VICTORIA'S SECRET FASHION SHOW Makes Huge Comeback ... Models Have Fun Backstage

Victoria's Secret overhauled its fashion show after a couple years off the air, but now it's back and one thing remains the same ... the models are still smoking hot.

The super sexy runway show returned following a 4-year hiatus ... and we've got all the angles of the angels having a ball backstage.

We're talking Gigi Hadid, Candice Swanepoel, Hailey Bieber, Abby Champion, Amelia Gray Hamlin, Candice Huffine, Paloma Elsesser and Ceval Omar ... a who's who of VS models.

Oh, and don't forget a couple OGs ... Winnie Harlow and Emily Ratajkowski!!!

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Check out the gallery ... the behind-the-scenes photos will certainly have something to pique your interest.

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Victoria's Secret brought out the big guns for its big comeback ... with a special guest performance from Doja Cat!!!

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VS scrapped its annual show back in 2019 amid declining TV ratings and controversies ... and now it's back with an 85-minute show streaming on Amazon Prime Video, available now.

Desfile de Victoria's Secret Hace su gran regreso Revisa las fotos de sus modelos

Victoria's Secret estuvo revisando su desfile de moda después de un par de años fuera del aire, pero ahora está de vuelta y algo sigue siendo exactamente igual, sus guapas modelos.

El desfile regresó después de un paréntesis de cuatro años y tenemos todos los ángulos de sus estrellas tras bambalinas.

Estamos hablando de Gigi Hadid, Candice Swanepoel, Hailey Bieber, Abby Champion, Amelia Gray Hamlin, Candice Huffine, Paloma Elsesser y Ceval Omar, muy conocido en el mundo del modelaje de Victoria's Secret.

Ah, y no nos olvidemos de un par de legendarias, Winnie Harlow y Emily Ratajkowski.

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Echa un vistazo a la galería y a las fotos detrás de cámara, las que sin duda tendrán más de algo que llame tu atención.

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Victoria's Secret sacó la artillería pesada para su gran regreso, con la actuación especial de Doja Cat.

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En 2019, la marca de lencería femenina desechó su show anual en medio de las controversias y caídas en los ratings televisivos. Ahora está de vuelta con un show de 85 minutos en streaming disponible ahora en Amazon Prime Video.


Kourtney Kardashian organizó un baby shower épico para su futuro hijo con Travis Barker. Algunos fans están pienas que en alguna parte del bosque, entre los árboles puede estar el nombre del niño.

La fiesta temática de Disney tuvo lugar el domingo y parece haber sido organizada en su mansión de Calabasas. Convirtieron el patio trasero en una recreación del famoso parque temático. Todo incluido; el cartel de Disney, las orejas de Mickey Mouse e incluso los Dapper Dans!

En una de las intrincadas decoraciones de la fiesta (un manzano relacionado con el clásico "Blancanieves"), la gente se dio cuenta de que había un montón de tarjetas con notas escritas a mano que colgadas y alguien hizo zoom en una de ellas.

Hay una nota que puede leerse parcialmente que parece mencionar el nombre de un bebé. Es difícil de entender en su totalidad pero lo que parece decir es: "Que el bebé Rocky tenga una vida llena de amor". El resto es demasiado borrosa pero al parecer más buenos deseos.

Los fans con ojos de águila han visto esto y ya se especula que Kourtney y Travis podrían llamar a su hijo Rocky. Por supuesto, también podría ser una referencia al hecho de que Travis es un rockero pero en cualquier caso, ha estimulado un montón de comentarios en línea.

El tiempo dirá lo que terminan llamando al nuevo bebé Barker pero Rocky no está nada mal.

De todos modos, el resto de la fiesta fue de primer nivel. Como hemos dicho, los recuerdos de la fiesta fueron increíblemente bien pensados y detallados y parece que no escatimaron en gastos para hacer que la cuna se viera como si viniera directamente de Anaheim.

Por cierto, Travis iba enmascarado mientras se mezclaba con amigos y familiares ya que ahora mismo tiene COVID. También parece que la gente estaba manteniendo el distanciamiento social en todo momento... la seguridad ante todo.

En cuanto a Kourtney, parece que el bebé podría llegar en cualquier momento. Se le vio sonriente y de muy buen humor.

