Cindy Crawford Oprah Treated Me Like Chattel

Cindy Crawford says when she went on Oprah's talk show back in the day, she didn't think it would turn into what looked like a Miss America-type competition.

C.C. is featured in a new doc on Apple TV+, "The Super Models," in which she grouses that in 1986 when she appeared on "Oprah," then 20-year-old Cindy was asked to show the goods for the audience.

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WLS-TV Chicago

Oprah introed her by saying, "Did she always have this body? Stand up just a moment, now this is what I call a Body!"

Cindy awkwardly smiled and stood up, but she clearly has hard feelings about it, saying, "I was like the chattel or a child, to be seen and not heard."

She went on ... 'When you look at it through today's eyes, Oprah's like, 'Stand up and show me your body. Show us why you're worthy of being here.''

She admits at the time she wasn't all that offended ... "In the moment I didn't recognize it and watching it back I was like, 'Oh my gosh, that was so not okay really.' Especially from Oprah."

Times change, that's for sure.

ANGELYNE ICONO DE L.A. VENDE SU FAMOSO 'VETTE' ROSA $$$ para terminar su película

Angelyne está haciendo algo que sorprenderá a la mayoría de los nativos de Los Ángeles - la personalidad de los medios de comunicación está vendiendo uno de sus icónicos Corvettes rosa en un último esfuerzo para completar su película biográfica de producción propia.

Angelyne le dice a TMZ ... que está descargando uno de sus famosos paseos por la friolera de $ 200k, o la mejor oferta que pueda conseguir, con el dinero en efectivo va a ayudar a terminar la película que está haciendo sobre sí misma.

Dice que es la dueña de la brillante moto desde 2008, pero que casi ha terminado la película, aparte de la música, los colores y los retoques de sonido, por lo que es esencial que consiga los fondos. Angelyne nos cuenta que los fondos de la venta del coche le permitirán mantener el control creativo de la película, lo que es importante para ella.

Angelyne dice que ha recibido algunas ofertas a la baja en los últimos días, pero que está esperando a que lleguen los 200.000 dólares... y no os preocupéis, angelinos, aún le quedan otros 3 'Vettes rosas... así que seguirá siendo reconocible por la ciudad.

Para los que no lo sepan, Angelyne ha sido un icono de la Costa Oeste desde la década de 1980, a menudo vista conduciendo por la ciudad en uno de los 11 Corvettes rosas que ha tenido a lo largo de su vida. También llamó mucho la atención cuando apareció en una serie de vallas publicitarias que simplemente llevaban su nombre y una foto suya subidita de tono.

Aparte de su fama local, apareció con el Corvette que pronto se venderá en la película de 2017 "The Disaster Artist", con James Franco y Seth Rogen.

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nadie es como yo

El año pasado nos habló de por qué no era fan de la interpretación que hizo de ella Emmy Rossum en la serie de Peacock sobre ella... que fue cuando reveló que estaba trabajando en su propia película.

Angelyne L.A. Icon Sells Famed Pink 'Vette ... $$$ to Finish Her Movie

Angelyne is doin' something that will shock most L.A. natives -- the media personality is selling one of her iconic pink Corvettes in a last-ditch effort to complete her self-produced biopic.

Angelyne tells TMZ ... she's unloading one of her famous rides for a whopping $200k, or the best offer she can get, with the cash going to help wrap up the movie she's making about herself.

She says she's owned the bright ride since 2008, but is almost done with the flick apart from music, coloring, and sound tweaks, so it's essential she come up with the funds. Angelyne tells us the finances from the sale of the car will allow her to maintain creative control of the film, which is important to her.

Angelyne says she's gotten some lowball offers in the past few days but is holding out for the $200k to come rolling in -- and not to worry, Angelenos, she still has 3 other pink 'Vettes left ... so she'll still be recognizable around town.

For those unaware, Angelyne has been a West Coast icon since the 1980s, often spotted driving around the city in one of the 11 pink Corvettes she's owned in her lifetime. She also gained a lot of attention when she appeared on a series of billboards that simply had her name on it and a raunchy pic of her.

