EVEN ONE HOUR APART FOR 42 OF THOSE YEARS."

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Alan ends his touching note, saying the best way to describe the fire between them is simply, ‘US’, UNIQUELY, MAGICALLY, INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL ‘US.’”

As we reported, the "Three's Company" star passed away in her sleep Sunday after her battle with cancer -- her rep told us her family was gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday, but instead will be using the time together to celebrate her life.

Jada Pinkett Smith Claims Tupac Had Alopecia ... Kept It Secret Due to Stigma

Jada Pinkett Smith's truth bombs continue -- now, she's claiming Tupac's bald look was no coincidence, nor was it a fashion statement ... but rather, just straight-up hair loss.

The actress's latest revelation comes courtesy of her People Mag interview ... which just dropped this nugget of news Saturday. In their sit-down with her ahead of Jada's new book, they have her quoted as talking about Tupac's baldness -- with her saying he had alopecia.

Jada says, "I don't think Tupac ever talked about the alopecia he suffered from," going on to explain that his hair started falling out around 1991 -- when he would've been about 20 years old -- shortly after he had a famous run-in with cops in NorCal.

She adds, "[H]is alopecia patterns were far more extreme than mine. I don't think Pac ever talked about his alopecia, but he also looked really good with a bald head. But that was during a time and during an era that you wouldn't -- he just wouldn't talk about it."


One thing she does firmly believe -- if Pac was alive today ... he'd probably talk about it openly.

This is fascinating for a couple reasons ... for starters, it would seem to explain Tupac's bald look in the latter years of his life, when he was most famous. While he was younger and on the rise, he rocked notable 'dos -- particularly in the film "Juice."

It's also interesting because alopecia was apparently at the center of the whole Oscars slap last year -- when Chris Rock cracked a joke about Jada, spurring Will Smith to get up there and slap him.

Alopecia proved to be a touchy subject, and even now ... Jada thinks Chris took a low blow by referring to her condition. Still, Jada says she couldn't believe Will did what he did ... especially when he called her his "wife," a term she says they hadn't used in years.

BTW, this new Tupac news follows yet another big headline from earlier in the week -- namely, Jada calling the late rapper her "soulmate" ... but insisting they never banged.

Hmmm ...


Kylie Jenner está recibiendo apoyo de las organizaciones judías en Estados Unidos por su post pro-Israel en redes sociales y esas mismas organizaciones están destrozando a los que la avergonzaron para que borrara el post.

Este es el asunto; Kylie compartió y luego borró un post de StandWithUs tras el mortal ataque terrorista de Hamás el fin de semana, volviendo a publicar una imagen de la bandera israelí con la leyenda, "Ahora y siempre, estamos con el pueblo de Israel!".

Luego de toneladas de reacciones en los comentarios, Kylie finalmente borró el post de su Instagram.

Roz Rothstein, cofundador y CEO de StandWithUs, le dijo a TMZ que mientras que la organización se complace con la acción de Kylie, "Es una lástima que algunas personas no pueden expresarse con honestidad debido a la intensa presión y la intimidación por parte de simpatizantes de Hamás".

Kylie no fue ni mucho menos la única celebridad que expresó su apoyo a Israel tras el atentado terrorista del 11-S, Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman y Mark Hamill también salieron enérgicamente a favor de los israelíes.

Es por eso que la gente del Comité Judío Americano dice que eso es una guerra en toda regla y que es un momento para utilizar a las celebridades para el bien.

El portavoz de AJC Richard Hirschhaut le informa a TMZ que Kylie "hizo lo correcto y actuó con el corazón con su post inicial" y ella "debe ser aplaudida por hablar".

En cambio, el AJC dice que Kylie se convirtió en "un tema de desprecio vicioso y feo" y la organización espera que ella ponga el post de nuevo en su IG porque "el poder de los medios sociales y el poder de la celebridad se necesita desesperadamente en este momento en que Israel está en guerra y bajo el ataque de una organización terrorista que es bárbara, inhumana e inmoral".

horror en israel

Además de Kylie, el AJC hace un llamando a "personas influyentes de todo el mundo para demostrar coraje y aumentar la moral mediante el apoyo a Israel".

La organización judía dice que los terroristas de Hamás están utilizando las redes sociales para mostrar su "absoluta barbarie" y cree que las celebridades con grandes seguidores deben utilizar sus plataformas para contraatacar con mensajes de amor, apoyo y solidaridad con Israel.