Recordemos que la futura madre estuvo recientemente en la mira de un alcalde de otra lujosa ciudad... Malibú.

fiesta de piscina

Como hemos informado, el alcalde Silverstein se está quejando por una fiesta privada relacionada con Poosh (la marca de bienestar de Kourtney). Alegó que la gente que organizó la fiesta obtuvo un permiso de última hora para eventos especiales y sospecha que se hizo en circunstancias turbias.

Por suerte Kourtney no vive en Malibu ... y ella estaba a un brazo de distancia de ese drama este fin de semana.

La prioridad # 1 para ella era celebrar con su marido y seres queridos y prepararse para esta alegría que viene pronto.

Kourtney Kardashian Disney Baby Shower Hint of Son's Name In the Trees??? 👀

Kourtney Kardashian threw an epic baby shower for her and Travis Barker's future son together ... and some fans are seeing the forest for the trees on the kid's potential name.

The Disnelyand-themed bash went down Sunday, and it looks to have been hosted at their Calabasas mansion -- with the backyard being turned into a recreation of the famous theme park ... complete with Disney signage, Mickey Mouse ears and even the Dapper Dans!

Indeed, Kourtney's camp went all out here ... however, in one of the intricate party decorations -- an apple tree in the vein of 'Snow White' -- folks noticed a bunch of cards with hand-written notes were being hung ... and somebody zoomed in on one of those.

There's a note that can be partially read ... and it seems to mention a baby name. It's hard to make out in its entirety -- but what it appears to say is ... "May Baby Rocky have ... life filled with love." The rest of it is too blurry, but seemingly more well-wishes.

Eagle-eyed fans have seen this ... and there's already speculation Kourtney and Travis might be naming their kid Rocky. Of course, it could also be a reference to the fact TB is a rocker -- but in any case, it's spurred a lot of chatter online.

Time will tell what they end up calling the new Baby Barker ... but Rocky's not half bad.

Anyway, the rest of the shindig was top-tier in terms of Kardashian-led blowouts. Like we said, the party favors were incredibly well-thought-out and detailed -- and it looks like they didn't spare any expense in making the crib look like it came straight out of Anaheim.

BTW, Travis was masked up while mingling with friends and family ... he's got COVID right now. It also looks like folks were maintaining social distancing all throughout -- safety first.

As for Kourtney, she looks like she's almost ready to pop ... that baby's probably due any day now. She was all smiles and in an incredibly good mood based on what we can see.

Of course, the reason that's significant is because she kinda fell into the crosshairs of a mayor from another ritzy town just down the freeway ... and that would be Malibu.


As we reported ... Mayor Silverstein excoriated City officials for what he claims was them bending the knee to organizers of a Poosh party -- which is obviously Kourtney's wellness brand. He alleged that the folks who put that together got a last-minute special events permit greenlit ... and he suspects it was done under shady circumstances.

Luckily, Kourtney doesn't live in Malibu ... and she was at arm's-length from that drama this weekend.

Priority #1 for her, it seems, was to celebrate with her hubby and loved ones ... and to get ready for this bundle of joy that's coming soon.

Kim Kardashian Makes 'AHS: Delicate' Debut Fans Pile on Praise

Kim Kardashian had a lot of people doubting her acting skills leading up to the premiere of "American Horror Story: Delicate" ... but she proved them all wrong, with a performance that's getting a ton of positive feedback online.


The Ryan Murphy hit series premiered with a new season on FX Wednesday night with Kim, Emma Roberts, Cara Delevingne, Matt Czuchry and more.

Kim plays Siobhan Corbyn, a publicist for Emma Roberts' character, Anna Victoria Alcott.

Kim comes out swinging right out of the gate with her opening line, "Tell them to suck my c***." From there, she holds a steady and seemingly natural performance throughout the episode ... leaving fans excited for what more is to come this season.

Twitter's response was overwhelmingly positive for the mother of 4 and SKIMS honcho, one user wrote, "Kim Kardashian did her thing. She had the odds stacked against her, but she was really giving actress. Props to you." Another said, "Wait a minute ... Kim is actually eating on #AHS" and another wrote, "Kim K out acting everyone was the biggest shock so far."