Apart from her local fame, she appeared with the soon-to-be-sold Corvette in the 2017 film, "The Disaster Artist," with James Franco and Seth Rogen.

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She talked to us last year about why she wasn't a fan of Emmy Rossum's portrayal of her in the Peacock series about her ... which is when she revealed she was working on her own movie.

Joe Burrow Estrena nuevo corte de pelo ... tras la derrota frente a los Browns

Joe Burrow está como nuevo después de que los Bengals fueran sacudidos por los Browns, dejando atrás su viejo peinado para zanjar el hedor de la pérdida 24-3 del domingo.

El quarterback superestrella estrenó el nuevo look durante su comparecencia ante los medios el miércoles, y cuando se le preguntó acerca de su decisión, medio bromeó diciendo que estuvo inspirado en el enfrentamiento contra Cleveland la Semana 1.

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Como nuevo
Cincinnati Bengals

"Cuando tienes un partido como ese el domingo", dijo Burrow con una sonrisa.

Un reportero intentó seguir averiguando si el ex seleccionado general en el Draft de la NFL 2020 estaba hablando en serio o solo jugando, y admitió que era "un poco de ambos".

Los Bengals, de los cuales se espera que sean uno de los mejores equipos de la AFC esta temporada, salieron a tropiezos en Cleveland, con Burrow y compañía luchando por hacer funcionar las cosas en el ataque.

Burrow dijo que está deseando recuperarse contra los Ravens esta semana, y con ese corte fresco, se verá muy bien haciéndolo... no importa lo que pase en el campo.

Joe Burrow Debuts New 'Do ... After Browns Loss

Joe Burrow is starting fresh after his Bengals got rocked by the Browns ... chopping off his locks to ditch the stench of Sunday's 24-3 loss.

The superstar quarterback -- who became the highest-paid player in the NFL after inking a 5-year, $275 million extension -- debuted the new look during his media availability on Wednesday ... and when asked about his decision to ditch his solid flow, he half-joked it was inspired by the Week 1 matchup against Cleveland.

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Cincinnati Bengals

"When you have a game like that on Sunday," Burrow said with a smile.

A reporter followed up on whether the former #1 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft was being serious or just playing around ... and he admitted it was "a little of both."

The Bengals -- who are expected to be one of the top teams in the AFC this season -- stumbled out the gates in Cleveland ... with Burrow and Co. struggling to get things going on offense.

Burrow said he's looking forward to bouncing back against the Ravens this week ... and with that fresh cut, he'll look damn good doing it -- no matter what happens on the field.

Naomi Campbell Takes Over New York Fashion Week ... With Famous Runway Swagger


Naomi Campbell hasn't lost her step on the runway ... strutting her stuff at her New York Fashion Week show and looking downright amazing!!!

The iconic supermodel was decked out in a form-fitting, silver halter dress as she swaggered around the catwalk in her trademark '90s style at Cipriani Broadway in Manhattan Tuesday night.

A steady stream of models followed behind her, showcasing Naomi's new fashion line -- a joint collaboration with clothing brand PrettyLittleThing.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, which shows Naomi parading around as if she owns the place with her long black mien flowing down her back. The packed crowd seemed captivated, shooting cell phone images of her.

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Naomi worked with up-and-coming designers Victor Anate and Edvin Thompson to create the fancy gowns, which were studded with crystals or made out of glossy metallic material.

After her show, Naomi told a reporter it was "nerve-wracking to do that walk -- on every level." But she added, "This is what I wanted."

Some famous faces were also in attendance ... Lori Harvey, Winnie Harlow, Tommy Dorfman, Emily Ratajkowski and Julia Fox.

Meghan Markle Month Away from Possible Tig Revival ... Path All But Cleared!!!

Meghan Markle might have flamed out on some business ventures lately -- but she's primed to take flight on the Internet with a familiar brand ... which could happen sooner than later.