En resumen, para el AJC: "Si alguna vez hubo un momento para mostrar a tus seguidores quién eres y qué defiendes, es éste".

Kylie Jenner Jewish Orgs Back Her Pro-Israel Post ... 'Acted With Her Heart'

Kylie Jenner is getting support from Jewish organizations in America for her pro-Israel social media post ... and those same orgs are ripping those who shamed her into deleting that post.

As we've reported, Kylie shared and then deleted a post from StandWithUs on Sunday morning, following the deadly Hamas terrorist attack ... she reposted an image of the Israeli flag with the caption, "Now and always, we stand with the people of Israel!"

But, following tons of backlash in the comments, Kylie pretty quickly 86'd the post.

Roz Rothstein, co-founder and CEO of StandWithUs, tells TMZ ... while the org is pleased Kylie reposted their account in the first place, "It's a shame that some people cannot express themselves honestly because of intense pressure and intimidation by Hamas sympathizers."

Kylie was far from the only celeb expressing support for Israel in the wake of the 9/11-type terrorist attack ... Gal Gadot, Bono, Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Amy Schumer, Madonna, Natalie Portman and Mark Hamill also came out strong for Israel.

The folks over at the American Jewish Committee say the now full-blown war between Israel and Hamas provides a moment where celebrity can be used for good.

AJC spokesman Richard Hirschhaut tells TMZ  ... Kylie "did the right thing and acted with her heart with her initial post" and she "should be applauded for speaking up and speaking out."

He says the exact opposite happened, as Kylie became "a subject of vicious and ugly scorn" ... but he hopes she puts the post back on her IG, because "the power of social media and the power of celebrity is desperately needed at this moment when Israel is at war and under attack by a terrorist organization that is barbaric, inhumane and immoral."


In addition to Kylie, the AJC is calling for "influencers across the spectrum to demonstrate moral courage and amplify moral clarity by supporting Israel's high moral ground."

The Jewish org says Hamas terrorists are using social media to show their "sheer barbarity" ... and it feels celebs with large followings should use their platforms to push back with messages of love, support and solidarity with Israel.

Bottom line for the AJC ... "If there ever was a moment to show your followers who you are and what you stand for, this is it."

TOM HIDDLESTON ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

Los looks de Tom Hiddleston a lo largo de los años son de lo más 'Loki' ¡bajo perfil!

Aquí tenemos una versión del actor a los 30 años, cuando se veía increíblemente guapo todo afeitado para el estreno de "Thor" en el Teatro El Capitán en Hollywood, allá por 2011 (izquierda). Este fue su papel revelación como Loki.

Y 12 años después, la estrella de Marvel sigue acaparando la atención de las cámaras con su llamativa sonrisa y sus brillantes ojos azules. Recientemente, asistió al lanzamiento de una fragancia en su ciudad natal de Londres, Inglaterra (derecha).

La segunda temporada de "Loki" se estrenó a principios de esta semana y claramente el Sr. Hiddleston todavía tiene lo suyo, pero la pregunta es...

Tom Hiddleston ...

Tom Hiddleston Good Genes Or Good Docs?!

Tom Hiddleston's looks over the years are 'Loki' low-key hot!

Here is a 30-year-old version of the devilishly handsome actor, clean-shavin' for the premiere of "Thor" at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood back in 2011 (left). This was his breakout role as the broad-shouldered Loki.

And, 12 years later the Marvel star is still out here grabbing the camera's attention with his flashy smile and sparkly blue eyes -- recently attending a fragrance launch event in his hometown of London, England (right).

Season 2 of "Loki" premiered earlier this week, and clearly, Mr. Hiddleston can still get it, but the question is ...

Tom Hiddleston ...

Kanye West Abandona abruptamente la pedicura Mis pies, mi decisión!!!

No Toques mis pies

Kanye West no quiso aguantar el dolor durante una sesión de pedicura, y en su lugar prefirió cortar a la profesional rápidamente y volver a lo suyo.

Ty Dolla $ign, amigo y compañero musical de Kanye, subió a las redes el jueves unas divertidas imágenes en las que se ve la interacción de Kanye con la desconcertada pedicura. Allí se ve al rapero sacudirse de dolor antes de decidir que quería parar el tratamiento.

La pedicurista intenta convencerlo de que la deje terminar, pero él no se mueve y le dice: "Son mis pies". Echa un vistazo a la cara de Ty, quien está estupefacto con toda la charla.