Remember, Kim's been doubted before when it comes to being in front of the camera ... proving skeptics wrong when she nailed her monologue on "Saturday Night Live" and got a ton of praise for the sketches on her episode.

It remains to be seen just how involved Kim's character will be throughout the rest of the "AHS" season, but the fans have certainly spoken ... they're team Kim.

Will you be watching Kim Kardashian on 'American Horror Story?' Vote below.


Kim Kardashian tenía un montón de gente dudando de sus habilidades de actuación antes del estreno de "American Horror Story: Delicate", pero demostró que todos estaban equivocados, con una actuación que está recibiendo una tonelada de comentarios positivos en línea.

actuando de maravilla

La exitosa serie de Ryan Murphy estrenó nueva temporada en FX el miércoles por la noche con Kim, Emma Roberts, Cara Delevingne, Matt Czuchry y más.

Kim interpreta a Siobhan Corbyn, una publicista del personaje de Emma Roberts, Anna Victoria Alcott.

Kim sale disparada desde el principio con su frase inicial: "Diles que me chupen el cu...". A partir de ahí, mantiene una actuación constante y aparentemente natural en todo el episodio dejando a los fans emocionados por ver que más está por venir esta temporada.

La respuesta de Tuiter fue abrumadoramente positiva para la madre de 4. Un usuario llamado SKIMS honcho escribió: "Kim Kardashian hizo lo suyo. Ella tenía las probabilidades en su contra, pero ella estaba realmente dando actriz. Un aplauso para ti". Otro dijo: "Espera un minuto ... Kim realmente está comiendo en #AHS" y otro escribió: "Kim K actuando fuera de todos fue el mayor shock hasta ahora".

Recordemos nadie estaba muy seguro del desempeño de Kim cuando se trata de estar delante de la cámara, pero le demostró a los escépticos que estaban equivocados cuando clavó su monólogo en "Saturday Night Live" y recibió una tonelada de elogios por los sketches en su episodio.

Queda por ver hasta qué punto el personaje de Kim estará involucrado en el resto de la temporada, pero los fans han hablado y son del equipo de Kim.

Khloe Kardashian Comparte su experiencia con el cáncer de piel

Khloe Kardashian ha decidido abrir las puertas de su vida privada, particularmente para contarnos de su experiencia con el cáncer de piel y las secuelas y cicatrices que le dejó.

La menor de las hermanas Kardashian publicó varias fotos en las redes sociales el martes que documentan la eliminación de algunos melanomas en la mejilla que, según ella explica, le han dejado una hendidura en su rostro, algo que ella muestra con orgullo.

Khloe compartió orgullosamente el nombre del doctor que la ayudó: "Para aquellos que no saben que pasé un susto con un cáncer de piel en mi cara. Mi ángel @garthfischermd es en quien confié para extirpar el tumor. El Dr. Fischer está fuera de este mundo ¡Fabuloso!".

Y continuó diciendo que el equipo médico no sólo eliminó completamente el cáncer, sino que se aseguró de dejar la menor cicatriz posible, algo que Khloe agradece muchísimo.

Lo que sigue es una revelación honesta, en la que cuenta que tenía una pequeña "mancha" en la cara, que terminó en una cirugía que incluyó algunos puntos y cuidados. Ella muestra todo y dice que prefiere lidiar con una ligera hendidura en su rostro que con el cáncer.

La abolladura que queda en ese lugar, dice Khloe es el pequeño precio que tuvo que pagar por su salud. Y escribe: "Definitivamente no me quejo, porque prefiero tener una hendidura que un melanoma. Estoy tan increíblemente agradecida de todos los médicos que me ayudaron y me siguen ayudando en mi viaje con el cáncer de piel."

Al parecer hubo más trabajo, incluso después de su operación. Khloe dice que consiguió retocar su mejilla con la aprobación de su médico y parece bastante feliz con los resultados.

La razón por la que Khloe está publicando esto es para crear conciencia. En sus mensajes, está animando a la gente a hacerse un chequeo temprano y con frecuencia, y no avergonzarse. Sólido mensaje, y sin duda está sentando un precedente que ella esté siendo han honesta como es.

Khloe Kardashian Shares Skin Cancer Journey ... Reveals Face Indentation

Khloe Kardashian is peeling back the curtain on her private life -- opening up on her skin cancer journey ... and showing the aftermath, battle scars, and all.