Here's the deal ... everyone knows Meg had a personal blog she ran for a few years before she met and married Prince Harry -- it's called The Tig, and she posted a ton of stuff on there ... including recipes, travel tips and personal photos documenting her adventures.

She shut The Tig down in 2017, this as she was heading into Royal life as PH's then-fiancée. The website still has her farewell message to fans up as the main piece of content.

Flash-forward to 2023 ... and Meg/Harry are out to pave their own way and make their own money -- which they've attempted to do in a variety of forms ... some more successful than others. Now, it looks like Meg might be trying to get in on the wellness website world again, via her old blog ... The Tig. How we know that -- her team has filed trademarks for it anew.

There've been filings for "The Tig." through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office -- including one, being managed by an attorney, that bears the exact same logo Meg used before ... and which echoes what she was previously covering, only now with a wider scope.

This new "Tig" aims to feature content touching on "food, cooking, recipes, travel, relationships, fashion, style, lifestyle, the arts, culture, design, conscious living, and health and wellness." There've been rumors MM wants to offer an alternative to Gwyneth Paltrow's goop ... and based on the categories the revived Tig will host, that sounds about right.

Now, the latest on Meg securing the trademark to "The Tig." is that she's all but clear to get it -- she was granted a Notice of Allowance in April -- this after nobody filed an opposition to her trademark app -- but there's a couple steps she has to complete before it's official.

What that is ... a "Statement of Use," just showing that the site is live and that she's actively using it. She has until October to submit that -- and, as of now, there's no indication she has ... not yet anyway. If she does, though, before October ... The Tig is hers once more.

Here's the kicker on all this ... likely unbeknownst to Meg, there's already an existing site that has very similar branding to what she's trying to bring back -- namely, another "Tig" lifestyle page that's been in business since '07. The company's called This Is Glamorous -- but calls itself "Tig." And yes ... they, too, cover all things fashion, travel, food and wellness.

This site was up and running when Meg had her old blog -- but, frankly, she's way more famous now ... and it'll be interesting to see if this draws any comparisons or confusion.

Either way, it's too late now ... the Duchess has the green light to proceed. As you were!

Vic Mensa On Pinkydoll Euro Beauty Rules Have Us Poisoned ... Must Break the Cycle!!!


Popular TikToker Pinkydoll is brushing off accusations she's lightening her skin online, but Vic Mensa thinks the issue is much bigger than just a simple camera filter.

TMZ Hip Hop got the Chicago rapper Tuesday outside Dash Radio, and he shared his insight on the subject -- as it turns out, his new song tackles the very same topic!!!

On "Blue Eyes," Vic lyrically details the internal struggle he had as a kid yearning to be a lighter complexion ... even admitting he yearned to be white, at one point.


Vic doesn't know Pinkydoll, but says he knows her scenario all too well, telling us the dark vs. light skin debate precedes everyone's lifetime ... and Pinkydoll was programmed to follow European beauty standards since birth, whether she's aware of it or not.

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Pinkydoll's explanations for her skin color looking so different on TikToK vs. real life have been an all over the place. She blamed it on being in and out of the sun when we spoke to her at LAX -- but on Wednesday's "TMZ Live," she said it was lighting and a filter to make her "look more Japanese."

Vic says he won't cast judgment on Pinkydoll or anyone like her, but thinks it's best for everyone's mental health to learn to love themselves as they are.

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He'll have more words of wisdom to share when he releases his new album "Victor" on September 15.

Jessie James Decker Worried About Breast Implants ... Amid 4th Pregnancy

Jessie James Decker will have a lot of milk on deck pretty soon as she navigates her fourth pregnancy -- something that's definitely on her mind ... especially after getting implants.

The singer was answering questions from fans on social media, and when one person asked if she was nervous about breastfeeding now that she's cupped up -- which happened 2 years back -- JJD answered honestly ... explaining a bit of buyer's remorse.

While Jessie says she'll be able to feed her forthcoming baby just fine ... she does wish she wouldn't have gotten them so big to begin with if she knew kid no. 4 was in the stars.