Kanye ha estado caminando descalzo por Europa durante todo el verano, por lo que hay que imaginar que la profesional tenía trabajo que hacer, pero Ye no quería correr el riesgo.

Curiosamente, después de decirle que pararan, no perdió ni un segundo y volvió a los negocios.

Como informamos la semana pasada, Kanye está trabajando en un proyecto en solitario. Él y Ty$ también han estado trabajando duro en un álbum conjunto. Al parecer nada, ni siquiera sus callos, le impedirán terminarlos.

Kanye West Abruptly Quits Pedicure My Toes, My Choice!!!


Kanye West didn't wanna tough it through a painful pedicure, cutting the technician off before the whole thing wrapped, and then getting back to his business.

Kanye's pal, and music partner Ty Dolla $ign uploaded the funny footage Thursday showing  Kanye's interaction with the puzzled pedicurist. You see Kanye react with a quick jolt of pain before deciding the whole treatment was over ... standing up and saying he wanted to stop.

The woman performing the pedicure tries to convince Kanye to let her finish, but he ain't budging, saying "It's my toes." Check out the look on Ty's face, he's stunned by the whole interaction.

Kanye's essentially been trekking barefoot in Europe throughout the summer -- so you gotta imagine the nail tech had her work cut out for her -- but Ye didn't wanna take a chance.


Funny enough, after he told her the whole thing was over, Kanye didn't miss a beat ... getting back to business.

As we reported last week, Kanye is working on a solo project, and he and Ty$ have been working hard on a possible joint album as well. Apparently, nothing -- not even callouses -- will keep them from completion.

Semana de la Moda de París ¡¡¡Los looks más sexys se toman Francia!!!

La Semana de la Moda de París está oficialmente terminando y algunas de las modelos más populares del mundo estuvieron presente luciendo sus mejores looks.

Kendall Jenner se subió a la pasarela en Francia durante el espectáculo Le Défilé L'Oréal Paris en la Torre Eiffel, mientras que Kaia Gerber y Gigi Hadid lucieron atuendos de Valentino y Miu Miu durante las grandes pasarelas del encuentro.

El desfile de Mugler Womenswear, para la primavera- verano de 2024, contó con un par de pesos pesados: Helena Christensen lució un diseño único, mientras que Paris Hilton mostró sus tonificadas piernas sobre la pasarela.

Naomi Campbell también se robó las miradas en la ciudad de la luz, pavonéandose con un vestido de Alexander McQueen en el show SS24 en Le Carreau du Temple.

Las estrellas no solo estuvieron deslumbrando sobre el escenario. Rosalía y Kylie Jenner estuvieron entre la audiencia para el show de Acne Studios, Pamela Anderson y Christina Hendricks asistieron al evento de Vivienne Westwood, Kris Jenner y Corey Gamble estuvieron en el desfile de Le Defile - Walk Your Worth para apoyar a Kendall, y Andrew Garfield y Florence Pugh estuvieron hermanados de rosa en el show de Valentino.

Cate Blanchett incluso jugó a las escondidas con Robert Downey Jr. en el desfile de Stella McCartney, así que parece que se divirtieron en la gay Paree, a pesar de la plaga de chinches en la ciudad. Por favor, ¡dejen a los bichos en el extranjero!

Paris Fashion Week Hottest Looks Take Over France!!!

Paris Fashion Week is officially wrapping up ... and some of the most popular supermodels showed up and showed out while wearing hot new looks.

Kendall Jenner took to the runway in France during the Le Défilé L'Oréal Paris - Walk Your Worth show at the Eiffel Tower ... while Kaia Gerber and Gigi Hadid also put outfits from Valentino and Miu Miu on display during the grand dame of fashion weeks.

The Mugler Womenswear Spring/Summer 2024 show had a couple of heavy hitters step out -- Helena Christensen wore a unique fit, while Paris Hilton showed off her toned legs on the runway.

Naomi Campbell was also serving looks in the City of Light ... rocking an Alexander McQueen designer dress at the SS24 show at Le Carreau du Temple.

The stars weren't just working the stage -- Rosalía and Kylie Jenner were in the crowd at Acne Studios, Pamela Anderson and Christina Hendricks attended the Vivienne Westwood event, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble hit up the Le Defile - Walk Your Worth show to support Kendall ... and Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh were twinning at Valentino.