The youngest Kardashian sister posted several photos on social media Tuesday that documented the removal of some melanoma on her cheek -- which she says has now left an indentation ... something she bares proudly.

KK shouts out the doc who worked on this for her, writing ... "For those who do not know I had a skin cancer scare on my face. My angel @garthfischermd is who I trusted with removing the tumor. Dr Fischer is out of this world Fabulous!"

She goes on to say that the medical team not only completely removed the cancer, but made sure to leave as little scarring as possible -- which Khloe is clearly appreciative of.

What follows is an honest revelation of where Khloe was -- with a small "spec" of melanoma on her face -- and where she ended up afterward ... which included some gnarly stitches. She shows it all, saying she'd rather deal with a slight ding in the armor than freaking cancer.

Khloe says the depression that remains in that spot is a small price to pay for her health. She writes, "I am definitely not complaining because I would rather have an indentation than melanoma any day. I am so incredibly grateful to all the doctors who helped and continue to help me with my skin cancer journey."

There was more work done, apparently, even after her operation ... Khloe says she got her cheek filled with her doctor's approval, and she seems pretty happy with the results.

The reason Khloe is even posting this is to raise awareness. In her posts, she encourages folks to get themselves checked out early and often ... and not to be ashamed.

Solid message ... and it certainly sets a precedent that she's being as transparent as she is.


Cindy Crawford dice que cuando fue al programa de entrevistas de Oprah, no pensó que se convertiría en algo parecido a Miss América.

Cindy aparece en un nuevo documental de Apple TV+ "The Super Models" en el que se queja de que cuando apareció en "Oprah" en 1986 (con solo 20 años), se le pidió que mostrara su cuerpo a la audiencia.

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invitada a oprah
WLS-TV Chicago

Oprah la presentó diciendo: "¿Siempre ha tenido este cuerpo? Levántate un momento, ¡esto es lo que yo llamo un cuerpazo!".

Cindy sonrió torpemente y se puso de pie, pero es evidente que tiene resentimientos al respecto, diciendo: "Yo era así como un objeto o un niño, algo para ser visto y no oído".

Y continuó: "Cuando lo miras con los ojos de hoy, Oprah dice: 'Levántate y enséñame tu cuerpo. Muéstranos por qué eres digna de estar aquí'".

Ella admite que en ese momento no estaba tan ofendida: "En el momento no lo reconocí y al volver a verlo pensé: 'Dios mío, eso no estuvo nada bien'. Especialmente viniendo de Oprah".

Los tiempos cambian, eso está claro.

Cindy Crawford Oprah Treated Me Like Chattel

Cindy Crawford says when she went on Oprah's talk show back in the day, she didn't think it would turn into what looked like a Miss America-type competition.

C.C. is featured in a new doc on Apple TV+, "The Super Models," in which she grouses that in 1986 when she appeared on "Oprah," then 20-year-old Cindy was asked to show the goods for the audience.

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WLS-TV Chicago

Oprah introed her by saying, "Did she always have this body? Stand up just a moment, now this is what I call a Body!"

Cindy awkwardly smiled and stood up, but she clearly has hard feelings about it, saying, "I was like the chattel or a child, to be seen and not heard."

She went on ... 'When you look at it through today's eyes, Oprah's like, 'Stand up and show me your body. Show us why you're worthy of being here.''

She admits at the time she wasn't all that offended ... "In the moment I didn't recognize it and watching it back I was like, 'Oh my gosh, that was so not okay really.' Especially from Oprah."

Times change, that's for sure.

ANGELYNE ICONO DE L.A. VENDE SU FAMOSO 'VETTE' ROSA $$$ para terminar su película

Angelyne está haciendo algo que sorprenderá a la mayoría de los nativos de Los Ángeles - la personalidad de los medios de comunicación está vendiendo uno de sus icónicos Corvettes rosa en un último esfuerzo para completar su película biográfica de producción propia.

Angelyne le dice a TMZ ... que está descargando uno de sus famosos paseos por la friolera de $ 200k, o la mejor oferta que pueda conseguir, con el dinero en efectivo va a ayudar a terminar la película que está haciendo sobre sí misma.