She writes, "When I'm pregnant they get massive like quadruple in size 😅😅😅 Def will need a reduction in the future & will downsize. It was fun while it lasted. But phew dey bigz already and I'm over it. Give me some shmediumz😂"

Jessie's been upfront about her personal health and medical decisions -- including the fact that she wanted her hubby, Eric, to get a vasectomy after they had their 3rd child.

That never happened, obviously ... and now, JJD has a lot on her chest to deal with.

GloRilla Ladies, Keep Toxic Behavior Going All Through Your 20s!!!

Instagram / @glorillapimp

GloRilla is pushing for all females to enjoy the "F.N.F." lifestyle all through their 20s, because ... YOLO!!!

The Grammy-nominated rapper put out the call Monday morning for women worldwide to display toxic behavior, and up their levels of delusion -- but only while they're in their early 20-somethings. Glo says, biologically speaking, they can't get that time back.

She also warned women not to wait until they're in their 30s to go on rampages -- such as slashing men's tires -- because that would make them old and toxic, instead of just toxic.

We wish she were joking, but Glo seems pretty serious.

Glo wasn't specific in what she considers toxic behavior, but on her last released single "Lick or Sum" ... she does brag about ghosting dudes and sneakily getting oral sex from their cousins. That would check ALL the bad dater boxes!!!

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Social media users and fans didn't exactly embrace Glo's words of wisdom and pushed back considerably.

Someone should've told Glo that salacious advice only works on rap songs. She went platinum when she told the girls to hang out the window with their ratchet-ass friends.

T.I. & Tiny's Daughter Zonnique Lay Off My Bro's Chompers 😁 ... If He Likes 'Em, I Love 'Em!!!


T.I.'s son King unveiled a new set of pearly white veneers this week -- only to get attacked by internet trolls who think they're way too big for his mouth ... but now, his sister's coming to his defense.

We caught up with King's sister Zonnique with her group The OMG Girlz in NYC and asked her thoughts about her bro's new chompers, which immediately caused her to literally LOL.


Zonnique tells us King likes what he sees in the mirror, so she supports her bro, too.

King entrusted his mouth to world-renowned Colombian dentist Dr. Mario Montoya, who's worked on the likes of Kanye West, Rick Ross and Tekashi 6ix9ine. Those credentials didn't seem to matter to the internet, though, and brutal memes featuring Donkey from "Shrek" started popping up.

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King's mom, Tiny, also got her teeth done and went out of her way to defend King's mouth makeover ... assuring haters her son's still popular with the ladies. Zonnique thinks people just love commenting and reacting to things that stand out, like King's teeth.

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He'll have the chance to get the last laugh next week at his birthday party, which is shaping up to be a blowout concert in ATL with T.I. and Boosie Badazz getting onstage ... right next to King's new smile.

Tom Schwartz I'm Having Midlife Crisis ... So I Bleached My Hair!!!


Tom Schwartz is sporting a new hairdo ... and he says it's got a lot to do with his age.

We got the "Vanderpump Rules" star heading into his TomTom restaurant in West Hollywood with Lisa Vanderpump ... and our photog asked about his bleached blond hair ... a far cry from his natural brown locks.

Tom tells us he's having a midlife crisis ... so he's going blond, with the aim of finishing his summer strong.

While it sounds like Tom's joking about the midlife crisis, he's ripe for it ... he's about to turn 41 years old and the age range for midlife is 40 to 60 ... so he's now in the sweet spot.

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Tom's boss, Lisa, is clearly not a fan ... telling us she's about to take the clippers to his new look.

It's funny ... Tom also makes a Madonna reference here that really shows his age. Maybe the midlife crisis thing really does have some legs!

Morgan Wallen Ditches Famous Mullet ... Shaves Head For Ohio Concert

TikTok / @hollyrudisill

Morgan Wallen made a pretty bold move before his concert in Ohio Friday ... because he's now completely bald -- as in no hair!!!

The country music singer walked out onstage at Ohio Stadium in Columbus after he shaved off his famous mullet with his head looking like a cue ball.