Cate Blanchett even played keep-away with Robert Downey Jr. while in the audience at the Stella McCartney show ... so it looks like fun was had in gay Paree, despite a bedbug infestation in the city.

Please, leave the critters overseas!

Kim Cattrall Stuns At 67 ... In New SKIMS Campaign

67-year-old Kim Cattrall is provin' she's still got it ... looking drop-dead gorgeous in a new campaign for SKIMS.

The "Sex and the City" star is a part of the fashion line's Best of SKIMS campaign, donning the Sculpting Mid Thigh Bodysuit under a slip dress.

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Other celebs like Nelly Furtado, Hari Nef, Lana Condor, and Coco Jones also joined Kim in the big campaign and photoshoot.

All of the stars were given the chance to pick out the outfits they personally liked the most, and were able to style themselves for the shoot ... and Cattrall called the experience "so freeing."

Gotta admit they all look pretty fantastic ... especially Kim at her age -- and she says she feels pretty confident wearing the piece.

Fans of the HBO series remember Kim playing Samantha, the strong and confident pal of Carrie Bradshaw ... and based on her campaign with SKIMS, those character traits run through Kim just as much, too!

KIM CATTRALL DESLUMBRA A LOS 67 En la nueva campaña de SKIMS

A sus 67 años, Kim Cattrall sigue demostrando que aún está en forma y lo hace en una nueva campaña para SKIMS.

La estrella de "Sex and the City" participa en la campaña Best of SKIMS, luciendo el body Sculpting Mid Thigh Bodysuit bajo un slip dress.

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Otras celebridades como Nelly Furtado, Hari Nef, Lana Condor y Coco Jones también se unieron a Kim en la gran campaña y sesión de fotos.

Todas las estrellas tuvieron la oportunidad de elegir los trajes que personalmente más les gustaban. Cattrall llamó a la experiencia como algo "liberador."

Hay que admitir que todos se ven muy bien, especialmente Kim a su edad. Dice que se siente muy segura de llevar la pieza.

Los fans de la serie de HBO recuerdan a Kim interpretando a Samantha, la fuerte y confiada amiga de Carrie Bradshaw y basándonos en su campaña con SKIMS, ¡esas características también las tiene Kim!

GEORGE WASHINGTON Un mechón de su pelo está a la venta

La cabeza de George Washington tiene un precio... Porque un mechón original de su famoso cabello está disponible en el mercado.

El primer presidente de los Estados Unidos tenía un mechón de su pelo blanco, que había sido conservado durante siglos, y ahora está a la venta por $45,000.

El mechón de pelo de Washington está atado en una forma ovalada y atado por una caja de cristal, que está envuelto en perlas. También hay un grabado con sus iniciales 'GW' en la parte posterior de la caja.

El cabello fue regalado en su momento a la familia Derby, que mantenía una estrecha relación con George y su esposa Martha.

El pelo de Washington permaneció en la familia Derby durante varias generaciones, pasó de hijo a hijo, y ahora sale al mercado a través de Moments In Time.

Una carta fechada el 15 de agosto de 1873 también está incluida con el mechón del cabello y es parte de la correspondencia entre la familia Derby y otro coleccionista, en el que hablan de las cerraduras.

Recuerden, George Washington supuestamente no llevaba peluca, a diferencia de muchos de sus contemporáneos, y en realidad se empolvaba su propio peinado.

Bastante genial, y el comprador va a necesitar un montón de presidentes muertos para llevarse este pedazo de historia a casa.

George Washington Lock Of Hair Up For $ale

George Washington's got a price on his head ... because a lock of his famous hair is on the open market.

The first president of the United States had a lock of his white hair preserved for centuries ... and now it's up for sale for $45,000.

Washington's hair lock is tied up in an oval shape and bound by a glass case, which is wrapped in pearls. There's also an engraving with his initials 'GW' on the back of the case.

The lock was given to the Derby family back in the day, as the Derbys were close with both George and his wife, Martha.

Washington's hair remained in the Derby family for several generations ... it was handed down from son to son and now it's hitting the open market through Moments In Time.

A letter dated Aug. 15, 1873, is also included with Washington's hair ... it's correspondence between the Derbys and another collector, talking about the locks.

Remember ... GW supposedly didn't wear a wig, unlike many of his contemporaries, and actually powdered his own hairdo.

Pretty cool ... and the buyer's gonna need a lot of dead presidents to take this piece of history home.