Dice que es la dueña de la brillante moto desde 2008, pero que casi ha terminado la película, aparte de la música, los colores y los retoques de sonido, por lo que es esencial que consiga los fondos. Angelyne nos cuenta que los fondos de la venta del coche le permitirán mantener el control creativo de la película, lo que es importante para ella.

Angelyne dice que ha recibido algunas ofertas a la baja en los últimos días, pero que está esperando a que lleguen los 200.000 dólares... y no os preocupéis, angelinos, aún le quedan otros 3 'Vettes rosas... así que seguirá siendo reconocible por la ciudad.

Para los que no lo sepan, Angelyne ha sido un icono de la Costa Oeste desde la década de 1980, a menudo vista conduciendo por la ciudad en uno de los 11 Corvettes rosas que ha tenido a lo largo de su vida. También llamó mucho la atención cuando apareció en una serie de vallas publicitarias que simplemente llevaban su nombre y una foto suya subidita de tono.

Aparte de su fama local, apareció con el Corvette que pronto se venderá en la película de 2017 "The Disaster Artist", con James Franco y Seth Rogen.

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nadie es como yo

El año pasado nos habló de por qué no era fan de la interpretación que hizo de ella Emmy Rossum en la serie de Peacock sobre ella... que fue cuando reveló que estaba trabajando en su propia película.

Angelyne L.A. Icon Sells Famed Pink 'Vette ... $$$ to Finish Her Movie

Angelyne is doin' something that will shock most L.A. natives -- the media personality is selling one of her iconic pink Corvettes in a last-ditch effort to complete her self-produced biopic.

Angelyne tells TMZ ... she's unloading one of her famous rides for a whopping $200k, or the best offer she can get, with the cash going to help wrap up the movie she's making about herself.

She says she's owned the bright ride since 2008, but is almost done with the flick apart from music, coloring, and sound tweaks, so it's essential she come up with the funds. Angelyne tells us the finances from the sale of the car will allow her to maintain creative control of the film, which is important to her.

Angelyne says she's gotten some lowball offers in the past few days but is holding out for the $200k to come rolling in -- and not to worry, Angelenos, she still has 3 other pink 'Vettes left ... so she'll still be recognizable around town.

For those unaware, Angelyne has been a West Coast icon since the 1980s, often spotted driving around the city in one of the 11 pink Corvettes she's owned in her lifetime. She also gained a lot of attention when she appeared on a series of billboards that simply had her name on it and a raunchy pic of her.

Apart from her local fame, she appeared with the soon-to-be-sold Corvette in the 2017 film, "The Disaster Artist," with James Franco and Seth Rogen.

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She talked to us last year about why she wasn't a fan of Emmy Rossum's portrayal of her in the Peacock series about her ... which is when she revealed she was working on her own movie.

Joe Burrow Estrena nuevo corte de pelo ... tras la derrota frente a los Browns

Joe Burrow está como nuevo después de que los Bengals fueran sacudidos por los Browns, dejando atrás su viejo peinado para zanjar el hedor de la pérdida 24-3 del domingo.

El quarterback superestrella estrenó el nuevo look durante su comparecencia ante los medios el miércoles, y cuando se le preguntó acerca de su decisión, medio bromeó diciendo que estuvo inspirado en el enfrentamiento contra Cleveland la Semana 1.

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Como nuevo
Cincinnati Bengals

"Cuando tienes un partido como ese el domingo", dijo Burrow con una sonrisa.

Un reportero intentó seguir averiguando si el ex seleccionado general en el Draft de la NFL 2020 estaba hablando en serio o solo jugando, y admitió que era "un poco de ambos".

Los Bengals, de los cuales se espera que sean uno de los mejores equipos de la AFC esta temporada, salieron a tropiezos en Cleveland, con Burrow y compañía luchando por hacer funcionar las cosas en el ataque.

Burrow dijo que está deseando recuperarse contra los Ravens esta semana, y con ese corte fresco, se verá muy bien haciéndolo... no importa lo que pase en el campo.

Joe Burrow Debuts New 'Do ... After Browns Loss

Joe Burrow is starting fresh after his Bengals got rocked by the Browns ... chopping off his locks to ditch the stench of Sunday's 24-3 loss.