Morgan wore a red baseball cap ... but it couldn't hide the fact all of his hair was missing in action.

Check out video that surfaced on Tik Tok ... Morgan stopped to mention his new look in between songs, making light of the situation by saying, "I didn’t like the long hair anymore so I shaved it off." The crowd just hollered and laughed.

But some of his fans weren't having it and expressed their unhappiness with his transformation.

One person wrote on X (formerly Twitter) ... "Finding out Morgan Wallen cut his hair off just ruined my night."

Another said, "Morgan Wallen cut his hair I can't speak for 5 to 7 business days."

Britney Spears I'm Done With Botox Tries Alternative Treatment

Instagram / @britneyspears

Britney Spears is swearing off Botox, she says the injections make her face look like someone beat her up ... and now she's going with an alternative cosmetic treatment.

The singer hopped on Instagram for a Friday rant about Botox, recounting some harrowing experiences with the injections ... and propping up a new product she says she's really happy with.

Britney says she's done Botox in the past, with disastrous effects ... saying it made her forehead swell up and eyelids droop, to the point where she was afraid to be seen outside until the side effects subsided.

For Britney, she no longer sees the point in shelling out big bucks for Botox ... and now she's trying SiO beauty patches.

Britney says the SiO patches make her look and feel great ... and she's really pleased with the results.

It doesn't appear this is a sponsored post or a collab with SiO Beauty ... and Britney says "f*** Botox."

'Vanderpump Rules' Star Rachel Leviss Surfaces at Arizona Massage Spa ... More Proof She's Sidelined

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Rachel Leviss hasn't shown face for the next season of "Vanderpump Rules" -- and based on where she popped up Tuesday, that's not likely to change as filming continues.

The reality TV star -- who was at the center of last season's cheating scandal, aka 'Scandoval' -- surfaced at a Massage Envy in Tucson, AZ around noon -- where she was chatting with a front desk attendant, seemingly chatting about some services for herself.

In these images, obtained by TMZ, you can see she's not really trying to go incognito ... but we're told she was somewhat soft-spoken while interacting with the employee, and trying not to draw attention.

That's a tall order when you were the biggest thing on reality TV for several months.

We know Rachel has family there, so presumably she's staying with them right now ... on the heels of checking out of a mental health facility, where we're told she'd been for 100 days.

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Considering RL was by herself for this outing, with no cameras around and no sign of any other 'Vanderpump' cast members ... this supports the growing sentiment Rachel's probably skipping out altogether on filming Season 11.

Production has been underway since June, and we're already into August ... with the rest of the cast ensconced in whatever storylines have cropped up at this point. As we reported -- several cast members are feeling like it's a no-go for Rachel, and that they won't see her.

That's definitely crappy for Bravo, which almost certainly wanted her to be in the mix to keep the drama going -- but there's no telling what this season is shaping up to be with her MIA.

In the meantime, Rachel's doing what's best for her.

We've heard she's been dealing with a lot in the wake of the reunion episode ... so, no surprise she's seeking some R&R away from the spotlight.

Hollywood Actors Strike A-Listers Saving Face ... Flocking to Plastic Surgeons!!!


Lots of actors who are on strike are getting work ... courtesy of Beverly Hills plastic surgeons!

Business is booming ... so says Dr. Ben Talei of the Beverly Hills Center for Plastic Surgery. He told Harvey and Charles on "TMZ Live" he's working 7 days a week, because actors are using the downtime to go under the knife and recover without being noticed or missing work.

Dr. Talei says it's the A and B-listers who are swarming his office ... mostly because they can afford it. He's been doing work on some of his favorite sports stars and actors, and there's an interesting story about a famous Scientologist who went under his knife.

And here's the most fascinating part ... he says some actors made contingency plans -- if it seemed the strike wouldn't last long, they'd get minor, filler work, but if it was prolonged, they get the full monty.

Get ready to see some rejuvenated celebs once the strike comes to an end ... courtesy of Dr. Talei!

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