The superstar quarterback -- who became the highest-paid player in the NFL after inking a 5-year, $275 million extension -- debuted the new look during his media availability on Wednesday ... and when asked about his decision to ditch his solid flow, he half-joked it was inspired by the Week 1 matchup against Cleveland.

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Cincinnati Bengals

"When you have a game like that on Sunday," Burrow said with a smile.

A reporter followed up on whether the former #1 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft was being serious or just playing around ... and he admitted it was "a little of both."

The Bengals -- who are expected to be one of the top teams in the AFC this season -- stumbled out the gates in Cleveland ... with Burrow and Co. struggling to get things going on offense.

Burrow said he's looking forward to bouncing back against the Ravens this week ... and with that fresh cut, he'll look damn good doing it -- no matter what happens on the field.

Naomi Campbell Takes Over New York Fashion Week ... With Famous Runway Swagger


Naomi Campbell hasn't lost her step on the runway ... strutting her stuff at her New York Fashion Week show and looking downright amazing!!!

The iconic supermodel was decked out in a form-fitting, silver halter dress as she swaggered around the catwalk in her trademark '90s style at Cipriani Broadway in Manhattan Tuesday night.

A steady stream of models followed behind her, showcasing Naomi's new fashion line -- a joint collaboration with clothing brand PrettyLittleThing.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, which shows Naomi parading around as if she owns the place with her long black mien flowing down her back. The packed crowd seemed captivated, shooting cell phone images of her.

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Naomi worked with up-and-coming designers Victor Anate and Edvin Thompson to create the fancy gowns, which were studded with crystals or made out of glossy metallic material.

After her show, Naomi told a reporter it was "nerve-wracking to do that walk -- on every level." But she added, "This is what I wanted."

Some famous faces were also in attendance ... Lori Harvey, Winnie Harlow, Tommy Dorfman, Emily Ratajkowski and Julia Fox.

Meghan Markle Month Away from Possible Tig Revival ... Path All But Cleared!!!

Meghan Markle might have flamed out on some business ventures lately -- but she's primed to take flight on the Internet with a familiar brand ... which could happen sooner than later.

Here's the deal ... everyone knows Meg had a personal blog she ran for a few years before she met and married Prince Harry -- it's called The Tig, and she posted a ton of stuff on there ... including recipes, travel tips and personal photos documenting her adventures.

She shut The Tig down in 2017, this as she was heading into Royal life as PH's then-fiancée. The website still has her farewell message to fans up as the main piece of content.

Flash-forward to 2023 ... and Meg/Harry are out to pave their own way and make their own money -- which they've attempted to do in a variety of forms ... some more successful than others. Now, it looks like Meg might be trying to get in on the wellness website world again, via her old blog ... The Tig. How we know that -- her team has filed trademarks for it anew.

There've been filings for "The Tig." through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office -- including one, being managed by an attorney, that bears the exact same logo Meg used before ... and which echoes what she was previously covering, only now with a wider scope.

This new "Tig" aims to feature content touching on "food, cooking, recipes, travel, relationships, fashion, style, lifestyle, the arts, culture, design, conscious living, and health and wellness." There've been rumors MM wants to offer an alternative to Gwyneth Paltrow's goop ... and based on the categories the revived Tig will host, that sounds about right.

Now, the latest on Meg securing the trademark to "The Tig." is that she's all but clear to get it -- she was granted a Notice of Allowance in April -- this after nobody filed an opposition to her trademark app -- but there's a couple steps she has to complete before it's official.

What that is ... a "Statement of Use," just showing that the site is live and that she's actively using it. She has until October to submit that -- and, as of now, there's no indication she has ... not yet anyway. If she does, though, before October ... The Tig is hers once more.

Here's the kicker on all this ... likely unbeknownst to Meg, there's already an existing site that has very similar branding to what she's trying to bring back -- namely, another "Tig" lifestyle page that's been in business since '07. The company's called This Is Glamorous -- but calls itself "Tig." And yes ... they, too, cover all things fashion, travel, food and wellness.

This site was up and running when Meg had her old blog -- but, frankly, she's way more famous now ... and it'll be interesting to see if this draws any comparisons or confusion.

Either way, it's too late now ... the Duchess has the green light to proceed. As you were!